Marketing Research: BSBA 3A Marketing Management Mr. Randall Pasco

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Marketing Research

BSBA 3A Marketing Management Mr. Randall Pasco

Improving the poster advertisement of Milo 2013

Client: Nestle company

Authors: Jean crizele tiffany Q. Brinas Rizza P. Canlas Angelyn M. De Ocampo Elsha G. Fernandez Rubielyn C. Flores

The report is about improving the poster advertisement of milo 2013. The reason why the research was conducted is because we want to make a change for us to be more competitive among other competitors. And to gain more customers who will patronize their product. The search adds to the knowledge that the reader may have about the topic is by giving them broader knowledge or information on how to improve the poster advertisement of milo 2013.

Statement of the problem:

1. How to improve the poster advertisement of milo 2013? 2. How to attract the customers through the use of poster?

The study shall enable the research to: 1. To improve the poster advertisement of milo 2013. 2. How to attract the customers through the use of poster.

Table of Contents Chapter 1

Executive summary Introduction Statement of the problem Objectives

Chapter 2

Secondary research: Advertising layout :

To make a poster, we need to apply the elements of the advertisement, headline, subheadlines, copy blocks, illustrations, signature, trademarks. The physical factors which go to make up attractive, effective layouts include the shape of the advertisement, border, balance, display lines, boxes, illustration, rules and ornaments.

Balance in the layout

1. Formal balance- when placing illustrations in a layout, attention should be given to balancing one illustration with another or with a block of copy. The formally balanced layout gives a rather fixed and solid appearance. It gives the impression of conservation because of its firm, immobile, blocked-out aspect. 2. Informal balance- the informally balanced layout is more popular and in many ways more effective than the formally balanced layout since the format affects greater freedom to the advertiser. As such, it gives the advertiser the opportunity to make use of a more original composition. Furthermore, he can introduce a sprightly energetic feeling of movement of one kind or another through a dynamic informal design.

Unity in the layout

It leads the eye easily and naturally from the beginning to the end. Unity in a layout depends on keeping the elements of an advertisement in reasonably close proximity to each other. In other words, they should be kept together. The headline, body copy, illustration, and signature should not be too greatly seperated.

Emphasis in the layout

Every advertisement has for its primordial aim what of securing the attention of prospective buyers. As such, it is, therefore, both important consideration in the making of a layout. In making a layout. The advertisement determine the exact arrangement of these attention getting elements. Authors : Irvin Graham, 1952

Improving the poster advertisement of milo 2013 Interview questions :

1. What suggestion can you give to improve the poster advertisement of milo 2013? 2. How can you prove that the poster advertisement of milo is more creative than the other poster of particular product? 3. What feature do you prefer to see in milos poster? 4. Is it effective in improving milos poster to add an artist?

5. What moral or value that the children can adopt when they see the poster of milo? 6. Is it important to have poster in milo product? 7. What colors can you add to the poster to make it more attractive to many people? 8. How can it helps the people who keep on purchasing the milo product?

Chapter 3 Data Analysis : QUALITITATIVE RESEARCH is a method of inquiry

employed in many different academic disciplines, traditionally in the social sciences, but also in market research and further contexts.[1] Qualitative researchers aim to gather an in-depth understanding of human behavior and the reasons that govern such behavior. The qualitative method investigates the why and how of decision making, not just what, where, when. Hence, smaller but focused samples are more often used than large samples.

Justification for methods chosen. Focus group discussion it because all of us are Give
information on how groups of people think or feel about a particular topic.Give greater insight into why certain opinions are held. Help improve the planning and design of new programs. Provide a means of evaluating existing programs.Produce insights for developing strategies for outreach

Outcomes of analysis:
Based on the interview at first our group are hard to find who will be interviewing it is because some of our classmate are busy, but in some way we are trying to find a person who will answer our question in marketing research. At the end we are have an idea and opinion in others what will be added in milo poster in 2013.

Significance of result :
It is important to know the opinion of others about in milo poster 2013 it is because it helps to improve the quality of the product producr in company and what will be going to do in poster advertisement.

Chapter 4 : Findings :
The findings in our research are we dont have enough time to Xerox the interview question so that we did is to question individually per person and we right it on the spot in that time we are hard it is because one of our group mates are having a sick. At the end we finished our interview.

Chapter 5 Limitations:

Time our time is not enough for us to finish this

marketing research because there are some topics here that needed a long time to discuss and study with. Money- in this case money matter is one of the constraints that we are facing the time we are doing this. We dont have enough money to provide the needs of this marketing research.

Chapter 6 Conclusions and Recommendations:

This research has several limitations that point to future research directions. While our study focuses primarily on measuring trust and trustworthiness, future research could also measure consumers risk averseness and perceived self-efficacy in using ICT as both potentially could be intervening variables. While the recommendations are they provide the quality of Milo as I know and our group Milo advertisement they need to improve the poster of a Milo to attract to a customer specially the kids.

Chapter 7: References:
Book: Advertising layout Irvin Graham, Encyclopaedia of Advertising (new York : Fairchild publications, Inc., 1952), p, 268 George Burton Hotchkiss and Williams J. Doremus, advertising (New York: Alexander Hamilton institute, 1995), p. 233

Chapter 8 Appendices:

In this picture our group mates are discussing about the marketing research and we are talking the format and editing the topic.

We are interviewing Ms. Ronalyn Gigante we asking how will improve the poster of Milo 2013 and what is the colour added to the poster.

1. The suggestions that some people gave to improve the poster advertisement of Milo 2013 is about the font style of written in the poster itself. They suggest adding arts to the font style, some says its ok, and lastly they prefer to make what is written in a tagalog language to be more understood. 2. Some people prove that the poster advertisement of Milo is more creative than the other poster of particular product by saying that it adds energy ,creative, it show that Milo is usually an effective and mostly the informations about it is seem. 3. Some people prefers to see in Milos poster is a family, cartoon, more athletes, and they have free taste, add colour, and the font size it should be big for some people to easily seem. 4. Some says that adding an artist in improving Milos poster is effective because it can add more buyers especially if the artist is their fan. Some says that it is not necessary because some of the athletes are not artist, and it affects the buying behaviour of the consumer.

5. The moral and value that the children can adopt when they see the poster of Milo is sportsmanship , energetic, encouragement, active, they might feel that Milo is a healthy drinks. 6. Some says that having a poster in Milo product is important because it is an additional technique for the Milo product to be known by other people, one of the advertisements and also one of the marketing strategies. 7. The color that can add to the poster of Milo to make it more attractive to many people are orange, red, blue, because it some that this color is cool. 8. The poster itself can help the people who keep on purchasing the milo product because it gives energy, it motivates the young people to try to join in sports, beautiful in the eyes.

Marketing research

3A Marketing Management

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