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The Trustees approved the proposed Library Strategic Plan 2014-2017 at the November 25, 2013 Special Meeting.

This included approval of goals and priorities for the first set of objectives to be met by June 30, 2014. A resolution to accept the plan will be presented at the February 11, 2014 City Council Meeting. Results from the 2012 Community Library Survey, Annual Library Reports, and benchmark studies were all reviewed by a consultant who met with Library Staff, the Strategic Planning Committee and Community groups to receive input regarding Library services. A timeline of meetings and events follows: 7/1/12 Community-wide Library Survey 441 respondents 11/28/12 Proposal to Update 2008 Library Strategic Plan approved 1/23/13 Quotes for consultant received, funds approved and Linda Demmers selected 2/27/13 Consultant and Library Director review documents 3/27/13 Scope of Work and work plan presented to Trustees 4/9/13 Library Survey results presented to City Council 4/24/13 Trustee Putnam and Ziff appointed to serve on Planning Committee 5/1/13 SWOT analysis by staff 5/17/13 Community members identified to serve on committee -19 6/24/13 1st community meeting: review Library data, benchmarks, survey, SWOT 7/22/13 2nd community meeting: prioritize top goals & Library service needs 8/22/13 Library staff identify objectives to meet goals 9/3/13 Staff defines measurable outcomes & prepares report 10/23/13 Draft Library Strategic Plan presented to Trustees 11/25/13 Library Strategic Plan 2014-2017 approved; 1st 6 month objectives Identified Five goals were identified by the Strategic Planning Committee to assist staff in providing Library Services in the next few years. In addition, objectives or steps to achieve those goals were identified. Priorities that could be met by June 30, 2014 were approved by Trustees and are highlighted in the list below: GOAL 1: Improve the publics awareness of Library services, explore new ways of communicating with the community, and facilitate the publics access to information about Library services. Develop marketing campaign to promote Library services using print, on-line and social media as marketing tools Evaluate, recommend and implement improvements to the Library Homepage which clearly publicize programs, collections, and services and track usage^ Implement ability to pay Library fees on-line+


Target outreach to local community groups, schools, neighborhoods to promote Library services by engaging Trustees, Friends, and volunteers of all ages as Library ambassadors Update Trustee Bylaws to promote Library advocacy ^

GOAL 2: Seek stable sources of funding to sustain current levels of service, hours of operation, and programs. Submit annual budget request to support groups of the Library (Friends, Community Foundation, etc.) to sustain collections, capital improvements, and programs Identify unfunded Library projects and priorities and seek fundraising opportunities to support projects Secure funding for maintaining staffing levels for existing open hours GOAL 3: Expand and improve the use of new technologies to provide access to Library materials, information about Library service, and to help customers connect to the digital world. Implement an updated ILS system + Explore RFID technology for cost savings and staff efficiency + Develop plan and timeline for posting city ordinances and resolutions on-line Provide self-service options for many Library services ^ Develop training plan for all staff to meet technological competencies and assist in managing city website Identify and offer training opportunities to the public for accessing Library material GOAL 4: Provide a facility that is comfortable and welcoming, safe, energy efficient, accessible for all and well organized. Draft a Library Facilities Master Plan and obtain City Council approval to assess Library structure and capital projects + Install ADA accessible shelving throughout Library + Develop a continuous weeding plan to ensure accessibility and usability of collection Increase seating and study area in facility + GOAL 5: Develop collections that meet the communitys needs including local History materials. Update Collection Development Policy to include all collections Implement programs for all ages that promote Librarys collections Expand and keep current eBook and technology collections ^ Develop two new local History categories per year for Digital Storyboards+ Inventory Local History Collection including rare books, California Collection, and Archival material and improve access, both digitally and on-site + ^ indicates objectives that can be met if funding is stable + indicates objectives that will need dedicated funding to achieve SUMMARY Even with these objectives before us, we are not a Library in crisis. We continue to be a full service Library, staffing is stable, we are open six days a week, books and materials in print and electronic formats are available, we have evening hours, offer free programs for all ages, and free Wi-Fi is available in the Library and the garden. The Library Strategic Plan 2014-2017 reflects Library services that our residents told us they wanted and a review of our statistics indicated services we needed to improve. We deeply appreciate the efforts and monies the Friends provide to support services at our Library. With much thanks, Carolyn Thomas, Library Director

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