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PRODUCTION COMPANY LOGOS FLASH AND FADE ACROSS THE SCREEN. SCORE MUSIC plays, a soft and sappy orchaestral piece, as a NARRATOR speaks over POSTERS of the movies he mentions. NARRATOR From the people that brought you 12 Years a Slave... and Lincoln... A shot of TWELVE ACADEMY AWARDS, shoulder-to-shoulder. NARRATOR (CONTD) ...winner of twelve Academy Awards... Then the CANNES LOGO (LAUREL with FESTIVAL DE CANNES written under it). NARRATOR (CONTD) ...and the coveted Palme dOr... FADE TO BLACK. NARRATOR (CONTD) ...comes the true story of historys greatest monster.

EXT. FARMHOUSE - DAY A YOUNG BOY runs through a grassy green yard and into a quaint farmhouse.

INT. FARMHOUSE - DAY The young boy sits on a stool as his MOTHER takes a sponge to his bruised face. YOUNG BOY I hate Eli, mother. Why is it that all Jews are criminals? ADOLFS MOTHER Dont speak that way. This isnt how I raised you, Adolf.


ADOLF But Hermann says they killed Jesus. ADOLFS MOTHER Remember not his death, but his teachings. Jesus preached forgiveness, even to those that wished him dead. Young Adolf nods, his mothers message sinking in.

INT. AUDITORIUM - DAY Years later. YOUNG ADULT ADOLF stands in front of the ADMISSIONS COMMITTEE for the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. DEAN OF ADMISSIONS Why do you want to study at the Academy, Mr. Hitler? ADOLF I wish to inspire people. I wish to create art work so beautiful, that petty squabbles are cast aside, that wars become a thing of the past, and peace once again becomes the status quo, rather than a conceptuality.

INT. ART STUDIO - DAY Adolf puts brush to canvas, when a letter is slid under his door. He grabs the letter, marked with the Academys logo, and breaks the seal with his paintbrush.

INT. BASEMENT - DAY The dank basement is filled with paintings, wall-to-wall and stacked ceiling high. Adolf, now in military dress, leans one last painting against a stack before switching off the light and closing the door on his dream.


NARRATOR But fate has something else in store.


INT. INFIRMARY - DAY A PRETTY YOUNG NURSE bandages up Adolfs arm. PRETTY NURSE Is it too tight? ADOLF No, its just right. Whats your name? Eva. PRETTY NURSE

ADOLF And where do you live? EVA Why do you ask? ADOLF Because when the war is over, Id love to take you out to dinner. She smiles.

EXT. STREETS OF MUNICH - NIGHT Sometime after the war. Adolf and Eva stroll down a picturesque cobblestone street, passing by cafes and restaurants. EVA What do you want out of life, Adolf?


ADOLF I want to make a difference. I want to unite the world under one flag. I want nations of different race, religion, sexual orientation, to live in harmonious peace. Something I thought I could do with my art. She strokes his face. EVA Art takes many forms, Adolf. CLOSE-UP as he takes in her wise words, overlayed with the sound of JUBILANT BOMBASTIC CHEERS, which takes us into...

EXT. REICH CHANCELLERY - DAY ...A HUGE CROWD waiting eagerly outside the window of the chancellery building. Adolf Hitler has just been elected, and hes yet to emerge to give his inauguration speech. SUBTITLE: JANUARY 30, 1933

INT. REICH CHANCELLERY - DAY The CHEERS are muted as we sweep across the great and decadent office, stopping on Adolf at the far end, who adjusts his cufflinks and tie in front of a tall mirror. He picks up a DOSSIER, adorned with a familiar logo: TWIN LAURELS flanking a MAP OF THE WORLD. Underneath the logo we see some German text, although the words UNITED NATIONS are readily understandable. This is clearly some kind of blueprint for the creation of the UNITED NATIONS.

INT. BATHROOM - DAY Adolf opens the medicine cabinet, pops open a bottle and swallows two pills. Upon closing it, we see a FIGURE has appeared behind him in the cabinets mirror. Hes a thirty-something black man, with long hair and beard, and long flowing white robes.


BLACK MAN Hello, Adolf. ADOLF Who are you? BLACK MAN Who am I? You spend so much time talking about me, I thought youd at least do me the pleasure of recognising me. ADOLF Jesus...? No, it cant be. The black man, is in fact, JESUS CHRIST. JESUS Yes. It is I. And I have returned to Earth for one thing and one thing only... vengeance against the Jews. ADOLF But the Jews are a lovely people. JESUS The Jews murdered me. ADOLF Why have you come to me? JESUS You, my friend, will be the puppet by which my whims are executed. You will exile the Jews, as they have exiled me. CLOSE-UP on Adolf, in the throes of a heavy moral struggle.

INT. REICH CHANCELLERY - DAY Adolf walks out of the bathroom, across the office and out to the balcony to deliver his speech. CLOSE-UP on the UNITED NATIONS DOSSIER, left lying on the sofa couch.


EXT. WINDOW OF THE REICH CHANCELLERY - DAY STOCK B&W FOOTAGE of Hitler giving an impassionate, antisemitic speech in front of a BLOATED CROWD.

EXT. STREETS OF BERLIN - DAY STOCK FOOTAGE of signs going up around Berlin, in front of shops and buildings, reading NO JEWS ALLOWED, JEWISH FREE ZONE, and other such things. STOCK FOOTAGE of a passport being stamped with a BIG RED J. STOCK FOOTAGE of an elderly Jewish man being brutally beaten by SS OFFICERS.

INT. CHAPEL - DAY ORANGE LIGHT pours in from the chapels grand casement and skylight. Adolf strides between aisles and towards the confessional booth, pausing to stare at the CHAPELS ALTARPIECE: a 20FT WOOD CARVING of a CRUCIFIED JESUS.

INT. CONFESSIONAL BOTH - DAY Adolf sits at the booth. We hear the voice of a PRIEST through the interwoven panel. ADOLF I am at a quandry, Father. What must I do, when two beliefs, which Ive held dear to me for my whole life, come into conflict? PRIEST Be true to yourself, and to others, and the Lord will understand. ADOLF But what if being true means many others will lose faith?


PRIEST There is no easy answer, my son. CLOSE-UP of Adolf looking contemplative.

INT. CHAPEL - DAY Adolf exits the booth to see Jesus sitting at the foot of his own sculpture. Hes draped in a brown robe and hood that conceals his blackness. Adolf approaches. JESUS Now that Germany has been purged of Jews, we turn our attention to the rest of the world.

EXT. WINDOW OF THE REICH CHANCELLERY - DAY Adolf watches from the window as DOZENS OF TIGHTLY PACKED NAZI COMPANIES march down the streets of Berlin, Clone Warsstyle. Jesus materialises behind him. JESUS You will imprison the Jews, as they have imprisoned me. ADOLF No, Jesus! Jewish people are kind, trustworthy, and honest, with important cultural and historical significance, and the backbone of the world economy. You mustnt make me do this! Jesus laughs.

EXT. EUROPEAN THEATRE - DAY STOCK FOOTAGE of WWII land and aerial warfare.


EXT. STREETS OF WARSAW - DAY STOCK FOOTAGE of Jewish homes being ransacked. STOCK FOOTAGE of synanogues being set of fire, icons being knocked over and destroyed. STOCK FOOTAGE of Jewish people being herded like cattle into trains and concentration camps.

INT. REICH CHANCELLERY - DAY Adolf sits on a couch with his head in his hands. Eva enters. Adolf goes over to her and puts her hands in his own. My love. ADOLF

EVA Whats come over you, Adolf? What? ADOLF

EVA This. The war, the anti-semitism, the discrimination, the genocide. It isnt you. What happened to you? ADOLF I cannot say. EVA Let me help you. ADOLF If you had to choose, between forsaking the Lord, or forsaking his followers, which would you choose? EVA I would choose the right choice.


INT. DEATH CAMP BATHROOM - DAY A NAZI TECH installs a showerhead in a gigantic, grimeinfested Nazi death camp bathroom.

INT. REICH CHANCELLERY - DAY Adolf sits at his desk, in front of a large memo pad that reads FROM THE MIND OF ADOLF HITLER. He takes a pen from the table, lifts it high... But he cannot will the pens point onto the page. He slams it down and walks away.

EXT. DEATH CAMP BUILDING - DAY TWO NAZI TECHS turn the valves on a couple 500 liter casks, pumping POISONOUS GAS through the buildings pipeline.

INT. CHANCELLERY BOARDROOM - DAY Adolf, his MINISTERS and MILITARY COMMANDERS sit around a boardroom table for an emergency meeting. SUBTITLE: JUNE 6, 1944 The meeting is dismissed, and all the men walk out, save for Adolf... and Jesus. JESUS The Americans approach. We must pull out forces out of the east. The Soviets can wait. Also, theres one last thing we must do. ADOLF Please, Jesus. The Jewish people, they have suffered enough by your hands! JESUS You will exterminate the Jews, as they have exterminated me.


Adolf BANGS his hand against the table, sending documents flying up into the air.

INT. DEATH CAMP BATHROOM - DAY The room is now TIGHTLY PACKED with SCARED, NAKED JEWISH PEOPLE. We are MUTE OF SOUND. The MELACHOLIC SCORE reaching a crescendo. Same as the church, ORANGE fills the room from above, although it isnt light, as we PAN UP to an air vent spewing TOXIC ORANGE GAS. Is that Jesus smirking face we see in the fog? Yes, it is.

INT. CHANCELLERY BOARDROOM - DAY Adolf, now alone, lays his head on the table in utter defeat. He picks his head up, seeing a document on the table. A MAP OF THE EASTERN FRONT. NARRATOR But he wouldnt take no for an answer.

EXT. EASTERN FRONT - DAY STOCK FOOTAGE of Nazis fighting Soviets in the cold snow. An ANIMATED MAP showing the Nazis being pushed back into Germany by the Soviets.

INT. HIDDEN BUNKER - DAY Adolf sits with his COMMANDERS. COMMANDER Sir, theyve pushed us back into Germany! Adolf smiles.


ADOLF Continue preparations as per normal. We will outlast the Soviets.

EXT. EUROPEAN THEATRE - DAY STOCK FOOTAGE of Soviet troops ransacking houses. STOCK FOOTAGE of death camps being liberated. STOCK FOOTAGE of the Soviets hoisting the flag over Berlin.

INT. BATHROOM OF HIDDEN BUNKER - DAY Adolf enters to an angry, fuming Jesus. JESUS Youve ruined me, Hitler! The extinction of the Jews was within reach! But youve chosen to doom us all! ADOLF I take solace in the idea that I have chosen the right choice. JESUS You will have cemented your place as the greatest monster the world has ever known! ADOLF Yes, I have. Although, same as you, this is a cross I choose to bear. Hopefully, my example will inspire people to treat each other with love instead of hate. JESUS You self-righteous asshole. Oh, hear my words. I will be back. And with that, he disappears.


EXT. HIDDEN BUNKER - DAY Adolf hands the UNITED NATIONS DOSSIER to a small boy. We see that it is now addressed to the WHITE HOUSE. The boy runs off to mail it. CLOSE-UP OF ADOLF. NARRATOR Starring Tom Hanks as Adolf Hitler... CLOSE-UP OF NURSE EVA. NARRATOR (CONTD) ...Amy Adams as Eva Braun... CLOSE-UP OF ORANGE FOG JESUS. NARRATOR (CONTD) ...and Jamie Foxx as Jesus Christ. The SCORE comes to a sweet ending.

INT. HIDDEN BUNKER - DAY Adolf and Eva lie side by side in bed, just having ingested their cyanide pills, looking lovingly into each others eyes. We hear the RUMBLES and SHOCKS of the battle outside, as small pieces of concrete crumble off the ceiling and towards the lovers. They close their eyes and we... FADE TO BLACK.


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