CHOCOLATe Poisoning

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Chocolate Poisoning Chocolate poisoning is a fairly common poisoning that we treat.

Owners of birds and dogs may feed the chocolate to their pets and/or dogs like the taste of chocolate. This type of poisoning is rare in cats as they do not like the flavor of chocolate. Rat poisonings, chemicals and especially medicines being ingested are poisonings that we commonly seen. Humans can digest chocolate and its compound theophylline. Pets are toxic to this chemical, which is also found in cocoa, cola and tea. Signs of toxicity are related to the compounds stimulant effects on the muscles, ner es and calcium of the patient bodys cells. Vomiting, fre uent urination, hyperactivity, diarrhea and muscle tremors are commonly seen. !n increase in heart rate and breathing rate indicates a more toxic level has been ingested. Heart problems and sei"ures can occur. #n the average it takes $.%&$.' of an ounce of baking chocolate per one pound of the patient(s body weight to cause toxicity. )ilk chocolate contains ** mg+o" of theophylline, while baking chocolate contains %,$ mg+o". !aking chocolate is "x more toxic than milk chocolate. The type and amount ingested determines the treatment of the patient. The effects of the poisoning can be seen for up to a day later. The first -. hours are the most critical time period. The treatment of chocolate poising starts with inducing the dog to vomit up any remains of chocolate. /f it has been greater than . hours since eating the chocolate, or if the patient is comatosed, we will not induce emesis. #ral cathartics are also sometimes given to increase the movement of the remaining food through the intestinal tract. !ctivated charcoal may also be given to absorb any of the toxic compounds. Tran uili"ers, such as Valium, are given to reduce the muscle tremors. /f the patient has worsened with the signs of poisoning, then intravenous fluids, 012 monitoring of the heart and anti&arrhythmia drugs may be indicated. #here is no antidote for chocolate poisoning. 3upportive therapy is the only treatment. 4ocoa bean mulch is a by&product of chocolate extraction. /f you use this mulch for landscaping, your dog may ingest this and obtain the same methlxanthine toxicosis as if she ate chocolate. The mulch can contain up to ..,56 theobromine. The unprocessed cocoa bean can contain up to *6 theobromine and $.76 caffeine. 8nsweetened baking chocolate can be lethal at - o"+-$9 of body weight, milk chocolate is -o"+-9, and cocoa mulch is lethal at - o" per *9. There are other poisonings similar to chocolate poisoning. Theobromine, caffeine and theophylline compounds are all member of the methylxanthine group of chemicals. !ll of these are toxic to pets and have the same stimulant type of effect. Theobromine is found in tea. 4affeine is found in colas, chocolate, coffee and human medicine stimulants. /t is the human stimulant ingestion where we also see methylxanthine poisonings. The supportive treatment is the same. The 3taff at the :elson Road Veterinary 4linic %$%&;75&V0T3<5%57=

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