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nLook inside!
Special sales
events from ...
Chief, Menards
Author to
speak Thursday
Dennis M. Postema will be
a guest speaker in the
Community Room of the
Cooper Community
Branch of the Paulding
County Carnegie Library
at 6 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 6.
His presentation will be
Medicare Made Simple.
This event is part of the
special interest classes
sponsored by the Oakwood
Library Association.
Postema is a successful
entrepreneur, best-selling
author, speaker, and regis-
tered financial consultant.
In 2012, Postema released
his first book, Retirement
You Cant Outlive. The ex-
panded version, released in
2013, quickly became a
number one best seller on
Amazon. Last April,
Postema released his sec-
ond book, Avoiding a
Legacy Nightmare and also
quickly became an
Amazon #1 best seller.
Farm Bureau
kickoff Feb. 13
County Farm Bureau will
hold its annual member-
ship kickoff at 6:30 p.m.
Thursday, Feb. 13 at the
Black Swamp Nature
Center, Paulding. Come
out and meet the new or-
ganization director Roy
Norman and enjoy an
evening of food and fel-
lowship as members dis-
cuss the new membership
season and why Farm
Bureau is an important
asset. Pizza and light re-
freshments will be provid-
Weather report
A summary of
Decembers weather highs
and lows, as recorded at
Pauldings water treatment
Maximum temperature:
42 on Jan. 14.
Low temperature: -15
on Jan. 7.
Most rain/melted snow
in a 24-hour period: 0.80
inch on Jan. 6; most
ice/snow: 9.0 inches on Jan.
Total rainfall/melted
snow for the month: 2.11
inches; total ice and snow:
19.8 inches.
Thanks to you ...
Wed like to thank
Terry Stewart of
Coldwater, Mich. for sub-
scribing to the Progress!
VOL. 139 NO. 24 PAULDING, OHIO 419-399-4015 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2014 ONE DOLLAR USPS 423620
Progress Staff Writer
Tony Gonzales Jr. has a
passion to make sure no one
goes hungry, especially
school children. Gonzales
said it broke his heart when
he heard that a child in a Utah
school system had their lunch
taken away because they did-
nt have the money to pay for
He said, This is a problem
not just in Utah, but around
here as well. I just kept ask-
ing myself, What can we
do? What can I do to help? I
want to help make sure that
each child eats lunch and en-
sure that trays of food are not
dumped due to lack of funds
or because they did not have
the money.
Gonzales then came up
with the idea of recycling pop
cans and scrap metal. He
spoke with Eric Kohart, the
owner of Koharts Surplus
and Salvage, who agreed to
be a part of the program and
help with sending the funds
to the school.
Kohart said, What people
can do is when they bring in
PAULDING The annual
Paulding County Spelling
Bee, which had been post-
poned earlier in the week due
to winter weather conditions,
was held on Thursday, Jan. 30
in the Paulding Middle School
Auditeria. Ten county school
Spelling Bee champions, in
grades four through eight,
began competition at 7 pm for
Marcus Miller, an eighth
grade student at Paulding
Middle School and son of
Brian and Misty Miller, cor-
rectly spelled the word
potash in the 16th round of
words to claim the county
Miller will represent Paul -
ding County in the 2014 Fort
Wayne Journal Gazette Area
Spelling Bee on March 8.
Antwerp Elementary
School fifth grader Aaron
Hawley, son of Bob and Doris
Hawley, is the runner-up and
will act as the alternate.
After his victory, Miller
stated that he randomly stud-
ied for the contest, but his
mother did help him. Miller
also said that none of the
words during the competition
were new to him, but there
were some that he had never
The other individual school
champions who competed
were: Joshua Poulson, son of
Bryan and Jodi Poulson,
Antwerp Middle School; Josi
Hopkins, daughter of Cris and
Amy Hopkins, Christian
Home Educators of Paulding
County; Kaden Sutton, son of
Mitch Sutton; Kylie Folsum,
Divine Mercy Catholic
School; Hailey Hartzell,
daughter of Sandra and (the
late) Michael Hartzell,
Oakwood Elementary; Olivia
Clark, daughter of Don and
Jamie Clark, Paulding
Elementary; Lauren Walls,
daughter of William and Kim
Walls, Wayne Trace-Grover
Hill Elementary; Jayde
Garcia, daughter of Robert
and Bobbie Jo Garcia, Wayne
Trace-Payne Elementary and
Levi Manz, son of Marvin and
Jennifer Manz, Wayne Trace
Jr. High.
Doug Grooms, of Van Wert,
was the pronouncer for the
Spelling Bee. Judges for the
contest were Tim Manz, prin-
cipal, Antwerp Elementary
School; Jody Dunham, princi-
pal, Wayne Trace-Payne
Elementary School; and
Jennifer Manz, principal,
Oakwood Elementary School.
Steve Arnold, superintendent,
Wayne Trace Local Schools,
presided as master of cere-
The Antwerp Exchange
Bank sponsored the awards
for the Paulding County
Spelling Bee, which included
gift cards and trophies for first
and second place finishers, as
well as medals and certificates
for all of the school champi-
ons. Sandra Freeman, Western
Buckeye ESC, presented the
Special congratulations to
all the students around
Paulding County who com-
peted. Best wishes to Miller as
he competes in the Journal
Gazette Area Spelling Bee. See AG DAY, page 2A
Marcus Miller is county
Spelling Bee champion
Jim Langham/Paulding County Progress
Relay For Life participant Brock Wannemacher shows off his
hero uniform to Paulding County relay leader Jillene McMichael at
the annual kickoff on Saturday evening.
Mini Relay
Staff Photo/Paulding County Progress
Several students staged a
protest last Wednesday
morning, Jan. 29 in support
of continuing the Mini Relay
For Life at Paulding Schools.
Despite subzero wind chills,
the students said they start-
ed about 7 a.m.; they left
prior to classes, which
began at 10 a.m. due to a
two-hour inservice delay.
The schools administrative
team is set to meet with
Relay reps Karen Saxton and
Wendy Price on Feb. 5 for
further discussion.
Bill Sherry/Paulding County Progress
Marcus Miller (right), an eighth grader at Paulding Middle
School, is the 2014 Paulding County Spelling Bee champion. He
will be representing the county in the Area Spelling Bee in Fort
Wayne. Antwerp Elementary School fifth grader Aaron Hawley was
Feature Writer
PAULDING Rain or snow couldnt stop
supporters from coming to the Eagles for the
annual Relay For Life kickoff on Saturday
evening. In the end, local supporters raised
over $5,000 and 10 teams came to the event to
show off their plans for this years fundraiser.
We made just over $5,000. I am so excit-
ed, said Relay For Life official Jillene
McMichael. It wasnt quite as much as the
previous year, but we are off to a great start.
People donated 94 auction items. It keeps get-
ting bigger and bigger. The community really
came together and helped out.
Considering the weather, I thought we had
a great response, continued McMichael. The
donation of auction items was much larger
than in previous years. It is such a blessing.
People were actually here early just looking
over the auction items.
McMichael stood beside Brock
Wannemacher, who had worn a super hero
uniform to the event. That theme (Super
Heroes) represents a lot of people in the fight
against cancer survivors, caregivers who
are heroes because they are still here and fight-
Young Addie Goheen said that she was par-
ticipating on Saturday evening because her
mother is part of the Marathon Moms
fundraising team.
Im doing this so I can help people to pre-
vent cancer, said Goheen, who is in the third
Paulding educator Cheri Estle said that she
had started the Paulding School Mini-Relay in
honor of family members that have cancer, es-
pecially her dad.
I started that relay so I could help him. I
didnt know how to help him in any other way
than that, said Estle. Getting the kids in-
volved was my way of helping. These young
kids know what it is all about. Anyone who
thinks they dont understand is wrong. They
have had parents and grandparents who have
had cancer. They have been taught.
It was 12 years ago when Stephanie Hull
called Erin Johanns and invited her to become
part of the Relay For Life. Her commitment to
the cancer cause has been deepening every
year since then.
Its amazing to see this small county sup-
port cancer like this, commented student
Christi Estle, who had a friend die of leukemia
when she was a child.
I looked at items on the auction and I
couldnt believe.
Cindy Woodring said that as the director of
the oncology unit at Paulding Hospital, she has
had a keen interest in the Relay since its in-
Relay For Life supporters
raise $5,000 at kickoff
Feature Writer
PAULDING News of a
deepening propane crisis as a
result of this winters pro-
longed cold is no longer
news, its a stark reality,
Paulding County Emergency
Management director Randy
Shaffer told farmers at the
2014 Paulding County
Agronomy Day last week.
Two weeks ago I became
aware that the shortage is
deepening in this area,
Shaffer told those in atten-
dance. There is a propane
crisis across 30 states now.
The governor of Indiana also
recently declared an emer-
gency in their state.
In Ohio, Governor John
Kasich issued a statewide
energy emergency declara-
tion in response to the short-
age of propane gas on Jan.
Shaffer said that he talked
to dealers last week who
were paying $4.69 a gallon
as their cost for propane.
Early in January, the overall
cost for customers was still
less than $3 per gallon.
Shaffer said that a $5 a gal-
lon cost isnt far away.
Its not going to get better
as long as we keep having
such extremely cold weath-
er, said Shaffer.
In addition to the extreme
cold, increased overseas
sales of propane is also
blamed as a cause of the
shortage in the United States.
Shaffer quoted Gary Veith
of Schilling Propane in
Upper Sandusky as saying,
This is just the tip of it. I
think its going to get so
much worse.
Shaffer said that close to
20 percent of the households
in Paulding County are using
propane; that rate is even
higher in Defiance County.
Current measures being
taken locally include deliv-
ery of no higher than a 14-
day propane supply. In addi-
tion, many local dealers will
only deliver to those cus-
tomers whose supply is 20
percent or less.
State officials have enact-
ed legislation which allows
other dealers to cover some-
one elses customer in emer-
gency situations, providing
that consultation is made be-
tween the two dealers.
I am having conference
calls every day at 2 p.m. with
the state, said Shaffer. The
governor has asked that the
EMA lead the way on the
local level in this crisis.
There is no need for panic,
but people need to be aware
of the shortage and take
measures to address it.
If you turn your thermo-
stat down 10 percent for
eight hours each day, you
can save 10 percent in fuel
usage, Shaffer told farmers.
Paulding County Agronomy Day
Propane crisis
comes to county,
farmers hear
2A - Paulding County Progress Wednesday, February 5, 2014
Continued from Page 1A
cans or any type of scrap
metal to Koharts, tell us that
they want the money to go to
the No Kid goes Hungry
Fund at Paulding Schools
and I will be sending the
monies to the school. That
way the funds are there so
that no kid has to go hungry.
Maria Rellinger, treasurer
of Paulding Exempted
Village Schools, said that she
was aware of Gonzales ef-
forts and program he was
working on. She thought that
it would really help those
who had a negative balance
on their lunch cards to have
Patty Carlisle, cafeteria
manager of Paulding High
and Middle School, said,
There are various ways you
can check a students lunch
money balance before it runs
short. There are notices sent
home with the students when
the balance gets low. Parents
can have their child bring in a
check or they can go online at
the school website and add
money to their account.
She added, Every kid has
a four-digit PIN number
which lets the cashier know
how much money is in their
lunch account. She also
added that occasionally trays
were taken away, but not that
Carlisle went on to say that
there were free or reduced
lunches available to those
who met certain criteria and
that is was based on income.
She said, No one knows
who gets free or reduced
lunches as that information is
kept private.
Paulding superintendent
William Hanak said, This is
an awesome idea and a step
in the right direction. He
also noted he felt glad that
someone stepped up to the
plate to address the negative
balance issues.
A problem arose in 2008,
when the Progress received a
letter to the editor concerning
a student who had their lunch
dumped, because they could
not pay.
In that particular circum-
stance, the school refused to
let the child go home for
lunch and told them to go
stand in the lunch line. So as
the child was standing in line
with the tray, it was taken
away from them and
The superintendent at that
time responded with a letter
stating that the school was
owed $3,700 for lunches at
the beginning of the 2007-08
school year.
The letter from the school
went on to say that they had
decided to address the cafete-
ria issue at the middle and
high school level because
those students were old
enough to keep track of their
balances and know if they
have money in their account.
The school also said at that
time that the implementation
of these policies was not
easy, but they were open to
suggestions to get people to
pay their bills so the school
could pay theirs.
To avoid any circum-
stances arising from students
not having money for lunch,
everyone is encouraged to
tell Koharts when they take
out scrap metal or cans to do-
nate some of the funds to the
No Kid Goes Hungry pro-
Any questions may be
emailed to Gonzales at jrgon-
Progress Staff Writer
Tony Gonzales Jr. has a
passion to make sure no one
goes hungry, especially
school children. Gonzales
said it broke his heart when
he heard that a child in a Utah
school system had their lunch
taken away because they did-
nt have the money to pay for
He said, This is a problem
not just in Utah, but around
here as well. I just kept ask-
ing myself, What can we
do? What can I do to help? I
want to help make sure that
each child eats lunch and en-
sure that trays of food are not
dumped due to lack of funds
or because they did not have
the money.
Gonzales then came up
with the idea of recycling pop
cans and scrap metal. He
spoke with Eric Kohart, the
owner of Koharts Surplus
and Salvage, who agreed to
be a part of the program and
help with sending the funds
to the school.
Kohart said, What people
can do is when they bring in
Alternative sources of fuel
scare me. People plug electric
heaters into one strip and it
can cause a fire. Switching to
kerosene or wood can all
cause their own hardships.
EMA is keeping lines of
communication open with
local propane suppliers. We
have a plan for opening shel-
ters if needed. We are working
with the Red Cross on that,
added Shaffer. We will be
putting information on our
Facebook site to keep the pub-
lic informed.
A large number of area
farmers attended the annual
agronomy day, which was
held last Thursday at the OSU
Extension Building at the
Paulding County Fairgrounds
from 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
Topics for the day included,
Stepping up Soybean
Production, Are You and
Your Heirs Ready To
Continue the Farm Business,
Use of Poultry, Swine and
Dairy Manure with Crops
and Use of Cover Crops.
It was a wonderful day,
said Paulding County
Extension Agent Sarah
Noggle. I cant say enough
about how everyone came to-
gether to make this day a real
success. And as always, the
support of local farmers and
their attendance is what made
this day happen. Ive had a lot
of positive feedback concern-
ing the presenters and the in-
formation that was given.
We really grew once we
started the oncology clinic,
noted Woodring. This (relay)
were boys.
By 7:50 a.m. the buses
dropped off the Sinn twins,
Gerald and Harold from
Briceton (three miles west)
and Dennis Doster from
Broughton, (two miles east).
They were all there, the
TEAM. They all had the same
vital force for the game: for
winning. These were the boys
on the team of 1954. They all
loved the game, basketball
would be foremost on their
minds in the next seven years.
These boys had already played
together since the third grade.
In all their years though,
theyd never seen their Latty
Lions win a Paulding County
Championship. That would
An important link for these
young Lions was they
would have direction on how
to play the game. They got a
new coach in Latty in 1947; he
was interested in these fifth
graders. How far they could
go was up to the boys. But
what Coach Holmes had in
mind was this group of basket-
ball players would be the best
in the State of Ohio. His suc-
cess wasnt proven until they
became the Blue Creek
Comets of 1954. Now lets see
how the basketball will fall for
these young Comets.
To be good basketball play-
ers, the boys had to put them-
selves in practice games on
the street, in farmers hay
mows, on driveways, at
Philpots Ford garage, wher-
ever a basket and backboard
could be found. At school they
practiced at recess, mornings
before class and noon hour in
the gym for seven years.
Once in a while, Coach
Holmes opened the gym on
Saturdays. The young Lions
scrimmaged, he would refer-
ee, blowing the whistle telling
what was wrong, then how to
do it right. Do that enough for
11-year-olds and theyll learn
the game.
The coach pulled them out
of their sixth grade classroom
one day, took them to the gym.
The 1948 varsity Lions await-
ed them. The Coach gave the
boys a ball, told them to set
some blocks and roll-offs to
show the varsity how he
taught them. Thats the kind of
learning this young team had,
it would turn into wins by the
1950s. The varsity guys came
out on the floor with them and
gave them an ovation.
One noon-hour Max Pease
and Gerald got into a scramble
on the half-line near the seats.
A crowd gathered. One of
them stole the ball from the
other. He would dribble about
five steps, then it was stolen
back. There were about six or
seven turnovers, screechy rub-
ber soles and sweat. Maxs
face was red so Gerald knew
his anger was touching him. It
wasnt at Gerald, he was angry
at himself. He wanted to take
the ball and run, but Gerald
wanted the same thing.
Can you imagine two scrap-
py guards like these guys out
front in a zone defense on
the 54 Comets. Their inter-
ceptions were frequent their
opponents points were low.
There was one game in
Melrose, in a small school and
very small gym, when twin
Harold took a long shot from
half court. The ball hit a ceil-
ing light bulb, it exploded
glass over the whole floor.
There was a timeout for clean-
up. They were probably fifth
graders then.
This team started playing
games at other schools in the
fifth grade. A scrapbook from
the 1950s showed they played
Van Wert, Paulding, Union,
Convoy, and others; 21 games
in junior high, at a dozen
towns. They had winning
records in seventh and eighth
grades; 14 wins, 7 losses.
Scored 19.2 points per game
in 1949 and improved to 27.3
ppg in 1950. Coach Holmes
stayed right with them.
Learning the game from him,
for these boys, was a privilege.
It became an experience that
prepared them for major high
school sports.
nNext week: Otis, an
American hero. From soldier
to custodian.
Gerald Sinn 2014
Special to the Progress
Part 1 of 7
On a snowy December morn-
ing in 1947, the loud roar of an
engine on a Latty school bus
woke up Kenny Z. He had
only five minutes to catch a
ride, to throw on some clothes,
wash out his eyes and cop a
donut. He grabbed his gym
shoes, books, lunch bag and
was out the door. The school
was ten blocks away. It was a
long walk in four inches of
new snow.
He rushed across the street
in time to see Coach Dick
Holmes in the drivers seat.
The bus engine was warming
up for the route. The colorful
bus lights were on, at dawn.
Snow had already been
whisked off the windshield
and hood.
One block from the school
they saw a kid walking along
the street. They knew it was
Max Pease, but they still did-
nt pick him up. Max knew it
was them. He thrust his fist
into the air, but only Ken
caught the nasty gesture from
the 11 year old.
The custodian had already
opened the front doors and
fired the school furnaces. The
Coach and Ken went directly
to the gym door. Hey, Dick,
Ken candidly asked, can you
let me in first? Youd think
there was an explosion. Dick
immediately slammed things
he carried on the wide window
sill next to the door. He turned
and shouted, Dont you ever
call me, Dick, again. I am ei-
ther Mr. Holmes to you, or
Coach Holmes. You got that?
Young fifth grader, Ken Z.,
not only got the message, he
never, ever forgot the words
even into the next millennium.
Word spread on the team and
in the class rooms, dont call
this guy, Dick. His claim for
respect was supreme.
The coach opened the door
to the Latty High School gym.
The radiators were steaming,
heat was rising. The light of
daybreak pierced through
huge windows, it hovered
over the baskets and back-
boards. Sunbeams glared off
the brilliant, shiny floor across
the gym. A half dozen basket-
balls laid silent on the hard-
Ken Zimmerman was the
first kid to see this magnificent
sight that morning. He quickly
stashed his stuff under a seat in
the stands, then put on his gym
shoes. He was ready. He
walked on the majestic sur-
face, this stage leading to
championship teams. He
reached to pick up a basket-
ball. He bounced it. The ball
returned to his hand, it felt
good the leather, the grip, the
touch. Then there was the
sound of the bouncing ball in
the awesome gym. He drib-
bled at high speed toward the
basket, and sank the lay up.
Echoes from the empty seats
were astounding. To this fifth
grader, it was the sweetest
sound hed ever known. It was
a glow that would stay lighted
for a lifetime.
Max Pease came into the
gym no more than five min-
utes later. He shared the luster
of the shiny hardwoods. He
couldnt get strings on his gym
shoes tied fast enough. He
moved with a ball, zigzagging,
dribbling fast. Practice on
these hardwoods would some-
day make him one of the best
in the county at ball-handling
and shooting. The gym was
the smallest in Paulding
County, but it had character;
the players liked it. It was the
home of the Latty Lions bas-
ketball team. It was the small-
est high school in the State of
Ohio with 44 students, 22
copyright 2014 Published weekly by
The Paulding County Progress, Inc. P.O.
Box 180, 113 S. Williams St., Paulding,
Ohio 45879 Phone 419-399-4015
Fax: 419-399-4030;
Doug Nutter . . . . . . . . . . . . . Publisher
Advertising -
Melinda Krick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Editor
News -
Ruth Snodgrass . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circulation
USPS 423620
Entered at the Post Office in Paulding,
Ohio, as 2nd class matter. Subscription
rates: $38 per year for mailing addresses
in Defiance, Van Wert Putnam and Paulding
counties. $46 per year outside these coun-
ties; local rate for Military
personnel and students.
Deadline for display adver-
tising 3 p.m. Monday.
News deadline 3 p.m.
Paulding County Progress
Continued from Page 1A
No Kid Goes Hungry program initiated for Paulding Schools
Latty Lions stick together to become shooting stars
The Latty junior high team from 1949-50 under the leadership of head coach Dick Holmes. He taught us at a young age how to play
basketball, recalls Gerald Sinn. Front row from left are Coach Holmes, Larry Sinn, Jim McDougal, Max Pease, Roger Rowe; back row
Gaylon Smith, Gerald Sinn, Rich Turner, H. Smith, Max Aldred, John Dunstan and David Ganger.
Bill Sherry/Paulding County Progress
Ten Paulding County school champions competed last week for the honor of representing Paulding County at the Area Spelling Bee
in Fort Wayne on March 8. Individual school champions who competed were, front row from left Hailey Hartzell, Oakwood Elementary;
Jayde Garcia, WT-Payne Elementary; Lauren Walls, WT-Grover Hill Elementary; Marcus Miller, Paulding Middle School; Aaron Hawley,
Antwerp Elementary; and Josi Hopkins, Christian Home Educators of Paulding County; back row Kaden Sutton, Divine Mercy
Catholic School; Joshua Poulson, Antwerp Middle School; Levi Manz, Wayne Trace Jr. High and Olivia Clark, Paulding Elementary.
is another way of reaching out
to the community.
Jamie Orozco, area contact
for several local relays, said
that she is excited about what
she sees happening in
Paulding County. In her first
year in her position, Orozco
said that she is stunned at the
local involvement, commit-
ment and emotion put into the
area kickoffs and relay ef-
I am just overwhelmed
how people get into this, said
Orozco. This is my first year
of doing this but I never
dreamed it would be anything
like this.
Anyone with questions or
who would like to involve a
team in this years Relay is
encouraged to call 888-227-
6446 (Extension 5208).
DEFIANCE Lucas James
Carnahan, age 25, died as a
result from injuries sustained
on Sunday, Jan. 26, near De-
He was
born Jan.
6, 1989 in
the son of
Jerry and
P a u l i n e
( M a n z )
He was engaged to be mar-
ried this summer to Con-
stance Gray, who also died as
the result of the accident. He
was employed as a mechanic
by Kennfeld Group, Arch-
bold, and attended Junction
Apostolic Christian Church
and Rose Hill Church of God.
He enjoyed hunting, fishing,
hiking, and any outdoor ac-
He is survived by his par-
ents, Jerry and Pauline Carna-
han of Derby, Kan.; his
paternal grandmother, Ber-
nice Buzz Carnahan,
Paulding; two brothers, Jason
(Danielle) Carnahan, Pauld-
ing, and Nathan (Melissa)
Carnahan, Andover, Kan.;
two sisters, Liza (Chris)
Scanland, Colorado Springs,
Colo., and Katie (fianc
Joshua Womack) Carnahan,
Derby, Kan.; nieces, Lakin,
Addison, Madeline, Taylor,
Destiny, Kelsey, Kaylen and
Abbie; and nephews, Owen,
Coby, Caleb and Gavin.
He was preceded in death
by his paternal grandfather,
Pete Carnahan; and maternal
grandparents, Adam and
Katie (Steffen) Manz.
Funeral services were Sun-
day, Feb. 2 at the Junction
Apostolic Christian Church
with church clergymen offici-
ating. Burial was in the Junc-
tion Apostolic Christian
Church Cemetery. Den
Herder Funeral Home, Pauld-
ing, was in charge of arrange-
In lieu of flowers, the fam-
ily requests donations made
to the Apostolic Christian
World Relief.
Online condolences may be
sent to
Cooper, age 79, died Monday,
Jan. 27 at Parkview North
Regional Medical Center,
Fort Wayne.
He was
born June
16, 1934
in Pauld-
ing, the
son of
Troy and
M a r y
( Br own)
Co o p e r .
On Aug. 7, 1955, he married
Sharon L. Grimes, who sur-
vives. Rollin served in the
U.S. Navy from 1952-56. He
was previously employed by
Paulding Exempted Village
Schools as a boiler operator
and bus driver. He was em-
ployed for 31 years at BF
Goodrich, retiring in 1994.
Rollin was an avid hunter and
fisherman, traveling to
Canada for many years with
family and friends. Rollin and
Sharon traveled to Alaska in
1998 for three months visiting
many states. He also enjoyed
photography, woodworking,
welding and gardening and
was famous for his wonderful
smoked meats. He was a mem-
ber of the First Christian
Church, where he was a
trustee and property commit-
tee member.
Rollin is survived by his
wife, Sharon Cooper, Pauld-
ing; two sons, Michael
Cooper, Paulding, and David
(Teresa) Cooper, Grabill,
Ind.; a daughter, Susan (Den-
nis) Knapp, Paulding; two
sisters, Shirley Cooper Green,
Convoy, and Jeannie
(Charles) Thomas Waterbury,
Fishers, Ind.; grandchildren,
Sarah Knapp and Brian
(Julie) Knapp, both of Pauld-
ing, Andrew (Lila) Cooper of
Montezuma and Libby (Ross)
Knueven, Ottoville; and
great-grandchildren, Lily and
Kynzi Knapp, Kolton
Knueven, and baby Cooper
due in February; also wonder-
ful pets, Izzy, Gracie and
Rollin was preceded in
death by his parents; son,
John Cooper; brother, Troy
Vern Cooper; and wonder-
ful companion dog, Greta.
Funeral services were held
Saturday, Feb. 1 at First
Christian Church with the
Rev. Paul Biery officiating.
Burial was in Pleasant Grove
Cemetery, Paulding, with
military graveside rites ac-
corded by VFW Post #587.
Den Herder Funeral Home,
Paulding, was in charge of
In lieu of flowers, dona-
tions may be made to First
Christian Church Mainte-
nance Fund or Boy Scouts
Troop #315.
Online condolences may be
sent to
Judy Ann Andrews, 63, of
Oakwood, passed away on
Tuesday, Jan. 28 at the CHP
Defiance Area In-Patient
Hospice Center.
She was
born on
Sept. 16,
1950 to
Wi l l i a m
and Bon-
nie Smith
in Edon.
Judy was
a 1969 graduate of Tinora
High School. She was previ-
ously employed at Kettering
Country Club, Johns
Manville, Alex Products, and
the Auglaize Country Club.
Judy enjoyed fishing, paint-
ing and camping.
She is survived by her
daughters, Bonnie Sue
(Larry) Baldwin of Defiance
and Jodie Andrews of Oak-
wood; siblings, William
Bill (Patricia Jean) Smith
of Sherwood and Janet (Roel)
Valle of Defiance; and grand-
children, Shelby, Jessica,
Samantha and Steven.
Judy was preceded in death
by her parents.
Funeral services were held
Saturday, Feb. 1 at Schaffer
Funeral Home, Defiance,
with the Rev. Donald L.
Luhring officiating. Burial
was in Riverview Memory
Memorials are suggested to
CHP Defiance Area In-Pa-
tient Hospice Center and/or to
St. John Lutheran Church.
The family wishes to thank
Hospice for the wonderful
services provided to Judy.
Online condolences can be
given at
lack, 60, of Defiance, passed
away on Tuesday, Jan. 28 at
St. Vincent Mercy Medical
Center, Toledo.
He was born on May 9,
1953 to Olan and Oleta (En-
ders) Bidlack in Defiance.
Rick was a graduate of Oak-
wood High School class of
1971. He was self-employed
and enjoyed motorcycles,
hunting and firearms. Rick
was a member of Defiance
#372 F.O.E.
Rick is survived by sib-
lings, David (Sharon) Bidlack
of Cecil, Cindy L. (Charles
Bud) Hubert of Oakwood,
Stephanie Cox of Deltona,
Fla., Ronald (Yvonne) Bid-
lack of Van Wert, Pam (Jerry)
Bronner of Deltona, Fla.,
Terry (Karen) Bidlack of
Oakwood, and Kathy (Bill)
Rippetoe of Continental; and
many nieces and nephews.
He was preceded in death
by his parents and brothers,
Randy and Michael Bidlack
in infancy.
Funeral services were held
Tuesday, Feb. 4 at Schaffer
Funeral Home, Defiance,
with the Rev. George Alley
officiating. Burial was in
Prairie Chapel Cemetery.
The family suggest memo-
rials be made to the
Alzheimers Association,
American Diabetes Associa-
tion, and the Wounded War-
riors Project.
Online condolences can be
given at
Brune, age 80, went to his
eternal home at 9:35 a.m.
Thursday, Jan. 30 at
Brookview Health Care, De-
fiance, with his beloved son
Scott by his side.
He was
born Nov.
13, 1933
in Pauld-
ing, the
son of
Oltie and
C o r a
( Snyder )
Brune. On
May 21, 1959, he married
Marcia K. Ross, who sur-
vives. He was employed for
42 years by Lonelm Printing.
He was a U.S. Army veteran,
serving during the Korean
War, and attended Paulding
First Presbyterian Church. He
loved working with stained
glass and wood, carving
birds, building clocks and
gun cabinets. He collected
coins and arrowheads.
He is survived by his wife,
Marcia Brune, Paulding; a
son, Scott (Laura Buchman)
Brune, Fort Wayne; a brother,
Allen (Mary) Brune, Decatur,
Ind.; two granddaughters,
Chelsea and Andrea Brune,
Bloomington, Ind.; sisters-in-
law, Eleanor Brune and Linda
(fianc, Bill Baxter) Reinhart,
all of Paulding, and Martha
Brune, Ashland; and brother-
in-law, Lanny Ross, Ft. Laud-
erdale, Fla.
He was preceded in death
by his parents; and four
brothers, Richard, Paul,
Henry Hank and Ervin
Funeral services were
Tuesday, Feb. 4 at the First
Presbyterian Church, with the
Rev. David Meriwether offi-
ciating. Burial was in St. Paul
Cemetery, Paulding, with
military graveside rites ac-
corded by VFW Post #587.
Den Herder Funeral Home,
Paulding, was in charge of
In lieu of flowers donations
may be made to First Presby-
terian Church Sound System,
Alzheimers Association or
Wounded Warriors Project.
Online condolences may be
sent to
Wednesday, February 5 , 2014 Paulding County Progress - 3A
Updated weekdays at
Obituaries are
posted daily
The Paulding County
Progress posts obituaries
daily as we receive them.
Check our Web site at
and click on For the
The Amish Cook
By: Lovina Eicher
benefit to help a young family
with hospital bills from this
community. The father was
diagnosed with a rare cancer
and has been getting treat-
ments at the Mayo Clinic if
Im not mistaken.
The mother has also had
several different surgeries in
the past year or two. They
have two small children, it is
always rewarding to help
with those need. May God
help them through this trial in
life and grant them the
courage to face the unknown
future. With God all things
are possible.
We were told to dress
warmly tomorrow with the
cold weather. We will be
making the subs in an insu-
lated outside building which
is heated. With the doors
opening and closing all the
time it can cool it down pretty
We have completed our
third 1,000-piece puzzle this
winter. Evenings are enjoy-
able working around the puz-
zle while we each talk about
our day. Hearing that cold
wind blowing outside makes
it seem even more cozy and
comfortable inside. Our
neighbor lady, Irene, gave us
two 1,000-piece puzzles last
year. One is a Darrell Bush
puzzle which we want to glue
for one of the children to
Its 7:30 a.m. and another
cold morning with the tem-
perature in the single digits
again. The wind chill has to
be way below zero. I stepped
out on the porch for a few
seconds and the wind bit at
my face. We are also getting
more snow. What a crisp
clean scene we have with a
layer of freshly fallen snow
on the ground.
My husband, Joe, left for
work at 3:45 a.m. and daugh-
ter, Elizabeth, left at 5:15 a.m.
When Elizabeth left, Joes
tracks out of the driveway
were covered with new snow.
Our house can be a bit of a
challenge to heat when the
wind chill is this cold. The
propane gas lights really help
heat the house and we keep
them on a little longer than
We ordered a jacket for
our coal stove in the base-
ment. It will go around the
stove and has a door on it so
we can control how much
heat will stay in the base-
ment. That way we can keep
the basement warmer only on
laundry days when we use the
basement. I think that will
help bring more heat up to the
main part of the house, espe-
cially on cold windy days
such as today.
Tomorrow I will go help
make sub sandwiches for a
hang in their bedroom. The
only problem is more than
one of the children want it, so
we might have to draw
It is called Autumn at the
Lake, a very nice scene of a
log cabin by the lake with a
dock and a boat. The sun is set-
ting in the background. On the
back of the box are five more
puzzles by Darrell Bush. But
this one seemed to catch their
attention. Some of the children
want to start another one this
winter and if stays this cold we
just might have to.
I hope everyone will stay
healthy through these bitter
cold days. I feel envious of the
people in Florida right now.
Wherever you are may God
bless each and every one of
3 eggs, separated
2 tablespoons sugar
1/4 cup vegetable oil
1 cup milk
1-1/2 cups whole wheat flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons baking powder
Beat egg yolks, sugar and
oil. Add 1/2 of the milk and stir.
Add dry ingredients and re-
mainder of milk. Mix until
blended. Beat egg whites until
stiff and fold into batter. Fry
over medium heat in heated
waffle iron.
Call us at 419-399-3887
Toll Free
To soften the sorrow,
To comfort the living,
Flowers say it
Dear Aunt Ashley,
Our hearts are so sad,
but they are full of
our memories and our
love for you. We miss
you and love you
forever and ever.
Ali, Blake, Jenna,
Daylen, Jace
and Josie Rosie
You lef an
in our lives that
can never be flled,
but we will forever
be blessed and thankful
for the very short time
you were a part
of our family.
We love and miss you.
Todd and Trish Messman
Leon and Mackenzie Hilty
Jeremy and Syrena Priddy
Ashley Messman
12/8/84 - 2/5/13
I cant believe its been a
year since Ive seen your
face or heard your voice.
Ive been lost, confused and
doubtful, but with each
passing day I am more and
more comforted knowing
you will help guide me to
give our son everything
we had hoped and dreamed
for him. You will forever be
in my heart.
Love, Harry
Ashley Anne Messman
Without you Mommy, I celebrated my 3rd birthday.
Without you Mommy, I seen big elephants at the zoo.
Without you Mommy, I collected lots of candy on
Halloween. (I was an oompa loompa!)
Without you Mommy, I went to the hospital with a
broken arm. (I tackled Jace!)
Without you Mommy, I stayed up after midnight to
bring in the New Year, just like last year, remember?
But even without you Mommy, I feel your kisses on my
cheeks each night and I see you in my sweet dreams.
Daddy tells me when he looks at me he sees you!
Especially when I wrinkle my nose!
So I know Im not without you Mommy.
Youve never left my side.
I love you Mommy - Asher
610 Walnut Street
Oakwood, Ohio
Full Service Funeral Home
Pre-Arrangement Specialists
Would you like to work with
funeral directors who understand
how valuable it is for you and your
family to have a truly meaningful
funeral experience?
When the time comes to honor a
loved ones memory in a personal
way, give us a call.
For a Life Worth Celebrating
LATTY Clara M. Yout-
sey, age 76, of Latty, died at 3
p.m. Thursday, Jan. 30 at
Lutheran Hospital in Fort
Lee Brown, age 83, died Sat-
urday, Feb. 1 at CHP Hos-
pice, Defiance.
He was born July 15, 1930
in Paulding, the son of Ted
and Dorothy (Kelley) Brown.
On May 1, 1951, he married
Mary Louise Mohr, who pre-
ceded him in death on Oct.
10, 2004. He was employed
by GM Powertrain, Defiance,
retiring in 1991. He attended
Dupont Church of the
Brethren and was a member of
the UAW #211. He was an avid
fisherman and hunter, and en-
joyed bird watching and flow-
Howard is survived by a son,
Mikel (Vicki) Brown, Grover
Hill; two daughters, Dawn
Brown and Karmel Prosser,
both of Oakwood; 10 grand-
children; 24 great-grandchil-
dren; and five
He also was preceded in
death by a son, Johnnie Brown;
infant twin daughters; a grand-
daughter, Regina Prosser; a
brother, Leo Brown; and a sis-
ter, Carolyn Sue Bright.
Funeral services will be con-
ducted at 11 a.m. Thursday,
Feb. 6 at Dupont Church of the
Brethren, with the Rev. Terry
Porter officiating. Burial will
follow in Prairie Chapel Ceme-
tery, Oakwood.
Visitation will be from 2-8
p.m. today, Feb. 5 at Den
Herder Funeral Home, Pauld-
ing, and one hour prior to serv-
ices on Thursday at the church.
In lieu of flowers, dona-
tions may be made to CHP
Hospice or Dupont Church of
the Brethren.
Online condolences may be
sent to
(Bair) Trauterman, 70, of
Antwerp, died Saturday, Feb.
1 at Parkview Regional Med-
ical Center.
NOCAC offering free tax preparation
DEFIANCE Tax season
has begun and many Paulding
County residents are thinking
about how they will file their
tax returns. This year, the
Northwestern Ohio Commu-
nity Action Commission
(NOCAC) is working to help
low- and middle-income tax-
payers save money on tax
preparation fees and keep more
of their refund in their pockets.
NOCAC has partnered
with the Ohio Benefit Bank
to offer free basic tax prepa-
ration services for individuals
with less than $65,000 in total
income. In Paulding County,
services are available at the
Paulding County Senior Cen-
ter in Paulding and Zion
United Methodist Church in
Grover Hill.
Tax clinics are also offered
in other sites throughout
northwest Ohio, some offer-
ing evening and weekend ap-
OBB tax counselors assist
taxpayers in filing their fed-
eral, state and school district
returns through an online pro-
gram available at Addi-
tionally, this program is also
able to electronically file tax
returns with the IRS and can
help direct deposit refunds
into the clients bank account,
helping connect tax payers
with their refunds faster.
There is no charge for any of
these services.
Last year, NOCAC, in col-
laboration with various com-
munity partners, prepared
over 900 tax returns for
clients who received more
than $1.5 million in refunds.
This number includes over
$100,000 clients saved in
preparation fees. This pro-
gram is in its fifth year at
Tax clinics begin Feb. 1.
For more information or to
make an appointment at any
of the sites, call NOCACs
central office at 419-784-
2150 extension 1100.
4A - Paulding County Progress Wednesday, February 5 , 2014
County Court
Property Transfers
Police Report
Express your opinion
The Paulding County Progress provides
a public forum through FORUM Reader
Opinion Letters to the Editor for area res-
idents to express their opinions and ex-
change ideas on any topic of public
All letters submitted are subject to the
Publishers approval, and MUST include an
original signature and daytime telephone
number for verification. We wont print un-
signed letters.
Letters should be brief and concise.
Letters must also conform to libel law and
be in good taste. Please limit letters to no
more than 500 words. We reserve the right
to edit and to correct grammatical errors.
We also reserve the right to verify state-
ments or facts presented in the letters.
The opinions stated are those of the
writer, and do not necessarily reflect that
of the newspaper.
Where to write: Letters to the Editor,
Paulding County Progress, P.O. Box 180,
Paulding OH 45879; or drop them off at
the office, 113 S. Williams St. The deadline
is noon Thursday the week prior to publi-
Common Pleas
Resident wants
safe place for
local youths
Dear Editor,
I am interested in starting
a business/nonprofit organi-
zation in Paulding. I feel
there is great need to have a
place that would be focused
around the youth of Pauld-
ing. My thoughts are to ob-
tain a building close to the
I would like to provide a
safe place for our youth to
go. There are several chil-
dren who stand outside in
the morning waiting for the
doors to the school to open.
This organization would
provide a warmer, safer
place for them to wait, as
well as provide breakfast;
and then as a group walk to
This would also be a great
place for children to be
dropped off if there are
school delays or cancela-
tions. We all know that just
because the school is de-
layed or canceled our adult
jobs are not and some of
these kids are left home
alone because there is just
no other option for the par-
This would provide a
place for the children to go
after school to do home-
work, have study groups,
and provide tutoring. I plan
to have computers, so that
those who do not have ac-
cess to computers can do
homework and research.
Not only do I want to have
a place for the children,
there are plenty of adults not
only in Paulding, but in
Paulding County, that could
greatly benefit from such a
place. My idea for this is to
have adult time from 10
a.m.-2 p.m. daily which is a
a time kids are in school.
Services that I would like
to see be provided are: link-
ing them to much needed re-
sources, help them with
resumes, apply for jobs, set-
ting up budgets and coach-
ing them in life skills.
Not only will this organi-
zation provide these services
it can also provide a respite
care service. I would like to
call the organization The
Goal Zone.
At this time I am basically
asking for two things from
the Paulding community,
and others. They are feed-
back and questions on such
an organization and donation
possibilities, either monetary
or time.
Please forward comments
to the following; email: or
mail to: The Goal Zone,
Gerilyn Larson, 610 Flat
Rock Drive, Paulding, Ohio
Gerilyn Larson
For the Record
It is the policy of the Paulding County Progress to publish pub-
lic records as they are reported or released by various agencies.
Names appearing in For the Record are published without ex-
ception, to preserve the fairness and impartiality of the Progress
and as a news service to our readers.
Jerry Zielke (right) was the speaker at the Paulding Kiwanis
Club meeting. Zielke, who is is the economic development di-
rector for Paulding County, said that things are beginning to pick
up and he expects things to improve as the year progresses.
Brian Gorrell was program chairman.
The term et al. refers to and others; et vir., and husband; et ux., and
Auglaize Township
David R. and Judy L. Fohner to David R. Fohner, trustee and
Judy L. Fohner, trustee; Sec. 32, 15.237 acres and Lot 19,
Auglaize Hills Development, 0.517 acre. Quit claim.
Brown Township
David R. and Judy L. Fohner to David R. Fohner, trustee and
Judy L. Fohner, trustee; Sec. 4, 65.183 acres. Quit claim.
Lesta Rathbun, dec. to Lucille Ziegler, et al.; Sec. 32, 180
acres. Certificate of transfer.
Carryall Township
V&R Koenn Corp. to Lion Farm Properties LLC; Sec. 25,
51.145 acres. Warranty deed.
Bradley W. and Lisa D. Laker to Brian K. and Arani Went-
land; Sec. 3, 2 acres. Warranty deed.
Crane Township
V&R Koenn Corp to Lion Farm Properties LLC; Sec. 2,
78.623 acres; Sec. 14, 105.701 acres; Sec. 17, 40.313 acres;
Sec. 18, 4.152 acres and 75.984 acres; and Sec. 23, 81.417
acres. Warranty deed.
V&R Koenn Corp to Jean M. Munger; Sec. 14, 0.224 acre.
Warranty deed.
Jean M. Munger to Jean M. Munger; Sec. 14, 1.438 acres.
Quit claim.
V&R Koenn Corp to John and Barbara G. Wappes; Sec. 18,
1.693 acres. Warranty deed.
John and Barbara G. Wappes; Sec. 18, 3.269 acres. Quit
V&R Koenn Corp to Phillip Koenn; Sec. 2, 1.693 acres.
Warranty deed.
Phillip Koenn to Phillip Koenn; Sec. 2, 3.271 acres. Quit
Jackson Township
Ruth E. Mohr, dec. to Carol Wyatt, trustee and Rudy Mohr,
trustee; Sec. 30, 160 acres. Affidavit.
Latty Township
Ruth E. Mohr, dec. to Carol Wyatt, trustee and Rudy Mohr,
trustee; Sec. 33, 38.5 acres. Affidavit.
McClure Farms LLC to Ryan W. and Nicole D. McClure;
Sec. 27, 2.089 acres. Quit claim.
Grover Hill Village
Nathan W. and Stephanie Priest to Robert J. Fisher; Lot 10
and half vacant alley; 0.206 acre. Warranty deed.
Paulding Village
Mary Ellen Morse, dec., Life Estate, et al. to Gary M. Morse
Life Estate, et al.; Lots 162-165, 0.77 acre. Affidavit.
Civil Docket:
Capital One Bank (USA), N.A., Rich-
mond, Va. vs. Roxanne Maxson, Oak-
wood. Other action, satisfied.
Sarah J. Mowery DDS Inc., Antwerp vs.
Alta Butler, Payne. Small claims, satisfied.
Community Wide Federal Credit Union,
Cincinnati vs. Genieva Herbst, Haviland.
Other action, judgment for the plaintiff in
the sum of $3,937.42.
Credit Adjustments Inc., Defiance vs.
Chelsi A. Cohan, Oakwood. Other action,
judgment for the plaintiff in the sum of
Glenbrook Credit Acceptance, Cincin-
nati vs. Scott Altic, Antwerp. Other action,
Sarah J. Mowery DDS Inc., Antwerp vs.
Larry Gubbins, Antwerp. Small claims,
judgment for the plaintiff in the sum of
Glenbrook Credit Acceptance Corp.,
Cincinnati vs. John Vielma, Paulding.
Other action, dismissed.
Lonnie D. Jones, Cecil and Loretta K.
Jones, Cecil vs. Sheryl Romes, Cecil and
Dinny Romes, Cecil. Small claims, judg-
ment in favor of the defendants.
Credit Adjustments Inc., Defiance vs.
Zachary J. Neace, Antwerp. Small claims,
judgment for the plaintiff in the sum of
Cache, LLC, Denver, Colo. vs. Kim-
berly Schlegel, Oakwood. Other action,
judgment for the plaintiff in the sum of
Cross Roads Venture Group LLC,
Paulding vs. Donald Smith, Paulding and
Jessica Wolford, Paulding. Evictions, judg-
ment for the plaintiff in the sum of
Sarah J. Mowery DDS Inc., Antwerp vs.
Jennifer Eddings, Paulding. Small claims,
judgment for the plaintiff in the sum of
Defiance Radiologist Associates, Ot-
tawa Hills vs. Glenn A. West, Oakwood.
Other action, judgment for the plaintiff in
the sum of $260.10.
Credit Adjustments Inc., Defiance vs.
Kevin E. Bauer, Oakwood. Small claims,
judgment for the plaintiff in the sum of
Credit Adjustments Inc., Defiance vs.
Kenneth L. Lee, Cecil. Small claims, judg-
ment for the plaintiff in the sum of
Credit Adjustments Inc., Defiance vs.
Heather Laurin, Cecil. Small claims, judg-
ment for the plaintiff in the sum of
Credit Adjustments Inc., Defiance vs.
Marie Marvin, Oakwood. Small claims,
judgment for the plaintiff in the sum of
Credit Adjustments Inc., Defiance vs.
Mary O. Goings, Paulding. Small claims,
judgment for the plaintiff in the sum of $
Credit Adjustments Inc., Defiance vs.
Jeffrey T. Merritte, Paulding. Small claims,
judgment for the plaintiff in the sum of
Credit Adjustments Inc., Defiance vs.
William A. Mentzer, Paulding. Small
claims, judgment for the plaintiff in the
sum of $1,467.48.
Criminal Docket:
Myra Ann Hoffman, Defiance, obstruct-
ing official business; $100 fine, $315.50
costs, both to be taken from bond, 90 days
jail suspended; defendant to repay ap-
pointed counsel fees, two-year probation
ordered, 40 hours community service.
James D. Terwilleger, Antwerp, at-
tempted drug offense; $1,000 fine, $126
costs, 180 days jail suspended.
Daniel B. Guilford, Antwerp, confine-
ment of dog; $25 fine, $77 costs.
Traffic Docket:
Reid E. Thompson, Delphos, registra-
tion violation; $50 fine, $87 costs; proof of
financial responsibility and registration of
the trailer provided.
Robert J. Lane, Paulding, seat belt; $30
fine, $47 costs.
Jessica Nadine Certain, Fort Wayne,
86/65 speed; $43 fine, $80 costs.
Pamela G. Smith, Monroe, Mich., 77/65
speed; $33 fine, $80 costs.
Philip V. Koenn, Cecil, OVI/refusal;
$525 fine, $134.46 costs, pay by 10 days
jail, six-month license suspension; jail days
credit for SCRAM, ALS terminated, com-
munity control ordered, evaluation at
Westwood, secure valid drivers license, 20
hours community service, 170 days jail re-
Philip V. Koenn, Cecil, changing lanes;
dismissed at States request.
Randy R. Martin, Payne, display plates;
$68 fine, $85 costs.
Zachery T. Schlegel, Paulding, driving
under FRA suspension; $100 fine with $50
suspended, $87 costs, pay $25 monthly,
pay all by June 27 or matter turned in for
collection; proof of financial responsibility
not provided, drivers license valid and re-
turned to defendant.
Jessica R. Carnahan, Oakwood, failure
to control; $68 fine, $80 costs.
Rudolph R. Wenzlick, Fort Jennings,
70/55 speed; $33 fine, $77 costs.
Nicholas A. Stewart, Indianapolis, 83/65
speed; $43 fine, $85 costs.
Balbir Mann, Brampton, Ont., 74/65
speed; $33 fine, $80 costs.
Mark L. Scott, Monclova, 75/65 speed;
$33 fine, $80 costs.
Joseph D. Dasher, Paulding, seat belt;
$30 fine, $47 costs.
Alexis A. Dean, Indianapolis, 78/65
speed; $33 fine, $80 costs.
Isabell L. Rhenwrick, Indianapolis,
76/65 speed; $33 fine, $80 costs.
Constance L. Beach, Sterling Heights,
Mich., 79/65 speed; $33 fine, $80 costs.
Steven A. Carlisle, Van Wert, 61/55
speed; $33 fine, $77 costs.
Logan Adkins, Oakwood, stop sign; $53
fine, $80 costs.
Sharon M. Spinner, Middle Point, dis-
play plates; $68 fine, $80 costs.
Buddy Ray Martin, Greenwood, Ind.,
80/65 speed; $43 fine, $77 costs.
Gregory Ritchie, Bowling Green, 73/65
speed; $33 fine, $80 costs.
Ski Lar, Fort Wayne, child restraint; $68
fine, $80 costs.
David P. Harmon, Angola, Ind., 72/55
speed; $43 fine, $80 costs.
Eric T. Study, Toledo, 78/65 speed; $33
fine, $77 costs.
Civil Docket
The term et al. refers to and oth-
ers; et vir., and husband; et ux., and
U.S. Bank N.A., Fort Mill,
S.C. vs. James R. Crowell and
his unknown spouse if any, De-
fiance and Edward A. Johanns,
Toledo and Paulding County
Treasurer, Paulding. Foreclo-
The State Bank & Trust
Company, Defiance vs. Carl S.
Sherry, executor Douglas Ray
Sherry Estate, Oakwood and
Michelle R. Sherry, Oakwood
and Paulding County Treasurer,
Paulding. Foreclosures.
Administration Docket
In the Estate of Lesta Rath-
bun, application to administer
In the Estate of Ruth E. Mohr,
last will and testament filed.
Criminal Docket
Meliton Rodriquez, 37, of
Hicksville, will be in Court Feb.
6 for a pretrial conference con-
cerning his nonsupport of de-
pendents (F4) case. This was
rescheduled from Jan. 27 due to
a Level 3 snow advisory.
James D. Fleenor, 42, of
Haviland, had his attorney file a
motion to vacate jury trial and
requesting a final pretrial con-
ference be scheduled. The Court
granted his motion, vacating the
Feb. 4 trial and setting a Feb. 10
pretrial conference regarding his
indictment alleging four counts
felonious assault (F1), all with
firearms specifications.
Melinda E. Gonzales, 29,
Paulding, had a pretrial confer-
ence date set for Feb. 6 in con-
nection with her indictment
alleging forgery (F5). This was
reset from Jan. 27 due to a Level
3 snow advisory.
James J. Herber, 45, of
Antwerp, had an indictment al-
leging two counts gross sexual
imposition (F3) dismissed with-
out prejudice. He must pay
$160 court costs. Herber had
pled guilty to a companion
felony case in November and
was sentenced earlier this
Joyce E. Carlisle, 35, of
Paulding, is scheduled for a
pretrial conference on Feb. 6
for her theft (F5) case. This was
rescheduled from Jan. 27 due
to a Level 3 snow advisory.
Matthew H. Scott, 42, of De-
fiance, had a pretrial confer-
ence set for Feb. 24 in
connection with his theft (F5)
Donald E. Hammons III,
36, address unavailable, was
arraigned recently on charges
of complicity to robbery (F3).
He was scheduled for a Feb.
24 pretrial conference and an
April 8 jury trial. Bond was
posted in the amount of
Thursday, Jan. 30
2:28 p.m. Michael T.
Webb, 29, of Paulding, was
cited for assured clear dis-
tance following a two-truck
collision in the 1100 block of
North Williams Street. He
was driving south in a 2004
Chevy Silverado behind a
2001 Ford 150 operated by
Kenneth R. Lewis, 41, of
Oakwood. Reports say Webb
attempted to pass on the left
when he braked after noting
Lewis had stopped, but his
vehicle slid on ice. A side-
swipe followed, inflicting
minor damage to Webbs ve-
hicle but disabling the Lewis
truck. Neither driver was in-
5:55 p.m. Phyllis J. Mob-
ley, 82, of Paulding, was cited
for assured clear distance fol-
lowing a two-car crash in the
1000 block of North Williams
Street. She was traveling
north in a 2006 Chevy Impala
behind a 2007 Chevy Aveo
driven by Regina Gray, 51, of
Latty. Reports say Gray
stopped for a turn and Mob-
ley didnt note that in time.
As she hit the brakes, her ve-
hicle slid into Grays, causing
minor damage to each. Nei-
ther driver was visibly hurt,
but Gray was taken for as-
sessment to Paulding County
Hospital by Paulding EMS.
Friday, Jan. 24
2 p.m. Paulding Middle
School authorities reported a
threat to a teacher and stu-
dents. The matter is under in-
Saturday, Jan. 25
3:21 p.m. A hit/skip mishap
in the Paulding Place parking
area was documented.
Sunday, Jan. 26
11:26 a.m. A woman was
heard screaming on West
Harrison Street. An EMS was
called to transport her to the
1:05 p.m. Officers were
called to Paulding County
Hospital where a subject re-
fused to leave. A second offi-
cer was called to assist in
removing the subject and
transporting them home.
2:15 p.m. Snowmobilers
near the corner of Baldwin
Street and Emerald Road
were warned against being in
the village.
2:51 p.m. An alarm
sounded at a West Perry
Street business. The key
holder and officer discovered
a water leak on the premises.
8:58 p.m. Officers re-
sponded to an alarm on North
Walnut Street, which proved
Monday, Jan. 27
9:57 a.m. An alarm on
North Walnut Street was un-
10:55 a.m. Report of a ve-
hicle struck along West Perry
Street was not documented at
the owners request.
2 p.m. Investigation of a
woman screaming on West
Harrison Street resulted in the
matter being turned over to
Job and Family Services.
Tuesday, Jan. 28
9:42 a.m. A/hit-skip acci-
dent along North Cherry
Street was documented.
12:20 p.m. EMS was en-
coded to West Harrison Street
to transport a screaming
2 p.m. A North Williams
Street business call about
suspected counterfeit bills re-
sulted in the arrest of an indi-
vidual for forgery.
2:50 p.m. Officers arrested
Kristen Pinskey on a Han-
cock County warrant and
took her to Paulding County
9 p.m. Antwerp Police De-
partment requested a message
be delivered on German Street.
Wednesday, Jan. 29
1:30 p.m. Officers assisted
Paulding Schools by delivering
a message on North Cherry
4:57 p.m. A complaint con-
cerning texting and Facebook
came in from North Main
Thursday, Jan. 30
10:15 p.m. An officer as-
sisted the Paulding Fire De-
partment with a call from
McDonald Pike concerning a
smoky odor.
Friday, Jan. 31
5:09 a.m. An alarm from an
East Perry Street business
proved to be unfounded.
Business News
Law firm welcomes
attorney as associate
PAULDING The law firm
of Cook, Burkard, & Gorrell
Ltd. is pleased to welcome at-
torney Matthew A. Miller as an
associate to its practice. He
brings with him over five years
of experience as an assistant
prosecuting attorney for Pauld-
ing County.
Born in LaGrange, Ind., to
Roger and Kay Beth Miller,
Miller grew up in Latty and
graduated from Wayne Trace
High School in 1997. He re-
ceived his bachelor of science
in business administration with
an emphasis in finance from
The Ohio State University, and
his law degree from Capital
University Law School. He
began his career as an attorney
in 2008 with the Paulding
County Prosecutors Office.
He will join attorneys Nor-
man Cook, Joseph Burkard,
Brian Gorrell, and their staff at
their offices on Water Street,
and welcomes prospective
clients to meet him there. In ad-
dition to his work as an attor-
ney, he serves on the boards of
directors of Paulding County
Habitat for Humanity and the
Paulding Kiwanis Club.
Miller is a member of the
Apostolic Christian Church.
He and his wife, Wendy, live in
Paulding with their three chil-
dren, Claire, Graham and Car-
Wednesday, February 5 , 2014 Paulding County Progress - 5A
In My Opinion
More Ohio meetings
should be open to public
By Dennis Hetzel
If you spent your whole life in Ohio as a reporter covering
government or a citizen going to meetings, you might be sur-
prised to learn that the information-gathering and fact-
finding sessions that you and other citizens cant attend are
routinely open in many other states.
That will change in Ohio if Senate Bill 93, sponsored by
Sen. Shannon Jones, a Republican from Warren County, be-
comes law.
When the bill was introduced in March, I shared it with
several attorneys who are experts on Ohios sunshine laws.
The collective response was, Wow, this would be a huge
improvement and correct a long-standing problem.
Still, until recently, the bill seemed unlikely to go any-
where. Local government groups dont like it at all. I believe
we can work with them to overcome at least some of their
objections. We certainly agree that not everything a govern-
mental body does should be in public. However, there al-
ready are many exceptions to open meetings in state law.
Indeed, legislators just added a new one in 2013 that allows
local governmental bodies to go into closed meetings to dis-
cuss economic development proposals. Fortunately, the Ohio
Newspaper Association (ONA) was able to get some limita-
tions placed on the sweeping language first proposed.
The bill spent 10 months in legislative purgatory. Then, on
Jan. 22, it finally received a first hearing, and we joined oth-
ers in support.
Something interesting happened that day. It did not seem
to be a perfunctory hearing. The senators on the Senate Gov-
ernment Oversight and Reform Committee paid close atten-
tion. The points we made about the problems with Ohios
definition of a meeting seemed to resonate with several.
In essence, the bill fixes a long-running dispute over what
the definition of an open meeting is in Ohio law. The pro-
posed new definition clearly establishes that an open meeting
isnt just for board members to deliberate but for considera-
tion or discussion of public business.
This is not some subject of arcane interest only to lawyers
and public-policy junkies. A tremendous amount of business
that should be done in public now is being done in secret in
Ohio. These informational or fact-finding meetings often
are the most useful, important meetings a governmental body
can hold. When citizens cannot attend these gatherings, they
cant adequately judge the actions of their officials, whether
the issue involves a discussion of school textbook purchases,
merger with a neighboring jurisdiction or new zoning in your
neighborhood. By the time a board votes on something at a
public meeting, its often too late for input. And such meet-
ings still could be closed if they satisfied any of the excep-
tions in current law.
Local government groups believe that prearranged listen-
ing sessions with a majority of board members present dont
have to be open. The Ohio Supreme Court never has settled
the matter, but lower court findings have made a murky situ-
ation worse, narrowing the definition of public meetings in
some cases to the point of absurdity. For example, a judge
said that question-and-answer sessions between board mem-
bers and others in attendance are not public meetings unless
a majority of the board engages in the discussion. Scant help
comes from advice given to local governments in the attor-
ney generals annual guide on Ohios open meetings and
open records laws. As a practical matter, it gives local gov-
ernments a playbook on how to interpret the law as narrowly
as possible for openness.
Other states dont see it that way. For example, such meet-
ings are presumed to be open in Indiana, California, Ken-
tucky, New York and Kansas.
The bill also makes other improvements in the open meet-
ings law. Public bodies would have to be more specific about
the reasons stated for closed sessions, and the penalties for
violating the law would get slightly sharper teeth. The bill
would make it harder for bodies that violate the law to avoid
penalties by using what I call the whoops, we-thought-it-
was-ok exception in current law. Right now, citizens have a
hard time getting attorney fees reimbursed even if they are
correct. You must have deep pockets or a forgiving lawyer to
litigate an open meetings case in Ohio.
Here I quote Cleveland attorney Lou Colombo, longtime
counsel to the ONA and an expert on these laws: Anyone
who brings a successful suit to secure openness has provided
the public with a benefit and deserves compensation for his
attorneys fees Good faith is a factor the court can con-
sider in a hearing to reduce fees.
Maybe, just maybe, the chances for this bill have moved
from none to slim. This is a moment when the support of
citizens as well as editorial writers might really help. I hope
you will consider taking the time to contact Sen. Jones or
your local state senator to tell them you would like to see
Senate Bill 93 move forward in 2014.
Dennis Hetzel is executive director of Ohio Newspaper As-
The opinions stated are those of the writer, and do not nec-
essarily reflect that of the newspaper.
Sheriffs Report
Friday, Jan. 24
4:32 p.m. Adam W. Molitor, 28, of
Paulding, was cited for failure to control
after a single-vehicle accident on Road
204 east of Road 23 in Carryall Town-
ship. He was driving east in a 2000
Chevy Blazer when he struck a snow
drift. Reports say he lost control and
struck a pole. The vehicle was disabled
and towed. He was not injured.
9:06 p.m. Joshua A. Sharp, 22, of
Paulding, was cited for failure to control
following a single-vehicle mishap on
Road 171 north of Road 187 in Brown
Township. He was traveling west in a
2007 Chevy HHR when he struck a
snow drift. Reports say he lost control
and left the road, striking a rock and a
mailbox. The SUV was disabled and
towed. The driver was not hurt.
Saturday, Jan. 25
4:53 a.m. Peggy S. Matthews, 43, of
Paulding, was cited for failure to control
as a result of a slide-off accident. She
was east bound in a 2005 Ford Escape
when she hit a snow drift. Reports indi-
cate she lost control, exited the roadway
and her vehicle rolled onto its side. Dam-
age was minor and the vehicle was
towed. She was taken by Paulding EMS
to Paulding County Hospital to be as-
sessed for injuries.
10:28 a.m. Elizabeth M. Brown, 29, of
Paulding, was cited for failure to control
after a single-truck accident on Road 176
west of Road 97 in Crane Township. She
was traveling west in a 2004 GMC
pickup truck when reports say she lost
control and slid into a ditch. Damage to
the truck was minor. The driver was un-
Thursday, Jan. 23
3:30 p.m. Two Oakwood fire units re-
sponded to an alarm on Road 191 in
Brown Township. They were on the
scene less than 15 minutes.
3:39 p.m. Theft of a purse from a ve-
hicle in a parking area on West Gasser
Road was investigated.
5:25 p.m. Deputies were called to a
fight in Scott.
5:26 p.m. A Melrose resident reported
alleged sexual harassment.
7:14 p.m. Deputies arrested Donald
11:21 p.m. Two Paulding fire units and
the EMS plus a Cecil/Crane fire unit re-
sponded to a motor vehicle accident on
Road 162 in Crane Township. There was
no EMS transport. No further informa-
tion was available.
11:48 p.m. Two Paulding fire units re-
sponded to an alarm from West Wayne
Street where a smoke alarm was sound-
ing. They were there just over 20 min-
Friday, Jan. 24
12:27 p.m. Dog bite complaint was
handled on Road 204 in Carryall Town-
1:07 p.m. Deputies assisted Defiance
County Sheriffs office on Road 1038 in
Auglaize Township.
5:30 p.m. Scott Fire Department re-
quested mutual aid from Grover Hill
concerning a structure fire. One unit and
their EMS were on the scene more than
40 minutes.
8:37 p.m. Chimney fire on Road 124
in Harrison Township drew two Payne
fire units and their EMS plus two
Antwerp fire units. They were there less
than 40 minutes.
10:05 p.m. Missing juvenile was re-
ported from Road 166 in Auglaize
11:45 p.m. Deputies documented a
motor vehicle accident on Ohio 637 in
Auglaize Township.
Saturday, Jan. 25
12:23 a.m. Report of a car stuck on
Road 60 near Road 101 in Blue Creek
Township came in.
12:59 a.m. A vehicle was seen stuck
on Road 20 east of Road 123 in Latty
12:47 a.m. Deputies assisted Defiance
County Sheriffs office by delivering a
message on Road 131 in Jackson Town-
3:18 a.m. Antwerp EMS and three fire
units responded to a semi rollover acci-
dent on US 24 east of Ohio 49 in Car-
ryall Township. Two deputies assisted
the Ohio State Highway Patrol at the
5:59 a.m. An alarm sounded at a busi-
ness on Road 179 in Auglaize Township.
6:18 a.m. Deputies documented a
motor vehicle accident on Road 143
south of US 24 in Emerald Township.
No further information was available.
10:43 a.m. Commercial burglar alarm
was investigated on US 127 in Blue
Creek Township.
11:19 a.m. Two Paulding fire units and
the EMS responded to a fire alarm on
Road 82 in Paulding Township. They
were there about five minutes.
1:57 p.m. Commercial burglar alarm
again sounded from US 127 in Blue
Creek Township.
2:50 p.m. A backing accident in Cecil
was handled.
3:20 p.m. A smoking thermostat on
Emerald Road in Paulding resulted in
two Paulding fire units and the EMS on
the scene.
3:43 p.m. An Auglaize Township resi-
dent of Road 163 told deputies someone
pulled up their mailbox and took it.
5:33 p.m. Juvenile matter was investi-
gated in Cecil.
7:57 p.m. Theft of a firearm, jewelry
and other items was reported from Ohio
66 in Auglaize Township.
Sunday, Jan. 26
12:31 a.m. A slide-off accident on US
127 south of Road 126 in Jackson Town-
ship was investigated. No further infor-
mation was available.
4:37 a.m. A horse was seen running
loose along Ohio 49 near Road 192 in
Carryall Township. Deputies were on the
scene less than 40 minutes.
11:51 a.m. Paulding EMS was called
for a female heard screaming on West
Harrison Street.
4:39 p.m. A two-car head-on collision
on Ohio 613 at Road 39 in Benton
Township was documented. Payne EMS
made a transport. Two Payne fire units
assisted. No further details were avail-
Monday, Jan. 27
12:56 a.m. ODOT reported a car off
the road at US 127 at the S-curve north
of Paulding.
2:27 a.m. A vehicle was struck on
Ohio 500 in Paulding Township.
2:29 a.m. A slide-off on US 127 north
of Road 114 in Paulding Township was
handled. No further information was
3:46 a.m. Deputies assisted a vehicle
stuck on Road 105 near Road 206 in Crane
5:20 a.m. A vehicle was reported stuck
on Road 188 at Road 7 in Carryall Town-
6:26 a.m. Deputies responded to a
business alarm on road 151 in Latty
6:46 a.m. Report of a car stuck on
Road 171 north of Charloe in Brown
Township was called in.
8:57 a.m. Several fire departments re-
sponded to a fire on Road 209 in
Auglaize Township. They included three
Auglaize Township, three Oakwood fire
units plus both of the Oakwood EMS units
one of which made a transport, two
Paulding units and two Cecil/Crane Town-
ship units were on scene. Some were there
up to 6 hours.
4:19 p.m. A female was seen walking
with a cane along US 127 in Blue Creek
4:27 p.m. Two Auglaize fire units re-
turned to Road 209 when the structure fire
rekindled. They were there about two
5:50 p.m. A vehicle got struck on Road
116 in Jackson Township.
7:09 p.m. Telephone harassment was re-
ported from Road 123 in Latty Township.
Tuesday, Jan. 28
12:26 a.m. Dog complaint was lodged
from Ohio 111 in Emerald Township.
3:39 a.m. Commercial burglar alarm
sounded on McDonald Pike in Paulding
10:59 a.m. Telephone harassment com-
plaint came in from Grover Hill.
12:24 p.m. Paulding EMS was called to
West Harrison Street where a woman was
12:29 p.m. A dog complaint came in
from North Cherry Street in Paulding.
1:36 p.m. Defiance County Sheriffs of-
fice relayed information about a two-semi
collision. Both Paulding EMS units re-
sponded, but no transport was made. A sin-
gle Paulding fire unit assisted at the scene.
No further information was available.
2:26 p.m. Dog complaint was made
from East Canal Street in Antwerp.
2:57 p.m. Trespassing was looked into
on Road 126 in Jackson Township.
Wednesday, Jan. 29
1:48 a.m. Allen County (Ind.) Sheriffs
office requested Payne Fire Department to
man for Woodburn due to a large structure
fire. Two Payne units were called to the fire
at 2:47 a.m. and remained there about five
11:59 a.m. Suspicious vehicle was seen
in a drive on Road 177 in Brown Town-
12:57 p.m. Three Payne fire units and
the EMS responded to a fire on Road 96 in
Harrison Township. They were there less
than 25 minutes.
3:15 p.m. Deputies assisted Post 81 on
US 30 near Ohio 49.
3:39 p.m. Deputies responded to an
alarm on Road 33 in Benton Township. It
was unfounded.
4:02 p.m. Breaking and entering was in-
vestigated on Road 203 in Washington
7:01 p.m. A subject plowing in a drive-
way was hit along Road 87 south of Road
424 in Crane Township.
8:02 p.m. Post 81 handled a two-vehicle
accident on Ohio 111 in Paulding Town-
ship. Both Paulding EMS units were
called; one made a transport. Two fire units
from Paulding and one from Antwerp re-
9:25 p.m. Unruly juvenile complaint
came in from Road 122 in Brown Town-
Thursday, Jan. 30
9:51 a.m. Telephone harassment was re-
ported from Road 250a in Carryall Town-
9:52 a.m. A hit-skip mishap at a Payne
business was investigated.
BURKLEY TESTIFIES ON LEGISLATION Sate Representative Tony Burkley (R-Payne) offered
testimony to the Ohio House State and Local Government Committee on Jan. 28 on legislation
he recently introduced to expand the work-related expenses that may be paid by a credit card
held by a board of county commissioners or other county appointing authority. Under current
law, county credit cards can be used for purposes such as food, transportation, gasoline, tele-
phone and lodging expenses. House Bill 386 would take current technology into consideration
by allowing for the payment of webinar expenses, as well as automatic or electronic data-pro-
cessing or record-keeping equipment, software and services with the use of the credit card. Hav-
ing spent more than a decade in county government, I know firsthand how beneficial the passage
of this bill will be to our local governments, Rep. Burkley said. It has the support of several
House members who have experience in county government, as well as the support of the County
Commissioners Association of Ohio. Burkley introduced House Bill 386 in December.
Radon a problem in all
Ohio counties, says expert
By Mary Kuhlman
Ohio News Connection
COLUMBUS Its responsible for thou-
sands of deaths in the U.S. each year, but ex-
perts say many Ohioans are still unaware of
the dangers of radon gas.
Chuck McCracken, supervisor, State of
Ohio Indoor Radon Program, says radon is a
cancer-causing, radioactive gas in the ground
that you cant see, taste or smell, and it can
seep up through cracks and crevices below a
Because its naturally occurring, it kind of
falls below peoples general radar of a hazard,
because its like the sun what are you going
to do about it? But it does build up to danger-
ous levels in peoples homes, and therefore it
should be reduced, McCracken said.
Radon is easy to reduce through a simple
mitigation system that can be installed by a
professional, he said. Ohioans can test for
radon in their home by hiring a radon profes-
sional or by purchasing a do-it-yourself kit. An
estimated 21,000 people in the U.S. die of
radon-induced lung cancer annually.
A homes age, construction or location does
not matter when it comes to the presence of
radon. McCracken says its found in all 88
Ohio counties at some type of elevated level.
Its more prevalent through the center of
the state, running southwest to northeast.
Theres a band of higher-producing radon soil
in that area, he explains.
In the past several years, McCracken says,
federal and state leaders have implemented
strategies and programs to increase radon aware-
ness. He says in Ohio, theyve been targeting
outreach to Realtors, so they can encourage buy-
ers and sellers of homes to test for radon.
Weve tapped into that awareness that the
Realtors need to have, because theyre the front-
line people promoting radon [information] in
Ohio to their clients, he said.
Residents can learn more about the dangers of
radon gas and purchase a kit for their home at
For the Record
It is the policy of the Paulding County Progress to pub-
lish public records as they are reported or released by var-
ious agencies. Names appearing in For the Record are
published without exception, to preserve the fairness and
impartiality of the Progress and as a news service to our
Lions Club meets
PAULDING Members of
the Paulding Lions Club meet
the second and fourth Thurs-
days of each month, excluding
holidays, at the Paulding Eagles.
Meeting time is 7 p.m. The pub-
lic is welcome to attend.
Delivery problems?
Are you having trouble
with your mail delivery of
the Progress? Changes by
the U.S. Postal Service
may be causing delays.
Contact USPS customer
service at 1-800-ASK-
USPS (275-8777).
6A - Paulding County Progress Wednesday, February 5 , 2014
Feb. 9 Jim and Bobbie Sherry.
Feb. 12 Larry and Joyce Copsey, Dave
and Connie Gordon, Mike and Kathy Thomp-
Feb. 13 William Sonny and Lorna Jew-
Feb. 14 Dick and Nancy Burditt, William
and Margaret Clemens, Tom and Melinda
Krick, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Mielke, Mr. and
Mrs. Dave Wenninger.
(The Paulding Progress maintains
a file of birthdays and anniversaries. To
make any changes, please call our of-
fice at 419-399-4015 during business
hours, email to progress@progress -, or drop us a note to
P.O. Box 180, Paulding.)
Feb. 8 Robert Cook,
David Moore, Dick Swary,
Kathie Wobler.
Feb. 9 Joanne Andrews,
Rebecca Bailey, Rachel
Culler, Betty DeLong, Gab-
bie Guerra, Joshua Keeler,
Sharon Manson, Mary Mc-
Cullough, Zachary Mc-
Manus, Lucille Menzel, Anna
Mae Miller, Cris Ripke,
Jacque Walker.
Feb. 10 Rachelle Clark,
Deloris Cotterman, Eleanor
Fellers, Jim Genero, Dan
Price, Jarret Sitton, Blake
Feb. 11 Derrick Andrews,
Kayla Andrews, Russ
Borkosky, Karen Colley,
I have a secret. I seem to
just love everybody. That
doesnt mean I am in love
with everyone, but I am very
fortunate to have a lot of dif-
ferent loves in my life.
Do you remember your first
love? Well, I do. I was only in
kindergarten and I really liked
this one little boy. At recess,
we both ran around the play-
ground and tried to catch each
other. I do remember one day
I ran faster than he did, caught
him and planted a big kiss on
his cheek. I think he cried.
My definition of love is that
its a warm feeling based
upon knowing and accepting
someone. This relationship
often involves mutual learn-
ing, caring and growth. Also,
when you love someone you
generally want them to be
The first love we should
have of course is God which I
have always done. This is the
beginning of our love for the
The love we feel for our chil-
dren and family is probably
one of the deepest kind of
love we have. We nurture,
guide, direct and teach our
children to be responsible
I have always had a mater-
nal love. I loved taking care of
my dolls when I was young
and when I got older, all I
wanted was children and a
This maternal love, how-
ever, has stuck with me and I
find myself trying to mother
everyone. I always wonder if
everyone feels good, if they all
ate today, are they sick or can
I do anything for them.
I thought everyone likes to
be mothered but my hus-
band sure doesnt. And I found
out, since my kids are grown
and have their own spouses,
they can make their own deci-
sions without their Mama. I
am guessing I have a bad case
of the empty nest syndrome.
I also experience love for
my various families. I have
some gals I am close to and I
know they will always be
there for me if I needed them.
I call them my sistahs. I
have many of them and am
proud to say I do love them.
I have a group of musician
friends that I entertain with.
When I say, I love them, it
doesnt mean I am in love
A Penny For
Your Thoughts....
By: Nancy Whitaker
with them, but I do have a
sense of affection for each and
every one.
Then there is my work fam-
ily. These gals (and guys) have
been a part of my daily life for
a long time. You get to know
them on a personal level and
we share our thoughts and
everyday concerns with each
My work friends put up
with my silliness, maternal in-
stincts, mistakes (what mis-
takes?), my tears, laughter,
joys and sorrows. So, yes, I
love them, too.
I was brought up to love
thy neighbor as thyself and to
do unto others as you would
have them do unto you.
Sometimes this can be hard to
do, but it is a lot less stressful
to love instead of hate; hug in-
stead of hit and kiss instead of
I know sometimes when I
say or tell someone, I love
you, they probably think I am
a weirdo. But, hey maybe I
am, but I love you, too.
What is love? Do you re-
member your first love? Are
you a lover or a fighter? Let
me know and Ill give you a
Penny for Your Thoughts.
Larry Colley, Kayla Flint,
Denise Gebers, Hilary Karst,
Cyndi Lucas, Sara Matthews,
Gene Scarbrough, Michael
Feb. 12 Eleanor Brune,
Alivya Bakle, Donald L.
Crawford, Kayla Gawronski,
Shirley Ketzler, Blake King,
117 West Perry Street Paulding 419-399-5099
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Always laugh when you can, its cheap medicine.
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Alan Manz, Susan Paulus,
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Feb. 13 Hailey Early,
Arnie Fulk, Alyssa Gonzales,
David Jewel, Mandy Miller,
Rayni Rister, Nathan Turner.
Feb. 14 Bernie English,
Alice McKown, Doug Mize,
Kelly Pracht, Tom Wiswell.
Orozco has passion for helping
those affected by cancer
Jim Langham/Paulding County Progress
Jamie Orozco, staff partner for the American Cancer Society for the local area, goes over some
files pertaining to the Paulding County cancer relay as Jillene McMichael looks on.
Feature Writer
It didnt take long for Jamie Orozco to learn
the tender compassion that often overtakes
those who work with cancer victims. Orozco,
who had spent much of her life since high
school demonstrating beauty enhancers to
women at Maurices, quickly changed her pri-
orities after she had agreed to serve as a staff
partner for the American Cancer Society.
Orozcos job these days involves assisting
with cancer relays in Paulding, Putnam and
Van Wert counties and the City of Delphos.
Shortly after Orozco assumed her responsi-
bilities, a close friend of her parents was bat-
tling melanoma.
This was hard on me because he was bat-
tling melanoma. I had never seen him cry be-
fore, said Orozco. It just ripped my heart
out. They were one of the first people I called.
They said, Can you help? I gave them
numbers to call and tried to do what I could to
help them, continued Orozco. This was only
my second week with ACS. It got to me so bad
that I sobbed all the way home.
Orozco said when she was approached
about the position, there were many reasons
why she was willing to leave her job at Mau-
rices to take the cancer society position. She
had seen many cancer deaths in a short time.
Her husbands grandmother had died of the
disease as well as both of her grandparents and
many friends.
Orozco said that during the time that she
was working for Maurices, her goal in retail
had been to make people feel better about
Now I know that I can do the same thing
in an impactful way, said Orozco. I can ac-
tually help save and change lives. In retail it
had its own purpose. Now I am actually there
for the hearts of the people. I realized right
away that this could hit home to me some day.
I honestly didnt realize at first that it could
be such an emotional job, continued Orozco.
Meeting cancer survivors, talking to care-
givers, talking to current ones who are strug-
gling and seeing what they go through; it
makes me want to do all I can do for them,
said Orozco. I relate to them on a different
level. It has given me a deeper passion than
Orozco said that it has made her so passion-
ate that she wants to do all that she can to get
the message out there.
I have cried and held hands with perfect
strangers, Orozco said.
When you talk to someone who has lost a
2-year-old daughter, it really pulls at you. It
makes you want to go out to every cancer pa-
Orozcos husband, James, is an auto techni-
cian in Celina. They have four children.
Relay For Life of Paulding County will be
held on May 30-31 at the Paulding County
Fairgrounds. For more information, visit re-
Weather report weekly summary as recorded at Paulding Villages water treatment plant
Observations recorded for the 24 hours ending at 7:30 a.m. on the morning of:
24-HOUR AMOUNTS Snow/Ice on
DATE HIGH LOW Rain-Melted snow Snow-Ice the ground
Jan. 28 6 -13 -0- -0- 6
Jan. 29 4 -13 -0- -0- 6
Jan. 30 18 -13 -0- -0- 6
Jan. 31 30 7 -0- -0- 6
Feb. 1 35 26 0.04 1.0 7
Feb. 2 37 24 0.95 2.6 9
Its a short road that has no advertising
signs Anonymous. Learn how your com-
munity newspaper can help you call the
Progress today at 419-399-4015.
Wednesday, February 5 , 2014 Paulding County Progress - 7A
Bobcats, coyotes and
bears, oh my!
Mark Holtsberry
Education Specialist
Paulding SWCD
Earlier this month, the Ohio Department of
Natural Resources Division of Wildlife proposed
to the Ohio Wildlife Council removing the bobcat
from the states threatened species list. The feline
predator, which can weigh up to 40 pounds, has
slowly been returning to Ohio and other Midwest-
ern states since the 1970s.
The bobcat is just one of several larger mammal
species making fresh inroads into Ohio these days.
A male bobcat was trapped recently in Williams
County, the first confirmed sighting of a bobcat in
northwest Ohio since the animals left the state in
the 1800s. Habi t at
improvement has brought the bobcat back to
Ohio. Deforestation in the state, fully wooded in
pre-settlement times, reached its height with the
spread of agriculture in the 80 years between the
Civil War and World War II.
The trees started coming back in the 1940s as
family farming began to fade, but over the past
two to three decades, the reforestation trend ap-
pears to have come to a halt.
Presently, 31 percent of Ohio is forested accord-
ing to the ODNRs Division of Forestry, which is
unchanged from 1994.
The ODNR recorded 169 verified bobcat sight-
ings in 31 counties in 2012, the third consecutive
year with more than 100 in the state. Most of the
sightings occurred in southeastern Ohios Noble
County and its neighboring counties. There were
twice as many unconfirmed sightings. Bobcats are
very secretive animal to begin with and com-
pound that with the fact that there arent a lot of
them around and theyre nocturnal.
Wildlife officials typically confirm bobcat
sighting with infrared or hair snares. These typi-
cally consist of nails driven through carpeting into
a wooden stake with beaver castor oil, catnip and
perhaps a turkey feather attached to draw the fe-
lines interest.
Coyote numbers in Ohio also have been climb-
ing for the past few decades, even though the ca-
nine predators are not native to this state. In
pre-settlement times we had wolves here, and
wolves and coyotes dont get along.
Coyotes pretty much stayed west of the Missis-
sippi River because they like big, open areas.
When the West was cleared, that opened a niche
for them. Indeed, today Ohios largest coyote pop-
ulations are in the western half of the state.
While the gray wolf has been pushed back to
Michigans Upper Peninsula and the Adirondack
Mountain of upstate New York, the coyote popu-
lation in Paulding County has grown over the past
10 years.
Even though ODNR records show that Pauld-
ing County has a low relative distribution of coy-
ote population, I have seen a coyote at the Nature
Center Park. He went on his way and I went on
mine. Increases in the value and demand for the
coyote fur should continue to result in increased
harvest of coyotes.
Black bear sightings are steadily increasing in
the northeastern and southeastern parts of the
state. Bears are drawn to human activity that can
serve as a source of food for them, from bird feed-
ers and trash cans to greasy outdoor grills, dishes
of pet food and, of course, beehives. I have not
heard of, nor seen any stats on bear sightings in
Paulding County, but who knows?
Our annual tree sales are currently going on.
Please stop in for more information at 503 Fair-
grounds Drive in Paulding, or call 419-399-4771.
Antwerp schools reach
new contract agreement
ANTWERP - In a special board meeting the
Antwerp Board of Education met on Jan. 30 to
approve the negotiated contract between the
board and the Antwerp Education Association
We would like to announce that an agreement
has been reached on a new contract, said
Antwerp Superintendent Patricia Ross.
The previous contract expired on July 31,
2013 with negotiations starting last May for the
new three-year contract.
The teachers ratified the contract on Wednes-
day, Jan. 29 with board approval coming the next
day, said Ross.
The new three year contract will run from Au-
gust 31, 2013 through July 31, 2016.
For full time employees, they will receive a
$738.63 stipend for the 2013-14 year followed
by a two percent increase on base salary for each
of the next two years, commented Ross.
The negotiation process was a lengthy one due
to the scope of new reforms passed by the Ohio
Assembly which required substantial revisions
to the previous contract.
The teachers made concession changes con-
cerning their insurance, but all parties appreciate
the patience and understanding that has been
shown by the community, Ross concluded.
One other item on the agenda, the 2014-15
school calendar, was tabled to a later meeting.
STUDENTS DONATE BLANKETS Paulding High School FCCLA members constructed fleece
lap blankets for residents of The Gardens of Paulding facility in Paulding. They were wrapped
and delivered on Dec. 19. Here, Bridgett Moore and Michelle Young prepare the packages. Not
pictured is Jenifer Switzer.
Relentless winter brings
challenges to each individual
Feature Writer
The relentless winter of 2014
and its ability to keep revisiting
continuous Arctic outbreaks is
causing as many individual in-
conveniences as there are peo-
ple in the Paulding County area
this year.
All share in their concerns
about getting to work, securing
groceries and coping with med-
ical needs in light of fears about
drifting and closed roads. But
for people like John and Maria
Roddy of Payne, the concern is
even deeper.
The Roddys have a young
daughter, Gabby, who deals
with serious physical problems,
many concerning breakdown of
her immune system which can
open the door to serious infec-
tions at any time.
In addition, various other
organ problems often demand
immediate trips to the hospital
and transfers to other hospitals
for quick medical attention. And
that is just the beginning of the
familys concerns.
This winter has been finan-
cially harder on us due to the
below zero and freezing tem-
peratures, said John Roddy. It
has raised the gas bill more than
we realized. We have to keep
the temperature a consistent 74
in the house. We all feel a bit
Gabby has been unable to
leave the house due to the tem-
peratures. If we were to get into
an accident, the fear would be
the inability to control her tem-
perature and this could kill her,
continued Roddy. I would
never want to put the medical
personnel at extra risk for trying
to get to us so its safer to stay
For Grandma Carol Wan-
nemacher, who was taking care
of her granddaughters Adeale
and Brinna Collins, the recent
bitter cold provided an opportu-
nity to play with her grandchil-
dren and make cookies.
We made cookies and
played board games, sort of a
party day, said Wannemacher.
This seems to be the
snowiest winter I can remember
in a long time, said Paulding
resident Katie Diaz. It reminds
me of being a kid; we lived in
the country with a wood burn-
ing stove.
I can remember a few win-
ters when I was really young,
maybe a kindergartner or
younger. My parents would
hang blankets over the door-
ways to other parts of the house
and we would all sleep in the
room with the stove.
Mom would put a pot of
water on the wood burner to
keep humidity in the air, con-
tinued Diaz. I loved it; as a kid
I thought it was so neat that Dad
didnt have to go to work and
my sisters were forced to
spend time with me.
Diaz admitted that being in-
side this winter has allowed her
mind to drift in sentimental and
sometimes sad thoughts. It is the
first winter without her mother
and the 17th without her dad.
My son, who will be 15 in
two months, thinks it is awe-
some not to go to school. We
have spent our time watching
movies, playing cards and
cooking up warm, comfort
foods, added Diaz.
I will be glad to see spring
come. I am tired of shoveling
snow and receiving daily up-
dates of how things are at my
sisters house in Florida.
Many county residents, when
possible, find themselves sitting
in comfortable coffee clutches
talking about the weather and
how much it compares to the
winters of the late 70s and early
This winter does remind me
of the winters of the 1970s and
80s, said Judy Litzenberg. I
used to think I missed these
kinds of winters, but now Im
not so sure. This winter seems
particularly brutal to me; maybe
because Im older. I used to love
winter, but as Ive aged, this one
seems to be bothering me a lot
Litzenberg is thankful she
works for Lincoln Financial
Group in Fort Wayne, an em-
ployer that allows her to work
from home when the roads are
Although this winter has
been particularly brutal, weve
also been blessed with our
very first grandchild, just
three weeks ago, added
Litzenberg. She came just
two days before the last big
snow and arctic blast. That
will make this winter memo-
rable to me and we will al-
ways have stories to tell her
about the winter in which she
was born.
For Payne resident Jody
Hook, the longer winter lasts,
the longer she shares the men-
tal and emotional woes of Sea-
sonal Affective Disorder
Disease (SADD) with count-
less others in the area.
Winter is not my favorite
time of the year, said Hook. I
was diagnosed with SADD
several years ago and it is get-
ting worse every year. My
body craves sunshine and
warmth; I cant remember ever
liking winter.
Local events in February
Feb. 5 By 4 p.m., filing deadline for candidacy for partisan candidates
and for local questions and issues for May 6 Primary Election
Feb. 7 Opening ceremonies for the XXII Olympic Winter Games
in Sochi, Russia, continuing through Feb. 23
Feb. 13 Paulding County Farm Bureau annual membership kick-
off, 6:30 p.m. at Black Swamp Nature Center, Paulding
Feb. 14 Valentines Day
Feb. 15 Wine & Cheese Tasting fund-raiser at John Paulding His-
torical Society
Feb. 17 Presidents Day
Feb. 20 Sweetheart Dance & Dinner at Paulding County Senior
Center, 5 p.m. dinner, dance at 5:30. RSVP required; call 419-399-
3650 for reservations.
Feb. 20 Paulding County Pesticide Recertification 6-9 p.m. at the
OSU Extension Office. For more information or to register, phone 419-
Paulding Elementary Honor Roll
Paulding Elementary
School has announced the
honor roll for the second
nine weeks:
* Denotes all As
GRADE 3 *Carmen
Reno, Ashlyn Goings,
Shirlyn Hunter, Brayden Mc-
Neely, Kearstyn Pierce, Isaac
Reeb, Braxton Ricker, Corbin
Wannemacher, *Miranda Iler,
*Carlea Kuckuck, *Jacob
Martinez, Nicholas Huck-
abaa, Emily Mazariegos,
Dakota Ousley, Charity
Schnepp, Seth Wilkes,
Chantz Verfaillie, *Katie
Beckman, *Hannah Leaman,
*Carter Manz, Karlie Gam-
ble, Haley Manz, Makayla
Suffel, Jillian Treece, Larkin
Yates, Damian Wood, *Ash-
ton Manz, *Olivia Porter,
Ethan Barton, Ethan Foltz,
Alex Hobart, Nash Saylor,
Kadin Schwietzer, Sydney
GRADE 4 *Zachary
Gorrell, Samuel Adams, Alivya
Bakle, Kyle Dominique, Austen
Joseph, Jaylyn McCloud,
Kennedy Salinas, Olivia
Sprouse, Jackson Sutton,
*Wyatt Beckman, *Taelyn Et-
zler, *Brody Fisher, *Paige
Jones, Gabriella Casper, Ethan
Herman, Kellsey Kupfersmith,
Brian Manz, Lily Roehrig, Hai-
ley Stallard, Zoraya Valle,
*Brooke-Lyn Ankney, *Eve
Shultz, Christian Bauer, Jazmin
Fauver, Hunter Foster, Dominic
Gallardo, Ember Helms-
Keezer, Jeffrey Huckabaa, Kyle
Kelly, Kyle Mobley, Hailey
Nolan, Janae Pease, Karli
Phlipot, Mera Stuchell, Alex
Tressler, *Lydia Brewer, *Ella
Cook, *Logan Tope, Kaden
Bassler, Jayden Daniels, Orion
Elick, Brian Hemenway, Reid
Johanns, Dylan Kuckuck, Bri-
anna Minck, Austin Pessefall,
Caleb Thompson
GRADE 5 *Molly Adams,
*Kaeli Bustos, *Hannah Ladd,
*Baylee March, *Deyton
Price, Payton Beckman,
Colton Couts, Kirslynn Cam-
posano, Devin Elkins, Is-
abelle Lantz, Faith Rose,
Isaac Smalley, Selena Yates,
Kaylyn Cox, *Megan Harpel,
*Caleb Manz, *Quincy
Porter, *Gabbie Stallbaum,
Olivia Clark, Donnique
Dickey, Adelae Foltz, Quintin
Gonzales, Kyle Harris, Nolan
Johanns, Trace McKinley,
Jaron Pogue, Sydney Rei-
neck, *Jonathon Clapsaddle,
*Adrian Manz, *Blake Mc-
Garvey, *Gabe Sutton,
William Craig, Fernando
Garcia, Hunter Kauser, Elyse
Manz, Lynelle Schneider, Re-
becca Starner, *Luke McCul-
lough, *Gillian Porter, Leigha
Egnor, Morgan Iler, Maggie
Manz, Keller Morris, Jasmine
Retired teachers coffee
changed to Feb. 17
PAULDING The date of the Paulding
County Retired Teachers Association coffee has
been changed to Monday, Feb. 17. The event
was originally scheduled for Monday, Feb. 10.
The coffee will be held from 9-11 a.m. at the
Black Swamp Nature Center on Fairground
Drive in Paulding.
There will be no business meeting, but mem-
bers may bring donations for local food pantries
and for the scholarship fund. All retired teachers
are invited to attend. All other retired school em-
ployees are also invited to join the group for cof-
fee and conversation.
8A - Paulding County Progress Wednesday, February 5 , 2014
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at 419-399-4015. This
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The Church Directory Is Proudly Sponsored By The Following Businesses:
Paulding County Church Directory
Paulding United Methodist Church, 321 North Williams Street,
Paulding, church telephone number is 399-3591, Rev. Ben Lowell,
Worship service at 9:45 a.m.; Sunday School, 11:15 a.m.; Wed. worship
at 6 pm. Church office is located at 308 N. Main St.
Pentecostal Church of God, 601 W. Caroline St., Paulding, Elder
George Robinson, Sunday school at 10 a.m., worship service at noon,
prayer services Monday at 6 p.m. and Thursday at noon, Bible study
at 6 p.m. Tuesday.
Pioneer Christian Ministries, County Road 108 and Ohio 637, Paulding,
Rev. Chuck Oliver, Sunday school at 9:30 a.m., Sunday worship at 10:30
a.m., and Wednesday evening at 7 p.m. including a youth service on at
least three Wednesday evenings.
Rose Hill Church of God, corner of SR 637 and Charloe Trail, Paulding,
399-3113, Pastor Ron Hofacker, Sunday school at 9:30 a.m., Sunday wor-
ship at 10:30 a.m., Wednesday service from 7-8 p.m. with childrens hour.
St. John Lutheran ChurchELCA, 7611 Road 87, Briceton, Pastor
Karen Stetins, church telephone number is 419-399-4962 or 419-399-
2320. Sunday worship at 8:30 a.m., Sunday school at 9:30 a.m.
St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church, 601 Flat Rock Drive (P.O. Box
156), Paulding, Pastor Karen Stetins, church telephone number is 399-
2320, Sunday Worship at 10:30 a.m., Sunday school at 9:15 a.m.
Divine Mercy Catholic Parish, 203 W. Townline, Payne, 399-2576, Pas-
tor Very Rev. G. Allan Fillman, Masses: Saturday at 4 p.m.
Edgerton Wesleyan Church, 1717 Bertha St., Woodburn, (Edgerton)
Ind. 46797, Pastor Dave Dignal, church telephone number is 260-632-
4008, Sunday school at 9 a.m., childrens church at 10 a.m., worship at
10 a.m., home groups at 6 p.m., Wednesday evening services at 6:30
Living Water Ministries, Contemporary worship service Sunday nights
at 10 a.m. & 6:30 p.m., The Well church for kids, Sunday mornings from
10-11:30 a.m. The church is currently in the process of relocating. For lo-
cation information, contact Pastor Rich Phelan, 419-263-2728.
Payne Church of Christ, 220 West Merrin Street, Payne, Pastor Mikeal
George. Sunday worship at 9:30 am. 419-263-2092; 419-574-2150 (cell).
Payne Church of the Nazarene, 509 E. Orchard St. (Ohio 500) Payne,
Pastor Mike Harper, 263-2422, Sunday school at 9:30 a.m., Sunday wor-
ship at 10:30 a.m. Sunday night service at 6:30 p.m., Wednesday prayer
meeting at 7:30 p.m.
St. Jacob United Church of Christ, southwest corner of Oak and
Hyman streets, Payne, Rev. Jim Langham, 263-2763. Sunday School 9
a.m, Church service-10 a.m.
St. James Lutheran Church NALC, West Townline Street (P.O. Box
42), Payne, 263-2129, Pastor Fred Meuter, 260-492-2581. Sunday School
at 9 a.m., Sunday worship at 10 a.m.
St. Paul United Methodist Church, (P.O. Box 154) 312 South Main
Street, Payne, Rev. David Rohrer, church telephone number is 263-2418,
parsonage telephone number is 263-2017, Sunday school at 9 a.m., Sun-
day worship at 8 a.m. and 10 a.m.
Editors Note: If your church doesnt have service times listed, please
contact the Paulding County Progress office to notify of Sunday service
worship at 6 p.m., Wednesday Bible study at 7 p.m.
Bethel United Methodist, Forders Bridge, Cecil, Pastor Kevin Doseck
(419) 899-4153, worship service at 10:30 a.m., Sunday school at 9:30 a.m.
Bethlehem Temple Pentecostal, 818 West Jackson Street, Paulding,
399-3770, Rev. Burpo, Sunday school at 10 a.m., Sunday worship at 12
Calvary Bible Church, Ohio 111 West across from Paulding County
Hospital, 399-4919, elders John Mohr, 260-632-4356, Bob Fessel 419-399-
3398, Brad Sisson 419-263-3108, Don Baer 419-399-5805. Sunday school
at 9 a.m., morning worship at 10:15 a.m., Bible Study at 7 p.m. Wed.
Cecil Community Church, 203 S. Main St., Cecil. Pastor Ted Ramey.
Sun. school 10:00 am, Worship service 11 am, Sun. eve. 6 pm, Wed.
eve. 6 pm.
Cecil First Presbyterian Church, Main Street, Cecil, Sunday worship
at 8 a.m., Sunday school at 9 a.m.
Christian Fellowship Church, Paulding High School Auditeria, 10
a.m. Sunday. Pastor Greg Cramer.
Divine Mercy Catholic Parish, 417 N. Main, Paulding, 399-2576,
Pastor Very Rev. G. Allan Fillman, Masses: Saturday at 6 p.m.; Sunday
at 10:30 a.m.
Emmanuel Baptist Church, 1275 Emerald Road, Paulding, 419-399-
5061, Sunday School at 9:30 a.m., worship services at 10:45 a.m. and
6 p.m. Sunday and 6:30 p.m. Wednesday. Pastor Drew Gardner.
First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), 1233 Emerald Road,
Paulding, 419-399-4576, Sunday school 9 a.m., Worship service 10
a.m. Interim pastor is Rev. Dr. Paul Biery.
First Presbyterian Church, 114 West Caroline Street, Paulding, 399-
2438, Rev. David Meriwether, 9:00am Sunday school (youth and adult),
10:15 a.m. praise singing, 10:30 a.m. Sunday worship. Communion
1st Sunday each month.
House of Love Ministries, 220 N. Williams St., Paulding. Pastor
Predest (Dwayne) Richardson or Sister Brenda Richardson, 419-399-
9205 or 419-796-8718, Sunday worship at 3 p.m. Jail Ministry, Food
Ministry, Outreach Ministry. Overcomer Outreach - a Christian 12-steap
meeting, Sundays at 5 p.m.
New Beginnings Church (Church of God), Cecil, Pastor Roy Burk,
399-5041, Sunday worship at 11 a.m.
Paulding Church of Christ, East Perry Street, Paulding, Minister
Christopher Reno, 419-399-4761. Bible school at 9:30 a.m., Sunday
worship at 10:30 a.m.
Paulding Church of the Nazarene, 210 Dooley Dr., Paulding, 399-
3932, Pastor Jeremy Thompson, Sunday school at 9:15 a.m., Sunday
worship at 10:30 a.m., Sunday evening at 6 p.m.: Kids Summer Jam
(ages 4-4th grade), Preteen class (5th-6th grade), Teen group (7th-
12th grade), and adult service. Wednesday at 7 p.m.: Teen group (7th-
12th grade), adult bible study and prayer. Nursery available for all
Paulding Family Worship Center, 501 West Perry Street, Paulding,
399-3525, Rev. Monte Moore, Sunday worship at 10:30 a.m.
Pastor Jonathan L. Hoagland, 587-3376, Sunday school at 9:30 a.m.,
Morning worship at 10:30 a.m., Sunday evening gospel hour at 6 p.m.,
Wednesday evening service at 7 p.m.
Grover Hill Zion United Methodist Church, corner of First and Harrison,
587-3941; Pastor Mike Waldron, 419-238-1493 or 419-233-2241 (cell).
Sunday school at 9:30 a.m., Sunday worship at 10:20 a.m., nursery avail-
able during all services.
Mandale Church of Christ in Christian Union, Ohio 66, Pastor Justin
Sterrett, 419-786-9878, Sunday school at 9:30 a.m., Sunday worship at
10:30 a.m. and 6 p.m., Wednesday prayer meeting at 7 p.m.
Middle Creek United Methodist Church, County Road 24, Grover Hill,
Pastor William Sherry, Sunday worship at 9 a.m., Sunday school at 10:15
a.m., Sunday evening Bible study at 6 p.m.
Mt. Zion United Methodist Church, Grover Hill, County Road 151, Sun-
day school at 9:30 a.m., Pastor David Prior, Sunday worship at 10:30 a.m.,
Wednesday evening prayer meeting at 7:30 p.m.
Roselms Christian Church, Ohio 114, Pastor Gary Church, 594-2445,
Sunday school at 9:30 a.m., Sunday worship at 10:30 a.m.
Apostolic Christian Church, 12867 Road 82, Haviland, 399-5220, wor-
ship service at 10:30 a.m.
Country Chapel United Methodist Church, Haviland, 419-622-5746,
Sunday school at 9:30 a.m., Sunday worship at 10:15 a.m.
Latty Zion Baptist Church, Latty, Pastor Levi Collins Jr., 399-2748, Sun-
day school at 10 a.m., worship service at 11:15 a.m.
Harvest Field Pentecostal Church of God, 13625 Road 12, Scott, Pastor
Terry Martin, 419-622-2026, Sunday school at 9:30 a.m., Sunday morning
worship at 10:30 a.m., Sunday Evening worship at 6 pm, Wednesday
evening worship at 7:00 pm, Wednesday Youth Group at 7 pm.
Friends United Methodist Church, Latty, Pastor Ron Johnson. Sunday
worship at 9 a.m., Wednesday Bible Study at 7 p.m.
Auglaize Chapel Church of God, rural Oakwood, 3 miles south and half
mile west on County Road 60, Pastor Stan Harmon, 594-2248, Sunday
worship at 9:00 a.m. Sunday school at 10:30 a.m., Wednesday services
for children, youth and adults at 7:00 p.m.
Melrose United Methodist Church, Melrose, 594-2076, Pastor Eileen
Kochensparger 399-5818; Sunday school 9:30 a.m., Sunday worship at
10:30 a.m., Wednesday Bible study and prayer at 7 p.m.
Twin Oaks United Methodist Church, corner of Harmon and Second
streets, Oakwood, Pastor Eric Dailey. 419-594-2992. Sunday worship at
9:30 a.m., Sunday school at 10:45 a.m., Bible Study Wednesdays at 10
Prairie Chapel Bible Church, one mile east and a half-mile north of Oak-
wood on the corner of Roads 104 and 209, Pastor Earl Chapman, 594-
2057, Sunday school at 9:30 a.m., Sunday worship at 10:30 a.m., evening
Antwerp Community Church, 704 S. Erie St., SR 49, Antwerp; Pastor
Ricky L. Grimes 419-258-2069. Bible Study Fellowship 9:30 am; Contem-
porary Worship 10:30 am, Wednesday Discipleship Study, 7:00 pm
Antwerp United Methodist Church, East River Street, Rev. Pastor Mike
Schneider, church telephone number is 258-4901, Comtemporaty service
Sunday 8:30a.m., Sunday school 9:30a.m., Traditional Service 10:30a.m.
Divine Mercy Catholic Parish, 303 S. Monroe, Antwerp. Office: 417 N.
Main, Paulding, 399-2576, Pastor Very Rev. G. Allan Fillman, Masses: Sun-
day at 8:30am.
First Baptist Church, 5482 CR 424, Pastor Todd Murray, 258-2056,
Sunday school at 9 a.m., Sunday worship 10 a.m.; evening service 6 p.m.,
Wednesday Bible Study 6:30 p.m.
First Presbyterian Church, 126 W. River St., Pastor Mike Pennington,
258-2864, Sunday school at 11:15 a.m., Sunday worship at 10:00 a.m.
Kingdom Hall of Jehovahs Witnesses, 2937 US 24, 258-2290. Public
talk 10 a.m. Sunday, Congregation Bible Study, Theocratic Ministry School
& Service Meeting, Theocratic school 7:30 p.m. Thursday.
Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church, Pastor Robert Becker. Sunday school at
9 a.m., Sunday worship at 10 a.m.
Riverside Christian Church, 15413 St. Rt. 49, (corner Ohio 49 and
Road 192), Antwerp. 258-3895, Pastor Regan Clem.
Apostolic Christian Church, 13562 Road 147, Defiance (Junction), 399-
3121, William Schlatter, Elder, Sunday services at 10:15 a.m. and 12:30
p.m., Sunday school at 1 p.m., Wednesday services at 8 p.m.
Bethel Christian Church, Ohio 66, Defiance (Arthur), Pastor Christopher
Baker, Sunday worship at 10:30 a.m.
Church of Christ, corner of County Roads 166 and 191, Evangelist Lon-
nie Lambert, 399-5022, Sunday worship at 10:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m., Bible
study at 9:30 a.m. Sunday.
Junction Bible Christian Church, County Road 111, Defiance (Junction),
393-2671 or, Rev. C. Joseph Fifer, Sunday
school at 9:30 a.m., Sunday worship follows at 10:30 a.m & Bible Study on
Wed. at 7pm.
Pleasantview Missionary Baptist Church, County Road 180, Defiance
(Junction), Rev. Alan Ray Newsome, Sunday worship at 11 a.m., evening
service at 6 p.m.; Wednesday evening services at 7 p.m.
Rock Church, SR 637, Five Span-Arthur area, Pastor Bobby Branham
393-2924, Sunday school at 10 a.m., Sunday worship at 10:45 a.m., Sun-
day evening worship at 7 p.m., Wednesday evening worship at 7 p.m.,
Youth Service Wednesday at 7 p.m.
Bible Baptist Church, corner of Cleveland and Perry streets, Grover
Hill, Pastor Pat Holt, 587-4021, Sunday school at 10 a.m., Sunday worship
at 11 a.m., Sunday evening worship at 6 p.m.; Wednesday prayer meeting
at 7 p.m.
Grover Hill Church of the Nazarene, Maple and East Jackson streets,
C &Y Oil
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I would like to take the opportunity to thank all
of Gods people who have sown seeds into this
ministry & we ask the Lord that your return
harvest will be 100 fold. We thank you for allowing
God to use you. Keep us lifed up in your prayers & we
will do the same for you.
Our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ allowed us to witness His healing mercy.
On Jan. 5, 2014, in a church full of people, He allowed Sierra Zimer to
walk from her wheelchair, which she has been bound to her whole life.
We are alive and kicking!
43 baptisms in 2013
1 baptism in 2014
To God be the Glory!
By His stripes we are healed!
Winning the Battle for a Generation
By Rick Jones
exec. director, Defiance
Area Youth for Christ
What kind of shepherd would do things that
make sheep afraid?
More than likely, one of the most treasured
readings in all of scripture is Psalm 23, which be-
gins with The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not
want Some have interpreted I shall not want
as referring to the affection of the sheep to their
shepherd, literally reading, I shall not want any
other shepherd.
But what kind of shepherd subjects sheep to
things that would make them afraid? Preaching- gives an example of what British shep-
herds do in the care of their sheep
British shepherds often take sheep and rams,
one by one, and throw them into a dipping trough,
a huge vat filled with an antiseptic liquid. The
shepherd must completely submerge each animal,
holding its ears, eyes, and nose under the surface.
It is of course horribly frightening for the sheep.
And if any of the sheep try to climb out of the
trough too soon, the sheepdogs bark and snap and
force them back in.
But as terrifying an experience as it is for the
sheep, without the periodic treatment, they would
become the victims of parasites and disease. It is
for their good.
One Christian writer witnessing this process
couldnt help but remember that Jesus is called
our Good Shepherd and we are his sheep. She
wrote: Ive had some experiences in my life
which have made me feel very sympathetic to
those poor rams. I couldnt figure out any reason
for the treatment I was getting from the Shepherd
I trusted. And he didnt give me a hint of expla-
As I watched the struggling sheep I thought,
If only there were some way to explain!
But such knowledge is too wonderful for
them, it is high, they cannot attain unto it. (Ps
But what kind of shepherd subjects sheep to
things that would make them afraid?
A Good Shepherd is committed to his sheep
even though he often does things to us that
frighten us and that we cannot understand at the
For more information about the work of Youth
for Christ, you may contact Youth for Christ at
419-782-0656, P.O. Box 111, 210 Clinton Street,
Defiance, Ohio 43512, or email to: defyfc@em-
QUESTION: Is there any-
thing wrong with seeking
support from my Facebook
friends when I need to
vent about my marriage?
Sometimes I get frustrated
and upset with my spouse,
and feel like I need to ex-
press my feelings to some-
one who cares and
JIM: Everyone needs to
vent once in a while, and
theres a place for it in any re-
lationship. But that place isnt
Facebook. If you air your
dirty laundry in an open
forum, youll only hurt your
marriage and destroy trust be-
tween you and your spouse.
Because venting is in-
tensely personal, it should be
done only with someone you
trust, who understands your
situation, and who has a per-
sonal interest in the emotions
youre experiencing.
The purpose is to get your
feelings out in the open so
that you can take a second
look at them, view them more
impersonally and evaluate
them. This is an important
part of the process of commu-
nicating with loved ones, set-
ting and readjusting goals,
and making necessary
changes. But it should only
be done in a private setting
with a trusted confidant.
If you need to vent, take it
offline. If the two of you find
it difficult to communicate,
locate a trained marriage
counselor who can help you
work through your issues. If
you need to let someone else
know whats going on, open
your heart to a spiritual men-
tor, a parent, a sibling, a pas-
tor or a close friend.
Dont make yourself vul-
nerable with anyone but a
person you know you can
trust. As for your Facebook
friends, you can let them
know that you need prayer
without discussing any de-
tails. Thats as much informa-
tion as they need.
QUESTION: Im a single
mom of a teenage son whos
never been given any re-
sponsibility. Hes spoiled,
and its my fault. I wanted
to make things easier for
him because he didnt have
a dad, but I realize now that
its only made him self-cen-
tered and ill-equipped for
adult life. Is it too late to
turn this around?
vice president, Family Min-
istries: Its never too late to
require age-appropriate re-
sponsibility from a child. And
with a humble approach and
firm resolve, you could start
seeing some immediate
Begin by having an honest
conversation with him. Let
him know that youve been
misguided in your efforts to
show compassion toward
him, and that youre sorry
you havent given him the op-
portunities hes needed to
grow as a man.
Sincerely apologize, ask
forgiveness, and then ask him
to join you in making some
positive changes that will
benefit both of you.
How the discussion moves
from there will depend on his
response. Your goal is for him
to have buy-in and avoid a
power-struggle. He may be
cooperative and agreeable,
but regardless, he should un-
derstand that his participation
isnt voluntary.
Discuss whats involved in
running a home. Because
everythings been taken care
of for him, he probably has
no clue what all needs to be
done. Once youve painted
that picture, invite him to sug-
gest what responsibilities
hed like to take on. Again,
dont ask him if he could
help around the house. Make
a list of chores that need to
get done and let him pick.
At first, you may need to
work with him to provide in-
struction and show him what
results are acceptable. Its
also critical that you deter-
mine and clearly communi-
cate what the consequences
will be if chores dont get
done. Accountability and
consistency will be the keys
to your success.
JOB SHADOWING PROGRAM Ashlyn Laney (left) and Andrea Singer, both seniors at Paulding
High School, recently job shadowed at Paulding County Hospital. Job shadowing is a vital com-
ponent in deciding upon a healthcare career and is considered when assessing application for
scholarships. The Paulding County Hospital Foundation awarded $6,500 in scholarships last year
and is now taking applications for 2014. Paulding County Seniors pursuing a healthcare career
can get applications from your high school guidance counselor. For more information call Sue
Beck (center) at 419-399-3806. Scholarship applications must be submitted by Feb. 14.
to be awarded
Wert Nurses Association will
be awarding three nursing
scholarships in May. Appli-
cants must be working to-
ward either their first degree
in nursing or an advanced de-
gree in nursing and have al-
ready been accepted into an
accredited school of nursing.
Applications may be ob-
tained by writing to the Asso-
ciation at P.O. Box 921, Van
Wert, Oh 45891 or via e-mail
request to
Applications must be com-
pleted in full and returned no
later than April 1. Scholar-
ships will be awarded at the
May 12 meeting.
Wednesday, February 5 , 2014 Paulding County Progress - 9A
To see more newsphotos
from our photographers go to
You can order prints and photo gifts
of your favorite photos there too.

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Vanilla Cupcake
Joy Ellerbrock, OD
formerly of Paulding Eyecare Clinic
is now seeing patients at
102 W. Ash Street, Continental, OH 45831
STUDENT COUNCIL SUPPORTS FOOD PANTRY In January, the Payne Elementary Student Council presented a check for
$700 to Ellen Henriott, director of the Payne St. Paul UMC Food Pantry. The funds came from excess revenue collected during the
December Penny Pitch collection.
PRESCHOOL STORYTIME The Paulding County Carnegie Library in Paulding offers a preschool storytime every first and
third Tuesday at 1 p.m. Dont miss a moment of these preschool storytimes. Kooky Kirk (above) always dresses for the occasion.
Children are exposed to wonderful books, fun crafts and a yummy snack. Call the Childrens Room at 419-399-2032 for more in-
Antwerp High School science teacher Rose Reinhart (stand-
ing) recently presented at the Ohio Educational Technology Con-
ference in Columbus. Reinhart was part of a panel that shared
successful stories of technology integration in the classroom.
She specifically discussed her flipped physics classroom.
Forum planned in Perrysburg
PERRYSBURG Ohio is powered by manufacturing. Ohio
manufacturing is responsible for almost 17 percent of the states
gross domestic product and contributes to the quality of life by pro-
viding more than 600,000 jobs for Ohio workers. The manufactur-
ing sector ranks fifth in the nation following California, Texas,
Illinois, and North Carolina.
The Northwest Ohio Manufacturing Forum, to be held from 8:30
a.m.-1:30 p.m. Friday, Feb. 7 at the Holiday Inn French Quarter,
Perrysburg, is designed to provide information and resources avail-
able to companies for continued growth.
Manufacturers, service providers, economic development pro-
fessionals and educators are encouraged to attend.
The Northwest Ohio MEP is partnering with Ohio Manufactur-
ers Association and Northwest Ohio Regional Economic Devel-
opment (NORED) to host the event.
Lunch and networking is included in the $30 registration fee. To
register and pay online, visit
Bank announces 4Q dividends
SHERWOOD The Board of Directors of Sherwood Banc Cor-
poration, parent company of The Sherwood State Bank in Sher-
wood has announced a dividend of $.30 per share for shareholders
on record as of Jan. 14.
The earnings per share for fourth quarter 2013 was 41 cents per
share, an increase from the 35 cents earnings per share for fourth
quarter 2012.
For more information on The Sherwood State Bank, please visit
Paulding Village Council
is back at full strength
PAULDING Paulding Village Council-
man Randy Daeger offered kudos to all the
good men and women who have been braving
the intense elements to keep streets and side-
walks clear, deliver the mail, fix water line
breaks and all the other good work being done
outside, despite the weather conditions.
Council started its second meeting of the
year with new Councilman Tim Boss joining
them as they met Monday, Feb. 3.
Council unanimously approved the admin-
istrators agenda, which authorizes village ad-
ministrator Harry Wiebe to sign new water
plant project Change Order No. Nine in the
amount of $4,657 to provide and install access
control on two doors that were left off the
original plan and abate the asbestos caulking
on the existing clear well to be demolished.
A safety committee meeting was held on
Jan. 30 to discuss the solid waste contract,
which will be up for bid this year. Village so-
licitor Mike Jones will be writing some revi-
sions for the new contract.
The safety committee requested Financial
Officer Melissa Tope advertise for bids from
contractors for a new contract. The bids will
be opened at noon Wednesday, March 5. On
March 17, Jones will review documents and
make recommendations to council. Council is
expected to vote to accept a contract at the
March 17 or April 7 council meeting. Services
of the contract will begin on May 1.
Mayor White announced that the Mayors
Court collected $1,440.50 for the month of
Council voted unanimously to declare an
emergency and suspend the rules, then voted
unanimously to pass Ordinance 1469-14 ap-
proving, adopting and enacting American
Legal Publishings Ohio Basic Code, 2014
Edition, as the code of ordinances for the vil-
The following committee meetings were
Utility committee Tuesday, Feb. 11 at
5:30 p.m.
Building and grounds committee Tues-
day, Feb. 11 at 6:30 p.m.
The next scheduled council meeting will be
held at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 18, one day
later than normal due to Feb. 17 being Presi-
dents Day.
PAYNE State Represen -
tative Tony Burkley has filed
petitions to run for re-election
in the May primary.
Burkley is currently in his
first two-year term as state rep-
resentative in the 82nd District,
which includes the counties of
Defiance, Paul ding, Van Wert,
and part of Auglaize.
Burkley previously served
as Paulding County commis-
sioner for 16 years.
He currently serves on the
Agriculture and Natural Re-
sources, State and Local Gov-
ernment, and Economic
Development and Regulatory
Reform Committees.
Burkley resides at rural
Payne with his wife, Nancy.
Burkley seeking re-election
Free access
Are you a subscriber to the
Paulding County Progress?
Then access to the Progress
e-Edition and all web site ar-
ticles is included free. Call
419-399-4015 or email sub-
scription@progressnewspa- to get your username
and password. Find out what
youre missing!
Get emergency
alerts with Nixle
How can you stay informed
of hazardous weather? The
Paulding County Emergency
Management Agency can
issue alerts through NIXLE.
EMA can send notices to
your phone and/or email of
severe weather and other
events such as emergency
road closing, missing per-
sons, and similar situations.
Just go to
and register your device(s).
Or, simply text the word YES
to 888777 and respond to the
reply message asking for your
ZIP code.
of the
Girls basketball
Paulding hosts Miller
City ....ppd. to Feb. 10
Delphos Jefferson .56
Wayne Trace...........45
Wayne Trace...........67
Miller City ..............41
Boys basketball
Wayne Trace...........71
Delphos Jeff. .........40
Wayne Trace......67 OT
Montpelier .............47
Wayne Trace...........63
Kalida ...................57
At Fairview:
Wayne Trace.........148
Edgerton .............132
At Allen East:
Delphos Jeff. .......279
Spencerville ........265
Col. Grove............248
Allen East............157
Bluffton .................92
Girls Basketball: Antwerp hosts
Wayne Trace; Paulding hosts
Lima Perry
Wrestling: Wayne Trace hosts
Antwerp and Paulding for county
Boys Basketball: Wayne Trace
hosts Antwerp
Girls Basketball: Antwerp at
Boys Basketball: Antwerp at
Edon; Paulding hosts Ottoville;
Wayne Trace at Crestview
Wrestling: Paulding at Rossford
Boys Basketball tournament
Girls Basketball: Paulding hosts
Miller City; Wayne Trace hosts
Crestview (SN)
Boys Basketball: Antwerp hosts
Girls Basketball: Antwerp at Hill-
top; Paulding at Defiance; Wayne
Trace at Lima Shawnee
Boys Basketball: Paulding at
Crestview; Wayne Trace at Lincol-
10A - Paulding County Progress Wednesday, February 5, 2014
Raider boys get key
road win in GMC race
DEFIANCE A midseason
Green Meadows Conference
matchup with a lot on the line
took place at Tinora High
School as Wayne Trace made
the trip to Defiance County.
After the two teams battled
for 32 minutes and werent
able to decide it, the Raiders
outscored the host Rams 11-8
in the extra session to post a big
67-64 victory Friday night.
While the win allowed the
Raiders to remain unbeaten in
GMC play, Wayne Trace head
coach Jim Linder knows there
is still a lot to be determined
over the final two weeks of the
league season.
This is a big win for us over
a very good basketball team,
commented the Raider mentor.
But we know that we still
have some quality opponents
coming up in our league and
we have to be ready every
Tied at 56-56 entering the
extra session, a Jake Arend
basket followed by an Ethan
Linder trey quickly put the
Raiders on top, 61-56. Single
free throws from Corbin Lin-
der and David Sinn widened
the margin to 63-56 but the
Rams would rally.
Derek Drewes then scored
six straight Ram points to get
the green and white within 67-
62 at the 30 second mark but
Tinora wasnt done.
Following two missed
Raider free throws, Reid
Renollet added a basket to
bring Tinora within 67-64 at
the 21 second mark.
The green and white would
get another chance but E.J.
Kessels 3-pointer in the final
10 seconds was off the mark
and Renollet missed a trey at-
tempt at the buzzer, sealing the
Raider win.
I am so proud of the players
and the efforts tonight, contin-
ued the Wayne Trace head
coach. This was two good
basketball teams going head-
to-head and both teams left it
all on the floor.
David Sinn led the way for
Wayne Trace with 17 points
while Corbin Linder chipped in
15 markers. Ethan Linder also
aided the Raider cause with 14
points. Colby Speice chipped
in eight markers but also
added four rebounds, three
assists and six steals.
On Saturday night, sopho-
more Luke Miller scored 13
points off the bench and
sparked Wayne Trace to a 63-
57 win over Kalida at the
Miller connected on three
treys early in the second quar-
ter, helping to turn a 13-9 first
quarter deficit into a 20-15
Raider lead midway in the pe-
riod. Wayne Trace also got a
key basket from sophomore
Cole Shepherd to go along
with buckets from Devin Wen-
zlick and Ethan Linder in post-
ing a 29-27 halftime
Wayne Trace then opened
the third quarter with baskets
by Wenzlick and Ethan Linder
before a Corbin Linder trey
made it 36-27.
Kalida did trim the deficit to
46-42 on a Devin Kortokrax
bucket before two Corbin Lin-
der buckets and a Wenzlick
basket pushed the Raider lead
to 52-42 entering the final pe-
The Wildcats scored 11 of
the first 15 points in the fourth
quarter to get within 56-53
after two Kortokrax foul shots
but the Raiders would hold on
from there.
Miller scored four straight
points, including two key free
throws, and Ethan Linder
Jim Bowers/Paulding County Progress
Corbin Linder #30 gets good inside position for this second
half trip to the hoop last Saturday night against Kalida.
Jim Bowers/Paulding County Progress
Pauldings Guy Harder #40 takes ad vantage of a defensive
mismatch for a 2-pointer in the second half against Delphos Jef-
ferson Friday night.
Jim Bowers/Paulding County Progress
The Panthers Treston Gonzales #24 cuts along the baseline
for a score against Delphos Jefferson on Friday night in NWC
Jim Bowers/Paulding County Progress
Wayne Traces Luke Miller #10 came in off the bench to toss in
some valuable three pointers for the Raiders against Kalida Satur-
day night.
Jim Bowers/Paulding County Progress
Jake Arend #25 pulls up for a second half deuce against Kalida
Saturday night.
added a pair of foul shots to
seal the Wayne Trace win.
Corbin Linder scored 17
points to top Wayne Trace with
Ethan Linder adding 11. Colby
Speice dished out four assists
and recorded three steals for
the Raiders. Wenzlick, David
Sinn, Corbin Linder and Ethan
Linder all had four rebounds
for the red, white and blue.
In a rare Wednesday night
contest, the Raiders cruised to
a 71-43 win over Continental.
All 13 Raiders who played
scored, led by Corbin Linder
with 15 points. Ethan Linder
and Colby Speice chipped in
eight markers each followed by
Cole Shepherd (seven), Devin
Wenzlick (seven), T.J. Black-
more (six), Luke Miller (five),
Justin Speice (three), Gabe
Wobler (three), Jake Arend
(three), Nick Glass (two), Alec
Vest (two) and David Sinn
Wayne Trace returns to ac-
tion on Friday as the Raiders
host Paulding County rival
Antwerp in Green Meadows
Conference play. The Raiders
then make the trip to rival
Crestview on Saturday night
before visiting Lincolnview on
Panthers pull out NWC win over Jefferson
ing Panthers broke a 40-40
deadlock with 53 seconds re-
maining in the game at home
on Friday night to pull out a
43-40 Northwest Conference
win over Delphos Jefferson.
The victory elevated the
local squad to 3-2 in confer-
ence play and improved its
record to 11-4 overall.
In spite of the win, Pauld-
ing head coach Shawn
Brewer was less than satisfied
with his teams performance
during the contest.
I was a little disappointed
in our effort, said Brewer.
We just didnt play with the
intensity we had been playing
lately. It wasnt a very good
effort. We did what we had to
do to win the ballgame. We
hit enough free throws down
the stretch to win.
With 53 seconds remaining
in the contest, Pauldings Guy
Harder muscled in a 2-pointer
from underneath in what
turned out to be the game-
winning basket. A final free
throw by Treston Gonzales
with seconds left assured the
victory to Paulding.
The Wildcats jumped out to
a 4-0 lead on baskets by
Smith and Thompson. But
Paulding roared back with the
next nine points, including a
quarter-ending trey by Kyle
Kauser to grab a 9-4 advan-
tage at the end of the first
In the second stanza, Jef-
ferson sophomore Trey Smith
tallied 12 points, including a
trey, as the Wildcats fought
back to within four points,
25-21, at the halfway mark.
The Wildcats then edged
back into a 36-36 tie at the
end of three quarters before
the local squad finally pulled
out the win.
One thing that saved Pauld-
ing at the end of the game
was the fact that Delphos
hadnt fouled Paulding
enough in the second half to
cash in on free throws to keep
the ball away from the Pan-
thers at the end of the game.
Jefferson head coach Marc
Smith had nothing but praise
for the Paulding offensive ef-
fort and potential.
We were in a zone a lot of
the time because we were
concerned about their paint
pressure, said Smith. We
knew that Quentin Vance and
Gerod and Guy Harder and
Treston Gonzales were capa-
ble of making shots. We were
going to guard Kauser on the
Im very proud of our
kids, said Smith. Paulding
is probably the most physi-
cally and mentally tough
team that we play all year. I
felt coming into the game that
we had to match and exceed
that. I thought that we did
Kauser led Paulding in
scoring with 13 points while
Gonzales finished the game
with 11 points. Smith scored
18 points for the Wildcats.
Jeffersons record dropped
to 9-7 overall and 1-4 in the
Paulding pulled out the
junior varsity game in over-
time, 50-44.
Wednesday, February 5, 2014 Paulding County Progress - 11A
Get a Minimum of
Registrations for 2014 season are
now being accepted!
Registrations due March 1.
Late fee ($25) applies if turned in after March 1.
Registrations will ONLY be accepted at open registration Feb. 3 & 10
at the Paulding Elementary during Parent-Teacher Conferences from
4:30 7:30 pm OR send your registration and payment to Paulding
Youth Ball, P.O. Box 281, Paulding, OH 45879
Registration forms are available to download at
Serving 12,900 members in
- Sponsored By -
Touchstone Energy Power
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Jim Bowers/Paulding County Progress
Antwerps Tyler Messman #33 looks to pass into the lane
against Montpelier last Saturday night.
Jim Bowers/Paulding County Progress
The Archers Sam Williamson #24 launches a trey against a
soft Montpelier defense last Saturday night in the Range.
Jim Bowers/Paulding County Progress
Trenton Copsey #32 beats the Montpelier defense for a first
quarter bucket last Saturday night.
Archers crush Fairview in GMC action
Antwerp boys derail Locomotives on Saturday, 76-47
It was a successful weekend
for the Antwerp Archers on the
basketball court with two dou-
ble-digit wins. Playing at home
both nights, TJ Hammers
squad defeated conference foe
Fairview 63-44 and came back
the following night to derail
Montpelier, 76-47.
On Friday night it was high
energy from the tip off to the
end. Antwerp played in your
face defense and jumped out
to a quick lead. Holding the
Apaches to just five first quar-
ter points the Archers built a
nine point margin and coasted
to a 35-15 halftime lead.
Fairview, who now holds a
slim 27-26 lead in the overall
series between the two teams,
never threatened in the second
half. The win gives Antwerp a
9-6 record overall and 2-3 in
the Green Meadows Confer-
ence. For the Apaches, they fall
to 2-12 and 0-3 in the league.
Everyone played well. We
were hitting our outside shot
and that allowed us to set up
our inside game, said Ham-
Guard Sam Williamson led
the Archer attack with 18
points including three 3-point-
ers in the second quarter.
Sam does a great job for us.
He always gets the defensive
assignment when it comes to
guarding the opponents best
player. He always gives us his
best effort defensively and re-
cently his scoring has slipped.
Tonight he didnt have that
assignment and he was able
to pick it up offensively, said
Bradley Ebaugh led
Fairview with 11 points while
Daniel Smith, Fairviews
leading scoring at 14.6 points
per contest, was held to just
Running mate Derek Smal-
ley added 10 while dishing
out a team high eight assists.
On the inside, junior Trenton
Copsey collected 13 points on
6-of-7 shooting. The 6-foot-4
Copsey also grabbed 10 re-
bounds for a double-double ef-
Tonight we executed our
game plan and everyone con-
tributed, said Hammer.
Coming off the bench the
Archers received contributions
in the scoring column from Jef-
frey Coleman, Joe Buerkle,
Tyler Messman, Josh Longard-
ner and Erik Miesle.
For the game, Antwerp shot
62 percent on two-point goals
hitting 20-of-32. From three-
point land the Archers col-
lected six of 14 for 43 percent.
In the junior varsity contest,
Fairview ran past the Archers
36-23. Josh Longardner scored
seven points followed by Trey
Mills with six. Fairview had
two players in double figures
with 11 points each; sopho-
more Riley Cooper and junior
Phillip Wagner.
Score by Quarters:
Fairview 5 10 14 15 - 44
Antwerp 14 21 12 16 - 63
Fairview (44): Robinson 1 0-0 3, ONeil
2 0-2 4, Macsay 2 1-1 6, King 3 0-0 8,
Ebaugh 4 3-4 11, Smith 3 0-0 6,
Schweifert 0 4-4 4, Cooper 0 2-2 2. To-
tals 15 10-13 44. Three point goals: King
2, Robinson 1, Macsay 1. Fouls: 10.
Antwerp (63): Brumett 3 0-0 7, Smalley
4 0-0 10, Reinhart 0 0-0 0, Coleman 0
2-2 2, Stout 0 0-0 0, Buerkle 1 0-0 2,
Williamson 7 1-1 18, Jones 2 0-1 4,
Copsey 6 1-2 13, Messman 1 0-0 2,
Longardner 1 1-2 3, Miesle 1 0-0 2. To-
tals: 26 5-8 63. Three point goals:
Brumett 1, Smalley 2, Williamson 3. Total
fouls 14.
The starting guard trio of
Sam Williamson, Derek
Smalley, and Kaden Brumett
collected 47 points including
nine buckets from behind the
arc to leave little doubt to the
outcome of the Saturday
night game with Montpelier.
Scoring the most points of the
season the Archers coasted to
a 76-47 drubbing over the Lo-
The Archers established
themselves as the dominate
team at the beginning scoring
the first 20 points including
nine from Williamson. Mont-
peliers first score came at the
2:10 mark on a field goal
from Dylan Snyder and the
Archers on top 20-2. Snyder
finished with 15 to lead the
Holding a 24-5 advantage
after one quarter of play, the
Archer lead ballooned to as
many as 23 in the second frame
when Smalley hit from down-
town to put the blue and white
in control 37-14. Antwerp set-
tled for a 43-23 margin at inter-
Our pressure caused them
(Montpelier) a lot of problems
and we shot well from the
floor, said Antwerp head
coach TJ Hammer. We could
have run up the score but we
called off our press after the
first quarter and we made sure
everyone got some playing
Williamson, who finished
with 18 on Friday night, was
one better on Saturday to lead
the Archers with 19 points.
Seniors Derek Smalley fin-
ished with 16 and Kaden
Brumett added 12. Brumett led
the Archers with seven assists.
Starter Garrett Jones, standing
at 6-foot-1 grabbed eight re-
bounds with team mate Tren-
ton Copsey securing seven to
lead the Archers in the paint.
The Archers collected just six
The third quarter opened
with the Archers scoring a
quick 11-0 run including two
treys from Smalley and a 54-23
Archer lead and forcing a Lo-
comotive time out at 5:42.
Antwerp closed out the period
with a 3-point buzzer-beater
from Eric Miesle to put the
Archers up 68-34.
The final quarter had several
of the Archer reserves on the
court with scoring coming
from Matt Reinhart with two
baskets, a traditional 3-point
play from Jeffery Coleman,
and a free throw from Joe
In the junior varsity game
the Archers had to hang on
for its 28-26 win over Mont-
pelier. Freshman guard Matt
Jones drove the baseline and
drained a short runner with
3.2 seconds remaining for the
Archer win. Jeffrey Coleman
scored eight points to lead the
Archers. Jones finished with
Score by Quarters:
Montpelier 5 18 11 13 - 47
Antwerp 24 19 25 8 - 76
Montpelier (47): Houk 1 2-4 4, McCord
4 0-3 8, Leung 2 0-0 4, Shoup 4 1-4 9,
Steffes 0 1-2 1, Snyder 3 6-8 15, Schu-
man 0 3-4 3, Blake 1 1-2 3. Totals: 15
14-27 47. Three point goals: Snyder 1.
Fouls: 9.
Antwerp (76): Brumett 5 0-0 12, Smal-
ley 6 0-0 16, Reinhart 2 0-0 4, Coleman
1 1-1 3, Stout 3 0-0 6, Buerkle 1 1-2 3,
Williamson 7 2-2 19, Jones 0 0-0 0,
Copsey 2 0-0 4, Messman 3 0-0 6, Lon-
gardner 0 0-1 0, Miesle 1 0-0 2. Totals:
31 4-6 76. Three point goals: Brumett 2,
Smalley 4, Williamson 3, Miesle 1. Fouls:
Prior to the double header
weekend, the Archers trav-
eled to Edgerton for a key
GMC match up with the Bull-
dogs. Last Tuesday, in a
rescheduled game, Edgerton
prevailed over the Archers
In a rematch of the 49 Clas-
sic championship game when
the Archers won on a last sec-
ond shot, this time it was the
Bulldogs using the free throw
line to their advantage for the
win. The Bulldogs collected
27 free throws to just eight
for the blue and white.
Edgerton led throughout
the contest while enjoying
leads of five after one period
of play and six at halftime 24-
18. Antwerp cut two points
off the lead heading into the
final eight minutes of play but
a lopsided fourth quarter was
costly for the Archers. Edger-
ton outscored the visitors
from Paulding County 19-8
to secure the GMC win.
The Archers were led by
the 18 points of senior Derek
Smalley and center Trenton
Copsey who chipped in 10.
Speice breaks rebounding record in Raider win
Trace senior Lauren Speice
set a new single-game re-
bounding record with 21
boards to lead the Lady
Raiders to a 67-41 victory
over Miller City Saturday af-
ternoon in non-league girls
basketball action.
Speice bucketed 14 points
in the victory for the red,
white and blue while also
recording four steals.
In earlier action last week,
the red, white and blue
recorded a key Green Mead-
ows Conference win over
Tinora as the Raiders pulled
away late for the 45-36 vic-
At the home of the Wild-
cats, Shayna Temple chipped
in 11 points with Erin Mohr
and Brenda Feasby adding 10
markers each. Brooke Wilcox
and Temple each dished out
four assists and Temple also
posted four steals. Feasby
topped Wayne Trace with six
Despite 23 first half
turnovers, the Lady Raiders
led 22-14 after one quarter
and pushed the margin to 35-
25 at the intermission. Wayne
Trace then outscored the host
Wildcats 19-5 in the third pe-
riod to enlarge the lead to 54-
30 entering the final stanza.
Christina Berger had 20
points and nine boards for the
Lady Wildcats while also
adding four steals. Liz Klear
chipped in three assists and
four steals with Tiffany Welty
dishing out three assists as
On Thursday, Wayne Trace
scored the first eight points of
the fourth quarter to pull
away for the nine-point win
over the Tinora Rams.
The Raiders led 14-9 after
one quarter before taking a
20-16 halftime advantage.
Tinora pulled within 32-30 at
the end of three periods.
A bucket by Erin Mohr,
one of two foul shots from
Temple and two Speice free
throws extended the lead to
37-30. Mohr then finished the
run with an old fashioned 3-
point play to put Wayne Trace
on top 40-30.
Tinora closed within 40-34
on a Mattie Gentit bucket and
42-36 following a Rachel
Wachtman basket but would
get no closer.
Mohr paced the local squad
with 15 points and five
boards with Wilcox and
Feasby each adding seven
markers. Speice grabbed
eight boards for the red, white
and blue and Madi Poling
recorded five steals.
Wayne Traces junior var-
sity split the weeks games
with a 41-22 win over Miller
City after falling 30-15 to
Madison Zartman and
Courtney Mead each scored
eight points in the Raider vic-
tory over the Wildcats with
Danae Myers chipping in
seven markers, eight boards
and five steals. Carrie Thrasher
and Brooke Lelonek also
chipped in four steals a piece.
The Raiders led 14-4 after
one quarter and widened the
margin to 26-6 at the inter-
mission. Wayne Trace posted
a 33-13 lead at the end of
three periods.
Against the Rams, the red,
white and blue never got on
track in suffering the loss.
Tinora posted a 10-2 ad-
vantage following six min-
utes of action and expanded it
to 23-2 at halftime. Wayne
Trace did cut the deficit to 24-
10 after three quarters.
Hollie Wannemacher had
four points for the red, white
and blue with Stacy Flint and
Zartman bucketing three
each. Myers pulled down five
boards for the Raiders.
Wayne Trace visits
Antwerp in Green Meadows
Conference action tomorrow
before hosting Crestview on
Monday. The Lady Raiders
make the trip to Lima
Shawnee on Tuesday in a
make-up game.
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Lady Archers go 0-2 for the week
ANTWERP It was the tale of two
teams going in opposite directions: one
with one loss and one with one victory.
For the once-beaten Crestview Lady
Knights, their winning streak was never
in jeopardy when they traveled to
Antwerp last Tuesday evening.
After easily disposing of the Archers,
53-14, the Knights improved to 14-1,
winning their last 13 games. A display of
solid defense and a balance offense was
no match for the 1-15 Archers.
Crestviews Mackenzie Riggenbach
led the offensive attack with 19 points
including three 3-pointers. Also in dou-
ble digits was Terra Crowle, who came
in off the bench to spark the Knights
with 11 points on three 3-pointers and a
3-point goal.
Riggenbach is a very good perimeter
shooter and we have others who can
shoot the ball. We missed some open
shots in the first half but I was really
pleased with our second half effort, said
Crestview head coach Greg Rickard.
The Knights jumped out to an early 9-
0 advantage and the Archers never did
threaten. After holding a 16-5 margin
after one quarter of play both teams went
cold in the second period with the
Knights scoring seven and the Archers
matching their first quarter output with
five. We wanted to get off to a good
start and not allow Antwerp to get into
their slow-down discipline play. We
opened with our full court trap and we
were able to get the early lead, said
coach Rickard.
The Crestview defense stiffened in the
second half holding the Archers to just a
single field goal and two free throws.
Sophomore Audrie Longardner scored
the lone Archer goal at the three minute
mark of the fourth period. At that point
the Knights were in control 45-14.
Our second half was much better then
the first. Whenever you hold a team to
just four points in a half you have to be
pleased, said Rickard.
When they (Crestview) picked up the
defensive pressure, we just struggled
from then on. It seemed we have no to-
getherness. No continuity, said Antwerp
head coach Kevin Taylor.
The Archers placed four players in the
scoring column with senior Kaiya Jemi-
son scoring five to lead the Archers.
Tonight we didnt put a body on any-
one. They (Crestview) are a good re-
bounding team and we didnt box out or
attack the basket at all, said Taylor.
In the junior varsity matchup,
Crestview turned an 11-8 halftime lead
into a 27-11 romp over the home team
Archers. The Knights held Antwerp to
just three points in the second half in-
cluding a scoreless fourth quarter. Brady
Guest picked up two quick fouls and was
scoreless in the first half but exploded
for 13 second half points to lead the win-
For the Archers, only two players
scored with Emily Phillips scoring eight
and Becca Johanns adding three.
Score by Quarters:
Crestview 16 7 13 17 - 53
Antwerp 5 5 2 2 - 14
Crestview 53: Hicks 2, Crowle 11, Hartman 4, Motycka
9, Riggenbach 19, Bauer 8. Totals: 20 7-12 53. Three
point goals: Crowle 3, Riggenbach 3. Fouls: 10.
Antwerp 14: Recker 3, Longardner 4, Short 2, Jemison
5. Totals: 5 4-8 14. Fouls: 4.
Last Thursday, the Lady Archers trav-
eled to Fairview for Green Meadows
Conference play. The Apaches pulled
away in the final quarter to post a 41-24
win over the Archers.
Fairview had lost their previous nine
games and with the win improves to 4-
12 and 1-4 in the GMC. The Lady
Archers continue to look for their first
league win (0-5) while falling to 1-15
Fairview opened up a quick 6-0 lead
before the Archers got on the board with
two free throws from senior Kaiya Jemi-
son with 3:36 remaining. Avery Braaten
scored the only Antwerp field goal in the
initial period. The Apaches led 8-4 after
one quarter and managed to increase
their margin to 21-10 at intermission.
In the second quarter, the blue and
white got goals from Audrie Longardner,
Peyton Short and Braaten.
Trailing by 11 heading into the third
frame, the Archers went on a 9-0 run to
pull to within two at 21-19. Goals by
sophomores Kianna Recker and Lon-
gardner along with freshman Emily
Phillips chipping in a 2-point goal as
well as a 3-pointer had the momentum
on the Archers side.
At the close of the quarter, Fairview
was hanging on to a 24-20 advantage.
We had moments when we played
much better. Now we just need to sustain
that kind of play for an entire game,
said head coach Kevin Taylor.
A Jemison bucket early in the fourth
brought the Archers to within three at 25-
22, but would get no closer. Antwerp
trailed 30-24 and was shut out in the
final 5:57 while the winners scored the
final 11 points. The Apaches went to the
foul line 17 times in the final period hit-
ting 12 of their attempts to put the game
out of reach.
For the game, Fairview was 16-for-27
at the foul line with the Archers canning
just 5-of-8; all from Jemison.
Score by Quarters:
Antwerp 4 6 10 4 - 24
Fairview 8 13 3 17 - 41
Antwerp (24): Braaten 2 0-0 4, Recker 1 0-0 2, Lon-
gardner 2 0-0 4, Short 1 0-0 2, Jemison 1 5-8 7, Phillips
2 0-0 5. Totals: 9 5-8 24. Three point goals: Phillips 1.
Fouls: 21.
Fairview (41): Johns 3 0-0 6, Gerbers 0 1-2 1, Marshall
3 4-6 10, Hug 4 5-8, Robinson 0 3-6, Carder 2 1-1 5,
Bauer 0 1-2 1, Garrigus 0 1-2 1. Totals: 12 16-27 44.
Three point goals: Hug 1. Fouls: 10
Sports Scoreboard
(Editors note: Team coaches are reminded to please submit result forms to the
Progress office. We rely on these forms to report game results to your fans. You
may drop off forms or fax them to 419-399-4030, or email info to progress@pro-
Seventh Grade Boys Basketball Wayne Trace captured the championship of its
own seventh grade invitational with a 34-29 win over Antwerp on Saturday. Caden
Bland scored 10 points to lead the Raiders with Trae Sinn adding nine and Josiah
Linder chipping in eight. Braden Zuber and Mox Price bucketed five and two points,
respectively. Wayne Trace is now 9-5 on the season. Keaton Altimus had 14 to lead
Antwerp while Ty Rebber chipped in 11 for the Archers.
Junior Varsity Boys The Raider junior varsity posted wins in two of the three games
with victories over Continental and Tinora before falling to Kalida.
Wayne Trace led 9-7 after one quarter against the Wildcats and posted a 17-16
halftime advantage. However, Kalida outscored the Raiders 26-16 in the second
half to rally for the 42-33 win. Alec Vest paced the red, white and blue with 11
points with Cole Shepherd adding eight and Justin Speice chipped in six. Gabe
Wobler and Shepherd each picked up five rebounds for the Raiders.
At Tinora, the local squad turned a 12-11 first quarter lead into a 27-17 advan-
tage at the intermission en route to a 55-37 victory. The Raiders led 39-29 at the
end of three periods. Wobler bucketed 13 markers to top the Raider lineup with
Rylen Asher chipping in 10. Speice recorded seven points and 11 rebounds for the
red, white and blue while Luke Miller dished out four assists.
In action last Wednesday, Wayne Trace cruised to a 47-25 win over the Pirates.
Speice paced the Raiders with 13 points followed by Miller with nine. Darius Hale,
Wobler and Vest chipped in five each.
Junior High Boys Basketball Wayne Trace split with Kalida in action last Thursday
with the Wildcat seventh graders posting a 43-29 win while the Raiders recorded
a 31-26 victory. Eli Sinn scored 11 points and Adam Stoller chipped in seven for
the Wayne Trace eighth grade, which moved to 5-7 on the season. Weston Sinn
(six), Jake Kuhn (four) and Noah Glass (three) rounded out the Raider scorers.
Caden Bland had 10 to pace Wayne Trace in the seventh grade loss followed by
Josiah Linder (nine), Korbin Slade (six), Trae Sinn (three) and Evan Mohr (two).
vice president of the Paulding Eagles, presents a $1,000 donation
for the Paulding wrestling program. Coach Tony Gonzales accepts
the donation.
Paulding girls lose
out on the road
After a strong second quarter, the Paulding
girls basketball team lost out to Continental in
the second half of a non-conference basketball
game in Putnam County on Saturday after-
noon, 50-42.
Earlier in the week, the Panthers had lost a
tough match at Delphos Jefferson. Last Tues-
days game against Miller City was postponed
until Feb. 10.
The Panthers are still playing without the
services of point guard Jennifer Bland. Pauld-
ing head coach Lyndsi Schultz said that she
realizes that the team cant blame everything
on Blands loss, but she also noted that the loss
of Bland has thrown off the chemistry of a
team that was starting to come together when
Bland went on the sidelines.
At Continental on Saturday, the Pirates
jumped out to a 13-6 advantage at the end of
the first quarter, but the local squad fought
back to outscore Continental 17-10 in the sec-
ond eight minutes and tie the game at 23-23 at
the halfway mark.
The Pirates jumped back into a three-point
lead, 35-32, at the end of the third quarter. The
Pirates continued to prevail in the last quarter
to walk off the floor with the win.
As has been the case much of the year, dif-
ferent players led the Paulding attack on Sat-
urday with Faith Vogel pacing the scoring with
11 points and Abby Pease contributing 10
Paige Ordway led Continental and all scor-
ers for the game with 19 points while
McKenna Scott added 13 points for Paulding.
The Panthers owned the boards with 32 re-
bounds, compared to 20 for Continental while
the Pirates had fewer miscues with 13 while
Paulding was credited with 19 turnovers.
In junior varsity action, Continental barely
snuck by Paulding, 37-34.
Also this past weekend, it was determined
that Paulding had received a bye and will be
playing at 6:15 p.m. in Division III tourna-
ment at Defiance on Feb. 22.
Schultz praised her Panther girls for work-
ing hard trying to obtain a new chemistry in
the loss of Bland.
We havent had her for several games.
Weve been trying to figure out who belongs
where, commented Schultz. Some of our
troubles have been caused because we dont
have a backup a point guard. Weve had to
switch everyone around.
New champions, advertisers
and events at MAC Gym
ANTWERP 2014 has
brought with it a lot of new
to the MAC Gym. After bat-
tling five weeks of weather
and league games, tourna-
ment play was finally able to
The day started with fifth
grade boys games. Paulding
defeated Wayne Trace in the
play-in bracket, before falling
to Leo in the semifinal game.
Antwerp upended Eastside to
set up the Leo-Antwerp final.
Sixth grade boys play was
fierce as Paulding went to the
wire to knock Wayne Trace
out, then Woodlan defended
their No. 2 seed by beating
Paulding. Antwerp went to
the wire before falling to
Archbold. Weather hampered
Leos trip, so Archbold
moved directly to the final
game against Woodlan. Both
boys championship games
are yet to be scheduled.
Girls games began with
fifth grade team Crestview
playing Antwerp, and Tinora
playing Tinora White.
Crestview made quick work
in moving to the semifinals
while Tinora struggled to
move on in the bracket.
Crestview didnt have enough
gas to move on as No. 1 seed
Tinora Green made the finals,
and Defiance defended their
No. 2 seed over Tinora White.
The finals will be at 7:30 p.m.
Feb. 6.
Sixth grade girls action
matched Woodlan against
Van Wert, and Paulding
against Crestview. Woodlan
went straight to the finals
beating Van Wert and
Crestview, following the
Lady Knights win over
The other bracket saw in-
tense action. Fairview routed
Edon; Antwerp narrowly es-
caped Holgate, and needed
overtime to take down
Fairview, setting up the
Antwerp-Woodlan final. The
game will be played Monday,
Feb. 10, at 5:30 p.m.
The third and fourth grade
boys division played their
season at the Woodburn
Lutheran School. In the
fourth grade division
Hoagland ended Pauldings
season, while Monroeville
upended Woodlan. Eastside
then beat Monroeville and
Tinora took care of Hoagland.
Tinora maintained their unde-
feated season, winning over
Eastside in the championship
game. In the third grade
championship game, Wood-
lan won over Eastside.
Although the weather is
cold outside, the gymnastics
room, lobby and gym are
warm inside the Vancrest
campus. Heating costs have
risen, but thanks to new re-
cent sponsors; NAPA, River-
side Hardware and ACDC,
costs have been maintained
and events can continue unin-
Events in the gym are heat-
ing up as well. Gymnastic
and Zumba classes continue
to grow, winter volleyball
leagues have started in the
youth and 7/8/9 grade divi-
sions, and adult volleyball
tournaments are scheduled
through FairPlay Volleyball
in Fort Wayne.
Basketball tournaments are
scheduled this Saturday for
fourth and sixth grade girls;
fourth grade boys and girls
Feb. 15; and grades 4/5/6
boys and girls on March 14-
15. Slots are filling up and
teams continue to be excited
to come to Antwerp and play
their respective sports.
Girls basketball tourney pairings set
High school girls basketball teams
around the state of Ohio found out their
sectional tournament matchups on Sun-
day afternoon with the statewide sec-
tional meetings taking place.
In Division III at Defiance, the
Paulding Lady Panthers received a bye
and will play on Saturday, Feb. 22, at
6:15 p.m.
The Lady Panthers (5-11) will take
on either second-seeded Delta (11-7) or
Tinora (7-9) in the sectional champi-
onship. The sectional semifinal
matchup between the green and white
Panthers and Rams will be on Tuesday,
Feb. 18, at 6:15 p.m.
In the bottom half of the sectional at
Defiance, top-seeded Archbold (16-1)
plays Liberty Center (3-13) in the sec-
ond game on Feb. 18. The winner of
that contest advances to battle Fairview
(4-12) in the nightcap on Feb. 22.
Paulding will host a Division IV sec-
tional that features the other six teams
of the Green Meadows Conference
along with Continental out of the Put-
nam County League.
In the lone game on Feb. 18,
Hicksville (5-13) plays Antwerp (1-16)
at 7 p.m. in the Jungle. The winner be-
tween the Aces and Archers advances
to meet top-seeded Holgate (13-2) in a
6:15 p.m. game on Feb. 22.
Ayersville (14-3) and Continental (9-
7) open up action on Feb. 19 in the 6:15
p.m. time slot while Edgerton (12-6)
battles Wayne Trace (12-5) in the sec-
ond game.
The winners of the Pilots-Pirates
and Bulldogs-Raiders games then
will meet in the second contest on
Feb. 22.
There is no presale for girls sec-
tional tournament games. Adult tick-
ets prices at the door will be $6 with
student prices $4. Kids 5 and under
are free.
Wednesday, February 5, 2014 Paulding County Progress - 13A
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Chief Farm Stand means the lowest possible produce prices around. Every day is a good day to save
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website where you can sign up for email
Heres how:
Be the rst to know when we get a new truckload!
Sign up for text messages:
Celina: text Chief01 to 75309
Coldwater: text Chief02 to 75309
Deance: text Chief05 to 75309
Bryan: text Chief06 to 75309
Wauseon: text Chief08 to 75309
Paulding: text Chief12 to 75309
Delphos: text Chief14 to 75309
Napoleon: text Chief15 to 75309
Lima Cable: text Chief106 to 75309
Lima North: text Chief107 to 75309
Lima East: text Chief108 to 75309
Farmstand Deals
Pineapples 1
Green & Red
Leaf Lettuce 97


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GMC Wrestling Championship
Pilots take fourth straight title
SHERWOOD Ayersville
claimed its fourth straight
Green Meadows Conference
wrestling championship as
the Pilots cruised to the 2014
league crown at Fairview
High School on Saturday.
Ayersville finished the day
with 207.5 points while
Wayne Trace took second
with 148 and Edgerton was
third with 132. Tinora (126),
Fairview (98), Antwerp (36)
and Hicksville (26) rounded
out the field.
George Clemens (106),
Dustin Taylor (113) and Tyler
Showalter (145) all picked up
individual league titles for the
Edgertons Gabe Santa-
Rita was named GMC
Wrestler of the Year after
winning the 126 pound class.
Raider coach George
Clemens had three champi-
ons and six more finish in the
top four garnering all confer-
ence honors.
George Clemens IV,
wrestling in the 106 pound
weight class, earned First
Team all-conference honors.
Clemens captured his title via
tech fall and earned his sec-
ond straight GMC champi-
In the 113 pound weight
class, Dustin Taylor wrestled
a very competitive match that
came down to the wire. Tay-
lor avenged a loss from last
year and finished his senior
season and wrestling career
as a GMC champion and First
Team all-conference with a
narrow 9-8 decision.
At 145, Tyler Showalter re-
turned to the mat after miss-
ing nearly all of the season
from an injury, and domi-
nated his weight class, win-
ning all matches by pin for
the championship and First
Team all-conference.
Ruger Goeltzenleuchter
fell in the championship
match. A freshman, Goeltzen-
leuchter finish as runner-up
and earned Second Team all
conference honors at 120
Zaine Cotterman, at 138,
found himself in the finals.
Despite a hard-fought match,
he was on the losing end, fin-
ishing as runner-up and Sec-
ond Team all-conference.
At 160, Jacob Dingus also
finished as runner-up and
Second Team all-conference
Riley Moore, wrestling in
the heavyweight class, gar-
nered two straight wins be-
fore falling just short in the
championship match. He fin-
ished as runner-up and Sec-
ond Team all- conference.
In the 170 pound weight
class, Josh Reel finished in
third place finish on the day.
Mathew Baxter, wrestling at
126, ended the day in fourth
Caleb Schultz, Brandon
Laney, Daron Showalter and
Justin Pierce also competed
in the tournament, but were
not able to land in the top four
of the conference.
Coach Clemens stated, I
believe we are on the right
track and definitely wrestled
better than we did at LCC.
We had some wrestlers come
back from injuries that have
had little practice time.
We were really close to
having two or three more
champions. Those matches
could have went either way,
continued Clemens. If we
continue to work hard and
wrestle like this, I believe
there will be a lot of red,
white, and blue singlets at
Of the seven Antwerp
wrestlers competing, four
were able to place in the top
four of their respective
weight classes.
Placing second for the
Archers was sophomore Jus-
tice Clark.
Finishing third at 182
pounds was sophomore
Austin VanAtta, and at 285
pounds, junior Jarett Bute.
Placing fourth at 120
pounds was freshman Logan
The Archer varsity
wrestlers will conclude their
regular season this Thursday,
Feb. 6 when they travel to
Wayne Trace for the Second
Annual Paulding County Tri-
Meet. Next will be the sec-
tional tournament on Feb.
14-15 at Archbold.
NWC Wrestling Championship
Panthers claim NWC title
LIMA The Paulding Panther wrestling
team made a second straight NWC Champi-
onship at Allen East on Saturday, Feb. 1.
Delphos Jefferson (279 points) took second
place followed by Spencerville (265 points) in
Pauldings Taylor Deatrick finished first in
the 132 lb. division, winning his second con-
secutive title. Deatrick finished 5-0 with all
pins. He also was voted the NWCs Most
Valuable Wrestler for 2014.
First-year coach Tony Gonzales who him-
self had been a two-time conference champ
received the Coach of the Year award, which
is voted on by the coaches in the NWC.
Two other Paulding wrestlers won their
weight classes.
Aaron Mock, 152 lb., took top honors in his
division. Mock recorded two pins, a major de-
cision and a decision for his 4-0 wins.
At 195, Dakota Valdez went 5-0, recording
two pins, two major decisions and a decision.
Placing second were Sidney Salinas at 106
and Branson Minck, 120 lb. Finishing in third
were Kage Seals, 113 lb.; and Zac Wesley, 145
lb; and Adam Deatrick, 170 lb.
Other placers for Paulding were Dylan
Gamble (126) and Cody Jarrell (160) in
fourth; Clystal Ramirez (220) in fifth; and
Cotey Nichols (182) placing sixth.
The team did an excellent job to bring the
trophy home two years straight, said Coach
Paulding, Delphos Jefferson and Allen East
all had three individual champions in the tour-
Individual high school champions are listed
106 David Grant DJ
113 Schuyler Caprella AE
120 Lee Dues AE
126 Cody Dickson SV
132 Taylor Deatrick PL
138 Brandon Soules AE
145 Tanner Vermule DJ
152 Aaron Mock PL
160 Austin Windle ADA
170 Alec Gladwell CG
182 Will Selhorst CG
195 Dakota Valdez PL
220 Dustin McConnahea DJ
285 Logan Vandemark SV
Team standings: 1. Paulding 302, 2.
Delphos Jefferson 279, 3. Spencerville 265,
4. Columbus Grove 248, 5. Ada 217, 6. Allen
East 157, 7. Lincolnview 98, 8. Bluffton 92
RAIDER INVITATIONAL CHAMPS The Wayne Trace seventh grade boys basketball team
claimed the championship of the Raider Invitational on Saturday with a 34-29 win over Antwerp
at Wayne Trace Junior High School. Wayne Trace is now 9-5 on the season. Pictured are, front
from left cheerleaders Alissa Elliott, Anissia Rodrigues, Julianne Roop, Olivia Klinker; second
row players Evan Mohr, Josiah Linder, Preston Moore, Trae Sinn, Korbin Slade; back row
Hayden Gillett, Mox Price, Braden Zuber, Caden Bland, Caleb Yenser and Coach Joe Linder.
School Lunch Menus
Menus are subject to change
Week of Feb. 10
MONDAY Lunch: Breaded
chicken on bun, green beans, pineap-
ple, milk. Plus: Salad bar.
TUESDAY Lunch: Macaroni and
cheese, corn, peach crisp, milk. Plus:
Salad bar.
WEDNESDAY Lunch: Sausage
sandwich, black beans, pears, milk.
Plus: Salad bar.
THURSDAY Lunch: Coney dog
on bun, sweet potato fries, orange
smiles, milk. Plus: Salad bar.
FRIDAY Lunch: French bread
pizza, tossed salad, applesauce, milk.
Plus: Salad bar.
Week of Feb. 10
MONDAY Breakfast: Breakfast
pizza, fruit, juice, milk. Lunch: Chicken
nuggets, potatoes and gravy, roll, cel-
ery or salad bar, breadstick. fruit, milk.
TUESDAY Breakfast: Egg and
sausage burrito, salsa, juice, fruit,
milk. Lunch: Oriental chicken salad,
egg roll, Rice Krispy or sandwich on
bun, oven fries, milk.
WEDNESDAY Breakfast:
Sausage, egg and cheese bagel, fruit,
juice, milk. Lunch: Walking taco, re-
fried beans, salsa or top your own po-
tato, breadstick, fruit, milk.
THURSDAY Breakfast: Mini
pancakes, sausage links, juice, fruit,
milk. Lunch: Corn dog, baked beans,
celery or BD pizza slice, carrots, fruit,
FRIDAY Breakfast: Sausage
gravy and biscuit, juice, fruit, milk.
Lunch: Southwest chicken wrap,
oven potatoes, salad bar and bread-
stick, fruit, milk.
Week of Feb. 10
Packed lunch: Hot dog on bun,
vegetable of the day, fruit, milk.
MONDAY Breakfast: Powdered
donut, fruit, milk. Lunch: Hamburger
on bun, lettuce, tomato, oven pota-
toes, fruit, milk.
TUESDAY Breakfast: Biscuit,
egg, fruit, milk. Lunch: Breaded
chicken strips wrap, lettuce, corn,
fruit, milk.
WEDNESDAY Breakfast: Bur-
rito, fruit, milk. Lunch: Sloppy jo on
bun, California Blend, celery
sticks, fruit, milk.
THURSDAY Breakfast: Mini
pancakes, fruit, milk. Lunch:
Cheese bread stick, marinara
sauce, green beans, fruit, milk.
FRIDAY No school
Week of Feb. 10
MONDAY Breakfast: Yogurt,
Goldfish grahams, fruit, juice, milk.
Lunch: Hamburger on whole grain
bun, carrots, fresh vegetable choice,
or hot dog on bun, fruit, milk.
TUESDAY Breakfast: Pan-
cakes, fruit, juice, milk. Lunch:
Chicken fajita wrap, lettuce, cheese,
salsa, refried beans or hot dog on
bun, fruit, milk.
WEDNESDAY Burrito, fruit,
juice, milk. Lunch: Cheesey bread-
stick with marinara sauce, green
beans, or peanut butter and jelly,
Gogurt, crackers, fruit, milk.
THURSDAY Breakfast: Muffin,
string cheese, fruit, juice, milk.
Lunch: Bar-b-que pulled pork on
bun, oven potatoes, corn or peanut
butter and jelly, fruit, milk.
FRIDAY No school
Week of Feb. 10
MONDAY Breakfast: Sausage
pizza. Lunch: Mini corn dogs, french
fries, baked beans, fruit, milk. Also
offered to HS: Chef salad, pizza sub
or grilled chicken on bun with salad
TUESDAY Breakfast: Egg
cheese muffin. Lunch: Salisbury
steak, mashed potatoes with gravy,
corn, dinner roll, fruit, milk. Also at
Jr/Sr High - Chef salad, pizza sub or
grilled chicken on bun, salad bar.
WEDNESDAY Breakfast: Mini
pancakes and sausage. Lunch:
Chicken Alfredo, green beans, din-
ner roll, fruit, milk. Also at Jr/Sr High
Chef salad, pizza sub or barbecue
rib on bun, salad bar.
THURSDAY Breakfast: Cheese
omelet, toast. Lunch: Chili soup,
peanut butter and jelly sandwich,
carrot sticks with dip, fruit, milk. Also
at Jr/Sr. High School Chef salad,
pizza sub or grilled chicken on bun
with salad bar.
FRIDAY Breakfast: Turnover.
Lunch: Quesadilla with salsa, ro-
maine lettuce salad, fruit, milk. Also
at Jr/Sr. High School Chef salad,
pizza sub or pretzel with cheese,
salad bar.
Week of Feb. 10
Same menu as Wayne Trace;
no breakfast served. and click the
Facebook or Twitter link
Follow The Progress
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Paulding County Progress
Then become a fan by
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like new. Antique treadle
sewing machine - excellent
condition. Antique vanity. Call
419-399-5493 24p2
plastic, can deliver 260-493-
0805. 21p4
MALL, 108 W. Main Street,
Van Wert (419) 238-3362, 30+
Dealers. Closed Tuesdays.
Buy & Sell. 27ctf
CREW. New construction,
reroof, remodel, barns,
houses, additions, pole
barns. Reasonable rates. 1-
419-953-8215. 18c8
STRUCTION: Windows, light
electrical, drywall, siding,
doors and more. Call Al for
your repair or construction
needs. 419-506-2102 51ctf
III. Call (419) 258-2603. Hand-
icap Accessible. Equal Hous-
ing Opportunity. This institution
is an equal opportunity
provider, and employer. 22c4
RENT in Paulding. $500 /
month plus utilities. 419-258-
2345. 24c1
downtown Antwerp. Quiet
neighborhood, washer/dryer,
stove, refrigerator, water,
sewer, trash included. Lease
and deposit. $350/month.
419-786-9652. 24c2
3 BDRM. HOME in Rural
Paulding, with 1 car-attached
garage and 2 pole buildings.
$600 a month plus $600 de-
posit. 419-438-5850. 23c2
2 BDRM. APT. Total electric,
w/d hook-up. NO PETS. 1st
month rent plus deposit. 419-
399-5461. 22c3
EXPENSES, separate bath-
rooms, 419-263-2780. 12ctf
on ground level. 1 mile West
of Antwerp, quiet country set-
ting. Laundry facility on site -
included in rent. 260-385-
8799 14ctf
FOR RENT in Paulding and
Defiance. Please call Al at 419-
399-2419 for more details. 43ctf
IN PAULDING - Whispering
Pines - 2 bdrm. Call 419-670-
4655 or 419-399-2419 47ctf
Deposit, lease, references,
credit, and background check
required. No pets allowed.
Please call Straley Apts. at
419-399-4444 or 419-399-
3721 for more information 2ctf
TER: Now renting storage
units. Different sizes available.
Call 419-399-2419 for info.
UNITS. Located at south side
of Paulding on US 127. Vari-
ous sizes. Please call 419-
399-4444 or 419-399-3721
KNIVES, postcards, OLD
toys, jewelry, watches,
stamps, collections. Austin
White 419-399-3353 23p6
RESENTATIVE - First Federal
Bank is seeking a part-time
(25 hours) Customer Service
Representative for our Pauld-
ing office. The position re-
quires previous customer
service experience, cross-sell-
ing ability, cash handling and
must enjoy working with the
public. First Federal offers a
friendly, professional work en-
vironment, competitive prod-
ucts and excellent customer
support, plus competitive pay,
401(k), ESPP, quarterly
bonuses, and more. If you
would like to be considered for
this position, please apply di-
rectly online at www.first- by clicking on the
careers link requistion #14-
0007. No phone calls please.
EOE 24c1
flatbed, rolloff, dump, daily
runs, weekends off, Insurance,
401K, Paid Vacation and Holi-
days. Applications available at
Clemens Mobile Welding/JLC
Transportation, 25239 Com-
merce Drive, Defiance, Ohio.
House, 451 McDonald Pike,
Paulding, OH. Apply in per-
son. No phone calls. 21p5
FUL 3 BDRM, 1 1 /2 BATH
RANCH HOME. Great loca-
tion, 735 Tom Tim Dr., near
school & park. Lg. backyard
overlooking pond & forest.
Home includes lg. eat-in
kitchen, lg. family room, liv-
ing room & den. $130,000.
Call 419-576-7758 to tour.
REPORT for Blue Creek
Township is complete and
available for review. To make
an appointment with the fis-
cal officer, please call 419-
786-9525. The monthly
trustee meeting will be held
the last Tuesday of the
month at the township build-
ing. Nov. - Mar. at 7 p.m.;
Apr. - Oct. at 8 p.m. 23c2
2013 ANNUAL Financial Re-
port is complete and avail-
able for inspection during
their monthly meeting held
on February 10, 2014. Our
meetings are held the sec-
ond Monday of each month
at 7:00pm unless posted on
the door of the township
house. The months of April
through October the start
time will be at 8:00pm. Ben-
ton Township Trustees, Julie
Dinger, Fiscal Officer. 23c2
Spring Travel Party. Sun-
day, March 16th, 1:30-
4:00pmRamada Inn, Exit
13Ohio Turnpike. Lots of
New and Exciting Tours now
being planned! New fliers will
be available! Evelyns Ex-
cursions 419-737-2055
om. Ivah Lothamer399-
2386 24c1
Charter Bus Tour! April 26-
30Virginia International
Military Extravaganza plus
Azalea Festival. They will be
honoring the Vietnam Veter-
ans. 2 nights DC & 2 Nights
balcony Ocean front rooms
in Virginia Beach. Very excit-
ing tour!! Call for detailed
flier!! $749 Evelyns Excur-
sions 419-737-2055
om. Ivah Lothamer399-
2386 24c1
Free to good homes. Chi-
huahua mix puppies. 419-
670-4173. 24k1
Portable pet kennel.
20hx22lx20w. $10. 419-263-
0134. 24k1
If interested in a FREE KJV
Bible or childrens story
Bible, please contact 419-
786-9309. We welcome loca-
tions interested in helping to
distribute Bibles. 50k1
for sale. $6/pint. 419-399-
2136. 24k1
FREE KITTENS - 2 boys, 2
girls litter trained. 419-594-
3411. 23k2
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L h

o e L a l d e m m l n a s a h k n a 8 e L a L S d o o w r e
h S r u o L a n o u l s o p s n o u a r e p C e c m C k c
s a e v a h d l u o h s e L a d l d n a c l a e d l e h 1 . n
o c g n l s u e c n e l r e p x e h L l w d n u o r g k c a b
c n u f g n u n u o c c a c l s a b , s n o u a c l l p p a e r a
a , s n o u c n u f g n l k n a b c l n o r L c e l e h L l w y L
e l e e m u s e r d n e s e s a e l p , d e L s e r e L n l f l
k b L L d h [ l l

g n l n e p o
d o o w r e
g n o r L s
r e L u p m
, s n o u
c l s a b d n
y l l a c l n o r L c e
L l l

o L o r a h s

r e y o | p m L y t | n u t r o p p C | a u q L
m o c . k n a b e L a L s d o o w r e h s [ y e l l o c . n r o
k n a 8 e L a L S d o o w r e h S e h 1
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800.424.2324 1
BLS# 8jS-11313
Auction Conducted by:
Chad Metzger, OH Auct. Lic. #2004000060
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ogee gg oo tt
Donald K. Foltz, II - Broker: 106 N. Williams St. Paulding 419-399-2347
REALTORS: Tim Boss 419-769-0823, Maurie Wannemacher 419-769-9090
#2835 15953 SR. 111 Paulding:
Reduced to $114,900 Beautiful
lot, 4 BR., 1 3/4 Ba., 1848 Sq. Ft.
Home with 2 car attached & 2 car
detached garage. Nice wooded
area for enjoying nature. Open To
Offer Call Maurie
#2840 209 N. Williams St. Pauld-
NESS!! Turn Key operation. Real
Estate, Restaurant Equipment, In-
ventory and D1-D2 Liquor License.
Don't miss this opportunity to be your
own boss. Building has been re-
cently remodeled. See our website
for interior pics. $119,900 Call Don
#2841 OPEN TO OFFER 521
Plainfield Dr. Payne: Nice 3 Br.,
1 1/2 Ba., home with vinyl siding,
new flooring, built in appliances,
attached garage and above
ground pool with decking.
$89,900 Call Maurie
#2845 618 Plainfield Dr. Payne:
3 Br., 2 Ba. Home offering 2 car
attached garage, large utility W/
gas furnace & A/C. 6 yr. old roof
and all windows have been re-
placed. $83,000 Call Maurie
#1619 406 W. Canal,
Antwerp. 2 bdrm ranch,
rebuilt from the studs out
in 2005, delightful
kitchen, lg. master bdrm,
C/A, shed. $74,900. Call
Sandra/ Tamyra 419-
To see nice color pictures & interior shots of properties offered
by Gorrell Bros. go to:
Multiple Listing
#1621 New Listing - 4.5
Acre Country Location...
4 bdrm, 3 bath home w/
C/A, front & rear decks,
12x20 shed. NE of
Paulding. $112, 000. Call
Sandra/ Tamyra 419-
301 N. MAIN ST.,
PLDG - Lg. 4 BDRM 1
1/2 Bath home.... C/A...
2 Car Garage .... SELL-
OFFERS!! - Call Don
#1579 Back on market!!
4 bdrm, 2 bath,
ki t chen/ di ni ng/ f ami l y
room, C/A, recent shin-
gles & siding. Rural
Antwerp. 1 ACRE
$82,500. Call Sandra/
Tamyra 419-506-1015
#1559 Remodeled 3
bdrm home w/ newer
roof & flooring,
detached garage, sell-
er will look at all offers!
New Price - 607 W.
Jackson St., Pldg. Call
Don Gorrell 399-7699
New Listing #1620
20648 Wetzel Rd. Van
Wert 3 bdrm, country
home on 2.2 acres w/
C/A, newer roof, win-
dows, & siding, lg. wood
sided barn & 2 smaller
buildings. $89,000....
Call Joe Den Herder
Land Auction
Sat., March 8
10:00 A.M.
Auction Parcel 1 -160+- acres in Sec. 30, Jackson Twp. - 3 mi. south of
Paulding, OH on Rt. 127 to Rt. 613; then east 1/2 mi. -- mostly tillable
Latty soil....... Auction Parcel 2 - 39+- acres in Sec. 33, Latty Twp. - 2
mi. east of Scott, OH on Paulding /Van Wert Co. Line....... call for
brochure.......Terms: $20,000 earnest money for parcel 1 and $10,000
earnest money for parcel with closing before April 8, 2014....... Possession
at closing with buyer having the farming rights for 2014...... Auction Lo-
cation: Gorrell Bros. Auction Facility -1201 N. Williams St., Paulding,
OH-....... Seller: Ruth E. Mohr Trust, Rudy Mohr & Carol Wyatt,
Co-Trustees, Norman E. Cook of Cook, Burkard & Gorrell LTD, At-
torney for Seller...... Gorrell Bros. Auctioneers; Don Gorrell, Sale
Mgr; Larry D. Gorrell, Broker; Sandra Mickelson - Aaron Timm -
Nolan Shisler - Auctioneers
199 +-Acres
Jackson Twp. & Latty Twp.
Paulding Co., Ohio
Offered In 2 Parcels & Combination
160+-acres & 39+- acres
New Paulding County
Progress Subscribers
New subscribers in January
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Phone( )____________________
Send payment to:
Paulding Progress
P.O. Box 180,
Paulding, Ohio 45879
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Robert Bagley
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Rates: $38.00 per year
(Paulding, Van Wert, Defiance & Putnam Counties)
$46.00 per year all others
e-Edition only at
$28.00 per year
FARM LOCATION: Section #32, Harrison Twp. Pauld-
ing County, OH; due west of Payne 2 miles on St. Rt.
613north side; (also) 2 miles due east of the Ohio/
Indiana line; NW corner of St. Rt. 613 and Road 21.
Watch for signs.
SALE LOCATION: 120 Arturus St.; Divine Mercy (St.
Johns) School gymnasiumPayne, OH; immediately
west of the corner of St. Rt. 49 and St. Rt. 613; watch
for signs.
6 PMThur., Feb. 66 PM
Might be small but surely has good characteristics;
Hoytville soils; easy transportation with frontage on
St. Rt. 613 (east/west) and Road 21 (Birkhold Road)
north/south; all tillable excepting for road frontages;
north border is the railroad; affordable piece of land for
younger farmer; good location minutes from Payne and
straight shot into Ft. Wayne; could also be good site for
1-2-3 homes with nice acreages; call for brochure or
see our website for plats, FSA, and aerials; STRALEY-
TERMS: $5,000 deposit w/balance due in 30 days;
warranty deed awarded w/ all 2013 taxes paid; seller to
pay transfer tax; subject to tenants rights for the farm
year 2014
SELLER: Mr. Bruce E. Copsey
SALE MANAGER: William B. Priest 419-786-9440
419 W Ervin
Van Wert, OH
If its time to
get rid of it...
sell it
quick with
reaching up to
10,500 homes
every week
The following applica-
tions and/or verified
complaints were re-
ceived, and the follow-
ing draft, proposed and
final actions were is-
sued, by the Ohio Envi-
ronmental Protection
Agency (Ohio EPA) last
week. The complete
public notice including
additional instructions
for submitting com-
ments, requesting infor-
mation or a public
hearing, or filing an ap-
peal may be obtained at:
v/actions.aspx or Hear-
ing Clerk, Ohio EPA, 50
W. Town St. P.O. Box
1049, Columbus, Ohio
43216. Ph: 614-644-
2129 email:
11435 COUNTY
ROAD 176
45879 OH AC-
NO. : 34233
A 2014 Class 3 Residual
Waste Landfill license
was issued to Lafarge
Corporation, 11435
County Road 176,
Paulding, Ohio 45879.
14A - Paulding County Progress Wednesday, February 5, 2014
JUST PHONE 419-399-4015
Wednesday, February 5, 2014 Paulding County Progress 15A
Wednesday, February 5
Oven Fried Chicken, Red Potatoes, Scandanavian Vegetables,
Grape Juice, Cookie, Biscuit
Thursday, February 6
BBQ Pork Sandwich, Broccoli, Cinnamon Peaches,
Fruited Jello, Golden Crackers
Friday, February 7
Mushroom Steak, Mashed Potaotes, Succotash,
Waldorf Salad, Sherbet, Dinner Roll
Monday, February 10
Cabbage Roll Casserole over White Rice, Pineapple Tidbits,
Dinner Roll, Apple Crisp
Tuesday, February 11
Chicken & Noodles, Mashed Potatoes, Carrots,
Strawberries & Bananas, Dinner Roll
Wednesday, February 12
Pork Cutlet, Baked Potato, Creamed Peas, Peaches,
W.W. Bread, Cookie
Thursday, February 13
Cheeseburger, Oven Potatoes, BBQ Lima Beans,
Orange Juice, Rice Krispie Treat
Friday, February 14
Fish Sandwich, Cheesy Potatoes, Capri Blend Vegetables,
Fruit Cocktail, Valentines Cake
Monday, February 17
Closed for Presidents Day
Tuesday, February 18
Hamburger Gravy, Mashed Potatoes, Biscuit, Betty Salad,
Hot Fruit Compote, Fruit & Grain Bar
Wednesday, February 19
Johnny Marzetti, Italian Green Beans, Apricots,
Tomato Juice, Garlic Bread, Fruit Snacks
Thursday, February 20
Ham & Cheese Casserole, Stewed Tomatoes, Spinach Salad,
Hot Applesauce, Dinner Roll
Friday, February 21
Baked Fish, Twice Baked Potaotes, Green Beans,
Peaches/Cot. Cheese, W.W. Bread, Cake
Monday, February 24
Spaghetti & Meatballs, Tossed Salad, Warm Pears, Garlic Bread
Tuesday, February 25
Turkey/Cheese on Rye, Chunky Tomato Soup,
Pineapple Tidbits, Ambrosia Saslad, Cookie, Crackers
Wednesday, February 26
Pork Roast, Mashed Potatoes, Normandy Blend,
Chunky Applesauce, W.W. Bread, Goldfish Crackers
Thursday, February 27
Baked Ham, Augratin Potatoes, Beets, Apple Juice,
Sherbet, Dinner Roll
Friday, February 28
Tuna & Noodles, Mashed Potatoes, California Blend,
Strawberries, Angel Food Cake, Dinner Roll
Paulding County Senior Center
401 E. Jackson St., Paulding
Served 11:30 a.m. Mon.Fri. Reservations: 419-399-3650
This Menu Is Sponsored
By Ohio Gas.
Professional Chefs Prefer
Cooking With Natural Gas.
Those celebrating birthdays at the Paulding County Senior Center included, front from left - Kathy Boullion, Kathy Shaner,
Florence Smith, Patricia Willingham; back row - Hazel Hamrick, Barb Morris and Julia Hart.
Celebrating anniversaries at the Paulding County Senior
Center were Jim and Isabel Morisy. Don and Miriam Baer also
had an anniversary but were not pictured.
There are so many differ-
ent and creative ways for
families to showcase their
heritage and honor a grand-
parent or other special sen-
ior. Scrapbooks are one such
way to share the life of a
special person and indirectly
tell the tale of your family
Very often personal histo-
ry projects are a part of ele-
mentary school curricula, so
you may already have the
makings of a family tree or a
family diary in your home.
All it takes is a little more
research and some planning
to design a scrapbook that
can be gifted or kept for gen-
erations to enjoy.
Begin by making an out-
line of what you would like
to cover in the scrapbook.
Perhaps there is a specific
event in a grandparents life
that is worth highlighting,
like a military tour of duty or
a brief stint in show busi-
ness. Maybe you would like
to present different snap-
shots in time during his or
her life. Either way, plan-
ning out the content of the
scrapbook will make it easi-
er to gather the necessary
Once youve settled on a
theme, begin your research
by interviewing the eventual
recipient (he or she doesnt
have to know the reason
behind the inquiry).
During the interview, take
note of key dates and try to
establish the mood of the era
with supporting materials.
For example, you may be
able to find samples of
advertisements from a corre-
lating period in history or
newspaper clippings that
can be used to fluff up the
content of the book.
In the meantime, gather
photos that can be used in
the scrapbook, which may
take some hunting. Prints
can be scanned and copied
via a desktop scanner at
home, or loaded onto a CD
or thumb drive and brought
to a pharmacy photo kiosk.
Some specialty shops can
even scan slides or convert
stills from film into images.
Make sure to make copies of
all original prints and be
careful not to lose or damage
the originals.
Scrapbooks can be made
manually with materials
purchased anywhere from
craft and hobby stores to sta-
tionery shops. There are a
variety of paper-cutting
tools, adhesives, stickers,
labels, and stencils that can
be used to enhance the look
of the scrapbook.
There also are computer
software programs or online
tools through photo-sharing
sites that enable you to
upload images and text and
design photo books entirely
Then the finished product
can be printed out in a vari-
ety of finishes. This method
may actually be preferable
for those who plan to save
the scrapbook or anticipate it
being such a big hit that oth-
ers will want their own
Create a digital file of all
of your information and
copies of images. This way
if you ever want to add to
the scrapbook or reproduce
information in the future you
will have all of the informa-
tion at your fingertips. The
scrapbook also will serve as
a good source material down
the line should future gener-
ations want to learn about
their ancestors.
Scrapbooking is more
than just detailing babys
first birthday or a vacation.
This popular pastime can
help document the life of a
special senior.
Historical scrapbooks can
honor older relatives
Others celebrating birthdays at the senior center were, front from left - Eugene Wirts and
Lavon Speiser; back row - Mary Stanton, Ruth Gerber and Barbara Weaver.
16A - Paulding County Progress Wednesday, February 5, 2014
IThe 2014
Area Guide
special section
& Tax Guide
IBridal section
ILook inside!
Special sales
events from ...
Chief, Menards,
Rural King,
Ruler Foods
Mini Relay at
PEVS in talks
For Life Mini Relay protest
that was set for the morning
of Jan. 29 at Paulding
School is canceled. The
Progress received an report
that the school had decided
to bring back Mini Relay at
the school; however, in a
phone conversation late this
morning, superintendent
Bill Hanak indicated that


VOL. 139 NO. 23 PAULDING, OHIO 419-399-4015 WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29, 2014
superintendents and some of
the transportation employees
drive the roads at 5 a.m. and
some even earlier to check
road and weather conditions.
This is a job that is taken very
seriously by those involved as
each one makes sure that roads
and conditions are safe for the
buses and students.
Frigid temperatures, snow
and the wind have been a
problem this year. It has been a
long time since temperatures
have dipped to below zero and
remain so low for such a long
So, when is too cold, too
A lot of it depends on where
one lives and what one is used
to. In Florida, 40 is consid-
Progress Staff Writer
It has never been necessary
to enact a cold weather poli-
cy in Paulding County. That
is until this month of January.
Theres been an onslaught of
below-zero temperatures, high
winds and an accumulation of
It appears that there is not
much relief coming this week,
as temperatures are to dip
down to below zero once
When the road conditions
are bad, residents usually get
fair warning from the news
media, EMA and weather
services informing of ap-
proaching bad weather.
Information is also available
on all of the school delays and
closings. Sometimes, the de-
lays and closings are an-
nounced the night before.
What nobody realizes is the
process involved in making
the decision whether to cancel
school or just delay it.
All of the Paulding County

See COLD, page 2A

Jim Langham/Paulding County Progress
A road drifting shut at Jacobs Pointe in Payne. The county was under a Level 3 snow emergency during a portion of Monday.

State Highway Patrols Van
Wert Post is investigating
an injury crash involving a
Wayne Trace Elementary
school bus that occurred at

Payne, was northbound
coming from Wayne Trace
High School.
Troopers said Dingus was
distracted in the vehicle and
drifted left of center. Etzler

Bus-car crash
injures one
Too cool for school? Districts may set policies
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CMH Specialty Clinic Office #3
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Sports Injuries
Muscle Strains
Ligament Sprains
Knee and Ankle Pain
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Dr. John Haggerty
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, rr, e n i a r c TTr i t e l h tth d A e i iffi t r e C
Dr. John Haggerty
c i t c a r p oop r i h f CCh r oof C to c o D

s T
e to
Get Pictures Ready for the
Little Tykes Review
To Be Published
Email to
or mail to The Paulding Progress
P.O. Box 180, Paulding, OH 45879 OR
Stop by at our Office located at
113 S. Williams St., Paulding, OH
...Say Cheese!
Childs Name:_________________________________________________
Parents Names:________________________________________________
Grandparents Names:____________________________________________
Phone # in case of questions:_____________________________________
City:_________________________________ State:___________________
$15 per child________ ($5 for each additional child in same picture)
MC/Visa/Discover (circle one)______________________Exp. Date______
3-digit VIN_____
***If you would like the photo returned to you please include a
self addressed stamped envelope. Make checks payable to Paulding Progress
Due to limited space
we are only able to
take parents and
grandparents names.
(Great grandparents
can not be listed)
Kylee Baumle/Paulding County Progress
Plant lust made me want to sneak this Primula obconica home in my suitcase, but I resisted
the urge.
Kylee Baumle
In The
For the love of plants
Last week, as I was relishing
our final days in beautiful
Ecuador, I had impure thoughts.
Its not what you think. Sur-
rounded by beautiful plants and
flowers at nearly every turn, the
first thing that came to mind
was, How can I get some of
those home with me?
Because of the ideal growing
conditions that their location at
the equator affords them, as
well as having the Andes moun-
tains, the Pacific coast and the
Amazon rain forest, Ecuador is
one of the most biodiverse
places on earth. It is a plant
lovers paradise.
That also makes it pure tor-
ture, as U.S. laws dont allow
travelers to transport live plants
into the country. Dont think
that I didnt consider sneaking
some in though, because I did. I
even went as far as purchasing
two plants, just knowing that I
could pull it off.
Flowers and plants are gener-
ally very inexpensive in
Ecuador, because theyre so
plentiful. The two extraordinary
primulas that I purchased were
only a dollar each. In the U.S.
the same plants could be as
much as ten dollars apiece. We
saw one vendor selling two
dozen gorgeous long-stemmed
roses for five dollars.
In the end, my better senses
prevailed and I gifted each of
the plants Id planned to hide in
my suitcase to people wed
spent some time with there.
Though I havent ever encoun-
tered these particular primulas
in the U.S., my horticulture
friends assure me that they are
available, so I will be seeking
them out in the coming months.
Besides, Im told if you get
caught with plants and dont
have the proper permits, your
luggage will be subject to search
each and every time you reenter
the U.S. Thats just not worth it
to me for a couple of house-
So just what is involved in
getting those beautiful plants
from there to here (the legal
way)? And why are the laws so
CITES (Convention on Inter-
national Trade in Endangered
Species of Wild Fauna and
Flora) was formed in 1972, to
regulate transport of animals
and plants for the purpose of
preserving and preventing the
exploit of animals and plants of
the world.
Imagine a plant lover walk-
ing through a woods and spying
a beautiful wildflower and then
wanting to take it home with
them. (Believe me, this happens
a LOT.) Not only does this in-
terfere with the natural propaga-
tion of the plant, it can also be a
vector for plant pests and dis-
eases in an area not native to the
plant. That can also mean that
the new location may not have
natural methods of controlling
these problems.
There are ways to import
plants, of course. Thanks to
those breeders, growers, and
distributors paying for permits
and going through proper in-
spection channels, our choices
of what we can plant and grow
in our gardens are many. With-
out them, we would have to
enjoy things like lavender, pas-
sion flowers, dahlias and
gladiolus from afar.
Ill admit that the tempta-
tion is always great to want to
break these rules. But they
serve a good purpose and for-
tunately, wiser heads usually
prevail. We still have more
than our fair share of beauti-
ful plants and flowers to
enjoy, no matter where we
Read Kylees blog, Our Little
Acre, at
and on Facebook at www.face- Con-
tact her at
newspaper with them to Olathe, Kan. Their source for exclusive Paulding County news? The
Paulding County Progress! Are you headed to some distant, exotic destination? Take the
Progress along with your camera and send a photo and a little information about your trip to
Amy, Sierra and Skylar Young went to Florida in November and celebrated Ritas 60th birthday.
They visited Ron Jons Surf Shop, Cocoa Beach Pier, Cape Canaveral and took in many sights.
Their source for exclusive Paulding County news? The Paulding County Progress! Are you
headed to some distant, exotic destination? Take the Progress along with your camera and send
a photo and a little information about your trip to

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