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IMC-IMG: Vasundhara(0630062) & Yatin(063063)


FACULTY: Prof. Freda J. Swaminathan DATE: 15-02-2014

SUBMITTED BY: Vasundhara Surajgaria (0630062) Yatin Chauhan (063063) IMC-IMG



IMC-IMG: Vasundhara(0630062) & Yatin(063063)



Road accident is one of the major man made tragedies, killing millions of people across the world every year. The situation is quite alarming in the developing countries, experiencing increasing motorisation, without adequate institutional mechanism to combat the problem. Even within these developing countries, the vulnerable road users comprising pedestrians, bicyclists and two-wheeler riders are the worst affected.

Experiences of some of the successful countries in improving road safety have shown that the road accidents are preventable to an extent, subject to concerted efforts by the government at the highest level. It is also necessary to bring all stakeholders on board to carry out the task effectively.

Situation in case of India is quite grim, where more than 100,000 people are killed and many more get seriously injured in these accidents every year. In Delhi, the Capital city of India, though there has been some declining trend in the number of fatalities on account of these accidents during the last three years, the situation is far from satisfactory. There is an urgent need to take necessary steps for improving road safety environment of the city. For this purpose, necessary institutional mechanisms need to be evolved by bringing major stakeholders on board so that right policies are framed to save the lives of thousands of people. There is enough scope to learn from the experiences of the developed countries in this field.


IMC-IMG: Vasundhara(0630062) & Yatin(063063)


Communication Objective(s): 1. Highlighting the potential consequences of Rash Driving: Rash driving could result in major accidents which in turn could lead permanent injuries. 2. Encourage Responsible Driving: Encouraging the people of the country, especially the youth, to be responsible and considerate when driving.

Communication Strategy: 1. Use of Black & White has been done to focus upon the tragedies one can associate with accident whereas colours have been used to associate the relief from responsible driving 2. Real example has been used to emphasize upon how a simple act of rash driving can decimate a persons ambitions and aspirations.


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