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You are on page 1of 2 User name is 996 and Password is also 996. Wh well!

de"ined responsi#ilit and accounta#ilit are re$uired "or the success and e""ecti%eness o" a pro&ect? KMwire: ' $uick pre%iew (he login page has the word #usiness wrongl spelt as buisness. (he space #etween User Id and the #o) that "ollows should #e reduced. Same with Password. *+or this ((L (alkies, "ormat ma #e re"erred. Forgot Password? link is not e""ecti%e. .%en without logging in/ i" Disclaimer link is clicked it opens to a new 0isclaimer page that displa s Login Time and pro%ides link "or Logout. 's i" it was not enough/ the 0isclaimer page displa s login time as Saturday, December
30, 1899 Login Time:

'"ter some time the login page displa s the message Your session has been e !ired" For Login again"""" (he message should ha%e #een Your session has e !ired" Please login again" (r clicking the 'lgorum link and ou will #e surprised to %iew a new site that is all a#out #$stem %. I think it,s outright outrageous. Please "orgi%e me "or m #lunt and merciless criticism. O" course/ these are not against people #ut against the a#sence o" responsi#ilit and accounta#ilit . 's things stand/ I seriousl dou#t whether an one will accept responsi#ilit and accounta#ilit "or all the a#o%e!mentioned goo"!ups. (he traged is that the 12wire site is e)pected to #e o""iciall launched tomorrow and no one has noticed the #ugs. It can onl #e imagined what might #e the other surprises stored in the inside pages. 0ue to insu""icient time/ I ha%e not checked the inside pages. 3owe%er/ right now I onl want to highlight the need "or responsi#ilit and accounta#ilit "or the site. I strongl #elie%e i" these are clearl esta#lished the will themsel%es take care o" all other issues. It can well #e asked wh I ha%e started acting &ust #e"ore the launch o" the site? 2 hum#le e)planation would #e it was onl$ $esterda$ e&ening when ou told me/ to m stunning surprise/ that I was the one who owned o%erall responsi#ilit "or the site. .arlier/ I thought to #e responsi#le onl "or uploading stories. 'nd since/ due to a prior

appointment/ I could reach o""ice toda onl in the e%ening that,s wh the dela in 12wire,s sample pre%iew. 'n wa it,s ne%er too late to start something worthwhile. 12wire Its responsi#ilit should #e initiall di%ided among three people. One should #e responsi#le "or design and %isual/ another "or content including stories and the third "or implementing changes into programming. 'gain the responsi#ilit should #e accompanied # a clear understanding o" deadline. (rue/ we all work under pressure #ut the #eaut o" our in%igorating st le o" work is that we are capa#le o" making possi#le what initiall seems to #e di""icult and daunting. Since news will #e the engine to dri%e the site a"ter its launch/ the person responsi#le "or the content should #e gi%en o%erall responsi#ilit and accounta#ilit "or the site. In "act/ he should #e made the pointman with whom the client should interact on the regular #asis. Once the necessar responsi#ilities ha%e #een assigned/ the "act should #e made known to the all concerned people so that there is no scope "or an am#iguit . 4esides/ a concept o" practical and achie%a#le deadline is something that needs to #e ac$uired "rom the "ield o" &ournalism. '"ter all/ 'lgorum as a whole and 12wire in particular are all a#out news and related issues.

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