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ANNA UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY CHENNAI :: CHENNAI 600 113 CURRICULUM 2010 CURRICULA AND SYLLABI FOR VI SEMESTER B.E. CIVIL ENGINEERING SEMESTER VI Code No. Cou !e T"#$e L THEORY 188601 Principles of Management 3 101601 Structural Analysis II 3 101602 Design of Steel Structures 3 101603 onstruction Planning ! Sc"e#uling 3 101604 $n%ironmental $ngineering II 3 $1 $lecti%e I 3 %RACTICAL $n%ironmental an# Irrigation $ngineering 1016&1 0 Dra'ing 1016&2 $n%ironmental $ngineering (a)oratory 0 1016&3 Sur%ey amp * TOTAL 1& LIST OF ELECTIVES (o B.E. CIVIL ENGINEERING SEMESTER VI Code No. 10166& 101666 10166, 101668 101661 18&66& 18&666 18&66, 18&668 18&661 Cou !e T"#$e +y#rology artograp"y $lectronic Sur%eying -emote Sensing .ec"ni/ues an# 0IS Arc"itecture Professional $t"ics in $ngineering .otal 2uality Management 3un#amentals of 4anoscience Intellectual Property -ig"ts 5IP-6 In#ian onstitution an# Society L 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 T 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 % 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 T 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 * 2 % 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 3 * ' C 3 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 3 2'


%RINCI%LES OF MANAGEMENT (Common to all Branches)

LT%C 3 003

OB)ECTIVE 7no'le#ge on t"e principles of management is essential for all 8in#s of people in all 8in#s of organi9ations: After stu#ying t"is course; stu#ents 'ill )e a)le to "a%e a clear un#erstan#ing of t"e managerial functions li8e planning; organi9ing; staffing; lea#ing an# controlling: Stu#ents 'ill also gain some )asic 8no'le#ge on international aspect of management: UNIT I HISTORICAL DEVELO%MENT *

Definition of Management Science or Art Management an# A#ministration De%elopment of Management ."oug"t ontri)ution of .aylor an# 3ayol 3unctions of Management .ypes of <usiness =rganisation: UNIT II %LANNING *

4ature ! Purpose Steps in%ol%e# in Planning =)>ecti%es Setting =)>ecti%es Process of Managing )y =)>ecti%es Strategies; Policies ! Planning Premises* 3orecasting Decision* ma8ing: UNIT III ORGANISING *

4ature an# Purpose 3ormal an# informal organi9ation =rgani9ation "art Structure an# Process Departmentation )y #ifference strategies (ine an# Staff aut"ority <enefits an# (imitations De* entrali9ation an# Delegation of Aut"ority Staffing Selection Process * .ec"ni/ues +-D Managerial $ffecti%eness: UNIT IV DIRECTING *

Scope +uman 3actors reati%ity an# Inno%ation +armoni9ing =)>ecti%es (ea#ers"ip .ypes of (ea#ers"ip Moti%ation +ierarc"y of nee#s Moti%ation t"eories Moti%ational .ec"ni/ues ?o) $nric"ment ommunication Process of ommunication <arriers an# <rea8#o'n $ffecti%e ommunication $lectronic me#ia in ommunication: UNIT V CONTROLLING *

System an# process of ontrolling -e/uirements for effecti%e control ."e <u#get as ontrol .ec"ni/ue Information .ec"nology in ontrolling @se of computers in "an#ling t"e information Pro#ucti%ity Pro)lems an# Management ontrol of =%erall Performance Direct an# Pre%enti%e ontrol -eporting ."e 0lo)al $n%ironment 0lo)ali9ation an# (i)erali9ation International Management an# 0lo)al t"eory of Management: TOTAL: +, %ERIODS TE-T BOO.S: 1: +arol# 7oorit9 ! +ein9 Aei"ric" B$ssentials of ManagementC; .ata Mc0ra'*+ill; 1118 2: ?osep" ( Massie B$ssentials of ManagementC; Prentice +all of In#ia; 5Pearson6 3ourt" $#ition; 2003: REFERENCES 1: 2: 3: 4: .ripat"y P An# -e##y P4; BPrinciples of ManagementC; .ata Mc0ra'*+ill; 1111: Decen9o Da%i#; -o))in Step"en A; BPersonnel an# +uman -easons ManagementC; Prentice +all of In#ia; 1116 ?A3 Stomer; 3reeman -: $ an# Daniel - 0il)ert Management; Pearson $#ucation; SiDt" $#ition;2004: 3rai#oon Ma9#a; B$ngineering ManagementC; A##ison Aesley; 2000:

101601 OB)ECTIVE:


LT%C 310+

."is course is in continuation of Structural Analysis lassical Met"o#s: +ere in a#%ance# met"o# of analysis li8e MatriD met"o# an# Plastic Analysis are co%ere#: A#%ance# topics suc" as 3$ met"o# an# Space Structures are co%ere#: UNIT I FLE-IBILITY METHOD 12

$/uili)rium an# compati)ility Determinate %s In#eterminate structures In#eterminacy * Primary structure ompati)ility con#itions Analysis of in#eterminate pin*>ointe# plane frames; continuous )eams; rigi# >ointe# plane frames 5'it" re#un#ancy restricte# to t'o6: UNIT II STIFFNESS MATRI- METHOD 12

$lement an# glo)al stiffness matrices Analysis of continuous )eams o*or#inate transformations -otation matriD .ransformations of stiffness matrices; loa# %ectors an# #isplacements %ectors Analysis of pin*>ointe# plane frames an# rigi# frames5 'it" re#un#ancy %ertical to t'o6 UNIT III FINITE ELEMENT METHOD 12

Intro#uction Discretisation of a structure Displacement functions .russ element <eam element Plane stress an# plane strain * .riangular elements UNIT IV %LASTIC ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURES 12

Statically in#eterminate aDial pro)lems <eams in pure )en#ing Plastic moment of resistance Plastic mo#ulus S"ape factor (oa# factor Plastic "inge an# mec"anism Plastic analysis of in#eterminate )eams an# frames @pper an# lo'er )oun# t"eorems UNIT V S%ACE AND CABLE STRUCTURES 12 Analysis of Space trusses using met"o# of tension coefficients <eams cur%e# in plan Suspension ca)les suspension )ri#ges 'it" t'o an# t"ree "inge# stiffening gir#ers TUTORIAL: 1, TE-T BOO.S 1 2 3 Eai#yanat"an; -: an# Perumal; P:; B ompre"ensi%e structural Analysis Eol: I ! IIC; (aDmi Pu)lications; 4e' Del"i; 2003 (:S: 4egi ! -:S: ?angi#; BStructural AnalysisC; .ata Mc0ra'*+ill Pu)lications; 4e' Del"i; 2003: <"a%i7atti; S:S; BStructural Analysis Eol: 1 Eol: 2C; Ei8as Pu)lis"ing +ouse P%t: (t#:; 4e' Del"i; 2008 TOTAL: 60 %ERIODS

REFERENCES 1: 0"ali:A; 4e)ille;A:M: an# <ro'n;.:0: BStructural AnalysisC A unifie# classical an# MatriD approac"C &t" e#ition: Spon Press; (on#on an# 4e' For8; 2003: 2: oates -: ; outie M:0: an# 7ong 3:7:; BStructural AnalysisC; $(<S an# 4elson; 1110 3: Structural Analysis A MatriD Approac" 0:S: Pan#it ! S:P: 0upta; .ata Mc0ra' +ill 2004: 4: MatriD Analysis of 3rame# Structures ?r: Ailliam Aea%er ! ?ames M: 0ere; <S Pu)lis"ers an# Distri)utors; Del"i:

101602 OB)ECTIVE:


LT%C 31 0+

."is course co%ers t"e #esign of structural steel mem)ers su)>ecte# to compressi%e; tensile an# )en#ing loa#s; as per current co#al pro%isions 5IS 800 * 200,6 inclu#ing connections: Design of structural systems suc" as roof trusses; gantry gir#ers are inclu#e#: UNIT I INTRODUCTION 12

Properties of steel Structural steel sections (imit State Design oncepts (oa#s on Structures Metal >oining met"o#s using ri%ets; 'el#ing; )olting Design of )olte#; ri%ete# an# 'el#e# >oints $ccentric connections * $fficiency of >oints +ig" .ension )olts UNIT II TENSION MEMBERS &

.ypes of sections 4et area 4et effecti%e sections for angles an# .ee in tension Design of connections in tension mem)ers @se of lug angles Design of tension splice oncept of s"ear lag UNIT III COM%RESSION MEMBERS 16

.ypes of compression mem)ers ."eory of columns <asis of current co#al pro%ision for compression mem)er #esign Slen#erness ratio Design of single section an# compoun# section compression mem)ers Design of lacing an# )attening type columns Design of column )ases 0ussete# )ase UNIT IV BEAMS 12

Design of laterally supporte# an# unsupporte# )eams <uilt up )eams <eams su)>ecte# to )iaDial )en#ing Design of plate gir#ers ri%ete# an# 'el#e# Interme#iate an# )earing stiffeners Ae) splices Design of )eam columns UNIT V ROOF TRUSSES AND INDUSTRIAL STRUCTURES 12

-oof trusses -oof an# si#e co%erings Design loa#s; #esign of purlin an# elements of trussG en# )earing Design of gantry gir#er TUTORIAL: 1, TE-T BOO.S 1: 2003: 2: -amac"an#ra; S: an# Eiren#ra 0e"lot; BDesign of Steel Structures Eol: I ! IIC; Stan#ar# Pu)lication; 4e' Del"i; 200, Dayaratnam; P:; BDesign of Steel StructuresC; Secon# e#ition; S: "an# ! ompany; TOTAL: 60 %ERIODS

REFERENCES 1: 2: 3: 4: B.eac"ing -esources for Structural Steel Design Eol: I ! IIC; I4SDA0; 7ol8atta: 0aylor#; $:+:; 0aylor#; 4: :; an# Stallmeyer; ?:$:; BDesign of Steel StructuresC; 3 r# e#ition; Mc0ra'*+ill Pu)lications; 1112 4egi (:S:: Design of Steel Structures; .ata Mc0ra' +ill Pu)lis"ing P%t (t#; 4e' Del"i; 200,: IS 800*200, In#ian Stan#ar# 0eneral onstruction in Steel co#e of practice 53 r# -e%ision6:

101603 OB)ECTIVE


LT%C 300 3

At t"e en# of t"is course t"e stu#ent is eDpecte# to "a%e learnt "o' to plan construction pro>ects; sc"e#ule t"e acti%ities using net'or8 #iagrams; #etermine t"e cost of t"e pro>ect; control t"e cost of t"e pro>ect )y creating cas" flo's an# )u#geting an# "o' to use t"e pro>ect information as an information an# #ecision ma8ing tool: UNIT I CONSTRUCTION %LANNING 6

<asic concepts in t"e #e%elopment of construction plans*c"oice of .ec"nology an# onstruction met"o#*Defining Aor8 .as8s* Definition* Prece#ence relations"ips among acti%ities*$stimating Acti%ity Durations*$stimating -esource -e/uirements for 'or8 acti%ities*co#ing systems: UNIT II SCHEDULING %ROCEDURES AND TECHNI1UES 12

-ele%ance of construction sc"e#ules*<ar c"arts * ."e critical pat" met"o#* alculations for critical pat" sc"e#uling*Acti%ity float an# sc"e#ules*Presenting pro>ect sc"e#ules* ritical pat" sc"e#uling for Acti%ity*on*no#e an# 'it" lea#s; (ags an# Ain#o's* alculations for sc"e#uling 'it" lea#s; lags an# 'in#o's*-esource oriente# sc"e#uling*Sc"e#uling 'it" resource constraints an# prece#ences *@se of A#%ance# Sc"e#uling .ec"ni/ues*Sc"e#uling 'it" uncertain #urations* ras"ing an# timeHcost tra#e offs *Impro%ing t"e Sc"e#uling process Intro#uction to application soft'are: UNIT III COST CONTROL MONITORING AND ACCOUNTING 11

."e cost control pro)lem*."e pro>ect <u#get*3orecasting for Acti%ity cost control * financial accounting systems an# cost accounts* ontrol of pro>ect cas" flo's*Sc"e#ule control*Sc"e#ule an# <u#get up#ates*-elating cost an# sc"e#ule information: UNIT IV 1UALITY CONTROL AND SAFETY DURING CONSTRUCTION &

2uality an# safety oncerns in onstruction*=rgani9ing for 2uality an# Safety*Aor8 an# Material Specifications*.otal 2uality control*2uality control )y statistical met"o#s *Statistical 2uality control 'it" Sampling )y Attri)utes*Statistical 2uality control )y Sampling an# Earia)les*Safety: UNIT V ORGANI2ATION AND USE OF %RO)ECT INFORMATION &

.ypes of pro>ect information*Accuracy an# @se of Information* omputeri9e# organi9ation an# use of Information *=rgani9ing information in #ata)ases*relational mo#el of Data )ases*=t"er conceptual Mo#els of Data)ases* entrali9e# #ata)ase Management systems*Data)ases an# application programs*Information transfer an# 3lo': TOTAL: +, %ERIODS TE-T BOO.S 1: 2: "it8ara; 7:7: B onstruction Pro>ect Management PlanningC; Sc"e#uling an# ontrol; .ata Mc0ra'*+ill Pu)lis"ing o:; 4e' Del"i; 1118: Srinat";(:S:; BPert an# PM Priniples an# Applications B; Affiliate# $ast Aest Press; 2001

REFERENCES 1: 2: 3: 4: "ris +en#ric8son an# .ung Au; BPro>ect Management for onstruction 3un#amentals oncepts for ='nersC; $ngineers; Arc"itects an# <uil#ers; Prentice +all; Pits)urg"; 2000: Mo#er:?:; :P"illips an# Da%is; BPro>ect Management 'it" PMC; P$-. an# Prece#ence Diagramming; Ean 4ostran# -ein"ol# o:; ."ir# $#ition; 1183: Aillis:; $:M:; BSc"e#uling onstruction pro>ectsC; ?o"n Ailey an# Sons 1186: +alpin;D:A:; B3inancial an# cost concepts for construction ManagementC; ?o"n Ailey an# Sons; 4e' For8; 118&:



LT%C 3 00 3 on%eyance; *

OB)ECTIVE .o e#ucate t"e stu#ents on t"e principles an# #esign of Se'age treatment an# #isposal: UNIT I %LANNING FOR SE3ERAGE SYSTEMS

Sources of 'aste'ater generation $ffects $stimation of sanitary se'age flo' $stimation of storm runoff 3actors affecting "aracteristics an# composition of se'age an# t"eir significance $ffluent stan#ar#s (egislation re/uirements: UNIT II SE3ER DESIGN *

Se'erage +y#raulics of flo' in se'ers =)>ecti%es Design perio# * Design of sanitary an# storm se'ers Small )ore systems * omputer applications (aying; >oining ! testing of se'ers appurtenances Pumps selection of pumps an# pipe Drainage *: Plum)ing System for <uil#ings =ne pipe an# t'o pipe system: UNIT III %RIMARY TREATMENT OF SE3AGE *

=)>ecti%e @nit =peration an# Processes Selection of treatment processes =nsite sanitation * Septic tan8; 0rey 'ater "ar%esting Primary treatment Principles; functions #esign an# #ra'ing of screen; grit c"am)ers an# primary se#imentation tan8s =peration an# Mintenance aspects: UNIT IV SECONDARY TREATMENT OF SE3AGE *

=)>ecti%e Selection of .reatment Met"o#s Principles; 3unctions; Design an# Dra'ing of @nits * Acti%ate# Slu#ge Process an# .ric8ling filter; ot"er treatment met"o#s =Di#ation #itc"es; @AS< Aaste Sta)ili9ation Pon#s -eclamation an# -euse of se'age * -ecent A#%ances in Se'age .reatment onstruction an# =peration ! Maintenance of Se'age .reatment Plants: UNIT V DIS%OSAL OF SE3AGE AND SLUDGE *

Stan#ar#s for Disposal * Met"o#s #ilution Self purification of surface 'ater )o#ies =Dygen sag cur%e (an# #isposal Se'age farming Deep 'ell in>ection Soil #ispersion system * Slu#ge c"aracteri9ation ."ic8ening Slu#ge #igestion <iogas reco%ery Slu#ge on#itioning an# De'atering #isposal A#%ances in Slu#ge .reatment an# #isposal: TOTAL: +, %ERIODS TE-T BOO.S 1: 2: 0arg; S:7:; $n%ironmental $ngineering Eol: II; 7"anna Pu)lis"ers; 4e' Del"i; 2003: Punmia; <: :; ?ain; A:7:; an# ?ain:A:; $n%ironmental $ngineering; Eol:II; (a8s"mi Pu)lications; 4e'sletter; 200&: Manual on Se'erage an# Se'age .reatment; P+$$=; Ministry of @r)an De%elopment; 0o%ernment of In#ia; 4e' Del"i; 111,: Aaste'ater $ngineering .reatment an# -euse; .ata Mc:0ra'*+ill ompany; 4e' Del"i; 2003:



1016,1 UNIT I


LT%C 00 +2 1,

Design ! Dra'ing of flas" miDer; flocculator; clarifier Slo' san# filter -api# san# filter Infiltration gallery Inta8e to'ers Ser%ice reser%oirs Pumping station +ouse ser%ice connection for 'ater supply an# #rainage: UNIT II SE3AGE TREATMENT 0 DIS%OSAL 1,

Design an# Dra'ing of screen c"am)er * 0rit c"annel * Primary clarifier * Acti%ate# slu#ge process Aeration tan8 ! oDi#ation #itc" .ric8ling filters Secon#ary clarifiers Slu#ge #igester Slu#ge #rying )e#s Aaste sta)ilisation pon#s * Septic tan8s an# #isposal arrangements Man"oles: UNIT III IM%OUNDING STRUCTURES 10

0ra%ity #am; .an8 Surplus Aeir; .an8 Sluice 'it" to'er roa# Dra'ing s"o'ing plan; ele%ation; "alf section inclu#ing foun#ation #etails: UNIT IV CANAL TRANSMISSION STRUCTURES anal sip"on 10 anal Drops* Dra'ing 10

A/ue#ucts Syp"on A/ue#ucts Super passage s"o'ing plan; ele%ation an# foun#ation #etails: UNIT V CANAL REGULATION STRUCTURES

anal "ea# 'or8s* anal -egular anal escape* Proportional Distri)utors Dra'ing s"o'ing #etaile# plan; ele%ation an# foun#ation: TOTAL: 60 %ERIODS TE-T BOO.S 1: 2: 3: Mo#i; P:4:; B$n%ironmental $ngineering I ! IIC; Stan#ar# <oo8 +ouse; Del"i 6 Sat"yanarayana Murt"y BIrrigation Design an# Dra'ingC Pu)lis"e# )y Mrs (:<anumat"i; .uni east 0o#a%ari District: A:P: 1118: S"arma -:7: Irrigation $ngineering an# +y#raulic Structures =Dfor# an# I<+ Pu)lis"ing co:; 4e' Del"i 2002:

REFERENCES 1: 2: 3: 4: &: Peary; +:S:; -=A$; D:-:; .c"o)anoglous; 0:; B$n%ironmental $ngineeringC; Mc0ra'*+ill <oo8 o:; 4e' Del"i; 111&: Metcalf ! $##y; BAaste'ater $ngineering 5.reatment an# -euse6C; 4 t" e#ition; .ata Mc0ra'*+ill; 4e' Del"i; 2003: 0arg S:7:; BIrrigation $n%ironmental $ngineering an# #esign StructuresIC; 7"anna Pu)lis"ers; 4e' Del"i; 1,t" -eprint; 2003: Manual on Aater Supply an# .reatment; P+$$=; 0o%ernment of In#ia; 4e' Del"i; 1111 Manual on Se'erage an# Se'age .reatment; P+$$=; 0o%ernment of In#ia; 4e' Del"i; 1113:


1016,2 OB)ECTIVE:


LT%C 00 3 2

."is su)>ect inclu#es t"e list of eDperiments to )e con#ucte# for c"aracterisation of 'ater an# municipal se'age: At t"e en# of t"e course; t"e stu#ent is eDpecte# to )e a'are of t"e proce#ure for /uantifying /uality parameters for 'ater an# se'age:

LIST OF E-%ERIMENTS 1: 2: 3: 4: &: 6: ,: 8: 1: 10: 11: 12: 13: 14: Sampling an# preser%ation met"o#s an# significance of c"aracterisation of 'ater an# 'aste'ater: Determination of i6 P+ an# tur)i#ity ii6 +ar#ness Determination of iron ! fluori#e Determination of resi#ual c"lorine Determination of "lori#es Determination of Ammonia 4itrogen Determination of Sulp"ate Determination of =ptimum oagulant Dosage Determination of a%aila)le "lorine in <leac"ing po'#er Determination of #issol%e# oDygen Determination of suspen#e#; %olatile an# fiDe# soli#s <:=:D: test :=:D: test Intro#uction to <acteriological Analysis 5Demonstration only6 TOTAL: +, %ERIODS REFERENCES 1: 2: 3: Stan#ar# met"o#s for t"e eDamination of 'ater an# 'aste'ater; AP+A; 20 t" $#ition; Aas"ington; 1118 0arg; S:7:; B$n%ironmental $ngineering Eol: I ! IIC; 7"anna Pu)lis"ers; 4e' Del"i Mo#i; P:4:; B$n%ironmental $ngineering Eol: I ! IIC; Stan#ar# <oo8 +ouse; Del"i*6

LIST OF E1UI%MENTS 4Fo 5 65#78 o( 30 !#ude9#!: 1: 2: 3: 4: &: 6: ,: 8: 1: 10: P+ meter .ur)i#ity meter on#ucti%ity meter -efrigerator <=D incu)ator Muffle furnace +ot air o%en Magnetic stirrer 'it" "ot plates Desicator ?ar test apparatus * * * * * * * * * * 1 no: 1 no: 1 4o: 1 4o: 1 4o: 1 4o: 1 4o: & 4os: 1 4o: 1 4o:

11: 12: 13: 14: 1&: 16: 1,: 18: 11: 20: 21: 22: 23: 24: 2&: 26: 2,:

Aater )at" 3urniture 0lass 'a%es H ruici)les "emicals =D apparatus 7>el#ane apparatus +eating mantles alorimeter "lorine comparator 3urniture I Aor8 ta)le <ea8er Stan#ar# flas8 <urette 'it" stan# Pipette ruci)le 3iltration assem)ly "emicals

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

1 4o: 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot 1 4o: 1 4o: & 4os: 1 4o: 1 4o: 10 4os: 30 4os: 30 4os: 1& 4os: 1& 4os: 1& 4os: 1 4o: (ot




LT%C 0 0 03

.en #ays sur%ey camp using ."eo#olite; cross staff; le%elling staff; tapes; plane ta)le an# total station: ."e camp must in%ol%e 'or8 on a large area of not less t"an 400 "ectares: At t"e en# of t"e camp; eac" stu#ent s"all "a%e mappe# an# contoure# t"e area: ."e camp recor# s"all inclu#e all original fiel# o)ser%ations; calculations an# plots: 5i6 5ii6 5iii6 5i%6 .riangulation .rilateration Sun H Star o)ser%ation to #etermine a9imut" @se of 0.S to #etermine latitu#e an# longitu#e

EVALUATION %ROCEDURE 1: 2: 3: Internal Mar8s 5#eci#e# )y t"e staff in*c"arge appointe# )y t"e Institution6 $%aluation of Sur%ey amp -eport 5$%aluate# )y t"e eDternal eDaminer appointe# t"e @ni%ersity6 Ei%a %oce eDamination 5e%aluate# )y t"e internal eDaminer appointe# )y t"e +=D 'it" t"e appro%al of +=I an# eDternal eDaminer appointe# )y t"e @ni%ersity 'it" e/ual Aeig"tage6 I 20 mar8s I 30 mar8s I &0 mar8s

To#5$ : 100 ;5 <!


ELECTIVES 10166, OB)ECTIVE At t"e en# of t"e semester; t"e stu#ent s"all )e "a%ing a goo# un#erstan#ing of all t"e components of t"e "y#rological cycle: ."e mec"anics of rainfall; its spatial an# temporal measurement an# t"eir applications 'ill )e un#erstoo#: Simple statistical analysis an# application of pro)a)ility #istri)ution of rainfall an# run off s"all also )e un#erstoo#: Stu#ent 'ill also learn simple met"o#s of floo# routing an# groun# 'ater "y#rology: UNIT I %RECI%ITATION * HYDROLOGY LT%C 3003

+y#rologic cycle .ypes of precipitation 3orms of precipitation Measurement of -ainfall Spatial measurement met"o#s .emporal measurement met"o#s 3re/uency analysis of point rainfall Intensity; #uration; fre/uency relations"ip Pro)a)le maDimum precipitation: UNIT II ABSTRACTION FROM %RECI%ITATION *

(osses from precipitation $%aporation process -eser%oir e%aporation Infiltration process Infiltration capacity Measurement of infiltration Infiltration in#ices $ffecti%e rainfall: UNIT III HYDROGRA%HS *

3actors affecting +y#rograp" <aseflo' separation @nit "y#rograp" Deri%ation of unit "y#rograp" S cur%e "y#rograp" @nit "y#rograp" of #ifferent #e%iations * Synt"etic @nit +y#rograp" UNIT IV FLOODS AND FLOOD ROUTING *

3loo# fre/uency stu#ies -ecurrence inter%al 0um)elJs met"o# 3loo# routing -eser%oir floo# routing Mus8ingumJs "annel -outing 3loo# control UNIT V GROUND 3ATER HYDROLOGY *

.ypes of a/uifers DarcyJs la' DupuitJs assumptions onfine# A/uifer @nconfine# A/uifer -ecuperation test .ransmissi)ility Specific capacity Pumping test Stea#y flo' analysis only: TOTAL: +, %ERIODS TE-T BOO.S 1: 2: Su)ramanya; 7:; B$ngineering +y#rologyC; .ata Mc0ra'*+ill Pu)lis"ing -ag"unat"; +:M:; B+y#rologyC; Ailey $astern (t#:; 2000 o:; (t#:; 2000

REFERENCES 1: 2: "o'; E:.: an# Mai#ment; B+y#rology for $ngineersC; Mc0ra'*+ill Inc:; (t#:; 2000 Sing"; E:P:; B+y#rologyC; Mc0ra'*+ill Inc:; (t#:; 2000:


101666 OB)ECTIVE


LT%C 3003

At t"e en# of t"e course t"e stu#ent 'ill posses 8no'le#ge a)out UNIT I INTRODUCTION


oncepts: *

artograp"y to#ay * 4ature of artograp"y * +istory of UNIT II EARTH

artograp"y * 0raticules *

artometry: * oor#inate * ensus *

$art"*Map -elations * <asic 0eo#esy * Map Pro>ections; Scale; -eference an# system * .ransformation * <asic .ransformation * Affin .ransformation: UNIT III SOURCES OF DATA

Sources of #ata * 0roun# Sur%ey an# Positioning * -emote Sensing #ata collection * an# sampling * #ata * Mo#els for #igital cartograp"ic information; Map #igiti9ing: UNIT IV %ERCE%TION AND DESIGN

artograp"ic #esign * olor t"eory an# mo#els * olor an# pattern creation an# specification * olor an# pattern * .ypograp"y an# lettering t"e map * Map compilation: UNIT V CARTOGRA%HY ABSTRACTION *

Selection an# 0eneralisation Principles * Sym)olisation * .opograp"ic an# t"ematic maps * Map pro#uction an# -epro#uction * Map series: TOTAL: +, %ERIODS TE-T BOO.S 1: -:A: A4S=4 an# 3:?: =-M$(I40; <asic artograp"y for stu#ents an# .ec"nicians: Eol: I; II an# III; $lse%rir Applie# Science Pu)lis"ers 2n# $#ition; 1114: 2: A-.+@-; +: -=<I4S=4 $t al $lements of artograp"y; SiDt" $#ition; ?o"n Ailey an# Sons; 111&: 3: ?o"n amp)ell; Intro#uctory artograp"y Secon# $#ition; 1114: Am: : <ro'n Pu)lis"ers: 4: M:?:7raa8 an# 3:?: =rmeling; artograp"yI Eisualisation an# spatial #ata: Prentice +all 1116:


10166' OB)ECTIVE


LT%C 3003

At t"e en# of t"e course t"e stu#ent 'ill posses 8no'le#ge a)out $lectronic sur%eying UNIT I FUNDAMENTALS '

Met"o#s of measuring #istance; "istorical #e%elopment; )asic principles of $DM; classifications; applications an# comparison 'it" con%entional sur%eying: UNIT II BASIC ELETRONICS &

3un#amentals of electronics; resonant circuits; semicon#uctors; (asers; at"o#e ray tu)e; p"oto multiplier tu)e; trans#ucers; oscillators; fre/uency miDing; mo#ulation an# #emo#ulation; 7errcell mo#ulator; measurement of p"ase #ifference; reflectors an# po'er sources: UNIT III %RO%AGATION OF ELECTROMAGNETIC 3AVES 11

Definition; classification; applications; propagation properties; 'a%e propagation at lo'er an# "ig"er fre/uencies: -efracti%e in#eD; factors affecting; computation of group refracti%e in#eD for lig"t an# near infrare# 'a%es at stan#ar# con#itions an# am)ient con#itions; reference refracti%e in#eD; first %elocity correction; computation of refracti%e in#eD for micro'a%es; measurement of atmosp"eric parameters; mean refracti%e in#eD; real time application of first %elocity correction; secon# %elocity correction an# total atmosp"eric correction: UNIT IV ELECTROMAGNETIC DISTANCE MEASURING SYSTEM 11

$lectro*optical system; measuring principle; 'or8ing principle; sources of error; infrare# $DM instruments; (aser $DM instruments an# total station: Micro'a%e system; measuring principle; 'or8ing principle; sources of error; micro'a%e $DM instruments; comparison 'it" $lectro* optical system; care an# maintenance of $DM instruments; Mo#ern Positioning Systems: $DM tra%ersing; trilateration an# )ase line measurement using $DM: UNIT V FIELD STUDIES &

: Stu#y o #ifferent $DM instruments an# .otal Station: $DM tra%ersing; trilateration an# )ase line measurement using $DM: TOTAL: +, %ERIODS REFERENCES 1: <urnsi#e; :D: $lectromagnetic #istance measurement ros)y (oc8 'oo# staples; @:7: 11,1: 2: -ueger; ?:M: $lectronic Distance Measurement; Springer*Eerlag; <erlin; 1110: 3: (aurila; S:+: $lectronic Sur%eying in Practice; ?o"n Ailey an# Sons Inc; 1183: 4: Soastamoinen; ?:?: Sur%eyorJs gui#e to electro*magnetic Distance Measurement; A#am +ilger (t#:; 116,:


10166& OB)ECTIVE


LT%C 3003

.o intro#uce t"e stu#ents to t"e )asic concepts an# principles of %arious components of remote sensing: .o pro%i#e an eDposure to 0IS an# its practical applications in ci%il engineering: UNIT I EMR AND ITS INTERACTION 3ITH ATMOS%HERE 0 EARTH MATERIAL *

Definition of remote sensing regions important to remote AeinJs Displacement (a' spectral signature concepts soil: UNIT II

an# its components $lectromagnetic spectrum 'a%elengt" sensing Aa%e t"eory; Particle t"eory; Stefan*<olt9man an# Atmosp"eric scattering; a)sorption Atmosp"eric 'in#o's typical spectral reflecti%e c"aracteristics of 'ater; %egetation an# *


.ypes of platforms or)it types; Sun*sync"ronous an# 0eosync"ronous Passi%e an# Acti%e sensors resolution concept Pay loa# #escription of important $art" -esources an# Meteorological satellites Air)orne an# space)orne .I- an# micro'a%e sensors: UNIT III IMAGE INTER%RETATION AND ANALYSIS *

.ypes of Data Pro#ucts types of image interpretation )asic elements of image interpretation * %isual interpretation 8eys Digital Image Processing Pre*processing image en"ancement tec"ni/ues multispectral image classification Super%ise# an# unsuper%ise#: UNIT IV GEOGRA%HIC INFORMATION SYSTEM *

Intro#uction Maps Definitions Map pro>ections types of map pro>ections map analysis 0IS #efinition )asic components of 0IS stan#ar# 0IS soft'ares Data type Spatial an# non*spatial 5attri)ute6 #ata measurement scales Data <ase Management Systems 5D<MS6: UNIT V DATA ENTRY= STORAGE AND ANALYSIS *

Data mo#els %ector an# raster #ata #ata compression #ata input )y #igiti9ation an# scanning attri)ute #ata analysis integrate# #ata analysis Mo#eling in 0IS +ig"'ay alignment stu#ies (an# Information System: TOTAL: +, %ERIODS TE-T BOO.S 1: 2: (illesan#; .:M:; 7iefer; -:A: an# ?:A: "ipman: 520046: -emote Sensing an# Image Interpretation: E $#n: ?o"n Ailley an# Sons 5Asia6 P%t: (t#:; 4e' Del"i: PpI,63: An>i -e##y; M: 520016: .eDt)oo8 of -emote Sensing an# 0eograp"ical Information System: Secon# e#n: <S Pu)lications; +y#era)a#:

REFERENCES 1: 2: 3: (o: :P:an# A:7:A:Feung 520026: oncepts an# .ec"ni/ues of 0eograp"ic Information Systems: Prentice*+all of In#ia P%t: (t#:; 4e' Del"i: PpI412: Peter A:<urroug"; -ac"ael A:McDonnell 520006: Principles of 0IS: =Dfor# @ni%ersity Press: Ian +ey'oo# 520006: An Intro#uction to 0IS: Pearson $#ucation Asia:


10166* OB)ECTIVE


LT%C 300 3

.o pro%i#e t"e )asic 8no'le#ge on t"e principles of #esign of )uil#ings relating to t"e en%ironment an# climate: UNIT I ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN & Arc"itectural Design an analysis integration of function an# aest"etics Intro#uction to )asic elements an# principles of #esign: UNIT II SITE %LANNING ontrol (ayout regulations* (ayout #esign concepts: 12 *

Sur%eys Site analysis De%elopment UNIT III BUILDING TY%ES

-esi#ential; institutional; commercial an# In#ustrial Application of ant"ropometry an# space stan#ar#s*Inter relations"ips of functions Safety stan#ar#s <uil#ing rules an# regulations Integration of )uil#ing ser%ices Interior #esign UNIT IV CLIMATE AND ENVIRONMENTAL RES%ONSIVE DESIGN &

Man an# en%ironment interaction* 3actors t"at #etermine climate "aracteristics of climate types Design for %arious climate types Passi%e an# acti%e energy controls 0reen )uil#ing concept UNIT V TO3N %LANNING &

Planning Definition; concepts an# processes* @r)an planning stan#ar#s an# 9oning regulations* @r)an rene'al onser%ation Principles of (an#scape #esign TOTAL: +, %ERIODS REFERENCES 1: 2: 3: 4: 3rancis D:7: "ing; BArc"itectureI 3orm; Space an# =r#erC; E4-; 4:F:; 1111: 0i%oni <:; BMan limate an# Arc"itectureC; Applie# Science; <ar8ing $SS$K; 1182 $#'ar# D:Mills; BPlanning an# Arc"itects +an#)oo8C; <utter'ort" (on#on; 111&: 0allian <:Art"ur an# Simon $isner; B."e @r)an Pattern ity Planning an# DesignC; Affiliate# Press P%t: (t#:; 4e' Del"i; 111&: &: Margaret -o)ert; BAn Intro#uction to .o'n Planning .ec"ni/uesC; +utc"inso(on#on ; 1110:


1&,66, UNIT I


LT%C 300 3 *

Senses of L$ngineering $t"icsJ Eariety of moral issues .ypes of in/uiry Moral #ilemmas Moral Autonomy 7o"l)ergJs t"eory 0illiganJs t"eory onsensus an# ontro%ersy Professions an# Professionalism Professional I#eals an# Eirtues @ses of $t"ical ."eories: UNIT II ENGINEERING AS SOCIAL E-%ERIMENTATION *

$ngineering as $Dperimentation $ngineers as responsi)le $Dperimenters -esearc" $t"ics * o#es of $t"ics In#ustrial Stan#ar#s * A <alance# =utloo8 on (a' ."e "allenger ase Stu#y UNIT III ENGINEER>S RES%ONSIBILITY FOR SAFETY *

Safety an# -is8 Assessment of Safety an# -is8 -is8 <enefit Analysis -e#ucing -is8 ."e 0o%ernment -egulatorJs Approac" to -is8 * "erno)yl ase Stu#ies an# <"opal UNIT IV RES%ONSIBILITIES AND RIGHTS *

ollegiality an# (oyalty -espect for Aut"ority ollecti%e <argaining onfi#entiality onflicts of Interest =ccupational rime Professional -ig"ts $mployee -ig"ts Intellectual Property -ig"ts 5IP-6 * Discrimination UNIT V GLOBAL ISSUES *

Multinational orporations <usiness $t"ics * $n%ironmental $t"ics omputer $t"ics * -ole in .ec"nological De%elopment Aeapons De%elopment $ngineers as Managers onsulting $ngineers $ngineers as $Dpert Aitnesses an# A#%isors +onesty Moral (ea#ers"ip Sample o#e of on#uct TOTAL: +, %ERIODS TE-T BOO.S 1: 2: Mi8e Martin an# -olan# Sc"in9inger; B$t"ics in $ngineeringC; Mc0ra' +ill; 4e' For8; 200&: "arles $ +arris; Mic"ael S Pritc"ar# an# Mic"ael ? -a)ins; B$ngineering $t"ics oncepts an# asesC; ."ompson (earning; 2000:

REFERENCES 1: 2: 3: 4: &: "arles D 3le##ermann; B$ngineering $t"icsC; Prentice +all; 4e' MeDico; 1111: ?o"n - <oatrig"t; B$t"ics an# t"e on#uct of <usinessC; Pearson $#ucation; 2003 $#mun# 0 See)auer an# -o)ert ( <arry; B3un#amentals of $t"ics for Scientists an# $ngineersC; =Dfor# @ni%ersity Press; 2001: Prof: 5 ol6 P S <a>a> an# Dr: -a> Agra'al; B<usiness $t"ics An In#ian Perspecti%eC; <i9tantra; 4e' Del"i; 2004: Da%i# $rmann an# Mic"ele S S"auf; B omputers; $t"ics an# SocietyC; =Dfor# @ni%ersity Press; 520036:


1&,666 UNIT I


LT%C 30 03 *

Intro#uction * 4ee# for /uality * $%olution of /uality * Definition of /uality * Dimensions of manufacturing an# ser%ice /uality * <asic concepts of .2M * Definition of .2M .2M 3rame'or8 * ontri)utions of Deming; ?uran an# ros)y <arriers to .2M: UNIT II T1M %RINCI%LES *

(ea#ers"ip Strategic /uality planning; 2uality statements * ustomer focus ustomer orientation; ustomer satisfaction; ustomer complaints; ustomer retention * $mployee in%ol%ement Moti%ation; $mpo'erment; .eam an# .eam'or8; -ecognition an# -e'ar#; Performance appraisal * ontinuous process impro%ement PDSA cycle; &s; 7ai9en * Supplier partners"ip Partnering; Supplier selection; Supplier -ating: UNIT III T1M TOOLS 0 TECHNI1UES I *

."e se%en tra#itional tools of /uality 4e' management tools SiD*sigmaI oncepts; met"o#ology; applications to manufacturing; ser%ice sector inclu#ing I. <enc" mar8ing -eason to )enc" mar8; <enc" mar8ing process 3M$A Stages; .ypes: UNIT IV T1M TOOLS 0 TECHNI1UES II *

2uality circles 2uality 3unction Deployment 523D6 .aguc"i /uality loss function .PM oncepts; impro%ement nee#s ost of 2uality Performance measures: UNIT V 1UALITY SYSTEMS *

4ee# for IS= 1000* IS= 1000*2000 2uality System $lements; Documentation; 2uality au#iting* 2S 1000 IS= 14000 oncepts; -e/uirements an# <enefits ase stu#ies of .2M implementation in manufacturing an# ser%ice sectors inclu#ing I.: TOTAL: +, %ERIODS TE-T BOO. 1: Dale +:<esterfile#; et at:; B.otal 2uality ManagementC; Pearson $#ucation Asia; 3r# $#ition; In#ian -eprint 520066:

REFERENCES 1: 2: 3: 4: ?ames -: $%ans an# Ailliam M: (in#say; B."e Management an# ontrol of 2ualityC; 6 t" $#ition; Sout"*Aestern 5."omson (earning6; 200&: =a8lan#; ?:S:; B.2M .eDt 'it" asesC; <utter'ort" +einemann (t#:; =Dfor#; 3 r# $#ition; 2003: Sugant"i;( an# Anan# Samuel; B.otal 2uality ManagementC; Prentice +all 5In#ia6 P%t: (t#:;2006: ?ana8iraman; < an# 0opal; -:7; B.otal 2uality Management .eDt an# asesC; Prentice +all 5In#ia6 P%t: (t#:; 2006:


1&,66' UNIT I


LT%C 3 003 10

4anoscale Science an# .ec"nology* Implications for P"ysics; "emistry; <iology an# $ngineering* lassifications of nanostructure# materials* nano particles* /uantum #ots; nano'ires*ultra*t"infilms*multilayere# materials: (engt" Scales in%ol%e# an# effect on propertiesI Mec"anical; $lectronic; =ptical; Magnetic an# ."ermal properties: Intro#uction to properties an# moti%ation for stu#y 5/ualitati%e only6: UNIT II %RE%ARATION METHODS 10

<ottom*up Synt"esis*.op*#o'n Approac"I Precipitation; Mec"anical Milling; olloi#al routes; Self*assem)ly; Eapour p"ase #eposition; M= ED; Sputtering; $%aporation; Molecular <eam $pitaDy; Atomic (ayer $pitaDy; M=M<$: UNIT III %ATTERNING AND LITHOGRA%HY FOR NANOSCALE DEVICES ,

Intro#uction to opticalH@E electron )eam an# K*ray (it"ograp"y systems an# processes; Aet etc"ing; #ry 5Plasma Hreacti%e ion6 etc"ing; $tc" resists*#ip pen lit"ograp"y UNIT IV %RE%ARATION ENVIRONMENTS 10

lean roomsI specifications an# #esign; air an# 'ater purity; re/uirements for particular processes; Ei)ration free en%ironmentsI Ser%ices an# facilities re/uire#: Aor8ing practices; sample cleaning; "emical purification; c"emical an# )iological contamination; Safety issues; flamma)le an# toDic "a9ar#s; )io"a9ar#s: UNIT V CHARECTERISATION TECHNI1UES 10

K*ray #iffraction tec"ni/ue; Scanning $lectron Microscopy * en%ironmental tec"ni/ues; .ransmission $lectron Microscopy inclu#ing "ig"*resolution imaging; Surface Analysis tec"ni/ues* A3M; SPM; S.M; S4=M; $S A; SIMS*4anoin#entation TOTAL: +, %ERIODS TE-T BOO.S 1: 2: A:S: $#elstein an# -: : ammearata; e#s:; B4anomaterialsI Synt"esis; Properties an# ApplicationsC; Institute of P"ysics Pu)lis"ing; <ristol an# P"ila#elp"ia; 1116: 4 ?o"n Dinar#o; B4anoscale c"arecterisation of surfaces ! InterfacesC; 2n# e#ition; Aein"eim am)ri#ge; Ailey*E +; 2000

REFERENCES 1: 2: 0 .imp 5$#itor6; B4anotec"nologyC; AIP pressHSpringer; 1111: A8"les" (a8"ta8ia 5$#itor6; B."e +an# <oo8 of 4ano .ec"nology; 4anometer Structure; ."eory; Mo#eling an# SimulationsC: Prentice*+all of In#ia 5P6 (t#; 4e' Del"i; 200,:


1&,66& UNIT I


LT%C 30 03 ,

Intro#uction In%ention an# reati%ity Intellectual Property 5IP6 Importance Protection of IP- <asic types of property 5i: Mo%a)le Property ii: Immo%a)le Property an# iii: Intellectual Property6: UNIT II 10

IP Patents opyrig"ts an# relate# rig"ts .ra#e Mar8s an# rig"ts arising from .ra#emar8 registration Definitions In#ustrial Designs an# Integrate# circuits Protection of 0eograp"ical In#ications at national an# International le%els Application Proce#ures: UNIT III 10

International con%ention relating to Intellectual Property $sta)lis"ment of AIP= Mission an# Acti%ities +istory 0eneral Agreement on .ra#e an# .ariff 50A..6: UNIT IV 10 In#ian Position Es A.= an# Strategies In#ian IP- legislations commitments to A.=*Patent =r#inance an# t"e <ill Draft of a national Intellectual Property Policy Present against unfair competition: UNIT V 10

ase Stu#ies on Patents 5<asumati rice; turmeric; 4eem; etc:6 opyrig"t an# relate# rig"ts .ra#e Mar8s In#ustrial #esign an# Integrate# circuits 0eograp"ic in#ications Protection against unfair competition: TE-T BOO.S 1: Su))aram 4:-: B +an#)oo8 of In#ian Patent (a' an# Practice B; S: Eis'anat"an 5Printers an# Pu)lis"ers6 P%t: (t#:; 1118:

REFERENCES 1: 2: 3: $li A"itney; @nite# States Patent 4um)er I ,2K; otton 0in; Marc" 14; 1,14: Intellectual Property .o#ay I Eolume 8; 4o: &; May 2001; M''':ipto#ay:comN: @sing t"e Internet for non*patent prior art searc"es; Der'ent IP Matters; ?uly 2000: M''':ipmatters:netHfeaturesH000,0,Ogi))s:"tml:


1&,66* UNIT I


LT%C 3 003 *

+istorical <ac8groun# onstituent Assem)ly of In#ia P"ilosop"ical foun#ations of t"e In#ian onstitution Pream)le 3un#amental -ig"ts Directi%e Principles of State Policy 3un#amental Duties iti9ens"ip onstitutional -eme#ies for citi9ens: UNIT II * @nion 0o%ernment Structures of t"e @nion 0o%ernment an# 3unctions Presi#ent Eice Presi#ent Prime Minister a)inet Parliament Supreme ourt of In#ia ?u#icial -e%ie': UNIT III State 0o%ernment Structure an# 3unctions 0o%ernor "ief Minister a)inet State (egislature ?u#icial System in States +ig" ourts an# ot"er Su)or#inate ourts: UNIT IV * *

In#ian 3e#eral System enter State -elations Presi#entJs -ule onstitutional Amen#ments onstitutional 3unctionaries * Assessment of 'or8ing of t"e Parliamentary System in In#ia: UNIT V *

Society I 4ature; Meaning an# #efinitionG In#ian Social StructureG astle; -eligion; (anguage in In#iaG onstitutional -eme#ies for citi9ens Political Parties an# Pressure 0roupsG -ig"t of Aomen; "il#ren an# Sc"e#ule# astes an# Sc"e#ule# .ri)es an# ot"er Aea8er Sections: TOTAL: +, %ERIODS TE-T BOO.S 1: 2: 3: 4: Durga Das <asu; B Intro#uction to t"e onstitution of In#ia B; Prentice +all of In#ia; 4e' Del"i: -: :Agar'al; B 5111,6 In#ian Political System B; S: "an# an# ompany; 4e' Del"i: Maci%er an# Page; B SocietyI An Intro#uction Analysis B; Mac Milan In#ia (t#:; 4e' Del"i: 7:(:S"arma; B 5111,6 Social Stratification in In#iaI Issues an# ."emes B; ?a'a"arlal 4e"ru @ni%ersity; 4e' Del"i:

REFERENCES 1: 2: 3: 4: S"arma; <ri> 7is"ore; B Intro#uction to t"e onstitution of In#iaI; Prentice +all of In#ia; 4e' Del"i: @:-:0a"ai; B 511186 In#ian Political System B; 4e' Aca#emic Pu)lis"ing +ouse; ?alaen#"ar: -:4: S"arma; B In#ian Social Pro)lems B; Me#ia Promoters an# Pu)lis"ers P%t: (t#: Fogen#ra Sing"; B 5111,6 Social Stratification an# "arge in In#ia B; Mano"ar; 4e' Del"i:


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