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Guidelines & Principles of Vatha Sleshmika Jwara (Influenza/Swine Flu)

Mr. M. Chandra Sekhar T. Siva Bharatha Murthy Dr. P. Deepa
Ayurvedic Advisor (M.Sc Biotech) Scientist-C
Madanapalle – 517325 Asst. Professor. Madanapalle
Chittor Dist. A.P, INDIA Sir Vishveswaraiah Institute of
Science & Technology, Madanapalle.

Disclaimer: This documented is published only for reference & general guidelines. The document is
written on the request of many of friends and family members. Most of the information published in
this document is taken purely on suggestions of Mr. Chandra Sekhar. Most of the medicines advised
here are time proven medicines in Ayurvedic medical system. The drugs prescribed should be taken
only with the guidelines of the experienced medical practitionar.

The authors are not responsible for errata in the document.

Any query or suggestions are forwarded to

A look at Vatha Sleshmika Jwara or Swine Flu or Influenza:

• Vatha Sleshmika Jwara is an acute respiratory track disease (infection in Nose, Pharynx,
Larynx and superficial epithelial bronchi mucosa).
• People who are suffering from constipation or mucus membrane problem or low immunity are
prone to this problem.
• The infection is mostly seen during the change of the seasons, especially between the rainy and
winter season.
• In weak body constitution (Deha-Prakritis) rainy season influence on Kapha.
• As Kapha elevated in rainy season the following conditions arise:
◦ Suppression in Agni – the principal digestion, absorption and assimilation, result in Agni
Mandhyam (weak digestion, lack of appetite for food) or Mandagni.
◦ The cardinal symptoms of Mandagni – slow and delayed digestion results in heaviness in
stomach and head. This results in respiratory problem, cough, excessive secretion or flow of
saliva, restlessness and prostration. The imbalance of Kapha gives rise to Vatha.
◦ The aggravated Kapha and Vatha change the body environment in favour of incubating
Influenza virus inside the body.

Vayu having important role over Pittha and Kapha. Thus disturbed and aggravated Vayu causes
imbalance of blood culture. Balanced Tri – Dosas, the normal function of Vatha, Pitha, and Kapha gives
high immunity against disease, producing unfavourable situation for incubation which result in sterility
for microorganism.

Hence a person with balanced morbids (Tri – Dosa) is less likely prone to infection.
Preventive Measures: (Tips for raising Immunity)

1. A glass of water mixed with 1 table spoon honey and 20 to 30 drops of fest lime juice on empty
stomach in the morning before evocation strengthens Agni (Not for Diabetic Patients) during
rainy season which is an easy way to strengthen Agni and balance Kapha.
2. Chyavanaprash Rasayana (fortified with Abrakbhasmam) in two full teaspoons with milk 10 to
15 minutes before food, two times a day if gastric problem persist, the medicine can be taken
immediately after food or can be adjusted according to body condition. If constipation is
present, Chyavanaprash along with Agastya Rasayana one tea spoon will grant immunity from
Respiratory Tract diseases. This would be a very good source of immunity for medical persons
and nurses in long term use for six months.
Note: For persons with weak digestion, Chyavanaprash and Agastya Rasayana should be taken
at low doses (like ½ teaspoons) and the dosage can be gradually increased.
3. Long Pepper (Pippali) half teaspoon in powder form, one and half table spoon honey, one pinch
black pepper powder and half a tea spoon ginger juice administered thrice daily have the
capacity to counteract the onset of disease. (at the beginning stage).
This measure can be used as a household tip which if added to tea in less quantity with 10
leaves of tulsi and one piece of clove, thrice a day.
Triphala Chrunam one spoon with lukewarm water during bed time daily gives extra immunity.
4. Avoid crowded areas, maintain a distance while talking to strangers, don't touch the bar handles
or the surfaces in the crowded places like marketing complex, cinema hall, restaurant etc.
5. Persons suffering from frequent attacks of cold, tonsillitis can take Iobine tablet (by J&J
Dechain, Hyderabad) with Maha Lakshmi Vilas Rasa (Naradia) (of Baidyanath) and 5ml ginger
juice three times a day will ease the condition.
Iobine Tablet with a glass of luke warm water mixed with 1 tea spoon Albosang will purify the
blood against frequent attacks of common cold.

If the onset of disease is confirmed as Vatha Sleshmika Jwara, any set of the following drugs should be

If the attack is high:

1. Tribhuvana kirthi Rasa – 75mg, Srigna Bhasma – 75mg, Praval Bhasmam – 75mg, Amritasava
or Amritarista 1 Tea Spoon and Sitophaladichurnam ¼ Tea spoon. with 5ml of Tulsi juice and
honey for four times a day.
If the attack is low:
2. Tribhuvana kirsthi Rasa – 75mg, Sringa Bhasmam – 75mg and goudanti Bhasmam – 75mg.
with juice of ginger and honey or juice of Tulsi and honey.
3. a) Tribhuvan kirthi Rasa – 75mg + Honey 3 times a day b) Chandramritarasa – 75 mg. + Honey
3 – 4 times a day.
4. Along with above mentioned set as per severity the disease, any one of the following medicine
can be suggested. i.e. Panchkolasava. 2 Tea spoon with water after food., Kchudradikwath,
Brihat panchmoddi kadha, pipladikwath, mahapipladikwath and suryasekhar Rasa, any from
these 2 tea spoon with water before food two times a day.
5. If Tribhuvan kirthi rasa Tab – 75mg with honey 3 times a day or Chandramrita tab. 3 times a
day or both two to three times if maintained approx. 1hr gap with allopathic medicine would be
fast acting against the disease.
6. Drugs from point 4 and 5 may be added to allopathic treatment can give good results.

The Vatha Sleshmika Jwara leads to so many complications such as Croxia (Running nose), Cough,
Dry hacking cough, Hyperpyrexia (High Fever), Dysponea (Difficulty in breathing) Annorexia (loss
of appetite), vomiting, Diarrhoea or Dysentery, Nasal and Throat bleeding.
Some drugs of choice to the above mention problems.
1. Croxia: Mahalakshmivilasa rasa 125mg, pravalpisthi 125mg, swetaparpati 25mg in 1gm of
sitophaldichurnam with honey can have good relief.
2. Cough: Koflyn 1 tab Three times a day (J&J Dechain, hyderabad)
Dry Hacking Cough: One pinch of blackpepper podwer with cow ghee lick two times aday.
If sore throat, use Vysodayadivati or lavangadivate 2 – 4 times a day
3. Hyperpyrexia: Brihatchintamani Ras and Krishnachaturmaukha rasa. 1 tab. Each in dose till the
temperature comes down.
Amritharishta after food – 2 tea spoon with water or maha sudarsan churna ½ tea spoon with
water just before food.
Note: Maha Sudarsan Churna results profuse sweating, hence the patient should take the
precaution for dehydration.
If fever among the children with cough and dysponia (lack of breath), Gopichandanadi gulika
1 tab 3 times a day with ginger juice. Among elders chukkumthippallyadyaadi gulika
(Nagarjuna Co. Kerala) may be added with allopathic drugs.
For influenza fever Jwarakurarasa or Anandabhairavi rasa can also be taken.
Note: If chills are seen during fever, administering 10 to 15gm Tulsi will ease the patient a lot.
4. Dysponea: Sitophaldichurnam with, Arjunarishta or Swaschintamani rasa can be advised.
Mayur chandrika Bhasmam can be advised for Dysponea along with hicops and vomit. If
phlem accumalation is more Tamrasindura can be advised for dialating phlem from lungs.
5. Anorexia: Should be treaded with simple tips and drugs.
6. Vomit: Chardisanghararasa 1Tab + Pravalpisthi 125mg should be administered with
Arogyavardhini tab or alone.
7. Diarahoea or Dysentery: Kuthaja Ghanavati, Diasyn (J & J Dechain) tab., Karpoora Rasa,
Gangadhara Churnum or Rasa, Ramban Rasa, Puyasvalli Rasa one of these drugs may be
administered according to condition in normal or mild karpoora rasa 1 to 2 tab or Diasyn 1 tab
four times a day.
8. Bleeding from nose or throat: 250mg of bolparpati or userasava – 2 tea spoon with water or
both according to the condition or Tab chinium Co (J & J Dechain) 3 times along with
prescribed drugs.
Some important tips:
• When fever strikes the patient should be given light diet such as Sagoo boiled in water or milk.
• Where as during fever the patient should not given milk for seven days and Ghee for at least
• Well digested light food should be provided.
• Patient should not take bath, may be maintained with wet sponging.
• Patient should not permit to sleep during daytime applying to the header body.
• Having sex, eating astringent substances, exposure to direct hot or cold wind & exercise should
be prevented.

Sannipathajawara: (Critical condition of Vatha Sleshmika Jwara):

1. If the infection is spreading to lungs it may convert in to pneumonia and pilsiri, Mallasindur
along with kalyan sundar rasa may be adviced.
2. If the infection is Sannipathajawara with pulse drop, cold sweat – Makaradwaja and kasturi or
Yakuthi (with gold, perl, kesar ambaryuktha) can be administered.
3. In the condition of urine and motion stop (due to high fever) – Mahamrythunjaya ras can be
4. In the case of brain hemorage or edima due to influenza infection – Kaharawapisthi is adviced.
Note: In the Critical case of brain edima or hemorage – Astadasakawath with brahmivati (with
gold, perl, kesar) is the life saving drug.
(According to BangaSen the Ashtadasaghwath is having capacity to counteract the most critical
condition of Sannipathajawara)

Old textments of Ayurvedha.

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