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Everyday Manners
Discussion and Examples: There are many phrases of manners called The Golden Rule: 1. Do unto other as you would have them do unto you (Bible) 2. No one of you is a believer until he desires for his brother that which he desires for himself (Islam) 3. This is the sum of all true righteousness: deal with others as thou wouldst thyself be dealt by. (Hinduism) 4. Hurt not others in ways that you yourself would find hurtful (Buddhism) These phrases are from archaic sound of the English (English language from long ago). Simply they mean Do good thing to other people as you want people do god thing toward you. In Websters dictionary manner can be defined as good or polite deportment . Deportment here means the way a person behave. Mark Twain said Always do right; you will please some people and astonish the rest. It means when we do good things, good attitude, know how to behave; the other people will do the same to you. The problems for foreigner when trying to follow this principle is each country have different cultures. Thats why its important for EFL learners to know and understand about Western Everyday manners especially in America. Sometime we have a problem or confusion about others cultures, so you should feel free to ask someone about it or you can ask F.S.A, Federal Students Aid is a department which helps the financial of beyond high school students; it is part of US Department of Education. Appointment and punctuality Appointment is an arrangement to meet someone at particular time and place, and Punctuality has similar meaning with being on time. In America business and social calls are made by appointment in advance (maybe a few days before the designated time). You cant dropping in or cancel or postpone the appointment without notice except the man is your very close friend. Important people or professional mostly have secretaries, they will set and arrange the date for appointment. Business calls are usually short, after you enter an office; you should explain your reason for his call very early in the conversation. When we want to cancel the appointment we make a call or write to cancel it as soon as possible.

In USA the concern with time and the value of time is very acute. Being on time is considered a mark of respect and also indication of efficiency. When people concern with time they will accomplish more and proving that they are efficient. Meeting New People Most of the introductions are less formal than they used to be, When being introduced to someone you have meet before the greeting is How do you do, its not an question; its just a spoken statement. The intonation of How do you do is by lowering your intonation at the end. In formal form for example when we introduced important people like ambassador, or CEO of the company. There are some rules to behave: 1. A man is always presented to a woman, the woman being the honored person. 2. The honored persons name is said first: the name of the person being presented come second. For example: Mrs. Harper, this is Mr. Stranger Mrs. Harper, Mr. Stranger When someone presented based on a first name (i.e, they know each other very well/ very close). The introduction might be: Alysa Harper, this is John Stranger. In America men usually shake hands with each other, but not for women. Man only shakes hand with woman if the woman offers the hand first. But women who have experienced or lived abroad (outside US) they may do shake hand. Other customs about introduction are: 1. The young always presented to the old 2. The lesser are presented to the greater as far as personal distinction is concerned 3. If the group is too large for an introduction to every person there, an introduction to the nearest group is enough.

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