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A Study on curing photobacteriosis at the stage of post larvae of penaeus monodon

Photobacteriosis always occurs at the stage of post larvae of penaeus monodon because of accumulation of bait remains and excrement laying the pond bottom and slacking management then. Symptoms show up as slowing down of vitality, lessening intake, losing resistance against counter-flow and overturning as water flows. Pond observes shining star scattered the water surface waving with lights off, while microscope finds noctiluca nowhere but only mass of active bacterium inhabiting on dying larvae of penaeus monodon. Live and dead larvae glow, as well as fairy shrimp (dictionary word). Without immediate treatment and strict quarantine, both infection and death rate will climb to 100% within three to five days. As pertinent data suggests, pathogen is more likely to be luminous vibrio, but rarely reported the curing method of this disease. The author experimented on treating photobacteriosis with several drugs during post larvae of penaeus monodon from June to October in 1997. 1. Materials and Methods in preparation 1.1 Materials Chlorine dioxide: Solid stabilized product, yet to be activated. Calculate by pure clo2 in testing. CuSO4: Anhydrous copper sulfate Formaldehyde: 40%(analytically pure) water solution. Calculate by pure HCHO in testing. Oxytetracycline: Tablets ChloramphenicolTablets Erythromycin: Tablets Larvae of penaeus monodon: Infected larvae from nursery farm in Zhanjiang Ocean University. 1.2 Methods Move infected larvae of penaeus monodon into a plastic drum with 12,000ml water. Dose in different drugs. Take the mean value from observation. The management conditions in the experiment is the same as larvae nursing stage. Observe vitality, intake, and disinfecting effect at 24hrs and 48hrs after the chemical dosing. Water temperature: 30.8-31.0 pH: 7.9-8.1
Diseo, Arquitectura, Ingeniera y Servicios, S.A. de C.V. Homero 203 Piso 10, Col. Chapultepec Morales, Mxico, D.F. 11570 Tel: (55)-5545 9770 Lada sin costo 01 (800) 2324772

Drug Concentration (g/m3) 0 0.3 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

Sick Larvae (P7-9 Amount) 720 720 720 720 720 720

Observation After 24 hours Glowing More More Less Disappear Disappear Disappear Vitality Decrease Decrease Average Increase Increase Average Survival Rate% 30 34.8 39.0 40.2 43.2 40.8

Observation After 48 hours Glowing More More Less Disappear Disappear Disappear Vitality Decrease Decrease Average Increase Increase Average Survival Rate% 7.2 14.1 12.0 30.3 39.0 33.0

Specific gravity:1.018-1.020

2. Results Table I Treatment with chlorine dioxide

2.1 Treatment with chlorine dioxide Through Table I, 0.3-0.5g/m3 clo2 can only retard but not effectively kill the pathogen that causes the disease of photobacteriosis on larvae of penaeus monodon. 1.0-2.0 g/m3 clo2 disinfect photogen efficiently while 1.0-1.5 g/m3 clo2 ensures the best treatment keeping survival rate high. Although still a high survival rate, 2.0 g/m3 clo2 results in less vitality which is adverse for recover. 2.2 Treatment with CuSO4 Through Table II, concentration from 0.2 to 0.5 g/m3 can not effectively disinfect pathogen that causes photobacteriosis and copper sulfate killing this pathogen is not strong. Whats more, concentrated copper ions retards larvaes growth and development and causes deformity easily. According to former experience of using copper sulfate, great amount of water must be exchanged with the fresh and EDTA has to be dosed afterwards for complexation. Table II Treatment with CuSO4

Diseo, Arquitectura, Ingeniera y Servicios, S.A. de C.V. Homero 203 Piso 10, Col. Chapultepec Morales, Mxico, D.F. 11570 Tel: (55)-5545 9770 Lada sin costo 01 (800) 2324772

NOTE: (1)Change with fresh water six hours after dosing copper sulfate, and add EDTA 12g/m3 (2) Change with fresh water four hours after dosing copper sulfate, and add EDTA 15g/m3 (3) Change with fresh water four hours after dosing copper sulfate, and add EDTA 18g/m3

2.3 Treatment with formaldehyde Through Table III, 15-20ml /m3 can not effectively kill the pathogen that causes photobacteriosis. 25 ml /m3 can powerfully restrain the pathogen while 30 ml /m3 can effectively disinfect the pathogen but causes the larvae less active. So concentrated formaldehyde harms larvae of penaeus monodon bad. Table III Treatment with formaldehyde

Drug Concentration (g/m3) 0 0.2 0.3(1) 0.4(2)

Sick Larvae (P7-9 Amount) 720 720 720 720

Observation After 24 hours Glowing More More More No lessening Observed No lessening Observed Vitality Decrease Decrease Decrease Decrease 30.3 Decrease 29.7 Survival Rate% 29.1 29.4 40.2

Observation After 48 hours Glowing More More More No lessening Observed No lessening Observed Vitality Decrease Decrease Decrease Decrease 10.2 Decrease 7.8 Survival Rate% 8.1 9.0 3.3

720 0.5(3)

Diseo, Arquitectura, Ingeniera y Servicios, S.A. de C.V. Homero 203 Piso 10, Col. Chapultepec Morales, Mxico, D.F. 11570 Tel: (55)-5545 9770 Lada sin costo 01 (800) 2324772

Drug Concentration (g/m3) 0 15

Sick Larvae (P7-9 Amount) 720 720

Observation After 24 hours Glowing More No Lessening Observed No Lessening Observed Less Obviously less Vitality Decrease Decrease Survival Rate% 30.3 40.2

Observation After 48 hours Glowing More No Lessening Observed No Lessening Observed Obviously less Disappear Vitality Decrease Decrease Survival Rate% 9.0 12.3

720 20 720 720





25 30

Decrease Average

40.5 44.1

Decrease Average

29.1 34.2

2.4 Treatment with antibiotics Through Table IV, 8g/m3 oxytetracycline, 4 g/m3chloramphenicol, 2.5 g/m3 erythromycin, none of them works against photobacteriosis. For average bacteria, it works dosing 2-3 g/m3 oxytetracycline or 1-2 g/m3chloramphenicol or 1-1.5 g/m3 erythromycin. Thus the tested pathogen has strong resistance against antibiotics. Table IV Treatment with antibiotics
Sick Larvae (P7-9 Amoun t) 720 720 oxytetracycline 8 720 chloramphenicol 4 720 Observation After 24 hours Glowin g Surviv al Rate% 30 Observation After 48 hours Glowin g Surviv al Rate% 11.0

Drug names




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More No Change No Change A little Less

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Diseo, Arquitectura, Ingeniera y Servicios, S.A. de C.V. Homero 203 Piso 10, Col. Chapultepec Morales, Mxico, D.F. 11570 Tel: (55)-5545 9770 Lada sin costo 01 (800) 2324772

Conclusion Compared with disadvantages of other drugs, we suggest using chlorine dioxide to as medical treatment of photobacteriosis on post larvae of penaeus monodo, the suitable dosage is 1-1.5g/m3

Diseo, Arquitectura, Ingeniera y Servicios, S.A. de C.V. Homero 203 Piso 10, Col. Chapultepec Morales, Mxico, D.F. 11570 Tel: (55)-5545 9770 Lada sin costo 01 (800) 2324772

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