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CR4 - Thread: ASME CODE Section VIII Div 1 vs Div 2

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9*e En#ineer>s Place $or %e4s an3 ,isc!ssionH

Pre io!s in "or!m: Reciprocatin# s Centri$!#al Compressor E$$iciency %e&t in "or!m: P'( Plastic ( ailable in Paste or Gel)


ASME CODE Section VIII Div 1 vs Div 2

11/16/-011 4:00 (1

2*at is t*e main 3i$$erence bet4een ,i 1 an3 ,i - o$ (S1E C5,E sec iii 6boiler an3 press!re essel co3e7. I 8!st 4ant to clari$y 4*ic* o$ t*e t4o ,i 1 or ,i - base3 press!re essel 4ill cost more) i#nore all bene$its o$ t*e more costly ,i ... 9*an:s
+oin ,ate: +an -00. Posts: 44

Intereste3 in t*is topic) ;y 8oinin# CR4 yo! can <s!bscribe< to t*is 3isc!ssion an3 recei e noti$ication 4*en ne4 comments are a33e3. +oin CR4= 9*e En#ineer>s Place $or %e4s an3 ,isc!ssion?

Comments rated to be "almost" Good Answers:

C*ec: o!t t*ese comments t*at 3on>t yet *a e eno!#* otes to be <o$$icial< #oo3 ans4ers an3= i$ yo! a#ree 4it* t*em= rate t*em?

#1 <Re: ASME CODE Section VIII Div 1 vs Div 2< by Co3emaster on 11/16/-011 0:40 (1 6score 17 #@ <Re: ASME CODE Section VIII Div 1 vs Div 2< by Co3emaster on 11/10/-011 1:3A P1 6score 17 #6 <Re: ASME CODE Section VIII Div 1 vs Div 2< by 1!:es*0A61 on 11/1A/-011 1:40 (1 6score 17

G!r! +oin ,ate: +!l -00@ Bocation: Sto:eConC9rent= DE Posts: -13A Goo3 (ns4ers: 4.

e: ASME CODE Section VIII Div 1 vs Div 2

11/16/-011 0:40 (1


"rom memory= ,i 1 allo4s *i#*er 3esi#n stress= *ence possibly t*inner plate= b!t reF!ires more strin#ent nonC3estr!cti e testin#. 2*ic* is more economical 3epen3s on t*e 3etails. In #eneral= I>3 e&pect smaller= lo4erCpress!re essels to $a o!r ,i - 6as t*ere>s less steel to minimise7 b!t i$ t*ere>s no reason 6e# client>s spec7 to #o $or one or t*e ot*er= I 4o!l3 lea e it !p to t*e essel b!il3er= an3 let *im c*oose t*e more economical ,i . GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG Gi e masoc*ists a $air crac: o$ t*e 4*ip
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e: ASME CODE Section VIII Div 1 vs Div 2

#3 In reply to #1

1 of 7

2/1/2014 4:40 PM

CR4 - Thread: ASME CODE Section VIII Div 1 vs Div 2


11/10/-011 11:46 (1

Co3emaster: (re yo! s!re t*at allo4able stress in Section 'III ,i 1 *i#*er t*an in ,i -) Please c*ec: a#ain to (S1E Section II Part ,. (s my e&perience= ,i *as *i#*er allo4able stress= 4*ic* means t*e nominal t*ic:ness 4ill be t*inner t*an i$ yo! !se ,i 1. ,i - is an alternati e r!les $or press!re essel= its F!ality control an3 inspection 4ill be more strin#ent. 9*e t*inner its t*ic:ness= t*e lo4er its 4ei#*t= t*e c*eaper its price. ;!t i 3ont :no4 $or t*e 3etail prices o$ its F!ality control an3 inspection.
+oin ,ate: "eb -00. Posts: 11A Goo3 (ns4ers: 3

GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG Please #i e respect$!l I positi e ans4er t*an ins!ltin#? Respect eac* ot*er o:..

G!r! +oin ,ate: +!l -00@ Bocation: Sto:eConC9rent= DE Posts: -13A Goo3 (ns4ers: 4.

e: ASME CODE Section VIII Div 1 vs Div 2

11/10/-011 1:3A P1

#! In reply to #3

%o= I>m not s!re= t*at>s 4*y I sai3 $rom memory. I 4as basin# it on ;S@@00= 4*ic* *as constr!ction cate#ories 1= - an3 3. Cat 1 *as t*e *i#*est allo4able stress= an3 reF!ires 100J %,9. I$ it>s t*e ot*er 4ay ro!n3 in (S1E 'III I *ope it 3i3n>t con$!se t*e 5P too m!c*= b!t I>m s!re *e>3 !n3erstan3 t*e point I 4as ma:in#. ;92= I can>t 4or: o!t $rom blac:panic03 in #4 4*ic* 4ay ro!n3 it is. %o4a3ays t*ere>s a E!ropean stan3ar3= 4*ic* I *a en>t #ot= b!t I> e an ol3 copy o$ ;S@@00= an3 in t*at allo4able stress is 3eri e3 $rom t*e !ltimate tensile stress Rm an3 t*e yiel3 stress Re. Cat - *as spot %,9= an3 Cat 3 is!al inspection only. (part $rom restrictions on material an3 t*ic:ness= Cat 1 I allo4able stress K Rm/-.3@ or Re/1.@= 4*ic*e er is lo4er. Cat 3 allo4able stress K Rm/@. I still t*in: i$ t*ere are no constraints it>s best to lea e t*e essel s!pplier 4it* a $ree *an3 to #et t*e c*eapest price. ( comment $rom s*anii to say 4*et*er 4e> e been any *elp 4o!l3 be nice. GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG Gi e masoc*ists a $air crac: o$ t*e 4*ip
Go to %e&t <(lmost< Goo3 (ns4er

Po4erCDser +oin ,ate: ,ec -010 Posts: 304 Goo3 (ns4ers: -0

e: ASME CODE Section VIII Div 1 vs Div 2

11/16/-011 11:4- (1


Co3emaster *as almost e&plaine3 t*e 3i$$erence. I 4ant to a33 !p as belo4: %ormally process licensor :no4 t*e reF!ire3 criticality o$ t*e eF!ipment an3 i$ any ot*er process $actor or stan3ar3 comes in an3 3eci3e t*e 3esi#n critaria o er an3 abo e t*e S1E Sec 'III t*en ,i - is speci$ie3 an3 in case eF!ipment is to be 3esi#ne3 critically base3 on (S1E sec 'III t*en 3i 1 is consi3ere3 e en $or lo4 press!re eF!ipment.


e: ASME CODE Section VIII Div 1 vs Div 2

11/10/-011 1-:-. P1


2 of 7

2/1/2014 4:40 PM

CR4 - Thread: ASME CODE Section VIII Div 1 vs Div 2


t*e main 3i$$erence bet4een ,I' I an3 ,I' II as $ollo4in#: C ,I' II co er 3esi#n press!re $rom 1@ psi !p to 3000 psi i$ 3esi#n press!re increse o er t*an 3000 psi !se ,I' II !p to 10000 psi. b!t yo! can ,I' II in t*e ran#e o$ ,I' I C ,I' I base3 on ma&im!m stress t*eory b!t ,I' II base3 on ma&im!m s*ear stress t*rory. please re ie4 scope $or eac* co3e to :no4 more. t*e t*ic:ness calc!late3 !n3er ,I' I is *i#*er t*an t*ic:ness calc!late3 !n3er ,I' II $or t*e same 3esi#n press!re in ran#e o$ 3esi#n press!re o$ ,I' I GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG enli#*tenment is blessin# an3 sel$C3enial is a #oo3 recipe

+oin ,ate: Sep -011 Bocation: nei#*bor o$ t*e best co!ntry in t*e 4orl3 Posts: 60 Goo3 (ns4ers: -

Po4erCDser +oin ,ate: ,ec -010 Posts: 304 Goo3 (ns4ers: -0

e: ASME CODE Section VIII Div 1 vs Div 2

11/1A/-011 1:40 (1


;y c*nace I *appene3 to came across a ery interestin# an3 important 3oc!ment= 4*ic* can clear some o$ t*e 3o!#*ts bet4een t*e t4o 3i isions o$ sec 'III. Please #o t*ro!#* t*e attac*e3 3isc!ssion. DISC$SSIO% O% ASME SEC&IO% VIII DIVISIO%S 1 A%D 2 A%D &'E %E( DIVISIO% 3 3r3 (nn!al Press!re In3!stry Con$erence= ;an$$= (lberta= Cana3a= "ebr!ary 1.... Section VIII Division 1 "$n)ired" *ress+re Vessel +les L 1.40 %ormally !p to 3000 psi# General= Constr!ction 9ype I 1aterial D= DG= D2= D"= D;= DCS= D%"= DCI= Section VIII Division 2 Alternative +les Section VIII Division 3 Alternative +les )or 'i,- *ress+re

*+blis-ed *ress+re .imits

1.6A 1..0 %o limits eit*er 4ay= %o limitN %ormally $rom !s!ally 600M psi# 10=000 psi# General= 1aterial= ,esi#n= "abrication an3 ot*ers (G= (1= (,= ("= (R= (I= (9= (S

Similar to ,i ision EG= E1= E,= E"= ER= EE= E9= ES


DCB= DC,= DO9= DB9 ,esi#n "actor ,esi#n "actor o$ 3 on 3.@ on tensile tensile 64P !se3 6lo4er $actor !n3er Desi,n 0actor pre io!sly7 an3 re ie4e37 an3 ot*er ot*er yiel3 an3 yiel3 an3 temperat!re temperat!re consi3erations consi3erations

Qiel3 base3 4it* re3!ction $actor $or yiel3 to tensile ratio less t*an 0.0

3 of 7

2/1/2014 4:40 PM

CR4 - Thread: ASME CODE Section VIII Div 1 vs Div 2

1embrane C S*ell o$ Re ol!tion C 1a&im!m stress 1a&. s*ear stress Generally Elastic Generally Elastic analysis analysis 'ery 3etaile3 3esi#n r!les 4it* R!ality 1embrane M ;en3in#. "airly 3etaile3 1a&im!m s*ear stress Elastic/Plastic (nalyses an3 more. Some 3esi#n r!les pro i3e3N "ati#!e analysis reF!ire3N "ract!re mec*anics

68oint e$$iciency7 3esi#n r!les. In "actors. Bittle a33ition to t*e stress 3esi#n Desi,n +les

alaysis reF!ire3N e al!ation reF!ire3 r!les= 3iscontin!ities= p!re membrane !nless pro en $ati#!e an3 ot*er lea:be$oreC 4it*o!t stress analysis b!rst= Resi3!al stresses consi3eration o$ consi3erations may become 3iscontin!ities be controllin# reF!ire3 !nless stress e&empte3 an3 concentration to #!i3ance a sa$ety $actor o$ 3.@ or *i#*er pro i3e3 $or in (ppen3i& 4= @ an3 6 Intro3!ce3 an3 may be reF!ire3 E&perimental 3esi#n eri$ication b!t may be e&empte3 E en more restricti e t*an ,i ision 4it* 3i$$erent reF!irements."ract!re to!#*ness testin# reF!irement $or $ract!re mec*anics e al!ation Crac: tip openin# 3isplacement 6C95,7 testin# an3 establis*ment o$ EIc an3/or +Ic al!es %,E reF!irements may be e&empte3 1ore strin#ent %,E reF!irementsN E en more restricti e t*an ,i ision -N si#ni$icant an3 maybe positi e $actors 6e.#. a!to$retta#e7

E12erimental %ormally not Stress reF!ire3 Anal3sis

Material and Im2act &estin,

"e4 restrictions on materialsN Impact 1ore restrictions on materialsN impact reF!ire3 !nless e&empte3N reF!ire3 in #eneral e&tensi e 4it* similar r!les as e&emptions !n3er DGC-0= DCS 66/60 ,i ision 1

%DE e4+irements

D9 !se3 $or all b!tt e&tensi e !se o$ R9 4el3s= R9 ot*er4ise= as 4ell as D9= 19 an3 t*ro!#* e&tensi e !se o$ P9 an3 increase3 3esi#n P9. 19

4 of 7

2/1/2014 4:40 PM

CR4 - Thread: ASME CODE Section VIII Div 1 vs Div 2

$actor E&tensi e !se/reF!irement o$ b!tt 4el3s an3 $!ll penetration 4el3s incl!3in# nonpress!re attac*ment 4el3s ;!tt 2el3s an3 e&tensi e !se o$ ot*er constr!ction met*o3s s!c* as t*rea3e3= layere3= 4ireC4o!n3= interloc:in# strip4o!n3 an3 ot*ers Dser>s ,esi#n Speci$ication 4it* more speci$ic 3etails 6see EGC3107 incl!3in# containe3 $l!i3 3ata= etc 4it* !se$!l operation li$e e&pecte3 an3 ot*ers. ,esi#ner 3e$ine3 1an!$act!rer>s ,esi#n Report 1an!$act!rer to certi$yin# 3eclare Man+)act+rer compliance in 3esi#n speci$ication 3ata report

(eldin, and )abrication

,i$$erent types 4it* b!tt 4el3s an3 ot*ers


Dser or 3esi#nate3 a#ent to pro i3e 3esi#n reF!irements 6see (GC301.17 speci$ications 6see DC-6a77 incl!3e (, 160 $or $ati#!e e al!ation

Dser>s ,esi#n Speci$ication 4it* 3etaile3

Same as ,i ision -

*ro)essional En,ineer Certi)ication %ormally not reF!ire3

an3 co3e compliance in a33ition to 3ata report Pro$essional En#ineers> Certi$ication o$ Same as ,i ision - b!t t*e Pro$essional Dser>s ,esi#n Speci$ication as 4ell En#ineer s*all be as e&perience3 in *i#* 1an!$act!rer>s ,esi#n Report press!re essel 3esi#n an3 s*all not si#n

Pro$essional En#ineer $or bot* Dser an3 s*all be e&perience3 1an!$act!rer in press!re essel 3esi#n Sa)et3 Valve elie) D' Stamp D Stamp 4it* (33ition mar:in#s incl!3in# 2= P= ;= RESN B= D;= ,"N R9= O9 1.3 62as 1.@ be$ore t*e !se o$ t*e 3.@ D' Stamp D'3 Stamp D3 Stamp 4it* a33itional mar:in# 3enotin# constr!ction typeN O9= PS= 2B= 1= "= 2= DR9= 22= S2 1.-@ 1.-@ 6may be e&empte3 $or

Code Stam2 and Mar5in,

D- Stamp 4it* (33itional mar:in# incl!3in# O9

'3drostatic &est

5 of 7

2/1/2014 4:40 PM

CR4 - Thread: ASME CODE Section VIII Div 1 vs Div 2

,esi#n "actor in t*e 1... (33en3a7

a!to$retta#e3 essels7

P In 1..A= Co3e Cases --0A an3 --.0 $or (S1E Section 'III ,i ision 1 allo4e3 $or alternati e ma&im!m allo4able 3esi#n stresses base3 on a $actor o$ 3.@ !n3er certain pro isions instea3 o$ a $actor o$ 4 !se3 by t*e Co3e. 9*ese co3e cases 4ere incorporate3 into t*e Co3e in 1.... Common 0eat+res: 6+risdiction ma3 -ave re4+irements in addition to Code Mandator3 Man+)act+rer7s 8+alit3 Control S3stem Im2lementation and A+dit e4+irements Code Stam2 A+t-ori/ation t-ro+,- ASME Accreditation and A+t-ori/ation A+t-ori/ed Ins2ection A,enc3 in accordance wit- 8AI A+t-ori/ed Ins2ector wit- 6+risdictional a22roval and certi)ication Man+)act+rer bein, -eld acco+ntable )or Code Stam2 A22lication and )+ll Code Com2liance %DE *ersonnel to S%&9&C91A %ote: 9*is brie$ comparati e table is presente3 $or 3isc!ssion an3 3oes not represent t*e opinion o$ t*e (;S(= t*e (S1E or t*e (S1E ;oiler an3 Press!re 'essel Co3e Committees. Rea3ers are a3 ise3 to cons!lt 4it* t*e (S1E Co3e Section 'III ,i isions 1= - I 3 $or 3etails

%o more <(lmost< Goo3 (ns4ers.

Re#ister to Reply
Intereste3 in t*is topic) ;y 8oinin# CR4 yo! can <s!bscribe< to t*is 3isc!ssion an3 recei e noti$ication 4*en ne4 comments are a33e3. +oin CR4= 9*e En#ineer>s Place $or %e4s an3 ,isc!ssion?


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Comments rated to be "almost" Good Answers:

C*ec: o!t t*ese comments t*at 3on>t yet *a e eno!#* otes to be <o$$icial< #oo3 ans4ers an3= i$ yo! a#ree 4it* t*em= rate t*em?

#1 <Re: ASME CODE Section VIII Div 1 vs Div 2< by Co3emaster on 11/16/-011 0:40 (1 6score 17 #@ <Re: ASME CODE Section VIII Div 1 vs Div 2< by Co3emaster on 11/10/-011 1:3A P1 6score 17 #6 <Re: ASME CODE Section VIII Div 1 vs Div 2< by 1!:es*0A61 on 11/1A/-011 1:40 (1 6score 17

Dsers 4*o poste3 comments: blac:panic03 617N Co3emaster 6-7N 1!:es*0A61 6-7N Premi!m 617

Copy to Clipboar3

Pre io!s in "or!m: Reciprocatin# s Centri$!#al

%e&t in "or!m: P'( Plastic ( ailable in Paste

6 of 7

2/1/2014 4:40 PM

CR4 - Thread: ASME CODE Section VIII Div 1 vs Div 2

Compressor E$$iciency

or Gel)

"Let me tell you the secret that has lea me to my !oal" My stren!th lies solely in my tenacity"" ## Louis $asteur
(ll times are 3isplaye3 in DS/Eastern 6ES97 6Re#ister to c*an#e time Sone7 T-014 IOS. GlobalSpec= t*e GlobalSpec lo#o= SpecSearc*= t*e En#ineerin# 2eb= t*e En#ineerin# Searc* En#ine= CR4 an3 Con$erence Room 4 are re#istere3 tra3emar:s o$ IOS. (ll ot*er company an3 pro3!ct names may be tra3emar:s o$ t*eir respecti e o4ners. %o portion o$ t*is site may be copie3= retransmitte3= reposte3= 3!plicate3 or ot*er4ise !se3 4it*o!t t*e e&press 4ritten permission o$ IOS GlobalSpec= 30 9ec* 'alley ,r. S!ite 10-= East Greenb!s*= %Q= 1-061

7 of 7

2/1/2014 4:40 PM

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