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HISTORY SYLLABUS ANCIENT INDIA UNIT - I: Geographical features and Sources - Indus valley -Vedic Age - Early and

d later - Epic Age UNIT- II : 6th Century B.C ise of Buddhis! and "ainis! - ise of #agadha Sisunagas $ %andas - Ale&ander's invasions and its effects. UNIT III : #auryas - Chandra gupta - Asho(a - #auryan ad!inistration - art and architecture - )ushanas - (anish(a - Sathavahanas - *olitical+ Social and Cultural contri,utions. UNIT - IV: Guptas - *olitical and Econo!ic conditions - contri,utions to Art and Architecture. UNIT - V: -arshavardhana - Ad!inistration and contri,ution to Buddhis! a.puts origin - *olitical+ Social and Econo!ic conditions Cultural Contri,utions. BOOKS FOR REFERENCE: /. 4. 5. 7. 8. 6. 9. Bhasha! A. 0 Bharathiya VidyaBhavan "ha .6.% #an.u!dar .C %ila(anta Sastri )A o!ila 2happar Shar!a 0.* 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2he 3onder that 3as India 2he -istory and Culture of the Indian *eople Vol. I + II+ $ III Ancient India - An introductory outline. 1 2he Ancient India 2he Age of %andas and #auryas Ancient India -istory of Ancient India

EARLY MEDIEVAL INDIA UNIT I: Sources - Ara, Con:uest of Sind - Invasion of #oha!!ed of Gha;ni - Invasion of #oha!!ed of Ghori. UNIT II: 6elhi Sultanate - Slave dynasty - <utu,-ud-din- Ai,a(+ Iltu!ish - a;iya Bal,an - )hil.i dynasty+ Ala- ud-din )hil.i - Con:uests and Ad!inistration 2ughla: dynasty - #uha!!ed- ,in- 2ughla: and =iro; 2ughla: - Sayyid 0odies. UNIT III: Vi.ayanagar E!pire - origin - )risl!adevaraya achieve!ents and Cultural contri,utions- Battle of 2alai(ota - =all of Vi.ayanagar. UNIT IV: Bha!ini )ingdo! - origin - Contri,ution of #uha!!ed Ga>an disintegration. UNIT V: Bha(ti #ove!ent - Causes and i!pact - )a,ir+ Gurunana(+ Chaitanya+ a!das - 2hu(ara! #iraBai. BOOKS FOR REFERENCE: /. 4. 5. 7. 8. 6. 9. -asan Ish>ari *rasad 0anepool Stanley Se>ell %. Ven(ara!anayya 3olreley -aig A.B. *andey 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -istory of #edieval India -istory of #edieval India #edieval India under #oha!!edan ule =orgotten E!pire Vi.ayanagar origin of the city and e!pire Ca!,ridge -istory of India Vol. III Early #edieval India

OUTLINES OF COMPARATIVE GOVERNMENTS-I UNIT: I State -definition- ele!ents of State-Sovereignty- (inds of sovereignty. UNIT: II Constitution-Aristotle's classification- #odern classification. UNIT: III ?nitary state- !erits and de!erits-England- =ederal state !erits and de!erits?.S.A - <uasi - federal- India UNIT: IV 3ritten constitution - !erits and de!erits - ?.S.A.+ India. ?n>ritten constitution- !erits and de!erits - England constitutional a!end!ents. UNIT: V 2heory of separation of po>ers- it's application in !odern constitutions. BOOKS FOR REFERENCE: /. 4. 5. 7. 8. 6. 9. @. A. /B. E.Asirvatha! -.C.Blac( =iner A.C. )apoor V.6. -.Sottar C.=. Strong )C. 3heare 3illough,y a!asa!y #uir 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 *olitical 2heory 2he relation of the e&ecutive po>er to the legislature. 2he 2heory and practice of !odern Govern!ent *rinciples of *olitical science. Select !odern Govern!ents An Introduction to *olitics. #odern *olitical Constitution #odern Constitution. 2he %ature of the state. Co!parative Govern!ent C2a!ilD

LATER MEDIEVAL INDIA UNIT I: #ughal- Sources - Ba,ur - -u!ayun UNIT II: Afghan Interlude Shershah - Ad!inistration UNIT III: A(,ar - Con:uests %ur.ahan. efor!s+ Ad!inistrative and eligious - "ahangir -

UNIT IV: Sha.ahan 6eccan and %orth >est frontier policy - eligious *olicy+ Contri,ution to Art and Architecture - Aurang;e, 6eccan policy - %orth >est frontier policy - eligious policy - 6o>n fall - Social and Econo!ic conditions of India under the #ughals. UNIT V: #arathas - Sources - Shiva.i - Con:uests and Ad!inistration - #ughal- Si(h elationship. BOOKS FOR REFERENCE: /. 4. 5. 7. 8. 6. A. B. *andey ".%. Sar(ar A.0. Srivatsava A.0. Srivatsava A.0 Srivatsava S. 2ripathi 1 1 1 1 1 1 Early #edieval India #ughal E!pire A(,ar 2he Great 2he #ughal E!pire Social life under the #ughals -istory of the #ughals

INDIA UNDER THE COMPANY UNIT I: Early European Settle!ents - *ortuguese+ 6utch $ =rench - ise of British *o>er - Anglo =rench ivalry - o,ert Clive Carnatic >ars - Con:uest of Bengal- Battle of *lassey and Bu&ar . UNIT II: 3arren -astings - >ars ad!inistration - egulating Act /995 - *itt India Act /9@7 - i!peach!ent. UNIT III: Corn>allis - ad!inistration -#ysore >ars - 3ellesly - Su,sidiary alliance #aratha >ars - -asting - refor!s and >ars. UNIT IV: 3illia! Bentinc( - Social+ Econo!ic+ and "udicial Anglo-singh relationship. UNIT V: 6alhousie - 6octrine of 0apse - refor!s - Canning and esults. BOOKS FOR REFERENCE: /. 4. 5. 7. 8. Cha,ra G.S 6od>ell Garratt $ 2ho!pson Grover $ Sethi 0yall .A 1 1 1 1 1 Advance study in the -istory of #odern India Vol. III Ca!,ridge -istory of India ise and =ulfill!ent of British ule in India A %e> 0oo( on #odern India ise of the British 6o!inion in India efor!s Singh -

evolt of /@89 Causes

OUTLINES OF COMPARATIVE GOVERNMENTS - II UNIT I: 2ypes of e&ecutive - *arlia!entary - England - %on -*arlia!entary E ?.S.A+ !erits and 6e!erits - *lural e&ecutive - S>it;erland. UNIT II: 0egislature - Co!position of second cha!,ers - ?.S.A+ England+ Indian. ?niversal adult Suffrage - 3o!en's Suffrage - #erits and de!erits - single and !ulti !e!,er Constituencies - 0egislative deadloc(s. UNIT III: 6irect de!ocratic devices - S>it;erland - *roportional !inority representation - India. epresentation -

UNIT IV: "udiciary - Independence of "udiciary - Co!position - *o>ers And =unctions "udicial revie> - ?.S.A. UNIT V: *olitical parties - single party - Biparty -#erits and 6e!erits ?.S.A+ England #ulti party Syste! - India+ =rance - *ressure Groups and lo,,ies. BOOKS FOR REFERENCE: /. 4. 5. 7. 8. 6. 9. @. A. /B. Appadurai E.Asirvatha! -.C.Blac( =.G.Castles C.V. Chandrase(ar =iner A.C.)apoor -. Sattor )C. 3heare C.=. Strong 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Su,stance of *olitics *olitical 2heory 2he relation of the e&ecutive po>er to the 0egislature *ressure groups and political culture *olitical parties. 2he theory and practice of #odern Govern!ent *rinciples of *olitical science An Introduction to politics #odern Constitution #odern political constitution.

INDIA UNDER THE CROWN UNIT I: <ueen's *rocla!ation - Act of /@8@ - 0ytton - efor!s UNIT II: ipon - 0ocal Self Govern!ent - Acts of /@6/ $ /@A4 UNIT III: Socio - eligious efor! - #ove!ents - /Ath and 4Bth Century Arya Sa!a. Brah!o Sa!a. - a!a(rishna #ission - 2heosophical Society. UNIT IV: %ationalis! - Causes for the rise of %ationalis! - Early organisation Indian %ational Congress - #oderates and E&tre!ists UNIT V: Cur;on -origin of #usli! 0eague - Act of /ABA - Co!!unal epresentation. BOOKS FOR REFERENCE: /. 4. 5. 7. 8. 6. Bipin Chandra Cha,ra G.S 6esai.A. Gro>er B.C $ Sethe . Gupta 6.C. *erceival Spear 1 1 1 1 1 1 =reedo! Struggle Advanced Study in the -istory of #odern India+ Vol. III /A4B -/A79 Social Bac(ground of Indian %ationalis! A %e> 0oo( on #odern Indian -istory Indian %ational #ove!ent and Constitutional 6evelop!ent -istory of India.

STRUGGLE FOR FREEDOM UNIT : I =irst 3orld >ar - Its i!pact - 2he 0uc(no> *act /A/6 - -o!e #ove!ent - Act of /A/A


UNIT : II Advent of #ahat!a Gandhi - o>latt Act of /A/A - "allian >ala Bagh #assacre - )hilafat #ove!ent - %on Co-operation #ove!ent. UNIT III: S>ara. *arty - Si!on Co!!ission. 0ahore Congress -%ehru eport - /7 points of "innah - Civil 6iso,edience #ove!ent - ound 2a,le Conference /A58 Act. UNIT IV: /A58 to /A74 #ain Events in the =reedo! Struggle - Cripps #ission - I.%.A #usli! Separatis! - <uit India #ove!ent UNIT V: 6esai Iia :uat pact - a.a.i =or!ula - 3avell plan - Si!la Conference - 2he Ca,inet #ission - Constituent Asse!,ly - Interi! Govern!ent - #ount ,atten *lan - *artition and Indian Independence Act of /A79. BOOKS FOR REFERENCE: /. 4+ 5. 7. 8. 6. 9. .C Agarval Bipin Chandra #a.u!dar C $ Fthers )esh>a!. ).B Grover B.0 *ra(ash Chandra Gupta 6.C 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Constitutional -istory of India and %ational #ove!ent #odern India C%CE 2 *u,licationsD An Advanced -istory of India *art III -istory of #odern India /@BB -/A@7 #odern India -istory of the Indian %ational #ove!ent Indian %ational #ove!ent and Constitutional 6evelop!ent

PRINCIPLES OF ARCHAEOLOGY UNIT I: 6efinition - Scope and values of Archaeology - )inds of Archaeology Archaeology and other sciences - Geology+ Geography+ Anthropology and Environ!ental Archaeology+ %e> Archaeology. UNIT II: *rinciples of E&ploration and E&cavation - 2echni:ues of dating - *ottery types and their i!portance. UNIT III: Stone Age Culture through e&cavation - *aleolithic and %eolithic Cultures in India. UNIT IV: Chalcolithic e&cavations - Indus Valley culture - South Indian #egalithic Culture - I!portant Archaeological e&cavations in 2a!il %adu - Ari(a!edu+ Ad(hanallur and *oo!puhar. UNIT V: Epigraphy and its i!portance - Brah!i script - Aso(an edicts+ 2a!il Brah!i script. 2ypes of inscription >ith special reference to 2a!il %adu - Copper *late grants - their nature and utility - %u!is!atics - and its i!portance South Indian Coins Chera+ Chola and *andya. BOOKS FOR REFERENCE: /. 4. 5. 7. 8. 6. 9. Childe. G E(a!,ara %athan $ *onnus>a!y Gupta *.C #ahalinga! 2.V a!an. ). V San(alla -.6 3heder. # 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Introduction to Archaeology Agha;lviyal %eri!uraigal C2a!ilD Indian Coin C%B2D Early South Indian *alaeography *rinciples $ #ethods of Archaeology Indian Archaeology to-day Early India and *a(istan.

CONTEMPORARY INDIA UNIT I: "a>aharlal %ehru - as *ri!e #inister - Integration of Indian States - and *atel*lanned econo!y - States re-organisation - social 0egislation - =oreign policy of %ehru. UNIT II: 0al Bahadur Sastri as *ri!e #inister C/A7B-/A66D. 6o!estic $ =oreign policies. ise of Indira Gandhi C/A66 -/A99D. *olitical Ad!inistration - Bangladesh 3ar -/A9/ E!ergency - 2otal evolution and ".* - ise of "anata *arty. UNIT III: "anata Ad!inistration C/A99 -/A9AD - Internal and E&ternal *olicies - 4nd phase of Indira Gandhi - 2he Assa! *ro,le! and '2he *un.a,' /A@B -/A@7 =oreign *olicy -/A@5 %A# Su!!it - Asian Ga!es. UNIT IV: a.iv Gandhi as *ri!e #inister C/A@7-/A@AD - 6o!estic *olicy and =oreign *olicy >ith Special eference to Sri 0an(a $ SAA C. UNIT V: %ational front Govern!ent - V.* Singh as *ri!e #inister 6o!estic and =oreign *olicy. Chandra Se(har - do>nfall /AA/ elections - Assassination of a.iv Gandhi. BOOKS FOR REFERENCE: /. 4. 5. 7. 8. 6. 9. @. A. /B. -ipin Chandra Bhas(ara ao V. A!!ith ao .A Bha!,ri. C.*. Bipin Chandra+ #ridula #u( $ Aditya #u( 6u(e S.C 6esh.A. )uldip %ayar a! Ahaya Sashi Ahul>alia $ #eena(shi Ahlu>alia Ve(atesan.G 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Essays on conte!porary -istory of India %ehru and Ad!inistration Indian *olitics suite Independence India After Independence /A79-4BBB Conte!porary India and its #oderni;ation *lanning in India India after %ehru Social *ro,le!s in India *rofile of Indian *ri!e #inister -istory of Conte!porary India

MAKERS OF MODERN INDIA UNIT : I Gopala(risha Go(hale - Balagangadar 2ila( - #ahat!a Gandhi - "a>arharlal %ehru -#.%. oy - a.a.i - C.%. Annadurai. UNIT II - Social: a.arara! #ohan oy - Veerasalinga *anthulu - B. E.V. a!as>a!y #uthula(sh!i eddy. A!,edh(ar

UNIT III - R li!io" a"# P$ilo%o&$': S>a!i Vive(anada - Auro,indo Ghosh - Annie Besant - 6r. S. adha )rishnan. UNIT IV - Li( )a(*) : a,indranath 2agore - Su,ra!aniya Bharathi - 2hiru- Vi- )a - Bharathidasan - Saro.ini %aidu UNIT V - Sci "c : C.V. a!an - -o!i Ba,a - Chandrase(ar - A.*." A,dul )ala! BOOKS FOR REFERENCE: /. 4. 5. 7. 8. 6. 9. @. A.Appadorai 6ev a. Bali 6.B 6hanapala #.6 Gopala(rishnan *u,lications 6ivision *.C ay Choudary *u,lications of 6.) A. *." A,dul )ala! 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Indian *olitical 2hin(ing #odern Indian 2hought E!inent Indians *eriyar+ =ather of 2a!il ace Great #en and 3o!en Gandhi and his Conte!poraries Fn *eriyar 3ings of =ire

WOMEN STUDIES UNIT I : 6efinitions - Scope of 3o!en Studies - =e!inist 2heories1 0i,eral =e!inis! - Social and #ar&ist fe!inis!. UNIT II - F +i"i%( Mo, + "(% i" ($ W %(: Frigin and gro>th of fe!inist !ove!ent in ?.S.A and ?.)- 3o!en Suffrage #ove!ent. UNIT III - Wo+ "-% O)!a"i%a(io"% a"# Ac$i , + "(%: 3IA C3o!en India AssociationD - AI3C - #ahila #andali SE3A #anushi - Central and State Social 3elfare Board - %ational Co!!ission for 3o!en - CE6A3 UNIT IV - Wo+ " a"# La.: #arriage la>s - -indu+ #usli!s+ Christian la>s - 6o>ry - 6ivorce 0a>s 0a>s #aintenance - Succession - Guardian ship - Adoption %eed for unifor! civil code. UNIT V E/*ali(' i" la. 0o) Wo+ "-% E+&o. )+ "( a"# Ac(i,i(i %: 3o!en E!po>er!ent - Changes in 3o!en's ights /A8B - 4BB8 - 6evelop!ent of 3o!en and Children in rural areas C63C AD- Self -elp Groups. BOOKS FOR REFERENCE: /. 4. 5. 7. 8. 6. 9. @. A. Asthana *rathi!a *ro!ila )apoor %eera 6esai %eera 6esai A. . 3adia 6eva(i "ain CedD a. #ohini Sethi Elise Boulding *ro!ila )apoor 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3o!en's #ove!ent in India Changing Status of 3or(ing 3o!en in India 3o!en in #odern India Indian 3o!en+ change and challenges in the International 6ecade C/A98-/A@8D 2he Ethics of =e!inis! Indian 3o!en #oderation of >or(ing >o!en is 6eveloping society 3o!en in the 4Bth Century >orld E!po>ering the Indian 3o!en

HISTORY OF TAMIL NADU UPTO IMPERIAL CHOLAS UNIT I: Age of Sanga! - Sanga! 0iterature - *olitical -istory - Ancient Cheras+ Cholas+ *andiyas+ - I!portant )ings+ Social+ Econo!ic and eligious life of the 2a!ils - Ad!inistration. UNIT II: )ala,haras+ Age of *allavas Sources Frigin of the *allavas+ *olitical -istory+ #ahendraver!an I+ %arasi!ha I+ a.asi!ha+ %andivar!an *allava - *allava Chalu(ya elations - Ad!inistration. UNIT III: Art and Architecture under the *allavas+ #ove!ent+ 6ecline of *allavas . eligious Condition+ Bha(ti

UNIT IV: Age of I!perial Cholas - Sources - *olitical -istory - a.ara.a I+ a.endra I UNIT V: )ulotunga I and )ulotunga II- Ad!inistration - Art and Architecture+ eligion and 0iterature. BOOKS FOR REFERENCE: /. 4. 5. 7. 8. 6. 9. @. ).A. %eela(anta Sastri )A. %eela(anta Sastri )A. %eela(anta Sastri 6r.).) *illai 6r. %.) #angala!urugesan 6r. C. E. a!achandran 6r. %.Su,ra!anian V.2. Chella! 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2he Cholas 2he *andiyan )ingdo! -istory of South India Social -istory of the 2a!ils Sanga! Age -istory of Sanga! -istory of 2a!il %adu upto /868 A.6 -istory of 2a!il nadu

HISTORY OF MODERN EUROPE A1D2 3456-3789 :E;CLUDING FRENCH REVOLUTION< UNIT-I Geographical discoveries - the *ortuguese+ the Spanish+ the English and the =rench discoveries - and its effects. enaissance in Europe - Causes and Effects. UNIT:-II efor!ation in Ger!any+ England+ =rance and S>it;erland - Counter efor!ation UNIT-III ise of %ation states- causes for their rise - Spain+ =rance and England 2hirty years >ar - *eace of 3estphalia. UNIT-IV Enlightened despots 0ouis GIV of =rance - ole of ichelieu and #a;arin =rederic( of *russia. UNIT- V "oseph II of Austria - *eter the Great of ussia-Catherine of ussia. BOOKS FOR REFERENCE: /. 4. 5. 7. 8. -.A.0 =isher C. .-ayes Shevil =erdinand agu,ir 6ayal #a.u!dar 1 1 1 1 1 -istory of Europe. #odern Europe to /@9B A -istory of Europe =ro! the efor!ation to the *resent day /A8/. -istory of Europe since /9@A. -istory of Europe since /9@A

HISTORY OF CHINA FROM 38== A1D TO 393= A1D UNIT I: *olitical Social Econo!ic condition of china under the #anchu rule in the =irst half of the /Ath Century - Advent of European Countries - I Fpiu! >ar Causes and esults. UNIT II: 2aiping e,ellion - Causes and esults. - II Fpiu! >ar+ Causes+ Course+ and esults - Sino European elations fro! /@6/ to/@A7 - China's relations >ith England+ =rance+ ussia+ ?.S.A and Ger!any - Burlinga! #ission. UNIT III: Sino-"apanese relations upto /@A7 - I Sino-"apanese >ar+ Causes and esults efor! #ove!ent - /BB days refor!s - Bo&er e,ellion - Causes - Course esults. . UNIT IV: 3estern I!perialis! - Cutting of the Chinese #elon fro! /@A8 to /@A@ Fpen 6oor *olicy. UNIT V: #anchu efor! *rogra!!e /AB/-/A/B. *olitical #ilitary Educational refor!s - =ailure of the refor!s - Assess!ent of 2;u - -si C/@6/ -/AB@D BOOKS FOR REFERENCE: /. 4. 5. 7. Clyde and Beers 0atouse -ee -erold #. Vinac(e S.0 oy 1 1 1 1 2he =ar East 2he Chinese their -istory and Culture A -istory of the =ar East in #odern 2i!es A Short -istory of the =ar East

TRAVEL AND TOURISM UNIT I 6efinition-Ele!ents of 2ouris! - 2ypes of 2ouris!- 0eisure *ilgri!ages Educational+ -ealth and Business 2ours. UNIT II: 2ourist esources - -ill Stations - -i!alayas - 3estern Ghats - Beaches $ Islands - Sanctuaries eligious $ Spiritual Centers - -istorical #onu!ents #useu!s - Art Gallaries - 0i,raries. UNIT III: Acco!!odation - -otels - #otels - India 2ouris! 6evelop!ent Corporation 2a!il %adu 2ouris! 6evelop!ent Corporation. UNIT IV: 2ransport oad+ 2ransport+ Indian ail>ays+ 2ravel ,y Sea+ Air 2ravel. UNIT V: *laces of 2ourist i!portance in 2a!il %adu - -istorical- eligious.H Sanctuary - -eritage - *leasure. BOOKS FOR REFERENCE: /. 4. 5. 7. 8. 6. 9. @. A.) Bhatia G.S. Bhatia Burhat 6har!ara. and Seth #anish atti *re!nath Seth *ushpinder S. Gill ). Sinha 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2ouris! 6evelop!ent - *rinciples and *ractices. 2ouris! in the 4/st century 2ouris! - *ast+ *resent and =uture 2ouris! in India+ %e> 6elhi /AA5 -otels 2ouris! - -ospitality and #anage!ent An Introduction to 2ravel and 2ouris! 2ouris! 2ravel and 2ouris! #anage!ent

HISTORY OF TAMIL NADU FROM SECOND PANDIYAN EMPIRE TO POLIGARS UNIT I: 2he 0ater *andiyas - *olitical -istory - Social+ Econo!ic+ and eligious Conditions - Ad!inistration - Causes for the 6o>n fall. UNIT II: ise of %aya(s - )u!ara )a!pana - #adurai and 2an.ore %aya(s Contri,ution to Culture - Art and Architecture - Ad!inistration. UNIT III: 2a!ilaha! ?nder #arathas - Sen.i+ 2han.avur+ #adurai - 2he Sethupathis of a!nad. UNIT IV: 2he Carnatic %a>a,s - Advent of the Europeans Anglo - =rench ivalry - 2he Carnatic 3ars. UNIT V: ise of *oligars - Veera *andiya )atta,o!!an - 2he #arudu Brothers *ulithevan - )hanshahi,. BOOKS FOR REFERENCE: /. 4. 5. 7. 8. E.=. Irschic( )A. %eela(anta Sastri ). a.ayyan V.2.Chella! %. Su,ra!anian 1 1 1 1 1 *olitics and Social Conflict in South India -istory of South India -istory of 2a!il %adu -istory of 2a!il %adu -istory of 2a!il %adu

HISTORY OF MODERN EUROPE2 A1D 3789 - 3939 A1D UNIT I: =rench evolution - Causes+ Course and esults - %epolean I - 6o!estic and =oreign *olicy. UNIT II: Vienna Congess+ #etternich - -oly Alliance - Concert of Europe UNIT III: evolution of /@5B - Charles G - I!pact on Spain+ *ortugal+ Belgiu!+ S>eden+ England+ Ger!any+ Italy and -olland. evolution of /@7@ - Echo in Europe - Austria+ Bohe!ia+ -ungary+ Italy and Ger!any - 6o!estic and =oreign policies of =rance. UNIT IV: ?nification of Italy - ise of #a;;ini+ Count Cavour+ Gari,aldi and Victor E!!anuel. ?nification of Ger!any - Bis!ar( as architect of Ger!any Bis!ar( as Chancellor. UNIT V: Eastern <uestion - G ree( >ar of Independence Cri!ial >ar - usso 2ur(ish >ar- Berlin Congress+ Bal(an >ars - =irst 3orld >ar and the *eace 2reaties 0eague of %ations BOOKS FOR REFERENCE: /. 4. 5. 7. 8. =isher+ -.A.0 -yes+ C." )etel,y+ C.6.# Grant+ A." and 2e!perly -a;en+ C. 6 1 1 1 1 1 -istory of Europe #odern Europe Since /@9B A -istory of #odern 2i!es Europe in the /Ath and 4Bth Centuries #odern Europe

HISTORY OF CHINA FROM 3933 TO 397= UNIT I /. 4. 5. 7. UNIT II: /. 4. 5. 7. UNIT III: /. 4. 5. 7. UNIT IV: /. 4. UNIT V: /. 4. /A// evolution in China Sun - Iat - Sen Iuan - Chi - )ai and the first presidency =irst 3orld 3ar and China - 4/ 6e!ands )ou!ing party and national govern!ent Chiang - )ai- Shie( Chinese Co!!unist *arty #ao- 2se- 2ung #anchurian Crisis Sino "apanese relations /A54 - /A5A Second 3orld 3ar and China Civil >ar in China C/A78 -8BD Co!!unist rule - 6o!estic *olicy =oreign *olicy Cultural evolution 2ai>an

BOOKS FOR REFERENCE: /. 4. 5. 7. 8. Clyde and Beers -erold #. Vinac(e #ichale and 2aylor 0anturatte S.0 oy 1 1 1 1 1 2he =ar East A -istory of the =ar East 2he =ar East in #odern 2i!es 2he =ar East A Short -istory of the =ar East

HUMAN RIGHTS UNIT I: 6efinition+ Classification and 2heories on -u!an declaration of -u!an ights. ights - ?niversal

UNIT II: Constitutional Guarantees on hu!an rights >ith reference to Indian Constitution - =unda!ental rights and =unda!ental 6uties - 6irective principles of State policy. UNIT III: Civil and *olitical ights Social and Econo!ic ights 3o!en's ights and Children's ights UNIT IV: Conte!porary issues in -u!an ights Violation of -u!an ights of 3o!en+ Children+ 6alits and 2li,als Capital *unish!ent+ Bonded la,our and >ages =e!ale Infanticide. -u!an lights and #edia UNIT V: Govern!ent and %on-Govern!ent organi;ation - International+ %ational+ and regional- -u!an ights Frganisations. BOOKS FOR REFERENCE: /. 4. 5. 7. 8. 6. 9. @. A. /B. 6r. Su,ra!ania! San(ar sen S.) )hanna a! Ahu.a S.) *achauri San(ar sen #uthirulandi 6r.Sivaga!i *ara!asivan S.%. 2ripahy #.). oy 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -u!an ights C4 volu!esD -u!an ights in developing countries 3o!en and -u!an ights ights of >o!en Children and hu!an rights -u!an ights -u!an ights -u!an ights CBoth English and 2a!ilD Child la,our in India Violence against >o!en.

HISTORY OF CHENNAI1 UNIT: I A -istorical ,ac(ground of Chennai - origin of the city of #adras - Its develop!ent. UNIT: II #adras under East India co!pany- develop!ent of #adras as a co!!ercial and political center - socio- econo!ic and cultural -istory of #adras. UNIT: III E!ergence of #adras as a cos!opolitan center- industriall;ation - port trustGro>th of 2rade union !ove!ent - 2ransport and co!!unication. UNIT: IV #adras -Gate>ay to south India and its culture+ 6evelop!ent of press and fil!. Center of Education and its develop!ent. Contri,ution of !inorities. UNIT: V1 -eritage !onu!ents and their historical ,ac(ground. BOOKS FOR REFERENCE: /. 4. 5. 7. 8. *. a.a a!an S.#uthiah ).V. a!an -.6.0ove C. S. Srinivachari 1 1 1 1 1 Chennai through the ages #adras ediscovered -istory of #adras egion Vestiges of old #adras 2he city of #adras. 2he #adras centenary Volu!e

HISTORY OF TAMMIL NADU FROM 38=3 TO >=== A1D UNIT I: South Indian e,ellion of /@B/ - Vellore #utiny of /@B6. UNIT II: 2a!il %adu under the British - its i!pact on 2a!il %adu %adu in the freedo! Struggle. ole of 2a!il

UNIT III: "ustice *arty - Gro>th $ Achieve!ents - Self espect #ove!ent and *eriyar E. V. - 2e!ple entry and Social refor!s. UNIT IV: Congress *arty in *o>er in /A79 to /A69 - a.a.i )a!ara. - Bha(tavatsala! e-organisation of #adras *residency - Social and Econo!ic develop!ent under Congress rule. UNIT V: 6#) and AIA6#) ule - C.%. A.nnadurai - #. )arunanidhi #.G. a!achandran "ayalalitha - Ad!inistration - Educational *rogress 6evelop!ent of Industry and Agriculture. Socio - Econo!ic Changes. BOOKS FOR REFERENCE: /. 4. 5. 7. 8. 6. 9. @. 0 )A %ila(anta Sastri ".%. Sar(ar E.=. Irschic( . -ardgrave *. Sprat ). a.ayyan *. a.endren . 2hendavan 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -istory of South India Shiva.i And -istorical 2i!es *olitical and Social conflict in south 2he 6ravidian #ove!ent -istory of 2a!il %adu "ustice *arty 2he 6ravidian #ove!ent All India Anna 6ravida #unnetra )a;haga!.

INTRODUCTION TO INDIAN CONSTITUTION UNIT-l *rea!,le UNIT-> Salient =eatures - I UNIT-6 Salient =eatures - II UNIT-4 =unda!ental ights and 6uties UNIT-5 6irective *rinciples of state *olicy Boo? R 0 ) "c :/. 4. 5. 6.6. Basu 6r. %.V. *aran.ape ".%. *andey 1 1 1 Indian Constitution Indian 0egal and Constitutional -istory 2he Constitution of India

WOMEN AND LAW UNIT-l 0egal Status of 3o!en in India CConstitutionalD UNIT-> #arriage and 6issolution of #arriage UNIT-6 *revention of Sati - Child #arriage - I!!oral 2raffic of 3o!en - =e!ale Infinitude UNIT-4 Cruelty iand'66>ry UNIT-5 2he Indecent epresentation of 3o!en BOOK REFERENCE : /. 4. 5. F.*. #ishra a. )u!ar -.C. ?padhyay 1 1 1 0a> elating to 3o!en and Child 3o!en and 0a> Status of 3o!en in India

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