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Dept. of ECE

VLSI Design Lab Procedure

Experiment:3 CMOS Inverter Dynamic Characteristics

3.1 Lab conduction procedures
Since this lab address 1. Linearizing Ron, and 2. Find the ratio Wp/Wn at which equal rise time and fall time, it requires two design procedures.

3.2 Ron linearization procedure

Here the procedure for Ron of NMOS is given. This can be extended to PMOS to calculate the equivalent resistance of it.

3.2.1 Creating Schematic

Create a schematic with the following specification as shown in Figure 3-1.

Figure 3-1: Circuit for calculating Req of NMOS Library Name analoglib Cell Name vpulse Instance Name V0 Properties / Comments Voltage 1 = 0 V Voltage 2 = 1.8 V Period = 20n s Pulse Width = 10n s Capacitance = 5p F Initial condition = 1.8 V Default

C0 gpdk180 Nmos NM0

3.2.2 Analysis setup

For this experiment only tran Analysis is required to plot.


Dept. of ECE

VLSI Design Lab Procedure

Transient plot: Analysis setup

Select tran analysis. Provide Stop time as 30n. Check accuracy default as moderate and click OK.

Output definition
Select Outputs To be Plotted Select on Schematic Select vin and vout nodes and press ESC.

Click the Run button. Select Tools Calculator in the waveform window. Check wave radio button and select the vin node first and then select the vout node from the schematic. In the calculator window, select Delay function from the Special function subwindow. Mirror the following parameters as shown below.

Evaluate the buffer.


ratio procedure

3.3.1 Creating Schematic

To build the schematic, modify the inverter cell built during experiment no. 1.


Dept. of ECE

VLSI Design Lab Procedure

Modify the inverter schematic of Experiment no.1.

In the CIW window, select File open and select the design inverter schematic. Modify the PMOS Total width parameter to b*2u (without quotes and no spacing between the expression given in double quotes). Click Check and save.

Create schematic
Create a schematic with the following specification as shown in .

Figure 3-2: Test Schematic for finding Library Name analoglib Cell Name vdc Instance Name V0 V1 Vpulse V2


Properties / Comments DC Voltage = 0.9 V DC Voltage = 0.9 V Voltage 1 = 0.9 V Voltage 2 = -0.9 V Period = 20n s Pulse Width = 10n s Symbol

<your library>

<first exp inverter design cell>

3.3.2 Analysis setup

For this experiment only tran Analysis is required to plot.

Transient plot:
Variables Copy From Cellview. Define 1 for the b variable.

Analysis setup
Select tran analysis. Provide Stop time as 30n. Check accuracy default as moderate and click OK.


Dept. of ECE

VLSI Design Lab Procedure

Output definition
In ADE window, select Outputs -> setup tPHL definition Define tPHL for Name (opt) label. Click Open to open the calculator, select vt radio button and go to test schematic.

Figure 3-3: Transient Voltage Select first vout node and then vin node. Return back to the calculator, and select delay function under special function. Mirror the setting as shown in Figure 3-4. Click Apply. Note: Dont click on OK, because we need it to define tPLH variable.

Figure 3-4: settings for tPHL calculation Switch back to setting outputs window by pressing Alt+Tab key and click on Get Expression, the expression from the calculator buffer gets copied on to the Expression. Click Add. tPLH definition In the same setting outputs window, click New Expression and define tPLH in the Name (opt) label. Switch back to calculator window and change Edge Type 1 as Falling and Edge Type 2 as rising in the delay function. Click OK. Again navigate to setting outputs window and click on Get Expression.


Dept. of ECE

VLSI Design Lab Procedure

Click Add.

tD definition In the same setting outputs window, click New Expression and define tD in the Name (opt) lable. Switch back to calculator window and click on + button in the key pad sub-window. This will add the current tPLH expression, which is in the buffer, to the first stack expression, tPHL.

Now to divide the sum of (tPLH + tPHL) expression, click on pushes the current buffer expression on to the stack.

button, such that it

Now enter 2 in the buffer and click on / divide button in the key pad sub-window. Return back to the output settings window and click on Get Expression button. Click Add and OK.

Delay plot
In the ADE window, click Tools Parametric Analysis. Enter the following details as shown below.

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