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Distinguishing Characteristics antennae are short small, flat, wingless, parasitic phagos eat Sucking lice insects with mouthparts anoplos unarmed oura formed for piercing and tail sucking Legs and antennae are short Blatta - cockroach Coleo sheath -ptera wing *refers to hardened front wings that form a protective cover coll = glue -embol = peg (refers to the collophore and adhesive organ) Derm skin -ptera wing *refers to skin or leatherlike front wings Di two -ptera wing *refers to having one pair of wings Flattened body, head concealed by pronotum Elytra are hard and shieldlike, meeting in a straight midline



Hog louse (Haematopinus suis (Linnaeus))

Cockroaches Blattodea "insect avoiding light" Coleoptera "hard wings"

Beetles Weevils

Collembola "sticky peg"

Minute, wingless, with spring-like apparatus on abdomen Forceps-like cerci at the tip of the abdomen


Dermaptera "leathery wings"


Diptera "two wings"

Second pair of wings reduced in size

Houseflies Mosquitoes

Midge Greek, embio = lively; pteron = wing ephemero = but a day ptera = wing (refers to fact most adults live only a day or short time} Hemi half -ptera wing *refers to front wing which is half leathery and half mambranous Homo = same ptera = wing Hymen membrane -ptera wing *refers to mostly membranous wings with few veins Iso equal -ptera wing *refers to wings which are all equal in size and shape Lepido scale -ptera wing *refers to many scales Body: specialized for the silk tunnels, being long, narrow and highly flexible. 10-segmented abdomen


web-spinners, foot-spinners

Ephemeroptera "living for a day"


Hemiptera "half wings"

Beak attached near front of head, hemelytra front wings



Beak attached near the rear of the head

Cicada Hopper Scale Aphid Bees Ants Wasp

Hymenoptera "membrane wings"

Membranous wings, front pair larger than rear

Isoptera "equal wings"

Bead-like antennae


Lepidoptera "scaly wings"

Wings covered with scales

Butterflies Moths

covering the wings surface Chewing lice (Gr) mallos lock of wool Gr) Mantodea soothsayer of a kind of grasshopper micro = small -coryphia = head meco = long -ptera = wing Neuro nerve -ptera wing *refers to the network of numerous veins in the Odon tooth *refers to the toothed mandibles Ortho straight -ptera wing *refers to the long, straight front wings (Gr) phasm phantom *refers to cryptic appearance and behavior Apterous, dorsoventrally flattened body, reduced compound eyes, no ocelli and cerci Raptorial front legs



Chewing Louse

Mantodea "like a prophet" Microcoryphia

Praying mantis

jumping brisletails

Mecoptera "long wings" Neuroptera "net-veined wings"

Head prolonged below the eyes as a beak Membranous wings with numerous veins


Antlions Lacewings Dobsonfly

Odonata "toothed flies" Orthoptera "straight wings"

Large faceted compound eyes occupy most of the head, 4 elongate wings Front wings parchmentlike, long antennae, legs modified for jumping Elongate sticklike body

Dragonflies Damselflies Grasshoppers Crickets Katydid Walking sticks Leaf insects

Phasmatodea "like a ghost"

of insects chewing lice and sucking lice have been combined pleco = folded or plaited ptera = wing (refers to the pleated or folded hind wings) psoc =rub small ptera =wings (refers to the gnawing habits of these insects) Wingless, flattened, crablike legs, modified for clinging to host Cerci present, may be long or short Narrow "neck" between head and thorax , Tarsi 2or 3-segmented three ocelli. The short-lived adults have a long prothorax that gives them a snake-like appeareance siphon = tube -aptera = wing (refers to the beak-like sucking mouth parts & no wings) Thysan fringe -ptera wing *refers to the fringe-like wings tricho = hair -ptera = wing (refers to the many hairs which cover the wings surface) Wingless, flattened laterally, jumping hind legs

Phthiraptera "louse wings" Plecoptera "wickerwork wings"

Sucking and biting louse


Psocoptera "milled wings"

psocids, booklice barklice



Siphonaptera "tube without wings"


Thysanoptera "fringed wings"

Minute, wingless or winged with 4 bristle-like wings


Trichoptera "hairy wings"


Thysanura "bristle tails"

thysan =bristle or fringe ura = tail (refers to the bristle-like tail appendages) Greek "zor= pure and "aptera= wingless


Wingless with 3 thread-like filaments at the tip of the abdomen Soft-bodied, Immature are always wingless, Antennae 9-segmented



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