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Jul Jul Jul Au Au Au Se Se Se
Compo Norma Units
y y y g g g p p7 p
- l
20 30 31 10 21 27 3-4 14
nents values
RBC 2.5 3.1 4.0-5.5 mil/mm
3 4 3
Hgb 103 67 82 110 86 128 128 120- g/L
Hct 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.37- g/L
2 2 7 2 7 7 7 0.45
WBC 2.9 20. 15. 5.0- x10^9/
5 1 10.0 L
Platelet 15 55 84-478 x10^9/

It can be noticed that most of the results showed a decreased level of

values based on its normal rate. Decreased red blood cells (RBCs), hemoglobin
levels and hematocrit levels could be associated with possible dehydration of the
infant. Also, the presence of hemoglobin F until 5 months to an infant contributes
to such results. The presence of HgbF in the blood of an infant result in shortened
survival of the RBC; thus, a decrease number in RBC. (Wong,__)

Elevation of white blood cells (WBCs) is a normal response of the body

when infection is present. Related on the case of the client, the elevation of WBC
is due to one of the complication of Hirschsprung’s Disease that is enterocolitis.

July Sep
Component 30 7 Normal Units
s values
Total Protein 35 58 46-74 g/L
Albumin 11 30 38-54 g/L
A/G Ratio 0.5
Globulin 24 23 - 35 g/L
Calcium 1.81 4.2-5.9 mg/dL

Considering that the client is an infant, it is known that the liver is chiefly
the last organ of the gastrointestinal tract to mature. It usually takes a year after
birth before this essential organ matures. Hence, during the first months of life,
the liver is not yet well developed resulting to a somewhat deficient function. One
of the normal functions of liver such as protein synthesization is impaired
resulting to hypoproteinemia. Also, synthesis of globulin, which aids in the
production of antibodies, is also impaired. The immaturity of the liver contributes
to the above results.


 A non-invasive procedure which use a high-frequency, inaudible

vibratory sound waves that are passed through the body via a
 Ultrasound imaging is a noninvasive medical test that helps physicians
diagnose and treat medical conditions.

Client Preparation:
• The child should be dressed in comfortable, loose-fitting
• Instruct to drink 1-2 L of fluid before the test for better
visualization of the abdomen.

• For some scans, the doctor may ask to withhold food and drink
for as long as 12 hours before procedure.

• Instruct the client to lie still during the procedure.

• No follow-up care is needed.

2. X-RAY

 a noninvasive medical test that helps physicians diagnose and treat

medical conditions. Imaging with x-rays involves exposing a part of the
body to a small dose of ionizing radiation to produce pictures of the
inside of the body.

 Also, it is a diagnostic test which may show a lack of stool in the large
intestine or near the anus and dilated segments of the large and small
 Plain abdominal radiography is performed if abdominal obstruction is

Client Preparation:

• Wear a hospital gown and remove any jewelry or metal objects

which may interfere with the film.

• The child is placed on supine position.

Wong’s Pediatric Reference Ranges

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