Saving of Planet Gaia

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New Scientist, 18 March 2006 By F.

David Peat



Now that the idea of a self-organising planet is mainstream we sho!ld ta"e serio!sl# what its proponents are telling !s a$o!t Earth%s f!t!re sa#s F& 'a(id Peat WHEN James L ve! c" a#d Ly## Mar$%!is &irst adva#ced the hy' thesis & a se!&(re$%!ati#$ '!a#et i# the 1)*0s, they came %#der severe attac". Bi ! $ists dis!i"ed the idea & Earth +ei#$ i# a#y se#se ,a!ive,. -t is mis!eadi#$ at +est, they said. !i&e is a+ %t Dar/i#ia# ev !%ti # ta"i#$ '!ace a$ai#st a dead, i# r$a#ic +ac"$r %#d. L ve! c" a#d Mar$%!is0s # ti # & a se!&( re$%!ati#$ '!a#et 1 christe#ed ,2aia, +y the # ve!ist Wi!!iam 2 !di#$ 1 seemed # #se#sica!. H / attit%des have cha#$ed. 3 day scie#tists acce't that !ivi#$ thi#$s have a si$#i&ica#t im'act # the c m' siti # & the atm s'here a#d the cea#s, a#d that they i# t%r# res' #d t th se cha#$es. 4e!&( r$a#isati # is # ! #$er a# a!ie# c #ce't, a#d /e are c m& rta+!e /ith the idea that r$a#ic !i&e a#d i# r$a#ic Earth m%t%a!!y s%stai# each ther thr %$h a vast /e+ & &eed+ac" ! 's. 3his shi&t i# ' '%!ar thi#"i#$ is immediate!y a''are#t i# L ve! c"0s #e/ + ". 2aia has +ee# e!evated &r m a hy' thesis t a the ry. -# this - am remi#ded & a# ther rev !%ti #ary idea &r m my /# &ie!d. $e#era! re!ativity. -# Ne/t #0s c!assica! / r!d, the !a/s & #at%re are '!ayed %t a$ai#st a +ac"dr ' & i#ert s'ace a#d !i#ear!y m vi#$ time. Ei#stei#, h /ever, sh /ed that the str%ct%re & s'ace(time 5read Earth6 is c%rved a#d t/isted +y the 'rese#ce & matter a#d e#er$y 5read !i&e6 a#d that i# t%r# the m ti # & matter a#d !i$ht is a&&ected +y the c%rvat%re & s'ace(time. Matter, e#er$y a#d s'ace(time are # / '!ayers ! c"ed i#t the same $ame. 2aia is +ec mi#$ as acce'ted as re!ativity. 7et it /as # t a #e/ idea eve# /he# L ve! c" cham'i #ed it. Ma#y #ative 8merica# $r %'s have ! #$ see# the / r!d i# this /ay, as evi#ced +y their 'rayer ,8!! my re!ati #s,, i# /hich the de&i#iti # & re!ati #s starts /ith mem+ers & the tri+e a#d the# e9te#ds t ther t/ (!e$$ed creat%res, the# t & %r(!e$$ed creat%res, the# t &ish, +irds, trees, r c"s, th%#der a#d ,+ei#$s, %#der the earth. 3he ec ! $ist 4te'ha# Hardi#$, /h is +ased at 4ch%macher : !!e$e i# Dev #, ;<, a#d has c !!a+ rated /ith L ve! c" # creati#$ c m'%ter m de!s & 2aia the ry, is very m%ch i# harm #y /ith these vie/s. His #e/ + " 8#imate Earth +e$i#s /ith a disc%ssi # & #e & his &irst research 'r =ects, a st%dy & the >eeves m%#t=ac deer i# a / d #ear ?9& rd, /hich i#v !ved a 'ai#sta"i#$ @%a#titative s%rvey & the area0s ve$etati #. -# the midst & this ,mi#d( #%m+i#$ #%m+er $atheri#$,, Hardi#$ / %!d re!a9 a#d &ee! himse!& mer$e /ith the e#vir #me#t, %#ti! he came t rea!ise that he /as !ear#i#$ m re i# this /ay, as a ,se#si#$ r$a#ism,, tha# thr %$h &act%a! a#a!ysis. His c #c!%si # is that a scie#ti&ic a''r ach t ec ! $y m%st +e tem'ered /ith a dee' revere#ce that a!! /s %r ' /ers & i#t%iti # t +ri#$ %s i#t c #tact /ith the #at%ra! / r!d. -t is a m ve t /ards /hat the ec (the ! $ia# 3h mas Berry ca!!s ,a c mm%#i # & s%+=ects rather tha# a c !!ecti # & +=ects,, a#d t /ards 2 ethe0s ,active ! "i#$, a#d ,dee'

@%esti #i#$,. Hardi#$0s + " is a series & meditati #s desi$#ed t e#c %ra$e a# i#t%itive a''r ach t %r %#dersta#di#$ & 2aia. H /ever, these e9c%rsi #s are %#!i"e!y t 'r d%ce a# i#sta#ta#e %s re!i$i %s a/a"e#i#$ i# the !i"es & >ichard Da/"i#s a#d ther #e (Dar/i#ia#s. L ve! c" a#d Hardi#$0s + "s c m'!eme#t each ther a#d t $ether 'r vide a# e9ce!!e#t acc %#t & the !i&e & 2aia a#d the crisis she &aces. >isi#$ car+ # di 9ide !eve!s are /armi#$ the '!a#et, threate#i#$ t raise sea !eve!s a#d disr%'t cea# circ%!ati #. 8# eve# $reater disaster, + th a%th rs ' i#t %t, c %!d +e the re!ease & &r Ae# metha#e hydrates, si#ce metha#e is a &ar m re ' /er&%! $ree#h %se $as. L ve! c" a!s dra/s atte#ti # t a# as yet %#@%a#ti&ied &act r. metha#e !ea"a$e &r m h mes a#d i#d%stry, a#d the threat & sa+ ta$e & #at%ra! $as 'i'e!i#es. What is t +e d #eB L ve! c" a#d Hardi#$ a$ree that red%ci#$ car+ # di 9ide emissi #s is "ey, th %$h they di&&er i# their a''r ach t h / this sh %!d ha''e#. Hardi#$ ma"es it 'ers #a!. red%ce heati#$ i# the h me, t%r# && !i$hts, /a!" r ta"e '%+!ic tra#s' rt, drive a !itt!e s! /er, ma"e &e/er air tri's, eat ! ca!!y 'r d%ced & d, recyc!e a#d re%se. F r L ve! c", thi#$s #eed t ha''e# # a $ra#der sca!e. We sim'!y d # t have the time t /ait & r chea' s !ar e#er$y, he says, a#d it is mad#ess t %se !a#d t $r / cr 's & r +i &%e!, si#ce 2aia #eeds its & rests i& it is t 'r s'er. Li"e/ise, he ca!!s /i#d ' /er , %tra$e %s!y e9'e#sive a#d %#re!ia+!e,. L ve! c"0s a#s/er 1 #%c!ear e#er$y 1 has $ t him i# h t /ater /ith his &e!! / e#vir #me#ta!ists, yet he is stic"i#$ /ith it. He ar$%es & r &issi # i# the sh rt term a#d &%si # i# the ! #$er. Fissi #, he says, is a sa&e e#er$y s %rce, a#d dis' si#$ & #%c!ear /aste is # t as di&&ic%!t as critics c!aim. Here - have s me reservati #s +eca%se his assessme#t is +ased # the e9'erie#ce & a &e/ hi$h!y deve! 'ed #ati #s /ith /e!!(r%# i#&rastr%ct%res. 3he sa&ety r ther/ise & #%c!ear ' /er resides # t s m%ch /ith the tech# ! $y as /ith the $ ver#me#ts, i#stit%ti #s a#d tech#icia#s that r%# it. 8#d /hat & #%c!ear 'r $rammes i# sma!! #ati #s /here there is a ta#$i+!e ris" & terr rism, r /here there are da#$er %s cr ss(+ rder te#si #sB L ve! c" is thi#"i#$ +i$ 1 this is &%!!( # Earth 4ystem E#$i#eeri#$ 1 a#d he d es#0t st ' at #%c!ear tech# ! $y. He seri %s!y e#tertai#s red%ci#$ s !ar radiati #, a#d there+y $! +a! /armi#$, %si#$ !ar$e s%#shades i# s'ace. 8#d /hi!e he ac"# /!ed$es that se@%esteri#$ &r Ae# car+ # di 9ide %#der$r %#d is im'ractica! 1 a year0s %t'%t / %!d ma"e a m %#tai# #e mi!e hi$h 1 he says it is tech#ica!!y ' ssi+!e t c #vert it i#t ma$#esi%m car+ #ate a#d %se it as a +%i!di#$ materia!. He a!s s%$$ests addi#$ s%!'h%r t aviati # &%e! t create s%!'h%ric acid dr '!ets i# the strat s'here, /hich / %!d re&!ect s%#!i$ht +ac" i#t s'ace a#d he!' red%ce $! +a! /armi#$. What0s m re, he e#visi #s hi$h(tech sai!i#$ shi's & r emissi #s( &ree trave!, a#d redesi$#ed c m'act cities /here 'e '!e c %!d /a!" t / r" a#d the sh 's. 8s he ' i#ts %t, *C 'er ce#t & e#er$y %sa$e $ es i#t tra#s' rt a#d +%i!di#$s. What0s c!ear is that $ d ideas a#d $ d i#te#ti #s # the 'art & a# e#!i$hte#ed &e/ /i!! # t +e s%&&icie#t. -# the a##%a! David Ha!! !ect%re at the La/ 4 ciety i# L #d # !ast year, /riter 2e r$e M #+i t dre/ atte#ti # t /hat he termed %r ,c !!ective de#ia!, i# the &ace & c!imate cha#$e. -t is easier t &!y acr ss the 8t!a#tic a#d e#= y a h t s%mmer h !iday tha# &ace /here /e are $ i#$ a#d cha#$e h / /e !ive. -# this !i$ht, 'erha's Hardi#$ a#d L ve! c" are + th ri$ht. /e #eed t cha#$e %r day(t (day +ehavi %r, a#d /e #eed t thi#" +i$. Perha's the #!y thi#$ that /i!! save %s is a ,+i+!e, setti#$ %t h / t !ive dece#t!y # Earth a#d /hy /e

sh %!d +e c #cer#ed a+ %t its desecrati #. 2aia the ry a#d a th %$ht & r ,a!! %r re!ati #s, / %!d +e a $ d '!ace t start. DDDDDDDD
F. David Peat is a# a%th r a#d the retica! 'hysicist. His !atest + P%+!ishi#$. 4ee ///.&david'eat.c m ", Path/ays & :ha#ce, is '%+!ished +y Pari

The Revenge of Gaia +y James L ve! c", 8!!e# La#e, E16.)), -4BN 0*1F)))1GG Animate Earth: Science, intuition and Gaia +y 4te'ha# Hardi#$, 2ree# B "s, E10.)C, -4BN 1)0F))8*C1

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