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Hotel Reservation System Project Management Plan CEN 3031, Fall, 2009 Modification history: Version v0.0 v0.

1 v0.11 v0.1# v0.# Date 08/15/00 0"/#"/0" 10/0&/0" 10/0+/0" 10/0+/0" Who G. H. Walton $ndon M. Coleman $ndon M. Coleman Christo!her ,teiner $ndon M. Coleman Comment em!late %nitial ince!tion '!dated dates( doc)ment standards( ris*s '!dated a-le of Wor* .ac*a/es. Created .01 chart( )!dated standards( com!leted team or/ani2ation. '!dated lin*s

v0.3 eam 4ame: eam Mem-ers:

11/03/0" $5$C ,ystems

Christo!her ,teiner

$n6i Chen 5in 8on/ 9an $ndon M. Coleman Christo!her ,teiner

achen7ea/le.f/c).ed) :fan7ea/le.f/c).ed) amcolema7ea/le.f/c).ed) csteine7ea/le.f/c).ed) Contents o t!is "oc#ment

.ro:ect ;vervie< 1eference Doc)ments $!!lica-le ,tandards .ro:ect eam ;r/ani2ation Delivera-les ,oft<are 8ife Cycle .rocess ools and Com!)tin/ 0nvironment Confi/)ration Mana/ement =)ality $ss)rance 1is* Mana/ement a-le of Wor* .ac*a/es( ime 0stimates( and $ssi/nments .01 Chart echnical .ro/ress Metrics .lan for trac*in/( control( and re!ortin/ of !ro/ress

Project $vervie% he Hotel 1eservation ,ystem is intended to !rovide a small to mid>si2e hotel <ith com!)teri2ed reservation ca!a-ilities. %nitial ince!tion limits the f)nctionality to em!loyees creatin/ and dis!layin/ reservations( ho<ever( the !ro:ect is !ro:ected to !rovide -illin/( chec*>in/chec*>o)t( and /)est>centric re!orts. %t <ill -e develo!ed in small increments( and de!loyed immediately )!on com!letion of each develo!ment cycle. $s s)ch( f)nctionality <ill /rad)ally /ro<.

Re erence "oc#ments Conce!t of ;!erations Doc)ment em!lates

&''lica(le Stan)ar)s Codin/ ,tandard

o C?? code <ill closely resem-le the G4' standard( <hile -orro<in/ the doc)mentation
and comment standards defined -y 5avadoc. Deviations from and additions to G4' / 5avadoc: .rivate mem-er varia-le names -e/in <ith a @AB character a-s <ill -e re!laced <ith t<o s!aces( and line len/th limited to +" characters. 8ocal and mem-er varia-les <ill -e com!letely lo<ercase <ith )nderscores C@ABD se!aratin/ <ords. .)-lic and .rotected 9)nctions -e/in in lo<ercase( <ith additional <ords -ein/ ca!itali2ed. .rivate 9)nctions -e/in <ith ca!ital letters. Erac*ets -e/innin/ on a ne<line have the same indentation as the first character of the !revio)s line.

Doc)ment ,tandard

o 0ach doc)ment follo<s the corres!ondin/ tem!late fo)nd here.

o o o o Doc)ments develo!ed <ith Microsoft ;ffice m)st -e stored in ;ffice #003 com!ati-le formats Ci.e. no .docF( .!!tF( etcGD or .orta-le Doc)ment 9ormat C.D9D. $ll modifications are to -e recorded in the Modification history that heads every !ro:ect doc)mentH they sho)ld descri-e any action ta*en and the !ortion of the doc)ment it !ertains to. he )se of first>!erson is for-iddenH doc)ments are intended to -e !rofessional 6)ality( <ith m)lti!le a)thors. $ 10 !oint font is c)rrently )sed( -)t may chan/e if reada-ility is affected. ,)ch a chan/e <ill -e retro>active( a!!lyin/ to all com!leted doc)ments as <ell.

$rtifact ,i2e Metric ,tandard o .ro/ress is meas)red in terms of data-ase com!leFityH <hich is a com-ination of the n)m-er of fields and the n)m-er of forms.

Project *eam $rgani+ation here is no de>facto !ro:ect mana/er for this !ro:ect( each mem-er is eF!ected to re!ort his or her !ro/ress to the entire /ro)!( and to follo< the !ro/ress of every other mem-er. Iee!in/ everythin/ in the o!en <ill hel! to ens)re that !ro:ect mana/ement does not -ecome a cho*e>!oint. hat said( <e eF!ect each mem-er to have his or her o<n stren/ths and <ea*nesses( so individ)al tas*s may have a mana/er

assi/ned to them. $fter the first iteration com!letes( <e <ill have a -etter !ict)re of <ho is -est s)ited for each ty!e of tas*. .resently( the team -rea*do<n is as follo<s: o Christo!her <ill -e res!onsi-le for mana/in/ -oth o)r !ro:ect <e-site( and o)r a!!lication <e-site C/ra!hical front>endD( as <ell as servin/ as technical director for data-ase develo!ment. $n6i <ill head est .lannin/ and =)ality $ss)rance 5in 8on/ <ill -e in char/e of 1e6)irements ,!ecification and 'se Case /eneration $ndon <ill f)nction as 0ditor and echnical Director for C?? and !h! com!onents( s)ch as -illin/.

o o o

$ll other tas*s are ta*en off of the ;D; !ile as disc)ssed in 1is* Mana/ement section of this doc)ment.

Eeca)se of co)rse sched)le conflicts and trans!ortation( face>to>face meetin/s <ill -e )sed s!arin/ly. %t is eF!ected that most comm)nication <ill occ)r thro)/h 0>Mail or in -rief meetin/s -et<een classes. 0>Mail is <ell s)ited to this !ro:ect -eca)se 'M8 dia/rams can follo< directly from <ritten <ordH the team <ill not have eno)/h !revio)s eF!erience to develo! 'M8 dia/rams on a <hite-oard d)rin/ face> to>face meetin/s.


&rti act Meetin/ Min)tes

*entative "#e "ates 11/0J/#00" 1#/0#/#00" 11/0J/#00" 1#/0#/#00" 11/0J/#00" 1#/0#/#00" 11/0J/#00" 11/0J/#00" 11/0J/#00" 11/0J/#00" 11/0J/#00" 10/0+/#00" C'!dated 0very CycleD C'!dated 0very CycleD C'!dated 0very CycleD C'!dated 0very CycleD ;ne entry !er>teammate !er><ee*

%ndivid)al 8o/s

Gro)! .ro:ect Mana/ement 1e!orts

;ne entry !er><ee*

Con;!s .ro:ect .lan ,1, Hi/h>8evel Desi/n Detailed Desi/n est .lan

'serKs Man)al 9inal est 1es)lts ,o)rce( 0Fec)ta-le( E)ild %nstr)ctions

1#/0#/#00" 1#/0#/#00" 11/0J/#00" 1#/0#/#00" 1#/0#/#00"

.ro:ect 8e/acy

So t%are ,i e Cycle Process he iterative model is ideal for this !ro:ect( -eca)se it ra!idly cycles thro)/h 1e6)irements( $nalysis and Desi/n( %m!lementation and estin/. Iee!in/ each of these cycles reasona-ly small ens)res that common lan/)a/e is !ic*ed>)! early on and that it is constantly reinforced. %t also ens)res that the entire team has time to criti6)e one anotherBs <or*( ma*in/ f)t)re cycles more efficient. Critically( the iterative model /)arantees that even if !rod)ction slo<s( after each small cycle com!letes( there is a de!loya-le !rod)ct. %f the <aterfall model <ere follo<ed( there <o)ld -e a hi/h !ro-a-ility that no <or*in/ system <o)ld -e !rod)ced -efore the non>ne/otia-le !ro:ect deadlineH !artic)larly since the team does not have eno)/h eF!erience <ith this sort of !ro:ect to /et 1e6)irements and Desi/n ri/ht in a sin/le attem!t.

Diagram Courtesy of Wikimedia %nitial !lannin/ consists of determinin/ the o!eratin/ environment( and a set of re6)ired and o!tional feat)res. $t the start of each cycle( a set of related feat)res <ill -e ta*en off of the ;D; list and a!!roFimately one to t<o days <ill -e s!ent !lannin/ and creatin/ ne< re6)irements aro)nd the feat)res. he rest of the cycle is dedicated to desi/n( im!lementation and testin/. 9inally( eval)ation ta*es !lace to determine the a!!ro!riate set of feat)res for the neFt cycle. Eeca)se most o!tional feat)res <ere identified d)rin/ initial !lannin/( Lfeat)re cree!M is *e!t to a minim)m.

*ools an) Com'#ting Environment he !ro:ect has t<o main com!onents: 1. -ac./en) Consists of Microsoft ,=8 ,erver r)nnin/ on some variant of Microsoft Windo<s #. Front/en) Desi/ned )sin/ Microsoft $ccess( and accessi-le on any device that has net<or* connectivity and a <e- -ro<ser. $dditional com!onents( if needed( <ill -e <ritten in C?? and com!iled <ith /cc. .h! may -e )sed to !rovide a <e- interface <ith com!onents <ritten in C??. $llo<a-le li-raries incl)de: Com!ression: Data-ase: NM8 .arser: Eillin/: 2liMy,=8 Nerces>C?? $.% C,and-oFD

Con ig#ration Management ,o)rce code <ill -e stored on an off>site svn server( and each -atch of chec*>ins <ill re6)ire a short s)mmary in a CH$4G0, file. $ndon <ill oversee the administration of and !ro!er !rotocol for )sin/ the version control server. Doc)ments have a !rimary a)thor( <ho ass)mes the res!onsi-ility of ens)rin/ acc)racy and conformance. $ll team mem-ers are allo<ed to modify a doc)ment( and are eF!ected to s)-mit the modified doc)ment to its !rimary a)thor to commit chan/es. $dditionally( chan/es sho)ld -e for<arded to all team mem-ers for comment.

0#ality &ss#rance estin/ <ill -e !erformed after every develo!ment cycle( and res)lts <ill -e recorded for f)t)re reference. %n addition to ne< test cases( !revio)s test cases sho)ld -e re)sed to !revent re/ression iss)es( es!ecially errant test cases. Doc)ment )!loads <ill -e for<arded to $ndon for editin/( to ens)re style and format consistency( and technical acc)racy. 4e< delivera-le doc)ments <ill -e for<arded to the entire team -efore they are )!loaded to the !ro:ect <e-siteH mem-ers are eF!ected to loo* over the doc)ment ens)rin/ sections related to their o<n assi/ned tas*s are acc)rate. Code revie<s <ill -e !erformed <hen one or more team mem-ers have idle time. his is not associated <ith any !artic)lar sta/e of the develo!ment cycle.

Ris. Management he sin/le /reatest ris* facin/ this !ro:ect is diffic)lty comm)nicatin/. he team consists of t<o mem-ers <ith 0n/lish as their native ton/)e( and t<o <ho s!ea* Chinese. his can ma*e assi/nin/ and monitorin/ tas* !ro/ress a lo/istical !ro-lem. Conse6)ently( t<o considerations have -een made to hel! -rid/e the aforementioned lan/)a/e divide. 9irst( tas*s are !ooled to/ether -ased on their level of <ritten <ord and a-straction. hat is to say( doc)ments and !roced)res that follo< strict !roced)ral order or <hose !)r!ose is to vis)ally re!resent a conce!t are considered a!!ro!riate for any mem-er of the team. he remainin/ tas*s are -est left to the 0n/lish s!ea*in/ mem-ers. o !revent idle h)man reso)rces( 0n/lish mem-ers sho)ld attem!t to com!lete all of the ver-ose tas*s -efore ta*in/ on the a-stract !ile. ,econd( the <aterfall model <ill not -e )sed. Eeca)se comm)nication is less than ideal( if lar/e tas*s follo<ed in loc*>ste! fashion( the develo!ment !i!eline <o)ld eF!erience fre6)ent clo/sH re6)irin/ mem-ers to dro! <hat they are doin/ to hel! )nclo/ it. he iterative model is not <itho)t these clo/s( ho<ever( they are m)ch smaller and sim!ler to address O and if they occ)r a/ain( a /eneral sol)tion and the lan/)a/e to descri-e it already eFists. *a(le o 1or. Pac.ages, *ime Estimates, an) &ssignments *as. Name Conce!t of ;!erations .ro:ect Mana/ement .lan ,oft<are 1e6)irements ,!ecification est .lan Data 9lo< Dia/ram CHi/h 8evel Desi/nD 0ntity 1elation Dia/ram CHi/h 8evel Desi/nD Detailed Desi/n Data-ase Creation We-site 9rontend estin/ est 1es)lts 'serKs Man)al E)ild %nstr)ctions .ro:ect 8e/acy "#ration + days + days + days + days + days + days 1J days #1 days + days 5 days 5 days + days + days + days Res'onsi(ility Christo!her $ndon 5in8on/ $n6i $ndon 5in8on/ $n6i( 5in8on/ Christo!her Christo!her $n6i( Christo!her Christo!her $ndon 5in8on/ $n6i

PER* C!art

*ec!nical Progress Metrics Meetin/ Min)tes %ndivid)al 8o/ 0ntries 4)m-er of 'M8 class o-:ects 4)m-er of 'M8 dia/rams Data-ase 9ields Data-ase 9orms Data-ase 1e!orts Com-ined man ho)rs Cas re!orted in <ee*ly !ro/ress re!ortsD 4)m-er of C?? classes 4)m-er of non>accessor / m)tator methods o $ccessor and m)tator methods are a conse6)ence of -lac*>-oF desi/n( and re!resent the n)m-er of varia-les( rather than act)al f)nctionality. 4)m-er of so)rce/header !airs

Plan or, control, an) re'orting o 'rogress 0ach <ee*( every team mem-er is eF!ected to !rovide a -rief !ro/ress re!ort( to all other mem-ers via 0>Mail. his !ro/ress re!ort sho)ld incl)de any diffic)lties enco)ntered Cs)ch as defects or )nantici!ated re6)irement chan/esD( ma:or decisions made( doc)ments edited( and a ro)/h estimate time s!ent on and time re6)ired to com!lete each tas*. 0ither $ndon or Christo!her <ill ta*e this information on no lon/er than a -i><ee*ly -asis and develo! a more detailed re!ort that incl)des the im!ortant !oints from the individ)al re!orts( alon/ <ith !ro/ress metrics( =$ res)lts( and any chan/es to ris*. em!late created -y G. Walton CGWalton7mail.)cf.ed)D on $)/ 30( 1""" and last )!dated $)/ 15( #000

his !a/e last modified -y Christo!her ,teiner Ccsteine7ea/le.f/c).ed)D on 4ovem-er 3( #00"

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