How and Where To Search For Jobs

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How and Where to Search for Jobs

"The Practical Solution When Job Hunting"...

Best Tips & Advice



Table of !ontent
1. Searching for an Accounting Job 2. Job Search Tips 3. Best Jobs 4. Entry-Leve Jobs 1!1" 4 #ust-$no% Tips &. #ust-'no% Tips on E(ecutive Job Search ). Sei*e the +pportunity an, the Job" The -ntervie% .. /ea th 0are Job Search Tips" /ea th is 1ea th -n,ee,2 3. Tips 4or a Stress-4ree -T Job Search 5. Job 6escriptions" 1hy Effective Job 6escriptions #a'e 7oo, Business Sense 1!. Jobs an, over age, app icants 11. Stress-free Job /unting 7ui,e 12. +n ine Job /unting 13. Tips in a Job -ntervie% 14. 4acts about Searching Jobs Abroa, 1&. Better Job Search Engines 1). 8uo 9a,is: ;e% 7ra,uate 1.. Job Sites Top 4ive 13. Loo'ing for the Job that is right for you 15. /o% to #a'e the Best +ut of Job 4airs 2!. Tips on +pti<i*ing Job Listings 21. The Best #e,ica Job Search Tips Ever 22. 1ante," Job S'i s on the Loose 23. So<e Tips on /o% ;ot To Lose a Job 24. 1age for the ;e% 7ra, 2&. Jobs Avai ab e +n ine 2). E(tra 6ough 2.. The -,ea =esu<e 23. Seven Basic Sa ary ;egotiation Tips 25. Job Search Tips for Sa es >rofessiona s 3!. -<portance of S'i s E<phasis on Job -ntervie%s 31. #atching ?our S'i s to 4in, Appropriate Jobs

32.Tips for a Successfu Loca Job Search 33. Searching for >erfect Teen Jobs 34. /o% to 0reate a List of 1ar< 0ontacts 3&. /o% to 4o o% @p on A 0ontacts 3). /o% to be -nvite, for -ntervie%s 3.. 7etting Starte, for a 0o , 0a 33. -,entifying your s'i s an, getting that Aob 35. . Easy Steps to -<prove ?our -ntervie%ing S'i s 4!. /ot Tips on /o% to Job Scout 41. >ositive y Thin'ing +ut of the Bo( 42. Jobsee'er 4A8s on Than' ?ou notes 43. Setting 0 ear +bAectives 44. 6ressing up for the Success -ntervie% 4&. /o% to 7et =eferra s fro< 1ar< 0ontacts 4). Tips on @sing ?our 1ar< 0ontact List 1hen ;et%or'ing 4.. 4ree ance Jobs- Be ?our +%n Boss 43. /o% to 0ope %ith the Stress of Se f-E<p oy<ent 45. 1hat to 6o -f ?ouBre Lai, +ff &!. Jobs for Arthritis Sufferers =esources

Sesrching for an Accounting Job Accounting gra,uates: have broa,er choices an, specific paths to fo o% %ith their careers. Accounting reCuires a ot of s'i s %hen it co<es to business an, that is %hy every co<pany has an e<p oyee that is an accounting gra,uate. -f you are an accounting gra,uate: you can app y in any 'in, of fir<. Areas <ay inc u,e ta(: au,it: financia ana ysis an, <anage<ent accounting. -t is best that you app y for a Aob that <atches your interests an, e(pertise. There are careers that have been proven by <ost accounting gra,uates to bring the< to the top of the success a,,er an, you <ay %ant to consi,er entering these fie ,s. -f you are an accounting gra,uate %ho e(ce in pub ic accounting: the entry- eve positions that best fit this s'i are Ta( Staff: 0onsu tingD #anage<ent Services an, Staff Au,itor. 1ith these positions you %i ,o your ,uties reporting to a senior. +nce you have acCuire, three to si( years of e(perience in any of these positions: you <ay then %ant to consi,er app ying for the higher eve s i'e Ta( Senior: Senior Au,itor: an, 0onsu ting Senior %here the position entai s reporting ,irect y to a #anager. After si( years of e(ce ing %ith these potions: then you <ay consi,er the positions >artner eve an, Senior >artner. /aving an e,ge %ith corporate accounting: one to three years of e(perience %i Cua ify you to beco<e a staff <e<ber in -nterna Au,it: Ta( Accounting: #anage<ent: an, 4inancia Accounting. #oving up the higher ever after three to si( years: you %i be e igib e for the Senior Leve

for -nterna Au,it: Ta( Accounting an, #anage<ent Accounting. Si( years thereafter: you <ay %ant to consi,er ai<ing for the positions i'e the Ta( #anager: -nterna Au,it #anager an, 4inancia Accounting #anager. E(pertise in 4inancia #anage<ent: Staff for 4inancia > anning: 0ash #anage<ent: an, 0re,it Ana ysis are options for entry- eve positions. +nce you have gaine, the enough e(perience: you <ay ai< for the Treasury +perations: 0re,it Ana ysis an, Senior 4inancia > anning. /igher positions %i inc u,e Treasurer: #anager for 0re,it Ana ysis an, 4inancia > anning. These career options are tra,itiona paths that %ere foun, to fit best for accounting gra,uates. /o%ever: it ,oes not <ean that they are the on y %ay to c i<b up the success a,,er. ?ou shou , go beyon, not Aust i<it your s'i s to accounting. -t is sti reco<<en,e, that you gain enough %or' e(perience: acCuire 'no% e,ge in ,ifferent aspects of e,ucation: an, continue to i<prove your character to be a step ahea, %ith other Aob see'ers.

Job Search Tips -f youEre not sure %hat to ,o: hereEs a <ight he p. 1. $no% thyse f. -,entify %hat rea y interest an, e(cites you. @n,erstan, that these traits ,efine you an, use it to e(p ore career choices an, opportunities. 2. Ta'e a career assess<ent test. There are a ot of career assess<ent tests avai ab e on ine. 4in, the ti<e to ta'e one. The test gives you a ot of insights about your core co<petencies an, %or' preferences. 3. As' others. -tEs actua y Cuite ,ifficu t to see yourse f as others ,o. -t %ou , be to your a,vantage to as' frien,s an, fa<i y on your traits an, s'i s. ?our co-%or'ers are a so a goo, source of infor<ation. $no%ing ho% they perceive you: %hat they i'e an, ,onEt i'e about you an, %hat s'i s or traits nee, to be change, can be he pfu in ,eter<ining your professiona profi e. 4. 1hat <oves youF 1ou , you be <ore intereste, in status or a si( figure sa aryF 6o you %ant to <a'e a ,ifference in your co<<unity an, the %or , or Aust on your co<panyEs net %orthF &. Ta'e charge. -n the G3!s: %hen you %or'e, for a arge co<pany: ist that

you usua y cou , conc u,e that you %ou , be %or'ing there for your entire career. -n those ,ays: the corporation ,rove your career path: a,vancing as it sa% fit. At the turn of the century: ti<es have change,. -n the span of your career: you %ou , probab y %or' for at east five co<panies. -n <ost cases: you %i probab y %or' for <ore than five. $no% %hich career trac' you ,esire: an, <a'e sure that trac' brings you to %here you %ish to go. ). 6eter<ine the co<pany fit. 1ith the current e<phasis on strea< ine, an, pro,uctivity-focuse, co<panies: the cu tura an, co<pany fit are Aust as i<portant as the professiona goa s. 0onsi,er the va ues an, princip es of the co<pany an, co<pare the< %ith your o%n. -t is i<portant that you fee co<fortab e an, fit in %ith co<pany. .. 4ree your <in,. The career path you choose is about change an, <ore change. -t inc u,es e(pansion an, ne% opportunities. A of these changes reCuire a ,esire to Aourney an, ,iscover. 3. Ba ance is the 'ey. A huge a<ount of ti<e is ,evote, to your career %hen you are in your 2!s an, 3!s. 1hen you reach your 4!s: your persona ife <ight ta'e prece,ence an, <aybe <ore i<portant to you. 4in, a corporation that %i provi,e you %ith a ba ance in your %or' an, your ife. 5. 6onEt hang aroun,. -f youEre not satisfie, %ith the %ay your career is going: go ,o so<ething. A %ays be in contro of

your career path to have a satisfying career. Best Jobs E<p oyers have sai, that they are <ore i'e y to be 12 percent <ore gra,uates this year than ast year. -t is the first proAecte, increase since the year 2!!!. -n another stu,y: a proAecte, )! percent of @S business p an to e<p oy the sa<e nu<ber of gra,uates this year as %ith ast year. That is an increase of fifty-five percent fro< ast year: accor,ing to the 0E=- H0o egiate E<p oy<ent =esearch -nstituteI at #S@. Accor,ing to recent stu,ies: @S 0orporations an, businesses %i e<p oy <ore gra,uates %ith a bache orEs ,egree in business: bio ogica an, physica sciences. Those %ith construction <anage<ent: engineering ,egrees: hea th care an, accounting %i a so e(perience an increase in hiring. +ther fie ,s %i have a s ight ,ec ine. +n the average: co<panies are hiring forty three percent of its interns to fu ti<e an, regu ar status. The e(pecte, increase in the hiring of gra,uates coinci,es %ith an e(pecte, gro%th forecast of the econo<y ne(t year accor,ing to a recent survey by the 4e,era =eserve Ban'. A ot of co<panies are co<ing out of a s u<p an, are no% hiring their interns an, oo'ing for <ore. A ot of co<panies are posting Aobs an, co<ing into ,ifferent ca<puses. #ost e(perts a,vise that ,uring the ho i,ays: %hether youEre oo'ing for per<anent e<p oy<ent or internship: it is ti<e to step up your search. Ta'e a,vantage of the ho i,ay events youEre going

to: ,iscuss %hat youEre oo'ing for an, your goa s. Businesses ,onEt %ant to be f oo,e, %ith ca s an, fa(es of resu<es. They %i probab y re y on %or,of-<outh to get a han,fu of can,i,ates The ho i,ays are a perfect ti<e to net%or'. 1hat to e(pect" 0o<panies %i hire <ore stu,ents earning bache orEs ,egree in business an, <anage<ent: physica an, bio ogica sciences. Engineering: hea th care an, accounting ,egrees a so %ou , e(perience an increase. +ther ,egrees %i e(perience a ,ecrease in hiring Businesses e(pect to e<p oy about the sa<e vo u<e of #BAs this year as ast year. Businesses have foun, e<p oyees %ith bache orBs ,egrees being ab e to ,o so<e %or' being ,one by #BAs. -t %i be har,er for gra,uates %ith co<puter science ,egrees to fin, %or'. 0o<panies are <ore i'e y to e<p oy stu,ents %ho have un,ergone internships. The %or' e(perience: they say: <a'es a ot of ,ifference. 4e,era agencies %i e<p oy <ore gra,uates but not near y enough to offset the ,ecrease in hiring by the state an, oca govern<ent agencies. +n average: starting sa aries %i 2 percent. increase by 1 to


Jobs 1!1" 4 #ust-$no% Tips

4or <ost peop e: ai<ing for a higher position at once is the 'ey to Aob search success. /o%ever: for so<e peop e %ho 'no% that in or,er to succee, in the Aob <ar'et: they have to: itera y: start fro< scratch. This <eans that peop e %ho %ant to gro% positive y in the %or'ing %or ,J they have to earn the basics an, fun,a<enta princip es of %or'ing: ho% it is to ove the %or' <ost peop e ,o: an, ho% to estab ish a goo, %or'ing re ationship %ith his or her co eagues. -n or,er to enAoy a of these: one <ust sub<it hi<se f or herse f to an entry- eve type of Aob. This refers to a Aob that reCuires <ini<a s'i s an, e(pertise %ith no e(perience reCuire<ent nee,e,. Because of its nature: entry- eve Aobs are characteri*e, by o% sa ary: reCuire physica an, so<eti<es nee, fie , %or'. %or':

#ost often than not: peop e %ho are into entryeve Aobs have very o% hour y rates an, <ay or <ay not entai insurance. This %ou , <ean that any hospita e(penses cause, by acci,ents that happene, %hi e the %or'er is at %or' <ay or <ay not be co<pensate, by the e<p oyer: <eaning there is no guarantee or %hatsoever. 1hatEs <ore: <ost entry- eve Aobs are on a partti<e basis. E(a<p es of entry- eve Aobs are receptionist: apprenticeship: those %ho are %or'ing in a fast foo, restaurant: custo<er service: cashiers: etc. 0ontrary to popu ar be ief: entry- eve Aobs shou , not be ignore,. 1hat peop e ,o not rea i*e is that entry- eve Aobs offer <ore than Aust o% %ages.

These Aobs are the foun,ation of a other positions avai ab e in the Aob <ar'et. -n <ost cases: peop e %ho start to %or' on higher positions right after they gra,uate fro< co ege are easi y bore, fro< their %or'. 1hat is even %orse: there is no roo< avai ab e for persona gro%th an, career a,vance<ent. Entry- eve Aobs are the stepping-stone to success in careers. So: for peop e %ho %ish to gro% an, be pro<ote, to a higher position: here are so<e tips that they can use" 1. 1or'ers %ho are in the entry- eve position shou , sho% enthusias<: efficiency: caring: an, ove for his %or'. 2. They shou , <aster their s'i craft. s an, hone their

3. They shou , be an e(pert on custo<er service. 4. They shou , 'no% ho% to i<press a custo<er %ho happens to be see'ing an e<p oyee %ho 'no%s opti<u< custo<er service. These are Aust a fe% of the Cua ities that <ust be e<p oye, by an entry- eve %or'er in or,er to a,vance to a higher position. An, once he reaches the top: he 'no%s that %or' is ,efinite y so<ething %orth va uing for.

#ust-'no% Tips on E(ecutive Job Search -t is nor<a for every person to strive for career a,vance<ent an, gro%th. -t <a'es the< fee that a of their har, %or' has pai, off an, that a pro<otion is: in,ee,: the best re%ar, they can get. /o%ever: for so<e %hose uc' see<s to be so i usive: they have to fin, their o%n gro%th so<e%here e se. That is %hy <ost of the< opte, for e(ecutive Aob searches: %here they hope that so<e,ay they %ou , be uc'y enough to fin, the e(ecutive Aob that they have ong been ,rea<ing for. But is it rea y Aust uc'F +r are there so<e factors that nee, to be consi,ere, %hen searching for that e(ecutive Aob of their ,rea<sF Lan,ing a goo, e(ecutive Aob is not ,epen,ent on uc'. 4or peop e %ho %ish to earn so<e tips regar,ing e(ecutive Aob searches: here are so<e pointers on ho% to get that ,rea< Aob" 1. $i er oo's

The saying: KLoo's cou , 'i L is not an un,erstate<ent. Though the %or, 'i is on y use, itera y an, the %or, oo' is so<eti<es associate, %ith stares. But %hat is being pointe, out here is that oo's can ,efinite y 'i a personEs chances on an,ing his or her e(ecutive Aob if the app icant ha, <isse, one great factor" appearance. As the saying goes: first i<pressions ast: so it %ou , be better to <a'e that first i<pression by oo'ing Aust right for the Aob. After a : if a person %ants to have an e(ecutive Aob: then: he shou , ,ress appropriate y for the position. -n this %ay: the e(ecutive Aob he ha, been searching

for <ight Aust beco<e a rea ity. 2. Sho% so<e <astery 4or an e(ecutive position: <ost e<p oyers %ou , %ant to hire those %ho are a rea,y an e(pert in their o%n fie ,. This <eans that the app icants shou , be a,ept in the areas concerning their chosen careers. This %i sho% that the app icant has a rea,y starte, a coherent career trac' an, is a rea,y 'no% e,geab e in the fie ,. -t %i ,o no goo, to an app icant %ho c ai<s to be a KAac' of a tra,es but a <aster of none.L Si( out of 1! app icants are hire, because of their e(pertise on a certain fie ,. This on y <eans that e<p oyers are <ore concerne, %ith peop e %ho have a rea,y <astere, their career an, have estab ishe, continuous career gro%th. 4in,ing an avai ab e e(ecutive Aob cou , be one thing but actua y getting that ,rea< e(ecutive Aob is another thing. Loo'ing an, acting the part is a <ust to an,ing that ,rea< Aob2

Sei*e the +pportunity an, the Job" The -ntervie% So: youEve sub<itte, a 'i er 0urricu u< 9itae an, supporting ,ocu<ents. ?ouEre ahea, of the pac' an, have Aust receive, a ca for an intervie%. 1hat ,o you ,o ne(tF The intervie% is the <ost stressfu an, i<portant part of Aob hunting. This is %here the e<p oyers <a'e a ,ecision base, on his or her i<pression of %hether to hire you for their Aob. ?ou %i %ant to ,o your best in this part because here ays the cu <ination of a your Aob hunting efforts. 4 ub it here an, a your efforts fro< app ication to e(a<inations %i go ,o%n the ,rain. 1. #a'e a 7reat -<pression A %ays ,ress in your best attire for the intervie%. ?our attire shou , be appropriate. ;o <atter %hat the co<pany <ay reCuire for their e<p oyees: the first i<pression for app icants shou , be conservative business attire. 2. 6o a Litt e =esearch +ne of the best %ays to <a'e a goo, i<pression on your intervie%er is to ,o a itt e research on the co<pany you are app ying for. This %i eCuip you %ith <ateria to ans%er <any of the Cuestions the intervie%er %i as'. +ne of the <ain points of the Cuestions you %i be as'e, is ho% your s'i s can benefit the co<pany. -f you 'no% a thing or t%o about the co<pany: you %i fin, it a ot easier to ans%er this Cuestion. > us: ,ropping a fe% <eaty ti,bits about ho% <uch you 'no% about the co<pany %i go a ong %ay in i<pressing the intervie%er. 3. 1atch ?our Bo,y Language #any of the intervie%ers are %e verse, in bo,y anguage: an, you %i fin, that: throughout the intervie%: they %i be oo'ing for hints about your persona ity fro< the %ay you act: ta ': an,

<ove. -t %ou , be abnor<a to assu<e a ,ifferent set of bo,y anguage ,uring the intervie%. 1hat you shou , ,o is to ta'e note of your bo,y anguage so that at east it co<<unicates openness an, honesty. Avoi, te ing ies or e<be ishing your ans%ers. E(perience, intervie%ers %i notice this in an instant. A %ays 'eep your pa <s open an, avoi, crossing your egs or your ar<s together. 6o not be afrai, to <a'e eye contact %hi e spea'ingJ Aust <a'e sure that you ,o not co<e across as inti<i,ating. 4. 0onfi,ence 1a ' in %ith a purpose. Ans%er %ith a purpose. Try not to be too se f-conscious. #a'e sure you are confi,ent in %hat you say. -f you hit a snag an, fin, yourse f in a co<pro<ising situation: <a'e sure you han, e the situation confi,ent y M even %hen saying that you ,o not 'no% an ans%er to a Cuestion. 0onfi,ence ref ects co<petence. E<p oyers a %ays oo' for co<petent peop e to fi their ran's.

/ea th 0are Job Search Tips" /ea th is 1ea th -n,ee,2

;o%a,ays: Aobs fa ing un,er the hea th care category are one of the <ost in ,e<an, Aobs. This is because <ore an, <ore countries fa short %ith regar,s to their e<p oyees an, staff in the hea th care in,ustry. -n fact: asi,e fro< co<puters an, infor<ation techno ogy: heath care Aobs are the ones that are great y sought after by both the e<p oyers an, app icants. Asi,e fro< the increasing ,e<an,: hea th care Aobs are a so one of the best paying Aobs a over the %or ,. 4or e(a<p e: in the @nite, States a one: physica therapist assistants get to earn N2.:&!! to N 41:.3! in a year. -t is a so e(pecte, to gro% by 4)O in the years to co<e. 4or peop e %ho are ,rea<ing to go abroa, an, an, a Aob in the hea th care category: here are so<e tips that that can he p" 1. $no% your craft The prob e< %ith <ost peop e %ho are oo'ing for hea th care Aobs is that they ,o not 'no% the fun,a<enta s'i nee,e, in this 'in, of Aob" care for others. There are <any instances %herein hea th care Aobs ,o not necessari y reCuire peop e %ho have a higher e,ucation ,ip o<a in hea th care. So: peop e %ho have a KcaringL attitu,e: can have a ucrative Aob in the hea th care in,ustry. 2. /ea th -nfor<ation technicians an, #e,ica =ecor,s ran' si( on @nite, StatesE 1! hottest Aobs of 2!!&. These positions can %or' %e for peop e %ho are oo'ing for hea th care Aobs. These positions pay

N15:.!! to N2.:4!! annua


3. Success is in the 'ey%or,s: 4or peop e %ho are searching for specific hea th care Aobs on the -nternet: it is best to narro% ,o%n their searches %ith so<e <ore ,etai e, 'ey%or,s. -n this %ay: heath care Aob searches %i reap better resu ts. 4. Ai< for the best positions in the hea th care in,ustry 4or peop e %ho %ish to an, a goo, Aob in the hea th care in,ustry: it %ou , be better to ,o so<e ho<e%or' first. -n this %ay: they can get an overvie% on %hich position has the <ost ,e<an,s for e<p oyees an, %hich Aob entai s higher sa aries. -n the @nite, StatesE 1! hottest Aob of 2!!&: <e,ica assistants are the top positions in ,e<an, in the hea th care in,ustry to,ay. -n fact: surveys sho% that the ,e<an, for <e,ica assistants %i continue to gro% an, %i increase by )5O in 2!14. -n,ee,: the hea th care in,ustry continues to saturate the <ar'et %ith a continuous gro%th for the ,e<an,s of its services. ;o %on,er %hy <ost peop e are into hea th care Aobs2

Tips 4or a Stress-4ree -T Job Search The best source to oo' for Aobs re ate, to

-nfor<ation Techno ogy H<ost co<<on y 'no%n as -TI is: obvious y: the -nternet. 9arious sites offer istings of Aob openings for specific fie ,s. The 'ey for a fruitfu search is to 'no% ho% an, %here to oo' for the best possib e Aobs avai ab e. To have access on a certain siteBs isting: an in,ivi,ua <ust first acco<p ish the fo o%ing" 1. =egister at the chosen site 2. After registration confir<ation Hvia an e<ai fro< the <o,erator of the siteI: the in,ivi,ua <ay no% have access to the ist 3. -n searching for the preferre, or suitab e Aob vacancy: you <ay be as'e, to fi out a for< Hon ineI that states an in,ivi,ua Bs profi e. This is usua y use, for easier bro%sing of re ate, %or' since -T has various fie ,s of specia ties. +ther sites auto<atica y <atch an in,ivi,ua Bs profi e %ith the avai ab e or suite, vacancy base, on the infor<ation given by the person. 4. The app icant has the option to choose fro< contractua : fu -ti<e: part-ti<e: trainee or te<porary Aobs category. &. -f the in,ivi,ua prefers %or' that is current y not iste, on the site: he or she <ay have the option of posting his or her resu<e: fro< %hich prospective e<p oyers <ay bro%se through at so<e other ti<e. To avoi, frustration %hi e bro%sing through the nu<erous istings of -T openings on the -nternet: ta'e into consi,eration the fo o%ing pointers" 1. 6eter<ine the fo o%ing"

1.1 +rgani*e your career portfo io in soft an, har, copies. 1hi e <ost e<p oyers %i as' for a copy of you resu<e through the net He<ai I: there are so<e that sti reCuire har, copies for sub<ission at their respective offices. 1.2 6eter<ine preferre, ocation of %or'. -s the in,ivi,ua %i ing to be re ocate, shou , a goo, position be offere, in another city or stateF 6oes he or she prefer %or' %ithin co<<uting ,istanceF 1.3 Sa ary. Though it %ou , not be %ise to <a'e ,e<an,s on oneBs sa ary especia y ,uring the intervie% process: an in,ivi,ua <ust have a pre,eter<ine, range of sa ary that he or she %ou , be %i ing to accept: %hoever the e<p oyer %ou , be or %herever it <ay be ocate,. 2. =an' the ite<s priority. iste, above base, on oneBs

3. Search the -nternet for various sites %ith istings of -T Aob openings. 4. =egister on a nu<ber of sites for a %i,er access to various ists. &. Sub<it resu<e base, on the pre,eter<ine, priorities.

Job 6escriptions" 1hy Effective Job 6escriptions #a'e 7oo, Business Sense #ost neophyte %or'ers or even fresh y gra,uate,

<e<bers of the %or'force %i Au<p into Aobs %ithout 'no%ing their Aob ,escriptions. This practice is un,erstan,ab e. #any of these fresh gra,uates are Aust g a, to have gotten a Aob an, %i try to avoi, being to nosy or pushy %hen it co<es to %or'. They <ay thin' that G,e<an,ingE a Aob ,escription %i be an a,,e, negative to their e<p oyerEs i<pression of the<. This cou , not be <ore %rong. E<p oyers: in genera : ,e ight in e<p oyees that as' about their Aob ,escription. This sho%s that the e<p oyee has an interest in 'no%ing the specifics of his or her Aob an, %ou , i'e to 'no% %hat his or her specific responsibi ities are. /ere are a fe% other reasons %hy Aob ,escriptions are tru y i<portant to e<p oyees an, even to those %ho are searching for Aobs. 1. $no% e,ge of 6uties A Aob ,escription %i furnish you %ith a ist of your responsibi ities an, ,uties. This %i ensure that you 'no% %hat Aobs you are suppose, to ,o an, %hich Aobs you are not suppose, to ,o. Just KguessingL is not an option. /o%ever: you <ay be trying to ,o your best ,oing Aobs that are not your ,uty an, responsibi ity to perfor<. The resu t of %hich: on paper: is that you are not ,oing your Aob. -f you en, up ,oing Aobs that are not in your Aob ,escription. ?ou %i not be cre,ite, %ith those Aobs. 2. >revent Being Ta'en A,vantage +f There %i be instances %hen as an e<p oyee you %i be as'e, to ,o specific ,uties that are not in your Aob ,escription. -t is perfect y ega to point to your Aob ,escription an, say that the particu ar Aob ,oes not fa un,er your Aob ,escription. ?ou %i : of course: have to ,o this

po ite y. ?ou <ay: of course: choose to ,o these ,uties. /o%ever: <a'e it c ear that %hat you are ,oing is not %ithin your Aob ,escription. ?ou an, your <anager <ay then choose to ta ' about %hether these ,uties shou , be inc u,e, an, the proper re<uneration for such. 3. 1hat #atters to ?our E<p oyer is >aper There have been count ess e<p oyees %ho have co<e forth saying: K%e ,i, our best: %or'e, over ti<e: an, gave our a : but ,i, not receive the proper ac'no% e,ge<ent.L @nfortunate y: e<p oyers %i be too busy to 'eep trac' of your perfor<ance. ?ou <ay have to sub<it reports on your progress an, perfor<ance. This: of course: shou , be base, on your Aob ,escription or e se it %i not <a'e any sense to your e<p oyer.

Jobs an, over age, app icants

Though so<e e<p oyers %ou , prefer a younger %or'force: the o ,er app icants sti have a %i,e variety of career choices to choose fro<. E<p oyers are starting to see the potentia of o ,er an, <uch-e(perience, app icants as can be seen by the statistics be o%" -n Austra ia: Bureau of Statistics sho%e, that bet%een the perio, of August of 1535 to that of August of 2!12: the %or'force age, 1&-24 ost <ore than 33!:!!! Aobs to o ,er %or'ers. Asi,e fro< the fact that <ost of Austra iaBs younger generation beca<e fu -ti<e stu,ents: e<p oyers favore, the o ,er app icants. -n ;ether an,s on the other han, Hby 6ece<ber of 2!13I: over .!!:!!! thousan, of their e<p oyees are && years o , an, above. This figure ha, been increasing stea,i y since 1555. To have a hea, start fro< the younger app icants: one has to ta'e into consi,eration the fo o%ing" 1. -n %riting oneBs resu<e: put <ore %eight in high ighting the acco<p ish<ents %ithout necessari y bragging about it. +ne cou , have these ists of acco<p ish<ents an, previous posts he , %or' for oneBs a,vantage over younger app icants %ho <ay not even have any e(perience on the sa<e fie ,. An in,ivi,ua Bs e<p oy<ent history receives as <uch scrutiny as the app icant itse f. 1hi e e<p oyers ten, to oo' for gaps or apses of ti<e %hen the app icant has been une<p oye,: they a so ten, to focus on the ength of service one ha, ren,ere, for their previous e<p oyers.

4reCuent change of %or' Husua y %ithin very short ti<e fra<esI can be a ar<ing for prospective e<p oyers. 2. =ea, an, enro in progra<s that %i refresh your 'no% e,ge on certain fie ,s especia y if engage, in professiona sectors. This %i 'eep you in,ivi,ua abreast of the atest tren, in such fie ,s. 3. Search the -nternet for vacancies. A ot of agencies p ace a,s on the net that a,vertises he p for senior citi*ens in oo'ing for Aobs. 9arious search engines <a,e easier an, specific Hcan choose the fo o%ing categories" career: ocation an, fie , of interestI are a so avai ab e. Jobs that ,o not usua y oo' into the age of the app icant are the fo o%ing" 1. >rofessiona %or' that are into specia i*ation. 4or app icants in the <e,ica fie , Hi.e. 6octorsI e(perience is the basic ,eter<inant of being hire,. 2. Lectures or spea'ing engage<ents. Spea'ers that are invite, to ,iscuss certain topics ,o not rea y have an age reCuire<ent. =ather: Cua ification focuses <ore on first han, 'no% e,ge an, e(perience. 3. 1riters. 1riting nove s: p ays or chi ,renBs boo's are one of those professions %hose on y reCuire<ent is goo, %riting s'i s. A so: one can ,o the Aob at the co<fort of their o%n ho<es: a p us factor for those in their a,vance, years.

Stress-free Job /unting 7ui,e /unting for the perfect Aob for an in,ivi,ua

reCuires ti<e: effort an, 'no% e,ge. 4or stress free Aob-hunting: every in,ivi,ua first consi,er the fo o%ing pointers before starting your Aob hunting process" <ust

1. $no% %hat type of Aob you %ou , i'e to app y for. 7ate crashing Aob fairs that offer %or' not re ate, to oneBs ,egree or %or' preference %ou , be a %aste of ti<e. 0onsi,er your interests: preference of %or' ocation an, Aob shifts Hto be especia y consi,ere, by professiona s %ho have fa<i y <e<bers to ta'e care ofI. -f a these fit the category of the Aob opening avai ab e: it %ou , be best to procee, %ith the app ication process. 2. >repare possib e nee,e, ,ocu<ents or career portfo io. /ave severa copies of your resu<e: transcript of recor,s an, any certifications rea,y for i<<e,iate sub<ission if nee,e,. 3. $no% %here to oo' for Aob postings. There are various for<s that offer isting of Aobs. Be o% are so<e of these sites" 3.1 -nternet. +ne of <ost %i,e y use, searching options is the -nternet. Asi,e fro< the fact that bro%sing the -nternet for avai ab e Aobs is ess ti<e consu<ing than persona appearances to inCuire at the offices: this can a so be the east e(pensive for< of Aob hunting. ?ou %ou , not nee, to buy ne%spapers to bro%se through the a,s for vacancies nor spen, gas <oney to go to the offices. ;ot on y oca or nationa vacancies can be bro%se, through the net: internationa Aob openings cou , i'e%ise be easi y accesse, by the user: thus:

offering one a <uch %i,er perspective in choosing the right Aob. 3.2 ;e%spapers. +ne of the <ost co<<on y use, searching <e,iu<. Loca ne%spapers a,vertise Aobs that are %ithin an app icantBs co<<uting ,istance. Avai ab e Aobs are usua y printe, on a regu ar basis. 3.3 0areer or Job 0enters. These usua y offer Aobs for ages 1)-13 an, rare y above 21 years of age. Though fu y oa,e, %ith vacancies: it caters <ost y to the younger app icants. Job istings are freCuent y up,ate,J therefore regu ar visits %ou , ensure the app icants of ne% Aob postings. 3.4 >erio,ica s or <aga*ines. >rofessiona s are best a,vise, to oo' for Aobs on <aga*ines since e<p oyers that %ou , %ant to hire the sa<e %ou , a,vertise on such Aourna s. 3.& +ffices. #ost offices have postings of Aob openings on their 9acancy Boar,s. App icants <ay ,irect y go to the office to oo' for vacancies an, then ,irect y sub<it the resu<e or other pertinent ,ocu<ents to the respective ,ivision that receives such ,ocu<ents.

+n ine Job /unting

There %as a ti<e %hen a person %ho %ante, to fin, %or' ha, to buy ne%spaper an, oo' through the c assifie, a,s section. The a,vent of the internet has change, that by creating opportunities for peop e to %or' either in a ,ifferent state or in another country. -t has <a,e the %or , a s<a er p ace ren,ering it accessib e for anyone %ith a co<puter to search for a Aob an, app y to it. There are <any sites that offer such services. A the person has to ,o is open an account: fi up the necessary fie ,s then sub<it your resu<e. These sites usua y as' for pertinent infor<ation such as the personEs na<e: age: a,,ress: contact nu<ber an, socia security nu<ber. A,,itiona infor<ation that %i be reCueste, is e,ucationa bac'groun,. E<p oy<ent history is a so another thing that has to be <entione, %hich inc u,es the Aob ,escription an, high ights that one has e(perience, ,uring that personEs career. A section in the account %i a so as' the preferre, in,ustry of %or': if the person is %i ing to ,o fie , %or' or open to re ocation an, the e(pecte, sa ary shou , one be accepte, for the Aob. 1ith a the infor<ation provi,e,: these sites %i then <atch your Cua ifications %ith the Aobs avai ab e. This service is free an, <atches can be seen %hen the person ogs on the account or gets a notice via e<ai . So<e sites offer a service %ith a fee that %i p ace the resu<e over other app icants giving that person <ore priority but even that is a not a guarantee that one %i get the Aob.

+n ine Aob hunting is not Aust for professiona s. -t caters to anyone %ho %ants to %or' either fu ti<e: part ti<e or on a per proAect basis. App ying on ine is not on y ,one through Aob sites. ?ou can a so chec' the %ebsites of co<panies that usua y have a section on careers to see %hat openings are avai ab e. ?ou si<p y have to go through the process of giving certain infor<ation an, up oa,ing your resu<e. There are <any Aobs avai ab e in the <ar'et. The internet has <a,e it easier for co<panies to <a'e peop e a%are that there are vacancies avai ab e. -t has a so <a,e it convenient for app icants to app y on ine instea, of %a 'ing to an office an, ,ropping of a resu<e. 1ith everything that is Aust a <ouse c ic' a%ay: a it ta'es is a itt e effort on oneEs part to sit ,o%n in front of a co<puter an, oo'ing for a Aob.

Tips in a Job -ntervie%

The secon, step in getting the Aob is <eeting the potentia e<p oyer for an intervie%. The first step that an app icant has successfu y co<p ete, %as sen,ing your app ication an, passing the screening process of the co<pany. The e<p oyer got the resu<e through a variety of sources that can be fro< an a, that %as poste,: a referra fro< a frien, or a hea,hunter: or by a person %ho si<p y sub<itte, an app ication by ogging on the co<panyEs %ebsite. /ere are a fe% tips that %i successfu intervie%J he p in having a

P Before going to an intervie%: it is best to ,o so<e research about the co<pany one is app ying to. P -t is a so best to practice %ith a frien, or fa<i y <e<ber <oc' up Cuestions that the e<p oyer %i i'e y as' so you ,o not cho'e ,uring the rea intervie%. P 1hen you go for an intervie%: it is best to a %ays arrive 1! to 1& <inutes ahea, of ti<e. This sho%s e<p oyers that the person is punctua an, serves as a goo, attribute in a potentia e<p oyee. P 1hen <eeting an e<p oyer: you shou , bring an e(tra copy of the resu<e an, other ,ocu<ents that are nee,e, if as'e, certain Cuestions. A goo, e(a<p e is architects an, photographers %ho are professiona s in the respective fie ,s %ho have a portfo io of the %or's ,one %hich <ay i<press the intervie%er. P -t is a %ays best to ,ress appropriate y. This sho%s the e<p oyer sincerity on the part of the app icant app ying for the Aob. +ne <ust have finger-nai s an, hair %e groo<e, for the

intervie%. The outfit %orn shou , be professiona . This %ou , <ean that shoes <ust be use, to <atch the outfit. -f you typica y %ear a ot of Ae%e ry: it is a,visab e to re<ove an, tone it ,o%n for the intervie%. P 1hen you are in front of the e<p oyer: s<i e an, greet the intervie%er %ith a fir< Hbut not bone crushingI han,sha'e %hich is a %ays a goo, start to get the intervie% <oving. P 6uring the course of the intervie%: isten very %e to the Cuestions as'e,. Each <ust be ans%ere, truthfu y an, confi,ent y to be ab e to se yourse f to the potentia e<p oyer. P After%ar,s: the app icant shou , than' the recruiter for the ti<e that %as given to <eet for the intervie%.

4acts about Searching Jobs Abroa, Job hunting abroa, can be both an opportunity an, an a,venture. There are hur, es to overco<e %hen

searching for the right Aob abroa,. LetBs ta'e going to #a,ri,: >aris: =o<e or Lon,on for e(a<p e. -tBs not enough to Aust sen, resu<es: the i,ea shou , be Qget the uggage an, get on the p ane.Q 7etting a %or' per<it is one obstac e in Europe. To stay there for an e(ten,e, ti<e: a resi,ence per<it is nee,e,. This an on y be grante, once a %or'ing per<it has been grante,. 0o<panies on y provi,e non-European %or'ers their %or' per<its if they prove that there are no Cua ifie, European for the position. This is tough since the European E<p oy<ent Services a o%s ,ifferent co<panies to recruit prospects in eighteen European Econo<ic Area countries. =e<e<ber that an i,ea can,i,ate is one %ho is ab e to spea' the native anguage of a specific city other than Eng ish. -f you have your eye on Spain: a type, app ication etter %ith a resu<e <ust be prepare,: inc u,ing a recent photo an, trans ate, Cua ifications an,Dor copies of ,ip o<as an, other cre,entia s. The etter <ust be %ritten in a ,irect for<a sty e citing the vacancy app ying for. A <ust have for the c osing shou , be QEn espera ,e sus noticias: es sa u,a atenta<ente.Q -n the @nite, $ing,o<: ne%spapers are goo, sources of Aob openings. Assorte, pri<e papers offer co<p e<ent of Aob vacancies i'e QThe 7uar,ian:Q QThe 6ai y Te egraph:Q QThe Ti<es:Q or the QThe -n,epen,entQ particu ari*e vacancies ,ai y. 0o<panies are very particu ar regar,ing the reason you are app ying. =esearch on their pro,uct offers: ocation of branchesDoffices: etc. There <ust be a reason %hy there is an interest to %or' for a specific co<pany. The app ication for Aobs in -ta y shou , a so consist of a type, app ication etter. This shou , be for<a an, conventiona in for<. @sing the

-ta ian anguage is a <ust %hen e(p aining the intriguing reason for app ication. 6ip o<as an, other cre,entia s inc u,ing i<pressive ist of references shou , be han,y ,uring the initia intervie%. There are three to four e(pecte, fo o%-up intervie%s inc u,ing a psycho<etric test. >ut e<phasis on persona appearance before the intervie% especia y ho% the ,ress as this sho%s the concern in getting the Aob being app ie, for. The average Aob search abroa, ranges bet%een si( to t%e ve <onths. E(perts consi,er searching for a Aob a fu ti<e Aob itse f. Atten,ing career counse ing is he pfu if unsure on %hat to ,o. There are a ot of great career resources %ho can give a,vise that best fits ones interests an, passion.

Better Job Search Engines Job search engines use state-of-the-art techno ogy to assist peop e in their Aob Cuest. /ere you

cou , enter a the re evant infor<ation to re,uce the ists of sought after Aobs to get <ore accurate resu ts. Because ne% Aobs are being a,,e, ,ai y or even hours after: the ten,ency to see the resu ts you ha, yester,ay <ay be ,ifferent fro< %hat you see to,ay. This is %here Aob search engines co<e in han,y. After so<e tria an, error there are a fe% Aob search engines that cou , yie , better resu ts. They a o% searchers to see <aAor Aob sites: co<panies an, even its associations by entering a 'ey%or, an, ocation. =esu ts can be seen in ,ifferent %ays: it cou , be in a bro%ser ist an, so<e sent thru e-<ai . Si<p y/ire,.co<: A<ericaBs Job Ban': Jobster: an, -n,ee,.co< are Aust a fe% of the search engines that can give you <ore accurate resu ts. These sites inc u,e over &!! Aob istings %ith Aob boar,s: pri<e ne%spapers: an, nu<erous co<panies %ith career pages. -n,ee,.co< even has an a,vance search option that cou , be use, to search co<pany na<es: positions: an, even the ,istance for co<<uters. A<ericaBs Job Ban' etBs you enter the Aob category you %ou , i'e to search: then you can enter either the city or the *ip co,e an, state you %ou , i'e to fin, the Aob an, it gives the ist of Aob openings. -f youBre uc'y: you can even get the Cuote, sa ary fro< each of the co<panies youBre eyeing on. -n Si<p y/ire,.co< asi,e fro< the ist of Aobs open: app icants are a so given a short ,escription of the Aob youBre about to han, e inc u,ing the responsibi ities to be <et even ,uring app ication.

-t a so inc u,es the type of co<pany: ,ate %hen the Aob %as poste,.

ocation an,

Jobster provi,es the atest Aob postings fro< to,ay up to the ast . ,ays %herein you can a so choose the ,istance you prefer. This site gives you the abi ity to see the ist of the fresh y poste, Aobs fro< a variety of sources. /o% 1e Are TheyF

These sites give istings that are re evant an, ti<e y: co<pare, to other search engines that generate resu ts a itt e onger than the others. So<e %ou , even provi,e resu ts that are far fro< the ocation pic'e, out. So far the best a<ong the search engines use, is the Si<p yhire,.0o<. -t sho%e, the Aob tit e: a in' %as a so provi,e, for posting: a su<<ary of the Aob ,escription: %here the e(act current ocation an, %here it originate,. The pro,uce, resu ts are easy to rea,: non-confusing %ith bits an, pieces <ore of infor<ation p us the getting aroun, is user frien, y

8uo 9a,is: ;e% 7ra,uate

Accor,ing to a recent survey by Job +ut oo': for the thir, year no% there is a positive increase in hiring fresh co ege gra,uates for 2!14. Business o%ners p an on hiring <ore fro< the c ass of 2!1314 than they ,i, fro< the 2!!4-!& c ass as %e as offering higher co<pensation an, benefits for the ne% hires. -n the annua survey by the ;ationa Association of 0o eges an, E<p oyers: nine out of ten co<panies ,escribe the ne% Aob <ar'et as goo,: very goo,: an, e(ce ent. >ub ic accounting an, consu ting fir<s narrate, the brightest prospect for the future gra,uates: %hi e engineering an, construction fir<s supporte, the i,ea by saying theyB a so be hiring. There is a gro%ing ,e<an, for ne% gra,uates in the Aob <ar'et as a resu t of the a so gro%ing pro,ucts an, services they offer an, to 'eep up %ith the retiring /= staff. 1ho are in ,e<an,F P P P P P P P P P P #echanica engineering E ectrica engineering Accounting Business a,<inistrationD <anage<ent Econo<icsDfinance 0o<puter science -nfor<ation sciences an, syste<s #ar'etingD<ar'eting <anage<ent 0o<puter engineering 0he<ica engineering

#echanica engineering gra,uates toppe, the ist an, eyeing on the< are aerospace: auto<otive: <echanica eCuip<ent <anufacturers. They a so p an on hiring gra,uates %ith >h.6.s in science an, co<puter re ate, courses.

Ban'ing: transportation: financia : an, insurance services are see'ing Econo<icsD4inance gra,uates. The foo, an, beverage processing co<panies: <erchan,isers: an, financia services %i nee, <ore Business A,<inistrationD#anage<ent ,egree ho ,ers. +ne-thir, of business o%ners p an on hiring associate gra,uates categori*e, into three" techno ogy: engineering an, business re ate, ,egrees. -nsurance an, engineeringDsurveying co<panies appear the <ost in nee, of 2 year course gra,uates for they bear a pro,uctive 'in, of technica 'no% e,ge %hich ,oes not reCuire <ore training. They be ong to the han,s-on %or' force %ho ,eve ope, a goo, %or' ethic %hich is sa, y observe, by e<p oyers as <issing in previous a<ateur gra,uates. 6uring the survey: on y 23.&O: H<ain y <anufacturersI respon,ents p anne, on hiring internationa gra,uates in 2!14. 1hat Cua ities shou , a ne% gra,uate possessF P #ust have e(ce ent verba an, %ritten co<<unication s'i s P #ust be honest an, has a high regar, %ith integrity P 0an easi y re ate to others P #aintain strong %or' ethic P 0an %or' %e %ith others MTEA#1+=$ P Ana ytica s'i s P #ust be se f <otivate, an, initiative P A,aptabi ity to change P @p,ate, co<puter s'i s P +bservant to ,etai s The stan,ar,s of co<paniesE i,ea can,i,ates are often higher than the ast yearEs. -t is i<portant that ne% gra,uates sho% goo, 7.>.A.s as fu ti<e Aobs co<e %ith goo, benefits co<ing fro< goo, revenues. Sa ary: shou , not be the so e

consi,eration %hen part of it. /ere are so<e of the P P P P P P P P P P P P P P

oo'ing for a Aob: benefits are ists of benefits"

Life an, #e,ica D6enta insurance =etire<ent p ans Annua an, se<i-annua increase E<p oyee counse ing progra< 6ress co,e >ai, trainings Bonus an, co<<issions 4a<i y benefits 4 e(i-ti<e >erfor<ance up,ates 9acation an, sic' eaves +n-site fitness an, recreationa faci ities 6ay care center 0o<pany carDservice

The best p aces to see' co<petitive e<p oyers can be on ca<pus Aob fairs: ,uring on-the-Aobtrainings: stu,ent organi*ations an, c ubs: -nternet search Aob search engines: etc. 1hatEs i<portant is that you target the right e<p oyers. 6onEt et an opportunity pass: get in the intervie% to 'no% <ore about their career offers an, ,onEt forget to research about the co<pany. ?ou <ust be ab e to ,iscuss your career obAectives an, co<pose a ist of re evant an, creative Cuestions you can as' yourse f.

Job Sites Top 4ive 0urrent y: there are & of the <ost sought after %eb sites being use, by aspiring app icants on the %eb %hen Aob-hunting. These are" &I ;et-Te<< This site provi,es Aob openings at one c ic'. Just enter a 'ey%or,: specify the ocation an, it %i give you over a hun,re, resu ts. -t provi,es he p in posting resu<es inc u,ing tutoria on ho% to <a'e one. -t a o%s searchers to use a Aob search assistant that searches thousan,s of contracts an, ,irect Aobs to store up to three cover ettersDresu<es for you. -tEs he pfu as it gives a,vices for intervie%s an, tips in <a'ing i<pressive resu<es. 4I<

This is actua y a co<pany that ,e ivers pro,ucts an, services that he p organi*ations in acCuiring hu<an resources by <eans of i<proving the po%er an, effectiveness of the -nternet. They offer a hiring <anage<ent syste<: %hich is focuse, on recruit<ent: an, staffing <anage<ent. 3I<

This caters to Aob hunters as %e as e<p oyers oo'ing for so<eone to fi positions in the co<pany. -t gives a ist of Aobs avai ab e: resu<e posting: e<p oyers current y in nee, of app icants: hot openings: an, even a,vice to s<a business o%ners. 2I Job0entra .co<

Job0entra provi,es infor<ation about their <e<ber co<panies an, assistance to ne% gra,uates an, o ,

ti<e Aob see'ers. The site a so provi,es a sa ary ca cu ator for average sa ary: inc u,ing infor<ation an, pre<iu< sa ary ,ata ,epen,ing on the state or 'in, of co<pany being app ie, to. 1I /<

?ahoo222 /otJobs has a the too s you nee, in or,er to co<p ete any Aob search. -t has a co<p ete set of tabs of %or'f o% that provi,es assistance" /o<e an, Job Search tabs provi,e the basic assistance in or,er to search ,ifferent re ate, Aob categoriesJ ocation: an, ,escriptions. The Job Search tab <ore specific #y Searches tab gives you the co<p ete ist of your save, searches. This %ay you %onBt have to ,o the sa<e run aroun, in trying to oo' for the site or Aob you have seen ,ays before: as you 'no%: Aob search enginesB ,ata changes ,ai y. #y Save, Jobs tab he ps you search for the save, ones that interest you %hen you p an to co<e bac' an, <anage the< in one convenient ocation. #y =esu<e tab he p e<p oyers fin, you: you can up oa, an e(isting resu<e an, even create a ne% one. 0areer Too s assists app icants in preparing the resu<e as %e to en, up %ith a Aob-%inning app ication etter: bac' you up %ith intervie%ing to prepare for a great i<pression: he ps app icants <a'e connections an, create re ationships: an, ast y ca cu ate to fin, out the effective %ay of negotiating %ith the starting an, future sa ary.

Loo'ing for the Job that is right for you 4in,ing the best Aob that suits your persona ity an, your ifesty e is never easy. -tEs actua y a fu ti<e Aob itse f. To better un,erstan, your nee,s an, increase your chance of succee,ing in your chosen fie ,: you nee, to con,uct a persona eva uation. -s this the career you %antF -s there roo< for gro%thF Are the sa ary an, benefits goo,F ?ou canEt rea y eva uate a position un ess you ,o the research. 4ro< a recent survey in the @.S.: gra,uate ,egree ho ,ers earn an average of 3& to &! percent <ore than Aust bache orEs ,egree ho ,ers. This is a reason %hy <ore an, <ore are ta'ing their #asters. There cou , be an offer or t%o: a you have to ,o is <a'e a concrete ,ecision to ensure the right Aob for you in the present Aob <ar'et. $no% %hat you %ant $no%ing %hat 'in, of persona ity you have an, your interests gives you an i,ea ho% you %ou , i'e to spen, your ,ay on a Aob. The activities youE, i'e to get invo ve, in p ays a great ro e in 'eeping you <otivate,. ?ou cou , <a'e a ist of the 'in,s of peop e you %ou , i'e to be %or'ing %ith. Say: peop e %ho i'e being to , %hat to ,o or authoritative typesJ ho% about ou, peop e or Cuiet typesJ an, %ou , you i'e a p ace %here peop e ove socia i*ing or notF There are ,ifferent si*es of co<panies as %e : there are s<a : <e,iu<: arge: overseas: oca : an, regiona . The -nternet is a va uab e too that assists on ine Aob see'ers in oo'ing for a Aob they cou , fit in. Tri< ,o%n the choices ,epen,ing on your nee,s an, %ants to get the <ore possib e poo of co<panies you can try sub<itting resu<es.

Be o% are the co<<on Aob search techniCues"

>ercentage of Job hunters R Search TechniCue R Effectiveness

))O &!O 41.3 23.4 2..3 4&.5 21.! 12.& 1&.3 1!.4 1.) ).!

6irect app ication 4...O =eferra fro< frien,sB%or' 22.1 As'ing frien,s fro< other p aces 11.5O As'ing fa<i y about the co<pany they %or' for 15.3O As'ing re atives about Aobs other p aces ..4O ;e%spaper posts 23.5O 0areer centers 24.2O Schoo organi*ationsD0 ubs 21.4O 0ivi Service E(a<s 12.&O =eferra s fro< <entors 12.1O Loca a,s 12.5O 0ooperative progra< 22.2O

S>ercentage resu ts obtaine, fro< ,ivi,ing the techniCue by the tota nu<ber of Aob hunters %ho trie, to use the <etho,: successfu or not. ?our <aAor strengths an, %ea'nesses %i he p in,icate ho% %e you %i perfor< in the %or' you have chosen. ?our progress ,ictates your <aturity an, enthusias< at %or'. 4in,ing the best Aob for you is a fu ti<e Aob itse f. -t reCuires ti<e an, passion to get positive resu ts. ;o <atter %hat you choose: it shou , a %ays be a p ace %here you can i,entify yourse f an, re<ain happy.

/o% to #a'e the Best +ut of Job 4airs 4in,ing a Aob is such a ,aunting tas'. /ere: there:

an, every%here: Aob see'ers ten, to oo' for the best <eans in or,er to fin, the best Aobs. /o%ever: <ost of the< are pre,ispose, to neg ect Aob fairs. This is because <any Aob see'ers get annoye, %ith the Aa<-pac'e,: fu of activity: an, baff ing series of events. ;everthe ess: they are sti the best p ace to an, a Aob. Accor,ing to the Bureau of Labor Statistics in the @nite, States: the e<p oy<ent status is i'e y to boost by 1&O. That is %hy Aob fairs are the best p aces to fin, a Aob because <any co<panies %i be participating in the event. Job fairs are not rea y that bust ing. The i<portant thing is to obtain the necessary reCuire<ents nee,e, in Aob app ications an, the rest: as they say: is history. /ere are so<e of the things that a Aob see'er <ust have by the ti<e he or she is at the Aob fair in or,er to <a'e the <ost out of it" 1. A,vance research can be very he pfu . #ost Aob see'ers ai< to fin, the best e<p oy<ent possib e. /ence: it is i<portant to ,o so<e a,vance research before going to a Aob fair. @sua y: the organi*ers of this event %i post the co<panies that %i participate on the Aob fair. +btaining so<e infor<ation about the co<panies an, the position that is open for the Aob %ou , be an e,ge over the others. 2. Job see'ers shou , have enough resu<es. -t %ou , be better if Aob see'ers have enough resu<es: at east 2&: before going to the Aob fair. -n this %ay: the app icant %i be ab e to provi,e resu<es to a of the potentia e<p oyers in the

Aob fair. The <ore app ications you ,e iver the better chances of an,ing a Aob. 3. Job see'ers shou , 'no% ho% i<portant it is to ,ress for the occasion. As they say: first i<pressions ast. /ence: in or,er to cut above the rest of Aob see'ers: an in,ivi,ua shou , earn ho% to i<press his or her future e<p oyer by ,ressing for the best. -t shou , proAect a professiona out oo': enthusias<: an, the ,eter<ination to get the Aob that he or she rea y %ants. 4. Job see'ers shou , be prepare, for so<e on-thespot intervie%s. &. An app icant shou , have a ist of the co<panies %here he or she ha, given his or her resu<e. $no%ing these things can be very he pfu especia y if it is the app icants first ti<e in a Aob fair. /ence: peop e shou , be <ore a%are of the benefits they can ,erive fro< Aob fairs a one.

Tips on +pti<i*ing Job Listings 4in,ing a Aob an, oo'ing for so<ebo,y to fi a position are no onger ,ifficu t. Than's to the innovations that techno ogy has intro,uce,: peop e are no% a,ept %ith Aob searches. Both the Aob

see'ers an, e<p oyers have <ore choices %hen it co<es to fin,ing Aobs: %hether on ine or off ine research. -n fact: the @nite, States Bureau of Labor Statistics asserte, that there is a probab e increase of 21.3 <i ion Aobs in the co<ing years. This is because Aob see'ers are fin,ing <ore %ays to search for the right Aobs. +ne of the <ost co<<on y use, <etho,s for Aob searches is the Aob isting. -n fact: <ost e<p oyers conten, that Aob isting is the <ost effective %ay of an,ing a Aob. Surveys sho% that 4.O of inactive peop e oo'ing for Aobs re y so <uch on Aob istings as a <eans of getting so<e infor<ation about Aob openings. This concept is base, on stu,ies an, surveys that Aob see'ers are <ore inc ine, to search for Aobs in ter<s of the avai ab e positions an, not on the possib e e<p oyers or co<panies. /ence: it is i<portant for the e<p oyers to 'no% ho% to get the <ost out of Aob istings in or,er to <a(i<i*e their hiring en,eavor. /ereEs ho%" 1. E<p oyers shou , earn ho% to concentrate on re%ar,s that they can give to the peop e rather than %hat the co<panyEs <ission an, vision are. -n <ost cases: Aob see'ers are <ore intereste, on %hat they can get fro< the position that they are app ying for rather than the history of the co<pany itse f. /ence: it %ou , be better if the e<p oyers e<phasi*e <ore on their Aob isting the benefits that peop e can get once they are hire,. 2. E<p oyers shou , present Aob openings in their


istings in a si<p e <anner.

The 'ey point in <a'ing Aob istings is not to e(poun, <ore on the high y technica business ter<s. -t %ou , be better to e<phasi*e %hat their co<pany can ,o an, ho% the e<p oyees can benefit fro< the<. 3. -t is i<portant for the e<p oyers to be straight to the point %hen ,escribing Aob positions in Aob istings. There are instances %herein e<p oyers ten, to <a'e the position <ore technica y conceptua i*e, %herein the Aob ,escription is <ain y ,ifferent fro< %hat the position entai s. /ence: it is i<portant for the e<p oyer to te the e(act position an, Aob ,escription as it is in the si<p est ter<s. -n,ee,: Aob istings can be very beneficia to everybo,y. -t Aust nee,s the right princip e in or,er to be successfu in Aob hunting an, e<p oyee searches.

The Best #e,ica

Job Search Tips Ever

-n 2!!3: <any %or' agencies ha, seen note%orthy increases in the nu<ber of <e,ica -re ate, Aobs an, those that fa un,er the hea th care services.

The ,e<an, for these positions is: in fact: consistent y gro%ing because there %ere a so notab e increases in <e,icine an, hea th carere ate, Aob searches. -t reporte, a tota of 3.& <i ion searches Aust in the -nternet an, a particu ar %eb site a one. 4in,ing a Aob in the <e,ica fie , can be very te,ious an, ,aunting: especia y %ith a those <i ions of co<petitors a vying for the sa<e re ate, %or' fie ,. Therefore: for peop e %ho %ish to obtain so<e e,ge over the others an, have higher possibi ities that they can get the <e,ica Aob they have ong %ante, to have: here are so<e tips to gui,e the< through" 1. The 'ey to your ,rea< Aob is in the resu<e 7one are the ,ays of the so-ca e, Kcoo'ie-cutterL resu<es. 1hat <atters <ost is to incorporate a the ,etai s being as'e, in the Aob posting. The e<p oyer see's to fin, the ,etai s he ha, poste, in the istingJ hence: he %ou , be e(pecting to fin, it on the app icantEs resu<e. #a'e certain that the resu<e <atches the Cua ifications that the potentia e<p oyer is see'ing. 2. App icantEs shou , have previous e(perience a rea,y The 'ey point into getting a goo, <e,ica Aob is base, on the fact that prior to the app ication: the app icant shou ,: by a <eans: try to generate so<e %or' e(perience even if the starting sa ary is Aust <ini<a . As ong as it %i give a person so<e 'in, of %or' e(perience: he or she shou , never hesitate to grab the opportunity. -n rea ity: )!O of the hiring e<p oyers are

intereste, %ith the %or' e(perience: %ith a other Cua ifications set asi,e.


3. 4or <e,ica Aob searches on ine: it is best if the app icant %i narro% Aob searches. This <eans that the person shou , use ter<s that are <ore specific %ith regar,s to the 'in, of <e,ica Aob he or she is oo'ing for. -t %i not necessari y give the app icant a thousan, resu ts: but at east the app icant can generate at east 1! to 2! Aob searches %ith greater possibi ity of acCuiring a Aob. The botto< ine is that <e,ica re ate, Aobs are not that har, to fin,. 1ith so<e ,eter<ination an, persistence the chances of obtaining the i,ea Aob is Aust a <atter of ti<e.

1ante," Job S'i

s on the Loose

-n to,ayEs co<petitive ife: e<p oyers are <ore inc ine, to fin, peop e %ho can contribute to the gro%th of the co<pany an, not Aust boost its pro,uctivity.

/ence: <ost e<p oyers ten, to oo' for peop e %ho are en,o%e, %ith the <ost ,esirab e Aob s'i s in or,er to <atch the e(pectations an, necessities of the co<pany. Therefore: for peop e %ho %ish to <a'e it to the Aobs that they have ong been ,rea<ing of: it is i<portant to 'no% the <ost sought after Aob s'i s of <ost e<p oyers. /ereEs a ist of the i<portant Aob s'i s a Aob see'er <ust have in or,er to an, a goo, Aob an, 'eep it. 1. The abi ity to research Job see'ers not because co<pany but ,ata nee,e, 2. Logica shou , possess the abi ity to research they %ante, to an, a Aob in a research in or,er to ,o si<p e searches on the by a particu ar activity. thin'ing

#ost e<p oyers nee, peop e %ho are ab e to pro,uce effective so utions an, to <a'e sensib e so utions regar,ing a proposa or a probab e activity. 3. Techno ogica y iterate

1ith the a,vent of infor<ation techno ogy: <ost Aob openings reCuire peop e %ho are co<puter iterate or 'no% ho% to operate ,ifferent <achines an, office eCuip<ents. #ost e<p oyers ,o not necessari y nee, peop e %ho are techno ogica gra,uates. The si<p e fact that Aob see'ers 'no% the basic princip es of techno ogy is a rea,y enough. 4. 0o<<unication s'i s

>eop e %ho are ab e to an, a goo, Aob are <ost y those %ho are a,ept in spea'ing an, %riting. E<p oyers hire peop e %ho are ab e to e(press their thoughts efficient y through verba an, %ritten co<<unications. &. +rgani*ationa s'i s

;o e<p oyer %ou , i'e to hire so<ebo,y %ho is ,isorgani*e,. +rgani*ation is e(tre<e y i<portant to <aintain a har<onious %or'ing re ationship in the co<pany. /ence: <ost e<p oyers fin, peop e %ho 'no% ho% to arrange sche<e an, <etho,s that %ou , <aintain the or,er iness in the area. ). -nterpersona s'i s

Because the %or'ing environ<ent consists of various 'in,s of persona ities: it is necessary: therefore: to acCuire the s'i to co<<unicate to peop e for< ,ifferent %a 's of ife. .. >rofessiona 7ro%th

E<p oyers hire peop e %ho are ab e to create a p an that %i generate persona career gro%th. This <eans that the person is %i ing to i<prove hi< or herse f professiona y by earning ne% things he or she sti ,oes not 'no%. These are Aust so<e of the <ost %ante, Aob s'i s by <ost e<p oyers. /ence: it is i<portant for the Aob see'ers to ta'e note of these assets in or,er to be successfu in every en,eavor they <a'e. So<e Tips on /o% ;ot To Lose a Job ;o%a,ays: fin,ing a Aob can be very te,ious. /o%ever: so<e peop e conten, that trying to 'eep a Aob to avoi, the ris' of osing it is in even har,er. This is because they are trying %hatever viab e <eans there is: in or,er not to ose their

Aobs. @ne<p oy<ent is a ,evastating con,ition in the society. -t %rec's ,rea<s an, a<bitions: an, the goa to have a happy an, ,ecent ife. -n fact: une<p oy<ent ha, such an effect in the @nite, States in 155!: %here it on y recor,e, 4&O of its popu ation %or'ing an, fro< hereJ on y 24O are %or'ing fu ti<e. That is %hy it is e(tre<e y i<portant for a person to fin, a Aob an, try har,er not to ose it. To,ay: the percentage of peop e %ho are e<p oye, gra,ua y increases an, the %age that they earn esca ates as %e : accor,ing to the Bureau of Labor an, Statistics. The fa<i ies that on y earn fro< N1!:!!! to N&!:!!! in a year are a rea,y ess co<<on because the others are earning a ot <ore. 4or peop e %ho a rea,y have a Aob an, ,esire not to be Aob ess again: here are so<e tips that they <ust fo o% in or,er to stay on trac'" 1. E<p oyees shou , a %ays try their best to i<prove their perfor<ance This entai s a chain reaction %ithin the %or' force in the co<pany. The e<p oyee shou ,: by a <eans try har,er to ,o their Aob %e as %e as i<prove their perfor<ance in or,er to increase pro,uctivity. +nce pro,uctivity has been i<prove,: the inco<e of the co<pany %i gro%: <eaning there %i be <ore fun,s for re<uneration an, <ore probabi ities that the co<pany %i a,here to its e<p oyeesB cu tivation an, <otivation. 2. Avoi, procrastination -f a person ,oes not %ant to ose his or her Aob:

procrastination shou , be avoi,e,. #a'ing up a<e e(cuses: even if there is the s ightest truth in it: %i never Austify the %or' un,one. 3. -t is better for a person to fin, a Aob that he or she tru y i'es. -t %ou , be har,er to 'eep a Aob that a person ,oes not i'e. This %i on y resu t to poor perfor<ance an, everything. -t is better for a person to fin, a Aob that %ou , bring <eaning to his or her ife. The <ain point here is that peop e shou , 'no% ho% to turn fai ures into success in or,er to focus on one co<<on goa " never to ose a Aob again.

1age for the ;e% 7ra, 4resh out of co ege: <ost peop e are e(cite, about an,ing that first Aob. 7iven that <ost gra,s ,o not have %or' e(perience or on y ha, a part ti<e Aob %hi e stu,ying: it is not easy to secure an e(ecutive position right a%ay. Starting fro< scratch: one has no choice but to

start fro< the botto< in an entry- eve position then in ti<e <ove to the top. The cha enge <ost gra,s face in app ying for a Aob is the co<petition. Asi,e fro< those %ho Aust gra,uate,: there are a so those %ho have eft the previous Aob an, are oo'ing for a ne% one. Accor,ing to hiring an, co<pensation e(perts: there is not that <uch roo< to negotiate %hen one is Aust a fresh gra,. This is because that person ,oes not have substantia %or' e(perience as basis to negotiate for a higher %age co<pare, to those %ho have a rea,y %or'e, before. The range of the sa ary fresh gra,s get are base, on the course one has finishe, in co ege. To those %ho vo unteere, to be surveye,: it %as foun, that peop e %ho gra,uate, fro< the sciences %ere ab e to get a higher sa ary co<pare, to those %ho gra,uate, fro< the ibera arts. A tip that <ay he p a itt e in the negotiation process is 'no%ing your potentia an, not easi y giving in or se ing yourse f short. -n the course of an intervie%: it %i boi ,o%n to the ho% <uch you %i be getting. #ost fresh gra,s accept %hat is given i<<e,iate y an, rep y Ko'L en,ing it there. -t is best to on y ta ' about the sa ary %hen an offer has been <a,e. -f the intervie%er is goo,: it can %ait. 6uring that ti<e: one can try as'ing ho% <uch the co<pany %i give for so<eone in that position then be ab e to negotiate about that further ater on regar, ess of the figure that %as given. The app icant can then as' Cuestions such as Aob responsibi ities an, <ention that the contribution one can give to the co<pany is <ore i<portant than the sa ary you %i be receiving sho%ing the

recruiter you are a tea< p ayer. App icants can negotiate <ore by ,oing research on ho% <uch other co<panies are offering for the sa<e Aob before giving an i<<e,iate ans%er. By 'no%ing that infor<ation: it is possib e for you to negotiate the sa ary offere, for a itt e <ore. 7etting a Aob is not on y about a sa ary. This inc u,es other things that the co<pany offers to its e<p oyees an, by thorough y chec'ing out the other benefits an, per's: it can a so he p in ,eci,ing %hether the app icant shou , accept the Aob or not.

Jobs Avai ab e +n ine -n the past: app ying for a Aob <eant oo'ing through the c assifie, a,s in the oca paper. The a,vent of the internet has create, various Aob sites on ine <a'ing it easier for so<eone to app y for %or' in another state an, in even in another country.

-t has <a,e the %or , a s<a er p ace %ith everything at oneEs fingertip an, Aust a c ic' a%ay. #ost Aob sites %i reCuire a person to open an account: fi in certain infor<ation an, ,eposit a resu<e. These sites usua y as' for pertinent infor<ation such as the personEs na<e: age: a,,ress: contact nu<ber an, socia security nu<ber. +ther infor<ation that %i be reCueste, are e,ucationa bac'groun,. So<e co<panies prefer so<eone %ith a ,egree in a certain fie , or a icense, professiona to ,o the Aob or perhaps a person %ho possesses a <asterEs ,egree. E<p oy<ent history is a so another thing that has to be <entione,. This inc u,es the Aob ,escription an, high ights that you have e(perience, ,uring your career. 1ith the infor<ation provi,e,: so<e of these sites offer a service %ith a fee that %i <atch your Cua ifications %ith Aobs that are avai ab e an, enab e you to app y for that position. So<e even pro<ise to <a'e your resu<e stan, out over other app icants giving that person <ore priority over others but even that is a not a guarantee that one %i get the Aob. +ne a so has to <ention the sa ary the person is receiving both in the current an, previous Aobs as this is <atche, %ith the Aob the in,ivi,ua %ants an, the sa ary one ,esires. These sites offer various Aobs to peop e. -t caters to professiona s an, teenagers %ho %ant to %or' either for fu ti<e: part ti<e or on a per proAect basis. App ying on ine is not on y ,one through Aob sites.

A ot of co<panies have %ebsites that have a section on careers %hich one can access an, chec' %hat openings are avai ab e. +ne si<p y has to go through the process of a so giving certain infor<ation that is as'e, for an, up oa,ing oneEs resu<e. The first i<pression e<p oyers or hea,hunters oo' at is oneEs resu<e. 7iven that <any peop e app y: this usua y ta'es these peop e a short perio, of ti<e to revie% an, screen certain app icants before going to the ne(t phase of being sche,u e, an, ca e, for an intervie%. There are <any Aobs avai ab e in the <ar'et. -t Aust ta'es a itt e effort on oneEs part to sit ,o%n in front of a co<puter an, oo' for the right Aob.

E(tra 6ough So<e teenagers %ou , i'e to be ab e to get a Aob an, earn <oney. Since these in,ivi,ua s are sti in schoo : the ne(t best thing to getting a rea Aob is getting one that is part ti<e.

1hen app ying for a part ti<e Aob: here are so<e tips one <ust re<e<ber %hen going up to a potentia e<p oyerJ P +ne <ust prepare a resu<e %hen app ying for part ti<e %or'. Even if the person ,oes not have e(perience: it %i sho% the e<p oyer that a itt e effort %as <a,e on the part of the app icant in pro,ucing so<ething on paper. The resu<e <ay contain high ights or strengths about the app icant %hich cou , <a'e the app icant stan, out over other peop e that have app ie, for the sa<e position an, in the en, get that Aob. P 1hen <eeting an e<p oyer: being ,resse, appropriate y is i<portant. -t sho%s the sincerity one has in app ying for the Aob. +ne <ust be that finger-nai s an, hair are %e groo<e, for the intervie%. The outfit %orn cou , be business casua . A po o an, 'ha'i pants %i be i,ea for <en an, a po o an, s'irt for the %o<en %i ,o %e for the intervie%. This %ou , <ean that <o,erate shoes <ust be use, to <atch the outfit. -f one %ears a ot of earrings: it is a,visab e to re<ove so<e to present the person better. P 7etting a Aob is not easy an, there %i be a ot of ti<es that the e<p oyer %i say Kno.L This is nothing persona but so<e e<p oyers %i prefer so<eone %ho has so<e e(perience. Even if one is reAecte,: the person <ust not give up in getting that part ti<e an, <ove on to the ne(t potentia e<p oyer. P 1hen one is a rea,y in front of the e<p oyer: a fir< han,sha'e is a %ays a goo, start. 1a 'ing in an, sho%ing ones sincerity in getting the Aob is another. There is on y so <uch one say in intervie% so it is best to practice in se ing to the person the strengths one possesses in or,er to get that Aob.

P -n the course of going fro< one e<p oyer to another: the e<p oyer %i not give the ans%er at once if the person is hire, or not. +ther app icants %i sti be intervie%e, before <a'ing that ,ecision. By 'eeping a ist of the p aces %here one %ent for intervie%: one %i be ab e to ca an, fo o% up the status of the app ication. >art ti<e Aobs are avai ab e in various p aces. +ne <ight fin, one %hi e %a 'ing in the neighborhoo,: chec'ing the schoo bu etin boar, or oca paper an, even the %eb for Aob postings.

The -,ea


1hen one goes for an intervie%: the potentia e<p oyer has no i,ea of %ho the app icant is. -n so<e cases: the person app ie, to the a, %hi e others use, a hea,hunter or Aob site on the internet an, <atche, their cre,entia s for the position.

The first i<pression e<p oyers a %ays oo' at is oneEs resu<e. 7iven the <any that app y: this usua y ta'es about 3! secon,s an, so %ith the i<ite, %or,s: one <ust be sure that the resu<e is %e %ritten an, gra<<atica y correct. The resu<e <ust say a <ost everything about the person. This shou , a %ays start %ith pertinent infor<ation such as the personEs na<e: age: a,,ress: contact nu<ber an, socia security nu<ber. The ,etai s here are nee,e, so if one is consi,ere, to be a potentia e<p oyer: it %i be easy for the co<pany to get in touch %ith the app icant an, be sche,u e, for an intervie%. ;e(t is the career obAective %hich is the reason %hy the app icant %ants to app y for the position. By putting a strong goa in <in, an, not a genera one: the e<p oyer %i see that this person has a ,irection %hich is %hy that person %ants to %or' for the co<pany. The ne(t section shou , inc u,e the re evant s'i s an, 'no% e,ge one has ha, in the current an, previous Aobs as %e as high ighting oneEs <aAor acco<p ish<ents. By putting in ,etai the things one has ,one in that position an, e(periences earne, fro< it: that infor<ation is a rea,y basis for the e<p oyer to see the potentia the app icant has for that position. -t sho%s the Cua ities one possesses an, the benefits one can contribute to the further gro%th of the co<pany. After that: the resu<e shou , sho% oneEs e,ucationa bac'groun,. So<e co<panies prefer so<eone %ith a ,egree in a certain fie ,: a icense, professiona to ,o the Aob or one %ho possesses a <asterEs ,egree. By sho%ing oneEs cre,entia s: it is a goo, in,icator of the type of training one has possesse, in schoo an, the acco<p ish<ents one has achieve, in the course of

oneEs career. The atter section shou , provi,e ,etai s such as hobbies: interests an, character references. E<p oyers oo' at potentia app icants %ho not on y have the Cua ifications for the Aob but a so those %ho a so those %ho are %e roun,e,. Being active in a certain organi*ation an, be seen as a ea,er in a group sho%s oneEs socia s'i s %ith others. 0haracter references ,o the sa<e an, give peop e an i,ea ho% one perfor<e, %or'ing %ith that person. There is no i,ea resu<e. -t ,epen,s on the Aob. -t is an i<portant step one <ust pass before being ca e, for that first intervie%.

Seven Basic Sa ary ;egotiation Tips #oney is the <ost sensitive issue in the %ho e hiring process. 6iscussing the co<pensation often causes an(iety on both e<p oyee an, e<p oyer. /ere are seven %ays to <a'e the process of sa ary negotiating efficient. 1I =esearch" Before the intervie% process begins:

contact the professiona organi*ation that represents your fie , of career. As soon as they provi,e you %ith your sa ary infor<ation: you can no% e(a<ine your <onth y cash reCuire<ents. =e<e<ber that once your ta(es are a,,e, to your paychec': appro(i<ate y 3!O of your gross <onth y sa ary is ,e,ucte,. 2I 6eter<ine your s'i s" ?ou shou , un,erstan, that ,ifferent seg<ents of the econo<y reCuire a variety of s'i s ,epen,ing on the in,ustry setting. +nce you have estab ishe, %hat your s'i s are an, %hat they are %orth to the current e<p oy<ent <ar'et: you %ou , 'no% the i<itations of your negotiation. Sa ary range infor<ation is avai ab e at A<erican A <anac of Jobs an, Sa aries: ;ationa Association of 0o ege an, E<p oyers: 0areer 0enter: an, professiona s in your re ate, fie ,. -n stating your sa ary range: avoi, basing your ,esire, sa ary on your current sa ary. A %ays te the truth %hen it co<es to your past sa ary. -t is acceptab e to e(ten, a range to appro(i<ate y N):!!! to sho% that you are %ithin the co<panyEs price range but intereste, in <ore co<pensation. 3I 1eigh the co<panyEs co<pensation pac'age" To ,eter<ine your fair <ar'et va ue for a specific Aob: you shou , consi,er the econo<ic: geographic: an, in,ustry factors of the Aob offer. 1eigh the benefits of co<pensation an, pro<otions: insurance: a o%e, ti<e off an, retire<ent sett e<ents of the offer to ensure a fair propose, sa ary. 4I Se yourse f" -f you 'no% %hat you cou , offer the co<pany reCuires a arger inco<e: never say it ,irect y. +nce you se yourse f ,iscreet y: the intervie%er %ou , un,erstan, that the propose, sa ary is not appropriate for your bac'groun,.

&I /ave a positive attitu,e" -n negotiating: never co<pete. ;egotiation is basica y a process %hich cou , benefit both parties. @n,erstan, your nee,s an, those of the co<pany. )I The fina offer" Be a%are %hen the negotiation is ,one. >ushing further %hen a ,ea has been set cou , give a negative first i<pression on your part. .I Sho% %hat you are <a,e of" The intervie% is on y the first step in having an enhance, co<pensation. +nce you are hire,: offer your s'i s to the co<pany an, prove your %orth by ,oing Cua ity %or'. ?ou <ay even get a pro<otion for ,oing so. Base, fro< a survey con,ucte, by the Society for /u<an =esource #anage<ent: four out of five e<p oyees are %i ing to negotiate co<pensation. @n,erstan,ing these basic tips %i a o% you to enhance the ter<s of your ne% Aob.

Job Search Tips for Sa es >rofessiona s Each specific in,ustry has a variety of reCuire<ents that an e<p oyee has to <eet. -n searching for Aobs as sa es professiona s: ho% ,o you prepare for a co<petitive environ<entF /ere are usefu tips you cou , perfor< in searching the appropriate Aob an, acing the intervie%.

1I =esearch" -n or,er to be prepare, on your intervie%: you shou , earn i<portant facts about the co<pany beforehan,. S The internet is one of the best %ays to search for infor<ation an, <ost co<panies provi,e their o%n %ebsites. Stu,y the content of the co<panyEs %ebsiteJ 'no% their bac'groun,: goa s: an, infor<ation about the top e(ecutives. S By using search engines on the -nternet: you cou , a so obtain ne%s an, a,,itiona infor<ation about the progress of the co<pany: past proAects an, issues: an, organi*ations %here the co<pany be ongs. S =evie% the stoc' <ar'et chart of the co<pany. Since <aAority of shares are pub ic y tra,e,: you cou , e(a<ine the recent stoc' price an, earn the ,ifficu ties of its <ar'et over the past years. $no%ing the strengths an, %ea'nesses of the co<pany %i he p you in the intervie%. S Learn as <any infor<ation as possib e about its co<petitors. 1hen you rea, artic es about the <ar'et space: you %i fin, out %ho ea,s the <ar'et an, you can fin, out the co<panyEs co<petitors. /aving this 'no% e,ge cou , he p you ,uring the intervie% since you cou , be ab e to Austify ho% the co<pany is better than its present co<petitors are. 2I Attitu,e" /aving the right attitu,e to%ar,s the intervie% an, the Aob itse f %ou , ensure the position is yours. S #aAority of successfu sa es professiona s have a uniCue energy that you can fee . They co<<an, a presence an, ho , the attention of everyone. Be energetic about the Aob an, intervie%.

S Be enthusiastic. Since you have ,one your research about the co<pany an, its co<petitors: the intervie%ers %i appreciate your enthusias< an, interest about the position. 3I >reparation" The position you ,esire cou , be yours as ong as you sho% up prepare,. S 0reate a presentation by researching the pro,ucts an, services of the co<pany. Be prepare, to spea' ,irect y an, inte igent y about the co<panyEs fie ,. S >rovi,e statistics an, in,ustry re ate, facts in your presentation. This goes to sho% that not on y are you enthusiastic about the Aob: you are a so a%are of the con,ition of the in,ustry. S The fact about sa es is its a about nu<bers. -f you are as'e, about your nu<bers: si<p y provi,e the< %ith pro,uction reports: past e<p oy<ent ists or a 1-2 for< of your year y earnings. By successfu y perfor<ing these basic steps: your sa es Aob cou , be yours in Aust a han,sha'e a%ay.

-<portance of S'i

s E<phasis on Job -ntervie%s

S'i e<phasis ,uring the intervie% is i<portant to sho% the e<p oyer %hat <a'es you ,ifferent fro< a the other Aob can,i,ates. -n this co<petitive %or ,: co<panies search for the <ost Cua ifie, e<p oyees by %eighing s'i s of the can,i,ates an, ,eter<ining ho% they %ou , benefit the co<pany. #aAority of the top co<panies search for e<p oyers

%ho stan,s out base, fro< their e(pertise: abi ity to give ne% ,eve op<ents: an, p easing persona ities that %ou , enhance the organi*ation. S'i s are groupe, into three 'in,s M 'no% e,gebase,: transferab e: an, persona traits. 1I $no% e,ge-base, s'i s are those earne, fro< e(periences. These <ay inc u,e e,ucationa attain<ent: a,,itiona training: se<inars atten,e,: an, other practices that you have stu,ie, to enhance your e(pertise. $no% e,ge-base, s'i s inc u,e co<puter an, co<<unication s'i s: <ar'eting or <anageria 'no% e,ge: pro,uct ,eve op<ent: an, <any <ore. These s'i s vary ,epen,ing on the fie , of in,ustry of each Aob can,i,ate. 2I Transferab e or portab e s'i s are those you bring to a specific Aob. This is the reason %hy intervie%ers as': K1hat cou , you offer the co<panyFL Transferab e s'i s are i<portant because co<panies strive to oo' for Cua ity e<p oyees that %ou , i<prove the ,eve op<ent of the %or'force. >ortab e s'i s inc u,e prob e< so ving: tea< ea,er potentia : organi*e,: %riting an, co<<unication s'i s: custo<er service oriente,: ti<e an, proAect <anage<ent: an, goo, %ith nu<bers an, bu,get. This 'in, of s'i s varies ,epen,ing on the e(perience an, versati ity of each Aob can,i,ate. 3I >ersona traits ,eter<ine %ho you are. -n a Aob intervie%: one of the <ost co<<on things an e<p oyer says is KTe <e so<ething about yourse f.L ?our response is vita because it %ou , set the tone for the rest of the intervie%. >ersona traits inc u,e goo, Au,g<ent: %e

organi*e,: ana ytica : goa oriente,: f e(ib e: creative an, <any <ore. Try to se yourse f in as <o,est as possib e %ithin a i<ite, ti<e. S Se f-assess<ent. -n or,er to provi,e an i<pressive presentation: e(a<ine your resu<e an, ist a the s'i s you have use, for each past Aob e(perience. #a'e a co<prehensive ist of your s'i s an, strengths inc u,ing persona traits: 'no% e,ge-base, an, transferab e s'i s. This %ou , be the basis for your persona co<<ercia . S +nce you have co<p ete, your script: you are no% rea,y to face the intervie%er. =e<e<ber that e<p oyers are intereste, in your acco<p ish<ents. @se %or,s that are concise: ,irect an, c ear. A though <any co<panies reCuire a uniCue set of s'i s: you shou , sti high ight your technica s'i s in the intervie%. These s'i s: %hich top co<panies usua y see': inc u,e ea,ership: co<<unication: confi,ence: f e(ibi ity: prob e< so ving an, energy. E<phasi*ing a of your strengths an, s'i intervie%s %ou , increase your chances of the ,esire, Aob. s on Aob an,ing

#atching ?our S'i

s to 4in, Appropriate Jobs

S'i s refer to the things you ,o %e . The 'ey to fin,ing the <ost appropriate Aobs in the in,ustry is recogni*ing your o%n s'i s an, co<<unicating the significance %ritten an, verba y to a probab e e<p oyer. #aAority of the <ost viab e s'i s are those that are use, in a variety of %or' settings. 1hat are these s'i sF 1ou , <atching your s'i s to fin,

the right Aob be successfu F S 6eter<ine your s'i s. This %ou , he p you in beco<ing the ea, can,i,ate of an,ing the Aob. A s'i ,oes not necessari y <ean it %as a,apte, in a %or' environ<ent. -f this %ou , be your first Aob hunt an, you have no Aob e(perience to ,ate: you sti have a chance in the in,ustry. #aAority of s'i s: inc u,ing 'no% e,ge-base, transferab e: cou , be absorbe, an, ,eve ope, vo unteer: a stu,ent: a ho<e<a'er: or in your persona activities. The s'i s you have use, these activities can sti be app ie, to your ,esire, Aobs. an, as a other for

+rgani*ing an, isting your persona s'i s cou , he p you easi y fi out Aob app ications: provi,e usefu infor<ation for Aob intervie%s: an, prepare Cua ity resu<es. 4irst: you shou , categori*e the s'i s by separating your interests an, aptitu,es fro< your %or' e(perience. 1I Aptitu,es an, interest. These inc u,e a of your hobbies: activities you have been invo ve, in the past: an, a the things that interest you. By isting a of these ,o%n: you cou , e(a<ine the s'i s it ta'es to achieve each ite<. S'i s fro< aptitu,e an, interest <ay be ho<e<a'ing: p aying bas'etba : fi(ing cars an, <any <ore. A of these ite<s cou , ,eter<ine if you are capab e of %or'ing %ith a tea<: ab e to han, e <u tip e tas's: have viab e 'no% e,ge of hu<an ,eve op<ent: 'no% e,ge of e ectronics an, abi ity to ,iagnose <echanica an, nu<erica prob e<s. The ist goes on: but <a'e sure to consi,er the s'i s that %ou , be beneficia for a %or'ing environ<ent.

2I 1or' history. This inc u,es vo unteer: partti<e: free ance: su<<er an, fu ti<e Aobs. +nce you have iste, a your past e<p oy<ent: e(a<ine the s'i s you ,o %or' each %or' ,uty. S As' for he p. As soon as you have your ist rea,y: you cou , no% go to Aob services that cou , he p you acCuire your ,esire, Aob. ?ou cou , a so search Aob yourse f. /o%ever: a %ays re<e<ber to <atch your s'i s an, abi ities in your ist to the nee,e, s'i s an, abi ities of various Aobs. -n <ost cases: peop e %ho see' Aobs are threatene, %ith Aob tit es. This shou , not be the case. As ong as your s'i s an, abi ities cou , <eet the reCuire<ents of the %or' oa, an, Aob tit e: your possibi ity of acCuiring your ,esire, Aob increases.

Tips for a Successfu


Job Search

-f you are serious y searching for a oca Aob: but you have no i,ea %here to oo': you <ay be Aust one of the thousan,s of une<p oye, peop e in the country. /o%ever: fin,ing a Aob is easy %hen you 'no% %here to search. 1here can you fin, e<p oyersF /o% can you fin, your ,esire, oca AobF

Before anything e se: you shou , ,eter<ine your s'i s an, abi ities: up,ate your resu<e an, be rea,y to face the e<p oy<ent process. There are severa options on %here to fin, e<p oy<ent. 1I Job 0enter" Job centers provi,e nu<erous vacancies for ,ifferent 'in,s of %or'. #aAority of Aob centers up,ate their e<p oy<ent boar, freCuent y. +rigina y: these career centers cater to young Aobsee'ers up to 21 years o ,. They arrange for appropriate Aob intervie%s: %hich they be ieve: %ou , <atch your s'i s an, abi ities. So<e Aob centers a so process training vacancies an, apprenticeships to young peop e. To,ay: these centers a so cater a,u tsE nee, of e<p oy<ent. 2I ;e%spapers" Loca an, nationa ne%spapers: nonprofit papers an, Aob hunting ne%spapers provi,e a,vertise<ents on current Aob vacancies. ?ou cou , fin, a the e(isting ne%spapers in ibraries an, chec' a the recent Aob postings. #aAority of ne%spapers to,ay have their content avai ab e on ine. ?ou cou , bro%se through the< one by one an, ist a the Aobs you prefer. 3I Journa s an, <aga*ines" Every in,ustry has their o%n perio,ica s: <aga*ines or Aourna s. #ost e<p oyers go to these pub ications for e<p oying professiona s. So<e cou , be bought in <aga*ine stan,s an, others co<e by subscription. Therefore: if you are hoping to estab ish your career base, on your finishe, fie , of stu,y: you cou , subscribe to a professiona <aga*ine an, increase your oca Aob prospects. 4I Agencies" E<p oy<ent agencies han, e <ost of vacant oca %or'. 0overing a 'in,s of %or' for various in,ustries: these agencies are iste, in


,irectories an, ?e

o% pages.

&I E<p oyer groun,s" #any co<panies have Aob vacancies on their pre<ises. Since these co<panies such as foo, retai ers <a'e use of interna notice boar,s: they ,o not a,vertise in ne%spapers an, agencies. ?ou cou , %a ' into these co<panies an, as' the front ,es' for e<p oy<ent vacancies. )I -nternet" The <ost cost-effective %ay in fin,ing oca Aobs is through the internet. #aAority of e<p oy<ent agencies: ne%spapers: top co<panies: <aga*ines an, Aob centers have their o%n %ebsite. ?ou cou , save ti<e by searching through the< one by one an, app y for the Aob you prefer the <ost. #a'ing use of a these options cou , save you a ot of ti<e searching for your ,esire, oca Aob. ?ou cou , use a of these <etho,s si<u taneous y to increase your chances of e<p oy<ent.

Searching for >erfect Teen Jobs Just because you are a teen ,oesnBt <ean you canBt fin, a goo, Aob to either he p you through schoo ing or to get a fe% e(tra buc's for your various hobbies an, nee,s. /ere are a fe% tips on bagging a great teen Aob Labor La%s" ?ou: of course: have to fo o% the a%. An, there are various a%s that govern teen e<p oy<ent across ,ifferent states. Teens that are hire, to ,o non-

far< %or' %i at east have to be fourteen years of age to be a o%e, to %or'. /ere are a fe% other restrictions. ?ou %i have to ,o a itt e research in the state you are at to co<e up to ,ate %ith the atest a%s an, regu ations. Teens that are age, 14 to 1& are on y a o%e, to %or' three hours per ,ay: an, eighteen hours a %ee. 1hen there are no c asses an, ,uring su<<er brea's: this a<ount <ay be increase, to eight hours per ,ay: 4! hours per %ee'. A so %or' for teenagers of this age is i<ite, to up to . oBc oc' p.<. %ithin schoo ,ays an, 5 oBc oc' p.<. ,uring su<<er brea's. E<p oy<ent 6ocu<ents" -n severa states: %hen one has not reache, the age of eighteen yet: it is reCuire, get %or'ing ,ocu<ents %hich are officia y 'no%n as 0ertificate of E<p oy<ent or Age to be a o%e, to %or' ega y. Schoo s are goo, venues for one to acCuire these i<portant papers. The 6epart<ent of Labor offers such service: too. Bro%se on the certification ist for Age or E<p oy<ent to 'no% %hich ru es app y to you. ?our schoo Bs 7ui,ance +ffice can be of great he p. +neBs state office %i assist great y if one is ,irecte, to the 6epart<ent of Labor. >articu ar states such as ;e% ?or': for instance: have specia %eb site sections on ?outh Jobs: %hich %i pro,uce the infor<ation an, ,ocu<ents you are reCuire, to have. 4antasy Jobs" #a'e sure you ta'e a Aob you can <aintain interest in. ?ou <ight %ant to consi,er after-schoo progra<s an, %or'ing %ith 'i,s. +r you <ay %ant to %or' part ti<e on the beach: recreationa faci ities: *oos an, other areas. The i<portant thing is that you choose a Aob that you enAoy an, can perfor< in %ith the best of your capabi ities. -t is very i<portant that you ,o your best in your

Aob an, pic' one you tru y enAoy: as your e(perience %ith this Aob cou , very %e ,ictate your future career. Job Search" ?our high schoo gui,ance counse or <ay be ab e to assist you %ith fin,ing a part-ti<e Aob that is Aust right for you. Asi,e fro< having contacts a<ong oca businesses: they <ay a so he p you eva uate %hich Aobs you %i enAoy an, e(ce at. -t is a so a goo, i,ea to te everyone you 'no% that you are oo'ing for %or'. 6onBt un,eresti<ate your net%or' of acCuaintances. They <ay very %e have other net%or's of acCuaintances that <ay he p you fin, goo, Aobs.

/o% to 0reate a List of 1ar< 0ontacts @sua y as' for contact current tips. %hen you are oo'ing for a Aob: you %ou , he p fro< fa<i y an, frien,s. ?ou %ou , these peop e to as' for infor<ation on Aob openings: business opportunities an,

?our fa<i y: re atives an, frien,s be ong to your %ar< contact ist. The %ar< contact ist is the ist of peop e %ith %ho< you have or ha, so<e persona association. A for<er c ass<ate:

office<ate or neighbor <ay be ong to your %ar< contact ist. 1ho <ay be inc u,e, in your %ar< contact /ere are a nu<ber of se ections. S =e atives an, 4rien,s These peop e are a %ays %i ing to he p you in your Aob search or business venture. They %i be ab e to provi,e you infor<ation if they have so<e: or refer you to trust%orthy peop e %ho %i be ab e to he p you. -f they %i intro,uce you to so<e of their contacts: they can sure y provi,e honest infor<ation to you regar,ing the person you are going to associate %ith. S #e<bers of the church: po itica c ub or fraternity or sorority party: socia istF

?ou probab y ,i, not e(pect it: but peop e %ho share the sa<e faith: be iefs or hobbies <ay a so he p you %ith fin,ing a Aob. ?ou <ay have a ,ifferent career fro< theirs: but they <ight 'no% so<ebo,y %ho is in the sa<e fie , or %i be ab e to he p you in your career. /o%ever: ,epen,ing on your eve of association %ith the<: they <ay thin' t%ice about giving their opinion or thoughts about their contacts. Their opinion can so<eti<es he p you in <a'ing a strategy on ho% to approach an, as' for he p fro< their contacts. S >eop e %ho se you things

?ou <ay thin' that your re ationship %ith these peop e is pure y base, on tra,ing goo,s an, services: then paying for the<. /o%ever: peop e %ho se you things are a so sources of infor<ation %hen net%or'ing.

Since these peop e se their goo,s to ,ifferent types of persons: they <ay have associate, %ith so<ebo,y %ho be ongs to the sa<e fie , as you ,o: or have hear, infor<ation about your target Aob fro< their other c ients. These peop e %i a so be happy to he p you: since they 'no% that <aintaining a p easant re ationship %ith you <eans a stab e business. A so: if you have a goo, Aob <eans you have increase, your purchasing po%er: an, then it cou , a so <ean that you <ay purchase <ore fro< the<. S 4or<er e<p oyers: co eagues or co-%or'ers

#aintaining a goo, re ationship %ith previous e<p oyers an, co eagues has <ore benefits than you can i<agine. This is the reason that <ost peop e try their best to iron out any ,ifficu ties %ith their previous e<p oyers even if they are no onger associate, %ith the co<pany. Asi,e fro< the possibi ity that your potentia e<p oyer %i ca previous e<p oyers %hen they revie% your Aob history: for<er e<p oyers an, co eagues are a so a goo, source of infor<ation re ate, to that fie ,. 1hen you as' for he p fro< fa<i y an, frien,s: there is the possibi ity that the infor<ation that they can give to you is Aust fro< another source. They <ay not be ab e to give you first-han, infor<ation or ,etai e, infor<ation un ess they a so %or' in the sa<e fie , that you ca<e fro< or %ou , i'e to go into. This is very ,ifferent %hen you consu t for<er e<p oyers an, co eagues fro< the sa<e sector. They %i be ab e to provi,e you %ith va uab e infor<ation an, <ay be ab e to c arify such infor<ation an, ans%er you Cuestions. S #e<bers of your professiona organi*ation

-f you be ong to a professiona organi*ation re ate, to the fie , in %hich you are oo'ing for a Aob: you can consu t the organi*ation for current posting fro< the <e<bers. -f you ,onBt be ong to any: consi,er Aoining one since this %i be beneficia to you career gro%th. A professiona organi*ation can provi,e you unbiase, infor<ation on current Aob openings fro< its <e<bers. The organi*ation can a so give you ,etai s on the co<pany profi e an, even on current <ar'et an, career tren,s. These are the <ost i<portant peop e that you shou , inc u,e %hen creating a ist of your %ar< contacts. -t is better if you contact the< a so you can have as <any options in your Aob search. 1hen you ta ' to the<: te the< that you are active y see'ing a Aob.

/o% to 4o

o% @p on A


-f you are sti in the Aob search process: it is e(tre<e y i<portant to fo o% up on a contacts. -t is not goo, to Aust sit an, %ait for resu ts to co<e pouring in %hen you thin' that youBve a rea,y ,one your part because your contact infor<ation has been ,istribute,.

0onsi,er t%o <en app ying for a pri<e position at a co<pany. After the intervie%: the first app icant Aust sits aroun, %aiting to hear fro< his prospective e<p oyer. +n the other han,: the secon, app icant ,istributes his contact infor<ation to so<e peop e that he <et in the co<pany. 4urther<ore: app icant nu<ber t%o ,oes a fo o%-up on the resu ts of the Aob intervie% a fe% ,ays ater. The first app icant has not been hear, fro<: because he Aust re ies on the basic Q1eB ca youQ routine. 1ho ,o you thin' %i have a greater chance of getting the AobF Even though the first app icant is <ore Cua ifie,: since he ,i, not fo o% up or even sen, a than' you note to the intervie%er: in the en,: he ,oes not get the Aob. -f you are sti %aiting for that Aob offer an, you ,o not fo o% up on your contacts: your chances of getting hire, beco<e s i<<er. -n business: fo o%ing up on a of your contacts is a sure-fire %ay to sprea, the %or, about you: your business sense an, e(pan,ing your hori*ons. -f you are sti oo'ing for a Aob: here are so<e tips on ho% to fo o% up on your contacts" S Sen, a than' you note right after the intervie%: i,ea y after a coup e of ,ays. This is a %ay of getting the prospective e<p oyer to hear fro< you again. Shou , you not get hire, for the current position that they offer: so<eone fro< that co<pany %i i'e y 'eep your infor<ation on fi e for future consi,eration. S #a'e sure that you eave your <obi e an, an, ine nu<ber: e-<ai a,,ress an, ho<e a,,ress so that prospective e<p oyers %i have no e(cuse of not getting in touch %ith you.

S Be accurate in getting the contact infor<ation of perspective e<p oyers. -n return: %hen you p ace their infor<ation on any etter that you sen, out Hi.e. resu<es: than' you notesI avoi, typographica errors an, <a'e sure that you have their na<es correct: to see to it that everything is in or,er. S So<e co<panies ,o ta'e a oo' at your character references so a ert the peop e on your ist that they <ight receive a ca fro< your prospective e<p oyers. S A %ays be on the positive si,e. Shou , you not get hire, for a particu ar position: you <ay as' the peop e fro< that co<pany for referra s to other co<panies or at east 'eep you in <in, for future hiring. -f you are current y in business: %hether you are Aust starting out or in the <i,st of e(pan,ing: you a so nee, to <a'e sure to fo o% up on a i<portant contacts. 4or e(a<p e: you go to a corporate event an, you have ,istribute, a ot of business car,s. 6o not stop there. These peop e <ight eventua y bring big business to your co<pany so it is i<portant to bui , up a strong business re ationship %ith the<. /ere are so<e tips on fo o%ing up on your contacts if you are a rea,y in business" S Sen, than' you notes to current an, future custo<ers. This ru e ,oes not Aust app y to peop e app ying for a Aob. This is <uch <ore he pfu for those %ho are a rea,y in business: as a si<p e than' you note %ou , re<in, custo<ers of %hich co<pany they are ,ea ing %ith an, your bran, na<e %i be i<printe, on their <in,s. This practice shou , sen, <ore business your %ay.

S Sen, fo o% up <essages. -f you are in sa es: it is goo, to fo o% up on e(isting buyers %ho are <ost i'e y to purchase your pro,ucts again. ?ou <ight a so %ant to persona i*e any correspon,ence that you sen, out as this eaves the custo<ers fee ing as if they 'no% you persona y. This shou , ea, you to earning their trust: %hich in turn eaves the custo<er fee ing secure that you are han, ing efficient y %hatever business it is that they thro% your %ay. S #a'e sure that you fo o% up s%ift y an, pro<pt y. The ru e of thu<b is to rep y fast: fast: fast. 1hether it is a so ution to a prob e< or sen,ing out an or,er or rep ying to a etter: respon,ing Cuic' y to a custo<er is the easiest %ay for the< to thin' of you an, your co<pany in a positive %ay.

/o% to be -nvite, for -ntervie%s +nce the app ication has been sent an, the resu<e receive, the ne(t thing that shou , happen is that the e<p oyer %i be ca ing to test co<<unication s'i s by <eans of an intervie%. A o%ing yourse f to be given the option on %hich e<p oyer is best fitting the app icant is one characteristic of

being pro-active. 0onsi,er being ca e, by <u tip e e<p oyers for a Aob intervie% in a ,ay a goo, sign. This <eans that they %ere rea y i<presse, %ith the ,ocu<ents you sub<itte,: therefore: ,eserving a persona co<<unication on ho% <ost i'e y an app icant %ou , an, the Aob. =esu<es can present an in,ivi,ua very %e . Seventy-five per cent of e<p oyers say that app icants %ith resu<es passing their stan,ar,s %ou , ,efinite y be invite, for a Aob intervie%. A o% t%o or <ore intervie%s. /o%F /ere are so<e resu<es tips that %ou , give you not on y one but <ore ca s for intervie%" 1. The shou , /aving is rea or she hi< or position that an app icant is intereste, in be p ace, right at the start of the resu<e. this as an obAective sho%s that an app icant y focuse, an, career oriente, te s that he 'no%s %hat is e(act y the perfect career for her.

2. +ne of the best significant %ays to get the e<p oyersB attention is by using %or,s that are rea y po%erfu that ,enotes strong capabi ities of the app icant. An e(a<p e of this is: instea, of %riting: Qassigne, to beQ: %rite instea, Qin-charge of:Q in,icating that the app icant has active ea,ership s'i s that can be a step to the <anage<ent position if there is any. 3. A bu et catches the eye of an e<p oyer at one oo'. @se these in ite<i*ing achieve<ents: career high ights: recognition: Cua ifications: an, s'i s an, interests. 1or,s in bu et for< forces the e<p oyer to rea, the infor<ation provi,e,. These a so create <ore c ear space on the paper <a'ing the app ication for< or the resu<e very neat an, outstan,ing. 4. #a'e sure that the resu<e is very se ective.

+n y app y for a certain position in one co<pany or organi*ation one at a ti<e. 6o not sub<it resu<es %ith ,ifferent Aob interests an, positions app ie, for at one ti<e. This %i be a co<p ete %aste of ti<e. &. As' a pro. =esu<es are %ritten %ith the he p of e(perts %ho can actua y see the app icantBs strengths an, opportunities. Asi,e fro< preparing an i<pressive resu<e carefu y fo o% an, rea, a the specia instructions i'e ho% <any spaces are provi,e, for a specific ans%er or the nu<ber of %or,s for the ans%er. $eep in <in, that this is a so a test to see ho% %e an app icant can fo o% si<p e ru es. ;ot on y ,oes it have to fo o% the steps: the app ication for< shou , a so be neat. /an,%riting is a so being consi,ere, an, using a b ac' pen %i great y a,, to the for<a ity of the ans%er. As <uch as possib e: never use a iCui, paper or fo , an, ben, the app ication for< an, paper. 1hen ans%ering: be carefu not to eave b an's un ess it rea y ,oes not app y. @se ;DA on y if necessary. Be truthfu %ith a the ans%ers but this ,oes not <ean that you have to provi,e a co<p ete or thorough ans%er for every Cuestion. A %ays a,apt the ans%ers to the Aob being app ie, for. +n y provi,e the s'i s an, recognition receive, that %i be beneficia to the ne% co<pany or e<p oyer. /o%ever: see to it that the ans%ers provi,e, in,icate the reason of being <ore Cua ifie, than the other app icants. 0hoose references that can provi,e the app icant an obAective ,escription an, infor<ation. Teachers: frien,s: an, previous e<p oyers can be %i ing an, honest enough to provi,e that infor<ation. The app ication for< <ust be consistent %ith the resu<e.

Q/o% to be -nvite, for -ntervie%sQ +nce the app ication has been sent an, the resu<e has been receive, the ne(t thing that %ou , possib y happen is that the e<p oyer %i be ca ing to test co<<unication s'i s by <eans of an intervie%. A o%ing onese f to be given the option on %hich e<p oyer is best fitting the app icant is one characteristic of being pro-active. 0onsi,er being ca e, by <u tip e e<p oyers for a Aob intervie% in a ,ay a goo, sign. This on y <eans that they %ere rea y i<presse, %ith the ,ocu<ents sub<itte,: therefore: ,eserving a persona co<<unication on ho% <ost i'e y an app icant %ou , an, on the Aob. =esu<es can present an in,ivi,ua very %e . Seventy-five per cent of e<p oyers say that app icants %ith resu<es passing their stan,ar,s %ou , ,efinite y be invite, for a Aob intervie%. A o% t%o or <ore intervie%s. /o%F /ere are so<e resu<es tips that %ou , give you not on y one but <ore ca s for intervie%" 1. The shou , /aving is rea or she hi< or position that an app icant is intereste, in be p ace, right at the start of the resu<e. this as an obAective sho%s that an app icant y focuse, an, career oriente, te s that he 'no%s %hat is e(act y the perfect career for her.

2. +ne of the best significant %ays to get the e<p oyersB attention is by using %or,s that are rea y po%erfu that ,enotes strong capabi ities of the app icant. An e(a<p e of this is: instea, of %riting: Qassigne, to beQ: %rite instea, Qin-charge of:Q in,icating that the app icant has active ea,ership s'i s that can be a step to the <anage<ent position if there is any.

3. A bu et catches the eye of an e<p oyer at one oo'. @se these in ite<i*ing achieve<ents: career high ights: recognition: Cua ifications: an, s'i s an, interests. 1or,s in bu et for< forces the e<p oyer to rea, the infor<ation provi,e,. These a so create <ore c ear space on the paper <a'ing the app ication for< or the resu<e very neat an, astoun,ing. 4. #a'e sure that the resu<e is very se ective. +n y app y for a certain position in one co<pany or organi*ation one at a ti<e. 6o not sub<it resu<es %ith ,ifferent Aob interests an, positions app ie, for at one ti<e. This %i be a co<p ete %aste of ti<e. &. As' a pro. =esu<es are %ritten %ith the he p of e(perts %ho can actua y see the app icantBs strengths an, opportunities. Asi,e fro< preparing an i<pressive resu<e carefu y fo o% an, rea, a the specia instructions i'e ho% <any spaces are provi,e, for a specific ans%er or the nu<ber of %or,s for the ans%er. $eep in <in, that this is a so a test to see ho% %e an app icant can fo o% si<p e ru es. ;ot on y ,oes it have to fo o% the steps: the app ication for< shou , a so be neat. /an,%riting is a so being consi,ere, an, using a b ac' pen %i great y a,, to the for<a ity of the ans%er. As <uch as possib e: never use a iCui, paper or fo , an, ben, the app ication for< an, paper. 1hen ans%ering: be carefu not to eave b an's un ess it rea y ,oes not app y. @se ;DA on y if necessary. Be truthfu %i a the ans%ers but this ,oes not <ean that you have to provi,e a co<p ete or thorough ans%er for every Cuestion. A %ays a,apt the ans%ers to the Aob being app ie, for. +n y provi,e the s'i s an, recognition receive, that %i be beneficia to the ne% co<pany

or e<p oyer. /o%ever: see to it that the ans%ers provi,e, in,icate the reason of being <ore Cua ifie, than the other app icants. 0hoose reference that can provi,e the app icant an obAective ,escription an, infor<ation: teachers: frien,s: an, previous e<p oyers can be %i ing an, honest enough to provi,e that infor<ation. The app ication for< <ust be consistent %ith the resu<e. Since <any of these e<p oyers stan,ar,i*e an, gauge the infor<ation the app icant is provi,ing in his app ication for< an, resu<e: these <ust be fu of co<p ete an, honest infor<ation. This %i be their basis %hen consi,ering to have a one on one intervie% to see if %hat they rea, is true enough. Ar< onese f %ith positive strategies an, 'no% e,ge to get those invitations for intervie%s co<e after you. =e<e<ber that this %i a so be a <ar'eting too that any app icant can use for other future Aob hunting e(perience.Since <any of these e<p oyers stan,ar,i*e an, gauge the infor<ation the app icant is provi,ing in his app ication for< an, resu<e: these <ust be fu of co<p ete an, honest infor<ation. This %i be their basis %hen consi,ering having a one on one intervie% to see if %hat they rea, is true enough. Ar< yourse f %ith positive strategies an, 'no% e,ge to get those intervie% invitations co<ing to you. =e<e<ber that this %i a so be a <ar'eting too that any app icant can use for other future Aob hunting e(perience.

7etting Starte, for a 0o , 0a

ThereBs a itt e 7ir Scout on the street carrying bo(es of ,ifferent f avore, coo'ies: ti<i, y trying to 'noc' on her neighborsB ,oors %orrie, that so<eho% sheB be booe, out an, that ,oors %ou , Aust s a< shut on her face after offering her coo'ies for Aust a fe% centsF Such a pitifu sight ehF But i<agine %hat this itt e gir cou , be fee ing even before approaching ,oors. 1i they 'no% that she is on officia business an, %ou , Aust be se ing coo'ies for the goo, of hu<anityF 1i she be ab e to spea' her rehearse, coo'ie scriptsF 1i she <a'e her first or,erF Litt e that %e 'no% that a ot of gro%n ups: even professiona sa es<en: e(perience an(iety the i,ea of <a'ing their o%n co , ca . -tEs so nor<a to fee butterf ies hitting big ti<e up an, ,o%n your be y: that Aust thin'ing of <a'ing the ca H%hether persona or businessI %ou , even %ant to <a'e you thro% up. But: et <e give you the e(act e(p anation of %hat a co , ca <eans. A co , ca is a persona ca : it can be a visit or phone ca to so<eone you 'no% a itt e or so<eone %ho< you rea y ,onBt 'no%. The <ain reason for the ca is that you are se ing so<ething for persona or officia business. +thers thin' that a co , ca is on y being <a,e to tota strangers: ta'en fro< phoneboo's or referra s fro< other persons. +n the contrary: this co , ca can be <a,e to so<eone you a rea,y 'no% or to a prospect youBre a rea,y fa<i iar %ith. -t can be so<eone you <et ast <onth at a party or <aybe a frien, intro,uce, hi< to you before an, you foun, hi< to be a goo, prospect to se the pro,uct. But sti : contacting so<eone you 'no% brea's the ice

for a <o<ent. Try to narro% your prospects at first %here you fee co<fortab e: once youBve <astere, the techniCue thatBs the ti<e you can <ove on to a <ore cha enging prospects you never even thought of approaching. The or,ea that you have to go through first is <a'ing that persona : <eaning one on one: physica appearance or te epresence. This can <a'e you so tense that you fee i'e Cuitting everything. There are even co , ca s that <a'e you fee i'e you %i ,isappear in a heartbeat. Even professiona s i'e ,octors: a%yers an, professors fee the sa<e: %hich is %hy they ,epen, on frien,s or c ientsB referra s for fear of osing their ,ignity an, goo, na<e after <a'ing an unsuccessfu co , ca . +ne ,eep breath can he p ,o the tric'. ;othing can be as unco<fortab e as prospecting so<eone for your co , ca . The fear of being shoute, at or <a'ing a foo out of yourse f: are roa,b oc's an, 'eep you fro< se ing. This can be overco<e %ith the right attitu,e together %ith guar,e, p anning: preparation an, if possib e Training. Be ieve it or not: sa es<anship is possib e for everyone. Ta'e these si<p e tips on ho% to 0o , 0a A %ays be >ositive =e<e<ber that co , ca ing is a po%erfu business strategy. 4irst be positive %ith your se f. ?our co-%or'ers an, your prospects youBre about to <a'e the co , ca shou , be ne(t to fee positive about. There <ust be enthusias< in your voice the peop e can fee right a%ay.

>repare to be >repare, -tBs not enough to 'no% the proce,ure an, having the right attitu,e. >repare the ist of %ho< to be ca e, or visite,: ho% the intro,uction shou , be ,one: earn %hat prospects ,o an, the <ost i<portant part of a is that your offere, pro,uct or service shou , be so<ething that cou , be of goo, use for the<. Being %e prepare, can turn a si<p e co , ca into rea business. - a< %hat - a< ;ever soun, too over reactive or obvious y nervous on the phone or %hen you sha'e your prospectBs han,. ;ever try to be so<ebo,y you are rea y not %ith an ai< to getting the attention you nee,. Assu<e that ta 'ing to your prospective custo<er for the first ti<e shou , be the 'ey to a asting re ationship. 0a < 6o%n Anticipate that youB be ,ec ine,. ThatBs it. -tBs rea y har, but never ta'e it as a persona attac' on you. 6onBt et the fee ing of being ,is<isse, put you ,o%n an, ro you bac'. Be patient an, earn fro< your <ista'es. ?ou %i reap a goo, harvest if you co<<it yourse f to being persistent. This %i a so he p you fin, a strategy that %i %or' in the ong run. Loo' at each turn ,o%n as if it %ere the ne(t stepping stone. The Art of 8uestioning ?ou cannot e(pect so<eone to be ieve you right a%ay an, Aust sign up after ,escribing your co<panyBs obAectives. ?ou have to as' the right Cuestions. As' %hat they ,o correct y an, pro<pt y to he p you use it a ong the conversation. A sure attention

getter %hen opening a conversation can be Q#ay as' you about so<ething #sD#rFQ >eop e %ant to he p an, this Cuestion o%ers their guar,. The ne(t Cuestion %i be Q0an you he p <e out about this thing sirD<aBa<FQ This Cuestion ,oes not as' for a yes or no ans%er but %ou , ,efinite y give you a va uab e response that you can use a through out the interaction. -tBs possib e that the itt e 7ir Scout on the street as'e, the sa<e Cuestion an, eft the ,oor%ay %ith 2 ess bo(es of coo'ies at han,2

-,entifying your s'i

s an, getting that Aob

1hen app ying for a Aob: it is i,ea that you i,entify your strengths an, %ea'nesses an, get prepare, to a,,ress the<. By 'no%ing your a,vantage: the chances of getting the Aob that you %ant %i sure y get easier. But you shou , not get too confi,ent since this is one of the co<<on <ista'es that p ague Aob app icants. Appearing too confi,ent or as so<e%hat of a 'no% it a person %i on y get you abe e, by your intervie%er as unfit for the Aob. -,entifying your s'i s

4irst thingBs first. ?ou shou , i,entify your s'i s. This is your tic'et to get that Aob an, you shou , be ab e to articu ate your abi ities an, e(pertise as best as you can. #any peop e have a har, ti<e te ing their s'i s an, abi ities as this <ay see< to be bragging. But you shou , not be shy or afrai, to ,iscuss your s'i s. -n fact: it is i<portant that you convey to your potentia e<p oyer %hat your ta ents are. ?ou shou , be ab e to se your abi ities to your e<p oyer. That is ho% you %i get the Aob that you %ant. -t is i<portant that you ,onBt appear arrogant or con,escen,ing but you shou , a so avoi, se ing yourse f short. -f the intervie%er as's you about your strengths or %hat separates you fro< the other app icants: you shou , be ab e to rea,i y give a goo, ans%er. But before you even go to the intervie% part: your resu<e shou , high ight your s'i s an, ta ents for your prospective e<p oyer to see. Type of s'i s

There are t%o <ain types of s'i s: har, s'i s an, soft s'i s. /ar, s'i s are tangib e in the sense that these are things that you ,o i'e" 'no%ing ho%

to operate ,ifferent 'in,s of <achinery: 'no% e,ge of a specia i*e, co<puter progra<: abi ity to type fast: s'i s on using <any types of too s: cre,entia s regar,ing specia crafts: etc. Soft s'i s are s'i s that are rather abstract in nature i'e persona Cua ities. This <ay inc u,e the fo o%ing" being a goo, tea< p ayer: having the abi ity to %or' on your o%n: being enthusiastic or organi*e, an, ,ecisive. The steps to fo #a'ing a acCuire, o%

ist of your previous Aobs an, e(perience

4irst thing to ,o is to <a'e a ist of a the co<panies that you ha, %or'e, for an, the things that you earne, fro< these Aobs. There %i be a ot of things to ist an, you shou , be carefu enough not to forget even the s<a est things or activities that you %ere part of or organi*e,. -t is a so a goo, i,ea to ist the vo unteer activities that you participate, in. -nc u,e a ist of your hobbies

A though it <ight soun, trivia at first: it is a so very he pfu to ist a your hobbies. There are a ot of abi ities that your prospective e<p oyer <ay get fro< your hobby ist. This %i a so give an i,ea of your persona ity. 4or e(a<p e: if you %ere part of the schoo Bs ,ebating tea<: then your e<p oyer <ay ,e,uce that you have goo, ana ytica s'i s. -f you %ere a cha<pion chess p ayer: then your e<p oyer %i have the i<pression that you are goo, at <a'ing critica ,ecisions. Thin' of your ,ai y routine an, the things that you ,o an, often ta'e for grante,. Are you an organi*e, person %ho a %ays 'eeps your things in proper or,erF Are you an e(trovert that can easi y <a'e frien,s in a <atter of <inutesF These <ay see<

or,inary to nor<a things to you: but your future boss <ight thin' other%ise. 6eci,ing %hat career you %ant After isting a your s'i s an, a the things that you ,o %e : you <ay no% ,eci,e %hat fie , or career you %ant to ta'e a crac' at. Se ect the s'i s containe, fro< your ist an, partner it %ith the e<p oy<ent you are see'ing. A %ays ta'e ti<e to consi,er if your s'i s are re evant to the Aob that you are aspiring for. 6onBt be bothere, if you have to cut out so<e of the s'i s fro< your ist. -t is a so i<portant to inc u,e in the ist your s'i s that the prospective e<p oyer %i probab y va ue. Stan, by %hat you %rite ?ou shou , be rea istic about your s'i s an, the eve of e(pertise that you have %ith it. 4or e(a<p e: if you in,icate that you are a very organi*e, person: then you shou , be ab e to sho% this to the intervie%er by being ab e to organi*e your thoughts an, effective y use the ti<e that %as given for your intervie%. -t is i<portant to 'no% your s'i s every ti<e you are Aob hunting. A %ays put your best foot for%ar, an, goo, uc'2

. Easy Steps to -<prove ?our -ntervie%ing S'i

-n the <i,st of techno ogica a,vance<ent no%a,ays: the Qbac'-to-basicsQ ru e sti app ies %hen it co<es to getting hire, for a Aob. -t ,oes not <atter if you are p anning to app y for a <i ion,o ar co<pany or a s<a : in,epen,ent fir<. 1hen you face an intervie%er: it a boi s ,o%n to ho% you present yourse f. This is the ,eci,ing factor %hether you %i get hire, or not. So you have ,istribute, your resu<e to prospective e<p oyers an, you have ,eter<ine, the correct Aob to app y for. The ne(t step is to sche,u e the Aob intervie%. ?ou can <a'e the acCuaintance of the assistant or the receptionist %hen you sche,u e for the intervie%: either by phone or persona y. Be frien, y an, po ite: as these peop e <ight provi,e infor<ation that can be essentia to getting that Aob or: even Aust give you a bac'groun, of the co<pany or your prospective boss. 4ina y: you sho% up for the intervie%.

The basic traits of being pro<pt: ho% you spea' an, carry yourse f an, even ho% you ,ress are a factors that contribute in <a'ing a asting i<pression that %i eventua y get you hire,. /ere are . easy steps on ho% you can i<prove your intervie%ing s'i s" 1.I >repare for the intervie%. 4irst: ,ress appropriate y. +nce the intervie%er %a 's into the roo<: or once you %a ' into the roo< to be intervie%e,: your appearance %i be the first thing to <a'e the i<pact. 6ress

appropriate y: chec' your groo<ing an, <in, your posture. Secon,: practice basic courtesy. $no% %here the intervie% %i be he , an, be there %ith a<p e ti<e to prepare yourse f before the sche,u e, intervie%. Turn your phone off to avoi, unnecessary ,istractions. 2.I =esearch. @se a your resources to <a'e sure that you 'no% the basics about the co<pany. ?ou %ou , not %ant to be caught unprepare, %hen as'e, about ho% you hear, or %hat you 'no% about the co<pany that you are app ying for. Learn about your potentia e<p oyer. -n your <in,: ,eve op a c ear picture of the co<pany profi e. #a'e sure that you prepare, ans%ers to a fe% basic Cuestions: but ,o not soun, scripte,. This happens %hen you rehearse %hat you %i be saying %or, for %or,. -t is enough that you have an overvie% of %hat you %i i<part to the intervie%er: an, it is better to be spontaneous. 3.I Be coo . Step for%ar, so that you are no% seate, an, the intervie% is about to begin. #a'e a great first i<pression by <aintaining eye contact: giving the intervie%er a fir< han,sha'e: a frien, y s<i e an, a po ite greeting. Sit on y %hen you are as'e, to ,o so an, ,o not forget to than' the intervie%er for ta'ing ti<e off of his or her busy sche,u e to intervie% you. #a'e sure to start on a positive note an, set the proper e(pectations. 4.I 6o not se yourse f short.

-n the course of the intervie%: ans%er the Cuestions brief y an, accurate y. The 'ey is to be honest. #a'e sure that as a prospective e<p oyee: you i<part to your future e<p oyer %hat you rea y are an, %hat you can ,o for the co<pany: not the other %ay aroun,. Stay positive an, ,o not give a ba, i<pression about your previous e<p oyer. -f you are app ying for your first Aob: ,o not et your ac' of e(perience hin,er you fro< gaining the a,vantage against <ore e(perience, app icants. 1hat you ac' in e(perience: <a'e up for in confi,ence an, eagerness to earn. ?ou <ay a so put yourse f in the e<p oyerBs shoes. As' yourse f: if - %ere on the other si,e of this ,es': %hat Cua ities shou , - oo' for in a potentia e<p oyeeF 1ou , - profit if he %or's for <e an, can he contribute to the ,eve op<ent of the co<panyF 6o not be afrai, to se yourse f but ,o not be overconfi,ent. Just proAect an air that you are sure of yourse f an, your capabi ities. &.I As' Cuestions. Shou , you encounter a ,ifficu t intervie%er: ,o not be inti<i,ate,. +ne %ho ,oes not et you put in a %or, e,ge%ise shou , be ight y re<in,e, that you shou , ,o <ost of the ta 'ing since he is the one %ho nee,s to earn <ore about you. ).I 1rap it up. As you near the en, of the intervie%: <a'e sure that a bases are covere,. ;o% is not the ti<e to ,iscuss or even as' about the sa ary an, the benefits that you %i receive once e<p oye,. There

is a<p e ti<e for that once you ,o get the position an, you are ,iscussing the Aob offer. 1rap things up by su<<ari*ing your strengths an, pointing out your positive traits. 4ina y: as you en, the intervie%: <a'e sure to than' the intervie%er again for his or her ti<e: thus eaving a asting i<pression. ..I 4o o% up.

Sen, that a -i<portant than' you note after the intervie%. Than' the intervie%er for the ti<e that he too' %ith you an, for giving you that opportunity. #a'e sure that you 'no% %ho to contact for fo o%-up of the resu ts. A ot of research has been <a,e about the intervie%ing process. /ere is a brief run-through" 4irst: you <a'e a sche,u e for the intervie%. Then: you are there in the office an, you are seen by the intervie%ee. The intervie% itse f then transpires. ;e(t is the c osing: then you fo o%-up %ith a than'-you-note. ?ou eventua y get accepte, an, you ,iscuss: negotiate for an, sign-up the Aob offer. ?ou <ay notice that the intervie%ing ta'es up a great ,ea of the getting-hire, process: so you <ight as %e po ish up your intervie%ing s'i s on your %ay to getting that ,rea< Aob.

/ot Tips on /o% to Job Scout >rior to oo'ing for the specific Aob that %ou , the best fit for you: earn ho% to effective y <ar'et your ta ents. This %i he p you gauge the possibi ity of an,ing on the Aob you %ant. 4irst: s'i s an, interests shou , be eva uate, persona y. Jotting ,o%n a ist %ou , ,efinite y be the best %ay to ,efine your capabi itiesJ secon,: to 'no% your i<itations. There are Aobs that are too ,e<an,ing that <ight not %or' for you: or Aobs that you <ay be over y Cua ifie, forJ an, thir,: p anning the ti<e as soon as there is an inner instinct that te s you that you are rea,y an, Cua ifie,. +nce this has been ,one: go to co<panies an, prospective e<p oyers ear y in the <orning for this %i give the< a goo, i<pression an, for the app icant: a ti<e to co<p ete the process the app ication if uc'y. =e<e<ber: the ear y bir, catches the %or<. The very first thing that nee,s to be ,one %hen oo'ing for a Aob is to prepare an i<pressive resu<e. The resu<e %i ,epen, on the type of Aob being app ie, for. There are ti<es %hen certain e<p oyers reCuire curricu u< vitae an, even a cover etter or etter of intent. Every professiona Aob you app y for e(pects to receive a %e %ritten resu<e. After preparing the ,ocu<ents nee,e, for app ication: the ne(t thing that shou , fo o% is fin,ing vacancies for ne% hires. Searching using the -nternet %i be very he pfu for this activity. There are sites that provi,e this assistance i'e /otJobs: A<ericaBs Job Ban': an, #onster that uti i*es resources an, convenience for peop e to oo' for Aobs. 1here e se to oo' for Aob openingsF

The initia step is to oo' at oca ne%spapers for this provi,es infor<ation Aust by oo'ing at the 0 assifie, A,s section an, the ists of %ante, personne an, e<p oy<ent opportunities %i be rea,. App ying at severa co<panies initia y in a oca area can save an app icant <ore ti<e an, <oney. -f it so happens a Aob %as foun, ate in the ,ay: ca i<<e,iate y for inCuiries. ;ever et a ,ay pass %hen opportunities co<e. /o% to oo' for Aobs that are not announce,F

So<eti<es co<panies an, other e<p oyers ,o not rea y a,vertise any Aob openings in their organi*ation. The best thing for an app icant is to %eigh things if it %i be possib e to be hire, by a certain co<pany by Aust sub<itting an app ication for< or resu<e. Start oo'ing for the Aob persona y. Te everyone about your Aob hunting. =e atives an, previous offices or co<pany co-%or'ers %i be ab e to give hints on Aob vacancies in their current co<panies. >rofessors or teachers %i a so be he pfu in reco<<en,ing schoo s an, institutions that are no% oo'ing for ne% instructors. These peop e <ight not have any vacant position in their co<pany in <in, but they certain y 'no% so<eone %ho 'no%s or nee,s a ne% e<p oyee. That is %hat others ca net%or'ing. +ften ti<es: the ?e o% >ages ,oes the i<portant Aob of provi,ing infor<ation on ho% an, %here to ca to oo' for a Aob. This gives an accurate ist of co<panies an, prospective e<p oyers in a chosen area. 9isiting the ibrary is a so a too than can be usefu %hen oo'ing for a Aob. There are ibraries that have a ist of oca e<p oyers: Aust as's the ibrarian for <ore infor<ation. 0ontact these e<p oyers persona y: even if they ,i, not a,vertise any vacant positions that nee,e,

to be fi e, Last y: be observant of signs poste, on ,oors an, %in,o%s of shops an, sta s being passe, by. -f uc'y: Aust %a ' in an, as' for infor<ation about the Aob an, ho% to app y. After sub<itting app ication for<s an, resu<es to the respective co<panies: 'eep trac' of the progress by creating a chart %here you can Aot ,o%n the na<e of the co<pany an, %hen the app ication %as sub<itte,. /ereEs a Aob-scout chec' ist to he p you a ong your %ay" 1. 2. 3. 4. &. ). .. 3. 5. -,entify e(perience ist -,entify prospective e<p oyers >repare ,ocu<ents > an sche,u es 0ontact co<panies an,Dor e<p oyers 7et rea,y for an intervie% Eva uate ho% intervie% %ent a ong Ta'e the e(a<s Start %ith the ne% Aob2

>ositive y Thin'ing +ut of the Bo( /o% can one person Qthin' out of the bo(FQ This shou , be ,one in,epen,ent y: but ho%F /ereBs an e(a<p e" 0ut a ca'e into eight s ices but you have to <a'e no <ore than three cuts. #ost peop e %i have troub e co<ing up %ith a %ay to cut the ca'e. But to so ve this: you have to change the %ay you oo' at the ca'e an, ho% to cut it. +ne perfect so ution is to cut the ca'e into t%o eCua si*es an, put the other ha f on top of the other. 0ut it again in ha f then stac' the other ha f pieces on top of one another an, cut the< again. There you go: thatBs thin'ing out of the bo(. Another e(a<p e of thin'ing out of a bo( is this" /ere are four %or,s... subtract: <u tip y: a,,: ,ecrease... ;o% %hich one ,oes not be ong to the groupF #ost y peop e %ou , right a%ay say that the %or, Q,ecreaseQ ,oes not be ong. 1hyF Because a the other three %or,s are <athe<atica Aargons an, the atter is not. 1e : thatBs not thin'ing out of the bo(: if you thin' out of the bo(: the ans%er %ou , be the %or, Qa,,Q since it on y has three etters %hi e a the other have si( an, <ore. ?ou cou , give a ot of right ans%ers but the one that sho%s <ore creativity stan,s out. The prevai ing co<ponent in the %ay our <in,s %or' is inserting so<e changes fro< past e(periences an, processes. Another goo, sa<p e is %hen you are as'e, t%o ,ays that starts %ith the etter QTQ. ?our ans%er %ou , probab y be Tues,ay an, Thurs,ay. /ey: ho% about To<orro% an, To,ayF 1e : that is out of the bo( a right. 0o<panies try to test a ne% pro,uct an, are sure they are getting a ,esign at a reasonab e cost. They oo' at things in the business an, thin' that obAectives %i %or' Aust as p anne,. But these things soun, <onotonous

a rea,y: for they on y thin' using the past as patterns. >atterns are he pfu since they he p finish tas's such as ,riving: eating or ,rin'ing. /o%ever: these are the sa<e patterns that <a'e it har, for peop e to thin' out of the bo( an, create a ternative so utions to a ,i e<<a especia y %hen cha enge, %ith un%ante, ,ata. +ne i<portant <ove to brea' the pattern is trying to reverse patterns: ,esigns or so utions an, arouse ne% interest. Ta'e thing as they are an, turn the< insi,e out: upsi,e ,o%n: or si<p y turn the< aroun, an, youB be surprise, %ith the resu t. This %as /enry 4or,Bs persona e(perience. /is conventiona p an %as to Aust Qbring peop e to %or'.Q /e trie, to change a this into" Qbring %or' to the peop e.Q This p an generate, <ore revenues. Another %ay to bring out other so utions to si<p e prob e<s an, situations is to not thin' about the subAect. -f you %ant to bring about so<ething <ore creative: thin' not of the part of the prob e< itse f: rather: thin' of peop e or subAects in <otion an, then use the abstract for<ation or ,esign as a sti<u us for a ne% ,esign. But to thin' out of the bo(: never shy a%ay fro< the fact that so<e of your i,eas cou , rea y be cra*y enough. This cou , brea' rigi,ity of thin'ing an, present a %ay to sift the harebraine, an, irrationa . This gives the thin'er <ore free,o< to thin' out of the bo( an, reinvent things in %ay they have never been arrange, before. 1hat you cou , ,o is ist severa o,, or absur, i,eas about a certain prob e<. Letting go of the Cuestion %i re ease the stress you are un,ergoing by trying to KsCuee*eL the creativity. +nce you et it go: a the po%er of the universe is free to fin, a so ution an, the

so ution %i

co<e to you %hen you

east e(pect it.

-n <uch <ore rea ife scenarios: you cou , thin' out of the bo( for fun. ?ou can practice fun troub e-<a'ing stuff %ithout hurting anyone by saying or ,oing the une(pecte,. But <a'e sure that you ,o this first to persons you a rea,y 'no% to avoi, conf icts an, negative confrontations. Say: a bu,,y as's for the ti<e: auto<atica y you %ou , oo' at your %rist %atch %hich is a resu t of the sti<u us-response theory. Thin'ing out of the bo(: %hy not say so<ething cra*y i'e: Q+h itBs ti<e for a vengeance:Q then hea, to%ar, the ,oor. 1atch their reaction as they go into tota confusion an, trance as you have tota y <i(e, things up in their hea,s an, interrupte, their thin'ing pattern. H6onBt forget to apo ogi*e after%ar,sI Thin'ing out of the Bo( or usua y 'no%n as creative thin'ing see's to ,esign ne% an, rea y creative arrange<ent of e e<ents to pro,uce a %or' of art. Being an out of the bo( thin'er can be a re%ar,ing profession. This is ,angerous: but it cou , be one of your strengths in no ti<e. -f the her, is going to the right: you go the other %ay. =e<e<ber that you cou , be genius in your o%n %ay. ?our thoughts co<e fro< ,eep reaches an, these tota y ,ifferent i,eas are c ever enough to <a'e a ,ifference in the en,. Being creative an, out of the bo( is %i , so<eti<es: but cou , <ove you through gro%th an, se f-,eve op<ent. ?ouB be surprise, at ho% easy an, ,ifferent y it %i be for you to fi( an, try to so ve things a%ay fro< the trie,-an,-true habits. Let your thin'ing out of the o , bo( be your gui,e to a ne% an, better: %on,erfu approach to ife.

Jobsee'er 4A8s on Than' ?ou notes 0areer a,visers te Aobsee'ers to sen, a than' you note after an intervie%. To a,,ress the <ost freCuent y as'e, Cuestions on ho% an, %hat to sen, in a than' you note: here are so<e give a%ays. 1onBt the e<p oyer thin' that an app icant is ,esperate an, a sissy app icant if he sen,s a than'-you etterF +f course not. =are y ,oes an e<p oyer not p ease, to receive a than'-you etter. -t is consi,ere, as a co<<on %ay of sho%ing po iteness: a gesture of courtesy: one %ay to outshine the rest of the intervie%ees: an, a %ay to 'eep your na<e upfront. 1i it not Aeopar,i*e the possibi ity of getting the AobF ;ot in <ost cases: but it cou , in so<e point of ti<e. So %hy ta'e the chanceF Hso they as'I The ans%er" #ost bosses %avers bet%een the ast t%o <ost pro<ising app icants: a stu,ent an, e(perience, officer for e(a<p e: after the fina intervie% for a certain position. But %hen the boss gets a than'-you etter fro< the stu,ent: it <a,e a the ,ifference. Because of that si<p e %e <annere, gesture: the stu,ent an,s on the Aob. 0an it be han,%ritten or shou , it be type%rittenF Actua y: it ,oes not <atter. 1hatBs i<portant is the thought of ,oing it. -t <ust be tai ore, to your prospective co<pany an, the officer %ho <a,e the intervie%. Thus: respect is further

estab ishe,. /o%ever: if the co<pany: intervie%er or the position being app ie, ca s for a for<a business etter: then ,o so. #ost y: a han,%ritten note is o'ay if the intervie%er an, the app icant have bui t rapport. 1i it be o'ay to e-<ai the than' you noteF

4irst thoughts in,icate that this is a big ;+. /o%ever: it ,epen,s on the co<panyBs cu ture. -f the peop e in the co<pany use e-<ai in a of their co<<unication an, correspon,ence: then it shou , be acceptab e. This %i a so app y if the co<pany is into fast ,ecision <a'ing %hen hiring app icants. A %ays re<e<ber that even if e-<ai s fit in %ith the cu ture of the co<pany: itBs sti a better i,ea to fo o% up the e<ai %ith a har, copy of your than' you. So you can Aust save yourse f fro< troub e since Qanything goesQ rightF ;+. +n the other si,e of the previous story: there are prospective app icants %ho %ere a <ost on the verge of being hire, but su,,en y hit the s'i,s after sen,ing in a s oppy: i -fi(e, than' you etters: %ith <any typographica errors an, <isspe e, %or,s. A part of having a goo, co<<unication s'i is being ab e to %rite effective y an, co<panies ,o not nee, e<p oyees %ho have to be taught si<p e %riting s'i s. 1i a borro%e, than'-you etter ,oF

?es: borro%ing is one thing. But <a'e sure to oo' at the basic structure of the etter. ;ever p agiari*e the %ho e etter as it <ay be app icab e to the one person but not for the other. Sure y: there are e<p oyers %ho can ,istinguish a than'-you note that has been copie, or not.

-f it %as a pane intervie% shou , than' you etters be sent to a intervie%ersF 4ran' y: thatBs the best. The sa<e etter to each is as essentia as <a'ing one for each. A you have to ,o is e,it so<e phrases for in,ivi,ua ity in case the intervie%ers %ou , bu<p in to each other an, co<pare the notes they receive,. /o% soon shou , a than'-you note be sentF The go ,en ru e is to sen, than' you notes %ithin 24 hours after the intervie%. 1i it sti be o'ay to <ai the than' you note if the hiring ,ecision %i be <a,e sooner than %hen the <ai e, than' you note is receive,F 0o<e to thin' of it: if the <ai is too prehistoric for the hiring ,ecision <a'ers: then fin, a <uch spee,y %ay" it can be via e-<ai : fa(: e(press ,e ivery or persona ,e ivery. -n fact: if you have han, ,e ivere, the than' you note: it can eave a great i<pression. 1hat if thereBs a rea,y an offer before even sen,ing the than' you notesF -tBs sti better to sen, the than' you notes as this can be use, to accept or ,ec ine the offer. This cou , a so be a confir<ation of your agree<ent an,Dor un,erstan,ing of the offer they have given Hsa ary: benefits: other co<pensation: starting ,ate: vacations: etc.I: this %ay any ,iscrepancies can be straightene, out before even starting for the Aob. A %ays fin, a %ay to <a'e it as persona i*e, as possib e. Try to thin' out of the bo(: you <ay even a,apt %hat you have observe, the intervie%er has in the office ,uring the intervie%. Sen,ing an

artic e that you thin' the intervie%er cou , be intereste, in is a so another suggestion. 1hatever <etho, you use: <a'e it fast an, professiona .

Setting 0 ear +bAectives To achieve a goa : there is a process that you shou , i<p e<ent. This process is to strea< ine an, ana y*e your obAectives. Begin at the very beginning at the s<a est: specific part. These are the <ost i<portant steps to ta'e to <eet the gui,e ines. An obAective is a %ay of 'no%ing %hat action or p an is to be ta'en an, i,entifying the e(pecte, resu ts. This p an provi,es a set of ,irections so that <a'ing the ,ecision %i not be as co<p icate, as %hen the goa is Aust being consi,ere,. >eter 6uc'er ,ocu<ente, a boo' pub ishe, in 15&4 entit e, >ractice, #anage<ent %herein #B+ %hich stan,s for #anage<ent by +bAectives: %as intro,uce,. This is a progra< that consists of si<p e but very usefu processes in or,er to <eet co<<it<ents in an organi*ation. ;ever %orry: as this is a so app icab e to persona p ans. #B+ consists of & steps" 1. -t shou , be S>E0-4-0. -t is better to acco<p ish one goa at a ti<e rather than thin'ing of severa ,ifferent p ans at one ti<e. A sing e obAective cannot be ,erive, if there are t%o or <ore resu ts e(pecte,. 1hatEs i<portant is that there is a nee, to c arify %hat is to be achieve, an, shou , have your fu attention. This <ust be ta'en as serious y as possib e.

2. -t shou , be #EAS@=ABLE. A ot of things that are not tangib e are har, to <easure an, there are things that are rea y <easurab e for the <ere fact that it inc u,es nu<bers or ratings. Ta'e the service cre%s for e(a<p e: it is har, to <easure ho% the service %as ,e ivere, but if the nu<ber of co<p aints is counte, then there is a specific nu<ber that can be use, to rate the effectiveness of the service. -n offices: the nu<ber of tas's or assign<ents that %ere acco<p ishe, is use, as basis for the <easure<ent. 0ooperation: though a very vague %or, can a so be <easure, by <eans of getting a subor,inate an, peer survey. /o% fast or ,e aye, assistance %as provi,e, to a certain in,ivi,ua is enough to provi,e infor<ation on ho% situations can be <easure,. Try not to use genera ter<s %hen <a'ing an obAective state<ent. -t shou , be so<ething c ear an, specific i'e" to %rite: to recite: to perfor<: to fi(: to process: to ,esignate: to purchase: to choose: to reprogra<: etc. 3. -t shou , be ATTA-;ABLE. The resources avai ab e give infor<ation on ho% an obAective can be attaine,. This <ust be so<ething that is ,erive, fro< fact an, very rea istic. -t cou , be that a certain obAective is in,ee, rea istic but the ti<e fra<e to reap the resu t <ay not be. -t is better to say obAectives that can be factua for this pro<otes <otivation rather than an obAective ta'en fro< be ief as this <ay cause une(pecte, fai ure an, fee ing of ,iscourage<ent. 4. -t shou , be =ES@LT-+=-E;TE6. An obAective shou , be state, c ear y so that the e(pectation is c ear. 4ocus on the en, resu t as this %i be the gui,e %hether or not the obAective to reach the goa is effective an, <eaningfu . -s this obAective going to he p an in,ivi,ua gro% or

succee,F 1i it be beneficia to a concerne,F +nce the success has been attaine, an, a the p ans %ere co<p ete, then it is a success. &. -t shou , be T-#E B+@;6. There shou , be a i<it to a the things nee,e, to be acco<p ishe,. This <atters since the root of any p an can be traceab e. This %i a so te if the obAective is effective enough not to cause any ,e ay. There %i a so be <ore of the sense of fu fi <ent once a goa is attaine, %ith the obAectives set ear ier than a ,ea, ine. To su< it a up: ,eve op an obAective that is easi y <easure,: can be attaine,: %ith a i<ite, ti<e: this %i he p in ,eter<ining if the obAective is rea istic enough: <eaningfu : an, proven to be %orth%hi e to everyone invo ve,. A chart or Aourna can be 'ept to 'eep trac' of any opportunities an, strengths that %ere <et a ong the %ay. This %i a so in,icate the ti<e that %as consu<e, an, the ength of the obAective ,eve ope,. A successfu obAective he ps <otivate the in,ivi,ua or the group invo ve, to%ar, greater achieve<ents.

6ressing up for the Success -ntervie% >repare an, practice for an intervie%. After the ,ate an, venue has been set: a o% ti<e for enough preparation for the big ,ay. =e<e<ber that first i<pressions ,o ast: so the %ay an app icant oo' rea y ,oes <atter. E<p oyers cou , easi y give the ver,ict base, on the <anner of ,ressing ,uring the initia intervie%. Better Cuestions an, service can be receive, if the appearance itse f co<<an,s respect. -t is i<portant to consi,er the surroun,ings of the co<pany granting you an intervie%. There is no reason to be over ,resse, or poor y ,resse, ,uring this very significant ,ay. -n fact: it is a goo, ru e of thu<b to a %ays ,ress appropriate y for any situation. A to often appearance is g osse, over. So<e <ight say that the inner characteristics of the person <atter <ore: but in rea ity: you on y have one opportunity for a first i<pression. #a'e it count2 A though there are specific gui,e ines that can be fo o%e,: these ,oes not app y to a states i'e ;e% ?or' for e(a<p e: %here peop e %ear tren,y up to e(tre<e sty es that are far a%ay fro< the usua fashion ru es co<<on peop e 'no%. The ru e of thu<b shou , be to %ear so<ething that cou , boost <ore confi,ence. Be o% are the top ten ,oBs an, ,onBts ,uring an intervie%"

T Avoi, %i , co ore, nai po ish before the intervie%. The sa<e goes %ith ong nai s that cou , easi y turn off so<e conservative e<p oyers. These shou , be neat an, very ti,y oo'ing. T ;ever %ear Ae%e ry that ratt es an, Aigg es as you spea' an, <ove. Try not to %ear t%o or <ore rings or earrings. >iercing asi,e fro< the ears is a so a no. T >rofessiona hair,o a so counts . T -f you are a %o<an: %ear c ose, shoes. /ee s are very appropriate as this gives <ore confi,ence to an in,ivi,ua an, sense of respect is a so provi,e, once they see the person %earing the<. T Again: for the a,ies: never bare those ne% y shaven egs. -f possib e: use stoc'ings regar, ess of the te<perature. But <a'e sure not to use fancy co ore, ones. +n y use those <a,e for neutra oo'ing egs. These shou , a so <atch the shoes. T =e<e<ber that a goo, suit or ,ress brings <ore confi,ence as %e . This %i a so a o% <ore co<fort an, chance for the app icant to ans%er co<fortab y or %ith ease. T Avoi, short s'irts for %o<en. 1earing pants or eggings are a no: no ,uring intervie%s. T 1ear the appropriate b a*ers Aust as ong as they ,o not oo' fashion out,ate,. 6o not use any eather coats or Aac'ets. T 4or <en: the tie is sti appropriate. Avoi, using turt enec's. -f there is no suit an, tie avai ab e: use a co are, shirt or %hite ong s eeves. T #en <ust not use too <uch aftershave.

T 1o<en shou , be using bags that are not too bright an, conspicuous. These shou , be conservative an, <atching the ,ress. T Any briefcase use, <ust be in perfect con,ition. The %ay a person oo's eCua the <essage he is trying to convey. 6uring the intervie%: this can either beco<e a p us factor for the app icant or big oss. $no% for a fact that the %ay an app icant shou , oo' <ust be appea ing: fashionab e but not ou,. 0onsi,er the atest tren,s in the area or ocation %here the prospective Aob is ocate,. +ne aspect that is a part of ho% e<p oyer pic's a ne% hire is base, on the physica attributes of the app icant. 4ro< the %ay the han,s %ere sha'en: 'eeping an eye contact: the %ay the posture %as <aintaine,: the s<i e %as ,e ivere, up to the <anner of ,ressing is being rate, a rea,y. =egar, ess of your persona career bac'groun,: s'i s: an, un,er ying ta ents: if the first i<pression %as never stri'ing enough to <a'e an outstan,ing appea to the intervie%ers: nothing e se counts. This can be the potentia e<p oyersE initia interpretation of ho% an app icant %i ,o on the Aob. 1hether that perception is KfairL is irre evant. 6o you %ant the AobF Loo' the part an, your chances for success are <uch greater2

/o% to 7et =eferra s fro< 1ar< 0ontacts ?ou <ay fin, it har, to use net%or'ing to fin, a Aob if you canBt re y on your %ar< contacts to give you the infor<ation you nee,. At ti<es: you %ou , have to as' your %ar< contacts to refer you to at east t%o peop e that they 'no% %ho %i be ab e to give you the infor<ation you nee,e,. /o%ever: there are ti<es that your %ar< contact: particu ar y those %ho ,onBt 'no% you %e : <ay not rea,i y provi,e you %ith the infor<ation. So<e of your %ar< contacts <ay fee re uctant about vouching for you to their other contacts. Because of this: you <ay fin, it ,ifficu t to use your net%or'. To <a'e net%or'ing an, getting referra s an easy tas' for you: here are a fe% tips. S ;urture your %ar< contacts. Before you even nee, your %ar< contacts or before you even as' for he p: 'eep in touch %ith your %ar< contacts. ?ou <ay sen, notes or greetings fro< ti<e to ti<e: ca to Qcatch upQ on the<: invite the< to unch: be intereste, or he p in their business or ,o anything Aust to cu tivate your connection %ith the<. -n this %ay: by the ti<e you nee, he p: they can re<e<ber you an, can <ore rea,i y give infor<ation about their other contacts that %i be ab e to

he p you. S Be po ite. Since you <ight not have c ose persona re ationships %ith so<e of your va uab e %ar< contacts: it is inappropriate to Aust give the< a ca an, as' the< for infor<ation about your fie , of interest. So<eti<es: sen,ing a note in a,vance: or as'ing to <eet the< for unch is a better %ay to as' for their he p. S Listen to the<. #ost of the ti<e: even if your %ar< contact 'no%s itt e in the fie , %here you are trying to fin, a Aob: they <ight offer you a,vice. Be po ite an, intereste, in %hat they are saying. 1ho 'no%s: the infor<ation that they are giving <ay be va uab e to you in the future. There are ti<es that your %ar< contacts <ay be te ing you tips on %hat <anner %i %or' best %hen you ta ' to the persons to %ho< you are being referre,. ?our %ar< contacts <ay a so i<p y %hat Cua ities an, Cua ifications the person is oo'ing for. S As' for at east t%o referra s.

Before you as' for referra s: <a'e sure that your %ar< contact ha, sai, everything that he or she can say about your fie , of interest. Even if they 'no% itt e about that fie ,: it is i<po ite if you cut the< short %hi e they are spea'ing to as' if they 'no% so<ebo,y %ho %i be ab e to he p you. -f they %erenBt ab e to refer you to at east one

of their contacts: thoughtfu y as' the< %hy they cou ,nBt ,o so. They <ay give you ans%ers that <ay inc u,e in,irect co<<ents or suggestions. They <ay a so in,icate a ac' of confi,ence in your %or' strategy. -f this is so: you <ay have to <a'e fo o% ups %ith the< to prove that you are in,ee, cre,ib e an, <atch their reCuire<ents. /o%ever: there are a so ti<es %hen they canBt refer you to their contacts because they Aust ,onBt 'no% anybo,y %ho <ight have the infor<ation or <ight be intereste, in the pro,uct. -n this case: as' the< to 'eep their eyes open for opportunities that you <ight be intereste, in. ?ou can a so eave %ith the< copies of your resu<e. S Just as' for t%o referra s. T%o referra s are enough fro< each %ar< contact. This is to have another option in case the first one ,i,nBt %or' out. As'ing for <ore than t%o referra s cou , be i<po ite as it can ta'e <uch ti<e fro< your %ar< contact. A so: that %i <a'e your %ar< contact fee that you are re ying <ost y on hi< or her for your Aob search. So: un ess they vo unteer the infor<ation: ,onBt as' for <ore than 2 referra s. S 0ontact referra s as soon as possib e. 1hen your %ar< contacts give you referra s: there are ti<es that they a so ca these peop e persona y to give <ore infor<ation about you. +n the other han,: %hen you contact the peop e to %ho< you %ere referre,: your referra s <ay ca your %ar< contacts to verify the infor<ation or to as' <ore infor<ation about you. Either %ay: you have to contact your referra s soon enough that these peop e can sti re<e<ber their

conversation %ith your %ar< contact: or your %ar< contact can sti re<e<ber that you have ta 'e,. At ti<es: after your referra s %ere ca e, by your %ar< contacts: they anticipate your ca an, even prepare Cuestionnaires an, e(a<s for you to ta'e. 6o not %aste this opportunity by ,e aying fo o%-up on referra s. $eeping these tips in <in, %i be ab e to he p you in as'ing for goo, referra s fro< your %ar< contacts. Tips on @sing ?our 1ar< 0ontact List 1hen ;et%or'ing 1hen you are searching for a Aob: asi,e fro< chec'ing the a,s in ne%spapers: internet an, bu etin boar,s: it is a so very he pfu to as' for infor<ation fro< the peop e on your %ar< contact ist. They can provi,e you %ith up-to-,ate infor<ation on the co<pany an, position vacancies that are not poste, on Aob a,s. At ti<es %hen they cannot provi,e you infor<ation about the Aob that you are oo'ing for: they <ay be ab e to refer you to a person that they 'no% %ho <ight be ab e to te you so<ething about the Aob. This is ca e, net%or'ing. ;et%or'ing is %hen you start using your %ar< ist to get infor<ation or referra s to their other contacts. #any peop e are repe e, by the thought of net%or'ing. So<e be ieve that it is not a re iab e source of infor<ation about the Aob. +thers say net%or'ing is <ore ,ifficu t than fo o%ing the ea,s on the a,s that are poste, in the ne%spaper: internet or a, boar,s. 0ontrary to such be iefs: net%or'ing is not that

,ifficu t to ,o. ?ou <ay Aust have to contact or <eet so<e peop e: an, you can get va uab e infor<ation that can he p in your career search. A so: since the peop e you <eet be ong to the sa<e in,ustry: they can provi,e you infor<ation about hiring that isnBt a,vertise, an, first-han, facts about the co<pany. ?ou are a rea,y net%or'ing an, you Aust ,onEt 'no% it. 1hen you have seen an a, in the paper poste, by a co<pany you 'no% itt e of: you as' your frien,s if they 'no% so<ebo,y %ho %or's for the co<pany. So even if you are not attracte, by the i,ea of net%or'ing: it is sti essentia %hen see'ing a Aob. To <a'e net%or'ing easier an, <ore pro,uctive for you: here are a fe% tips. S >repare your %ar< contact ist

1hen you have prepare, your %ar< contact ist: it %i be easier to se ect the peop e %ho you prefer to ca first. These are the peop e %ho you thin' have so<e infor<ation about the Aob. They <ay be for<er e<p oyers: co eagues an, <e<bers of the professiona organi*ation be onging to the sa<e in,ustry. They usua y have first-han,: up-to-,ate an, re iab e infor<ation. S 0a ing a %ar< contact

1hen you ca a %ar< contact: infor< the< that you are active y see'ing a Aob. As' the< to et you 'no% if they hear, of Aob openings you <ight be intereste, in. -t is better to infor< the< %hat type of Aob you are oo'ing for. An, ,onBt forget to eave your contact nu<ber %ith the<: so they can get in touch %ith you if they hear of anything. -t is a so better if you can eave a copy of your resu<e %ith the< so they can sho% or sub<it it to so<eone %ho %i be ab e to he p you in your Aob search.

S Assess yourse f before ca

ing your contact

?ou %ar< contact <ay as' about your s'i s: e(periences: abi ities: interests: e(pectations an, career goa s. ?ou shou , be ab e to ta ' about these sincere y an, you shou , be ab e to ,escribe %hat infor<ation you %ou , i'e to have fro< your contact. To he p you prepare: you can practice by ,rafting a script on %hat to say. That %ay: you can articu ate %hat you %ou , i'e to co<<unicate to your %ar< contact. Anticipate Cuestions about yourse f: so you shou , a so practice ans%ering Cuestions about your previous Aob an, %hat you can contribute to the co<pany. S As' for referra s -f your %ar< contact %as not ab e to provi,e you infor<ation that %i be he pfu to your Aob search: as' for the na<es of at east t%o peop e %ho they thin' %i be ab e to he p you. As' for their contact nu<ber: an, if possib e: the ti<e %hich they %i be free to ta ' over the phone. S 0ontact referra s i<<e,iate y 1hen your %ar< contact gives you referra s: they <ay even ca this person to infor< the< that you %i be as'ing for <ore infor<ation. So<eti<es: the person you %ere referre, to %i be ca ing your %ar< contact. Therefore: it is better to ca your referra s %ithin a fe% ,ays after you have spo'en %ith your %ar< contact. 1hen you <a'e a ca : intro,uce yourse f an, infor< the person %ho referre, you to hi<Dher an, ho% you are re ate, %ith the person %ho referre, you. Be

po ite: but straightfor%ar,: in infor<ing the person %hat infor<ation you are see'ing. ;et%or'ing rea y isnEt a ,ifficu t thing to ,o. 1ith enough practice an, e(perience: you can <a(i<i*e the benefits that you can get fro< net%or'ing.

4ree ance Jobs- Be ?our +%n Boss A person %ho free ances is i'e an in,epen,ent contractor. They ta'e Aobs in their fie ,. @sua y it is %riting: photography: or %eb ,esign. They contract peop e %ith their resu<es an, peop e hire the< for specific Aobs. An in,ivi,ua %ho free ances nee,s to %or' Cuic' y %ithout so<eone oo'ing over his or her shou ,er. They can co<p ete Aobs in,epen,ent y. There are <any Aobs that can be foun, on the -nternet for so<eone %ho can free ance a specific type of e<p oy<ent. A free ance %or'er <a'es their iving going fro< Aob to Aob. +nce a Aob en,s they fin, so<eone e se that nee,s a specific tas' acco<p ishe, an, they %or' for the<. A free ancer can go through <any ,ifferent e<p oyers each %ee'. There are <any types of Aobs avai ab e an, it can be a ,aunting tas'. This is because so<e ,ays these in,ivi,ua s %or' an, on other ,ays they ,o not. -t a ,epen,s on the ,e<an,s of the Aob at han,. Through certain %ebsites a free ancer can fin, various %or' that they can ,o to <a'e a iving. This type of e<p oy<ent opportunity can be a nice change fro< other 5 to & Aobs. The person can be their boss an, ,oes not nee, to co<<ute if the Aob is <ost y ,one fro< the ho<e. Through -nternet

resources these Aobs genera of the house <aintenance.

y ,oes not reCuire out

A free ance %or'er can ,o their Aob fro< the co<fort of their ho<e. They search <ost y on ine for an opportunity. These in,ivi,ua s sho% a 'een sense of free,o<. Another aspect of this type of %or' is the in,ivi,ua nee,s to be ab e to co<p ete the Aob on ti<e. A of these Aobs reCuire a person to be ,epen,ab e as the person is on contract an, the co<pany that has hire, the< probab y has a choice of in,ivi,ua s to ,o the Aob. So if one ,oes not ,e iver: one has ost the business. +n the other han, if the co<pany is p ease, %ith a persons Aob: in a probabi ity: the ne(t ti<e a si<i ar Aob co<es up the co<pany %i auto<atica y hire that person instea, of going through the ritua of sifting through Aob app ications. There is: ho%ever. one ,isa,vantage that one has to consi,er before ta'ing on free ance as a career an, that is the uncertainty of %or'. There are ti<es %hen one <ay be f oo,e, %ith Aobs an, on other ,ays there <ay be no assign<ents for one to %or' on. As a resu t: there cou , be an uncertainty of inco<e.

/o% to 0ope %ith the Stress of Se f-E<p oy<ent 1eBve a hear, the free ancer boast: Q- %ent to %or' in <y paAa<as to,ayQ or QSince - starte, %or'ing fro< ho<e: -B< ab e to spen, <ore ti<e %ith <y fa<i y.Q Just as these are a %on,erfu an, true: there are p enty of reasons for the se f-e<p oye, entrepreneur to encounter terrific a<ounts of stress. So<eti<es <ore than if they %or'e, for a high-po%ere, co<pany.

Asi,e fro< the stress of having to fin, ne% c ients an, ne% Aobs: free ances often e(perience stress because Aobs co<e in cra*y: spora,ic bursts. +ne ,ay your sche,u e is a <ost e<pty: an, the ne(t ,ay it see<s i'e you can bare y 'eep up. 6ea, ines can be over%he <ing: an, %hen one is over%he <e,: pro,uctivity p u<<ets. The brain is no onger focuse, on creativity an, action: but is scattere, an, reacting Hnot acting.I 1hen ,ea, ines stac' up: hereBs %hat to ,o. 4irst: re,uce stress by... Stopping. Soun,s a bit ra,ica : an, itBs rea y har, to ,o. But Aust stop. Listen to a great song. 7o outsi,e. 6o anything that c ears your <in, for ten <inutes. Then E(a<ine The Situation. There %i be ite<s that nee, to be ,one pronto: tas's that can be ,one ater that ,ay: an, an e(ercise or t%o that can be ,one ater in the %ee'. So<eti<es an assign<ent %i have to be ,e aye,. -tBs har, to pic' up the phone an, <a'e the ca to say Q-B, i'e to get a itt e <ore ti<e on this Aob:Q but youB be surprise, to fin, ho% p easant y effective this can be. #any c ients often have no prob e< %ith a <o,erate ,e ay. 7ive it a go: an, give yourse f one ess stress factor. ;e(t: physica y arrange the tas's before you in this <anner. ?es: in stac's" =ight A%ay: Later To,ay: To<orro%: 6e ay. ?ouBve Aust begun to ta'e contro of the situation. Even though the %or' ahea, of you hasnBt change, it is sti ,aunting - you %i have the <eans an, the organi*ation to <anage it. -f the nature of any of your tas's a o% it: ca upon a co eague %ho can he p you. -f youBve never

,one this before: no% is the perfect ti<e to start. This for< of subcontracting %i cost you part of your profits: true... but in a pinch it a o%s you to get the Aob ,one: %hich is your nu<ber one priority. The nice thing about this sort of arrange<ent is your co eague %i <ost i'e y sen, Aobs your %ay %hen he or she gets over oa,e,. -t is easy to say that a,vance, sche,u ing an, persona ti<e <anage<ent can %ar, off the <aAority of these prob e<s. But the rea ity is... in the %or , of se f e<p oy<ent: ,ea, ines can go fro< *ero to <in,-bogg ing overnight. The truth is: itBs not to turn Aobs ,o%nJ an, on. 1ith a itt e reso s eeve: youB get the a goo, i,ea on <any eve s so %e ten, to ta'e the< a ve an, these tric's up your Aobs ,one %e .

1hat to 6o -f ?ouBre Lai, +ff 1ith the souring of the econo<y: the nu<ber of ai, off peop e in the @SA has increase, consi,erab y. Accor,ing to so<e esti<ates: c ose to 1& <i ion A<ericans are out of %or'. -f youBre one of those unfortunate person %hose Aob %as on the chopping b oc' in spire of acCuiring an, po ishing your s'i s through out your career: ,onBt panic. ?ou can use those s'i s you have accu<u ate, in your ear ier Aobs or acCuire so<e ne% s'i s to <arch ahea,. /ere are so<e i,eas you <ay consi,er to i<prove your financia situations or get a ne% Aob. -f you have s'i s in infor<ation techno ogy: %eb ,eve op<ent: or soft%are progra<<ing: there are sti p enty of Aobs avai ab e. Loo' for free ancing Aobs in eLance: =entA0o,er an, other -T

an, 1eb re ate, free ancing Aob sites. Search for Aobs in arge cities i'e 1ashington 60: ;e% ?or': Ba ti<ore: 0hicago: etc. Large cities have <ore Aobs than s<a to%ns. ?ou <ust be %i ing to re ocate if the pay is goo, or te<porari y re ocate yourse f to pay your current <ortgage an, bi s. Start your o%n on ine business. Be creative an, create a too that has a si*eab e <ar'et ,e<an, an, paying subscribers. Start your o%n e0o<<erce store. Learn pay per c ic' H>>0I a,vertise<ent to ,rive instant traffic to your %eb sites. -f you can affor,: hire a career coach. >rofessiona career coaches %i he p you in a variety of %ays. They %i set a c ear vision an, goa achieve<ent strategy for you. They %i te you %hat s'i s: attitu,es: an, resources you nee, to achieve your goa s. They %i ayout a specific p an for you an, set the <i estones that you <ust achieve to succee,. -f you nee, to acCuire so<e ne% s'i s: you can go bac' to schoo . The A<erican =ecovery an, =einvest<ent Act: or popu ar y 'no%n as the Sti<u us >ac'age: provi,es four bi ion ,o ars for %or'force training an, ,eve op<ent. ?ou can fin, out if youBre training <oney by going to 0areer 0enter: the 4e,era <ore than 3:!!! e<p oy<ent e igib e for any your oca +ne-Stop 7overn<entBs net%or' of he p offices.

Traine, processiona s in these career centers %i a,vice you ho% to transfer your e(isting s'i s in a ,epresse, in,ustry to ne% s'i s for the ne% econo<y. -f you nee, training to transfer your s'i s: they %i give you a the ,etai s of avai ab e training an, financia he p.

@se 1eb 2.! too s i'e Lin'e,-n to net%or' %ith peop e in your in,ustry. -f youBre financia y soun, for a fe% <onths: ta'e up so<e vo untary assign<ents to prove s'i s. >o ish your resu<e an, post it in a those arge Aob sites i'e #onster: 0areerBui ,er. Even if you have financia stabi ity for fe% <onths %ithout a Aob: getting ai, off is psycho ogica y ,evastating. -t can ,epress you but the 'ey is to have <ore confi,ence in your abi ity to succee, in i<proving your financia situation by any <eans an, e(ecuting a p an to achieve your goa s.

Jobs for Arthritis Sufferers The 'in,s of Aobs that are suitab e for sufferers of arthritis ,epen, entire y on %hich part of the bo,y is affecte, an, by ho% <uch. Since ,octors reco<<en, gent e e(ercises such as %a 'ing or %ater aerobics to ai, the stiffness an, 'eep <usc es %or'ing: it <a'es sense to ta'e a Aob that is not stressfu for your affecte, Aoints. -f your %rists are painfu you certain y shou ,nEt be using a Aac'ha<<er. But o%-i<pact Aobs such as typing for hours at a ti<e can be Aust as stressfu if they are repetitive. 1a 'ing is goo,: but stan,ing in the one spot for any ength of ti<e %ou , not be a,visab e if your 'nees are the affecte, part. So<e peop e even fin, that ironing can affect their 'nees <ore than their %rists. Ben,ing or ifting heavy %eights is not a,vise, either: especia y if there is pain in the bac' or nec'. ;o furniture re<ova Aobs for you2 +n the other han,: if your arthritis is not too ba,: you %i fee a the better for being

gainfu y e<p oye,: even if the Aob is on y part ti<e. There are <any Aobs that ,onEt reCuire you to be supre<e y fit. The best thing to ,o is %or' out: %ith the he p of your hea th care professiona : %hat sort of Aob you are ab e to ,o. +ne that %onEt <a'e your arthritis any %orse. 1a 'ing ,ogs cou , be so<ething you <ay enAoy: so ong as they are not too active. 1rists an, shou ,ers cou , suffer if you have a huge ,og that tugs you a ong at brea'nec' spee,. -f you can sti ,rive %ithout pain: a ,riving Aob <ight be the one to go for. 6onEt forget that you %ou , nee, to be ab e to get in an, out of the vehic e %ithout pain. A Gfront-,es'E type of Aob cou , be a goo, bet for the arthritis sufferer. /ere there %i be a certain a<ount of variety bet%een stan,ing: %a 'ing: sitting an, typing. -f fu -ti<e e<p oy<ent is too <uch to han, e: try part-ti<e %or'. Even Aobs c assifie, as G%or'ing fro< ho<eE provi,e interest an, a s<a re<uneration. Avon: ,e ivering cata ogues of various 'in,s: or party p anning Aobs Hif the pro,ucts are not heavyI - a have their goo, points. 7ar,ening can be beneficia an, therapeutic too: so ong as you eave the ,igging to so<eone e se. There are <any too s avai ab e that %i <a'e the Aob easier. /an, too s that are fitte, %ith onger han, es are especia y he pfu . -n fact: so<e %ho are co<p ete y %hee chair boun, have been ab e to atten, to gar,ening chores Cuite successfu y %ith the ai, of specia too s an, ,eter<ination. The <ain thing is to ,o so<ething that %i give you an interest an, <a'e you fee usefu .

=esources 1or,-for-1or, Job -ntervie% Ans%ers to @se To 7et /ire," H =eco<<en,e, I http"DDtinyur .co<DtheAobintervie% 1hos /iring ;o%" http"DDtinyur .co<D oo'%hoshiring

- 1ish ?ou 1e Terry 0 ar'

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