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Caren R.

Tumambing Crpt1 Insect Orders Order Blattodea Coleoptera Etymology Blatta - cockroach Coleo sheath -ptera wing *refers to hardened
front wings that form a protective cover


Distinguishing Characteristics Flattened body, head concealed by pronotum; walking or running legs Elytra are hard and shieldlike, meeting in a straight midline

Example/s Cockroaches Beetles Weevils


coll = glue -embol = peg *refers to the

collophore and adhesive organ

tiny, wingless insects jump by means of a forked tail-like appendage Forceps-like cerci short wings at the tip of the abdomen Second pair of wings reduced in size



Derm skin -ptera wing *refers to skin or

leather-like front wings



Di two -ptera wing *refers to having one

pair of wings

Houseflies Mosquitoes


ephemero = but a day -ptera = wing *refers to fact most

adults live only a day or short time

two pairs (rarely just one pair) of triangular shaped wings with many veins small (4-15 mm long) pale-colored long, cylindrical body with



Embios lively -ptera wings *These insects are not


particularly speedy or agile flyers, so the description remains a mystery. Some authorities have suggested it refers to some male webspinners, which flutter their wings.


Hemi half -ptera wing *refers to front wing

which is half leathery and half membranous

a thorax about a long as the abdomen some males have long and narrow, smoky-colored, membranous wings; other males are wingless all females are wingless two short cerci, which are dissimilar in size and shape in some males Beak attached near front of head, hemelytra front wings four wings folded flat visible triangle at the center of the back that the wing bases do not cover called the scutellum wingless parasites that live on most birds and mammals wings are held roof-like over the body and are usually membranous Membranous wings, front pair larger than rear; some with ovipositor modified into a sting Bead-like antennae; two pairs of similar wings

giant water bug tarnished plant bug chinch bug.


Homo whole -ptera wing *refers to membranous

whole-winged insects

Cicadas crape myrtle aphids euonymus scale silverleaf whitefly Bees Ants


Hymen membrane -ptera wing *refers to mostly

membranous wings with few veins


Iso equal -ptera wing *refers to wings which

are all equal in size and shape



Lepido scale -ptera wing *refers to many scales

covering the wings

Wings covered with scales

Butterflies Moths


Mantodea Mecoptera

(Gr) Mantodea soothsayer of a kind of grasshopper meco = long -ptera = wing

Raptorial or grasping front legs small to medium-sized insects with four long, narrow wings and long antennae chewing mouthparts is two or three times as long as the head is wide Small headed insects Membranous wings with numerous veins

Preying mantis scorpionfly

Microcoryphia Neuroptera

micro = small -coryphia = head Neuro nerve -ptera wing *refers to the network
of numerous veins in the wings

jumping bristletails Antlions Lacewings


Odon tooth *refers to the toothed



Ortho straight -ptera wing *refers to the long,

straight front wings


(Gr)phasmphantom *refers to cryptic

appearance and behavior of insects

Long slender abdomen; large faceted compound eyes occupy most of the head; 4 elongate wings Front wings parchmentlike; long antennae; jumping hindlegs or digging forelegs; many with well-developed cerci and ovipositor Elongate twig or stick-like body

Dragonflies Damselflies Grasshoppers Crickets

Walking sticks Leaf insects

Phthiraptera a. Mallophaga Chewing lice (Gr) mallos lock of wool

wingless parasites that live on most birds and mammals; small, flat, wingless, parasitic insects with mouth parts formed for chewing; legs and

Lice Chicken head louse ( Cuclotogaster hetero graphus (Nitzsh))

phagos eat b. Anoplura Sucking lice anoplos unarmed oura tail Plecoptera pleco = folded or plaited -ptera = wing *refers to the pleated
or folded hind wings

antennae are short small, flat, wingless, parasitic insects with mouthparts formed for piercing and sucking Legs and antennae are short two pairs of wings which are held together flat and extend beyond the abdomen hind wings are much larger than the front and are folded fan-like under the front wing tiny insects that have either four wings or none at all Wings are held tent-like over the back of the body generally have long antennae and soft bodies small, wingless insects with the body flattened laterally (from side to side) spines on the body point to the rear of the insect Minute,slender body; wingless or winged with 4 bristle-like wings run rapidly and hide in cracks and crevices wingless insects with flattened elongate bodies, long antennae and usually with three, long, tail like Hog louse (Haematopinus suis ( Linnaeus))



psoc =rub small ptera =wings *refers to the gnawing

habits of these insects

Barklice Booklice Psocids


siphon = tube aptera = wing *refers to the beak-like

sucking mouth parts & no wings

cat flea


Thysan fringe -ptera wing *refers to the fringe-like




thysan =bristle or fringe -ura = tail *refers to the bristlelike tail appendages

silverfish, firebrats, bristletails


tricho = hair -ptera = wing *refers to the many

hairs which cover the wings surface

appendages soft-bodied insects with two pairs of wings clothed with silky hairs Adults have long antennae, hairy wings (folded tent-like over their body) and resemble small, dull-colored moths


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