Yearly Plan: SK Teluk Buloh English Language Year 6

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YR 6 / Pg 1 of 20


L (ten n% : Listen to and re"eat words that contain the sound : 3iii4 di"hthongs Listen to 'ey words and "hrases in descri"tions. Listen to and en$oy "oems. S,e#k n% : *e"eat words that o tain the sound : 3iii4 di"hthongs 5ronounce , and 1 sylla le words correctly. As' 6Wh7 questions to see' information. 8ame and identify things. *ecite sim"le "oems. 8ame the good and ad characters and tell why they are good or ad. Re#- n% : Loo' at letters and say aloud the sounds : 3iii4 di"hthongs *ecognise and read aloud words with "refi#es and suffi#es. *ead ! learn the meaning of 'ey words for the to"ic taught. *ead and understand "hrases y matching "hrases to "ictures. *ead aloud "hrases and sentences% "ronouncing them correctly. (ive words similar in meaning. Scan for s"ecific information in te#ts. *ead and tell what one has learnt from the story. W$ t n% : Write sim"le guided descri"tions. 9om"ose "oems with guidance. L (ten n% : Listen to and grou" words according to the same middle sounds. Listen to and understand "hrases in stories and descri"tions. Listen to and en$oy "oems. S,e#k n% : Say aloud "hrases with the correct stress and intonation. As' questions to see' information and clarification. )al' a out the events of the story. Re#- n% : *ead aloud words with di"hthongs.

G$#""#$ : 5refi#es Suffi#es So&n- S.(te": :i"hthongs ; / a< / as in mouth ; /e= / as in stairs /o'#0&1#$. : ; 2o$#1 /#1&e( : *es"ectful )han'ful 8ever give u" (rateful E-&'#t on#1 E",!#(e( : Active listening Analysis 9ategorising 9lassification 9olla orative 9oo"eration :ifferentiate E#"lanation E#"ressing o"inion (athering information (enerate ideas >dentifying main ideas >nference >ntensive reading >nteraction >ntra"ersonal Kinaesthetic E#"lanation 8ew ideas *ationalise *eading *easoning

Week : 1 to 3
Un t 1 Wonderfully Made T!e"e : World of Stories / World of Knowledge Le#$n n% O&t'o"e( : 1)1 Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds of the English Language. 1)3 Acquire voca ulary and understand the meaning of words ! "hrases in conte#t. 1)6 Listen to and en$oy the rhyme% rhythm and sounds of "oetry% $a&& chants and songs. *)1 S"ea' clearly y "ronouncing words accurately and s"ea'ing with the correct stress and intonation. *)* As' questions "olitely to o tain information and clarification. *)3 (ive relevant information "olitely in res"onse to enquiries made : to identify% to refute% to ma'e com"arisons% to state. *)6 )ell stories ased on "ictures and other stimuli% and recite "oems. *)+ )al' a out the "eo"le% "laces and moral values of the stories heard% read and viewed in sim"le language. 3)1 Acquire word recognition and word attac' s'ills to recognise words on sight. 3)* Acquire 'ey words at various stages of develo"ment. 3)3 *ead and understand "hrases% sentences% "aragra"hs and whole te#ts.

+.+.+ +.,.+ +.-.+ ..+/.+ ..+.. ....+ ..,.+ ..-.+ ..0.+

,.+.+ ,...+ ,.... ,.,.+ ,.1.+ ,.-.. ,.2.. ,.+/ 1.-.+ 1.2.+

+.+.. +.,., +.-.+ ..+., ..... ..0., ,.+..

YR 6 / Pg 2 of 20

Le#$n n% O&t'o"e( : 3)3 *ead aloud e#"ressively and fluently "ronouncing words correctly and o serving correct stress and intonation and sentence rhythm. 3)6 Acquire a wide range of voca ulary. 3)4 *ead and understand sim"le factual te#ts for main ideas% su""orting details% sequence% and cause and effect relationshi". 3)15 *ead sim"le te#ts and ma'e inferences and draw o vious conclusions. 3)1 Write at word% "hrase% sentence and "aragra"h level in clear% legi le "rint and cursive writing. 3)3 9onstruct sim"le and com"ound sentences with guidance and inde"endently. 3)6 Write sim"le factual descri"tions of things% events% scenes and what one saw and did. 3)4 Write to e#"ress oneself creatively such as when com"osing sim"le "oems and stories% creating greeting cards% "osters% etc.

*ead aloud sentences in te#ts o serving correct stress and intonation. *ead and understand sim"le factual te#ts y answering com"rehension questions in relation to main ideas and details. W$ t n% : 9onstruct sim"le sentences and com"ound sentences ased on words and "hrases given and on a "icture stimulus. Write sim"le descri"tions with little or no guidance. 9om"ose "oems with little or no guidance.

E-&'#t on#1 E",!#(e( : Scanning S'imming ?er al / Linguistic >ntelligence ?isual / S"atial >ntelligence

. ,.1..

1.,.. 1.-.. 1.2..

+.+.. +.-.+ ....1 ..-...0.1 ,.,., ,.+/ 1.,., 1.-.. 1.2..

L (ten n% : Listen to and grou" words according to the same middle sounds. Listen to and en$oy "oems. S,e#k n% : *es"onding to such questions. )ell sim"le stories. )al' a out the values e#"lored in the story. Re#- n% : *ead and understand sim"le "aragra"hs y answering com"rehension questions and com"leting info transfer diagrams. *ead and tell what one has learnt from the story. W$ t n% : Write "aragra"hs ased on words and "hrases and on a "icture stimulus. Write sim"le descri"tions with little or no guidance. 9om"ose "oems with little or no guidance. L (ten n% : Listen to and re"eat the "ronunciation of com"ound words correctly. Listen to 'ey words and "hrases in descri"tions. S,e#k n% : 5ronounce , and 1 sylla le words correctly. 8ame and identify things. Re#- n% : *ead and understand "hrases y matching "hrases to "ictures. *ead aloud "hrases and sentences% "ronouncing them correctly. G$#""#$ : A3a4 ,. 5ronouns ,., 5ossessive Ad$ectives So&n- S.(te": 2. Stress i. Stress in com"ound words

Week : 3 to 6
Un t * 5roud )o @e A Malaysian T!e"e : World of Knowledge Le#$n n% O&t'o"e( : 1)* Listen to and re"eat accurately the correct "ronunciation of words% and word stress in "hrases% e#"ressions and sentences.

+...+ +.,.+ ..+.. ..,.+ ,.,.+ ,.1.+

YR 6 / Pg 3 of 20

Le#$n n% O&t'o"e( : 1)3 Acquire voca ulary and understand the meaning of words ! "hrases in conte#t. 1)+ Listen to and en$oy stories% fa les and other tales of imagination and fantasy and "redict outcomes% and draw conclusions at a level suited to the "u"il7s a ility. *)1 S"ea' clearly y "ronouncing words accurately and s"ea'ing with the correct stress and intonation. *)* As' questions "olitely to o tain information and clarification. *)3 (ive relevant information "olitely in res"onse to enquiries made : to identify% to refute% to ma'e com"arisons% to state. *)+ )al' a out the "eo"le% "laces and moral values of the stories heard% read and viewed in sim"le language. *)4 E#"ress thoughts and feelings and give o"inions on things read% seen% heard and viewed in sim"le language. 3)3 *ead and understand "hrases% sentences% "aragra"hs% and whole te#ts. 3)3 *ead aloud e#"ressively and fluently "ronouncing words correctly and o serving correct stress and intonation and sentence rhythm. 3)6 *ead and understand the meaning of words y guessing their meaning through the use of conte#tual clues. 3)6 Acquire a wide range of voca ulary. 3)+ Bse the dictionary to get the a""ro"riate meaning of the word. 3)4 *ead and understand sim"le factual te#ts for main ideas% su""orting details% sequence% and cause and effect relationshi".

L (ten n% : Bnderstand the meaning of words y loo'ing at the conte#t. (ive words similar in meaning. *ead and understand different te#ts such as instructions% directions% notices% la els% messages% letters% "assages% recounts and descri"tions. Scan for s"ecific information in te#ts. *ead and give details a out the "eo"le and animals in a story read. W$ t n% : Write sim"le guided descri"tions. Bse ca"ital letters% comma% full sto"% a"ostro"he and e#clamation mar's when writing. L (ten n% : Listen to stories and give details. S,e#k n% : Say aloud "hrases with the correct stress and intonation. As' questions to see' information and clarification. )o ma'e com"arisons. )al' a out the events in a story. *elate the story to one7s life. Re#- n% : *ead aloud sentences in te#ts o serving correct stress and intonation. Bnderstand the meaning of words y loo'ing at the conte#t. 9om ine words to form com"ound words. *ead and tal' a out the actions of "eo"le and animals in a story read. W$ t n% : 9onstruct sim"le and com"ound sentences ased on words and "hrases given and on a "icture stimulus. Write sim"le descri"tions with little or no guidance. Bse ca"ital letters% comma% full sto"% a"ostro"he and e#clamation mar's when writing. L (ten n% : Listen to and re"eat "oems% "aying attention to "ronunciation% stress and intonation correctly. S,e#k n% : )al' a out the values e#"lored in the story. *elate the story to one7s life.

/o'#0&1#$. : 0. 9om"ound Words 2o$#1 /#1&e(: A""reciation 9aring 9onsiderate 9oo"eration (rateful Kind Love for one7s country 5roud *es"ect Bnselfishness E-&'#t on#1 E",!#(e( : >9) s'ills Learning Dow )o Learn S'ills Multi"le >ntelligences 5re"aration for the *eal World )hin'ing S'ills ?alues and 9iti&enshi"

,.A.+ ,.-.. ,.2.+ ,.2.. ,.C..

1.-.+ 1.+/.+

+.0.. ..+., ..... ..,.1 ..0., ..2.. ,.1.. ,.A.+ ,.-.A ,.C.,

1.,.. 1.-.. 1.+/.+


..0.1 ..2..

YR 6 / Pg 4 of 20

Le#$n n% O&t'o"e( : 3)7 *ead sim"le te#ts and "redict outcomes. 3)15 *ead sim"le te#ts and ma'e inferences and draw o vious conclusions. 3)3 9onstruct sim"le and com"ound sentences with guidance and inde"endently. 3)6 Write sim"le factual descri"tions of things% events% scenes and what one saw and did. 3)15 5unctuate meaningfully.

Re#- n% : *ead and understand sim"le "aragra"hs y answering com"rehension questions. *ead and locate the required words in the dictionary. *ead and select the definition suited to the meaning of the words in conte#t. *ead and "redict outcomes. *ead and tell what one has learnt from the story. W$ t n% : Write sim"le descri"tions with little or no guidance. Bse ca"ital letters% comma% full sto"% a"ostro"he and e#clamation mar's when writing.


,.,., ,.0.+ ,.0.. ,.C.A ,.+/ 1.-.. 1.+/.+

Week : 6 to 4
Un t 3 Eit As A Eiddle T!e"e : World of Knowledge Le#$n n% O&t'o"e( : 1)1 Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds of the English Language. 1)* Listen to and re"eat accurately the correct "ronunciation of words% and word stress in "hrases% e#"ressions and sentences. 1)6 F tain information from te#ts listened to in relation to main ideas% s"ecific details% sequence% and cause; effect relationshi"s. *)1 S"ea' clearly y "ronouncing words accurately and s"ea'ing with the correct stress and intonation. *)* As' questions "olitely to o tain information and clarification. *)6 )ell stories ased on "ictures and other stimuli% and recite "oems.


L (ten n% : Listen to and re"eat words that contain the sound : 3v4 initial lends. S,e#k n% : *e"eat words that contain the sound: 3v4 initial lends As' 6Wh7 questions to see' information. *ecite sim"le "oems with e#"ressions. Re#- n% : *ead and learn the meaning of 'ey words for the to"ic taught. *ead aloud "hrases and sentences% "ronouncing them correctly. (ive words similar in meaning. Scan for s"ecific information in te#ts. *ead and give details a out the "eo"le in the story. W$ t n% : Write words% "hrases and sentences in clear% legi le cursive writing. L (ten n% : Listen to sim"le descri"tions% recounts% news re"orts and factual te#ts and give the main ideas and su""orting details. S,e#k n% : Say aloud "hrases with the correct stress ! intonation. As' questions to see' information and clarification. (ive suita le endings to a story.

..+.+ ....+ ..-.+ ,.... ,.1.+ ,.-.. ,.2.. ,.C.. 1.+.+

G$#""#$ : A 3a4 +.+ 9ounta le 8ouns +.. Bncounta le 8ouns A3 4 +. )o show concern So&n- S.(te": Einal lends : / m" / and / dg / /o'#0&1#$. : 5hrasal Guantifiers 2o$#1 /#1&e(: Dealthy living 9aring 9ourage :iligence @ravery Dardwor'ing A""reciation Show concern Awareness 5hysical health 9oo"eration


..+., ..... ..-.1

YR 6 / Pg 5 of 20

Le#$n n% O&t'o"e( : 3)1 Acquire word recognition and word attac' s'ills to recognise words on sight. 3)* Acquire 'ey words at various stages of develo"ment. 3)3 *ead and understand "hrases% sentences% "aragra"hs ! whole te#ts. 3)3 *ead aloud e#"ressively and fluently "ronouncing words correctly and o serving correct stress and intonation and sentence rhythm. 3)6 Acquire a wide range of voca ulary. 3)4 *ead and understand sim"le factual te#ts for main ideas% su""orting details% sequence% and cause and effect relationshi". 3)7 *ead sim"le te#ts and "redict outcomes. 3)1 Write at word% "hrase% sentence and "aragra"h level in clear% legi le "rint and cursive writing. 3)* 9om"lete te#ts with the missing word% "hrase or sentence. 3)3 9onstruct sim"le and com"ound sentences with guidance and inde"endently.

Re#- n% : State "hrasal quantifiers. W$ t n% : Write words% "hrases and sentences in clear% legi le cursive writing. 9om"lete te#ts with the missing words without any guidance. 9om"lete mind ma"s% diagrams with information from the te#t. 9onstruct sim"le and com"ound sentences ased on words and "hrases given and on a "icture stimulus. L (ten n% : Listen to and re"eat "oems% "aying attention to "ronunciation% stress and intonation correctly. S,e#k n% : )ell sim"le stories. )o show concern. Re#- n% : *ead and grou" words according to final sounds. *ead and understand sim"le "aragra"hs y answering com"rehension questions. *ead aloud "oems clearly and e#"ressively. W$ t n% : Write words% "hrases and sentences in clear% legi le cursive writing. Write "aragra"hs ased on words and "hrases and on a "icture stimulus.

E-&'#t on#1 E",!#(e( : 9reative )hin'ing S'ills @odily Kinaesthetic :ictionary S'ills >nter"ersonal Knowledge Acquisition

,.-.0 1.+.+ 1.... 1..., 1.,..


Learning Dow )o Learn S'ills Logical / Mathematical >ntelligence 5re"aration for the *eal World 5ro lem Solving )hin'ing S'ills ?er al / Linguistic >ntelligence ?isual / S"atial >ntelligence

..-...C.A ,.+., ,.,., ,.1., 1.+.+ 1.,.,

Week : 7 to 15
Un t 3 Magical Movements T!e"e : World of Knowledge Le#$n n% O&t'o"e( : 1)1 Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds of the English Language.


L (ten n% : Listen to and re"eat words that contain the sound : 3ii4 dou le consonants. S,e#k n% : *e"eat words that contain the sound: 3ii4 dou le consonants. As' 6Wh7 questions to see' information. 8ame and identify things. 8ame the good and ad characters and tell why they are good or ad.

..+.+ ....+ ..,.+ ..0.+

G$#""#$ : A. 3a4 + 8ouns +., 9ollective 8ouns 0 Adver s So&n- S.(te": .. :ou le 9onsonants ; /s/ ; /&/ ; /r/

..... YR 6 / Pg 6 of 20

Le#$n n% O&t'o"e( : 1)6 F tain information from te#ts listened to in relation to main ideas% s"ecific details% sequence% and cause; effect relationshi"s. *)1 S"ea' clearly y "ronouncing words accurately and s"ea'ing with the correct stress and intonation. *)* As' questions "olitely to o tain information and clarification. *)3 (ive relevant information "olitely in res"onse to enquiries made : to identify% to refute% to ma'e com"arisons% to state. *)+ )al' a out the "eo"le% "laces and moral values of the stories heard% read and viewed in sim"le language. *)4 E#"ress thoughts and feelings and give o"inions on things read% seen% heard and viewed in sim"le language. 3)1 Acquire word recognition and word attac' s'ills to recognise words on sight. 3)3 *ead and understand "hrases% sentences% "aragra"hs and whole te#ts. 3)6 *ead and understand the meaning of words y guessing their meaning through the use of conte#tual clues. 3)+ Bse the dictionary to get the a""ro"riate meaning of the word. 3)4 *ead and understand sim"le factual te#ts for main ideas% su""orting details% sequence% and cause and effect relationshi". 3)7 *ead sim"le te#ts and "redict outcomes. 3)1 Write at word% "hrase% sentence

Re#- n% : Loo' at letters and say aloud the sounds : 3ii4 dou le consonants *ead and understand "hrases y matching "hrases to "ictures. Bnderstand the meaning of words y loo'ing at the conte#t. *ead and understand different te#ts such as instructions% directions% notices% la els% messages% letters% "assages% recounts and descri"tions. Scan for s"ecific information in te#ts. *ead and give details a out the "eo"le and animals in a story read. W$ t n% : Write words% "hrases and sentences in clear% legi le cursive writing. Write clearly and legi ly in "rint for diagrams. L (ten n% : Listen to and grou" words according to the same middle sounds. Listen to sim"le descri"tions% recounts% news re"orts and factual te#ts and give the main ideas and su""orting details. S,e#k n% : )al' a out the events of the story. *elate the story to one7s life. Re#- n% : *ead aloud words with the letters listed in ,.+.+ 3ii4. *ead and understand sim"le and com"ound sentences y inter"reting "ronoun forms. Bnderstand the meaning of words y loo'ing at the conte#t. *ead and understand sim"le factual te#ts y answering com"rehension questions. *ead and tal' a out the actions of "eo"le and animals in a story read. W$ t n% : Write words% "hrases and sentences in clear% legi le cursive writing. 9om"lete mind ma"s% diagrams with information from the te#t. 9onstruct sim"le and com"ound sentences ased on words and "hrases given and on a "icture stimulus. Write sim"le descri"tions with little or no guidance. L (ten n% :

/o'#0&1#$. : Words "ertaining to human and animals7 movements. 2o$#1 /#1&e(: A""reciation Awareness 9are for the animals (rateful (ratitude Donesty Love Love of nature 5erseverance 5roud *es"ect E-&'#t on#1 E",!#(e( : >9) S'ills Learning Dow )o Learn S'ills Multi"le >ntelligences 5re"aration Eor )he *eal World )hin'ing S'ills ?alues And 9iti&enshi"

,.+.+ ,.,.+ ,.A.+ ,.2.+ ,.2.. ,.C..

1.+.+ 1...+

+.+.. +.A..

..0., ..2.. ,.+.. ,.,.. ,.A.+ ,.2., ,.C.,

1.+.+ 1..., 1.,.. 1.-..

and "aragra"h level in clear% legi le "rint and cursive writing.


Listen to and grou" words according to the middle and ending sounds.

YR 6 / Pg 7 of 20

3)* 9om"lete te#ts with the missing word% "hrase or sentence. 3)3 9onstruct sim"le and com"ound sentences with guidance and inde"endently. 3)6 Write sim"le factual descri"tions of things% events% scenes and what one saw and did.

S,e#k n% : *elate the story to one7s life. Re#- n% : *ead and understand sim"le "aragra"hs y answering com"rehension questions. Bnderstand the meaning of words y loo'ing at the conte#t. *ead and locate the required words in the dictionary. *elate the "eo"le and events in the story to one7s life. W$ t n% : Write words% "hrases and sentences in clear% legi le cursive writing. Write "aragra"hs ased on words and "hrases Write sim"le descri"tions with little or no guidance. L (ten n% : Listen to and re"eat words that contain the sound: 3i4 short vowel sounds. S,e#k n% : *e"eat words that contain the sound: 3i4 short vowel sounds. 5ronounce , and 1 sylla le words correctly. As' 6Wh7 questions to see' information. 8ame and identify things. Re#- n% : Loo' at letters and say aloud the sounds : 3i4 short vowel sounds. *ead and learn the meaning of 'ey words. *ead aloud "hrases and sentences% "ronouncing them correctly. (ive words o""osite in meaning. (ive words similar in meaning. Scan for s"ecific information in te#ts. W$ t n% : Write clearly and legi ly in "rint. Write clearly and legi ly in "rint for diagrams. 9om"ose "oems with guidance. Bse ca"ital letters% comma and full sto" when writing. L (ten n% : Listen to and grou" words according to the same middle sounds. Listen to and re"eat correctly "hrases and sentences.


..2.. ,.,., ,.A.+ ,.0.+ ,.C.1.+.+ 1.,., 1.-..

Week : 11 to 13
Un t 6 Sounds Ff Music T!e"e : World of Knowledge Le#$n n% O&t'o"e( : 1)1 Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds of the English Language. 1)* Listen to and re"eat accurately the correct "ronunciation of words% and the correct intonation and word stress in "hrases% e#"ressions and sentences. *)1 S"ea' clearly y "ronouncing words accurately and s"ea'ing with the correct stress and intonation. *)* As' questions "olitely to o tain information and clarification. *)3 (ive relevant information "olitely in res"onse to enquiries made : to identify% to refute% to ma'e com"arisons% to state.


..+.+ ..+.. ....+ ..,.+ ,.+.+ ,.... ,.1.+ ,.-.+ ,.-.. ,.2.. 1.+.. 1...+ 1.2.+ 1.+/.+

G$#""#$ : A. 3a4 . Articles A. 3 4 +/ )o e#"ress ha""iness So&n- S.(te": +. Short vowel: a. / H / . /I/ /o'#0&1#$. : Words "ertaining to music. 2o$#1 /#1&e(: *es"ecting the 8ational Anthem. 5atriotism E-&'#t on#1 E",!#(e( : Active Listening Analysis @rainstorming

+.+.. +....

YR 6 / Pg 8 of 20

Le#$n n% O&t'o"e( : *)7 5erform a variety of functions in a social conte#t. 3)1 Acquire word recognition and word attac' s'ills to recognise words on sight. 3)* Acquire 'ey words at various stages of develo"ment. 3)3 *ead and understand "hrases% sentences% "aragra"hs and whole te#ts. 3)3 *ead aloud e#"ressively and fluently "ronouncing words correctly and o serving correct stress and intonation and sentence rhythm. 3)6 Acquire a wide range of voca ulary. 3)+ Bse the dictionary to get the a""ro"riate meaning of the word. 3)4 *ead and understand sim"le factual te#ts for main ideas% su""orting details% sequence% and cause and effect relationshi". 3)1 Write at word% "hrase% sentence and "aragra"h level in clear% legi le "rint and cursive writing. 3)* 9om"lete te#ts with the missing word% "hrase or sentence. 3)3 9onstruct sim"le and com"ound sentences with guidance and inde"endently. 3)4 Write to e#"ress oneself creatively such as when com"osing sim"le "oems and stories% creating greeting cards% "osters% etc. 3)15 5unctuate meaningfully.

S,e#k n% : Say aloud "hrases with the correct stress ! intonation. As' questions to see' information and clarification. )o e#"ress ha""iness. Re#- n% : *ead and grou" words according to medial sounds. *ead aloud sentences in te#ts o serving correct stress and intonation. @uild new words from a given word. *ead and understand sim"le factual te#ts y answering com"rehension questions in relation to main ideas and details. W$ t n% : Write clearly and legi ly in "rint. 9om"lete the te#t with the missing words without any guidance. 9onstruct sim"le and com"ound sentences ased on words and "hrases given and on a "icture stimulus. Bse ca"ital letters% commas and full sto"s when writing. L (ten n% : Listen to and grou" words according to the same middle sounds. Listen to and re"eat "oems% "aying attention to "ronunciation% stress and intonation correctly. S,e#k n% : *es"onding to such questions. Re#- n% : *ead and grou" words according to medial sounds. *ead and understand sim"le "aragra"hs y answering com"rehension questions. *ead and locate the required words in the dictionary. *ead and select the definition suited to the meaning of the word in conte#t. W$ t n% : Write clearly and legi ly in "rint. Bse ca"ital letters% commas and full sto"s when writing.

E-&'#t on#1 E",!#(e( : 9ategorise 9lassification 9oo"erative :ifferentiation (enerate >deas >dentifying Main >deas and :etails >nference >nteraction >nter"ersonal >ntra"ersonal

..+., ..... ..C., ,.+.. ,.1.. ,.-.2 ,.2.,

1.+.. 1.... 1.,.. 1.+/.+

+.+.. +...,

Logical E#"lanation Scanning S'imming Bnderstanding

....1 ,.+., ,.,., ,.0.+ ,.0..

?er al / Linguistic >ntelligence

1.+.. 1.+/.+

YR 6 / Pg 9 of 20


L (ten n% : Listen to and re"eat words that contain the sound: 3i4 short and long vowels. S,e#k n% : *e"eat words that contain the sound: 3i4 short and long vowels. As' 6Wh7 questions to see' information. 8ame and identify things. State whether one li'es or does not li'e the story and give reasons. Re#- n% : Loo' at letters and say aloud the sounds : 3i4 short and long vowels. *ead ! learn the meaning of 'ey words for the to"ic taught. *ead aloud "hrases and sentences "ronouncing them correctly. Scan for s"ecific information in te#ts. *ead sim"le te#ts and ma'e inferences and draw o vious conclusions. W$ t n% : Write clearly and legi ly in "rint. Bse ca"ital letters% comma% full sto"% a"ostro"he and e#clamation mar's when writing. L (ten n% : Listen to and grou" words according to the same middle or ending sounds. Listen to and re"eat correctly "hrases and e#"ressions. S,e#k n% : Say aloud "hrases with the correct stress ! intonation. As' questions to see' information and clarification. )o ma'e com"arisons. )al' a out the "lace in the story. )al' a out the events in the story. Re#- n% : *ead and grou" words according to medial sounds. *ead aloud sentences in te#ts o serving correct stress and intonation. *ead and understand sim"le factual te#ts y answering com"rehension questions in relation to main ideas and details. *ead and tell% and write why a "erson or animal in a story is good or ad.

G$#""#$ : A3a4 5re"osition So&n- S.(te": -. +. Short and long vowel sounds: 3c4 / < / 3d4 / / /o'#0&1#$. : 9olours Eeelings Similes 2o$#1 /#1&e(: @eing grateful Eaithfulness Kindness 5erseverance )han'ful Bnconditional love Bnselfish E-&'#t on#1 E",!#(e( : Active Listening Arranging 9ategorising 9lassification 9once"tualise 9oo"erative :ifferentiating

Week : 13 to 16
Un t 6 S"lashes Ff 9olours T!e"e : World of Knowledge / World of Stories Le#$n n% O&t'o"e( : 1)1 Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds of the English Language. 1)* Listen to and re"eat accurately the correct "ronunciation of words% and word stress in "hrases% e#"ressions and sentences. *)1 S"ea' clearly y "ronouncing words accurately and s"ea'ing with the correct stress and intonation. *)* As' questions "olitely to o tain information and clarification. *)3 (ive relevant information "olitely in res"onse to enquiries made : to identify% to refute% to ma'e com"arisons% to state. *)+ )al' a out the "eo"le% "laces and moral values of the stories heard% read and viewed in sim"le language. *)4 E#"ress thoughts and feelings and give o"inions on things read% seen% heard and viewed in sim"le language. 3)1 Acquire word recognition and word attac' s'ills to recognise words on sight. 3)* Acquire 'ey words at various stages of develo"ment. 3)3 *ead and understand "hrases% sentences% "aragra"hs and whole te#ts.


..+.+ ....+ ..,.+ ..2.+

,.+.+ ,.... ,.1.+ ,.2.. ,.+/.+

1.+.. 1.+/.+

+.+.. +.... ..+., ..... ..,.1 ..0.. ..0., ,.+.. ,.1.. ,.2., ,.C.1

Evaluating (athering >nformation >nference >ntensive


YR 6 / Pg 10 of


Le#$n n% O&t'o"e( : 3)3 *ead aloud e#"ressively and fluently "ronouncing words correctly and o serving correct stress and intonation and sentence rhythm. 3)+ Bse the dictionary to get the a""ro"riate meaning of the word. 3)4 *ead and understand sim"le factual te#ts for main ideas% su""orting details% sequence% and cause and effect relationshi". 3)7 *ead sim"le te#ts and "redict outcomes. 3)1 Write at word% "hrase% sentence and "aragra"h level in clear% legi le "rint and cursive writing. 3)3 9onstruct sim"le and com"ound sentences with guidance and inde"endently. 3)4 Write to e#"ress oneself creatively such as when com"osing sim"le "oems and stories% creating greeting cards% "osters% etc. 3)15 5unctuate meaningfully.

W$ t n% : Write clearly and legi ly in "rint. 9om"lete the te#t with the missing words without any guidance. 9onstruct sim"le and com"ound sentences ased on words and "hrases given and on a "icture stimulus. 9om"ose "oems with little or no guidance.

E-&'#t on#1 E",!#(e( : >nteraction >nter"ersonal >ntra"ersonal Logical E#"lanation

1.+.. 1.... 1.,.. 1.2..

+.+.. +...,

L (ten n% : Listen to and grou" words according to the same middle or ending sounds. Listen to and re"eat "oems% "aying attention to "ronunciation% stress and intonation correctly. S,e#k n% : *es"ond to such questions. )al' a out the values e#"lored in the stories. Re#- n% : *ead and grou" words according to medial sounds. *ead and understand sim"le "aragra"hs y answering com"rehension questions. *ead and locate the required words in the dictionary. *ead and select the definition suited to the meaning of the word in conte#t. *ead sim"le te#ts and ma'e inferences and draw o vious conclusions. W$ t n% : Write clearly and legi ly in "rint. 9onstruct sim"le and com"ound sentences ased on words and "hrases given and on a "icture stimulus. 9om"ose "oems with little or no guidance. L (ten n% : Listen to and re"eat words that contain the sound: 3v4 initial lends Listen to and follow sim"le instructions on how to com"lete a given tas'. Listen to sim"le messages and give the information required. S,e#k n% : *e"eat words that contain the sound:

5rediction 5resentation Guestioning *ationalise *eading Scanning Short Listing S'imming Bnderstanding ?er al / Linguistic >ntelligence

....1 ..0.1 ,.+., ,.,., ,.0.+ ,.0.. ,.+/.+

1.+.. 1.,.. 1.2..

Week : 16 to 14
Un t + @eautiful World T!e"e : World of Knowledge Le#$n n% O&t'o"e( : 1)1 Listen to and discriminate similar

+.+.+ +.1.+ +.A.+

G$#""#$ : A 3a4 -. Ad$ectives -.+ 9om"arative form -.. Su"erlative form So&n- S.(te": A. >nitial lends


and different sounds of the English Language. 1)* Listen to and re"eat accurately the correct "ronunciation of words% and word stress in "hrases% e#"ressions and sentences.

..,.+ ..1.+ ..A.+ ..-.+

3v4 initial lends 8ame and identify things. )o ma'e a tele"hone call for a "ur"ose. )o ta'e and give short messages to friends and family mem ers. *ecite sim"le "oems with e#"ressions.

a. thr / r / . shr / r / c. st /st / /o'#0&1#$. : >dioms

YR 6 / Pg 11 of 20

Le#$n n% O&t'o"e( : 1)3 Listen to and follow sim"le instructions and directions accurately. 1)6 F tain information from te#ts listened to in relation to main ideas% s"ecific details% sequence% and cause; effect relationshi"s. *)1 S"ea' clearly y "ronouncing words accurately and s"ea'ing with the correct stress and intonation. *)3 (ive relevant information "olitely in res"onse to enquiries made : to identify% to refute% to ma'e com"arisons% to state. *)3 Ma'e and receive tele"hone calls "olitely. *)6 9onvey a sim"le message accurately. *)6 )ell stories ased on "ictures and other stimuli% and recite "oems. 3)1 Acquire word recognition and word attac' s'ills to recognise words on sight. 3)* Acquire 'ey words at various stages of develo"ment.

Re#- n% : *ead ! learn the meaning of 'ey words for the to"ic taught. *ead aloud "hrases and sentences "ronouncing them correctly. (ive words similar in meaning. *ead and understand different te#ts such as instructions% directions% notices% la els% messages% letters% "assages% recounts and descri"tions. Scan for s"ecific information in te#ts. *ead and give details a out the "lace in a letter. W$ t n% : Write words% "hrases and sentences in clear% legi le cursive writing. Write sim"le guided letters to friends or family mem ers. Write sim"le messages with guidance. L (ten n% : Listen to and grou" words according to the same eginning sound. Listen to and follow sim"le directions to "laces in the country. S,e#k n% : )o ta'e and give short messages to friends and family mem ers. Re#- n% : Bnderstand the meaning of words y loo'ing at the te#t. W$ t n% : Write words% "hrases and sentences in clear% legi le cursive writing. 9om"lete the te#ts with the missing word3s4 without any guidance. Write sim"le letters 3less guidance4. Write sim"le directions and messages with little or no guidance. L (ten n% : Listen to and grou" words according to the same eginning sound.

2o$#1 /#1&e(: Awareness :iligence 9oo"eration A""reciate nature 5erseverance E-&'#t on#1 E",!#(e( : Active Listening 9reative )hin'ing S'ills 9ritical )hin'ing S'ills >nter"ersonal

,.... ,.1.+ ,..-.. ,.2.+ ,.2.. ,.C.+ 1.+.+ 1.1.+ 1.0.+

+.+.. +.1..

Knowledge Acquisition Learning Dow )o Learn S'ills Logical / Mathematical >ntelligence 5re"aration for the *eal World )hin'ing S'ills ?er al / Linguistic >ntelligence ?isual / S"atial >ntelligence



1.+.+ 3)3 *ead and understand "hrases% sentences% "aragra"hs and whole te#ts. 3)3 *ead aloud e#"ressively and fluently "ronouncing words correctly and o serving correct stress and intonation and sentence rhythm. 3)6 *ead and understand the meaning of words y guessing their meaning 1.... 1.1.. 1.0..


through the use of conte#tual clues. 3)6 Acquire a wide range of voca ulary. 3)4 *ead and understand sim"le factual te#ts for main ideas% su""orting details% sequence% and cause and effect relationshi".

+..., +.1.. +.A., ..A.+

Listen to and re"eat "oems% "aying attention to "ronunciation% stress and intonation correctly. Listen to and follow sim"le directions to "laces in the country. Listen to sim"le messages and tal' a out them. S,e#k n% : )o ta'e and give short messages to friends and family mem ers.

YR 6 / Pg 12 of


Le#$n n% O&t'o"e( : 3)7 *ead sim"le te#ts and "redict outcomes. 3)1 Write at word% "hrase% sentence and "aragra"h level in clear% legi le "rint and cursive writing. 3)* 9om"lete te#ts with the missing word% "hrase or sentence.

Re#- n% : *ead and grou" words according to medial sounds. *ead and understand sim"le "aragra"hs y answering com"rehension questions. *ead aloud "oems clearly and e#"ressively. Bnderstand the meaning of words y loo'ing at the te#t. Bnderstand sim"le idioms. W$ t n% : Write words% "hrases and sentences in clear% legi le cursive writing. Write "aragra"hs ased on words and "icture stimuli. Write sim"le letters 3less guidance4. Write sim"le directions and messages with little or no guidance.


,.+., ,.,., ,.1., ,.A.+ ,.-.C 1.+.+

3)3 9onstruct sim"le and com"ound sentences with guidance and inde"endently. 3)3 Write sim"le informal letters to friends% "arents% other family mem ers and "en;"als in a social conte#t. 3)+ (ive accurate information when writing messages% instructions% sim"le re"orts and when filling out forms.

1.,., 1.1.. 1.0..

Week : 17 to *5
Un t 4 Environmental >ssues T!e"e : World of Knowledge Le#$n n% O&t'o"e( : 1)1 Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds of the English Language. 1)6 Listen to and en$oy the rhyme% rhythm and sounds of "oetry% $a&& chants and songs. *)1 S"ea' clearly y "ronouncing words accurately and s"ea'ing with

+.+.+ +.-.+ ..+.+ ..,.+ ..-.+ ..0.+ ..2.+ ..C.+ ,.+.+

L (ten n% : Listen to and re"eat words that contain the sound: 3vii4 voiced and voiceless 6th7. Listen to and en$oy "oems. S,e#k n% : *e"eat words that contain the sound: 3vii4 voiced and voiceless 6th7. 8ame and identify things. *ecite sim"le "oems. 8ame the good and ad characters and tell why they are good and ad. State whether one li'es or does not li'e the story and give reasons. )o volunteer. Re#- n% : Loo' at letters and say aloud the sounds : 3vii4 voiced and voiceless 6th7.

G$#""#$ : A. 3a4 1. 9on$unctions A. 3 4 2. )o volunteer So&n- S.(te": ?oiced and voiceless 6th7 a. th / J / . th / K / /o'#0&1#$. : Domogra"hs 2o$#1 /#1&e(: A""reciation 9are for the

the correct stress and intonation. *)* As' questions "olitely to o tain information and clarification. *)3 (ive relevant information "olitely in res"onse to enquiries made : to identify% to refute% to ma'e com"arisons% to state.

,.... ,.,.+ ,.A.+ ,.-..

*ead ! learn the meaning of 'ey words for the to"ic taught. *ead and understand "hrases y matching "hrases to "ictures. Bnderstand the meaning of words y loo'ing at the conte#t. (ive words similar in meaning.

environment 9onsiderate 9oo"eration (rateful (ratitude Kind 5roud *es"ect Bnselfishness

YR 6 / Pg 13 of 20

Le#$n n% O&t'o"e( : *)6 )ell stories ased on "ictures and other stimuli% and recite "oems. *)+ )al' a out the "eo"le% "laces and moral values of the stories heard% read and viewed in sim"le language. *)4 E#"ress thoughts and feelings and give o"inions on things read% seen% heard and viewed in sim"le language. *)7 5erform a variety of functions in a social conte#t. 3)1 Acquire word recognition and word attac' s'ills to recognise words on sight. 3)* Acquire 'ey words at various stages of develo"ment. 3)3 *ead and understand "hrases% sentences% "aragra"hs and whole te#ts. 3)3 *ead aloud e#"ressively and fluently "ronouncing words correctly and o serving correct stress and intonation and sentence rhythm. 3)6 *ead and understand the meaning of words y guessing their meaning through the use of conte#tual clues. 3)6 Acquire a wide range of voca ulary.

Re#- n% : *ead and distinguish homogra"hs. *ead and understand different te#ts such as instructions% directions% notices% la els% messages% letters% "assages% recounts and descri"tions. Scan for s"ecific information in te#ts. *ead sim"le te#ts and ma'e inferences and draw o vious conclusions. W$ t n% : Write a sim"le guided letter to the class teacher e#"laining% for e#am"le% why one was a sent from school. Write sim"le guided descri"tions. 9om"ose "oems with guidance. L (ten n% : Listen to and grou" words according to the same eginning sound. Listen to and en$oy "oems. S,e#k n% : As' questions to see' information and clarification. )al' a out the events in the story. Re#- n% : Bnderstand the meaning of words y loo'ing at the conte#t. *ead and understand sim"le factual te#ts y answering com"rehension questions in relation to main ideas and details. *ead and tal' a out the actions of "eo"le and animals in a story read. *ead and tell% and write why a "erson or animal in a story is good or ad. W$ t n% : 9om"lete the te#ts with the missing word3s4 without any guidance. 9om"lete mind ma"s% diagrams with information from the te#t. 9onstruct sim"le and com"ound sentences ased on

E-&'#t on#1 E",!#(e( : >9) S'ills Learning Dow )o Learn S'ills Multi"le >ntelligences 5re"aration for the *eal World )hin'ing S'ills ?alues and 9iti&enshi"

,.-., ,.2.+ ,.2.. ,.+/.+

1.A.+ 1.-.+ 1.2.+

+.+.. +.-.+ ..... ..0., ,.A.+ ,.2., ,.C., ,.C.1

1.... 3)+ Bse the dictionary to get the a""ro"riate meaning of the word. 3)4 *ead and understand sim"le 1..., 1.,..

factual te#ts for main ideas% su""orting details% sequence% and cause and effect relationshi". 3)7 *ead sim"le te#ts and "redict outcomes. 3)15 *ead sim"le te#ts and ma'e inferences and draw o vious conclusions.

1.A.+ 1.2..

words and "hrases given and on a "icture stimulus. Write sim"le guided descri"tions. 9om"ose "oems with little guidance or no guidance. L (ten n% : Listen to and grou" words according to the middle and ending sound. Listen to and en$oy "oems.

+.+.. +.-.+

YR 6 / Pg 14 of


3)* 9om"lete te#ts with the missing word% "hrase or sentence. 3)3 9onstruct sim"le and com"ound sentences with guidance and inde"endently. 3)6 Write sim"le formal letters to the teacher and other "eo"le in authority for a "articular "ur"ose. 3)6 Write sim"le factual descri"tions of things% events% scenes and what one saw and did. 3)4 Write to e#"ress oneself creatively such as when com"osing sim"le "oems and stories% creating greeting cards% "osters% etc.

S,e#k n% : )al' a out the values e#"lored in the story. Re#- n% : *ead and understand sim"le "aragra"hs y answering com"rehension questions and com"leting info transfer diagrams. *ead aloud "oems clearly and e#"ressively. *ead and locate the required words in the dictionary. *ead and select the definition suited to the meaning of the word in conte#t. *elate the "eo"le and events in the story to one7s life. W$ t n% : Write sim"le guided descri"tions. 9om"ose "oems with little guidance or no guidance.


..0.1 ,.,., ,.1., ,.0.+ ,.0.. ,.C.1.A.+ 1.2..

Week : *1 to *3
Un t 7 E#changing Messages T!e"e : World of Knowledge Le#$n n% O&t'o"e( : *)1 S"ea' clearly y "ronouncing words accurately and s"ea'ing with the correct stress and intonation. *)* As' questions "olitely to o tain information and clarification. *)3 (ive relevant information "olitely in res"onse to enquiries made : to identify% to refute% to ma'e com"arisons% to state. 3)1 Acquire word recognition and word attac' s'ills to recognise words on sight. 3)* Acquire 'ey words at various stages of develo"ment. 3)3 *ead and understand "hrases% sentences% "aragra"hs and whole te#ts.


L (ten n% : Listen to and re"eat the "ronunciation of words correctly. S,e#k n% : As' 6Wh7 questions to see' information. 8ame and identify things. Re#- n% : *ead ! learn the meaning of 'ey words for the to"ic taught. *ead aloud "hrases and sentences% "ronouncing them correctly. Bnderstand the meaning of words y loo'ing at the conte#t. (ive words similar in meaning. *ead and understand different te#ts such as instructions% directions% notices% la els% messages% letters% "assages% recounts and descri"tions. Scan for s"ecific information in te#ts. W$ t n% : Write sim"le guided descri"tions. L (ten n% : Listen to and understand "hrases in descri"tions heard. S,e#k n% : As' questions to see' information and clarification.

G$#""#$ : A. 3a4 -. Ad$ectives Sim"le 5resent )ense 3i4 Eor ha itual actions A. 3 4 C. )o show a""reciation So&n- S.(te": 2. Stress 3ii4 , and 1 sylla le words /o'#0&1#$. : 5rover s 2o$#1 /#1&e(: A""reciation Social *elationshi"s

..+.. ..,.+ ,.... ,.1.+ ,.A.+ ,.-.. ,.2.+ ,.2.. 1.-.+

+.,., .....

.... YR 6 / Pg 15 of


Le#$n n% O&t'o"e( : 3)3 *ead aloud e#"ressively and fluently "ronouncing words correctly and o serving correct stress and intonation and sentence rhythm. 3)6 *ead and understand the meaning of words y guessing their meaning through the use of conte#tual clues. 3)6 Acquire a wide range of voca ulary. 3)+ Bse the dictionary to get the a""ro"riate meaning of the word. 3)4 *ead and understand sim"le factual te#ts for main ideas% su""orting details% sequence% and

Re#- n% : Bnderstand the meaning of words y loo'ing at the conte#t. *ead and understand sim"le factual te#ts y answering sim"le com"rehension questions in relation to main ideas and details. W$ t n% : 9om"lete the te#ts with the missing word3s4 without any guidance. Write sim"le descri"tions with little or no guidance.

E-&'#t on#1 E",!#(e( : 9ritical )hin'ing >9) S'ills Knowledge Acquisition Learning Dow )o Learn S'ills Multi"le >ntelligences 5re"aration for the *eal World )hin'ing S'ills

,.A.+ ,.2.,

1.... 1.-..

L (ten n% : ; ....1 S,e#k n% : *es"onding to such questions.

cause and effect relationshi"s. 3)* 9om"lete te#ts with the missing word% "hrase or sentence. 3)3 9onstruct sim"le and com"ound sentences with guidance and inde"endently. 3)6 Write sim"le factual descri"tions of things% events% scenes and what one saw and did. ,.+., ,.,., ,.A.+ ,.-.C ,.0.+ 1.,., 1.-..

Re#- n% : *ead and grou" words according to medial sounds. *ead and understand sim"le "aragra"hs y answering com"rehension questions and com"leting info transfer diagrams. Bnderstand the meaning of words y loo'ing at the conte#t. Bnderstand sim"le idioms. *ead and locate the required words in the dictionary. W$ t n% : Write "aragra"hs ased on words and "hrases on a "icture stimuli. Write sim"le descri"tions with little or no guidance.

Week : *3 to *6
Un t 15 *emar'a le Achievers T!e"e : World of Knowledge Le#$n n% O&t'o"e( : 1)* Listen to and re"eat accurately the correct "ronunciation of words and word stress in "hrases% e#"ressions and sentences. 1)3 Acquire voca ulary and understand the meaning of words ! "hrases in conte#t. ....+ ..,.+ ..0.+

L (ten n% : ; S,e#k n% : As' 6Wh7 questions to see' information. 8ame and identify things. 8ame the good and ad characters and tell why they are good or ad. Re#- n% : *ead and learn the meaning of 'ey words for the to"ic taught. *ead aloud "hrases and sentences% "ronouncing them correctly. (ive words similar in meaning. *ead and distinguish homo"hones. Scan for s"ecific information in te#ts. *ead and give details a out the "eo"le in the te#t.

G$#""#$ : A. 3a4 ++. )he Sim"le 5ast )ense ; >rregular ?er s +1.Guestions and res"onses ; Guestion tags So&n- S.(te": 2. Stress 3iii4 Stress in questions 3iv4 Stress in statements

,.... ,.1.+ ,.-.. ,.-.1 ,.2.. ,.C..

YR 6 / Pg 16 of 20

Le#$n n% O&t'o"e( : 1)6 F tain information from te#ts listened to in relation to main ideas% s"ecific details% sequence and cause; effect relationshi"s. *)1 S"ea' clearly y "ronouncing words accurately and s"ea'ing with the correct stress and intonation. *)* As' questions "olitely to o tain information and clarification. *)3 (ive relevant information "olitely in res"onse to enquiries made: to identify% to refute% to ma'e com"arisons% to state.

W$ t n% : Write clearly and legi ly in "rint for diagrams. Eorm sentences and questions y e#"anding on words given. Write sim"le guided descri"tions.

/o'#0&1#$. : Domo"hones 2o$#1 /#1&e(: Awareness @ravery 9aring 9ourage 9reativity :iligence Dardwor'ing Motivation 5atriotism 5erseverance E-&'#t on#1 E",!#(e( : Analysing

1...+ 1.,.+ 1.-.+

+.... +.A..

L (ten n% : Listen to and re"eat correctly "hrases and e#"ressions. Listen to sim"le descri"tions% recounts% news re"orts and factual te#ts and give the main ideas and su""orting details. S,e#k n% : Say aloud "hrases with the correct stress ! intonation. As' questions with the correct intonation. As' questions to see' information and clarification.

..+., ..+.1 .....

*)6 )ell stories ased on "ictures and other stimuli% and recite "oems. *)+ )al' a out the "eo"le% "laces and moral values of the stories heard% read and viewed in sim"le language. *)4 E#"ress thoughts and feelings and give o"inions on things read% seen% heard and viewed in sim"le language. 3)* Acquire 'ey words at various stages of develo"ment. 3)3 *ead and understand "hrases% sentences% "aragra"hs and whole te#ts. 3)3 *ead aloud e#"ressively and fluently "ronouncing words correctly and o serving correct stress and intonation and sentence rhythm. 3)6 Acquire a wide range of voca ulary. 3)4 *ead and understand sim"le factual te#ts for main ideas% su""orting details% sequence% and cause and effect relationshi"s. 3)7 *ead sim"le te#ts and "redict outcomes.

..,.A ..0.. ..0., ..2.. ,.1.. ,.2.,

Bnderstand ordinal num ers. )al' a out the "lace in a story. )al' a out the events in a story. *elate the story to one7s life. Re#- n% : *ead aloud sentences in te#ts o serving correct stress and intonation. *ead and understand sim"le factual te#ts y answering com"rehension questions in relation to main ideas and details. W$ t n% : 9om"lete the te#ts with the missing word3s4 without any guidance. 9om"lete mind ma"s% diagrams with information from the te#t. 9onstruct sim"le and com"ound sentences ased on words and "hrases given and on a "icture stimulus. L (ten n% : Listen to and understand ordinal num ers. Sco"e : first L thirty;first S,e#k n% : As' questions with question tags. )ell sim"le stories. *elate the story to one7s life. Re#- n% : *ecognise and read and learn ordinal num ers : +st L ,+st *ead and understand sim"le "aragra"hs y answering com"rehension questions and com"leting info transfer diagrams.

9ategorising 9oo"eration 9ritical )hin'ing S'ills >nformation L See'ing S'ills >nter"ersonal

1.... 1..., 1.,..

Knowledge Acquisition Logical E#"lanation Logical Mathematical >ntelligence 5re"aration for the *eal World 5ro lem Solving Scanning S'imming ?er al Linguistic >ntelligence


...., ..-...2.. ,...A ,.,.,

YR 6 / Pg 17 of 20

Le#$n n% O&t'o"e( : 3)* 9om"lete te#ts with the missing word% "hrase or sentence. 3)3 9onstruct sim"le and com"ound sentences with guidance and inde"endently. 3)6 Write sim"le factual descri"tions of things% events% scenes and what one saw and did.

Re#- n% : *ead and understand sim"le factual te#ts y answering com"rehension questions in relation to main ideas and details. W$ t n% : Write "aragra"hs ased on words and "hrases ased on a "icture stimuli.

E-&'#t on#1 E",!#(e( : ?isual / S"atial >ntelligence



Week : *6 to *4
Un t 11


L (ten n% : Listen to and re"eat words that contain the sound : 3iv4 silent letters

G$#""#$ : A. 3a4 ,. 5ronouns ,.1 >nterrogative

(rowing 5ains ..+.+ T!e"e : World of Knowledge Le#$n n% O&t'o"e( : 1)1 Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds of the English Language. 1)* Listen to and re"eat accurately the correct "ronunciation of words% and word stress in "hrases% e#"ressions and sentences. *)1 S"ea' clearly y "ronouncing words accurately and s"ea'ing with the correct stress and intonation. *)* As' questions "olitely to o tain information and clarification. *)+ )al' a out the "eo"le% "laces and moral values of the stories heard% read and viewed in sim"le language. 3)1 Acquire word recognition and word attac' s'ills to recognise words on sight. 3)* Acquire 'ey words at various stages of develo"ment. 3)3 *ead and understand "hrases% sentences% "aragra"hs and whole te#ts. ..+.. ....+ ..0.+

S,e#k n% : *e"eat word that contain the following sound : 3iv4 silent letters 5ronounce , and 1 sylla le words. As' 6Wh7 questions to see' information. 8ame the good and ad characters and tell why they are good or ad. Re#- n% : Loo' at letters and say aloud the sounds : 3iv4 silent letters *ead and learn the meaning of 'ey words for each to"ic taught. Scan for s"ecific information in te#ts. *ead sim"le te#ts and ma'e inferences and draw o vious conclusions. W$ t n% : Write clearly and legi ly in "rint. Bse ca"ital letters% comma% full sto"% a"ostro"he and e#clamation mar's when writing. L (ten n% : Listen to and re"eat correctly "hrases and e#"ressions. S,e#k n% : Say aloud "hrases with the correct stress ! intonation. As' questions with the correct intonation. As' questions to see' information and clarification. )al' a out the events in a story. Re#- n% : *ead aloud words with the silent letters 6 7 and 6g7. *ead aloud sentences in te#ts o serving correct stress and intonation.

5ronouns 2. Modals So&n- S.(te": 1. Silent letters 3a4 Silent 6 7 3 4 Silent 6g7 /o'#0&1#$. : Meta"hors 2o$#1 /#1&e(: Acce"t the way we are 9oncern :oing the right thing E-&'#t on#1 E",!#(e( : Analysis 9lassification

,.+.+ ,.... ,.2.. ,.+/.+

1.+.. 1.+/.+

+.... ..+., ..+.1 ..... ..0., ,.+.. ,.1..

9oo"erative >nference >ntensive *eading >nteraction >nter"ersonal >ntra"ersonal


YR 6 / Pg 18 of


Le#$n n% O&t'o"e( : 3)3 *ead aloud e#"ressively and fluently "ronouncing words correctly and o serving correct stress and intonation and sentence rhythm. 3)+ Bse the dictionary to get the a""ro"riate meaning of the word. 3)4 *ead and understand sim"le factual te#ts for main ideas% su""orting details% sequence% and cause and effect relationshi"s. 3)7 *ead sim"le te#ts and "redict

Re#- n% : *ead and understand sim"le factual te#ts y answering com"rehension questions in relation to main ideas and details. *ead and tal' a out the actions of "eo"le in the story. *ead sim"le te#ts and ma'e inferences and draw o vious conclusions. W$ t n% : Write clearly and legi ly in "rint. 9onstruct sim"le and com"ound sentences ased on words and "hrases given and on a "icture stimulus. Bse ca"ital letters% comma% full sto"% a"ostro"he and e#clamation mar's when writing.

E-&'#t on#1 E",!#(e( : Logical E#"lanation Musical Guestioning

,.2., ,.C., ,.+/.+

1.+.. 1.,.. 1.+/.+

*ationalise *eading Scanning

outcomes. 3)15 *ead sim"le te#ts and ma'e inferences and draw o vious conclusions. 3)1 Write at word% "hrase% sentence and "aragra"h level in clear% legi le "rint and cursive writing. 3)3 9onstruct sim"le and com"ound sentences with guidance and inde"endently. 3)15 5unctuate meaningfully.

Short Listing

+.+.. +...,

L (ten n% : Listen to and grou" words according to the same eginning sound. Listen to and re"eat "oems% "aying attention to "ronunciation% stress and intonation correctly. S,e#k n% : *es"onding to such questions. )al' a out the values tal'ed a out in the story. Re#- n% : *ead and grou" words according to eginning and final sounds. *ead and understand sim"le "aragra"hs y answering com"rehension questions and com"leting info transfer diagrams. *ead and locate the required words in the dictionary. *ead and select the definition suited to the meaning of the word in conte#t. *elate the "eo"le and events in the story to one7s life. *ead and tell what one has learned from the story. W$ t n% : Write clearly and legi ly in "rint. Bse ca"ital letters% comma% full sto"% a"ostro"he and e#clamation mar's when writing. L (ten n% : Listen to and re"eat words. S,e#k n% : 5ronounce , and 1 sylla le words correctly. *ecite sim"le "oems with e#"ressions. Re#- n% : *ead and learn the meaning of 'ey words for each to"ic taught. *ead and understand "hrases y matching "hrases to "ictures.

S'imming Bnderstanding ?er al / Linguistic >ntelligence 6Wh7 Guestions

....1 ..0.1 ,.+., ,.,., ,.0.+ ,.0.. ,.C.,.+/.+ 1.+.. 1.+/.+

Week : *7 to 35
Un t 1* A :ay )o *emem er T!e"e : World of Knowledge% World of Eriends ! Eamily% World of Stories

+.+.+ ..+.. ..-.+ ,.... ,.,.+

G$#""#$ : ; So&n- S.(te": ; /o'#0&1#$. : ; 2o$#1 /#1&e(: 9oo"eration :iligence Eriendshi" (ratitude

YR 6 / Pg 19 of 20

Le#$n n% O&t'o"e( : 1)1 Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds of the English Language. 1)* Listen to and re"eat accurately the correct "ronunciation of words% and word stress in "hrases% e#"ressions and sentences. 1)6 F tain information from te#ts listened to in relation to main ideas% s"ecific details% sequence and cause;

Re#- n% : *ead aloud "hrases and sentences% "ronouncing them correctly. *ead and distinguish homogra"hs. *ead and distinguish homo"hones. Scan for s"ecific information in te#ts. *ead and understand sim"le factual te#ts y answering com"rehension questions in relation to main ideas and details. W$ t n% : 9om"lete the te#ts with the missing words with guidance.

2o$#1 /#1&e(: Love for nature Loving 5u lic S"iritedness *es"ect E-&'#t on#1 E",!#(e( : Analytical S'ills 9reative

,.1.+ ,.-., ,.-.1 ,.2.. ,.2.,


effect relationshi"s. *)1 S"ea' clearly y "ronouncing words accurately and s"ea'ing with the correct stress and intonation. *)* As' questions "olitely to o tain information and clarification. *)6 )ell stories ased on "ictures and other stimuli% and recite "oems. 3)* Acquire 'ey words at various stages of develo"ment. 3)3 *ead and understand "hrases% sentences% "aragra"hs and whole te#ts. 3)3 *ead aloud e#"ressively and fluently "ronouncing words correctly and o serving correct stress and intonation and sentence rhythm. 3)6 Acquire a wide range of voca ulary. 3)4 *ead and understand sim"le factual te#ts for main ideas% su""orting details% sequence% and cause and effect relationshi"s. 3)* 9om"lete te#ts with the missing word% "hrase or sentence. 3)3 9onstruct sim"le and com"ound sentences with guidance and inde"endently.

1.2., 1.+/.+

9reate greeting cards. Bse ca"ital letters% comma% full sto"% a"ostro"he and e#clamation mar's when writing.

)hin'ing (athering >nformation (iving F"inions Knowledge Acquisition Learning Dow )o Learn S'ills Ma'ing Associations 5re"aration for the *eal World *elaying >nformation )hin'ing S'ills ?er al Linguistic >ntelligence ?isual / S"atial >ntelligence


L (ten n% : Listen to sim"le descri"tions% recounts% news re"orts and factual te#ts and give the main ideas and su""orting details. S,e#k n% : Say aloud "hrases with the correct stress ! intonation. As' questions to see' information and clarification. Re#- n% : 8

..+., .....

1.... 1.,.. 1.2.,

W$ t n% : 9om"lete the te#ts with the missing word3s4 without any guidance. 9onstruct sim"le and com"ound sentences ased on words and "hrases given and on a "icture stimulus. 9reate greeting cards. L (ten n% : Listen to and re"eat correctly "hrases and sentences. S,e#k n% : *es"onding to such questions. Re#- n% : *ead and understand sim"le "aragra"hs. *ead aloud "oems clearly and e#"ressively. Bnderstand sim"le similes.

+..., ....1 ,.,., ,.1., ,.-.C

YR 6 / Pg 20 of


3)+ (ive accurate information when writing messages% instructions% sim"le re"orts and when filling out forms. 3)4 Write to e#"ress oneself creatively such as when com"osing sim"le "oems and stories% creating greeting cards% "osters% etc.

W$ t n% : Write "aragra"hs ased on words and "hrases. Write sim"le directions with little or no guidance. 9om"ose stories with little guidance. 9reate greeting cards. Bse ca"ital letters% comma% full sto"% a"ostro"he and e#clamation mar's when writing.


1.,., 1.0.. 1.2.. 1.2., 1.+/.+

3)15 5unctuate meaningfully.

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