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St. Cronans B.N.S.

Homework Policy

Definition of Homework:
Homework refers to any work or activities assigned to students as an extension of classroom

There are four main types of homework:

1. Assignments to reinforce and consolidate skills acquired in the classroom - learning
and written tasks.
2. Preparation of assignments to help students get ready for future classroom
3. Extension assignments such as project work.
4. Reading

Importance of Homework:

Homework encourages and develops good study habits, independent learning,

initiative and responsibility.
It helps students to develop the confidence and self-discipline needed to study on
their own, and it prepares them for secondary school.
It allows pupils the opportunity to revisit, revise and consolidate skills learned in
It also promotes positive attitudes toward school because homework allows
students to understand that learning can also take place outside of the classroom.
Homework can involve parents and family in the pupils work, to their mutual
It can help pupils to make more rapid progress in learning.

Homework, along with schoolwork, teacher observation, projects, portfolios, diagnostic and
standardised tests all lay the foundation for providing an overall picture of a pupils progress
and development as they move through the school.

Following our recent evaluation of the homework practices in the school and a survey of
parent views on the issue, a short trial of no written homework was undertaken. In light of
the response of parents to the trial and the experience of teachers, it is considered that
written homework remains an important element of childrens learning. In general, the
majority of both parents and pupils had a positive attitude to homework. Teachers will be
very aware of the quality, relevance and duration of the work given and provide more
creative activities for pupils to help reduce homework-related stress.
Frequency and Duration of Homework:
It is a matter of school policy that individual teachers decide on the amount of homework
which they consider appropriate. However, the following samples are guidelines on what
parents can expect each evening.

1st Class: 10-20 minutes
2nd Class: 20-30 minutes
3rd-4th Class: 30-45 minutes
5th-6th Class: 45-60 minutes

These times are guidelines; some children may complete the work in less time. However, if
your child is regularly taking more than the upper limit guideline time, please confer with
the teacher.

Possible Content:
Irish and English Spelling
Irish and English Reading
Written Work in Mathematics, English and Irish
Revision of S.E.S.E., Music, S.P.H.E., Religion
Project Work (Occasionally)

Crokidz Club After School Homework Club:

All homework completed by pupils during Crokidz Club is supervised by Crokidz staff and
tutors. It remains the parents responsibility to check homework and sign their child's
Homework Journal.

Digital / e-Learning Homework:

St. Cronans actively encourages parents to help their children to support their learning on a
regular basis using the Edulinks section of our School Website. This Online Learning Zone
contains fun extension activities for all classwork, particularly in the areas of Numeracy,
Literacy and S.E.S.E. These activities give our pupils the ability to further their learning, while
also acquiring key I.T. skills.
Roles and Responsibilities:
Role of the Principal

The Principal will:

Communicate the homework policy to parents
Support teachers in the implementation of the policy

Role of the Teacher

Teachers are responsible for:

Administering homework based on the recommended homework policy.
Providing students with time to note the assignments in their diary.
Explaining how the assignment might be carried out.
Pitching difficulty level of homework to the needs of the class.
Consulting with the Learning Support Teachers regarding needs of children availing
of support.
Praising the student for completing assignments.
Correcting assignments or monitoring childrens checking of assignments.
Providing feedback and help if necessary.

Role of the Student

Students are expected to:

Write assignments clearly and neatly in their diary on a daily basis
Show their diary to parents and have it signed.
Complete all assignments neatly and honestly
Work independently and ask for help only when needed
Read independently (or with a family member) on a daily basis

Role of the Parent

Parents are encouraged to:

Plan a homework schedule and a place free from interruptions for the child.
Assist the child if necessary but not by doing the homework for the child.
Check that all homework has been completed and sign the homework diary.
Encourage the student and praise them when they have completed assignments.
Encourage reading either paired or independent.
Communicate with teacher if the child encounters difficulty, has spend an undue
time at homework or cannot complete work due to special circumstances.
Discuss interesting aspects of the work assigned.
Points to Note:

Homework is assigned Monday to Thursday, leaving the weekend free for family
activities. However, pupils may be asked to complete unfinished work, or continue
project work at weekends. Homework missed due to absence may have to be
completed at the weekend.
The nature of the homework assigned may change due to school activities during the
Sometimes at the discretion of the class teacher or the principal, children are given
homework off (Homework Pass) as a treat or as acknowledgement of some special
occasion or a special effort made by the class or by an individual.
Children are encouraged to read for pleasure every day and parents are encouraged
to read to younger children every day.
If homework is a stressful experience between parent and child, something is wrong.
This leads to poor learning and defeats the whole purpose. Should this happen on a
regular basis, please contact the class teacher.
Where exceptional circumstances prevent the completion of homework, please
forward an explanatory note in writing to the class teacher.

Ratified by the Board of Management on 2nd May 2017.

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