Supporting The European Parliament On Climate Change - The Role

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‘Supporting the European Parliament on climate change –

the role of the European Environment Agency’

Professor Jacqueline McGlade, EEA Executive Director

European Parliament, Brussels, 29 September 2009

The EEA provides sound To facilitate easy access to change already triggered challenges
information to EU policy‑makers greenhouse gas information, the EEA for Europe, such as:
on climate issues has developed Member‑State‑specific
country profiles as well as • increasing temperatures;
The European Environment Agency user‑friendly web-based data
is a decentralised Community Agency services. • changing precipitation: some
based in Copenhagen. Based on a Mediterranean regions receive
1990 Regulation, the Agency started In recent years, the Agency assessed 20 % less rain than a century ago;
to operate in 1994. the impacts of and the vulnerability
to climate change in Europe. Based • a rising sea level: the global sea
The EEA Strategy defines the main on a large set of indicators, EEA level has increased up to 3.1 mm
goal of the Agency as follows: to reports provided a clear view of the per year in the past 15 years;
provide European decision-makers necessary action, most recently
and citizens with access to timely with information on adaptation and • more intense and frequent
and relevant information. The the challenge of changing water extreme weather events: some
EEA aims at providing a sound resources in the Alps. 90 % of all natural disasters that
knowledge basis for environmental occurred in Europe since 1980 are
policies. directly or indirectly attributable to
Climate change has impacts weather and climate, representing
The EEA places climate change at in Europe; impacts and about 95 % of the economic
the centre of its activities, serving as vulnerabilities confirm the need losses caused by catastrophic
a data collector and information to act events;
provider to policy-makers and the
general public. • melting glaciers, ice sheets
Observations of climate change, its and Arctic sea ice: in September
In order for the European Community impacts and causes, are alarming. 2007 the minimum surface was
to comply with monitoring and The global average temperature only half the normal minimum
reporting obligations under the has increased almost 0.8 °C above measured in the 1950s;
international climate regime, the EEA pre‑industrial levels. Without
produces the annual Community reductions of greenhouse gas • additional pressures on
greenhouse gas inventory report, emissions in line with the EU 2 °C ecosystems: climate change
which is submitted by the European target, climate change will lead to is responsible for the observed
Commission on behalf of the significant risks. Our societies would northward and uphill shifts of
Community to the UN Framework struggle to cope with temperature many European plant species.
Convention on Climate Change. rises above this stabilisation target. By the late 21st century, 60 % of
mountain plant species may face
The EEA also produces the The vulnerability to climate change extinction.
forward‑looking annual Greenhouse varies, however, widely across
gas emission trends and regions and sectors in Europe. These impacts underline that
projections report, which forms the The main vulnerable areas in Europe adaptation to climate change must
basis for the Commission reporting to are mountainous regions, coastal start now, alongside continued action
the Council and European Parliament zones, river flood‑prone areas, the mitigating the effects of climate
on progress towards meeting the Mediterranean and the Arctic. Climate change.
Kyoto commitments.
The EU is on a pathway towards Between 1990 and 2007, the The EEA stands ready to assist
achieving its Kyoto target, but average annual per capita in the implementation of recent
further measures need to be emissions decreased from 11.8 to EU legislation and a post-2012
implemented 10.2 tonnes carbon‑dioxide equivalent climate regime
in the EU-27. This is still well above
the non-Annex 1 and world average
When data became available for per capita emissions of 4 and The European Union is almost half
the first of the EEA greenhouse gas 7 tonnes carbon‑dioxide equivalent way to its unilateral emission target
emission trends reports, achieving respectively. EU-27 per capita of 20 % greenhouse gas emissions
the Kyoto targets was still a distant emissions are lower than the average reductions for 2020 compared to 1990
prospect. In 2000, ten out of then 15 tonnes carbon‑dioxide equivalent — a target which the EU decided to
15 Member States were expected to per capita for industrialised countries. increase under certain conditions
achieve their Kyoto targets. to ‘30 % within the framework of an
Energy production and ambitious and comprehensive global
EU emissions are decreasing: consumption are by far the largest agreement in Copenhagen on climate
contributors to greenhouse gas change’. The EU intends to meet its
• Greenhouse gas emissions of the emissions in the EU, accounting 2020 target through implementing
EU-27 fell for the 4th consecutive for 79 % of total emissions in 2007. the Climate and Renewable Energy
year. Based on most recent EEA Transport is the strongest contributor Package formally adopted in 2009.
estimates released in August 2009, to the growth in greenhouse gas
greenhouse gas emissions in 2008 emissions. International cooperation is key to
stand approximately 10.7 % below any solution. Climate change calls
the 1990 level for the EU-27. Greenhouse gas emissions from for global regulation. Solutions will not
international aviation and maritime emerge unless governments take the
• In 2008, EU-15 Member States transport have grown steadily lead role.
(having a target under the since 1990, reaching 6 % of total
EU burden sharing) emitted EU emissions in 2007. Science is an essential basis for
6.2 % less compared to the decision-making on a global climate
base years defined by the The 2008 trends and projections regime. The IPCC’s 4th Assessment
Kyoto Protocol. report showed that the EU-15 Kyoto report was crucial in providing a solid
target (an 8 % reduction from scientific basis for decision-makers.
Currently, greenhouse gas base-year levels) will not be met
emissions in the EU-27 account by domestic emission reductions Reducing the risks of climate
for approximately 10.5 % of global only. EU-15 Member States will need change is urgent, possible and
greenhouse gas emissions covered to acquire additional emission rights affordable. A wide range of benefits
by the United Nations Framework from other countries, using the Kyoto will flow from a concerted effort
Convention on Climate Change flexible mechanisms. to alter our energy economy now,
(UNFCCC). The most important including sustainable energy job
greenhouse gas is CO2, accounting The 2009 EEA trends and growth, reductions in the health and
for 83 % of total EU-27 emissions in projections report will be released economic costs of climate change,
2007 (excluding land use, land-use in October. and the restoration of ecosystems and
change and forestry). revitalisation of ecosystem services.
After COP15, the EEA stands ready During the Copenhagen Climate In the lead up to, and throughout
to assist with the implementation Conference, MEPs are invited to the UNFCCC COP15, the EEA
of the monitoring and reporting work at EEA premises will be supporting discussions
aspects of a post-2012 agreement. and meetings on climate change
The Agency will continue its role as a The EEA will make available its own adaptation, oceans, greenhouse
provider of timely, targeted, relevant facilities for conference participants gas emission inventories and global
and reliable information, also when and relevant influencers. MEPs citizen participation in reducing carbon
it comes to the implementation travelling to Copenhagen during emissions.
of the Climate and Renewable UNFCCC COP15 are cordially
Energy Package adopted this year. invited to make use of the EEA’s
The EEA will continue to monitor and premises. The EEA can provide
assess progress towards achieving MEPs and their assistants with
EU greenhouse gas emission working space and information.
reduction targets.

For further information on EEA, visit

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