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Solutions Manual Second Edition Field and Wave Electromagnetics David K. Cheng Life Fellow, LEEE; Fellow, LEE; C. Eng. ADDISON-WESLEY PUBLISHING COMPANY Reading, Massachusetts * Menlo Part, California * New York Don: Mills, Ontario + Wokingham, England - Amsterdam + Bonn Sydney * Singapore = Tokyo » Madrid - San Juan Chapter 2 Vector Analysis Af 4. BGs R2)— ge 4,4 - B13 ~ 2,10. g) A C8xE) = (Ax8)-E = -42 . , h) (RxB)xE = ECA-O)-AE-D = 22-4, 40485, i Ax (Ex) = ERE) -F AE) = & 55-5, 44-F0, fat «) 5-H eg 49, b)IA-3| 15 6- ha] LPH al. c) A.B =0+2(-4)4 63) 2-7/1. d) 6,2 cos" (A: 3 /4g) = cost (-11 7a 7p) =135.5" B2-2 Let C=4,0,+ 456 72¢,, Where Gre ee =7; © For C4A: f A-O — C,-26,+3¢,=0, ® For C18: €-F"0 — C+ 6, -26,=0. ® Solving ,®, and ® simaHaneouslys we obtain eT 1 Grae Cn aR. and z= (4 +a 3,5 +%3)- a a, 22-3 For AWB everywhere, Ax3-| 4. Zale 0; : , 3b & & which reguires that Be. Gy ae 3, By Be 22-4 From 4:6 =A4-€ we have A-Cé-2)=0. © From AxB=AxT we have Ax &-c)=0. © O implies AL (B-o) , and @ implies Ay (E-D. Since A ts not & null vector, O and @ cannot holdl at the same time unless C8-E2) i's qnull vector. Thus, £-f=0, or 2=€, 22:5 Expand Ax lCAxX)=ACA-K)-X(AA), or AxB = paA-AX. “ X= Sf (pa+ ex). 22-6 Position vectors of the three corners: OR = 5-42, OR ae-%,-23, R= a6 +4245 Vectors representing the three sides of the triangle: AR OR Oh FAR 2B A B2 08,088, BF 86-557, 2) BARA =O. BERR ts @ right triangle. +) Area of triangle = $|2B x 2R| =17.1 P27 i . B-8+5, O=F-F. ae = C&+A)- (F-A) = B-E-2-% =0 For a rhombus. Da-s A Let 4,8, and C denote the vertices of a ¢riangle, and B* e and C’ be the midpeints of 8 sides AB and AC, respectively The fellowing vector relatens hed: z : ae g re - 5 Ag =FAB, ACRTAC. Bic’ = AC’-A8 = 3 CAC - ABD -f£k 26d, P2-2 G, =F cosy # a, sna, a, > A,cosB + = sin. a) q- = cos (x- A) = Cote cos + tina sin fh. 4) a 4a a, xa, =|coep Sing Ola A (sin « cosp-cosa sin) cosa sine O = Zz sin Cat -f). Sin (a~ $8) = Sina SbsA- cosy amp. Ars+E=0, Ax: AxB= oR ax Cxk = Bxe Bet Fxe~ Aad. Magnitude relations: AB Sia 8 = CA Sin Gy, = BC 317 2, ae.” 2 x 8B oe. f haw fy Sin Gg Sin Ey, / R2-tt Pa-r, herec. (33 CE-F)- (E27) = CE49-C2-7) \e-F =o. AN 7 F os Ce-Fy 2 CF-7), 22-43 Consider line L,: bxthyse, which haz a slepe egual to -b,/b,. Denete the shifted line passing through the origin and * arellal to Las LF: Bxthy Fo. The position vector of a peint Ceylon L° & R=aut ay ys DF ure fntreduce thea vector Am ab +, b,, we can write fhe aguadien of L? as Aer= 0. Thus the vector F's 4 40 F, and is nermal fo both Liend £2. Tt fellews that the two (ines b, and bL, are perpendicular to each cther ifand Dn/y iP Hyeir bormeal vectors Fiand A= Ab a,b! are arthapenal: A-A=O whith implies Be Bs £44 b= 0, or Be =e that's, the slepes of lines L, and L, are the negative recéprecals of each other, LAE a) Letting the position vester of @ Point inthe plane be Raaxt+eyrkz and Inteaduting the verter W= Bb + hb eEs, Wwe Can Write the glen eguatien as R-se Ca Constend). 2 Thés shows that the projection of the position Veetor to any point in the planecon N fs a censtant, and that W ¢s’a ncrme/ vector. 6) a= Mn Feb +B eeh | “WN V b> + b+ oD The perpendicular déstance From #62 origin to the plane /s ft ke ay Fer our case, c= 5, IM aJ/Pera b= 7, and &.2=Ss/7. b2-16 a) x=recosdasicos(274)7-2. yu rsing = 4 sin Gls) 713, z= 3, 5) Ra(rte zy =(e' 4394-5, 65 tan" (r/2) = tan? (4/3) = 53.15 b= 2n/sss207 ee — . = a,x + Ry tat RR-1T 2 =H, sind cosh +B, sin 8 sinh 43,cosg = RABY Aes , Jeep oe awa $4, 6050 sing ising = S22E tere, Ag = 4, C058 cosg +4, Cos B sing 2 sing ixtoy Nato y'e BD ~%yr ex Agr ~Gpsing +H corp = FEE. ye 8) GG, = cosOsing, JE-x a, =-2, sind, 2) a,- Sa sical fIG,- Za cose, a Bx 42-4, 5106, h) 4, @ =~ sine, é) @,xF, =F, cose, p2-20 Fe i = Lexy 4% a, (3x-y "Cin du tt, dy) = xy dx 4 (3u-y yey. @) Along direct path 2: The equation of BR is oes f- )- + Ser Fuk f [xy dx+ Gx-y3dy} mn) enon =f" 4 Bx tx-ide fayes- ~yDdy 7727 = -10, 5) Along paths ®. Ppl has tue straight-line, ‘segments. From 2% =5,dx=0, F. dE (15 -Pdy, From Ate Rs y=3,dy=0, Fit -dadx. Hence, t* F. di -fus- yd +f sedx =/r-24--6, Cferh@) a Fe dh —> Vector Siald Fie p. Al ® not Conservative P2-21 SRE aL ey dar ney). A 2 a)x=a2y?, dea4yedy; f Eat of y'ly +2y'dy) = 14 P, 2 8) xaty-4, den bdys [7 at af Ley dy olby-a)]dy =14 Equal line integrals aleng two specific paths do not necessarily imply a conservative field. E sa Con- Servative field in this case because Ea F(xy>c), [E I. [ror st [fl- (= nd ons Ey) sind cod! | 5, sting cosy] te cose! Eze22 Es d,rsinzd + &rcos2g, Ee am rsinidde + reces2g dd. B3,4,-N =BS, SIT; BCA -3,- 1) R05 -36.92-9) There is ne change in 7 (=5) from Py te Py. . C= a fA SIE. we ft Eh of esagag =-24. im 3° 2.2223 a) Gy =[4,(F eos ExNlsm Fy’, loin Ea) Fear Fy) -4, (sin Ex)(sin Fy) ] eo? (OV), = - C4, E+ ZZ) eta- (a, 0010 +d,2.064). 5) PO =-a,-52-8,35 Fygm ay 2 +H). win (OV) Sy = a(t +28) 6" =o 049s, P2-24 On the surface of the sphere , R=S. $ C4 ssin0) de = UG sina): (agStsine) d0 46 [Cs sinte dodg = 7577 > 2-25 The first step 's to Fine the expraszion for the un/tnarmeal @,24,£+ amt ap to the given surtace. The given four serner points of tHe surface lead Fo the following four equations: Corner (09,2)° Ax amy + plz-2)=0 @ Corner (2,02): Llx-2) tmy + plz-2)20. @ Corner (2,3,0): £(x-2)+ m(y-2)t p29 ® Corner (0,2,0): Lutmly-2)4 p20. @ The direction cosines satiety the condition : Lie mis pra de a) From @-®© we obtain £20, and m=p= Viz, Thus, ela + a), FB = FE Ca constant), 4, and ea oh Fidz ofS ~~ (22/2) =20. 22:26 In spherical ceordinates, 9-A = EWA) # F-3A,. o) A =fth)=3,2", AQ=R” oa BCR) dat b) An£@)-a, > A= ket FA =H eho. 22-27 For radial vector R=&R, 7- Using divergence theorem, we have $A Rd FL O-Bdv= Zev ve 22-29 GFode (Soy th pe Lad AH fl face z Top face (224): Andr*ras, di=a,ds. dag Asde “f, eds = ¥(9rs*)=2007 ae wea Bottem Face (2-0): HG, rt di =-a ds, SpsumA dE = 0. Face Walls (r=): Antp2514,22, dim ads, Suan oF = asf ds =25(245%4)=fo007 we $A dE = 2007 + 0+ fooom =1,2007. -Aa3re2, Le Adal [TOA vdnde de +4307 af Aas. Peso wee Ws oF f2lre+Zh wk, Sa dvzkvak, (ara*x6) = 26 mh AP Anas. Divergence theorem fails hera because F has a singularity inside the velume at r=. 22-3! Fg. (a-9a): omaha $A: de ® ayo avr Referring 4 Fig.2-15, we note that the areas an the opposite sides of a differential volume fn cy/inelical Ceerdinates are the same i $- and z-directions, but ere different in the r-directan, Let us first evaluate the contributians to $A-dz of the inside and cutside faces, On the inside face: SA 45 2 By 20 ye AG Hin Me Papas inside inside tsi ace, face face aAe ~ [Acasa EH + Hor. |¢ gr Fave. ad © On the outside face- Lg Fe te = Arlt E42 ge 80g az: Gureide a= face ; . — = [Artrt.2)+ 3 | + Ha r|o- Papas, 1%, $9.3) Adding @ and @, we have ® [f... +f, 4-45 = 4,46) acebar enor Toce “pet Pee = FOAL bragaz +HoT, FHA) : @ where HOT. Contain secund and higher powers of ar, e Sum Of the Cuntrybutiens ef the front and back faces (differentia) area = 4r 42) es aAy [L- du |ae "se Face face 4radaz +H.0.T., © 4%) where H,0.7. cuntain second and higher pewers of 4. Similarly, the sum of the certributions ef the tepand hettom Faces (aif ferential aren = 54°44) ss [ Redz = (p242)| ae oT: Ll A Bin] acaba nen where H.0-T. Contain second anc higher pewers cf = Combining Q,@, ane © in O, dividling by av =naragpaz Gnd letting dr4paZ—0, we get . rx t 2 ithe | QA FA me ele eae Tos where the subscript 0 has been drumed far Sémplicity. 22-32 a) 5-4, Ft, ds aR sino dod. ane $5-45-Lf (£-1) sinads cos'pdg=-7. b) 9 D~- a dv =Rsina dade dg. LF av “LTS C84) sins dade dp =-7. 22-34 Arkaey-dxy 5 hla ader Edy. a) Anke axtyidz -xly'dy Path @: x=y, LF often Path @:x=2,dz=0, 7 di nflov'y dy = Path @: y= oe [otter ® 7% Piel 0 214 Saag ond b) Wxh =-Z 22 , dz s-Edeey. . 2 L Fi) dim 13 forex {ay -s2d- Bars £3. @-128): (7xA), “ee a ($4 A.dt) ® where 45, =Lising soeg @ and the a conziets of the four niles (2,3. £4, Ale “Alaa esboee where 4,04 $7 ik 18g, Ft Her 8,2, 4) £64) Side3: dh=-F, (Rae), Ado A, Rade Ree, z ade ee -{[A+ t3., at her hase. @ Combining @ and @: Sigg* An CSF THAT) hoon. — @ Side 2: dE=8Rsin(gr 824, HEAR oh Aarne Bat, [A ad® ar 2S, + H.0.7 LRGin a+ 2cosd)ag. Luhrs Bi gner}Gintend Side +: se te oo i fer alan Pentet. Combining QandO: | a des 24 Ry sin §,2809 tA jf c0s 42009 +HOz7. 2, 9,3) -2 Zao « seat + HOT. ® bat Substituting ©, Gand © in ©, we Sicily CoA), = og [Beaysina- FH]: R Rsino Lae 9” ag where the subscript 0 bas been droped for simplicity. 22-368 GxK = qo Gove tin B-% sing sin. - a _ : SORA) Hf CRA), , Gb sing dedd) = #6. $ Anak = [Ah 4 Ayo d= fs sin Zag = 4b, © oan ° B23g, Fa &lxtez) th,(e2-32) tLe gy tz). a) Lene —+ FxF=0, or Fe 2k _ 3h (Ze 2%) + asr Bx a, GF = Gg, whieh gives three vejuatenss yearerrs z= 26 x-92)=0 —-Gr3=0—-e SaCntenl= Bla 574, zso—<~ 1 =O ae =, oe 2(ax-32)- ree a0 — ¢ =o, 4) F also solencidal —~ F-F =0, or 68k aR, 2 2, "ox. ay oz or eee ¢2) + Rear 2lerayey 2)=9, or It =0 —~G=-/, od F=-0V— aber ~%, Bz —— =-a aVice oe 4y BY ae Vv ee —_ V-~--xz +£042) y m3 LV = 3y2 *£q2). = SORAZy AZ —%Y =-XZ43yZ + Fegey) 2 = im oe Wo mr Dre Bz tT 43 Chapter 4 Solution of Electrostatic Problems R421 Use subscripts df and a to denote dielectric and Gir regions respectively, FV=0 in both regions. y =ay*, Ee-Be,, Dy =-B, $46. "Gyr oe £=-%%, 5, =-%4,¢, hye 00; a yad, Ge¥,; at y=o. py Be ‘, as pes ai ae sopping (f-€)Ve Solving: a see Ettey Go raise, Sy Sv YY = Chee, ad E--4% Gré)4 5S. CEO — U- Dye weeny YG, &= 47s ate jd © Gyna=-Ohag= BEE Lyng = Ddyng*- GEESE 24-3 At a point where Vis @ maximum (minimum) Me Second derivatives of V with respect to x, y, and z would all be negative (pes itive); therr sum could net vanish, as reguired by Laplace’ equation. : = A tayavy a 24-6 Poissons 29. Py =f ro (3h). A Sofytion: Va-Br+elarec,- . oi 4 be saat, v7 Cbfa) BC:fAtrea, Ya-Sarcehare, tee rab, 0m -Sbtqhbee. Velnb* $febet-blos). a Ln (h/a) £27 iy eis) mie) Ba _, e a0) maby ye ¢ oe ier -al a ["s 2rde =-Q. 20 Consider the conditions in the xy-plane Cz=0). Lage det Lt ge): where Rw Ler nkyt ly], Ryo [wrayer te] 4, Ryn [Ored te Gye d a) ym [Cate rte dP] f=-5 -7 Ze _- 2% BA - 0 aa Bay 2) Yon Seale 5 BA eh ee zt zt "3.25 [ Ar? RE - RE Re Hef rade, tds yore 4, yodsT, +8, Sef a Re R * ] a Re Ep will have a Z-Component /f the point Pdoes net hie in the xy-plane. ® On the conducting half-planes, £ =D, =£E,. Along the x-0xis, y=0: Ry= (Cx-4)"t ds] =k, , r and £,=lxtdy+del4eg,. 4,20 B= sale] . ad. t y. ° io- Sl eaapy meat ee ee atx=0. max. et x=d,- imilarly for £(x=0) on the vertical! conducting Conducting plane by changing x fe yard =~ di. Bt" Refer to Ecample 4-4. Le a 2 a c= tn [(h/a) +[th/a=t | Zesh-tthyay CF/m)- 24-11 Same as Cz in problem 23-39, 24:12 a) From S52. 4-48) anc (g-49): V, = ff L, Vey p as, ea a Fi msg 5 - Si Op -& Sz oy3y Hf [A =a Yew in ee 183 Faur epucticns: Hadid, aladads BedeD, ho dy=D- tA. we epics Bay Gna, Pd Gt als abe 4 dys dn= Dt hte Fe me, A 28,5, ° 28, 2a,“ Gad,” Fa,” 3a,/ ~'- : 2 x te 2m a By Bay a IEG & Sie, EF 2: aad : =e f/m), a ea «nd 30 Panta Ey cansi): 67 Ze lal-ah-D), Ey. 4-42) > Flabng Ey, (#-55)° ns Ey. (4-56): b= aah iz avs & bo se Bicons Lek Ata: spe ees (s-4,). . AGA: n= b+4[e,-a), G=b-G,-2,)- Wu= ae [See =H) $= 64-2) + 2m, b= (a =2,) b>=8,) |" Expressing & 426, in terms of Do, ba, mts: yc aa) 38) Cech + ~ zg _ ree Wi” ES ES ory 5) Foree per unit length F’= =e = Diss Ip ee ler Ine, GB) ” Tye [fajra:-v Fao] Ra-1$ as-te, a= = Sy. oe er AG a9 R= CRi+d*-2Rd 005 8))* R = tar“ aes ead) 5) £, ange mee Qtbed*, a ise 6 rb (B+ d?-2ba cos 0)* LENS (See next page.) R4AIT Reguired boundary Ceaditions af x00! Vimy, and pees From ae 4-23 pane the a pone a) ands: va fae al ered to satisfy the $04 at x=0, we an BS 2 BHM and) 240m at — On On Sota. a act 34 2) Q, and System of image Cherger: Ln left sphere Sn cight sphere Qo e ere -Q=-£@, at 4, a &" Dee rine odes aE SLO separ 8: 2" ___q a= BOB Ko- dT) 4 ee : = be a& ann 8 > a i (722, .60°°2 az (rat ds, - + mah23 DH hppa ae ») c= % Gee - ance [ anne L418 %) Viey=oxy. ahaa boundary conditions: © Vie,y)=0 + Greunced conducting plane at x=. ® vino-o + Greunded candenting =0. if Viahegabiy—s ct Sale oie ey Shape oh cured fovea delined by: ® es, y=] (Bey, oe wyeeb ie Y byparkola) b) Vizy)mq,sinkx sinhy. Reguirad boundary conditions: a Ove y)=0— Grounded plane at x0. S Ovink,y)=0—eroundad plane at x= 7/krh, a Ove ,0)=0-— Grounded plane at y= 0. 2, @ICV b/s, a= 6,5 TEV eoinb (Ea i wakiakin's sintwandsiobCry [es Carved «sinh Sy)~ Sates Vey) = sabe 32 L4-ia Ey ca-ti): egy lal-at-D), £y.(4-02): = fatg' sp), Ey (4-55) bie ctmats Ey. (4-56): b= <= at. ave Behn eialane Jo-h en ithaca tog! Ate: whaices 2), G=b-(e-4,). Ahi ty = b400,-8), 5=5-,-a,) [ + Cem) 5~la-a)) | mie b- (4 —2,) b+64-4,) x pressing §,6,&6,/nterms of a, 2a, TE pape see = (eee ]"} Be et 276, (45) 216 [(apeas-vy-ta a) Sr eeepy (Ar): 5) Force per unit length F'= mn, i as-ta, 4-4. BN: % ” a6, aA Gn Ry - 7m) , 2, = (Rit d*=2Rd cos 6)'* R= (R4d!-2Rd: ceo) av Qthad*, D 2-4 7 ~ Gab Bred tbdeosey™ PAA (See next page.) R4AtT Reguired baundary Conditions at x0! Wm, and 22 From Fig.4- aa enalrce hy potheses in parts 2) and b: Yr Vn RE Zn order to satisfy the 6.6% at x=0, we pe 2K. FréfeDoyee | Taree e ia age and O42, = 2746 —~QaQzSie. a = ars a4 a) Q, and systemet image charger: 2 y Ln left sphere Ln ight sphere Q, at d=. -Q=-$a, at 4, Sg at d, Dia) Sea i ee = Sieg N0-dIO-a) oe _ a a ae a a (702, 4.6057) 2 (matty od + ma62,3, 5 =O. b C= She ~ ange [1+ (IL ori #z)- A fet oe 2 4-/8 2) Vix,y=qxy. Reguired boundary conditions: ; O Vie,y)=9 —Greunded conducting plane af x=0. ® Vlxo)=0 Seas ee If Vlab)~ee ane eo “a A yrey)= xy Sha o curad foundary debe : 2 bay) liglny, o XY ~0b Co hyperbole) 5) Vinyaqsinknsinhy. Repuired boundary conditions: QO Vioy)=0—~ Grounded plane at x=0. Q@vVir, yO —Gromndad plane at x= T/k>b. QVlx,0)20-— Grounded plane at y= 2 tee OF vib/s,a)=c,5in {E)(g)sinh( Bla =c, sinhawb=% > srafaysinbtrry/s) Carved 22 hE) SS 7 s Vinyl = amber sin 32 24-19 Vtxy)=G, cosh Fexna) cos By. 24-20 Virxy)=C, sinh © ome sin By 2 » Bia WOE Kean S oy sinh tka sin'y Vex y) waa ae = Sinh(nmx/o) a ainh(nrassy ay 24:21 Viny)~Z sin (A, sinh Sy +8,coch By ]- At y=o, a Sint x— 8, ={ Be ano Bimmer Aty=b, V¢x,b)" = Lan Ty lA, sinh b+ Bosh Bs] : TA sink 5 48 cosh 2 ins, ease, oA ies Y cathBZp) nacda. ° > Dseven. Pa-22 Vexy,2)= FF C sin™e sin BO sinhhiz, a where 4,,= (ER. Ate) VegyedaVy= EE 6, Sin ta sin sible. I6v, . mnt sinhk,g § Panaedel ase Mae 0, my nmeven. PD 4-23 Solution: Vedy= Ad+8,. 2) 80.0: Vlo)=0—~gB=0. - % : Va)= 24, EO! Yeomliaha mn aye [MOLES 5) Be. Ot Viar=GmAere, % any Be.@: Vlrr=0=204,+8 [AM ape? BFE 6), “<b: OTe heft (W/m). 5) ROB: Fnckma asx eetr* R>b: F,=0, 28-7 a) CQ fneet tng i wt ir e10" “tg -4:39G0, 5) W= Sf es “ov 22, BE eicehe | (wa), [evoy - w Wi), ¢) Electrestani e 1 z shored outitreshe sees Wem af Elerg'da= fear 245 2) — Constant. = (e/4) -« Energy di. ‘ed = Aiea s gee BS-3 abp= oat paral anata (S/m), de= Frc xt? An). 2) P=vi=i(w, 4) Pe=-E The given electron mobility 64-2167 (mv/s) is Pgh ERPs isd candace, unl Z| | BE] = [pat la esi kGere) = 8.410% (m/s). 25-9 a) * (3-118): E,@ E, —— E,sina,= E, Sia. 9. (S-$9)! Tipn Ty —> G Ei, =O, oO, Ecos te Ecard, o Ey, sints,+(Z cosa @ Lanta Gotan —~ qn ten(Etnn) © i 5) Eg. (3-1218): D-D, =f, —- 46-2 £ =f, £.=($4-4)e, > eee, cose,. ©) LF both media are perfect dielectrics, 0-0, Fos. © and.@ revert te &s.(3-/3¢) and (3-129) respective! and B=. ase | Fey) — 0, + (=o) L ge 2) Neglecting tring ing effect and fae ae assuming @ current Seerty | ew TL oa — EE ae i" =- . 4, dy ps B7o$- © 7h, 136-0 E-G i a +-% ~ ea ht 2) (Plum Gb Gem IS cn upper plate, (Bertie Bie ZEEE on lower plate. u -« ©) pros =i Ed =-4, 03 & aE rea ener pe-st a) g- tt, G,= 2 5 on St. on. & a_viga yt te a Pay e=aree = a VS GaGa, BS-12 Refer te Frg.5-¢. In the transient state, the epvation of Continuity must be satistied at the interface. feo “Se 4-7) $GE-GE, @ New b44id= ® 46-68, = See ® 3s Selving @ and @ for E, and & in terms of Vand fe: S¥-4hs @; = 244% ©, fm gqred OF Ee Se @ ® Substituting @ and © in O: ait Bd, +5, » S5-45 Tot Ree et Sareg Solution of ©: £55 -£,5 St Pum (A5sea)o[I-e* )- @ where Ld, tee T = Relaxation time = ae 3) 6) Using @and @: zthe <, the )tEdrene 3 iE, poop. (1-4) fe = 6% -(1- 1” BarGa, (i-é CCT 2neb Pht As-13 a) G- 72H. Ga es - oo 2rGaee . I*GG~\o GeG, ~ FnGnjealeia 5 pete fay 7 I~ Sarl ~ Fla Intble) Gk ea 5% . 5) Sen 6h = Blalntble}r& Intel, sae 4.4 Ve . Seem GE, loos "~ Blain Ge) + Ginley reamiseaVe Fue GES ED) edt nT] =! Vv Py<0 — £2(-%)-0. Solution: Vir)=elnr+q. Boundary conditions: Vial= Yq Saran e PS-14 3 Vib)=0. lbp) Vor) = % Ray ei Fer) =-g, Mine. Ee) =-4, ma, a F vr Ec). a acer 7 xh, Ia[F-d5 = f"F.Ghrdb” Zintbiay a 4 lnlb/a) 39 ess Assume a potential difference IG hotuesn the. Inner and. outer ey stes , PS-1 Ls-'7 LS-1E Wy =0— £ZaUvieo ~v-k 2 -# Ye fat ge nk(L=4)- — ke pe Sat k= re £2[ If gevnedsss= BOE 4 Re a tale HED? wich can be obtnied by erining Egs. (3-140) and (5-s/), Re Eo; “fit IL /(* ea ae ge argh, , BUH) = gts 1. BalRok). deft k “(Zt aereR= Fgh L R, +k) =%.-_4+_), 48. fim ee ae - Assume I. - Tiay= ats: sarf'Tin sine dedg = 297R°(1- £058). =, at =z,—i___—_- EQ= ZF) “2c gore) 7 ot OR Ro f EIR Trap Rli-easG) ve ssteN a aa Re =0=0- eer F 2-(¥r)-E=-0 nie, OE BRO; Te-a Seq a m 4 40 dé —_ Substituting back: RGZ*E —~ Enh, eof Fyg acy ee a Sy Vv Lea chaz = Shay aaa wis oe Zit~ ‘GR, Vy : Zz LF fees LTE) aga esine cong = 2TGL (ices) bn (asf) ) -%. bn CRe/a) Rat 27G 2, Cl-c0s8) Ps-tF Assume Charges ay ane -7 to concentrate at the. Centers of spheres Jand respectively. dx>b,, do>by. «6 = - $——@ ra a ° 4 Vege ere 2)! P.S-20 The curved flow pattern & the lower hale of Fin(s), 4 beth the Conducter and He Image are Fed with tro, jz same. Current, is exacth the. same. as that of Fiza). All eundary binditins are Satisfied. 7x(L)=0 — ZT =0. a ox (Z) oO Pat We canwrite J =-7% Where Y and efectresteahe pefentialV are. Simply related. The st-tamlines are. similar fo the-E-(ines fa Condy eter and Hts image, both carrying a charge +Q in cthe elecfresintis conse. 4/ Ps-2l According te problem PS-20, the cuccent flow patten would be the same as that of a whele sphere in an urbousded earth medium. Hence the cornet lines weukt be radial. Ascume x current I = ee reas ee % z La Wo [sce = anal B= er ve 4 ee 4 a7 Re eee Tae ass = 6.36x 10" (2) 28-22 Specified boundary Conditions can besatishied by Sclutions of Laplace’s equation with zero seperetion Constants: £ = ky =O. Xlx= A, x By. YN"G yy. =C= 8, =C,=0. Vind Aya = 0. 4) At x=a, Viel=%=Ap,a—Al= & “Ve Bx : ) E=-5y = -4,% — Fark =a, K. Ps-23 Veegr= Dd (4,074 B,C, cosng +D, 90 09) me B.C: Vin) = ViG-b) —> Pn =O. rer, V=- Bred —~A,m-C,=0 for nhl. Write Ven d=(Kr+ ES) cosd. K=4,62- 8 K8 6. av Ke a Bese apr ae Ky BA0, K=b*K=- Bs i aa Virgin Bre E) cosy, F=-c¥y =-0 (4,22 +2,24) 24,5 (f- Ecos $ Ry, (1+ E)sing = 5G corp Sp sin d)- BE, corp + By sind) ~4,5,- EE (a cosp +a, sind), r>b; J=0, r 2ar r= fcx-xyoy. Ba-foé =2,8.+38,, where yf ates 1- e - Se [= each) ¥ R= ie Cen xd’ -—-%—— uA, ie ae =x de = Make by a 2 P Top view Lett This problem is a ay sia oo tue Problems: B, +B» where. 1B, is the magnetic flux density at P due te tee 46 Semi-infinite wires ferrying equal cmd oppeste Currents, Assuming a, aa uk OF paper? a, ABZ. ans 2. &, rs the meee flux censity at P due te a halt- b. Bets Fa. (6-34) for one wire: A ax el (, eee So gar Sarak For ¢wo wires Carrying equal anc apposite. currents: K ax Aol 1, (Veen eae |i wet) fn SE - , a A ag ieee eet afn|s ee 4s 4) Fora very Tei ng two-wire transmission line, Le: * nh = a 7 5 OO) EGE ln ast aaa oe “E S| a) To find ihe equation for magnetic Flux lines: 4: a ee 7— dA=0— > A = constant, Thus, hw Lope Be Cage 7K. 26-20 Apply divergence theorem to (FxE), where Esa Constant vector. JF -(FxOdv a £ Fad) ae. ) Now, from problem 2-23: F+(Fxd)=6(5 F) -F (G2) CFF); ®@ Fram £9. (2-1g)i (Fx 0) -dF = -C- CF xd) Gg Substituting © ane Gin ©: _ Cf (PxF)dv =-c $ GF xdz)—[ (xP bm $F nai. Bett ipa 0) Given Baw = 2.8 hay acy aa Ley. Zinedi GE 27a MAM He HB Hy BAL 5) Given Bo Gri). | ae Baz Ba Hilt Mako Rnd, 2e-22 : Heal Geigy, lecrcs; Hea, n2, — Pkg a . Bad pi,01, Maz. HaB (E.~1)n1.| Mao: I> exM-0; Ez + 8,=(4,x3)(E -at= ay (4¢-)nz. 49 ES = 2 dF-a, Z 2 b-24 moe Hee Zn. IF & =(cosn)pep dd = apres, sop . Ra=fzept " 3 2 PAPO. Mal, Tepper = 2 ee re apr. pee B= ret hi b) B= YOY, =-8, M55 = Aap Nh Seay Pb-25 A cylindrical bar magnet having a uniferm magnet zation M=4,M, is epuivalent to Tn 0x0 and Tun Mx 3,= GM,) x= FM, On the cylinder walk Ata diztant point, 2 due te this 5, Flawing on a Cylndrital wall fength L and radius b's the same as thatdue to a circular locp of radius b carrying @ Curcert IeML, It is given by Ey. (6-44), whieh is the same a3 £p, 6-73) cbtained in Example 6-9 where te total dijpok menent of the cylindrical magnet f My=Inb?=My Lab? P&26 . a) Fn Ox = 0. Ting (By 005 8-4, sin 0M xB co? = 4, M,sine. D ») Apply Eq. (6-38) te @ loop of radius Bb sin® Carrying & Sutrent Tas bdo: — de wo, Lo Taba) (beins) M=a,M, = ace ye j =a, HM sinis. = a me = = B=faE na Al ‘sintede=Z,E/h,M.= F flo. 50 26-27 a) d= Ze = abt 4.21 10° CH, a7 81072 (7 0.045)" Bam aaa Gewese 0aEF E75 10H), b) a> -2> 5 pare 7 By 5.094197 (7), % “Abe 34 Sar = & 4.051107 (A/m), 26110 Fem ay Be = By AEE = Hy 1.35 (Alm). ©) NI=5(B.+hy), LB G+) = 0.025669) =255 mA) Pp &2¢ sie Cireuit: E22 Magnetic cireuit: i= reece Neglecting leakage. » Flax and assuming Censfont flux density over S: ZnB fe g agen _ susnson (Fos aA s = hboxfot cH), a= = ee = 402 x fo8 (7), a) B= glee 7363010; 3, Seeps2«154 (va). HH= Pair ~ 28.9 CA/m), ; (Hy), = =2¢.9% 10" (Alm) in air gap, CHele= (Habe Hite = $7.8 (Alea). P.6-29 a) Work required per unit length in time dt? Pdt=nlds- Work per unit vokima. im dé: dwaLpdt=nids=HaB. Thus. weal? Hag. 26-31 F=-7\y,. Ra-FVm. oy Boundary. [itn fla ag——— KG = pls oe Hem Hy a Ve = Ven ‘assuming absence of Current) sf a) 37 &05 - 4, fo (mT), B-38,- 3 By, - —— 81, =2,500 (m7), b* @tren | “Prin $000 Bry By =-f0 (mT), *. B= &,2500- 4, 10 (mr). tana,= Btn “,--seco (£2) $2) a250 —> 42995 an02 7 5) Tf B= %to+Bos ea 8, -32Bnt ByBry- &:, - 42. — = = Hie Ze = Hay ae 87a bn! side 0.002, Biy= ec + B= F,0.002 tA, 0.5 lmT) “= tetas & 2082 = 0 006 (rad) = 0.23" 26-33 a) Cons/edler two s/tuatrons OL and I; heth my airs and @z end -I, both jn magnetic medium with relative Permesbility Alp: vy ® ® ‘tt Ny —_ Pe oe fs was = ® ® as Pater Find By and Hy af Ply=0). Find Gry and Hay af P (ano). 2, Lerteezdeue Aas Baye SE (ater EET, a Beeadone mpbghe, ee Z 2.» BE ana sinen Bs. x =-— 4 Ks" - --2_¢ te ae Tien as" Bde TD me vt Bye Bay and Hig= ow (Boundary canditions satishied) b) for Mport, I= fort #1. Refer to the Bllawing Figure. ~ | i i | SZ! y pony? &= He (- ae = az) ae Br tq ( om aa) ¢ “ B-E+k, - Ss 2S naa pit ae Pe ot +4, el ose yore * ame QW) TF gree, B=f=o. 8, Continuaus—ef,aH.n0, Ex Fad —i~-a,H,. Frage Ee(+-2) Elpuing out of ui) TE Hy-0, but ay ane No surface current —> Ke re 9; Bn continuous —= Bip=Bsn Image I, (a1) flowing ints the paper. DU) Heck + Ge, whwe Rn lecsttan 3 a: GW) Fm A, + (A = & - rh OG FE =-Z.Upl,., - &,(2%)- (i) F,= 0, Peas # F=%8,= aye 1m fa- Pease i Be SE [ Title oe. Pease . be AB a uut(n, VRP). 2 Fe ton ; By = Gite Lean stand). Zaks = B,inp)— HeMeZ—, hee s3 pé-se for b : 2 ie a Mg FP = Sela (19 §)- P&-3€ for T inthe long straight wire, Ba, Ho cn a z. 2 Bez pate range Aan [beds ~[ bf er-dde BJF (£22 aie ~ 42 [GS o-ah le BH] ~~ &[b- Soo(1+ Sy]. 54 6-39 tz Assume a current I i. geet B&B at Ptr, ais a, Thane z MT nde de ° Bl d+ arene e 4 = Ae fisete “eld -/FB), =o vee es: P.6-40 Approximate the magnatic Flux due to the long loop Linking wth’ tha spall leap by Piast cam te to infinitely a Wires carrying equal and opposite cucrant I. = Sekt dae A,- rt! Ge aoa” Grave) A (es. a). - wes d) 0: ) Ls * 27 Sob Sie oes : 26-8) £9 (6-181): Wy=$4,2'+MI, 1,7 $1,13. 2 2 2 a) w-# fh, (#) +2M(#)+ |= Bla +2mxel,) xe 2 YB - E (21 2+2m)=0, Sob= zit, >o. . Zz 7 eee for minimum Wi, 1 5) (°F (-f+4,)30—- Me/En. 26-42 Bs Zal-U-25A; d=015¢m). 8, =, 28,,c0s 30 = FEE : Force per unit length on wire 2? A= -5 12, =-4, 542 2 Y 20rd G50 pg" -&, 1.44 2107 (N/m). Forces en all three wires are of equal Inagnitude and toward the center of the trengle. 5S 26-43 Magnetic Field sntensity at the wire due to the ¥ Current dr= z¢y in an elemental dy is Alm 22 2d. . TL ? \dil= Sar * Grea “fT Symmetry — H at the wire has a only ‘a y-component. ~ c= 6% = s Aaa, f (an (2-52) matty ; wo ton (35): Pa FxB = (-Z2)x yy M=%, Ate (SS) (wh. 24-44 From Problem P. 6-4 we have the y-componentot the magnetic flux density at an aeaey, Point Ped, y) on the right-hand strip due to I, inthe left-hand strip ay=- are [tan() +Tan" es) . : The x-component of the force ona strip of widih dy due to Z, in the cight-hand conductor 1s dE (B48, Lin the +x direction, a repulsive farce): Fis = | = = Baa Sith ARES Tan) + tan (5) ty acer [2 wten (B)-d-Ln(1+ x | per unit feng There is noset farce inthe y-direction. P6-45 8 due to Z, in the straight wire in the z-direction at an eamerntal acc bde on the circalar leop fs Pex fot, Bn 25 Tr Gsbast) - 7 Fass] (Eybde) core mi = aA Bt ee aus ho net _ o Yy- Component. “ELA (pa - | (Rapulsive force). sé be-46 Bee Bh(f+4 + dizady 2 4 = Fates A = . - =-4 ALY tae x ee EG ry 2-7 d (A rail-gun problem.) AE ta ( -1)- 26-47 y Baascn 8x 1(48) 1A) T(E) Gass le-dargad, Redarda2), Joe 02 won| Ee Ros as Ato CW) Tamx8 = (8,15) xE oe (A s0xes 0. 2x02) *(4,0.5)=-30.4(N-m), 26-48 Let x-avis be the canter line of the. Coaxial Cable. The magnetic energy stored in a section of fength x is We = gL7* wwf Br a FOX 5B LoE~ E's ér- 3 Her Bnd Faq 2M (ryat_— AY Brags 4 (DR-3 Gk: PE-49 Resdlve the circular loop info many small Jeops, each with @ magneHe dipole moment dm =I, d5, dF admxé, T afd = 1, [di0B =-a, I, sin [8 ds =-Epyt,2, (4-JFB) sina Fran Preblem 26-39 — This torgue i's in the direction of aligning the flux produced by J, in the lop with that of B due 4 I, in the straight wire. $7 pé-50 By at the of the large circular turn of wire Carrying a current I, is (by setting 2-0 in Es. 6- -30)2 = I & =2,, ae + Dept ie: Fa xB, ® Ge, 5971 xd, alg geass —+Magnitude= AELIE sing er re S| te align the magnetic fluxes produced by I, &Zz. Pb-51 &,, (magnetized compass needle) - 7 Beare +, sine) EBs a Ts (Gy 2eas0+ &, sine) = 0.59xI0 raga cet E108) Mm. Belearth) = -a, 1o* (7). O15 (m) Vt N y Mebiteblcctiad acca [ls ~~ max.or when [él- | (0.59 sin 8-1 )xio*| 's min. 118K ces df [t=059sin)_ sig eax Set S(FEs)=0 — sine~a.59, or 99362 At 0 =362", |8,/b,| 91.47, and tatan 4.47 = 55.82 Pb-s2 Zz (nz) (ny aS; “AO Fos a CE F F = 100%9.8 =930(H), S$=0.01 (mn), avi 3m), Anim), f= 4000, Solving: mmf =NI =1.33 1107 (A). Pé-53 Wie= 5 fyitde Assume a virtual d/splacement, 4%, of the (ron core. W,@ +42) =Wefae tf HY) Hide FAR = Wilt £ gr Nr I? 5ax - (A),= FE = Bure zs, inthe direction of increasing X. so Chapter 7 Time-Varyiag Field and Maxwells E. guations er yal Bidz oe HPA) be =-$ Fae, Ss Az-2, R= = 33 cos (sar10% - $9). -40* (7), SBae I 2, Feos (smi0t- 31x) 104 (z,0.2d2) yet = ons oF [sin Cmnte- adn) -sin sxro *e];: 10 (ws), ate ae was fe ee a5 [Certenloten 41)~cos 510%] Cv), hm Zz.) [cos ( cos Sarid] ) = 176 sin (srjo%t-0.2m) (A). 27-3 Ip the rectangur loop with the assigned djrection Rre, Lge aL eRe ; @ ss ee A bed c wears bo Bn hrm fpr =A (1+ 2). ® DAE E=0, 6) = LUG) és applied and © becomes L283 +R4 21,5, 5). ® Solution & @: i= tise “Rit | octet @ At te=T, gates “2, when eg step Fencin La) is applied. TE TS>L/g , then 7 fer t>T fs the reverse of & far o $= S578 = rh — bafE = 0 fee. loss in M tilern. 2, th 4 1 ass* Powees ts eta pian (PEALE Sug entat FP ) Fro ® iP ran 2927 Sit) = Beey-Fte) = - (Seeset) x 0.2 (0.7-x) ™- 035 coswt(frcoswt) (mT), 6 aL SE = fossu(sinut + sin 20t) =-1.75w sinwt C142 coswt) (mA), kre 2 Assuming the loop fo have N turns each withan area ax, the torque on the loop is F am¥B=-a,NabZB sina % Mechanical work done by the meter in rotating theough an angle (ose) iz Wy, aT (-4a) = MabT8 (an) Sinn. Flux linking with the loep, Z=NabB cose. Emf foduced in the loop, V=- LE = Nabe GZ)sine. Electric energy required te sand currant Z againat this emf in time st, Ves VI (st) =Nab 8 Caa)sine = Wy, = j=ate- B-dge-L 22g b= Fn-ZA [Faz -- LA hw coset) = WSehw 55, ost Ban iten Leg sine (Power dissipated mak). On the other hand, For side 2: Fs&thS, Ge (a, cosest-A,sinut) ; for sided-3: Fp -Bithhy, Fyn Qe (a, costs, aineit). Me chamieel power rapuired fo rotate coil; Pum ~ Chg Big Big: By) Ob, hwe sin wt = py. (Alternatively, R= .3; where T=Elthhweinut, and Ba- 3,03) 6s P7=-10 a) Mp=14X,,, X,=5000-1 4999, z - Zz. pea 2002 Ha na Me Bapypr =A Sgeg Me b) UPB xB-dk Af (ay Orda, 8)- Br we = 2500 at $2 ot) Beg oes). ©) EynEl- aad = E ~0ayuye(a,8)-4-(aeene- 278) et a : Induced voltage v- Lb de = shend-See aon RO Short cirewit: Yad, Ge= Ee), where R= OM. 2h BB --o(y- Hf) vv a 4) £9.(7-82): FA + MEST =O. —- (A+ Fy) + ped (v-FH)=0. — oy pe Rn a, V p7-13 a) Fa-F Ra-l4 Eg.[7-53b): ox AaF+ 2B — ox(B)-F+e3 ® Fos. (7-55) & (7-57): B=7rK, E=-gv-& ©® Substituting Q&OinO: pIx(LFxA) “pT ME Boe) Using gauge condition for petential: in an inhemageneous medium: ‘ G- (eA) +p = 0 5 Wee LO eS sities TX (EoxA)rer Geter} es Ep. (2-536)! FDP —- 9-4 OVItHV CARAS. Wave equation furscalarpotuntia FED) -HeZha-£. B28 a) £9.(3-29): 7 b) 4£-5-7 [ 7. . 7 =f F0-D)=h, @ 7 -FPAR AGRI ty ® ae Bu (B-Ed- Eph Sulgerielf sire ree charge. 62 27-1? Medium 1: Free space. Medium 2: ft, — 04. H, must be zero so that 8, 15 not wine Boundary, SthinZ, Bn=4n- 7E,? &,-B-Bep,. 27-21 We wish teprave ev koe -e- ® where ya sy pha f LESBO ay: © We need: w(h=F ZT? HPT EZ) +2 9)-FD) © (Formula: Wgg)= 9: F¢a)=9 7% +479 'g+2(09).(99)3 Let S-e-mu. Hp@- fC nie ae Se @ Wig)=-4rda) ©. (OD Hebe © Substituting ©,©&@in@: F(E)= te FE -4npsa). @ From @: BV mld fa -aaf, (ase ~anpda]es® 2avt iL ee ‘ at” Saxe. ve ope a ee ; : Pv fe-& [ late S-mr scare $5] wae gi te 8 27-22 a) ‘i I 5) Bbenn---- eos 0 Rfe Tee EO CET ne 27223 E¢at)=5,0.03 sin ein e- B)-AR [0.03 ere 20}, Ete=G, 0.08 cos ofr le-E)-F]-9 eh [ace PPA} Phistore: Fak +E -, [0.039% + 0.09 S77] = &, [530.03 + (0.02-30.02/5)|= a, (a0cre™)-5, 62" -. £= 0.068, @=-/.27 Crad) or ~72.37 63 mf -2E O GrHeF1e2E © -t © BH=0 @ vx@: ricebesnbii az reat aera Wave equation for E: WE~ edt apts top Ox @: Gx OxH- OF Pe ODOT pesE = o(7-A-77. Wave equation for H: OR - eth = 525, For sinusoidal time dependence: 3 — jw, Sa—-wt Helmboltz' equations: FE +wweE = {ets Lop; (Fer phasors) rae wee -= OF. Pz-25 F= Fy 0.f Sin oat cas (Etrt0% -62) (v/m). Use Phaser: fixe OxE= er, a lBjerpsinvornrZe ties Ix Es = Fag, 9x Fe 5 api [ome pt fentonve™™ © Phase forr_ , Ena, 0. J sin Comp) e?f2 ® 7 givenE? Fouating Oand@: Clon) + B= wige,= Zoort — $ =V300 7 54.4 Grad). From ©: Heszt)~. (He**) = 2.3086 “sin (107%) cos (err lo%-54.42) ~G, 1.33210 cos Uomx) sin (brio - 54.42) Ah), P7-26 He, ae“ E 2 ceslisme) sinlbaie’ t, pe) Aly). Phatsoes Had, 2cosCsme" mo Sina fo Prablen’s 2 UstTi+ 0% | som is a pie omer a E- joev* A= [a 188m cos Us) +8170 78In esr] eo Faap Sn (Ee = By 496 cos UST s/n (671 10% - 41.62) +2, 565 sinGismx) Cos (brri0%-4462) CVn). 64 / =_7 fc, -7RR 27227 Use Phasors: é= Ei sing se? GxE- at A lRe,)= Agi gsine =o pepsi = BS Sind- 67 Th free space, £20, — H-% Bina ah, Henge = Fy [Be sing cos wle~Sipep)- 7th 27-28 Maxwell curlege: TxE~ -jumA, © Gri= Guee. ® From G-E=0, define A, such that Ea7xA, . ® From @, B= Hp PrE~ sported, a = Gl AD-% 7]. @ ® From @. Gx (AyweA)~0 Let G-pu ee (e499) a) £q.@ becomes a ee + Rt (Rt 7x). ® Combination of Egs.(7-119) and © gives F- FOR E730 @) Displacement current | _ ‘onduction eurrent we _ (arsfooxsoazeexio* Cc 5.70 * 107 = 4.75x10". ’) In a source-free conductor: GxAi=c£, Gx E =-zup, OxO: Ox Oxf = O(P-W-TH- Ore, But #-H=0, £4.© becomes oH + oUxE~0. Combining @ and @: PA -goycH-o. 6 6089 66 Chapter & Plane Electromagnetic Waves P.2- In a source-free simple medium, z £3 Cr-538): DxAnF+ Backs <3. © &3.07-s3a): x GxEm VOE-VE- HOW. ® Substituting © in @ and noting that V-E=O0: TE po dE me BS mo Similacly for H. 28-3 Assume that the vehicle moves with a velocity u in the +z direchon, which i's the direction of propagation of the incident wave. a) Piseety purrs Foz geste) E,+E.=0 must be satisfied on reflecting surface for all t, Fouts (an dude m (ohh ade. — Wa - (AR) ue -(2+2')u= (wea: —~ #a1-3(t+ 8) — S-£ > ee 21-4. for wee. ——> Afaf-fa -e 5) For Afa-2.33x10?(Hz) and f =f0.5%I07( Ha): ¥=/20Celn) 74.6 Goths) 2£=4 Harmonic time dependence: Fs ze +a, Phasors: E~&, : a mare Rad h Now: Fes) = PRR ak D- Fs Flkx+ky+k,2)] Macewellé APR Bh 0 Bh OE GE FFE equator: PrEa0 (GF) xF = sie —> Ex = wel F210 ee —~ Ka Fn -weEs 0. EF (ED E=0—> Eno; F-H-0(e*4).f-0 ~ E-fl-0, 67 BEE Hed, 4x10 cos Cto'mt-hy+Z) Calm). @ kym fing, = $20, = FE = 0405 (red/m) AW 27/k, = 60 (on). At £3107 (3), we reguire the argument of casine tn A: “10° x18) - Fey +E ttnmeB, na94,2--° > Y= £30n-7.5 (m) =22.5403/2 Un). BES Phasor: Em aye Ma ieMT (vm), a w=so® (rad/s) —~> fm (02x = 159210" CHs), Bx 1/53 (rad/m)—> Am2n/p = 2/371 (mm). >) une «<,- (42) =3. 9. Left-hand elliptically polarized. d) Unde - te Se qa), a a as ye. Hay axl = oz a2e7 Vg 3 si), Hez,t) = 7ieq[Aasin(iele- 2/3) +aycoslw%t 2/5 | Alm). ho ° x Let drut-ke, Ena,b,sina+3,£ sin (4 +W)=E L4G, Fir sins, Sin (Kop) ™ Sine Cosy + cosa sinyr — eosy + [5B sin, £ _ &, 2 1 (& -= cry - G = B)sity, gy Ee), Exbe cosy Ga = G ye) ~2 Ey, inky 4, o which is the equatisn of an ellipse. In order to Find the y Parameter of the polarization ellipse, rotate the Coerdinate axes xy counterclockwise by an angle 6 to x*y. Assume the equation of the ellipse th terms of He new Coordinates #0 be ener" o 68 Where Ej= E,cos@+Eysing, ® and £y= -£,siner Ey C058. ® Substituting @ and © in @ and rearranging: a (ee +g) +e (ee + SE?) -26,6,singcase (- Comparing © and ©, we obtain | oom = ugh 7 Eisiny * sinecoss (So ae)" EE £9s. ©, @, and © can be solved for three unknowns: idl we cmt (Hele Bige a> f tan! (Ea tnsee), a iy ie HEU #0< 28)» B(insecae) © y ed Renae Rovnen) sik, Th particular, if Eg Ey7 foi 9-45", aWITE, cosh, bas, sin¥. 28% Let anelliptically polarized plane wave be represented by the phasor (with propagation facter €%% omitted): a) - Ene, +4 be7 where &, £,, and x are arbitrary Constants, Right-hand circularly polarized wave: &=6,(@,-a,3); Left-hand erpenlee’y polarized wave: E me, (taj). Tf bn £6, 2388") and RFE F 36,89, then E=E,.+ E,. ighectaedeteuleny. 2 wie Tx oe Das polarized wave’: Ep_7 & CA, B,3) oe =E(E4-2,j2)4£ (Az *4,3) =E,+8.1 where E,and E,are right-hand and left-hand elliptically polarized waves respectively. ‘Sjeilarlyfere:lefiiined ppm pons. pre te as T eieaadly paterteed waves OE Ct BPEBHE EBLE} Een thee. ég 28-9 For conducting media: k= A-ja. kg = pi -x-2j0 = wine swine (1-3 )- a Bit a Bh) = we, © Pita = |k2| - auc te Ey. ® From © and @ we obtain BEA" pool oT 28-10 All three metals are good Conductors, Gey>>1. afer, S=z£, ya Gee @) f = 60 (Hs) 2.61 Gag )ae| 259x704 ad Silver |2.57(4e3)2064 Lsexso* 3 s eri 154 0.792104 6 Copper | £25¢105)<159 4.792108 | 4.r6x108| 2.09 x70 Silver | Lol (eZ F|493~105| 4 292708| 2.03x10~% Brass | 15.6 Uns dei 2.512105] 2.18290 | 3.99x10* 70 & Pet) f=3Zx107 (Hz), 2.5, tanga & fo? ® &5. (#49): k= ae wyge. 0. $97 W/m). wey ee £ — x-£h2 #1395 Um, 8) Eg. Ce-s0): 1. ELE +9 55) = 138s j0.00s)az0e aay" “i, &%. (a-49: Bx fae [s+ ¢(£) ]=31-67 cradfm, AS a. = 0.083 (m)y mee B= 179732108 (m/s), siege = -£ [ir + #@-+ 8975x10% (m/s), a, ois BES <3 0.210. F-0-20169) © ec i Sia (6 1rt0% - 3.677 x+0,352) Ah), PRI2 Ofug a en as 20) 0.19, 2) mule [fe -]= £4 (N/m), Bale [fi +(@) +i] = 3007 (raci/m), ne {E- Rosca Cr/ue) m 44, ¢ e3222897 (9) sa uprse 3.210% (m/s), A=27/p = 0.67 (cm), Sab =1.19 Cem. ak Dees ye Lnt0<276 ton: 2) Hey t)=%o.4 oF 4S sin tolnt-200720.5—-7/s) =, 5.7510". sin (0"7t-T7/3) CA/m), Ent) = Gon Lg. HepxBJePOa, 267210 in it Fvaertsy) 28-43 a) §- ar © = HPT =0.99x 10% (Sim). ® At $508 He), algae ~ 195210" (Np im). - 4. = 20 loge **= -30 Ug)» 2= xis 24.7515 “(ond = 0175 (nm). Assume the fonosphere to be stratitred into layers having electron densities Ny < Ny EN, hE Nanay. The correspensing equivalent permittivities of the layars are: 625 (1-B) wih ie RE 2m and <;8q@ > € ><> G>--- Sec (Spoon) From Snellé law of reflection: Sin 8, — sin 0, fee, = sin 2G, SiN 8= Sin8, fe Te, = Sint [eTe,, Sin &= sine, JeTe = $in 8: VEFe,, For totel reflection at the layer with &., the angle of refraction @ = : he, and sin 6m t= sine VaTen,, “ nin 6 (1 $i Let) & sinha, — f= Fpman [005 8°" 99, [608 6;. 2S 2) From £9.(8-72): Ug= # - BY un tye A Se. Dana, Bae --} tA GE B= ugar SB. P8-16 Fl-le Ay,- 10? (Wem), @) El =Yooz7, = 2.75 (V/em)=275 (V/m), Wl Ey) = 28% 10%¢4 fem) = 0.725 (fn), 5) A= |E1/27,= 1300 (w)m). +. IE|= 990 (V/m) , |H| = 2.63 Afm). 72 P17 Assume circularly polarized (Plane wave: 2azs- Buf Cos (wt-kz +4) +4, €, sin Cut -kzr gy, Hlz)-% i, cos(wt-kz +g) 3B sin (ot-kaod). Poynting vector, B-E, “ a # C03 *(at-kad)+ sin’ (at- Ler9)] == 7 > @ Constant independent of t ands. ass E- ad + Byk,, a= Th xE- (86, Bey) An 2s (Ex A") = Bay (lal le*). 28-19 From Gausss lew, Ea, g2=s whare f iz the Iine charge density on the inner Conductor. es es 4 ef Bor = (4) — F-4 from Ampere? circutjal law, H- aye” Poynting vector, P=ExH =@, ee el ‘2 2777* ln (Ja) Power transmitted over Cross-sectional area: pee ee deer P~[F.a8 - sabe L(A) ree ob = Vr. 28-20 a) o- 7 > $= 0m. 5) Hcz,t= BW eo cos (0% - F). Ter UAVS = Ogg Be em Ecznea, = H, eV cos(tote-$+E)- 2) EL - FQ (EM) - 2,4 preosd “2 (GE) (Whe). 73 P21 Given E;- £, C4, -3 4,) 4% @) Assume reflected E(z) ~@E,,+F, Ey) FF Boundary condition at 2-0: £(0)+E (0) =9. — £8, 64, +58, OF a left-hand circularly polarized wave in -2 direction. 5) &,,* (H,-A) =F —~ -4,x[F,(0)48,00)]= 5. (Rx0 in ist) Fito)= 9 3e* Ea) = EGE 8), Om LORE BGR K) » FH, (0)~ H,(0)+ Hyco) = 32 Ga,+ 4), - le 5, > 78x Him 22 (2,52, ©) Een-& (Em +Zaie Be E, [08-78 Fo 23, 038) OF] aR E,[-23(,-78,) sin pz] OM = 26, sin gz (@, Sin wt -4, cor at), 28222 Given E.tx,2)-5,10eFE*™) — (V/m). @ kyn6, ke —~ ka peJEI+K: = 10 (rad/m). A= Lr/k~ 27 /ro= 0,628 (m), f= e/n=47ER/0"(Ue); we ke=zal0"rad/s 5) E.G, 2;t) 9G, 10 cos(3 jolt 62-22) (V/m). Fz) 27 28 {3,7 E-a06+%09} = og Fa cr Eos), to ALG Log ey Mer) Fe Gezit)= CA poe + 5 shy) cos(35 10-62-92) (A/m). OD 605 8 =4,:°2,~ Z).a, = 0.8 —a Gn coios =36.97 D Exzor® e000 —> Ecxz)--% 1068 Hiaw= Fawley 4 : =- (Adz +a,s) een . | 2 Few 2d= E.t2)9 Fomn)a By 106 Fe =-4, 320 eosin gt (Vim). = %,0.6-F08 } = - = = 3 . roéa Fie 2) = Fit 2) + F(x 2) =~ (Baghg coe 8 4B Ge sin tz) OP fn), 74 223 Given Enty2)= 5d, EY? yy ®) hy=- 6, ky —> k= VEFE = 12 (rad/m), X= 2ar/k = 7/6 + 0.524 (md; f = e/x= 5.73/08 Hd; Wmkew3.bori0" = (rad/s). 1) £iQn2st)= SCH, + Efi )cos(3.boxtole + y-62) (vim, He 6yz) = aa Fi Taw (9,4 + BL )es erage” 230 Ly sir Belyzitlaa, (- phe) cos (3.60x10% + 6By-62) CA/m) ©) cose, =4,;. a,-{ — 6,2 eos \(L) = 60% d) Conditions &,,-E ty, 2)*0 and Ey (HOE (7,0)"0 lead to: Ey by. 2)> 5-8, + fi) ef Ay +2) (hm), Fe 03)" Ban *Enty2)* rag bi, EB Lu6e3, 43,5) Pr = & (- Lh) eo Gr+2) . se % Cz) ee (Ah). yay 2») Ayw-Erynrkyo-C 2, 710 5in 62 +B, 1015 cos Ga) e' (»), A= Ahayz+ hyn & € &) cos sz eF*4¥ fay). 28-28 &) From Eos. (8-113) ancl (8-114): Ei (x25t)= 2, 26, sin(h.2c086;) sinlot— fx sing), A (yzit)= = -% C08 6; Ces (42 c0e6;) cos/ut ~B.x sin @) "FA sing ein Cpt cese.dsin (at px 400] : 4) G-$2. (ExA)=%, Fy sin & sin*(A,2c088,). 28-25 a) From £95. (8-128) and (§-129): E6210) --2£,,[,cose.sin Git £28 @) cas (wtf xsing;) + &, sino; cos (f,2.0014) sin(ut~ bx sine] : : Feat ae Cos (f.2 cas 8) sin at - fx sine). 9) Ca Fe (Exf")=2y 28-26 For normal incidence: 14 =<, where [P| <1, Pe TE IIsIF |! reo and y= 9,= 22, + 7,=37, — Ire t- oh Be 44 ag Sig 20 log_3 = 9.54 (da). 2 Eis 5; 2 “f Sin & Cos*C8.z cos 9-5. 7, ft 7s 24-27 4) Ln the lossy medium (medium 2): EBL e ve, by fF Ey, Ji Paine, EHD] pal [lies]! Given: £ = 6 (rad/m)—» wa o™ 1.8210" (rad/s). i Tan & = ai 0.5 —» a.=2.30 (pln), By 9.76 Grady: 40m poten" Sins VE > Tei egRe hr 9 W225 e573 2,4, é, e208 gin7ez Raa $ -% ft tpn, Let Feae, et i- ~ 4, FE et Rnd, fo eits indary Conditions { 10+ £.— 6, , er Eand H at zo fo-£,= Enle,(14 Cnt Mee 82.778", Baa sxeie E.(2,0)2 352.77 cos li. ex to%+ 624157) (vim), E,(z, Hp (2,2) *~&, 0.073 casly.¥x ols +62 +/572) A/mm, 2G" 4.7.53 € 2? cos Cy g310%t -9, 762-172") (W/m), Hy (z,2)™ F, 0.033 & 74 cos (1. ¢3 10% - 9,762 +174.) Asm). — fo* see 5 Gra, (a = see) 720.122. (W/m), Gaon % BER (ee 13.390 Fae gpa erheoe (W/m), Beg a) pe. Bee ton[B-l207, = [Fup . 8 preset Pad 4-6, fon Ih, : eo ee (FE +jtenAd) = Cth tif tanAd . CFG) 20-GG) tan At 25-32 Fa a (e,,ct+E e7F*), iy- 5 £ (6,00 £07). E= & (ef o#* +E 7A?) . Am Byles ee). Atz d, E=0 —> Ea -6 eA. =a, gf [oF = etAls-2d) iF: = a & [e% + e307 . h myo 2 i Boundary conditions E()=E(0)— £,+ E> ES (1- e774), FE Hem He bb, Eli FAM). pet ee 2 Aa) Oy) ae (Merinten fd), 4, uP aes ee 5, (2)t)°&, Ey cos[u(t-E)+a]. 8e7- ~2tas'( jhtend). (at) =a, 6, fcota(e--E)+ coslace- 3) +0] }- 27 Fe nei) *Tlgep (nt aa bea) av] wees [ult o 8) tgS td ay a Guar)tinzad J bates Te aa] ¢) E.) =f &(ErH*) =0. *) (B,,),=9. #) Let £2-,—~ lanAd=0 —~ dandz, n=9,42-- P$-33 k= £-jin, UDF is 4° AP VISAS. = One <©7, at /0(Mit). my ra my a) 4) 2, 2) From Problen P¥-23, =: Er-ai& ee : 4) gD iQ) ee : Dba" am ahi) oat = -(nsB bibs tobsid 5, Tan Ad -jtanb od Gu) 2% [5 ,* - E,* AZ] =a aie (4+8), : where f+ itan fd tanbard 4: TenAd-jtenhad ~ 2°98- (@,), = Ak sin Ad coshd + sichad cathad ey. Qe siehs coshad) (cos AF Pinhal) aS 455 . (4.),= Fy, Ee! ra y Ginfd cashed) +(carhd sind ed) 79 Gos £ (2) ) t @)~ x o) Ginfid corp desinbad cashagd Gude Hh :’ Ch F % OD tare eue . At f=10" Cs), ©=S. 202107 Cm), senAceresste% aadet- 4839 x1 On); 4.339 x10, Pn34 Given faf/z and 0 = 6 mei MG =P %KB , 2,72, = -3M. From Eg. Gees sin 8, = sin G--j/2, Cos =JE/A, Cost=i/2 ®)Frrere Eq. (3-208): Ty a re = eT" From Eq,(#-207)' % spear 2 - = : 576° »)From Eg. (8-221): Ty rc ass sist = 678 £058, = ——20%p/m) C056 jax From Eg. (8-222): t%|= Oaplag) bes 9, # cose Ogre, Inj=lql-1, bat the phase shift of the reflected wave depends on the polarization of the incident wave. There @re standing waves in the air and exponentially decay ing transmitted waves in the fonosphere. 29238 ke thy okt = wipes -i4G- @ Continuity conditions at 2-0 for all x andy reguire: Beet heyy = Wolfs Sint =f 20770% @ 4as™ Pox 3%- ® Combining ©, @and @, we can solve for &, and f,. in terms of W, Ae, £2,455 and f.- But, since 80 fe << wi, , we have ts ™ fox = Lm frping = 0.3974 (wr). 2) e- Lan’ fe 5 tan” 209 x64 % 5 26210 crad) ase Fes 4 oo pti ; aT ee 2. +3) 0.0993 (173). w= 228.0993 9 3) CasiinCbeen died) 910993 (145)+377 con at unten oves eat © 0.0751 (tej) = a0ra OV - i hp = fe. is -. Fug * 26,3 > AAs Se — Gores at % , God 4g ome _ 3 raress On EG @ Lesa x10 Cs : LS d) 20 loge i OE (ene Sea “2.69 (m). @) Srells Jaw: Sing Sino; 7” a= sin(L sina;). 4) cot, = 1 hana} 32> = ghinh digg. A756 = Ae tan md C050,” Tm - into, ©) A= 5D = FE sin(-4) = aoeg, Hind cas o,ncere; sing) = dsing [1 ~ Zt]. P8-37 2 Sina,= [EF — sine, ~fE sing, 21 for 624, oF 8 5 (Sui Ris gf From E9s. (¥-200) and (#-201): EG n= Tb, ete, A, 2) = Pais + a, fes ae evh* where fh = asin, ~ ALE sine, Aa" Ay (E) set ’ . 27, C0507 Evg 4, 7,€056;-37, [Bama sin? trom Eo. cue, 8) Gao ™ Fe (Esy Hee) = 9 P.8-38 Given 0-8 —~> 6=7/2, Cos8=0. @) From Eg.(8-207): (Ey /E), = 2. b) From Eg. C#-221): (Exg/ Exedy =22/ry- 2) Bist = ta eS caciapeaance Exlx,23t) — 4, 2E ge "cos w(t - Px sing) "B26, 6“? cos w(e- Fx sing), where = EB sino, -0 when 0-8. 23-39. ®) = sin“ fee, = Sin Sa] = 6.38", 5) 9,=20°>@,. sing, = | sino; 3.0%, cos §=-32.91. Jez, Cos 0; - cos 6, 7 ‘i me SE SOOT COE, i, ciate hove corevese © "© tw ee ces o4 VE, C03 O-# Co: d) The transmitted wave in air varies as ee FAX Where - Ta # ieee «, Ad) yt = (2.9). Attenuation in arr For each wavelength = 20 log, ett. = 459 (28), wts9 FN ar29 i” 82 28-40 When theincident light first strikes the Ape fenuse Surface, 69,80, % = m7, Gody | te? a AUD. , 2 " M77) Total reflections occur inside the pritm at both slanting surface: because @; = 45° >0, = sin” (F) =30°, Qn exit from the prism, 7, = a a 2° 76 ood gta 47a. Card, 7% O71) (A... 2 (24): -[5)- Cu; 1? Y. Crh). P8-41 a) ny sing, = 7, Sin(G0"- 8) = 1,605 al sit, = 8S Ae sin 6,= = [r=org = V7. (n= 1) 5) NA. = Sin €g ={P=17e = 0.9861, 6, = Sin7!0.9361 = 30.4" = _ i. sin “ P5-42 Ey (3-185): 7 aa 206): Pw SUaLudseBi~Ca8% _ Sindy costs ~ Cot S08: @) Eg.(¢-206): [, Cya/y,) 6288; + C054 Sine, cose; > Case sin eG Z = sin (oe- 6) Sin +6) 35 ete —2(t/y cose _ 2 sindecasee & 4. (8-207): Ty Giln, Neos 974 €02 & ‘Tn (4_* 8;) b eae (Ay )eas % = cose: _ Sind, cos bp~ Sin 8e<058¢ ) £9, (9-221: Ty (isfy, e08G + case; Sin G, Cae, + Sin Co88, - = Sin iq sinze Zin daee Sin 28; Eq, ($-222): t= 2ltla) coed; __,_4 Sin corte a Gln eese+ cose, SIM 24 + Sin2e; 83 8-43 a) For perpendicular polarization and Pt fae i Sin 3 Jee Under condition of no reflection: = 1 | af- Fi site, - Tre = Sin 0, ——~ 4 +6, =m. 5) for parallel polarization and €,p<,: a een a” Th z t cose /1- Fisin',, ~ Tre = Sin yy ——— 6,4 6,= 71/2, 4 5 sin@ = 3 Sin @,, Tee ; — tant, - fE- Sin O,= tan Oyy- (0 > 1) Ré-44 a) sing, Vale 4) Let «/e=x. be-as 4) for perpendicular polarization: Pm Sencar oj ~ Fey C08 47 Ye, €08;F¥G, €05 8 Sind, =, [= sino, , cosa=/7- (E) sine, - rw Ln See + Fe erat, 1 Sain, 27, core: i a at 4 For parallel polarization: i= ere Sef 1~ (Fp aiv'g, + 08 0; 2 JE cos @, te SSS. TO LEL1- siv'e, +080 8) <)/€, 2.25 , Jefe, 215 Os 9, C08; Given: Em2=F, E,ge Fle singe sees) Gm Fy sine - Ecos 8; H; aant G,;*F,c,2) = pacer tein ge ene3e, healer ETD) hee. “Cans “ay @) Fram Eg. (¥-207): a Tan Game where (q/1,)=/G A= ETE - E42) = yt Lig eth Gesing ~ 30a) basing sca) H,@2= £2, 7 Fae * E,Caz)= 7 (Rue0s 02 sin Qt F6s2), 5) From Eq, (8-185): Sin @= FEELS (complex). cos 0, = [f-sinre, (complex). The x - and z-components of Hy (z,z) in part a) have different amplitudes and are out of phase, indicating that it is elliptically polarized. PS-47 + Edsen| _, Ero cos | Eve we 1 £95 = C081 4" ee Zip 6086, ~ Ee TU" De cong >, cas8; ” 0 vm LEdtan |, Eto ose x seete a 27, cos Ge aa Ble eg FiO H (St W605 877,69 8 6) From part a) we have s+ =% This compares with i-h- Gee) Jn Eg, (8-223). 8b Chapter 9? Theory and Applications of Transmission Lines 2a-4 a 4, 4 => = a w: 2 veh= | 2S l= a juce— See0: A o °0 a % & a 2 wes 2 we | ZH #73 jap, — 35-0. 0 Ey 8 Pe2 4) Ox (He, +4 Srl ct Jeanie Hy). bE=-uth,, © —{12= yy, @ 2a. @ ox 37 9x (aH, + 47H) = yuwe (,£, + 8). Aan Wtk,, © Aan -288,,0 (geo -@ From O end @: paupee. @ From @ or @: eo e From © or 0: fF - --7. @ 5) From ©: PE 25. @ 2 x 76 From ®, eo eo: #--4— 3-0 Combining @ and @, we have 75+ 76- 2. oF Similarly, 2a» Ble =o Fs 293 Eo. (9-20): Z,= Lf : @) 2+£[E-£/E— one. 2) 2 B/E 2 — wage. 87 ©) 2° -£/F —weiw. @) a Usa> UpAG for caren. = Uy/E for Case b. eee 29-4 Given: 6 = L610" (Sim), w= 0.02 Um), dm 2.5 210%) Lossy dielectric slab: prapt,, 63, 7m 167 C5/m). f = 510" CHz). 2) Rm 2 [RE ~ 44 (lm) Lad = 0.157 (pH/m) GacF = 0.008. (S/m) CmeF = 0.212 (nF /m). = a - Pe = 4.167 210%. 6) WL= 493.5992, WC=0.6679>G > 8 jofte [17 £(E + By] 229051014 ow 2,°E [1+ 5 (dr- HE) a ertr30n 2). 29-5 Substituting £o3.€9-3£a) and C9-375) - V0z) A KOPF oF Li) 93ers e* inte Eg, (ead who r Drv @-Ze0t, JO*- [ays asjuuy]e% o, which reguires VV," (Rejuk)Ip = 0 TV, + (R+ZOL)IE= 0. BS cnenje me (158) =€ (ie) From Eq. (9-70), yn ae spe goppe (1-72)% s3 waring both sides, we obtain Awa £guations tron AS realand ennag OA RATS: ate st aw Tf see), trom which £gs. (9-214 and (9-255) follow, Bat ym jofe (1-3 EZ) (i k)* © jem [0-5 Apt (SiS) : “ie tS +5 Ere] = 234. — «-8(2+O/-m(2-S)- prefs [1+ po ali-% 2]. 2-VE UGE 4 (1-3 Fe ae #fE [nike FED ID -3 Sx + FGE)]-4 35. — 4-4 (2-2-8) xo /E(E-$) le Mak dar 2-2)]- B98 y = Jlgnjutilarzac) =18G (1+ 24)" (1- 229) wags, — 48 (OT Z-Z1, fe $m ($o8) 26 LER +E (es) eo *3%, —— BEE [t+ Zl (hyo ts - 3} SS “HEE-9 : 222 2,0 /E. (2,)n0.—- Sok. From £9s. (4-63), (9-64) xag/= = =/E. G6) 9-6) ani, paafte, 2,-[E 89 Given: Z,= 50759 (D, ‘X= 0.0f (dB/m) = 0.00175 (Nplm), fpresT (rad/m), ‘f = 107 (Hz). R= az,= 0.0576 (2/m), Le» 42- 20 (pH/m), Ga f= 28 Sm), c= Gyo 80 Fim). P9100 a) For tuo-wire tranimision line: pe =e coh Bad Bt le fF] 00°. B= 21.27 — D=25.5 2107 (m). 5) For coaxial transmissien line: 2° GfE io G)-Bad=7s. b=652 —— ba3.91t so tm. Ast (2... = (Bed -f&[y1!] ale sa ace HERE FuditeVees Byehit Oy OF OT ZZ, ig 2 Pav), Temata CR, a SR =e and ae °. Max. Pood. FE Bday: — Max. power-transter efficiency = $0%. BER Ve Vet rie, : La)= Te + et At and; Vovave Vaio 5s Taz 914 EK). WEG EDD, Wo POLE). a) Vid = £422) E+ EATON Depa gy (05:2) 8° 2 ULB b) Viz) = V; cosh ¥z - 2:2, sinh 22, I(z)= 2, cosh yz - a Sinh V2. 90 [29-13 From Fig. 9-44 (0): Vim ES, + 7 (ZL) “Era wh: ® Also: = +(y+#y)y -¥%\Yt(+ BHO. ® Substituting @ in ©: V= (+ 8) y 44+ 24x. @ @) Setting U=4, L=4,, and 1,2,=Y sn Sgs.(9-100a) and (9-100b) tn p.454: V=Vig)= Ccosh£) Va + (Z,sinh72T3, @ Ln 1Cb= (£ sinbys)%+ (cosh 2A), © Both £9s.@& @ and £ys. @k @®are of the Following Forms : Y 7 f: | (4 . . z, ¢ DAlz, where papa 1+ Ee=coshr£, B= 2, (144%) = Z, sinh, and cw Ym sinh. — AD- BC = cosh*y2-sinh*rh=l, 5) @ is the reguired result in Eo. (F-220), £5. (9-219) so OE on deals @ n@: ¥(2A- 1)=22, tank 2. ©2468 6 fs dv dz Ba-14 o)-Stner, -$3 - ev. i =Rev, : jar i i GF 241. b) Viz a Ve + ye / zeae Bae gs lee - $--B-afE- ot We have Vizy=F(vertRe ot (y-zae™ Ip)= Teen 1E-HG Where ya Ve a eee V, and I; Boh pei +k, ¢ ©) For an infinite line, 2,- 2%? \, z 2) 2 Itz) Bre, e Bo - V(z) = Bz yer, d) For a finite line of length & terminated in: np Puthetabes. Beak, Ry +2, tanh 29-15 “Distortionless line: Ale ~so(n), 2795 Alm) tan (4E) ~ ten (E)~ 2.0008. ee * 0.0008, & = P0007x 0.0018 = 45.2= zB. L= fe = 0:011 (H/m), cm gn aez (PF/m)- a- $0010 (Nplm), PawlLe = 5.55 Crad/m). Weeks 9-42 9 raole 36 ven, es) Via) = Bathe eo eI 2 ER, gle lttee, r= <1 Wez,t)= 5.27 €4% sin (Zoom $55 Z~ 0.322 > (vy), L(z,t)= 0.408 €°°* sin (S0007t -$.552-2322) (AD. b) At 2= 50m): V(50,t)=320 Sin Booont-0432m) (VY), 1 (50, t)= 0.06¢sin (sooomt-agz27) (A). ©) CP),= fa&|y x] - fF (Z20x0064)-0.102 (Ww). (B16 &) From Eg. (G-110: Lig Zy tanh VL FZy7).- From £gs.(9-37) and G81): F A RajuKerjoo, 2x ane . Zee (RegobyL, b) From E9.69-118)2 Zig™Z, coth rh = #4 - Se: 92 | I "id ' 29-17 a) From E5.(9-111): 2:5" Z, tanh 2,42 Sep For L=A/4, BhLat/2, rfr<<1. {=e Ow st 4+ (1 arf 2s" lo Ga PRO GTS FATE F4Z, far. 8) From £9 (9-116): Z,,= 2,coth7t =z, S22. 7A) - 5 For dwA/e, 2.= 2,422 es 32,6. PSI ppm Thy we ago" Tan Ah wlan 430° = -4,732, | Z, = Zetia ten sh 5, (donSso)aj soee732). G * 2, +32, tan Pe 59% 304.093 30)EL.732) = 26.3-39.37 (2). . 29-19 Given: Z;,— 2, coth 4 = 250450" (2), Zi,= 2, tan PL = 360120" (2). 2) Z,- /Z,,2,, = 300 L18* = 219,8-377.6 (2). Tank YL = [Zt = 12 AE = 0.983 +3658 m tanh (fesse). 424 lm) —— «= 0.139 (H/m), A= 0.235 (rad/m), ‘ : » Z,= ee 2 7=V(RrjalNesac). — + &tjob=2,; S+jace z- Wafe= 0.235 %310"m 2705x105 (rad/m), We obtsin: gm=se.6(2), L=08t2 (uHlm), Gm 0.246 (mS), C7124 (F/m). 93 29-20 a) Since the line is very Short compared to a wavelength» we may use pelo) and (9-113) c= SERIE ng 10" (F/m)» =/L= L- a - area fe Tesi, HE =LO— = ates = 4.08. 5) p= = = 2nxt0"/Le - 0.42 (rad/m); PRS peereenees o. Xjgn “Rycot pho - eg 7-270), x= & tanpl~ WLL = 19.2 (DQ). h Cott P.9-21 From Eg.(4-116): Z,.7 2, 00th Th “2, ee az coshah cosbhrisinha£ singe (7) % Sinhak CosBh +} Coshaf sinBe For a low-loss line, hel, wg 7, Soph ajnbsinge | Coshah Sl, simhassat. 2% Zy xh cosBh +Zsin pe ® At henme, plant. (Zia )max™ LE (antiresonance). © When the frequency is slightly eff antiresonance : Frhe ag (fz, peanncit Z), cos pe cosnr a(t; and sinpk=cosn sin(nmaf/g,) = (-0" nT @$/4,). @ becomes, after leaving out Second-order small terms: Z, 2in* ZEiiraaD ® ini, a een Combining @4@: Hem Testa _. ® Halk-power points at: nr( 45): £4; or af-2 ht © For A=nrha, fhaZbir— see and “sf -tayit’ which, fer a low-loss transmission line, becomes (see es): : cHalf- ‘ Ep 955)! ap cade (E +8) TE ee aaa Lh ok Cin Thee $ - 26F [Ron + (/e0,0), 4 29-22 a) For a lossless quarter-wave line section: i BR RIX, ot ae - -——-=- = 5 th Qo 5X". 2.7 Zp" Baik 7 Rhee A Rog a ey = , xe Se K- Bitr 0, x--fr- 0 (Resistance B/ and capacitive reactancaX;” fm series. Input impedance Z; can also be expressed in tarms of aresistance R; and a capacitive reactance X, ip parallal: 2x: Re axe sR inet 27 Retin, Bom °F Rex 2: 3%. @ mb jni's J @, find Combi ig Fy. 0, @,0” O, we . eg 2 ay and X= x? both of which are reminiscent of Eg. (9-114). 4) From Eo, (9-100): vez) =1, (2, corpse sing). At the input, z= Sa, pear , wehave Vv; = VO4)=2,2,. At theload, 2/0, A2'=0, and V,=¥(0)=1,2,- OO. we Ste a Ml Zt Vagexz [| so _ [el at +2 293 9) Inl> Sop = ap ae “Where 1, =2,/2, and %,2X,/2,. A , | Bor, —> x, +4 EL) i sof When Sa3, *,= 4 f(108, -373-3)/3 - 5) S=3 and 4 = 150/15 32 ——- %, =4/573 . X, 742," 296.2 (0). . 95 ©) From Eg.(9-187): 5 +d4" foser? where 1,=Rn/Z,. dad t= tan Bly. oe Cs cb exty eS Ore teat rm an = 3 t+ for ga2 and x=5/3. (=m Also, %= apes t- i Lage (ay enal r, #3 yields negative t Cd'seard). formate t= 3375 — Lym O1SESA 3 or (IE —> £02995 Use £20.2095% to obtain Vin nearest to the load at (0.5 -0.2098)A = 0.2902. 29-28 ge) [ppan | eters | Ack ee (2,7Z)°9%, | Bet) 4X? airl Tf Z,= #0730 @), 2-50). plies Ee mat 4 Min. Ir Be. 253-3 Min. S = 44-2 7 ©) From Eo. (9-14I)2 PRO BE moneses. — t=; 3) a GOEL | i Setprodlen, c= hg [tea alorE] (HE At voltage minimum, t= £73" tat (Use negative sign) tan AL, = tarlert/a)=! —> ben = - Voltage minimum nearest to the load is ($-% or 34/8 trom the load. 96 | | 29-26 From E9.(9-147): ZARB Raat 29-27 a) Irl- $5 - $4 29-25 &) fram Ey, (9-133a) and (9-134): Vea) = F(Z, 42,27 [1+ Ir we where [= a Ire, pm a-apzt Max| vez! = [342,926 |[1+ ir €**] for $20, min.| ved |= | F(Z. ze “|G- rie™4] for der, Maw l¥ery _ Lelle™ I St:ghp amsbiguity int \ min. [Vad FIFI | insiificat For oman} tricie? set g Sw)= 4) From £9.(9-193)) 2-0" Tap paras %- At a voltage max, O70, 2:2) =$022Z,. ©) At a voltage min., $=7, z,(2+ Bt. BBE — 2-8 1 2, 43k 7 a= pe 222 With Z;= $0 (2) and Z, Sits cath sorjro= aS ieee Se ee eee ae fo Rj -20o0t =-R?t, R-3870), t=tangl-0775 —» £= 0.105%, 220 of £9. (9-133): V)~ F(2,+7,) F* [1+ rd]. &9.(9-134): [~ 4- rte, ¢=4 - ape! Voltage is a minimum when d=tT —~ 0,=2(Sxo3n-7 [= £ eoeem =a27, 5) 2—2,(22 4). dis egbie (2). c) Terminating resistance R= St = 322 = 1/5012), Am@ F-3 = (OS-03)A we OZA, Another set af selutionis: 2 =SR,~600(2) & £f= 045%. qW7 29-28 Eo (9-197): Ry + 3ke = re and t= ee a te (Urea afinr a7] teae{- = [eqn], [eemenlo as Ao Beten't 29-29 2-2, fr Pattie Iris toh. ge Mater, wh Zn z SeQ--n) eee 1! Cele (s-erRN 2, cence. (5-1) 0A Ge) PD (5-1) OD =2Z $235 tan (20220) | 0 Sj tan (274Z/a) 29-30 a) Given: V, 29.4 Loe (, 2,-2,=50 (2), &= 25) 7 =asZ,. Vega. eats "2.52, 23%, tanfl +22 where Zn 2,98 “Satie “AES Ve 1+ jJ2tosk $eg2 tan i SF e 7 tam Be) SHE oF tan ™, Iw 26 j ten ft 2 22% tan ft) ; “wey 3 (4heeke) (ma). Setting 25" 2, and [yO in Ege. (4-120a) and (91208), we have Y= Véa'eo)= aa Ager) (re ry. EH = ra ot W), I= L(st0)= ie HL -P et OM (mA), 98 = tel ds JIet i. ) (A, =tmcyrty=t(p Fo) shew 0: If Ar $0), Y= fem, york ° Mas. (2), = z = 2,s02/0° Cw). P9231 Vizy= Vt a FF + vy7e74*, IG)- (YB OF). Vine. (220) 2%" = ME, Tyg = Ty = HE: 8) Prox $R [yas] ~ [Wil /22,- i/82,. ») P= F& [Ver re- Ze [eye Poy, - dey oP Ve PY) 3g {Iwl- (wi h= ef f-irft -¥[- rt} c) Bey-|rt-1-Ga- ine. Sai) ~ (s+ >. co Zr Qyo _ 325 a 4) Pex Hon 25w), 0 = BER = aii ores ze, s -tithanes, — Rr2styrarestya23.5 (4), p= Sint [n-Pe 097, [4 l= (2. 2.1=542 0. Z,- oot 25 wig = 24-32 Pao, 7 -E- god, 2 ae ale: Lae, OF = Gf OM 2) a eI APP fee, 0) Fromipig-tsiax VO)=-3p OP (145 HE) a 55 (I SEH). From &4.(9-t538: 2 (2!) = = i (4.507) 1.1 (OP 3 2). 5) (244) = Im Dyer) PH] = 55 [sinteat-p2')-cos (atyp=]] Cv), E(t) = -41 [sinCut -f2+ cos(ueyaz] CA). : c) At the lead, 2=0, Aon ¥00,2) Co, t) t= 60.5 (costut~Sintat) = 605 cos(zat) (Ww). yr Fo-3), Ta-zk led). Pay), $2 (428) = Ea 23)= 0, 4 97 29-33 fet, Tat. a) OK ELT (#hfu). viz) 4 N o Zz &)7 Q) Voltage reflection diagram Current reflechian diagram soo fat; Tahle 29-36 Ry=0 —>f,~-!, Ae 2h eel os Th. a) Voltage reflection diagram Current reflection diagram f | i | a | a | i 37 an ar 2s as 1 Ty ) ° Le £2 Q 42 a ie) ayy -- Yl, Oy 2 37 45 ot o TF an st tier 102 ° Vez2s1 22250 o “2 £2 29-37 The current reflection diagram for Example 9-14 is: typ gi 4. he-t 4 " 23). Lodices on the directed [iaes are normalized with respect to Fo 16 ~32-f 4 R, 50 = 0.2 CA). 403 29-38 Use the equivalent Circuit in Fig.9-25Cd) fo study te transient voltages yr = g and currents: -£1% 2-0 zt 4) Amplitude of First current wave traveling tram = =e ii + M Vo Z=0 to ZL Is Te S aa 3a Refer to Fig.9-19. =-h, Vv, 2) = RIft), = 22, — - Head = Rn 2Q— Beng Gant Takk 1g) “ Kit wart, oar ee eee 4) Ielae, oe ’ Rak p= Ye wt, nt Toke. 2.9739 a) Governing equation at the load for 827: die : Ly SHEP + (By + RDU) = 24) x Pepe aoe, peter Solution: ¢ce)= Zoe [r- en 1 For the present problem, Vii=Y/2 =50(v), Rt =6oMd, L= 49x10, T~t/en 900/3x 108 =3x10%(s). L@nw~Z {v = ewts8t10-3189| be 3 x1o*Es). so fi 2 setseatanse5] eee yeaa ir te = = t=T V0.4) in (VD, 5) At $2459, - x)= sel petece-n] = 40.5 (Vv). 4104 £04) in (AD. At §-4¢us), 1.0] 1 Mag [r- errs] ug “119 (A), 0 300 Goo joo imi). 29-40 From £5.09-171): Ye) =2Y*- RG. ® z xg At thelead: it Bre He. ® i i ip co () ft Substituting Q@in@ ¢ Ae, (%° pxw= @ 4) Solution of @: yce=2 yl — ert Wey] ° Ak, For this problem: t= $= 50 (y), 2" Bak, T #3 jus), Ry = 47.8(2), 2,6, =6.66«1077 Cs). YC) = 98.2 [1 — e732. ue} (), tin Gus, Feom @: i,(¢)= 0095+ 1.gos E%- M/s 4) “BD AE t= 4qus, 404)=740), (04) 20,5190). Vz +intv) £024) inlA) 50 300 So PI-4I A) ZR + EX, = |Z 67 —— Since R20, 6, Mies os 56 between tr/2. 20 =| BPs Fl Since RL, 6.6 all20, lice between tT “. yagte | Fe] Maman fF a must fra bebereen tr. . 2 4) Irft= sq = C14 OUI) | Iz.P s 1-2 1zeleors, ar! airy’ Clea Cylet*+4) — [zfF4te2lzdeosa, when cos 6, <0, ©) Sa-8 lql=f; at-¢,=30/4, Max|P| =f 4/7 -2.414, 105 P9-42 f= 22108 (Hz), AnPrtscm) @) Open-cirevited lina, £=4 Cm), L/ra= 0.667, Smith chart: Start from B, on the extreme right, rotate Clockwise one complete revolution (22'" A/2) and Continue on for en additional 0.167 fo 247A on the "wavelength toward generator “scale - Read xanjos7s —~ Z,=75« (-50575) = 43-4 (2). Draw a straight line from the (0- 70.575) point through the center and intersect at (0+5174) on the opposite Side of the chart. —> Yj 0h x (jn74)~ 50022 (5). b) Short-ciceuited line, £= 0.9 (m), L/= 0533. Start trom the extreme left point P, , rotate clockwise one complete revolution and continue on for an additrena! 0.033A to read x= J02/—~Z,-752 7021 = 775.8 (A). Draw a straéght line from the (0+j0.21) point through tha center and intersect at (6-74.75) on the opposite Side of the chart —> Y= sh-aGjars) =j0.063 (5). 29-43 wef? a> (304410) = 0.6 +502, 2, : a) t Locate 2.50.6 +70.2 on Smith chart (Point .). 2. With center at O draw a Ir} Circle theaugh P,, intarsechir OP, at1.77,—e Sm a. 6) p= Hee of. a5 ee ©) 1, Draw line Of, intersecting the periphery at p. Read 0.046 on “wavelengths toward generator "scale, 2, Move clockwise by 0.101% fe 2.147 (Pornt Bi). 13. Join 0 and RY, intersecting the Irf-circla at 2. 4. Read z-fejosg ath. 2,9 50x, = $0+739.5 (2). 406 i ®) Extend line B20 40%). Read y,~ 075-5043, y-%% = 0.0/5 ~J0.009 (S). ©) There is ne voltage minimum on the line, but 1, a5 (s0-j10) = 26-jo2 @) Locate 3,*0,6-J0.2 on Smith Chart (Paint BR). With center at0 draw a |rheircle trough, intarrecting line OR, at £77, —~ $ #1.77. 5) fwoas eter c) t. Draw Jine Of, tatersecting the periphery at 3. Read 0.454 on “wavelength: Toward generator” Seale. 2.Move cloekwire by 0.10% fo 0.055 (Point 8), 3. Join 0 and 8" , intersecting the [Phcircle at 2. ji: 4.Read 2,8 0,6/+50.23 oF 2. 2,750 2; — 30542005 (2), d) Letend line RO t0P,. Read y,=142-30.54, ical a, Yer 56% 0,024 =30.0/08 (S). © There is a voltage minimum at r= 0.0462, PG-45 Xfaa2s, A=SO (em). First voltaga minimum eceurs at 212 Onn. 50 P 4. Start from B, and rotate Countercleckwise 0.10% toward the lead to P’. Wy me 2 Drow the [r]-cirele, intersect ing line op at 2 ($2). 3. Join op’, intersecting tHe [rt erele at B. ator. 107 +. Read 2.70675 -Z0475. Za 503" 33.75-323.75 (Q), 6) P= 2ct fab dee oer ©) If 2,=0, the first voltage minimum would be at 2l=A/2 = 25 (em) From the short-circuit. ast 2080 a) z= phy (4g) = 0.40-52.20. 1 Enter 2; on Smith chart (Point P). 2. Join 0 and P and estend te P. 3. Read on “wavelengths foward generator “scale: 2.303. fla rbesr , £15 (m) —~ Bwt.269 Crad/m), ¢ oP. t £ Bris t= wag = 0.0297 (Mp/m). 5) h. Enter 40054305 00 Smith or chart (Point 8). 2. Draw line from 0 through P t0B" Read on wavelangibs foward generator” scale : faz03a Oost, AA 3. Move cleelkwire Sy 303 aie te 0397 (Point PD. 4. Join OP5 intersecting the [rl- circle through F, at Pp! 5. Mark point P online oP" such that 2B =a, 6, Read at P : 5,m0,625-3059 —~ Z,= 625-3590 B) 108 ©) L. Move clockwise from B, on “wavelength: toward gtnerator"seale to 01S, say Po 2. Join OP! 3, Mark point P on line OP’ such that OP = CF GF = 0.987 OF. 4. Read at Pp: 3; =0.065+j419 —= Z, = 6.543 432 (2), 29-87 fers so¥ (Hs), X= 15m) —~ fm 2 00.275 Cm), Z, = 73*100 = 142 (2), For two-wite transmission line: Z,= 120 cash (2). D=2 (em) —~+ 2 = 0,54 (em), 29-48 | an Am asejzas, An tej. @) See Construction, 2: ymasrzos Act Yalejlm y—- dno, Prt Yess. 4 nasesarrasanna oo medda, Bo Bila p wCaseansa = 0.2752. Be eit be farrsarsn, ; = 0.7254, §) For Zm750152,, Y,~ assy, ‘ The reguired normalized shib admitances are 5,a-km (ahs Ps aay SLs. = an gene eas gral 109 P.9-49 Ba05 6j0s Use Smith chart as an impedance Chart. Same construction as that in problem PR 9-34 except 2, would ba on the extreme Jeft (marked by a *),end ga! circle becomes raf circ, Br zn 0sej0s; Bi hinteit with o,=(0,/62-2088)% = 0.0742. Bi tye t-jh with d= (0.332-a088) X= 0.250r. To achieve a match with a series stub having RnR, we need @ normalized stub Susceplance -7 FE pt43 for solution corresponding to 8 . From Smith chart we obtain tha reguired stub Jength £,> 0.347%. Similarly for solution corresponding to, & stub wrth @ normalized susceptance +7143 is needed, which reguires a stub langth £,= 2.153. 29-50 z 4, = 0.33+50.33- Rr ye 150-450 (23064 otf), By Yim 150-31.80 (az0¢ra18,), Yr hsorjose (0.269% a4 2), Pe ee hs ye £00+30.40(014¢¢r2¢ 8'). + YR hooegho (as7gr.0¢ 8), % ‘8: @) Shert-circuited stubs 1b) Open-circvited stabs hye OEE Ord Yur ¥, 70-30 Ay A O203% Cra Yas Yt F456 By 0.399 | Laz" 0.149% Bg,7 337% Cys Ft 60 Oye) 7 7 F049 by 0.089%, Iya" OIBIA| = 0.439% 110 ye Hs 2.4-j12. Point Ron Sonith chart, (0.290% at 2’) Since the rotated gafo Circle fs tangent & the 972.0 Circle, an added line length dj 1 needed % convert 9 (2.4) 702.0, moving from P. along the |[]-circle to B, (nat shown) on the g=2.0 errela (0.291% at P’). Note tat A, is different from f, , the point of tangency batwaen the g=20and rotated gato Circles. a) Min, d= 0.2914-0.2504 = 0.0112, ) Pet yma-jr (azerr at 21), Pat ym trgs (0.162% ot Es * an Yep = (2-91) ~ (2-74.35) = 30.35 —> Lym 0.304a, GI hyn O.125A. Pa-s2 Let O~ fd, = 2 a,. Raguire: 4% (Analytical solution') Ne ,zelation Fh Lita 26.93 >2.0 24.0 >2.0° 6.23 t See D.k.Cheng and C.H, Liang, "Computer Solution Of Double-Stub Impadance-Matching Prablams,” ZEEE Transactions on Education, vol. £-25, pp 120-123, November 1992. : Chapter 10 Waveguides and Cavity Resonators pw-+ 2b =-jyrH, ® VeH= jock. ® From ©, ©% + 8,35) *(E+3,6)=-joe(H, +3, Hy). ——_¥« (GE) 1 Ex 4,= “Fema, 7 £,*4,. +E, 13,7 “Jen, © Oe Bade FE} Similarly trom @ we ebtain 0H, 23+ 7 HX a= youre. @ Combining Qand @, we have wyek=r[%, £5" 3+ 2, x4, J=d,-Jap GH,x%,- Ea f GE a jor Rn), Har'sene. Similarly, Ha ~ fi (1 Het & jee x@ED. flo-2 a) From £9. (40-38): Bk, or Ufa j @y + (4- Fs From Eq, (10-37): @y+ (4y- 4 aa Be 4) From £g, (10-35): : he. one Se aE) GR From £3. (0-42): Ss (hoy he: (3)*'- Gp From Eg, (10-39): (ds /4.. Gr ge ipesaoe See DAN f/papas: Up/u = 4.67. Ug/u= 260, B/k = 0.60, t/t, AQ/N= 1.67, ' 1 1 t ! ' ° 1 210-3 a) For parallel-plate waveguides: 2 yee ptm FE) ar susie = a, ae A oe ©) Constitutive parameters € and 4s affect both e B® and the slope of the ws curves; b affects &, - but net the slope at high frequencies. 4) Yas. Pi0-4 Field expressions for TM, modes, from Eqs, (10~63,64265): Ely) =A, sin (nay/s), H2G)= oRtA, cos (nwry/s), EQ) =~ Fe An 8 (nay/s) Surface charge densities: fy Fy Von +E) = - FEA, Bam FnB |g 7-88) = CEA, Surface current densities: . Fam Ft be” Bye R> a ABSA Sat Eye] F205) az cP bE 4 wf Tee for oda. ae Ey eR| dH) C07 A, ie 3 Pfo-s Field expressions for TE, modes, from £ gs. (10-83,548 85): He cy) = 8, cos (mry/6), Hoe = 8, Sin(nwy/s), El (= FEB, sinory/s). 5,74, «Fito) = a, 2,, 32-32 HG) = 4, 60's, “ for n odd, for neven, Blo-& @) Set naz in the Field expressions in problem P. 10-8. — Electric field lines x + Magnectic Field ines Eguotion for ele etic field Vines: = SeGam!s), nap ‘eas (2my/b) 5) Set naa in the Field expressisns in problem 2 t0-5. = + Electric field hines Magnetic Field lines Equation for magnetic tidd Mit = Salarndd. (Ot CORE Ty 5) 210-7 Using the field expressions in problem P. 10-5 above: G- $ALE xt) = $0(G, EHP GE HE). 4, a,~ . Hy) SEB? sin®( 222). (2),.= LE4 +8, dy = SHB g* (per.unit guide width). (wey eee SEE & sint( PE). my, -/' Gxlsdyss suites (Wi, i (per unit guide wie Bs. wi - From £5. (10-92): en “ie we -“- 1-( which is the same as fg. (10-104). 414 Pio-g Given: @ =s. 20x10 (Sim), 422.25, beet, 210°" (Sim), b= 5210" lm), £10" (Hz) 2) TEM mode A= wypye =314.2 (rad/m), ayn LE = 1.257 110° (N/m), 1 . “25. FE = 2,076 2/07 (Nf/m), Usueus ye uy K- 21108 (m/s), Ayra= ro #22107 (m). 1 7 5) TM, mode — Fng= Tega” 2°? (Ha) < F. , E=S1-G gp 70.9792. - = fue -f = 307.8 (rad/m), 445 fh a ras st (Np/m), 28, . 2 [age 2 “= per" BEY ag 7 4238410 (Na/m) , wy u/s, = 2.041 = 108 (m/s), Ugs 4 = 1.960108 (m/s), Age Ae = 2.041210 (m). OTM, mode — Cf nye ip = 41709 lis) < $. FV IHG Js} 0.9865. Aas -F = 287.9 (rad/m), em FB narss tet (Ng/m), a Cr m fp = 4.530210 (Ap/m), Myn /p = 192 x10 (m/s), ug ad 33x08 (m/s), Agt AJB 22.182 2/0 (m). P10-9 8) TE, mode —— Fodre,™ Gedy, = 2 410% (ie) = en” 4/1 GED ~ peel ae Blots 6) = spn / ERGY > ragez Fin. a) anzb, Fimn)afmtram | b) 2b, Flmn)=Jamn. TE, ! I rt Tas, Tee Zz : Ey, TMy | LF 1 1 TE, # 1 ™, | SF ! ™, fio I \Rlo-12 fm 3xs0" (Hz), XmC/f 0.4 Cm). Let a=ksb, teke2, (f),,= ante? Jn? ken, q ) Gy= E28 Lor the dominant TE,,mode. For f > 12 Cf, > 0,06 (m). The next higher-order mode is TE,, with Gn For $< 0.8 Color? b< 0.04 Gm). We choose a= 6.5 (em) and b =3.5 (em). Us TES = 4.70 x10" Cos), - Ag Fea 0.457Cm) = 15.7 Cem), p> = = 40.4 (rad/m), (Zye}o* ES SIaa) ) WG Pi0-1¢ Given: @=2.5/07 (m), baL5210%m), f27.5x10%CHs). x1 a) aAsi= Gir = 0.04 (m). £ nf 1-Ohay = 0.60, Agr AF = 9.0667 fm) = 6.67 Cem), Bart/rg= 94.2 (rad/m), uy c/f 257 lot (m/s), wrek = 1.22109 (m/s), Gide™ 7, /f, = 2007 = 629 (2). >) a 0223 (m), = J j= O/ray = 0.925, 3 - x/r, = 0.0343 (m) = 3.43 (em), bm 2t/ay = 193.2 (rad/m), uy =u/s an 572108 (m/s), ugs fat 775x108 (m/s), Cedar gig 2888 Pitot Given: A= 720x106 '(m), b=3.40* 10m), f 23110" (H2), Q) Aps2a= 14.40%107Cm), feet = = 2.088107 Gs). ) ant =m 0.4 tm, /7-(E) 0.720, xg = 0.39 (m). ae TES 5 RC et ‘~ 2 — (, . Ry = [FE #1429218" Q— Odes TATiGde 2.26215 Ovpta), d) a Lt Lint 307 (m. 210-20 Given: an2.25%10%(m), ba toost "Cm, fm 10” (Hs). avr= - = 310% (m), Apzda = 4508/0" tm). VI-GIS AVI- ONS 9 2.745. =1.295210° (MB/m). 6) From £gs. (10-159), (10-160), and (10-58): Ey ~ E,sin (3B). w --¢ + i}'sin(22). ie } # ol) aed - 25s 2ff (Bf Hi) dady = S/F i. For Bm 10" (w) at the load tees assuming Under matched Conditions: 18] = Ey = 94,800 (Vin), [H,'] = 427.4 (lm), [He = 1626 A) The waveguide 's I(m) long.—~ Tha field intensities ore higher at tha sending end by a factor of ea s137, - Max, |Ey|= 10,785 (Vim), Max. 1A =2113.3 Wm), Max. /H{|= 192-7 Alm). OF lao) = Fx (SHE +B Hg] oF, Henna, (BE 1F G0)] = Jif] = 167.6 (Afm). Foe) = 3x (B,HI+ZH!)| -4_ Hic 0) +3, Hx), IFere}] = [1S * HST Ee f (By +[1-2( Ba siot(zz which eee axe ye 1G Mt (GH rep Brae end: Max ]F/= = aVt-(- 4) 24.138 213.3 (Alm). 4) Total amount of average power dissipated in 1 (m) of waveguide : Ry = $000 (7% ~4) = J000(¢"*7- 1) = 26.2 CW), Plo-2t From _ 210-26, we have 2 BEB). PB 0708 *. Max, P,, = Gixtoltx (2.25210 asap nen ie + #1207 = 100), 42 P10-22 Let Ana ae aowel. (Shae Ein Eg, (io-187), We write = _itBe Cre, AFtx), where Fon eS For min. (yp, Se dE 20. he —e-h “8 lodSoe-#]’ 210-23 Freld expressions for TM, mode from Eys, (/o-132) and (40-134) through lay, Etea.y) =~ 2 (2), eB) B) Ete th ibe (2), sin(%2) cos (E> Ea gsi (2): (): % &y)= a EE, sin(H) eos (2), can Sat) car Zin B). we. &, from Eg, (0722): = ==. p)=tf [Teng 5 llenay = ee ra : From problem P. 0-13: as Ze tyno) = Zab) =~, 2H (EYE, sin() 7, Fy (ano) = 5 (mad=- F288 (Z)E, sin (Z) oth, Ra=2fRe], + 2A, LAGI, = tflgonor', dy= OR “t's ZY 6,3, 1s i 15 ontop ‘a. (21,7 a eT la R(z)= cs 2(e)+(P] + (ae) = 22, b/ats als) Min. dpa, 8CeUrs + erm” ablt-G.lg) (Vae/8) at Fefp)—B- 122 s Pio-24 f=f0" (He), f.- a Fag 655210) dy” TS = 0.0397 (m)=3.97 cm) For TE, mode Min lEl at apy th S114 trom the load, which is represented by the 2,to1se) point &, at § = 1.90. Use Smith admittance chark Draw Circle centered at O through B'(0.1$2) B, intersecting the gal evrcle at P. Read at: y,=1-j060, Draw a straight line From 0 through P,, intersecting fhe perimeter al 2! Read 0.152 on the “wavelengths foward load "scale. -. Dts at (0.250 +0.152)A, 0.402%, from B,, the pesition of a min.|£|. In other words, By the desired location of the iris, should be at C4.544-0,402)Ag oF £40 Com), from the load. From Eq, (10-189): Capacitive i's to supply b= 40.60, 0.60 ~ FE bo [ese( FH] — — d= 0354 (em), 210-26 TM modes: xB *, Hz70. Geb =u TF gue 352° : 25 red = jun? © rigajocel — @ His jueEs, - ° @ [Rerep-B]=0.@ | thRregr sz ]-joee@ \ Eliminating Hi from @ and @: £2 --% 38:-@ ° & ' ‘fe v - S & 8 * OF, Eliminating Hi from @and@: £2--% 28- OQ , Combining Dand O: (62) ym Fe 6,94 By Ef 2% (BSE + 428) --2¢ BE. 123 P.f0-27 a) Electric field lines. Magnetic Field lines "i A £5 «00? c) Eg, (40-35) An mgt 7 Sit, For TMymode, Ch);,, = 2232 —~ ¢¢. da For TE,, mode, Ore = 222 —~ Fodrem oy (Degenerate mode 4532107 fret" Pto-rwt Bi = kt-ht = wipe ht For TE, mode, h~X/a= 1.844 /a, Bn Jlepey= 484IZ5, Myla = 2.405/a, For 7M,,mode,h = Br S@LY=(2.405/a*, Per 2.405¢/a, Gog =t. 841e/a, OE 2 is doubled, %, and 4b, in diagram tilare halved; but diagram (i) will remain the same. bf the waveguide medium it changed tiem ©, -2)? 44), both @, and “ks are reduced by a Factor ane the slope of the atymptetic line's changed trom cto ‘ae Me; Magram (i) remains unchanged. 124 210-29 a) Tu modes: Ef= 6,5, Chr) sinng. Boundary conditions E2=0 at both $=0 and $=T are satisfied when nis an tateger There are no TMgy modes. : @ . 5) TE modes HE =C,,J, the) cos nd , iehoreay TE,, modes can exist. ©) For TM mades. 4.¢. at rea requires that J, Cha)=0. —— Eigenvalues Cady = Xyp/Ja, n0s,2,35°° For TE modes, b.c. at ra requires that Jntha)=0. —— Eigenvalues brag ig Jan, m0 1,30 P.10-30 From Egs, (10-245) and (10-249): Inside tha slab: A*= wipigtg-ky < wipes. Outside the slab: A'™ wit, ta +a* > wie, €. , em alee, Hg 3:8) =H, cask, ycos (ut -£2), He a BH sinkyy Hy 338) BK sink, y Sinlt ps gB = 2 sinkyy — B.S sinkysinut pa). Y2d/z: HoopeHcor(Sgs) eo? mae Hystdaken (SEO Peastut p2) Hide Beale? — Hota Etec ig) Poi tata, Elna Kner — E byaith= eke JEM cin lat ys-d/2: Hiy) wHeeoe es eoD) —— Hylysit= Hoos 4) oo Peasabge). — Kigye Bele? — Hate REI Prin tap, Et pata cai) — Exogsithe SH coro Paint Setting ya diz in Ely) = AH sink,y and 2, adi in ESD) a tH cos (AOD, and equating, we obtain a-*% Hysin (Set) = - 2H, coe (22). Sa Es . er aele) Pto-36 a) Odd TM and even TE modes are the propagat ing modes. Using 2d ford in the formulas io Table fo-t , p.s78, wehave f= — 2 = for odd TM modes, 2d V/Hata-Ho*s a n - modes. io ieee for even TE modes 128 5) For odd IM modes — From fs. (10-127 bande): lyfeah, Eft # beothy | Higp= ihe, cosky- Serb, current density an conductor 523,» Al. ! Z--3, 3 Hina Pee, Surf. ar Sitiy ancondusiee f= z,: Dives Rat tan ee, For even TE modes — From siaa 210-27: lyed. HS pena Heh sinky EW ~ hen, sink, . ky Hy (= Ha cos kyy. *) End x[5, Heat 4, Be] = 3, Hy B25 1y Fo) a0. \ By0-37 For eireularly symmetrical TE medes, Egm0, 25 —~9. @) Fore ga: E20, Hy C, lb). — hawpyg-pt Fa hlG, jae Hd” Stra x(a, He) a, FAG Tio). © i, = 0. He: = 0, Simi oe for r2a; WD, k, (57), where + les p> Fion- £ (r9,42,) -- (5,28) =-2 F660. 2@: [ cf, = dy f % = - LOG, From One (S PLAC, Tod, Ha EGU He CsI ® Car). _— ~- Hg, KEN, He LAK EN. ® Bounda dit : IT seam fhons for He: Cy, (ha) = Diigo ® for Ee Lorine) «Hingis. ® Q _. Characteristic equetin Talked pons for symmetrical TZ modes: Toa Fah kya) i 729 210-38 From Eg. 10-301)? fag SPS Sass =1.5 +10" F(mnp) , Fi innpa | PE Lowest- order modes and resonant frequencies: F lemn,p) 0.2093 3125x107 3.538240" 3.905%107 4.332210" 4.507 3107 4.902210" $.340 210" TEosr 0.3887 5.339310" 2 TEns,7Ma| 0-#083 6.425107 £.10-34 a) Since doa>b, the lowest-order resonant mode ’s TE,,, mode. Fa,™ t/frk = 49021107 (Hz), 5) From Eg, (10-322): The peabd (a's d*) (25 /7e z ” B,[ab (ale d')¢ adlated) = Jif ee abd laird?) 66 2blatedisad(arsd) 7 From Eqs. (10-316) and (0-317): We= $e abd f° H} = 0.07728 x10" (3), Wry ™ At abd (S41) H3 = 0.07722%10°% (7) = We. i t 1 Rfe-40 a) Gy) z/ Let Bm FE Gintle, 23-0872 10" (i). 5) (Qe, "aye Crane * S#62, 3) (We) (We), = 0.07728 210" (I) = 0.07728 (pI) = (Wade, - 210-41 a) Combining Egs, (10-318) and (0-322): ees blats dt) . Yet 2R, [2b (@edi) + ad(ate dt] — joy bas a symmetrical dependence on aandd. I+ will be maximum when ad, which gives a max. volume-to-surface ratio. b) When aed, Qy= FP ecE ay 210-42 a) Q. = Yhmpat abdiaitd’) ra ter 2b (abs d?) tad(ated') t For a=d=1.36, Soo” Tash [E+s = 1.179210€4)- 0,2 10.22 /5b. 2) For Qig #120 Aq, , be h20°bmL44b. 10-43 (2) From the tisld configurations in the cavity we ee that the TM,,mode with respect to 2 is the same as the TE,,, mode with respect toy. Thus, : CO dng C2 ba obtained From CO ypé in Fp. (10-322) by changing b tod and d tod. or, CL) Q for the TM, mode Can be derived from the field expressions in £45. (to- 295,298,£299) by Setting manz1, and using £3. (10-315). Par W=2Wn= 4(Peasaey at F555 A aS HG) Rs = $4 ASR, 28. 131 Rnwk ff Lf lye dy 4s f ee + Lf Sf [manos Ji cz=oP] dxdy} ~# (Sa {a (eee g Gadrtast, . eB we mW tf ne Mead Cas b*) he Que” 2, R [2dfa" iB )+ablaaB)) Aen Pigee cs 210-44 4) TM,,,, mode: El =C,,J,, (Zz) cos md cos(Btz)+ M=OG2--3 MLZ PH OL2,° (Fnalnnp = ee ae TEmnp mode: Hem Fee anti me 0512, 5 G23) £=42,3,-° Fredmnp™ angele Cay(By Ome” TPT S 0.38 b) For daa, the dominant mode it TMyig? Fenders Boer age The first seven modes with the lowest resonant fregs: Mode | TMore | En | TMuo |TMow | TEs | TM | TEow F/Grdul $00 [451 | 1597 | 465 | 482 | 2.06 2.06 ent, 1~ Sh ln(B) Bio-ts © C- Sf = f ® f.- aaite * FARE 8) dem Fyne * TABU): 132 Chapter tf Antennas and Radiating Systems PUL Maxwellt eguations for simple media: rE ah Gea Fret p.F=4. UV H=0 But OxFxEF=9(7-E) - = Lop we. Combining Qand ©, we obtain BE MET 4) Similarly ,wehave @ ‘Aap TE =-9x7. Pis-2 ee ® ®© 600090 F=-GV-j0k -3,5,+56,03,6,. E,7- FE 34, The expressions of Ag,Ay Eyn- Be 50, and A, are given in Los. ay sy (11-14.a,b,and ¢), 4 Rsingag 7°79 - i yobs (ee), ane, 1 2, i z % , 2,2 R- fateose, _f R# Re bdteore, a-x, Cade cc Rk. . ia case Hilton 12 BEE ea Bane the gate - Sieger ve Ee [in (AG) sew] te) e4 ~ gin ese Using Ay, Ay, Ag, and V in &, £, and £y, we obtain the same results as oa in Eqs. (1-16.4,5,29). Pit-3 i vy $0. LoL SRS seig LO $8 fB4E $44 Ria Ret a2R-F, RaT_Rsindcosg +,Rsingsing +4, Record. Frnt Ee , RF aQxsingcosg+esinosing, Es#f[? * EF]-£¢ Lr fino site Eesinosing). ee FM spay] og ng tM ase) if Gre Bairocerpe nosed ie AL Mrnipey tl i 2 sinosin$), tn the Same manner, ois Ade napa) Be SE aad Mappa) £(1,- Fe sino sing), Semone, Fag the MUI esAR)L,L, Sin 9 sing, “Beronpel 4 Le- BAR eM 1s hL, sine cosd, Le+ m=IL,L,=Is. A=, mgr Iipashe Risias toed = am — € E49 Sag)sing. an. 134 Tx F =G,H,+ a Hy Expresioas for Ih Hy, Peles =a " and E, somaas those BE seg My ES ‘Given 'n Eye Uribe sk) Tn the far zone, p>>!, 1/82) and W/cjpa)} terms can be neglected. We have the following instantaneous expressions; assuming ((e)=Lcas ot: A aazt)= 2, BES psine sin lat “pa. E (a0;2)= &, See pring cos (wt B2), Hi(a,9;4) =-2, = fising Cos (2-2), Pia Far-zone electra field of elemental electric dipole: EAGT (SF) o,f sind Ea) RUBE (0) sinlet-f2). For the elemantal magnetic dipole: Et e(EE) gsine — Ege RELA onto @)Thus, feat) _, ~ifhes Chit) mf, Cao GAVE —— Elliptic polarization. 4) Circular polarization if L=2ns/r. BUCS Equation of continuity: 0-F ~ Jor — 5-FG2. . @) La) =I, cosgz.—> g=-j £1, singz=-j Bein fa. w§2ER For z>0 4) Lez) =4, (1- £21) —~ p= fF 2=1,(1- £12) — 4 el oS : Bil-G Am2UE = 3000m, So jE = Lect (Hertzian dipole) a) Radiation resistance, R, =9o7?(24)'= 4.97 (a). 8) Eq. Ct-4a): Rew PU = [EI 2.612104). £g.11-48): Ry = 2 (#4) = 0.03/72) —7,= Ba, 95%. ©) fg. (43): 2 = Esty gr WA pigsh — = bah = 19 (V/s Eg. (196) lan Cae -aet [Eslinaa.™ 2190R = 17 (V/m). 135 LU-7 a) ¢ i sn bene cbf O- 4) eter ds nj Babine PY (Zhan = ie cP () ye a ia &P* F0), Fte) = Sinolt-ces(pheeso)) | costa In case Ahect, esbgpicien)® 1~ FrGpasseay end Fi £6 ae = 12 SCM paand= be sine, de $i 0 (4 phasing) = oe ets Hy Rising dedg = = Elson'(B), ro BLCER) = z20r'(RXY- 4 — =, °5 ory THe, ae aie “pa 45 — f0leg DaL76 de) a {2,#a-zc0805 Bits = Irz) =f, a-®- a 4-f -Plee Bane, over conducting earth. 5) From £g.(11-498): llmax™ Aap ten = ehh £2 ©) B= 4 wba 2mKising do = 227 (Tebeh) 7.14 hw). A) Ry mines aai7 Q). Pit-9 a) R= gon ( Paty =20 (Brot) =32044(2)2 ») = at BER, Bo \itige, = 5.502107). ©) Rem 32078 (25)*= 2.38110$(2). From problem 2 4t-6, y= 2.61110 —= 2y=0.0435, 120.0055% o) For N=10, 2, (0 N2)=2.39x10°4 (2), By N= 0.435 (2) ——~ 0,7 0.055% Cinereases approximately 25 MD. 136 Pit-t0 a) R,- 07 (Biaty)? =20 Bet) 8) a HR. 7 gig ©) For f= 1 (MHz), LoL alm), and a =0.0036n) Az2m/300 (rad/m), R= 2.61210 *(Q) fram Pir 6, 273.95 110° (2), 2,~0.055 (2), — 9,2 9.007% Buctt P$G dF $b. °"E, Hy Rsinadeds 4% (ety t ‘ | = foe PR eke {Ge 5 ow] Cage a oie} . f "sindo de ° = F [row'(42)'] which ss the same ar Ee. (43. Pit-12 F(a) = Sos bsheoss) -cossh | sine For 2h=1252, > [econ] =| ssteasmecse-costcasay z sie Wicith of main beam between the ficsh nulls = 2x 53.13" = 106.26" tz P1t-13 Fah=5,(7- : P : From 9.1170): f= 28. J" rea e¥b? de E S282 fr, (/- 2)eas Gscosa)ds Mavimum Ly occurs at a=, where A(F-h- 437 Rit-14 a) Y=- fhe - ftaeF fs Nardlete +R, | OES [ee 8) R- whith has a maximum value (EYER) at enk —_—— ” S9rZ 2 Fy Jn 7 = or Am aS 200m) and £,=$x10"* Cv/m) Om F LE) = = 03.7 0m), Vy 315), a- we = 0.017 (W) = 17 (mw). 2 0 Fg, (gy= > [Se s9 | 500m), Voe™-2 CV), P= 6.8 (mW). . RER-deose x 2) £, = FTG y B sing Ft A “(4+ eahesse) = Hy Mebaceey, where Fle) = sing cos (B4cose). b)d=anr, \Fteo| [sine cos(Zcose)|. Od=a, [FG@)|-|sine coscreosey|- 138 From Eg, (11-198) &o digas Porte + Eye Zea cpr dou, where Siny= |G, x8,| = |G sinocos4 +d, sina sing = f1-Sintosin§g . 2p Ey Bd Fy sappdeos i sin'osine . Pattern Lumction Fla, 3) = [sin ¢Bd corel /imsintoain’, &) Tn the xy-plane = @=90", Fy (90, 9) = 0, 4) In the xz-plane: $=0* £70, Axla.0)=|sin pdesse)), ©) In the yz~plane: $=90" 4° °F, 28,90) =|Sinadease)-casa|- d) daA/a, Adonis: z 2 £,,(6,0°) =|sin(Ecoss)|. 52 (0, 90") |sin(Zcoraeosa]. 237 Butt From Eq, (-83): 1El~ 2a]ece,seanZ], where : Yad singcosg+t. dn the H-plane of 2 dipole, 9=7/2, F(Z. gf. Oda}. $o¥- andes yoF- 1$09] = [eos [Ft1+ces9} |. [peonmleegl ed FI. G8 Phage BUIS a) Relative excitation amplitudes: 1:4:6:4:1. b) Array factor: AC) =|¢05(Zc0s9)[* ; ©) cos(Zcos$)= (Vz), * —— $ = 74.96", Half-power beamwidth =2 (9074.96) : = 30.23! hong, uniform array , From £.(1s-89): 4 | sin( Fcas$) 1 . $/4S35 eeat)| EP a78et Half-power beamwidth for 5-element uniterm array with 4 spacing =2(90°-79.6/*) = 20.78", BLY @) Frome, (tto89) for Nata: [re= 2] £2 Se]. LA yf eos > 5) Broadside oesrstise, [== Sink ax] far ¥ 260° Y "< 90°—~ Cannot cover He polar regions, b) Let 2 = Power transmitted by satellite antenna. Ae Powar dencity within the cone = Zp Area of cone cap on earth =, ff sinadodp = ame (t= cosy) Sinr'C¥4/2) - Yirtryot =} Barley t,—— yes BFrp, ~2/f,. Main-lobe beamwidth =2% = 4//G, 143 ae Pil-28 a) From £9. (11-132): A= eee. eG Ree Feet TIO, Gy= 1m 3. 16 #108 As FESS = 2.502107 (m), G,=10P/ na sex 10 r= 3.654107 lm), P=3x1o" Cw). —— 4.52.7 Cw). 5) From £g. eee = aa. Ae~ FE an Se aopear es B= 1.13 Caw. 2N-29 2) From Eg. (tt- 132)" P= G(Ade’. © wiare, From By ett), ot |i = 0.02252 =F (w) Using O: R= 55x10"? (w) = 055 Cw). 4) Null field ot thbann, naga —— 4, = 1.250 (hm). 2M-30 Ziz)= =1,ec%= eee o*. a) f- af [so . ‘aa, «| Eaeta dae, R&R-zc080. Fea a3 te az 62288) Be cipgistirens) hs 27 Rp - se Fe), where Fle) = 7-€as@ 9) Agr A010, A=-A, sine, Ay=e. f44 A, Aa=Lo.k - sypal sete ey In the far-zone, £ 3B fe —~ “375 RA Fann, $e oO “tena ppine, a 9-357, H,A0- Radiation pattern for L2A/z: -—Plot of {F(e)sine]. 4s | | BUA! From £y. (1-74: Lym % (G,-G, 5). a) £, =6, (a, 4d jp) 0% From &q, (41-70): WMeel=1Z,-El= 974 94 4p) 2 PH fl. 4) For Emb,a,- 4,3 et [Meel= 38 1-92, HO, # ft. ©) For Emaeetts, \yl- ae. 2il=3% Eg (41-183): E~ Monge (SE 5 5, +aprb']sine. Aa band BE ( asl Syprb§ +, js]sin8. For’ circular polarization, $= Brb* a) UnWRE,-R3-G, = Ra: $A (EAR) - Shorey Sinte, id “Sus sina dgdg = - Fos): . on te ow Z into, Dm = Gp (a/2) #45 5) & =2B/2 1A in = SE 1, CB} = to(np nb’. 145 Pit-33 Assume E(x, ye as. Fable A piBx bing cord ‘sin CH sino cos: -=f sisctend | £,(0,9)= e ci [sinl oneed)) ZB sin 8 cord SA iby ting corbgy + a int BE sine cosd) |, Sine case i ) a sea n022t8 a cay Sing ~ — Bil-34 From Eq. H-t61): FO.N= S £@y? ef tineacos$ ey sind), Lye Sper. 2) In the xz-plane, $= 0°: E,@)= of fea eth 5in8 gy nal” (1- Ex) cos(px'sine)ds’ nab ot — le =A cinon Raine ab hewn > [ “ts J 6) Set [sine]? 4. . Pera) oo Fxtoos. Halt-power beamwidth (246),,%2sin'(a.640 2). For Aa < 342y3. P. 125, Fig. 3-30: add € after comma. P. 166, problem P.3-10: density —~ intensity. P. 257, Eq. (6-106), in the numerator: - —+. P. 297, problen 6-6, Ist. line: Add ‘a radius b and ‘after “having'. P. 297, problem 6-9: (6-32) —» (6-33). P- 300, Eq. (6-226): Insert '-" sign after the '=" sign. P. 345, Table 7-5, Sth line The letter K in Ku is not sharp. P. 376, Eq. (8-66): &—eey; Eq. (8-68): Yo Sth line from bottom: IK P. 408, line 5: Insert (transmission) after the vord'refraction’ nN P- 422, problem P.8-27: Insert (V/m) before the vord ‘is’. P. 423, problem P.8-29, b): 4/2 ——»X2/2. P. 424, problem 8-34, line 2: Change ‘the wave frequency to be! to ‘a constant electron density and a wave frequency equal to’. P. 426, line 2: SAR Problem P.8-42, line 3: reflection —> refraction. P. 476, Fig. 9-18(b: + Color the segment berveen 0 and t. (See Fig.9-20, p.477.) P. 481, 3rd. Line from bottom: Fig.9-24(d),—» Fig.9-25(4), P. 517, problen P.9-38: rd. line: Ry—>R; R missing ta Fig.9-46. before ‘Electric field lines' and @ g, P. 337, Fig.10-6: Insery A ines". before ‘Magnetic fie P. 542, Eq. (10-95): ge (2 places); Eq. (10-96): Boe P. 598, problea P-10-41, Ist Line: Change “An air-filled’ to 'A\ 2nd Line: Delete ‘made of cope: P. 599, problem P.10-44(b): Change ‘cutoff’ to ‘resonant’. P. 625, paragraph 3, Line 3: (4) e) P. 649, Ist. table, line 2: 0.4511 —-0.S10A. P. 685, Line 4: £>b—> E> P. 687, probien 2.8278): Te. Cnr ape P. 688, problem P.9-15 b): O.Lléw —= 0.432. P. 690, problem P.11-9: 32-0 ——»320. Back endpaper, left: $—> Gy (Sge Ea-2U1S, p. $0 and £q-2-143, p. 59.) Aargar rele. Figures in which the registes of color overlays are off: P.2, Fig. I-l.(Colored line should be centered on the circle.) P.16, Fig. 2-6. :P.46, Fig.25(b). (q should be at the center.) P.68, Fig.2-34. P.76, Fig. 3-1, (P, should be on the curve.) P.83, Fig. 3-5. Point +4 should be colored; the arrow should be moved up to touch #q; the point at P should be at P.) See Fig.3-16 on p.95- P.179, Fig-4-16 (2nd vertical colored Line should coincide with the ¥(0y) axis. See Fig.4-20 on p.186- P.261, Fig.6-18: The arrows should pass through the centers of the circles. P.297, Fig-6-37; P.480, Fig.9-24; P-550, Fig-l0-Ll; P.556, Fig-10-14.

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