Self-Acceptance Scale

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Self-Acceptance Scale

5= 4= 3= 2= 1= _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Not at all true of myself Slightly true of myself About halfway true of myself Mostly true of myself True of myself

I ! li"e it if I #oul! fi$! someo$e who woul! tell me how to sol%e my &erso$al &roblems. I !o$ t 'uestio$ my worth as a &erso$( e%e$ if I thi$" others !o. )he$ &eo&le say $i#e thi$gs about me( I fi$! it !iffi#ult to belie%e they really mea$ it. I thi$" maybe they are "i!!i$g me or *ust are$ t bei$g si$#ere If there is a$y #riti#ism or a$yo$e says a$ythi$g about me( I #a$ t ta"e it.

I !o$ t say mu#h at so#ial affairs be#ause I m afrai! that &eo&le will #riti#i+e me or laugh if I say the wro$g thi$g. ,. I reali+e that I m $ot li%i$g %ery effe#ti%ely( but I *ust !o$ t belie%e I %e got it i$ me to use my e$ergies i$ better ways. -. I loo" o$ most of the feeli$gs a$! im&ulses I ha%e towar!s &eo&le as bei$g 'uite $atural a$! a##e&table. .. Somethi$g i$si!e me *ust wo$ t let me be satisfie! wit a$y *ob I %e !o$e/ if it tur$s out well( I get a smug feeli$g this is be$eath me( this is$ t a fair test. 0. I feel !iffere$t from other &eo&le. I ! li"e to ha%e the feeli$g of se#urity that #omes from "$owi$g I m $ot too !iffere$t from e%eryo$e else. 11. I m afrai! for &eo&le that I li"e to fi$! out what I m really li"e( for fear they ! be !isa&&oi$te! i$ me. 11. I am fre'ue$tly bothere! by feeli$gs of i$feriority. 12. 2e#ause of others( I ha%e$ t bee$ able to a#hie%e as mu#h as I shoul! ha%e. 13. I am 'uite shy a$! self/#o$s#ious i$ so#ial situatio$s. 14. I$ or!er to get alo$g a$! be li"e!( I te$! to be what others e3&e#t me to be. 15. I seem to ha%e a real i$$er stre$gth i$ ha$!li$g thi$gs. I m o$ a &retty soli! fou$!atio$ a$! it ma"es me &retty sure of myself. 1,. I feel self/#o$s#ious whe$ I m with &eo&le who ha%e a su&erior &ositio$ to mi$e i$ busi$ess or i$ s#hool. 1-. I thi$" I m $euroti#. 1.. 4ery ofte$( I !o$ t try to be frie$!ly with &eo&le be#ause I thi$" they wo$ t li"e me. 10. I feel that I m a &erso$ of worth( o$ a$ e'ual &la$e with others.

_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____

21. I #a$ t a%oi! feeli$g guilty about the way I feel towar! #ertai$ &eo&le i$ my life. 21. I m $ot afrai! of meeti$g $ew &eo&le. I feel that I m a worthwhile &erso$ a$! there s $o reaso$ why they shoul! !isli"e me. 22. I sort of o$ly half belie%e i$ myself. 23. I m %ery se$siti%e. 5eo&le say thi$gs a$! I thi$" they re #riti#i+i$g or i$sulti$g me( a$! later whe$ I thi$" about it( they may $ot ha%e mea$t a$ythi$g li"e that at all. 24. I thi$" I ha%e #ertai$ abilities a$! other &eo&le say so too. I wo$!er if I m $ot gi%i$g them a$ im&orta$#e way beyo$! what they !eser%e. 25. I feel #o$fi!e$t that I #a$ !o somethi$g about the &roblems that may arise i$ the future. 2,. I guess I &ut o$ a show to im&ress &eo&le. I "$ow I m $ot the &erso$ I &rete$! to be. 2-. I !o$ t worry or #o$!em$ myself if other &eo&le &ass *u!gme$t agai$st me. 2.. I !o$ t feel %ery $ormal( but I wa$t to feel $ormal. 20. )he$ I m i$ a grou&( I usually !o$ t say mu#h for fear of sayi$g the wro$g thi$g. 31. I ha%e a te$!e$#y to si!este& my &roblems. 31. 6%e$ whe$ &eo&le !o thi$" well of me( I feel sort of guilty be#ause I "$ow I must be fooli$g them. 32. I feel that I m o$ the same le%el as others( a$! that hel&s to establish goo! relatio$s with them. 33. I feel that &eo&le are a&t to rea#t !iffere$tly to me tha$ they woul! $ormally rea#t to other &eo&le. 34. I li%e too mu#h by other &eo&le s sta$!ar!s. 35. )he$ I ha%e to a!!ress a grou&( I get self/#o$s#ious a$! ha%e !iffi#ultly sayi$g thi$gs well. 3,. If I !i!$ t always ha%e su#h har! lu#"( I ! a##om&lish mu#h more tha$ I ha%e.

Sour#e7 8rom 2erger( 6.M. 91051:. A##e&ta$#e of Self S#ale. ;e&ri$te! with &ermissio$.

S#ori$g the Self A##e&ta$#e S#ale7

A!! the s#ores for the 3, items( reverse scoring items 2,7,15,21,25,27 and 32. <igher s#ores i$!i#ate greater self/a##e&ta$#e. S#ores of 1/111 refle#t a $egati%e %iew of the self( while s#ores of 111/151 are a%erage. S#ores of 151/1.1 refle#t high self/ a##e&ta$#e. These i$!i%i!uals #o$si!er themsel%es to be worthy a$! #o$fi!e$t i$!i%i!uals.

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