Covenant of Primus Known Verses&Interpretation

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Covenant of Primus Known verses "...and a mighty warrior came down from the sky...

and a rainbow was on his head. ..and his feet were as pillars of fire...and the great dragon was cast out upon the Earth...and his followers were cast out with him."[2] "...and as it were a great mountain, raging with fire, arose from the sea."[2] "I am alpha and omega, the beginning and the end. I am that which is, which was, and is yet to come...and you will know my name is Megatron when I lay my vengea nce upon you!"[3] "...and the stone of their protection shall rise upward forever and ever, as the y who live and war as beasts confront their final cycle."[3] "...and there came a hero who said: 'Hurt not the Earth, nor the sea, nor the tr ees, nor the very fabric of time,' but the hero would not prevail, nor would he surrender."[3] "In the spark of an enemy, there will be salvation, and in the darkest hour, the re will be a light."[3] "And the sun and its brother shall storm over the new world to reveal the beast and destroy it."[4] The Sojourner's Passage: "Cursed curiosity compelled me to stay, to observe the enemy before the machine age. And now this demands my attention! My first respon sibility is to those I left behind, yet I sense what unfolds below eclipses even that which cast me away. In the name of my creator, I will re-enter the void. I will seek that light which has fallen from the forges of our history."[5] "Do not judge a warrior by stature or action until you truly understand that whi ch drives him."[6] "Great events find great Cybertronians. And other times, great events make great Cybertronians."[7] "Humility comes before greatness, and where humility has not paved the road, gre atness may not walk it."[8] In Exodus there is a 21 page excerpt from the Covenant inserted between Chapter 15 and 16. It is written by Alpha Trion and describes the early days of the war. It is also mentioned in the novel that the Covenant forbid more than one Prime at a time, that someone would take the name Megatronus, and a Prime would lead C ybertron in a time of civil war, whom Alpha Trion correctly presumed to be Optim us Prime. "When the 47 spheres align, a perpetual conflict will culminate upon a world for ged from chaos. And the weak shall perish in the shadow of a rising darkness."[9 ] Intepretation The first six quotes above were believed by Optimus Primal and Megatron to be pr ophecies relating to the climax of the Beast Wars. The "mighty warrior" is Tigerhawk. The "great dragon" is Megatron. The "great mountain" was the Nemesis. The quote about Megatron refers to how the Megatron of the Beast Wars was, at th e time, also carrying the spark of the original Megatron, and was thus "alpha an d omega". The "stone of their protection" was the mountain over the Ark, which Megatron pa rtially lifted away. The hero who "would not prevail, nor would he surrender" was Optimus Primal. The enemy whose spark brought salvation was Dinobot II, who in the end betrayed his leader. The "sun and its brother" are Sunstorm and Starscream. The following quotes were believed by Optimus Prime and a different Megatron to be a prophecy relating to the end of the Transformers' battle on Earth.

The "47 spheres" are a series of planets and stars which includes Earth and Cybe rtron. Their alignment creates gravitational distortions that awaken Unicron fro m his resting place. The "world forged from chaos" is Earth, which formed around the comatose body of Unicron after his defeat on Cybertron. At first, the line about "the weak" perishing seems to refer to Raf Esquivel, wh o is critically wounded by a Dark Energon-enhanced blast from Megatron. Later on , Megatron implies that it refers to Optimus Prime, and by extension, anyone who opposes him. The "rising darkness" refers to Unicron.

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