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Written by Chairman /pages/Worlds-1st-NWO-Resource-basedsitcom/253757188136460

INT. LIVING ROOM - EVENING LENA Chairman, tell us about the places youve travelled to. CHAIRMAN You dont want to hear about my travels. LENA Why not? CHAIRMAN Because I hate nearly everywhere I go and you want to travel, dont you? LENA Lots. CHAIRMAN Well, Ill just put you off travelling forever and apparently were supposed to encourage you children. JENNA So why do you keep moving from place to place? CHAIRMAN Because one to the great things about moving about every few days is you can leave the places you hate. BETH Which is everywhere for you. CHAIRMAN Not everywhere, I havent left here for ages. LENA Why do you hate most of the places you go? CHAIRMAN Two reasons, one, I can see what everyone else fails to notice. LENA Like what?


CHAIRMAN Like poverty, exploitation and soul destroying misery. JENNA Youve got swastika eyes, Nazi boy. BETH No he hasnt, hes got sweet puppy dog eyes, its what first made me take notice him. CHAIRMAN The first thing I noticed about you was your arse. What? Youre the one who had your back to me and was wearing painted on trousers, possibly. BETH Whats the other reason? CHAIRMAN Nothing is ever the way the guidebooks and websites portray them to be, Lonely Planet is written by a bunch of retards. Im sure theyre really just propaganda for the local tourist boards. BETH Expectation is the root cause of disappointment. CHAIRMAN I know, but you cant just turn up at every location with no idea of where to go or what to see and do or youll just end up watching pay per view pornography all day in the hotel. JENNA Chairman! CHAIRMAN What? If I paid for twenty-four hours pornography access, Im gonna use the full twenty-four hours. Only kidding, nowadays with portable technology and wifi you can watch smut on the go everywhere for free.


LENA You really do that? CHAIRMAN No... well, only in Dubai because they ban it and have free wifi in their malls. BETH Dont they block it? CHAIRMAN Yes, but they cant block Google image search or bittorrent. LENA Youre filthy Chairman. CHAIRMAN Its not my fault, the stupid laws in the UAE make me want do it. If I lived in Dubai, Id be a bigger slut than Jenna. BETH Tell us the place which most failed to live up to your expectations, back in the age when you still had expectations. CHAIRMAN Filthy, dirty, shithole Palawan LENA kicks CHAIRMAN. CHAIRMAN (CONTD) Ow, you little Nazi angel of pain. How can I tell you about a place I hate with a passion without swearing. LENA By being a normal person. BETH We dont ever want that. Come here angel Lena. Go ahead sweetheart, Ill keep a leash on this one. CHAIRMAN A leash? She needs a good old fashion beating. What do you want to know, angelface?


LENA Why did you hate that place so much and where is it? CHAIRMAN Palawan is a series of islands in the west of the Philippines that is know as the last frontier. LENA What does that mean? BETH It means the white man hasnt conquered it yet and its still been left to nature to display her beauty. LENA Cool, can we go there? CHAIRMAN Do you listen to anything I say? said its a backwards shithole. BETH Do you really want to go, angel? LENA Yeah, I love nature. BETH Okay Chairman, lower her expectations so she doesnt suffer the same disappointment you did. CHAIRMAN Im gonna lower her into a pit of fire like in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom if she doesnt stop kicking the shit out of me. LENA Can you rip out my heart and show it to me beating first? CHAIRMAN Who lets you watch these things? LENA My Mum, and she let me watch Apocalypto. I


BETH She spent the next three days talking like that little girl in the film, predicting the apocalypse. CHAIRMAN Thats coming soon, now that the Antichrist is here. LENA Am I the Antichrist? BETH No youre not, little angel Lena. LENA Whos the Antichrist? CHAIRMAN The Antichrist will be celebrated by nearly all, even before his birth, and will be born in a period of unusual heat culminating in a thunderstorm on the day he is born. Destined to sit upon the throne one day. WILL You mean Will and Kates baby? LENA Dont be stupid, hes great. Everyone loves him. CHAIRMAN See, the Kaisers not as retarded as he looks. That little reptile babys gonna bring hell to this Earth. LENA Baby George cant be evil, hes a baby. CHAIRMAN In the same way a Spartan is raised to be violent amongst a backdrop of violence, this reptilian entity will be surrounded by evil for life.


LENA Maybe he can resist it, like The Golden Child. CHAIRMAN The Golden Child wasnt raised by Satanists, this reptile will be. LENA Youre an idiot, Chairman stupid. CHAIRMAN And thats why he will succeed because you people find it impossible to comprehend, like those retards who still think the Kennedy brothers were killed by a lone gunman. Or that nine eleven was the work of cave dwelling fanatical Muslims. JENNA Who killed the Kennedys? CHAIRMAN JFK was killed by three French Corsican mafia hitmen paid in skag, with Lucien Sarti, a man famed for taking risks and using exploding bullets, firing the fatal shot that look out Kennedys skull, back and to the left. JENNA Who killed Bobby? He should have been the greatest US president ever, especially once he picked Martin Luther King as his vicepresident. CHAIRMAN It wasnt some Manchurian candidate with a handily placed anti-Zionist note conveniently stuffed in his pocket. Bobbys security guard, Thane Eugene Cesar, fired the fatal shot. JENNA How do you know?


CHAIRMAN Sirhan squared fired eight shots to empty his gun from in front of Kennedy and was pounched upon before he emptied his gun, with no opportunity to reload. Ten bullet holes were found at the scene and the fatal shot came from behind his right ear, at point blank range, where the armed Cesar was. The pathologist confirmed that was where the fatal shot came from. Eight bullets in his gun, ten bullets at the scene and inside the people shot. Just goes to show when you listen to the government, two and two always makes a five. BETH Enough conspiracy Chairman, you see conspiracy in everything. CHAIRMAN A conspiracy is just a group of people working towards the same goal, but you people seem to insist conspiracies simply dont exist, especially when it comes to governments. If they can declare war and make it look and sound decent, honourable and patriotic, what else are they capable of? Very little of significance happens in a society without some level of conspiracy. LENA Whats the craziest conspiracy theory youve ever heard? CHAIRMAN Nineteen non Afghan Muslims minus Zacharias Mossaoui, under the funding of Osama bin Bogeyman and the guidance of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, hijacked four passenger planes and flew them into targets leading to the collapse of three super strong skyscrapers in Manhattan.


WILL Hey, I lost friends in that terrorist strike, I wont sit here and listen to you insult their memory. CHAIRMAN And you honour their memory by closing your mind to the evidence and regurgitating the bullshit spewed out by the government and Fox News? WILL And what is the best way to honour them? CHAIRMAN What do homicide cops do? WILL Investigate murder. CHAIRMAN There you go. They speak for the dead, those who cant speak for themselves. WILL I am speaking out for them by shutting people like you up. CHAIRMAN You sound just like Bill OReilly on Fox News. What are you scared of? The truth? WILL Truth? What truth? You live in a fantasy world, you really think you know the truth? CHAIRMAN And you really think you have truly investigated and educated yourself on nine eleven? WILL Better than you, conspiracy freak. CHAIRMAN No, youve just been better indoctrinated than me.


WILL Fuck you, crazy boy.

Sorry, girls.

BETH Okay, this has gone far enough. Back to Palawan. CHAIRMAN No, this is an important lesson for the little ones. BETH Being aggressive and argumentative? CHAIRMAN Im perfectly calm, thanks in a large part to the MJ, its the Kaiser who is allowing emotion to decimate his ability to think. WILL How the fuck am I supposed to keep calm when hes talking such shit about people I love. CHAIRMAN And as is the case with most people, Im sure you love them much more now that theyre dead. WILL stands up. WILL Are you saying I dont care for them? CHAIRMAN Not in the slightest. JENNA Will, sit the fuck down, shut the fuck up for a minute, take another hit off the peace pipe and listen to what the Chairman has to say. Then respond with intelligence rather than emotion or your hands are going nowhere near my body for a long time. WILL But hes saying I only claim to love these people because they are dead. These were my friends.


JENNA No he didnt. Now listen whilst the Chairman makes his point. (to CHAIRMAN) And you better have a good point to make or Im letting him off his leash. BETH And Lena, too. CHAIRMAN All Im saying is human beings tend to have far more respect for the dead than the living. BETH Example. CHAIRMAN The war dead for one, no cares as much for those who survive. Or a better example still, Princess Diana. Mocked extensively when she was alive, most notably by the media, but anyone who criticised her after her death in a ritual sacrifice in Paris was condemned by the exact same media. WILL Yet another conspiracy theory. CHAIRMAN Yet another roadblock in your mind stopping you from chancing upon anything near the truth. BETH Chairm, your getting sidetracked way too much. CHAIRMAN This coming from a woman with schizophrenia. BETH One last so called conspiracy theory about Princess Diana and then back to the lesson for the little angels.


CHAIRMAN You know how they always speculate that her second child was born to a different father to her first? BETH The mystery of Harrys father? CHAIRMAN Theres no mystery, Harry is Charles and Dianas child. Will was fathered by a man called Pindar, who is also Charles father. JENNA Will and Charles have the same father? Youve been reading too much Freud. LENA Whos Pindar? CHAIRMAN At the time, probably Guy de Rothschild, the man who stole Dianas soul as she lay dying in a tunnel in front of an audience. BETH Enough for now Chairman or well be here all night. Whats the lesson regarding nine eleven? WILL This again? LENA Take your medicine Will and shut up. CHAIRMAN I love this little girl. Now what did I teach you about the difference between indoctrination and education? LENA One is when you are only told one side of things as just repeat it without investigation. The other is when you are given all sides of the argument and make up your own mind.


CHAIRMAN She actually remember what I say, can we keep her? BETH Maybe, well see. LENA You also taught me condemnation without evaluation is the height of ignorance, which is what Will does. CHAIRMAN Words of Einstein and Lena, how can you dispute that? Your a little genius angelface... BETH Chairman. CHAIRMAN Sorry, what was I talking about? Angelface keeps making me forget the rest of the world exists. BETH Indoctrination, education and nine eleven, and possibly Palawan. CHAIRMAN Right. Actually, heres a better lesson to learn. Lena and Lily, you two girls are gonna grow up to be very intelligent women one day, but not for a long time. Especially you angelface, Im not letting you grow up ever. LENA Then Ill end up like Michael Jackson. CHAIRMAN Do you know what Michael Jacksons last words were?


PLAY CLIP - FRANKIE BOYLE - THE LAST DAYS OF SODOM - MICHAEL JACKSONS CHILDRENS HOSPITAL CHAIRMAN (CONTD) And when you two are really intelligent, be prepared for a life of lesbianism as youre gonna scare the hell out of people, especially men. LENA So why arent you scared? CHAIRMAN Youre not that smart yet. LENA Not me. LENA runs to BETH and hugs her. LENA (CONTD) Are men scared of you? BETH Not really, but a lot of them get intimidated when I show a bit of intelligence. CHAIRMAN Were not talking about a bit of intelligence, were talking about your sheer genius on the few occasions you dont hide it from the world. BETH Oh, well yes then they get scared and seem to want to leave or talk about something else like TV. LENA Is Chairman scared of you? BETH Chairmans the only guy I can always be myself with. He doesnt get scared easily, except for in the presence of mad barking dogs, and certainly isnt scared of me. CHAIRMAN Thats a lie and you know it.


LENA Youre scared of her? Youre stupid. Shes not scary, except when she goes schizo. CHAIRMAN She scares the hell out of me more than anybody or anything else in this world. LENA Because shes schizo? CHAIRMAN She doesnt go schizo anymore, what do you think I spent the last decade doing? LENA Dealing drugs. CHAIRMAN Besides that, I found a cure or near enough anyway. BETH Chairmans my cure, I cant go schizo when hes near. CHAIRMAN Its not that simple. BETH Yes it is. LENA If she cant go schizo, why are you scared of her? CHAIRMAN Because she can hurt me more than anyone else in the world. LENA Is it because she read Fifty Shades of Grey? CHAIRMAN No. LENA Then how can she hurt you so much?


CHAIRMAN By leaving me. LENA She cant do that, besides Lily and Jenna can hurt you more, they know kung fu. CHAIRMAN And maybe if you learned kung fu as well you might learn some discipline and stop kicking me. LENA Never. Now tell me about the place you hate or Ill kick a hole in your head and use it as a bong. CHAIRMAN Palawan. LILY No, teach us why were gonna be so scary when we grow up. CHAIRMAN I thought you were hypnotised by your telescreen like everyone else nowadays. LENA She hears everything, now teach us to be scary. CHAIRMAN Okay, do you watch Futurama? LENA Yeah. CHAIRMAN Whats the motto of Mars University? LILY Knowledge brings fear. CHAIRMAN And do you want me to show you how scary knowledge can be? LENA Will it scare me more than The Exorcist?


CHAIRMAN What, did they bring in an exorcist to try and fix you because you think youre the Antichrist? I told you its the royal reptilian baby. LENA No, the film The Exorcist. CHAIRMAN Dont worry we wont be scaring you, Wills much easier. LENA Oh, thats okay then, hes tough. CHAIRMAN Youve seen The Exorcist? Arent you a bit too young and sweet to watch it? LENA Not allowed to watch it, my Mum said itll give me nightmares. Will doesnt get nightmares anymore since you fixed him, witchdoctor. JENNA Thats not the reason youre not allowed to watch it. Youll end up acting like the little girl for a few days like you did when you watched Apocalypto. These stairs arent well suited for keeping your balance when doing a backwards spider walk down them. LENA Chairman can put up with it all day. CHAIRMAN I can handle her acting like Reagan from The Exorcist all day. When she starts acting like Faye Reagan, then Im fucked. LENA runs over to kick CHAIRMAN and then stops. LENA Whos Faye Reagan?


WILL Hot redhead pornstar with freckles and puffy nipples. LENA Err, Will keeps talking about Jenna things, scare him Chairman. CHAIRMAN Okay. Kaiser Wilhelm, you believe nineteen fanatical Muslims staged a spectacular terrorist attack on the eleventh of September two thousand and one? WILL Yes. CHAIRMAN Why? WILL Because thats what happened. CHAIRMAN Were you part of that group? WILL No I wasnt. I may have German heritage but I wasnt part of the Hamburg cell. CHAIRMAN Mmm, I do love a good burger. Now Im starving, howm I supposed to concentrate when you keep talking about food? BETH Ill cook you a burger, puppy dog. Youre the only person I know who forgets hes hungry until someone reminds him. CHAIRMAN Thatll take too long and staring at Wills face for the next half an hour will make me lose my appetite. JENNA Ill cook it in ten minutes on the George Formby grill.


CHAIRMAN Dont you mean George Foreman? JENNA No, this ones much better. It plays the sound of a ekuele when its heating up. BETH Cook the entire pack of four quarter pounders, Chairman really needs to eat more. CHAIRMAN I cant eat that much or are you trying to make me so fat I cant leave the house? LENA You never leave the house. CHAIRMAN Its horrible and freezing out there, why would I leave this place? BETH Jen, cook four. JENNA Consider it done. JENNA leaves. BETH Ill eat whatevers left over. LILY You dont eat cooked meat. BETH I eat whatever Chairman eats now. CHAIRMAN And soon shell be smoking what Im smoking. BETH Wasnt that the electioneering slogan of the Tories a few years ago? Have you been smoking what weve been smoking? (MORE)

19. BETH (CONT'D) And if you two girls start smoking, youll get a scatterbrain like the Chairmans and never be able to concentrate on one thing,

CHAIRMAN Oh right, Palawan. LILY No, we want to learn to be scary first. LENA Yeah, we wanna scare Will like Gary Glitter music videos scare me. Whats the scariest thing youve ever seen on TV, Chairman? CHAIRMAN Ghostwatch. LENA Can I watch it with you? CHAIRMAN Sure. LENA Is it more scary than The Exorcist? CHAIRMAN Yeah, but it wont scare you nearly as much as it did me because youll know its as fake as wrestling. WILL The day I found out wrestling was fake was the end of my childhood. LENA Okay, lets scare Will more than Ghostwatch. He says hes not a kid anymore. He found you wrestling was fake when he was twenty-nine. CHAIRMAN Right you are. Lets examine the lie of the Kaiser. You think nineteen people hijacked those planes?


WILL Yes, there was supposed to be twenty but Zacharias Mossaoui got himself arrested beforehand. CHAIRMAN Okay then, name the people responsible. WILL Osama bin Laden for one. CHAIRMAN Osama was allegedly sitting in a cave in Afghanistan, he wasnt responsible. WILL How can you say that? Fair enough he didnt actually do the deed but he was responsible in the same way a mob boss is responsible for what his mafia hitmen do. Osama is responsible for what Al Qaeda does. CHAIRMAN If it actually existed. WILL You make less and less sense with every word you say. CHAIRMAN Al Qaeda doesnt does really exist. It was invented in a Manhattan courtroom prior to nine eleven when the US government tried to prosecute Osama, in his absence, for the ninety eight Nairobi and Dar Es Salaam bombings using the exact same laws they use to prosecute mafia dons for the actions of their subordinates. WILL If Al Qaeda doesnt exist, the why does Osama keep banging on about it in his videos? CHAIRMAN Theres no evidence Osama ever used the term Al Qaeda prior to nine eleven, the US gave him the name. (MORE)

21. CHAIRMAN (CONT'D) In fact he told the American people to look towards their own government after the attacks rather than claiming responsibilty.

WILL How can Al -Qaeda not exist? in the news all the time.


CHAIRMAN Al Qaeda doesnt exist. If it did I would have found them and joined. JENNA You tried to join Al Qaeda and you call me a radical Muslim? CHAIRMAN No, I usually call you a typical western slut. I mean, Im always attracted to madness, take Beth for example. LILY Shes not Al Qaeda. CHAIRMAN I know because she exists, thats one of the reasons I found her, but I couldnt find Al Qaeda. LENA Did you find Osama bin Bogeyman? CHAIRMAN Got there far too late, couldnt even find his grave. WILL Well he was buried at sea. CHAIRMAN Bull motherfucking shit, he died in about December two thousand and one, just after the war started and war is most certainly a form of terrorism. That makes the US military the biggest terrorist organisation in the world. WILL Hes been dead for over ten years? What about all those videos?


CHAIRMAN Lies, lies and more damn lies. Theyre all fakes created by people like me as reminders to keep you in a state of fear so you cede ever more power to the state. But I did manage to find Saddam. LENA Did you find him hiding in that hole? CHAIRMAN No, that was more propaganda. This time from the psyops division which travelled with the one hundred and first airborne division. They were responsible for every major propaganda stunt you saw on TV during the war. The US spent hundreds of millions of dollars on propaganda in that war. LENA Where did you find him? CHAIRMAN Belarus. LENA Wheres that? CHAIRMAN Former Soviet Union... Russia. It was the Husseins favourite holiday destination. The US paid ten billion dollars for Saddam and those on his BT friends and family list to leave Iraq in that convey that headed to Bagdad airport at the start of the war, in a Russian brokered deal with the Russians talking half the money. WILL So youre saying Saddams alive and well and Osama died shortly after nine eleven. CHAIRMAN As a man whos studied psychology, I wouldnt ever call Saddam a well man. (MORE)

23. CHAIRMAN (CONT'D) But yes, thats why all of Osamas satellite phone chatter that the US were eavesdropping on stopped before the end of two thousand and one.

WILL All total nonsense. CHAIRMAN Why, because it wasnt broadcast on Fox News? Lets face it, if the mainstream media had reported that, you retards would believe it. Right now, there is a an entire generation that never knew anything that didn't come out of this tube. This tube is the gospel, the ultimate revelation. This tube can make or break presidents, popes, prime ministers. This tube is the most awesome goddamn propaganda force in the whole godless world, and woe is us if it ever falls into the hands of the wrong people. And when giant corporations control the most awesome goddamn propaganda force in the whole godless world, look at what shit is peddled for truth. WILL And you still dont present any proof of what you say so why should I believe you? CHAIRMAN Hows that any different from your belief Osama was responsible? WILL He admitted to it. CHAIRMAN I told you the videos were as fake a chavs skin colour. But if thats enough evidence for you then, okay, I did it. I am responsible for nine eleven. That's the same level of evidence as you have on Osama. WILL Theres more than that.


CHAIRMAN Elaborate. WILL Well... CHAIRMAN The fact is prior to the Afghan war, the Bush junta demanded the Taliban hand over Osama and like most governments, the Taliban said only when you present the evidence he was involved. The Bush junta said they would in time release the evidence, but still to this day that evidence has not been unveiled. In fact, if you look at Osamas old FBI ten most wanted fugitives webpage, which was up for ten years, there is no mention of nine eleven. When asked why, the FBI said they had no hard evidence to link Osama to nine eleven. Go do the research for yourself, Im sure you wont. Find me one mention of nine eleven and Ill give you the revenue from an Afghan harvest... and Ill happily go down on you. JENNA Lily, hand me your phone for a minute. CHAIRMAN Its only true once its reported by the likes of Fox News, a so called news channel watched by more Americans than the rest of the TV news channels combined. And you wonder why modern America is the most retarded society ever created? But if I keep talking about Murdochs propaganda empire, Im gonna choke on my own bile. Back to something more fun like nine eleven. WILL You had fun on nine eleven?


CHAIRMAN Of course I had fun. I was working overtime with no access to the news. This was before everyone was glued to their own personal telescreens all day, which is one of the reasons we had to do it before everyone could film the second strike on their twatphones. And I always have fun when Im working overtime. BETH Believe it or not, Chairman used to work in an ordinary job once upon a time. I read it in Ripleys. WILL Thats just wrong to have fun on nine eleven. CHAIRMAN I wasnt dancing around and high fiving people like the five Israelis who filmed the attack and later admitted to being Mossad agents once they were deported back to Israel. What was I supposed to do? Sit traumatised and glued to a telescreen? Id rather have fun any day than be traumatised. WILL Ignorance is bliss. BETH Why arent more people happy then? CHAIRMAN Good point, both of you actually. By the end of this, Will will try his hardest to maintain his ignorance. LILY No he wont, you never finish talking about anything. CHAIRMAN Well you people keep distracting me by making good points. Now back to who was responsible for nine eleven.


LENA Osama bin Bogeyman. CHAIRMAN No, he was in a cave watching a drugs mule running around on a wheel powering his dialysis machine. Who were these hijackers? LENA Radical Muslims like Jenna. CHAIRMAN Name them. WILL Mohammed Atta was one. CHAIRMAN Good start, and the other eighteen? WILL I dont know their names. CHAIRMAN You dont know anything about them, thats a big part of the problem. Could you even pick them out of a lineup or do all Muslims look the same to you? WILL How am I supposed to pick them out of a line up, theyre all dead? CHAIRMAN Not true, at least seven of them were alive on September twelfth two thousand and one and not even in the country. Even the BBC reported this in late September of the same year. One of them actually went to the US embassy in his country to protest his innocence and at least one was dead prior to nine eleven. Yet the official party line has remained unchanged from the propaganda campaign we blitzed you with in the direct aftermath of the atrocity. Even the director of the CIA has admitted there is no certainty these nineteen were responsible.


LENA You worked on nine eleven as a proper? CHAIRMAN No angelface, I wasnt a propagandist back then. I told you I was working in a crappy office job back then trying to pay my way through uni. JENNA You know hes right, theres no mention of nine eleven on the FBI page. CHAIRMAN Thank you Jenna. JENNA Suppose that means your not gonna go down on me now? WILL So youre saying these nineteen hijackers had nothing to do with nine eleven. CHAIRMAN Well lets look at what little we do know about this group of religious desperados. Apparently they were hardcore Muslims, and I dont mean hardcore Muslim like the smutty videos Jen and you make. I mean fanatics. BETH Jens pretty fanatical in some of those films. CHAIRMAN You women deep down are worse than us men. Thats why we have to suppress you with religion. Otherwise youd walk around wearing next to nothing and taking cock from every direction, like most western women, take Jen as an example.


JENNA Should I aspire to be a drug addict and trafficker who cant ever finish a conversation? CHAIRMAN Oh, I like you. Okay, hardcore Muslims and why exactly did they commit this heinous crime? WILL Because they hate America. CHAIRMAN Plenty of people hate America, its become an international pastime. America is the most hated country on the planet. BETH And probably the most loved too. CHAIRMAN True, but that just goes to show how many retards there are in the world chasing the nonexistent American dream, given that America has a lower rate of social mobility than any other developed country. BETH Chairmans going to need help if were ever going to get close to finishing this before the next ice age. I do believe you were supposed to talk about your travel in Palawan. CHAIRMAN Dont get me fucking started on that. LENA You havent even started telling us about that yet. CHAIRMAN Oh, what do you people want from me? LENA Chips.


CHAIRMAN I will slice you up and cook you in oil if you dont stop going on about chips. BETH Ill cook you some later. Will, what is it so many people hate about America? WILL Our freedom. CHAIRMAN, BETH & JENNA laugh. JENNA Huh, so these terrorist attack your country and you respond by living in a permanent state of fear and surrender you liberties. I once heard a retard after the seven seven bombings saying we should give up our liberties for freedom. BETH Doublespeak is alive and well. CHAIRMAN You genuinely believe nine eleven was born out of hatred of US freedom? WILL Yes. CHAIRMAN Will if American freedom was their target, you have to give them ten out of ten because they succeeding in removing or restricting so many of your freedoms. Oh hang on, terrorists cant take away any of your freedoms, they can only terrorise you, hence the name. LENA They can also blow you up. CHAIRMAN Good point angelface. But the victims of terrorist attacks are rarely the real targets, they are just representatives of it. (MORE)

30. CHAIRMAN (CONT'D) The real target, apparently, is freedom and the terrorists cant take that away, they dont have the power and influence. Its those who govern who grant and remove our freedoms. So it would appear it is the US government who have a problem with you freedom.

WILL So what do all these people internationally hate about America if not our freedom? CHAIRMAN You retard Americans seem to think the whole of Western Europe is living under some form of English Socialism. Do you really think America is more free than, say, the Dutch? WILL You didnt answer my question. CHAIRMAN (to LENA) Will is scared of the word socialism, like nearly all Americas, because he doesnt know what it really means. LENA Thats stupid to be scared of a word, especially if you dont know what it means. BETH Fear breeds ignorance and ignorance breeds fear. LENA I know but howm I suppose to learn anything from Chairmans scatterbrain? CHAIRMAN American global hegemony. LENA What does that mean? WILL Yeah, what does that mean?


CHAIRMAN None of you know? Beth, explain so I dont feel completely alone in this world. BETH Hegemony is when you believe everyone else should work for your benefit. LENA Like slavery? BETH Exactly, my little genius girl. CHAIRMAN And youre my genius girl who never makes me feel alone. LENA Ill never leave you alone, Chairman stupid. LENA hugs CHAIRMAN. CHAIRMAN Argh, she's got too much power over me, and now I cant remember what we were talking about. BETH American global hegemony is when America tries to get all other countries to work for Americas benefit. LENA Like sweatshops in China? BETH Thats part of it, but the rabbit hole goes much deeper. They are most effective when they employ a three step approach. First, the economic hitmen bribe the leaders to get them onside or better still, give them huge loans they can never repay so they have to privatise state industries into the hands of American corporations. (MORE)

32. BETH (CONT'D) If the EHMs that fail, then the CIA sponsored jackals remove any leaders they dont like by means of assassination or organising popular uprisings. And if none of that works, they send in the military. Chairmans new holiday buddy, Saddam, is a prime example.

CHAIRMAN Hes not my holiday buddy, we were just fuck buddies for a while. But Beths right and the US military is everywhere. They are stationed in three quarters of the worlds countries. Yeah, every Iraq, those WILL but theyre not at war with country, only Afghanistan and and Obamas winding down wars.

CHAIRMAN First of all, the total number of troops in Iraq and Afghanistan combined peaked under Obama, even higher than during the so called surge under Bush. And secondly, the number of US soldiers doesnt tell the full story as the number of private contractors in these countries far exceed the number of troops, over ten to one. War, like so many other industries, is largely becoming privatised. And lastly... JENNA Lastly, like you ever finish talking about anything. CHAIRMAN The worlds a complex place. If you want simplicity, take some aspartame and sodium fluoride and watch the Murdoch Media like your average retarded American. BETH Lastly, Chairman.


CHAIRMAN Oh yeah, what was I talking about? Hang on... Oh yeah, lastly, how the fuck is Obama winding down war when hes engaging in covert military action in over fifty countries, especially in Africa, but theyre not gonna criticise a black man. WILL Nonsense. BETH The ACLU doesnt think so. WILL Really? CHAIRMAN What is the point of having the military and CIA in so many countries if you dont use them? The US has way too much economic and military influence in far too many overseas countries and that is the real reason so many people hate America. After nine eleven the whole world had sympathy for you and you managed to return to the status quo of widespread US hatred by sending your military into yet more countries. If you want the world to stop hating America, you dont need to do a single thing about your supposed freedom. Did the Patriot Act make people love America more? You just need to learn one simple thing: America stick to your own borders. If you dont have so much influence in foreign countries, the world wont hate you so much or your diminishing freedom. But when you insist upon spending more on your military than the rest of the world combined, engaging in coverts and overt military action in nearly every country in the world and trying to put US military bases in every country on the planet, of course, the world is gonna hate you. When has imperialism ever been popular? (MORE)

34. CHAIRMAN (CONT'D) I never seen people out on the streets demanding to be subject to imperialism. And then you have the factor of what often comes with the US military, the gut-wrenching misery of prostitution cities.

WILL First, the US hasnt been involved in wars in that many countries and second, whats the US got to do with so-called prostitution cities? JENNA He takes a week to answer one question, have you lost you mind asking two? CHAIRMAN Ill try and be quick on this. States the US has engaged in military action: Idaho... WILL Idaho? CHAIRMAN Yes, against the native Americans and suppressing a silver miners strike in the days before Posse Comitatus. BETH Dont interrupt or this is going to take years.


CHAIRMAN Argentina, Chile, Haiti, Hawaii, Illinois, Nicaragua, China, Korea, Panama, The Philippines, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Guam, Minnesota, Samoa, Oklahoma, Honduras, The Dominican Republic, Mexico, Colorado, Germany, Russia, Yugoslavia, Guatemala, West Virginia, Turkey, El Salvador, DC, Iran, Uruguay, Greece, Egypt, Lebanon, Iraq, Laos, Indonesia, Cambodia, Oman, South Dakota, Angola, Libya, Grenada, Bolivia, The Virgin Islands, Liberia, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, California, Somalia, Bosnia, Zaire, Albania, Sudan, Afghanistan and many of these countries more than once. And dont think thats the full list. And then, of course, theres the hooker legacy, the unknown and unspoken legacy of deploying the US military worldwide. BETH What unspoken legacy? CHAIRMAN Hooker cities like Pattaya in Thailand and Angeles City in the Philips Islands, I know Ive seen them myself. Their economies are largely based upon sex tourism, all a direct result of the US military and their insatiable love of pussy, be they foreign or domestic. Pattaya was once a R and R location for the troops engaging in the utter madness of the Vietnam war and nowadays prostitutes are easier to find than a seven eleven. Today, the military may have gone but the hooker trade is as rife as ever. They actually have an area called walking street, which they claim to be the eight wonder of the world and it is littered with so many go-go bars. LENA Whats a go-go bar?


CHAIRMAN A bar with lots of half or completely naked women who available to rent as prostitutes. BETH If its about sex, Will knows everything. Probably as result of being brought up by The Children of God nutcases. WILL Not my fault, I never asked to lose my virginity as the age of seven. Im lucky not to end up ODing in front of Johnny Depps nightclub live River Phoenix. CHAIRMAN Could be worse, you could end up like Joaquin Phoenix. Children of God, does that mean youre a Christian? WILL Yes, but not that sick ideology anymore, thank God. CHAIRMAN Which one? We can have some fun with this as well. BETH Angeles City, Chairman. CHAIRMAN Oh yeah, Angeles city is now known as the supermarket of sex and is served by Clark International Airport, a little north of Manila. WILL What does that have to do with the US military? CHAIRMAN Clark International Airport, before it became a passenger airport, was for many years Clark US Airforce base. All these American military personnel stationed in a country saturated with extreme poverty. (MORE)

37. CHAIRMAN (CONT'D) US men are always hyperhorny and the poor are always exploited in their desperation. Once again, the US military has gone, but walking street remains and is rife with prostitution and all the rest that goes with these areas. Drug dealers, beggars, scammers and thieves. And even if you cant turn an entire city into relying on sex tourism as the backbone of their economy, you still try to do it on a smaller scale.

BETH One last example of American love of promiscuity and then back to trying to scare Will because he can talk about sex all night long. CHAIRMAN The cumstain on the face of humanity that is Bangkok. One of the whoring alleys there is called Soi Cowboy, named after the American T.G. Edwards who always wore a cowboy hat and opened the first go-go bar there called Gold Label, and yes, he was in the US military as an airman. Plus there used to be another one there called Clinton Avenue with bars names Monicas bar and blowjob bar. LILY Isnt this all illegal? CHAIRMAN Talking freely? Yes, soon it will be illegal with all these CCTV cameras and the governments desire to put microphones in lampposts, as thats where Al Qaeda do their planning, out on the streets. LILY No, prostitution. CHAIRMAN In poor countries, and even more so where they have great economic inequality and a booming tourist industry, the cops are as corrupt as the politicians. (MORE)

38. CHAIRMAN (CONT'D) The cops are just in it for the money. A lot of times they are in cahoots with drug dealers or hookers who claim to be underage, then the fuzz scare you with very harsh prison sentences. Unless, of course, you cough up a healthy bribe. The hooker establishments have to pay off the police once a month. For a little a forty quid a month, you too can pay off the police run your own brothel thinly masked as a massage parlour in Thailand. I even saw a cop inside a soapy massage parlour in Patong on Phuket, which had the biggest and brightest neon sign on the main commercial street, bigger than the nearby Hard Rock Cafe sign. And thats another thing you always find, these hooker areas are always full of American franchises like McDonalds.

JENNA Even sex tourists need food, speaking of which, I better check on the burgers. LENA Whats a soapy massage? CHAIRMAN A soapy massage is a place where there are lots of girls numbered like cattle on a stage. You pick one and then... BETH Okay, enough smut Americano, I thought there was a lesson about nine eleven, truth and fear. CHAIRMAN There is but Im starving now, thinking about all those soapy massages I used to get when I was investigating capitalism. WILL You became a sex tourist to understand capitalism?


CHAIRMAN Of course, what did you think I did, read a book or went to uni? Prostitution is possibly the purest form of capitalism, and you cant just learn about it from publications that demonise it. Its the same as the travel guidebooks that praise everywhere on the planet, the reality is far from what you usually read. JENNA Burgers are ready. BETH Chairman, eat, toke and then get back to teaching us something. You little angels, get peeling spuds if you want chips. And no peeling five kilos like last time, the cooker only holds one and a half kilos. LENA Peelings hard work. Id rather work in a prostitute city and pay someone else to do it. CHAIRMAN If you work as a prostitute, youll have a forty stone American lying on top of you, WILL Ill do it. LENA Youre not forty stone. WILL Peel the spuds, you little troublemaker. LENA & LILY Thanks Will. LILY Can you cut them as well? WILL Of course, darling.


CHAIRMAN Cant you do anything yourself? You two are nearly as lazy as me. LILY Not allowed to use a knife. CHAIRMAN Why not? JENNA Ill do it. Shut up Chairman. LENA & LILY Thanks Jenna CHAIRMAN Why do I get told to shut up for asking questions and you two cant stop asking questions? Especially you, angelface. BETH Shut up puppy dog and eat. INT. LIVING ROOM - LATER CHAIRMAN Right Im back, where were we before I get hungry again? BETH Will not being part of the hamburger cell. CHAIRMAN I remember, nineteen hijackers working almost alone, of which you can only identify Mohammed Atta. WILL And Osama, even if he died in December two thousand and one, he still funded it and you mentioned Khalid Sheikh Mohammed who masterminded the plot. CHAIRMAN Osama did not fund it, as the FBI said, there is no hard evidence connecting Osama to nine eleven.


BETH So who did fund it? You need money for something that elaborate. CHAIRMAN The head of the Pakistani ISI, their equivalent of the CIA or MI6, General Ahmed ordered a man called Omar Sheikh to wire Mohammed Atta to wire Mohammed Atta one hundred thousand dollars prior to the attacks. LENA Really? CHAIRMAN Yep, and according to Benazir Bhutto he was also the man who assassinated Osama in December two thousand and one. And it gets more suspicious, do you know where General Ahmed was as the attacks were unfolding and the twin towers were erupting in fire? LENA Selling drugs with you? CHAIRMAN No angelface, he was having breakfast at The Whitehouse. WILL Thats impossible. CHAIRMAN See, Will starting to get scared, anger is a classic symptom of fear. Go do the research for yourself, Im sure you wont. WILL Im not scared, but if he funded the plot, surely he would be investigated. CHAIRMAN If there was a real investigation, yes. But the joke of an investigation called the nine eleven commission deemed the money trail to be of little interest and didnt follow it up.


WILL Thats insane. CHAIRMAN Everything about this is insane, thats why only the insane can understand it. LENA Like you, Chairman crazy. CHAIRMAN Exactly. Okay, so Osamas eliminated, in more ways than one. Who else? WILL Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was the mastermind behind it. JENNA Do you think well ever see him on celebrity mastermind with nine eleven as his specialist subject? CHAIRMAN I strongly doubt it. Hes not in fit shape to answer any questions. Hell admit to anything after what the US did to him. WILL They did get him to confess. CHAIRMAN Only after they kidnapped and tortured him for five years. He was waterboarded in excess of one hundred times in a one month period. LENA Whats waterboarding? CHAIRMAN Its kind of like a waterslide. LENA Can I go waterboarding? CHAIRMAN One day, if you keep fucking kicking me, Ill waterboard you angelface.


LENA kicks CHAIRMAN. LENA Can we go waterboarding now? BETH Waterboarding is a form of torture where the victim thinks theyre drowning. LENA kicks CHAIRMAN. CHAIRMAN What are you kicking me for? Will and his American compatriots are the ones doing the waterboarding, in violation of international law. BETH International laws never apply to the US government. LENA (to WILL) Will you teach me how to waterboard? WILL Only if you promise to only use it on the Chairman. CHAIRMAN Waterboarding is probably part of the school curriculum nowadays since they dont seem to be learning anything else. BETH That and how to perform a high school massacre. LENA Whats a high school massacre? CHAIRMAN Its kind of like High School Musical but with more entertainment value. Why is it so hard to talk about America without mentioning violence? LENA High School Musicals not violent.


WILL No, but one of the stars did show up naked on the internet. I mean, so you admit Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was involved? CHAIRMAN KSM admitted to every crime under the sun, the so called A to Z confession, even for terrorist acts committed after he was kidnapped. WILL You mean arrested and imprisoned? BETH Prisoners have rights, those deemed terrorists dont. And in America, according to the law, a terrorist is simply anyone the president labels a terrorist. Since KSMs confession was obtained through five years of torture, its not admissible in any US civil court of law. That's why none of the Guantanamo detainees can ever be tried in a civil court. Another broken promise from Obama, man of peace. JENNA Dont you think its interesting that prior to nine eleven most people had never heard of Al Qaeda, but now nearly every terrorist act on the planet is ascribed to Al Qaeda? You here about Al Qaeda Yemen, Al Qaeda Somalia, etc. as if its a franchise. CHAIRMAN Thats the work of us propagandists again. JENNA Dont you people ever stop? CHAIRMAN Not when history proves how easy it is. JENNA Which history?


CHAIRMAN The Terror Network. LILY Is that like The Social Network? CHAIRMAN Any excuse to go on about Facebook. JENNA Any excuse to go about conspiracy theories, you were supposed to be telling us about Palawan. But since thats not gonna happen now, what The Terror Network? CHAIRMAN The Terror Network is a book published in nineteen eighty one which claimed that all terrorism worldwide, whether the IRA, ETA, FARC, etc. was coordinated from Moscow in the days of the Cold War and the Soviet Union. BETH You say that with such nostalgia for communism. CHAIRMAN Im not the only one. Life is harder for most people in the former Soviet states nowadays, economically at least. WILL So was Moscow directing worldwide terrorism? CHAIRMAN Of course not, but the then director of the CIA, William Casey, believed the book to be true and ordered his subordinates to prepare a briefing on the issue for the president. WILL And thats where you propagandists come in?


CHAIRMAN Far from it, his subordinates informed him the entire book was based on CIA black propaganda. WILL Is there any other kind? BETH I work in the field of health promotion propaganda. WILL Sorry Beth. So what did William Casey do? CHAIRMAN He got an obscure college professor, with no expertise on the issue, to prepare a briefing. Even after his own people at the CIA proved to him with evidence that they created the propaganda that the book was based on. Casey proceeded because he believed it to be true. Thats what you get for trusting the word of a woman. Belief is nearly always more powerful than evidence. BETH Belief doesnt require any evidence. CHAIRMAN Correct and based upon that misguided belief, Casey persuaded Reagan to conduct a covert war against the phantom enemy. JENNA Just like the war against Al Qaeda. CHAIRMAN Smart, sexy and slutty, what a dangerous state of mind and body. You could get a job honeytrapping men for the an intelligence agency. JENNA Which intelligence agency? Im not working for Mossad honeytrapping good men like Vanunu.


CHAIRMAN It doesnt matter which agency, at the highest levels they are all interconnected. One of the reasons General Ahmed remain untouchable. BETH Nine eleven plotters, Chairman. CHAIRMAN Oh yeah, so OBL and KSM and the Old Dirty Bastard are ruled out. Whos left? WILL Mohammed Atta, he was even caught on CCTV at the airport going through security before he boarded the plane. CHAIRMAN Ah, back to the nineteen who committed the atrocity. LILY Eleven, you said seven were still alive and one was already dead. CHAIRMAN Clever little Angel. And of those, the only one you can name is Mohammed Atta who was caught on CCTV. But not from Boston Airport where the plane he allegedly hijacked originated from. WILL Ive seen the footage on TV, he was there. LENA Ive seen footage of Godzilla running around Manhattan and wrecking up the place, doesnt mean its true. CHAIRMAN Youre so much smarter than him. LENA Lilys smarter.


CHAIRMAN Dont hide away from you genius in the way that Beths been doing for far too long. Pretending to be someone youre not is one of the root causes of mental illness. WILL And pretending youre a genius who knows everything is probably the reason youre so crazy. BETH Chairman doesnt think hes a genius anymore, hes reached the second stage of wisdom. LENA Whats the second stage of wisdom? BETH Step one, angel Lena, is not about being aware of what you do know, its about being aware of what you dont know, a place he reached when he first met me. LENA And the second stage? BETH Knowing you know nothing. LENA Does that make George W. Bush wise? BETH No, he knows nothing, but doesnt realise that he knows nothing so cant be wise, and if you keep asking Chairman questions hell confuse you so much you wont know whats true and whats false. LILY Nothing is true and everything is permitted because Im an assassins creed. BETH Not yet Jedi.


WILL So where was this Mohammed Atta footage from? CHAIRMAN Portland Airport, where he took a connecting flight from to Boston earlier in the morning of September eleventh. WILL So you admit he was on the plane? CHAIRMAN I admit there is footage of him going through security at Portland but things in Portland just dont add up. WILL Nothing ever adds up with you. CHAIRMAN These people were supposed to be at the cutting edge of hardcore fundamentalist Islam engaging in a holy jihad against the far enemy i.e. America. So they must have lived their lives according to a very strict interpretation of the Koran in the hope of reaching paradise to be rewarded with seventy-two virgins who hopefully didnt look like Susan Boyle. WILL True. CHAIRMAN So Jenna, you're a Muslim, of sorts, would these people spend the night before the most important day of their existence in a titty bar? JENNA I strongly doubt it.


CHAIRMAN Thats exactly what they did. Drinking alcoholic beverages and getting lapdances from American clear heel sluts and then refusing to pay the bill at the end of the night, attracting all kinds of attention. Does that really sound like the behaviour of fanatical Muslims who are on the verge of completing their highly covert plan for jihad? JENNA Not in the slightest. CHAIRMAN It was all propaganda, like the number of Korans these people possessed. They left one in the titty bar, one at the hotel, one in the car, one in their luggage. Are we supposed to believe all Muslims carry a stack of Korans with them at all times and leave them behind everywhere they go, like the US military leave behind a lively prostitution industry everywhere they go? Which may be difficult now that they are militarising space. BETH Maybe they were the Muslim equivalent of the Gideons. CHAIRMAN And maybe they were all patsies like Oswald and Sirhan squared. WILL Youre saying none of the nineteen were on those planes? CHAIRMAN According to the passenger manifests, they werent. WILL That cant be true.


BETH It cant be true because it invalidates your belief structure, evidence really gets in the way of beliefs. CHAIRMAN Look at the flight manifests of the four planes, not only are none of the nineteen on the lists, there are no Muslim or Arab names, not even one. The list of the sixtysix bodies recovered from flight seventy-seven complied by the coroner doesnt include any of their names either. Go do the research for yourself, Im sure you wont because that involves using the internet for something other than Facebook, YouTube or porn, the cornerstones of modern American society. LENA And eating until they have to cut you out of your house. BETH And thats why you little angels eat well, right? LENA & LILY Right. CHAIRMAN Chips everyday is not eating well. LENA & LILY Shut up Chairman. WILL So who hijacked the planes if not Muslims who learned to fly in American flight schools. Its been proved they learned to fly. CHAIRMAN Its been proved they went to flight schools but they couldnt fly. (MORE)

52. CHAIRMAN (CONT'D) The guy who nobody can name, flying the plane that crashed into the Pentagon performed a two hundred and seventy degree top gun descending turn before slamming the plane into a part of the Pentagon which was reinforced and undergoing maintenance rather than just flying straight into the building, when his flight school instructor said he point blank couldnt fly. He couldnt even do the equivalent of parallel parking.

JENNA How can someone who cant fly suddenly become Tom Cruise in Top Gun? CHAIRMAN I said they couldnt fly, I didnt call them the most blatant closet homos on the planet. Fanatical Islam probably doesnt approve of homosexuality, along with so much more. BETH If they spent the night before the attacks drinking alcohol in an American stripbar, it cant be hard to believe they enjoyed performing acts of fellatio as much as J. Edgar Hoover. LENA Whats fellatio? BETH Jenna things. LENA Err. WILL Unsurprisingly, you still didnt answer the question, who flew the planes? JENNA Well, if youre so knowledgeable on this subject and the odds of it being those nineteen are extremely low, you tell us who it was.


WILL I dont know, but Im sure the Chairman will probably come up with some crazy conspiracy theory that the planes were piloted by remote control like in The Lone Gunmen or something. JENNA Chairman and Beth were right. WILL What, you believe they were remote controlled planes? JENNA No, men do get scared when they are out of their intellectual depth. Girls, this is what happens when people are proved to be wrong, they start to attack and ridicule others cause they dont like looking at themselves. What are you gonna do next, start making fun of the girls? WILL No, Id never do that. BETH Jung once said man will do anything no matter how absurd to avoid facing his own soul, and Will doesnt want to admit his beliefs are wrong on something so important and emotional to him. WILL You still havent provided any hard evidence about this, how do I know if its true? LENA Education only comes to those who actively seek it, everyone else gets brainwashed. CHAIRMAN So fucking gorgeous, who taught you that? LENA You, Chairman stupid.


CHAIRMAN Sorry, Im not used to people remembering anything I say. That makes you two special. WILL So I have to go reading all your crazy conspiracy websites? CHAIRMAN If you want to know all sides of the argument, along with the evidence and criticism of it, and then make up your own mind, then yes. WILL Im not doing that. CHAIRMAN And thats why youll never be educated on anything. LENA How did you become a conspiracy nutcase, Chairmee? CHAIRMAN By accident. I was investigating nine eleven and so downloaded any documentary I could find on bittorrent and came stumbled across this weirdo information. And also for a laugh. WILL Still laughing at nine eleven? CHAIRMAN Im not laughing at nine eleven, Im laughing at retards like you. I used to read conspiracy theories because I thought it would be funny to read all the crazy beliefs people have. But some of them had good points, evidence and criticism, and eventually convinced me. WILL Show me this evidence.


CHAIRMAN This apathy, fear and hatred that you display is what is destroying this world. If someone else doesnt do it for you, why should I bother myself? This is why propagandists are so successful in controlling so many minds and education is a forgotten idea like giving peace a chance. WILL Still no evidence. CHAIRMAN Its hard to find evidence when the US government illegally destroyed and classified as much of it as they could. Like the rubble from the twin towers which was shipped off to China to be recycled rather than being tested for thermite and thermate, tools used by demolition experts in controlled demolitions. Now thats a crime, I dont see you demanding answers from your own government about why they violated the law. Hang on, if the steel rubble was recycled in China, does that mean twatphones made in China by suicidal workers are made from the twin towers, thats sick. WILL And yet no evidence produced. CHAIRMAN Okay then my little Nazi, since the only evidence freely available is the TV footage from the day, if I can prove to you that there was a mass of TV trickery taking place on nine eleven, will you shut up and read the websites Ive seen? JENNA Thats way too much for him to do. He doesnt read anything unless its got plenty of tits in, or rather tits out. CHAIRMAN Thats just about every publication in a magazine rack nowadays. (MORE)

56. CHAIRMAN (CONT'D) Supermarkets have become porn dealers since Ive been gone. Okay lets make this easier for the Kaiser. If I convince you the TV footage is more than a little dodgy, will you watch five documentaries I give you to watch.

WILL Deal CHAIRMAN Oh, for fucks sake, Now I have to go and download a load of footage and cut it together. JENNA Now whos lazy? CHAIRMAN Luckily someone else has done most of the job for me. Thank God for September Clues. INT. LIVING ROOM - LATER CHAIRMAN Okay here we go, so listen carefully cause I really cant be bothered to say this twice. Lets start at the beginning of the news footage, there were five live broadcasts of the second plane impact. PLAY CLIP - THE FOOTBALL CHAIRMAN (CONTD) First one, we can see what is supposed to be plane. But seriously are you telling me that tiny little obscure object is a jumbo jet, and Im the second coming of the Lord Jesus. But if we look at the next piece of footage.


PLAY CLIP IN LOOP - THE DIVE BOMBER CHAIRMAN (CONTD) We see that the plane has suddenly become much larger. Okay, thats not enough yet. PLAY CLIP IN LOOP - HORIZONTAL APPROACH CHAIRMAN (CONTD) But look at this footage, the plane comes in at a near horizontal approach. Compare it with the first two where the plane is practically a dive bomber. How can the same plane travel in two wildly different trajectories? Okay still not enough? Lets refer to the Murdoch live broadcast. PLAY CLIP IN LOOP - FOX NEWS LIVE SHOT CHAIRMAN (CONTD) Look, a triple zoom and then suddenly the plane appears from nowhere, how can that be possible? But thats not the most incriminating evidence Murdoch let slip. Look how the plane actually goes through the building and then the screen fades to black after zero point two eight seconds. There was no exit hole from the impact, so what the fuck is that? And if we superimpose the plane going in with the plane going out, we can clearly see they are the same size and shape. A plane which was allegedly vaporised in the fireball managed to exit through a nonexistent hole on the other side with its nosecone completely intact and then just disappears into thin air after the blackout. Look you can clearly see it to the back and to the left.


PLAY CLIP - PLANE OUT FOLLOWED BY JFK FATAL SHOT IN LOOP. CHAIRMAN (CONTD) Back and to the left, back and to the left, back and to the left, back and to the left, back and to the left, back and to the left, back and to the left BETH Lena, kick him. LENA kicks CHAIRMAN. CHAIRMAN Thank you angelface. Okay so why did the screen turn black? It wasnt a transmission error. Zero point two eight seconds suggests this was a human reaction from someone who knew what to expect, like the five dancing Israelis. And when they replayed the same footage on CNN. PLAY CLIP IN LOOP - CNN BANNER SHOT. CHAIRMAN (CONTD) Look, they have put a banner over the exiting plane, why? You wouldnt stick a banner over possibly the most famous TV footage ever unless you have something to hide. Now lets look carefully at how this was done. PLAY CLIP IN LOOP - FOX NEWS WITH VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL AXIS. CHAIRMAN (CONTD) Here you can see axis indicating the vertical and horizontal centres of the picture. After the third zoom, the left border of the south tower is in alignment with the vertical centre of the shot. That centre line is where the fake plane was supposed to stop but then the helicopter drifts left, so the fake plane appears to exit the building, as soon as someone noticed, the shot fades to black. (MORE)

59. CHAIRMAN (CONTD) Once again sloppy reporting from the Murdoch media but what more do you expect from Satans little helper? And whilst were on the subject of helicopters, look at this shot.

PLAY CLIP - HELICOPTER SHOT WITH FOREGROUND AND BACKGROUND IN FOCUS. CHAIRMAN (CONTD) Notice anything wrong with this image? Both the foreground shot of the helicopter and the background shot of Manhattan are both in focus. There isnt a lens available on the planet which is capable of such a shot, its beyond modern technology. But of course the laws of physics didnt apply on nine eleven because Americas a special country where neither international law or the laws of physics apply. Like three steel skyscrapers collapsing in one day due to fire when no steel skyscraper has ever collapsed due to fire before or since, even when the World Trade Center itself when it was set ablaze by an arsonist. And you might say its due to a fire from jet fuel, jet fuel doesnt burn hot enough to melt steel. PLAY CLIP - TOWERS BILLOWING BLACK SMOKE. CHAIRMAN (CONTD) And this was an oxygen deprived fire as you can see from the thick black smoke. Theres no way it could have burned hot enough to make three buildings collapse at near free-fall speed. Leaving behind rivers of molten steel, like a foundry, where temperatures were recorded in excess of two thousand degree Fahrenheit. Which led to the longest firefighting effort of all time, ninety-nine days until the fires were completely out. But I get sidetracked. Look at this shot.


PLAY CLIP - BUILDINGS IN LIGHT AND BLACK PLANE CHAIRMAN (CONTD) How the fuck can a plane which is almost white in colour appear to be completely black when the buildings in the shot are lit up like a Christmas fairy? Was a cloud tracking the plane and keeping in total darkness for its entire approach? This is just getting ridiculous once you allow the fear, shock and anger subside and start thinking. You can be excused for falling for it on the day, even I was fooled, but its been ten years now, put your brain in motherfucking gear, its never too late to start thinking. So what about the third building to collapse of the day? PLAY CLIP IN LOOP - BUILDING 7 COLLAPSE. CHAIRMAN (CONTD) Building seven wasnt even hit by a plane yet it collapses at free-fall speed, in what experts have described as a classic demolition job. PLAY CLIP - COUNTDOWN TO BUILDING 7 COLLAPSE. CHAIRMAN (CONTD) And here we even have officials giving a countdown and telling people to back up when they knew the building was gonna come down. The owner of the building even said they decides to pull it, a common term in the demolition building for a controlled demolition. PLAY CLIP - LARRY SILVERSTEIN - PULL IT. CHAIRMAN (CONTD) That motherfucker even had the audacity to claim on the insurance twice because there were two plane strikes. (MORE)

61. CHAIRMAN (CONTD) And you think Im sick for having fun on nine eleven, this fuckwit profiteered of it. That must be what Obama was going on about in his book The Audacity of Hope. If one of the strongest steel buildings in the world can collapse in near free-fall speed without anybody being able to produce reasoning for the collapse, as the Nine Eleven Commission failed to do, why would anyone set foot inside a steel skyscraper again? Plus to show you what a staged psychological operation this was, look at the footage where the BBC, a supposed bastion of integrity in the media, reports the collapse of World Trade Center Seven aka The Solomon Brothers Building, a full twenty minutes before it happens.

PLAY CLIP - BBC REPORTS WTC7 COLLAPSE EARLY. CHAIRMAN (CONTD) Look, you can see it in the background of the live shot and the buildings still fucking standing. You have to wonder where they were getting their information from when it contradicts their own live pictures. And its not close to finished there. One man who worked for twenty years in the World Trade Center was in basement level two and was subject to an explosion on the level below him just prior to the first plane strike. PLAY CLIP - WTC CUSTODIANS TESTIMONY. CHAIRMAN (CONTD) How the fuck did a plane which crashed near the top of the building cause an explosion in the basement prior to impact? This motherfucker was even more unlucky. After experiencing the same explosion just before the first plane impact, he moved over to the south tower where the same thing happened again.


PLAY CLIP - MAN WHO EXPERIENCED BOTH BASEMENT EXPLOSIONS. CHAIRMAN (CONTD) Talk about deja vu, this man should get recognition as the second unluckiest man in the world after Kurt Cobain for marrying the money grabbing skank Courntey Love, who stole a nineties icon from us all. But shes highly litigious, so lets move on. What else? Maybe Andy Warhol is alive and well because the colour palette used on nine eleven was wild. September eleventh two thousand and one was a clear blue sky day, described by the media as picture perfect. Yet look at the varying colour of the sky on nine eleven. PLAY CLIPS OF VARYING COLOUR OF THE SKY. CHAIRMAN (CONTD) Blue, grey, and an orange brown colour that resembles Robert KilroySilks face. How does the sky just change colour? Contrast adjustment can alter the shade of a colour but cant actually change the colour of the sky, as we all failed to notice on the day due to the shock impact of the events. And then we have the movement of the buildings. Look at these shots taken from a very similar angle. PLAY CLIPS OF FOREGROUND BUILDINGS IN DIFFERENT LOCATIONS. CHAIRMAN (CONTD) The building in the foreground has completely moved position. Buildings arent like people, they cant move around to give us the best photo opportunity. And it not just the foreground that moves.


PLAY CLIPS OF BUILDINGS IN BACKGROUND AND BLANK BACKGROUND. CHAIRMAN (CONTD) These two shots again were taken from a very similar angle, one has the cityscape in the background and the other has somehow erased the background entirely. Even when the background is in shot, structures seem to have the ability to move freely. PLAY CLIP - MOVING BRIDGE CHAIRMAN (CONTD) In this shot, the bridge in the background seems to be casually floating around the harbour without the camera rotating its position. Of course, in New York on nine eleven, bridges werent rooted into the Earth, they can just float around at will. And its not just the foreground and background, the top of one of the World Trade Center towers can also move around freely too. PLAY CLIP - TOP OF WTC MOVING. CHAIRMAN (CONTD) Why do no laws of any kind seem to apply to the US. America, what a country. Sure, no one out there needs public transport of any kind to get anywhere, the buildings just float towards you at will. No wonder most Americans dont have a passport, they can just get the Worlds most famous landmarks to float towards them. Okay, back to the so called plane strikes. PLAY CLIP IN LOOP - SECOND STRIKE FROM FOOT OF BUILDING. CHAIRMAN (CONTD) This is one of the most spectacular shots of the day from beneath the building. Anyone notice anything wrong? (MORE)

64. CHAIRMAN (CONTD) If a plane is travelling at between five hundred to six hundred miles and hour, as is estimated by various sources including the RAF, MIT and FEMA, surely you would hear the plane approaching at an altitude of seven hundred feet. Look, the guy doesnt look up or react until the explosion. I lived near Heathrow Airport for years and the roar of a plane at higher altitudes than that was deafening. Yet the audience and the spectators cant hear a thing until the massive explosion in the building. And those speeds are impossible anyway at such a low altitude. At seven hundred feet a seven six seven plane has a speed limiter of three hundred and thirty miles an hours. Even speeds of half of those estimated by the likes of MIT, because the air is too dense, and any plane travelling at those kind of speeds would have its wings and tail ripped off by the level of friction. Something no one has even tried to explain to this day, not even Boeing when they were asked. Once again America showing it can defy any law on the planet, even the laws of physics. What kind of a freak country are we dealing with? Theyre taking the term rogue state to a whole new level. So motherfuckers and motherfuckettes, do we still believe this was the work of a bogeyman dwelling in a cave in Afghanistan?

WILL Im going to bed. CHAIRMAN I havent even started to disprove the existence of Jesus yet. Come on let me have my moment in the Sun, as Jesus was simply a metaphor for the Sun. BETH If planes didnt hit those buildings, what did?


CHAIRMAN They were CGI planes pasted over most probably JASSM winged missiles. Most of the eyewitnesses who didnt work for the mainstream media reported either a missile, a small plane, or just simply a an explosion with no plane in sight. Not that the media cared, they were reading from a script like the early reporting of building seven, look. PLAY CLIP - MEDIA IGNORES MAN WHO SAID ITS WAS A BOMB AND NO PLANE CRASHED CHAIRMAN (CONTD) Practically no independent eyewitnesses reported an commercial airliner. Look at the shot of the plane again. PLAY CLIP - BUILDINGS IN LIGHT AND BLACK PLANE CHAIRMAN (CONTD) Its impossible to identify the black object as a United or American Airlines plane. Clear blue sky and well illuminated buildings, how can the plane be black if it was really a United or American Airlines passenger jet? BETH So they were missile strikes? CHAIRMAN Yeah, it seems that way. A missile is designed to penetrate the exterior of a building and then explode internally. A jumbo jet is, in essence, just a giant coke can with two engines. It should have bounced off a building not penetrated through the structure. Newtons 3rd law of motion has been violated. This building was designed to sustain multiple jumbo jet strikes and maintain its structural integrity. Even if the plane penetrated the building, it wouldnt have led to collapse. (MORE)

66. CHAIRMAN (CONT'D) It was built kind of like a mosquito net that can be punctured in various places but doesnt fall apart.

PLAY CLIP - WTC ARCHITECT EXPLAINS STRENGTH OF THE BUILDINGS. CHAIRMAN (CONTD) Theres even footage of the National Transportation Secretary admitting under oath that Dick Cheney refused to do anything to intercept the incoming so called plane which hit the Pentagon when the two of them were in the bunker beneath that very building. PLAY CLIP - NORMAN MINETA TESTIMONY. CHAIRMAN (CONTD) Why would Cheney do that? Because hes the closet we have on this planet to the devil incarnate. Plus after the Pentagon strike, the Feds confiscated at least 80 CCTV camera shots of the impact. If a plane really hit, release all the footage and Ill shut the fuck up, but they still havent released it to this day. Just a few still shots where no plane is clearly identifiable. If its a security risk to show it then why was the second strike in New York replayed endlessly? Even after the twin tower strikes, the NYPD confiscated rolls of film from developing labs in New York. PLAY CLIP - NYPD ADMITS CONFISCATING FILM ROLLS. CHAIRMAN (CONTD) Is that really the best use of police time directly after such an atrocity has been committed? This has all the hallmarks of a psychological operation and not a very good one at that when you start thinking and asking questions. (MORE)

67. CHAIRMAN (CONTD) I know, I used to work indirectly for the CIA doing much the same thing, but we did a much better job than this. But as fear shuts down cognitive abilities, you can get away with such a sloppy job and most of the people will be fooled due the he state of shock they are experiencing. Fear shuts down the human mind as person can only be in a state of growth or fear. The fear causes the energy to transfer from the core of the body to the limbs, ready for a flight or fight reactions. Since we are living in a permanent state of fear, we have no opportunity for physical or intellectual growth. This permanent state of fear most of us are experiencing has completely eradicated our ability to think or evolve as a species to the point that it is impossible for the collective consciousness to move forward and thus evolve to a higher plateau, as we are continuously meant to.

WILL Im going to bed, Ive really had enough of this. WILL leaves. CHAIRMAN See, I told you, hed get scared. LENA (to BETH) Can I sleep with you tonight? LILY Me too. BETH Of course you can, but youll have to put up with the Chairmans snoring.


CHAIRMAN Youre not scared are you? What happened on nine eleven happened, before you were born in your two cases, and you cant change it no matter how hard you try or how much you want it to change. Now we have to live with the consequences in a sane, thoughtful way. Otherwise we descend further into the madness. LENA Im not scared, not if Im with you lot. CHAIRMAN Little angels, you have to choose between living in fear and with false beliefs like Will or facing up to the truth. LENA (to BETH) I can handle truth as long as Ive got you. CHAIRMAN Beautiful angel. LILY Why is Will so scared? CHAIRMAN Are you scared? LILY No, Bethy takes care of me, shes the best. CHAIRMAN Will is scared because if he believes Osama bin Bogeyman is responsible, he can just sit back and do nothing whilst the government protects him, no matter the cost to liberty in the so called land of the free and the brave. LILY Protects him from what if Al Qaeda doesnt exist?


CHAIRMAN Protects him from his own imagination. If the government are compliant in this, the very people who are supposed to protect us, then he will actually have to get up off his dumb arse and actually do something himself about it. As obviously the government arent going to do anything about the situation or supposed threat. Most people live their lives in a state of fear, apathy and hated and thats one of the main reasons this world is in such a sorry state of affairs. Fear of the terrorists, apathy because the government will save us all and hatred toward whoever the media tells us to hate as well as fear. And unlike Will who claims to speak for the dead, I speak for the living, those who have to live with the consequences of nine eleven and all thats happened as a repercussion of that darkest of days. Theres no way you and I can bring the dead back to life, no matter how much we want to or how much I look like Jesus. I need to educate you people on this because, as I said, I work for the living and you four are the sweetest beings Ive ever met on this planet who I would do anything for. I need to expose this as theres no fucking way in hell Im gonna just sit back and allow you four to live in a state of global tyranny perpetrated by a global fascist elite who have been raised to believe this planet is their birth right and the rest of the people outside the royal reptilian bloodline are simply their slaves. A commodity like cattle to do with as they please. JENNA But why do you have to speak out and do these thing for us when you said there is no real terrorist threat?


CHAIRMAN Because theres a massive genocide and a global totalitarian state just beyond the horizon. Psychedelica has allowed me to see the promised land and its more catastrophic than your worst nightmare and there will be three groups of people in this future. JENNA Inner party, outer party and the proles? CHAIRMAN No but kind of close. The smallest group, call them the inner party, will be those who perpetrated the crime, and in time that group will get smaller and smaller as they cull the no longer useful pawns. The vast majority, call them the proles, who will just sit around with no idea, watching reality TV with a What the fuck is going on here? look on their face. And then you have a small group of us, call them the outer party, who knew something is wrong and maybe even know whats really going on but did nothing to stop it. And unfortunately Im in that group and now Ive got Beth back, and the massive added bonus of you three sweet things, I simply cant let it happen because youre far more precious to me than any of you can ever understand. LENA runs over to CHAIRMAN and hugs him. LENA I love you forever, Daddy Chairman.

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