Isa Enslaved Albumlyrics

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Intro: Green Reflection


2. Lunar Force

Farewell my brother Farewell my foe May death embrace you our blood in the dar!ness flow

ou were ne"er meant to rule #e"er to li$ht u% my father&s throne May you suffer dee% below ou tried to de%ri"e 'me of( my ri$htful crown

Fallen) defeated) tric!ed by *eorc) +he Lunar Force *ehold the sorcerer when you&re Im%aled by the sword

Farewell my brother Farewell my friend May she ha"e %ity with you ,e did not wish for your life to end

+he day will blea! when +he -ld -ne arri"es +he .in$ betrayed by his treacherous mind /efeated by *eorc) +he Lunar Force

0. Isa

*een standin$ here for a$es ,atchin$ the "alleys blossom and burn +he %yres of yesterday smells of losin$ you 1reser"ed we are) %ortraits 'in the $lassy de%ths( I %ic!ed u% the shattered mirror) %ut them in water 2old as my dreams

Isa: 3till 4 3tandin$ 4 5m%owered Isa: ,atchin$ you die) with tears of ice Isa: /etached 4 3ilent 4 5cstasy Isa: ,e are the dead

,e arri"ed here from different s%aces *iddin$ the wooden shrines farewell 2oncealed within dead li%s lies the ro%e +hat for$ed us and then tore us to shreds /istant o%%osite assembly at the shores

+hey&re tellin$ me it&s time to let $o

6 time to burn) a time to build ,ith your own hands a room within that room *rin$ it all towards the centre and tremble *rin$ her bac! from the shadows and !iss her Retrie"e the sword from the abyss 7old bac! the tidal wa"e

Isa: 3till 4 3tandin$ 4 5m%owered Isa: ,atchin$ you die) with tears of ice Isa: /etached 4 3ilent 4 5cstasy Isa: ,e are the dead

8. 6scension

3tarin$ across the "oid) seein$ eye to eye in folded s%ace I see you with the colours and fren9y of the sacred rooms ,e&"e met in those dreams: ice blue water ran towards the $reen s!y +he $ods s%o!e to us in their infancy 3uns waitin$ for us to smitten them with the flames of our disease 6nd we did so lau$hin$) $i"in$ birth to sunrises in our wa!e

#e"er in need of slee%) nor in need of truth I would ne"er ha"e stayed in this dar!ness) and we would ascend

+he taste of ash) no stars abo"e 4 #o $reen $rass below +he last words set abla9e as we saw the inner ima$ery 7ow it all came ali"e when we no lon$er reached for it 7ow it all rose and o"erwhelmed the s%eechless 'us(

In this house without words we came to be one In these boo!s without te;t we found the way

6 %ath alon$ a faded memory) without the fear of findin$ home

,e would ne"er ha"e stayed ,e would ne"er ha"e stayed ,e would ne"er ha"e stayed in this dar!ness ,e would ne"er ha"e stayed ,e would ascend

<. *ounded *y 6lle$iance

*rou$ht here by sorrow Raised in the de%ths of fear

2onsumin$ sanity Feastin$ on the =oy of Man

3urroundin$ the tremblin$ mind 3urroundin$ the troubled soul 3tren$th failed to tame the ser%ent +he offs%rin$ of lau$hter and sadness 3a"ed by the %ower of its !in -beyin$ the whis%erin$ chaos 1ulsatin$ underneath your s!in Feastin$ &till the end of time

/enyin$ all %eace within Fearin$ the freedom it ne"er feels

*ounded by alle$iance +o lon$ $one sanity

It lur!s dee% below

5mer$e at the last ste%

>. ?iolet /awnin$

I am a %art of the dar!ness @sed to watch from afar 3ensin$ the "iolence of mornin$ 6nd breathin$... 6nd waitin$ for nothin$

/e"ourin$ the s%irit) $rindin$ the heart +here are $ood thin$s in the burnin$ fields +here&s %eace in the slau$htered flesh +here&s life in the fro9en seeds

I&ll dream in the deserts 6nd comfort the thirst for seein$ +he "iolet dawn in the distance *ec!ons me to steal its li$ht

I&ll wait for you here

I&ll wait for you here

I&ll wait for you here

I&ll wait for you here

A. Return +o $$drasil

6 new sound heard throu$hout the land From which the s%irits had left a$es a$o 3acrifice and honour re%laced by betrayal and usur%ers 6 trail of sweat and blood) a $atherin$ to the %a$an outer worlds

For a$es we ha"e wandered @nder the win$s of dece%tion +oo lon$ ha"e we been waitin$ For the lon$ winter to end

6n u%risin$ by those that claim the 3u%remacy of -ne 6$ainst the misleaders of the blind) decei"ers of the Masses Man can no lon$er claim i$norance as reason for waitin$ It is all for the ta!in$) the world for their ma!in$

,e will $ather a$ain @nder the lea"es ,e will $ather a$ain In honour of the nine ni$hts

For a$es we ha"e wandered @nder the win$s of dece%tion +oo lon$ ha"e we been waitin$ For the lon$ winter to end

,e will $ather a$ain +o %raise the coura$e ,e will $ather a$ain +o watch the har"est

B. 3ecrets -f +he Flesh


C. #eo$enesis

#a"i$ation by the fires of dead worlds +owards the shores of #eo$enesis

#a"i$ation by the fires of dead worlds +owards the shores of #eo$enesis

/istant self now cut throu$h) a%%roachin$ infinitely Racin$ hearts throbbin$ dee% beneath the %ainted bones Mars o%ens the hidden doors to ?enus Lunar fli$ht crashin$ into solar storms *lindin$ unification 4 "erti$o 4 ecstatic curtain fall Get abla9e by inner arson) endlessly reborn ,inds) oh the winds that s%ea! of your salt and blood *rea! o%en the dam) flood the deserts

3hoc!in$ white %ulsar radiant dreams drawn in ni$ht s!y Ice4$la9ed branches undead by rays from an im%ossible sun 2rystalli9ed %athways towards runic chambers concealed within the microcosmos

Re"ert away from the %redicament) flee across the abyss

3e"erin$ the fetal cords s%awnin$ fusions by the thousands +hrou$h bent s%ace created blac! channel 4 %a$an relay 3ensations of flesh flic!erin$ 1raisin$ death throu$h bleedin$ eyes


1D. -utro: 2ommunion 'e;cer%t(


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