Charles Resume

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Markham, ON E-portfolio: http://charlesdong.weebl .com/

Summary Highlights Multilingual: Mandarin, English E!cellent proficienc with "uto#"$, %&%M #ombination of theor and conduct field e!perience

Experience '(() to '(*'

Structural Engineer

+andan +uabei Metallurgical #onstruction Engineering $esign #o. ,td

+andan, +ebei, #hina

#onfer with clients and other members of the engineering team and conduct research to determine pro-ect re.uirements %lan and design ma-or ci/il pro-ects E/aluate and recommend appropriate building and construction materials 0nterpret, re/iew and appro/e sur/e and ci/il design work #onduct field ser/ices for ci/il works Ensure construction plans meet guidelines and specifications of building codes and other regulations #onduct technical anal ses of sur/e and field data for de/elopment of topographic, soil, h drological or other information and prepare reports $raw a/ailable construction blueprint using #"$ for clients

Pr !ects

1lue gas desulphuri2ation pro-ect, #hina 3uodian #hang2hi 4hermal %ower #O., ,4$ '(** %hase 00 pro-ect of utili2ing generall blast furnace gas, 5ingtai 0ron 6 steel #O., ,4$ '(** 3as-fired %ower 7tation pro-ect, 8iang!i %ing3ang Enterprise #O., ,4$. '(*( 1lue gas desulphuri2ation pro-ect of #hina 3uodian +uo2hou %ower %lant '(*( 7anshuihe #entral +eating %ower 7tation pro-ect, 5un i #ount '(*( %,49 'N4: ';'<M= of ';'<M= power station pro-ect of ,ombok 0sland, 0ndonesian %ower #orporation '(*( %hase 0 pro-ect of 4ian-in Economic technological de/elopment west area #+% plant 00, 4ian-in 4eda 4hermal %ower #orporation '((> E!tension %ro-ect for ?,@A set, =uBan $ingfeng 4hermal %ower #O., ,4$ '((> %hase 0 pro-ect of ECerduosi #it +ang-inDi Euanfeng :iomass %ower %lant '(()

C n"uct #iel" Ser$ices % r Ci$il & r's

0nstallation pro-ect of residual pressure and residual energ of coal chemical industr , 8i2hong Energ 1engfeng 3roup '(** %hase 0 pro-ect of 4ian-in Economic technological de/elopment west area #+% plant 00, 4ian-in 4eda 4hermal %ower #orporation '((>

E"ucati n '((F to '(()

(Eng) Ci$il Engineering

+enan %ol technic 9ni/ersit

8iao2uo, +enan, #hina

'(*' to '(*G

3eorge :rown #ollege

4oronto, Ontario, #anada

Certi%icate in *ntensi$e English as a Sec n" Language

+echnical S'ills "uto#"$, %&%M, Microsoft E!cel, Microsoft =ord, Microsoft %ower%oint, %hotoshop, Engineering :udget 7oftware

H ,,ies an" *nterests Heading, %la ing %ingpong, 4ra/elling, New 4echnolog

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