Device Editorusers Manual

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CHART Intranet and Internet Mapping Device Editor Users Manual

For: Coordinated Highways Action Response Team CHART!

State Operations Center Hanover Complex 7491 Connelley Drive Hanover, MD 21076-1701 In Response to" Contract DBM-2027-TSP Requisition # J01R3200010


Advanced Networked Systems Center

CH RT Ma!!in" De#ice $%itor Manua&

'ersion 1(0

Date: 11)*)2003

$ovem%er &' ())*

Revision History
Date +o#e,-er *. 2003 Doc+ ,ersion 1(0 /nitia& 'ersion Description

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CH RT Ma!!in" De#ice $%itor Manua&

'ersion 1(0

Date: 11)*)2003

Ta%le o- Contents
2( 1#er#ie2 3( Con0i"uration 3( Mo%i04in" an% De&etin" De#ices *( Mana"in" CCT' De#ices 5( Mana"in" DMS De#ices 7( Mana"in" RTMS De#ices 6( Mana"in" H R De#ices 7( Mana"in" SH 8 M De#ices 10( Mana"in" R9/S De#ices 11( Mana"in" Sa&t Do,es 12( Mana"in" :an%,ar;s 2( 1#er#ie2 3( Con0i"uration 3( Mo%i04in" an% De&etin" De#ices *( Mana"in" CCT' De#ices *(1 %%in" CCT' De#ice *(2 Mo%i04in" an% De&etin" CCT' De#ice 5( Mana"in" DMS De#ices 5(1 %%in" DMS De#ice 5(2 Mo%i04in" an% De&etin" DMS De#ice 7( Mana"in" RTMS De#ices 7(1 %%in" RTMS De#ice 7(2 Mo%i04in" an% De&etin" RTMS De#ice Pa"e 3 o0 20 * * * 5 5 7 7 10 11 12 13 * * * 5 5 5 5 7 7 7 6 7

CH RT Ma!!in" De#ice $%itor Manua&

'ersion 1(0

Date: 11)*)2003 7 7 10 10 10 11 11 11 12 12 12 13 13 13 13

6( Mana"in" H R De#ices 6(1 %%in" H R De#ice 6(2 Mo%i04in" an% De&etin" H R De#ice 7( Mana"in" SH 8 M De#ices 7(1 %%in" SH 8 M De#ice 7(3 Mo%i04in" an% De&etin" SH 8 M De#ice 10( Mana"in" R9/S De#ices 10(1 %%in" R9/S De#ice 10(2 Mo%i04in" an% De&etin" R9/S De#ice 11( Mana"in" Sa&t Do,es 11(1 %%in" Sa&t Do,e 11(2 Mo%i04in" an% De&etin" Sa&t Do,e 12( Mana"in" :an%,ar;s 12(1 %%in" :an%,ar; 12(2 Mo%i04in" an% De&etin" :an%,ar;

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CH RT Ma!!in" De#ice $%itor Manua&

'ersion 1(0

Date: 11)*)2003

.+ (+ /verview
De#ice $%itor a!!&ication a&&o2s user to e%it %e#ices( More accurate&4. it a&&o2s user to e%it %e#ice s!atia& in0or,ation an% stores t<e %ata in SD$ &a4ers( T4!ica&&4. it 2i&& not e%it recor%s in non-s!atia& ta-&es( Fo&&o2in" &a4ers ,a4 -e e%ite% in De#ice $%itor: CCT' DMS R9/S RTMS :an%,ar; H R SH 8 M S :TD1M$



T<e a!!&ication is con0i"ure% -4 te=t 0i&e >De#ice$%itor(ini? un%er t<e a!!&ication 0o&%er( T2o sections o0 t<e 0i&e ,a4 -e ,o%i0ie%( @Data-aseA Section: CH RT9e-Connection B a #a&i% D1 connection strin" 0or CH RT9e%ata-ase( T<e 0or,at is: >Dri#erCDSE: Ser#erFGSer#erC@Ser#er /P a%%ressAG ui%Cc<art"isG !2%Cc<art"isG Data-aseC@Data-ases na,eA? $1RSConnection B a #a&i% D1 connection strin" 0or $1RS %ata-ase( T<e 0or,ate is: >Dri#erCDSE: Ser#erFG Ser#erC@Ser#er +a,eAG ui%Cc<art"isG !2%Cc<art"isG Data-aseC@Data-ase na,eA? $1RSDB B a co,-ination o0 $1RS %ata-ase ser#er na,e. %ata-ase na,e. an% %ata-ase o2ner( T<e 0or,at is: >@$1RS Ser#er+a,eA(@$1RS Data-ase +a,eA(@$1RS ta-&es o2nerA?( De0au&t #a&ue is: >socHeorsHs#r(eors(%-o?( @SD$H:a4ersA Section: Ser#er B t<e SD$ ser#er na,e( De0au&t #a&ue is: Is%e61:170(73(*1(73I Jser B t<e SD$ user na,e( De0au&t #a&ue is: Ic<art"isI Pass2or% B t<e SD$ user !ass2or%( De0au&t #a&ue is: Ic<art"isI 9e-Data-ase B CH RT9e- %ata-ase na,e( De0au&t #a&ue is: IinstanceC!ort:*1*1GI BKData-ase B CH RTBac;"roun% %ata-ase na,e( De0au&t #a&ue is: IinstanceC!ort:*1*1GI


Modi-ying and Deleting Devices

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CH RT Ma!!in" De#ice $%itor Manua&

'ersion 1(0

Date: 11)*)2003

Re"ar%&ess %e#ice t4!e. ,o%i04in" or %e&etin" %e#ices 0o&&o2 si,i&ar !roce%ures( 9<en ,o%i04in" or %e&etin". on&4 t<e SD$ recor% 2i&& -e %e&ete%G t<e %e#ice recor% in CH RT9e- 2i&& re,ain( To c<oose a %e#ice to ,o%i04 or %e&ete. user 0irst se&ects t<e %e#ice &a4er on &e"en%. an% t<en se&ects a recor% 0ro, t<e &ist or se&ect t<e %e#ice %irect&4 0ro, t<e ,a!( 1nce a recor% is se&ecte% 0ro, t<e &ist. t<e %e#ice 2i&& -e <i"<&i"<te% on ,a!( /0 a %e#ice is se&ecte% %irect&4 0ro, ,a!. t<en t<e %e#ice entr4 in &ist 2i&& a&so -e c<osen( Jser ,a4 ,o%i04 t<e attri-utes. or %ra" t<e %e#ice on ,a! to ,o%i04 its &ocation( c&ic;s on >Mo%i04? -utton. s4ste, 2i&& request con0ir,ation( 0ter

9<en %e&etin". %e#ice attri-utes 2i&& -e %is!&a4e%. -ut can not -e e%ite%( 0ter user se&ects t<e %e#ice an% c&ic;s on t<e >De&ete? -utton. s4ste, 2i&& request con0ir,ation(


Managing CCT, Devices

5.1 Adding CCTV Device 9<en a%%in" CCT' %e#ice. a &ist 2i&& -e !o!u&ate% 2it< CCT' %e#ices t<at are in CH RT ca,era ta-&e. -ut <as not -een &ocate%( 9<en a %e#ice is se&ecte% 0ro, t<e &ist. t<e %e#ice i% 2i&& %is!&a4. a&on" 2it< t<e &ocation in0or,ation( Jser ,a4 ,o%i04 t<e >:ocation Descri!tion? 0ie&%( T<e #a&ue 2i&& -e store% in SD$ &a4er(


Modifying and Deleting CCTV Device

Jser ,a4 ,o%i04 t<e >:ocation Descri!tion? 0ie&%. or e%it t<e %e#ice &ocation -4 %ra""in" it to ne2 &ocation on ,a!( To %e&ete. c&ic; on t<e >De&ete? -utton an% con0ir, action 2<en !ro,!te%(


Managing DM2 Devices

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CH RT Ma!!in" De#ice $%itor Manua&

'ersion 1(0

Date: 11)*)2003

6.1 Adding DMS Device 9<en a%%in" DMS %e#ice. a &ist 2i&& -e !o!u&ate% 2it< DMS %e#ices t<at are in CH RT DMS %e#ice ta-&e. -ut <as not -een &ocate%( Jser s<ou&% enter DMS &ocation. s!eci04 roa% -earin" an"&e Lt<e %irection o0 tra00ic t<e %e#ice is contro&&in"M. an% s!eci04 2<et<er to s<o2 t<e %e#ice on CH RT /nternet Ma!!in" a!!&ication(

6.2 Modifying and Deleting DMS Device Jser can e%it 0o&&o2in" in0or,ation: DMS &ocation. roa% -earin" an"&e. an% 2<et<er to s<o2 t<e %e#ice on CH RT /nternet Ma!!in" a!!&ication( Jser ,a4 e%it t<e %e#ice &ocation -4 %ra""in" it to ne2 &ocation on ,a!(

To %e&ete. c&ic; on t<e >De&ete? -utton an% con0ir, action 2<en !ro,!te%(


Managing RTM2 Devices

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CH RT Ma!!in" De#ice $%itor Manua&

'ersion 1(0

Date: 11)*)2003

7.1 Adding RTMS Device 9<en a%%in" RTMS %e#ice &ocation. a &ist 2i&& -e !o!u&ate% 2it< RTMS %e#ices t<at are in %e#ice ta-&e. -ut <as not -een &ocate%( T<e ,a! 2i&& %is!&a4 a&& e=istin" RTMS sites( 9<en a %e#ice is se&ecte% 0ro, t<e &ist. t<e &ocation in0or,ation an% None in0or,ation associate% 2it< t<e %e#ice 2i&& %is!&a4( For eac< %e#ice None. user ,a4 ,o%i04 its %is!&a4. %irection te=t an% -earin" settin"s( >Dis!&a4? <as >Hi%e? or >Dis!&a4? ,o%es to c<oose. 2<ic< 2i&& %eter,ine 2<et<er t<e %ata 0or t<e None 2i&& %is!&a4 on ,a!( T<e roa% >-earin"? is t<e %e"ree #a&ue use% to o00set t<e %e#ice on ,a!( T<e #a&ue 0 ,eans t<e roa% is 0acin" s<ar! east. 70 0or s<ar! nort<. etc( >Direction Te=t? s<ou&% <a#e #a&ues &i;e >nort<?. >east?. or >inner &oo!?( T<is 0ie&% 2i&& -e use% in ,a! too&ti!(

To create a ne2 site &ocation an% assi"n t<e ne2 site to se&ecte% RTMS %e#ice. user c&ic;s on t<e ,a!( To use an e=istin" site &ocation. user c&ic;s on t<e e=istin" site &ocation as accurate&4 as !ossi-&e( /0 t<e c&ic;e% !oint an% t<e tar"et site &ocation are c&ose enou"<. user 2i&& -e !ro,!te%:

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CH RT Ma!!in" De#ice $%itor Manua&

'ersion 1(0

Date: 11)*)2003

Jser c&ic;s on >Oes? -utton to reuse t<e site. or c&ic;s >+o? to create a ne2 site( 7.2 Modifying and Deleting RTMS Device 9<en ,o%i04in" or %e&etin" RTMS %e#ice &ocation. a &ist 2i&& -e !o!u&ate% 2it< a&& RTMS %e#ices t<at are associate% 2it< a site &ocation( T<e ,a! 2i&& %is!&a4 a&& e=istin" RTMS sites( /0 a RTMS is se&ecte% 0ro, t<e &ist. its associate% site &ocation 2i&& -e <i"<&i"<te% on ,a!( /0 a site &ocation is se&ecte% 0ro, ,a!. t<en t<e RTMS %e#ice t<at uses t<is site 2i&& -e c<osen in t<e &ist( To s<o2 on&4 RTMS %e#ices t<at use se&ecte% site &ocation. c<ec; t<e >0i&ter -4 &ocation? c<ec;-o=( 9<en ,o%i04in" RTMS %e#ices. user ,a4 e%it t<e site an% None in0or,ation. or e%it t<e site &ocation -4 %ra""in" it to ne2 &ocation( To %e&ete RTMS De#ices. c&ic; on t<e >De&ete? -utton an% con0ir, action 2<en !ro,!te%(


Managing HAR Devices

8.1 Adding HAR Device 9<en a%%in" H R %e#ice. a &ist 2i&& -e !o!u&ate% 2it< H R %e#ices t<at are in CH RT H R %e#ice ta-&e. -ut <as not -een &ocate%( Pa"e 7 o0 20

CH RT Ma!!in" De#ice $%itor Manua&

'ersion 1(0

Date: 11)*)2003

Jser can e%it H R &ocation. H R 0requenc4. an% 2<et<er to s<o2 t<e %e#ice on CH RT /nternet ,a!!in" a!!&ication( Frequenc4 s<ou&% -e a nu,eric #a&ue 0or t<e H R station(

8.2 Modifying and Deleting HAR Device Jser can e%it H R &ocation te=t. H R 0requenc4. an% 2<et<er to s<o2 t<e %e#ice on CH RT /nternet ,a!!in" a!!&ication( Jser can e%it &ocation -4 %ra""in" t<e %e#ice to a ne2 &ocation on ,a!( To %e&ete H R %e#ice. c&ic; on t<e >De&ete? -utton an% con0ir, action 2<en !ro,!te%( 8.3


Managing 2HA6AM Devices

.1 Adding SHA!AM Device 9<en a%%in" H R %e#ice. a &ist 2i&& -e !o!u&ate% 2it< SH 8 M %e#ices t<at are in CH RT SH 8 M %e#ice ta-&e. -ut <as not -een &ocate%( Jser can e%it SH 8 M &ocation. roa% -earin" an"&e Lt<e %irection o0 tra00ic t<at t<e %e#ice is contro&&in"M. an% 2<et<er to s<o2 t<e %e#ice on CH RT /nternet ,a!!in" a!!&ication(

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CH RT Ma!!in" De#ice $%itor Manua&

'ersion 1(0

Date: 11)*)2003

.2 .3 Modifying and Deleting SHA!AM Device Jser can e%it H R &ocation te=t. H R 0requenc4. an% 2<et<er to s<o2 t<e %e#ice on CH RT /nternet ,a!!in" a!!&ication( Jser can e%it &ocation -4 %ra""in" t<e %e#ice to a ne2 &ocation on ,a!( To %e&ete. c&ic; on t<e >De&ete? -utton an% con0ir, action 2<en !ro,!te%( ."


Managing R7I2 Devices

1#.1 Adding R$%S Device 9<en a%%in" R9/S %e#ice. a &ist 2i&& -e !o!u&ate% 2it< R9/S %e#ices t<at are in CH RT R9/S %e#ice ta-&e. -ut <as not -een &ocate%(

/0 t<ere is a ca,era or scancast associate% 2it< t<e R9/S. c<ec; t<e accor%in" c<ec;-o=( Pa"e 11 o0 20

CH RT Ma!!in" De#ice $%itor Manua&

'ersion 1(0

Date: 11)*)2003

/0 t<e site <as a -ac;"roun% aeria& !<oto. user nee%s to ca&cu&ate t<e re&ati#e !osition o0 t<e %e#ice a"ainst t<e !<oto( For instance. i0 t<e !<oto <as a siNe o0 530 -4 360. an% t<e to2er is &ocate% in t<e #er4 center o0 t<e !<oto. t<en t<e >9i%t<? an% >Hei"<t? #a&ues s<ou&% -e 320 an% 230 res!ecti#e&4( 1#.2 Modifying and Deleting R$%S Device 1#.3 Jser can e%it H R &ocation te=t. H R 0requenc4. an% 2<et<er to s<o2 t<e %e#ice on CH RT /nternet ,a!!in" a!!&ication( Jser can e%it &ocation -4 %ra""in" t<e %e#ice to a ne2 &ocation on ,a!( To %e&ete R9/S %e#ice. user c&ic;s on t<e >De&ete? -utton an% con0ir, action 2<en !ro,!te%( 1#."


Managing 2alt Domes

11.1 Adding Salt Do&e 9<en a%%in" sa&t %o,e &ocation. a &ist 2i&& -e !o!u&ate% 2it< sa&t %o,e %e#ices t<at are in sa&t %o,e ta-&e. -ut <as not -een &ocate%( 9<en a %e#ice is se&ecte% 0ro, t<e &ist. t<e %e#ice &ocation in0or,ation 2i&& -e %is!&a4e%(

To create a ne2 site &ocation an% assi"n t<e ne2 site to se&ecte% sa&t %o,e. user c&ic;s on t<e ,a!( To use an e=istin" site &ocation. user c&ic;s on t<at site &ocation as accurate&4 as !ossi-&e( /0 t<e c&ic;e% !oint an% t<e tar"et site &ocation are c&ose enou"<. user 2i&& -e !ro,!te%:

Pa"e 12 o0 20

CH RT Ma!!in" De#ice $%itor Manua&

'ersion 1(0

Date: 11)*)2003

Jser c&ic;s on >Oes? -utton to reuse t<e site. or c&ic;s on >+o? -utton to create a ne2 site( 11.2 Modifying and Deleting Salt Do&e 9<en ,o%i04in" or %e&etin" sa&t %o,e &ocation. a &ist 2i&& -e !o!u&ate% 2it< a&& RTMS %e#ices t<at are associate% 2it< a site &ocation( T<e ,a! 2i&& %is!&a4 a&& e=istin" sa&t %o,e sites( /0 a sa&t %o,e is se&ecte% 0ro, t<e &ist. its associate% site &ocation 2i&& -e <i"<&i"<te% on ,a!( /0 a site &ocation is se&ecte% 0ro, ,a!. t<en t<e sa&t %o,e t<at uses t<is site 2i&& -e c<osen in t<e &ist( To %is!&a4 on&4 sa&t %o,es t<at use se&ecte% site &ocation. c<ec; t<e >0i&ter -4 &ocation? c<ec;-o=( 9<en ,o%i04in" sa&t %o,e site. user ,a4 e%it t<e site in0or,ation. or e%it t<e site &ocation -4 %ra""in" it to ne2 &ocation(


Managing 8andmar9s

12.1 Adding 'and&a() De#ice $%itor can ,o%i04 &an%,ar; na,e. %escri!tion. JR: &in;. an% cate"or4( Descri!tion 0ie&% is use% to !ro#i%e too&ti! on 2e- ,a!( T<e >Descri!tion? 0ie&% is use% to !ro#i%e too&ti! at /nternet an% /ntranet ,a!( Jser ,a4 c<oose a cate"or4 0ro, a &ist 0or t<e &an%,ar; t4!e(

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CH RT Ma!!in" De#ice $%itor Manua&

'ersion 1(0

Date: 11)*)2003

12.2 Modifying and Deleting 'and&a() De#ice $%itor can ,o%i04 &an%,ar; na,e. %escri!tion. JR: &in;. an% cate"or4( To %e&ete a &an%,ar;. c&ic; on t<e >De&ete? -utton an% con0ir, action 2<en !ro,!te%( 1nce a &an%,ar; is %e&ete%. t<en a&& in0or,ation o0 t<e &an%,ar; 2i&& -e &ost(

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CH RT Ma!!in" De#ice $%itor Manua&

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CH RT Ma!!in" De#ice $%itor Manua&

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CH RT Ma!!in" De#ice $%itor Manua&

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