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The Egyptology Project

aka What makes you such an expert?

During our study of Ancient Egypt, youre the egyptologist! You will research 3 topics about Ancient Egypt that interest you. You will study primary and secondary sources about your topics to find evidence that Ancient Egypt was a great civilization. You will share what youve learned with others in an informational book.

Possible Chapter Topics his list is incomplete. !ollow your interests"

Characteristic of Civilization Government Religion Art Technology Writing Social Structure A stable food supply Related Topics #haraohs $ government% &ar $ the military (ummification% gods $ goddesses% mythology (usic% art% architecture% entertainment )nventions% science $ medicine% the pyramids *ieroglyphics% scribes +aily life% social classes% clothing% Egyptian women Egyptian food% agriculture Requirement

ogether' the topics you choose must demonstrate at least 3 characteristics of a civilization.

(any topics show

evidence of more than one characteristic.

Project Timeline (dates are subject to change)

#ro,ect introduced in class /01 opics selected and research 2uestions approved /31 At least 04 facts $ 3 illustrations approved for topic / 0 /31 At least 04 facts $ 3 illustrations approved for topic / 3 -ompleted pro,ect handed in by 3134 pm

How to get help 5isten and ask 2uestions in class -ome to (. 6ates office hours 7 ue.' hu.' $ !ri. with prior notice8 Email (. 6ate with 2uestions 7kated9icscharter.com8. Signature :how this paper to your parent7s8 or guardian7s8. :ign below.

Student Signature

El Proyecto Egiptolgico
aka Qu te hace el experto?


Parent/Guardian Signature

Your book must include1

Your book may include1

3 chapters 04.0; important' interesting' and correct facts for each chapter 3.; hand.drawn illustrations for each chapter' with captions All information organized neatly in templates provided in class A cover page

(ore than the re2uired number of chapters' facts' and<or illustrations

All information organized in creative pages that you design and make. A table of contents' page numbers' and<or other elements of a real book

Distinguished Timeliness 20 points Proficient Approaching Unsatisfactory Points Entire pro,ect handed in on time he book has the re2uired number of chapters' facts' and illustrations. Almost all facts are important and accurate. -hosen facts give clear evidence of civilization. All illustrations are relevant and have captions. =ook is written with care' with few grammar or spelling errors. All illustrations are neatly drawn and contain color. #ro,ect incomplete or not handed in on time he book has the re2uired number of chapters' but various facts and<or illustrations are missing. :everal facts are not important or accurate. -hosen facts give little evidence of civilization. :everal illustrations are not relevant' or do not have captions. =ook is not written with care' or does not show evidence of editing. :everal illustrations are not neatly drawn or do not contain color. =ook has an incomplete cover. >ot all templates were handed in. he book does not have the re2uired number of chapters' facts' and<or illustrations. (any facts are not important or accurate. -hosen facts do not give evidence of civilization. (any illustrations are not relevant' or do not have captions. =ook is not written with care' or contains many errors. )llustrations are not neatly drawn and do not contain color.

Content of Book 0 points

he book has more than the re2uired number of chapters' facts' and<or illustrations. All facts are important and accurate. -hosen facts give ample evidence of civilization.

All illustrations are relevant and have informative captions. =ook is written with great care' with few to no grammar or spelling errors. . All illustrations are neatly and carefully drawn and include color. =ook has an original cover and design' and various additional elements. All templates were handed in.

Design of Book 20 points

=ook has a cover. All templates were handed in.

=ook does not have a cover. emplates were not handed in.

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