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Midland Cancer Network

Project Details
Project Title Project Sponsor Project Manager

Project Scope and Plan

Midland Medical Oncology Service Plan 2011-2021 Jan Smith, Manager, Midland Cancer Network Mo Neville, Project Manager Midland Cancer Network

Document Control
Plan compiled by Associated documents Mo Neville Midland Cancer Network Strategic Plan 200 -201! Midland Cancer Network 2011-12 "ork Plan Non-S#rgical Cancer $reatment Service% Plan &or the Midland 'egion (200!) Midland 'egion Non-S#rgical Cancer $reatment Service* Progre%% 'e+ort 200,* -m+lementation Plan 200,-2010 (200,) Cranleigh .ealth Model% o& Care re+ort / d#e +#0lication in Octo0er 2011 "aikato 'adiothera+y %ervice +lan 2010 Midland% 1.2 %ervice +lan 201132012 Medical Oncology N#r%ing "ork&orce 4oreca%t Modelling (MO.)

Background to project Cancer a&&ect% one in three +eo+le in the New 5ealand +o+#lation6 Medical oncology co-ordinate% the a%+ect o& cancer care related to %y%temic thera+y, incl#ding cytoto7ic chemothera+y, targeted hormonal and molec#lar thera+y or imm#nothera+y, and a%+ect% o& %#++ortive care and i% o&ten #%ed in conj#nction with other &orm% o& cancer treatment %#ch a% radiation thera+y and 3 or %#rgery6 8cce%% to &le7i0le treatment o+tion% are a nece%%ary +art o& the jo#rney &or many cancer +atient% with #+ to 9,: o& all cancer +atient% 0ene&iting &rom chemothera+y a% +art o& their treatment +lan6 Medical oncology +lay% an im+ortant +art in 0oth c#rative and +alliative (%ym+tom relie& in inc#ra0le cancer) treatment &or cancer -t i% now recogni%ed that the increa%e in oncology treatment rate% i% greater than the increa%e in cancer incidence6 8vaila0le data &rom New 5ealand cancer centre% indicate% varia0le 0#t con%i%tent ongoing growth in medical oncology activitie% at a++ro7imately : ann#ally $hi% contin#ing growth in medical oncology activitie% i% 0elieved to 0e d#e to; increa%ing #%e o& adj#vant chemothera+y (e6g6 &or 0rea%t and colon cancer) increa%ing #%e o& com0ined chemothera+y and radiothera+y (e6g6 &or cervical, and head and neck cancer%) the develo+ment o& e&&ective treatment% o& cancer% that were +revio#%ly +oorly re%+on%ive to chemothera+y (e6g6 %econdary colorectal cancer and +otentially non-%mall cell l#ng cancer) increa%ing cancer incidence and +revalence rate%, and ri%ing e7+ectation% o& +atient% management o& common malignancie% with m#lti+le co#r%e% o& thera+y, a% more e&&ective +alliative care i% 0eing develo+ed an increa%ing n#m0er o& +atient% who +revio#%ly were tho#ght to 0e #n%#ita0le &or treatment% (e6g6 0eca#%e o& age) $he develo+ment o& treatment% with &ewer %ide e&&ect%6 Matched again%t thi% i% an increa%ing di&&ic#lty in recr#iting trained medical oncologi%t%6 $here i% a need to develo+ new, innovative 0#t clinically e&&ective
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work +ractice%6 Project inkages New !ealand Cancer Control Strategy "#$$%&' >oal =, o0jective 1, action !!; 'eview o& Non-S#rgical Cancer treatment Plan Provi%ion o& o+timal treatment &or tho%e with cancer6 Provi%ion o& diagno%tic and treatment %ervice% within de&ined %+eci&ication% >oal , action 1; -m+roved ca+acity and ca+a0ility o& the cancer n#r%ing work&orce Cranleigh .ealth Model% o& Care re+ort - im+lementation o& recommendation% $he +#r+o%e o& thi% +lan i% to o#tline the %trategic direction and o+erational re?#irement% &or medical oncology within the Midland Cancer Network over the ne7t ten year% Deli*erables Benefits of project Co*erage "inclusion& Co*erage "e+clusions& -denti&y key i%%#e% a&&ecting the c#rrent medical oncology %ervice% at each o& the 1.2@% O#tline the key %trategic con%ideration% &or im+roving the ?#ality and %a&ety o& +atient care over the ne7t ten year% -denti&y and +rioriti%e the key action% re?#ired at %hort 3 medi#m and long term at a regional and 1.2 level -denti&y the co%t% to im+lement the +lan Midland Cancer Network Non-S#rgical Cancer $reatment "ork >ro#+ 1ra&t %ervice +lan &or di%c#%%ion 0y Midland Cancer Network A7ec#tive >ro#+ 1ra&t %ervice +lan &or di%c#%%ion 3 agreement 0y Midland 1.2 CAO@% 4inal %ervice +lan &or +#0lication and im+lementation 8%%i%t% individ#al 1.2% within the Midland region thro#gh develo+ing e&&ective and e&&icient +roce%%e% and %y%tem% to ena0le timely acce%% to chemothera+y within limited re%o#rce% -m+roved acce%% and %ervice% &or chemothera+y +atient% acro%% the region S#++ort% 0e%t +ractice &or +atient% and their &amilie% acro%% the region

Project (oal

Project )bjecti*es

Chemothera+y and a%%ociated thera+ie% admini%tered to ad#lt% a% in+atient% 3 o#t+atient% acro%% 2ay o& Plenty, Bake% and "aikato 1.2% Chemothera+y &or +aediatric% 'e%ol#tion o& day to day o+erational i%%#e%

-ey stake,olders 2ay o& Plenty, 1.2% 'o%emary 1avie% / CNM Oncology O#t+atient% Chemothera+y n#r%e% Medical oncologi%t% - 'ichard North Clinical n#r%e manager% (or e?#ivalent) Service manager% / Neil McCelvie 1irector o& n#r%ing - D J#lie 'o0in%on Chie& o+erating o&&icer% Bake% Alaine "arner, CNM chemothera+y Chemothera+y n#r%e% Medical oncologi%t% Clinical n#r%e manager% (or e?#ivalent) Service manager% / Jane Chittenden

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<3 var3www3a++%3conver%ion3tm+3%cratch<23209 1==!26doc Page 2 o& !

1irector o& n#r%ing - D >ary Bee% Chie& o+erating o&&icer% "aikato Cate Eeo / N#r%e Manager, Oncology Shona .oggart / CNM oncology o#t+atient% >a00y 'eynold% - CNM oncology in+atient% Medical oncologi%t% / Michael Jame%on, -an Cennedy, Marion C#+er 4ra%er $#mai / N#r%e Ad#cator "endy $homa%, CNM Clinical $rial% Service manager% / Sharon 1onnell Jac?#i Mitchell - $hame% Chemothera+y n#r%e% 1irector o& n#r%ing / S#e .ayward Chie& o+erating o&&icer% / Mark S+ittle 3 Jan 8dam% Midland Cancer Network A7ec#tive >ro#+ Midland Cancer Network Non-S#rgical Cancer $reatment "ork >ro#+ )t,er stake,olders Communication Plan Peo+le receiving chemothera+y treatment and their &amily3whFna# - all ethnic gro#+% Oncology +harmaci%t% 2a7ter +harmace#tical com+o#nding Other allied health +ro&e%%ional% N>O 3 Maori +rovider% Primary care %ta&&

-ey Constraints

-nitial meeting% with key %takeholder re+re%entative% +rior to develo+ment o& +roject %co+e &ollowing +#0lication o& Cranleigh Gnew model% o& care@ re+ort Progre%% re+ort% to Midland Non S#rgical Cancer $reatment "ork >ro#+ and Midland Cancer Network A7ec#tive >ro#+ 8vaila0ility o& acc#rate data to in&orm c#rrent and &#t#re demand

Project Approac, and Management

Project approac, "ork with key %takeholder% to gather in&ormation a0o#t c#rrent %ervice delivery and &#t#re +lanning #tili%ing a mi7 o& &ace to &ace interview%, ?#e%tionnaire% and work%ho+% -denti&y c#rrent activity 3 demand Con&irm c#rrent vol#me% and +redict &#t#re vol#me% &or chemothera+y Biterat#re review o& 0e%t +ractice related to chemothera+y incl#ding chemothera+y work&orce &ramework%, and ca+acity tool% Bink +roject initiative% with national Cranleigh work c#rrently #nderway .oriHon %canning &or &#t#re %ervice model% and technology develo+ment% J#ne 2011 Project completion date Novem0er 2012 $he Midland Cancer Network will %#++ort the +roject lead and a%%ociated o+erational co%t%6 1.2 %ta&& will 0e %#++orted 0y their organi%ation to +artici+ate in thi% +roject a% +art o& 0#%ine%% a% #%#al6 Date J#ly 2011 8#g#%t 2011 Se+tem0er 2011 1ecem0er 2011

Project start date .inancial summary

Milestones Project %co+e %igned o&& Biterat#re review inc Cranleigh re+ort -n&ormation gathering thro#gh interview% and ?#e%tionnaire% 1ra&t ver%ion 1

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4inal re+ort -m+lementation

Novem0er 2012 ongoing


/isks "ork +re%%#re% e7+erienced 0y %takeholder% com+romi%e their engagement 1ata availa0ility / known i%%#e% given man#al collection in "aikato Probability
(low, med, high)

(low, med, high)

/isk management strategy Maintain e7cellent comm#nication and &ollow-#+ mi%%ed d#e date% "ork clo%ely with Midland Cancer Network analy%t and clinical n#r%e manager% 3 local -S %ta&& to re%olve i%%#e% A7ec#tive leader%hi+ and %#++ort with clear comm#nication a0o#t %co+e o& thi% +roject Monitoring thro#gh reg#lar comm#nication with Cranleigh

Stakeholder e7+ectation% e7ceed availa0le re%o#rce% National recommendation% are di&&erent to local e7+ectation

Project Sponsor Date

2ar0er J6 200!6 Non-Surgical Cancer Treatment Services Plan for the Midland Region 6 $a#ranga; Midland 1i%trict .ealth 2oard%6 Cancer Service% Colla0orative -m+rovement Partner%hi+6 20I Moderni%ing chemothera+y %ervice% / a +ractical g#ide to rede%ign6 'oyal College o& Phy%ician%6 200J6 Making your chemotherapy service more patient-friendly6 'etrieved &rom htt+;33www6rcr6ac6#k3doc%3oncology3+d&3PatientChemo<we06+d& Scanlan B, K .ewitt J6 200,6 Midland Region Non-Surgical Cancer Treatment Service; Progress Report 2 !; "mplementation Plan 2 !-2 # $ .amilton; Midland 1i%trict .ealth 2oard%6

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