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Copyright 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
Optimization Flow
Copyright 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page1
WCDMA optimization is a very important part in the life of
the network.
Mainly, the optimization contents the preparation, single site
verification, RF optimization, parameters optimization.
Copyright 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page2
1. Introduction of Optimization FIow
2. The preparation for the Optimization Project
3. Single Site Verification
4. RF Optimization
5. Parameters Optimization
6. Optimization Report
Copyright 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page3
WCDMA Optimization Flow
Copyright 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page4
ntroduction of Optimization Flow
Customized Document:
Acceptance Report
Optimization Report
Site Configuration Parameter Table
Radio Part Parameter configuration Table
Process Document and Data:
Site configuration Parameter Table
Radio part Parameter configuration Table
Output document:
Copyright 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page5
1. ntroduction of Optimization Flow
2. The preparation for the Optimization Project
3. Single Site Verification
4. RF Optimization
5. Parameters Optimization
6. Optimization Report
Copyright 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page6
WCDMA Optimization Flow - Preparation
Copyright 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page7
The Preparation for Projection
The following work is required:
Understanding of the Existing Network
Cluster Division and Optimization Team Establishment
Optimization Tools and Software
Copyright 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page8
The Preparation for Projection
Understanding of the Existing Network :
Radio Network Planning report
Latest site configuration parameter table and radio part
parameter configuration table
OMC statistic data and subscriber complaints of the existing
Copyright 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page9
The Preparation for the Optimization Projection
Cluster Division and Optimization Team Establishment
RNO leader-1
Data Analyzer
Drive Test Operator
RNO leader-n
Data Analyzer
Drive Test Operator
RNO manager
Copyright 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page10
The Preparation for Projection
Optimization Tool:
UMTS Scanner
GPS and data line
Digital camera
Optimization Software:
Post processing
Copyright 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page11
1. ntroduction of Optimization Flow
2. The preparation for the Optimization Project
3. SingIe Site Verification
4. RF Optimization
5. Parameters Optimization
6. Optimization Report
Copyright 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page12
WCDMA Optimization Flow Single Site
Copyright 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page13
Single Site Verification
The single site verification test is a part of the WCDMA network
optimization to ensure that the basic functions of the cell are normal,
such as call access, call quality, handover and so on.
Single site verification involves the following aspects:
Parameter setting check in idle mode
Services call (AMR/VP/PS) function check in connected mode
HSDPA function check
nstallation problems check
Copyright 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page14
Single Site Verification
Single site verification includes :
preparations before test
single site test
solving problems
The single site verification is completed by:
On-site engineers
RNO engineers
Copyright 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page15
Single Site Verification - Task of
the on-site engineers
Site Status Check
For each cell to be measured, check Status by LMT or M2000 Status
Configuration Data Collection and Check
check whether the data configured is consistent with the planned data
Testing Point Selection
Test UE Setup
Set the handset to testing mode before test
Other Preparations
Application key
Copyright 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page16
Single Site Verification - Task of the on-
site engineers
Verification in dle Mode
Frequency Check
Check whether the frequency number of the cell to be measured is consistent
with the planned data
Scramble Check
Check whether the scramble configuration is consistent with the planned
Check whether the LAC/RAC of the cell to be measured is consistent with the
planed one.
CPCH_RSCP/CPCH_Ec/o (Near Site) Test
Check whether the CPCH RSCP and CPCH Ec/o received by UE are greater
than the threshold
Copyright 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page17
Single Site Verification - Task of the on-
site engineers
Verification in connect Mode
Originating and Terminating Connection Test of Voice Service
Check whether the originating and terminating function of voice service
function normally by call quality test
Originating and Terminating Connection Test of VP Service
Check whether the originating and terminating function of VP service function
normally by call quality test
Connection Test of PS Services
Check whether the originating function of PS services are normal by handset
online service
Solving Problems
f on-site engineers find product function problems or parameter configuration
problems, the engineers must locate them and retest until the problems are
solved and process terminates.
Copyright 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page18
Single Site Verification Task of the
RNO engineers
Cell Status Confirmation
Before checking site, you need to inquiry product support
engineers whether the cell is in normal status
Testing Route Selection
Before test, you must select a proper testing route according to
site distribution and local environment
Copyright 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page19
Single Site Verification Task of the
RNO engineers
Coverage DT Check
Check whether CPCH RSCP and CPCH Ec/o received by
scanner is normal
Abnormal power amplifier
Abnormal connection of antenna-feeder
nconsistency of antenna tile/direction angle from planned one
Blocking by buildings
Copyright 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page20
Single Site Verification Task of the
RNO engineers
HSDPA Access Function Test
To test HSDPA access function
Check whether the antenna for receiving diversity signals is
reversely connected
Checking Antennas by Exchanging Feeders
Copyright 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page21
Single Site Verification Task of the
RNO engineers
Antenna Diversity Check
f the receive antenna crossed, the uplink diversity receive gain is loss, and the
uplink interfere is doubled. t will affect the uplink capability.
Solving Problems
f RNO engineers find problems about product function, RNO engineers must
ask product support engineers to solve problems
Copyright 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page22
Single Site Verification
n single site verification stage, engineers check whether
equipment functions normally
Single site verification is a basis for the following RF
optimization and service optimization
f all verifications about function are accepted, the single site
verification is completed
After single site verification, optimization comes to RF
Copyright 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page23
1. ntroduction of Optimization Flow
2. The preparation for the Optimization Project
3. Single Site Verification
4. RF Optimization
5. Parameters Optimization
6. Optimization Report
Copyright 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page24
WCDMA Optimization Flow RF
Copyright 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page25
RF Optimization - Overview
Once all the sites are installed and verification is complete, RF
optimization starts.
During the RF optimization stage, you will optimize radio
frequency (RF) signals , so that the distribution of radio signals is
normal in next service -- parameters optimization stage
RF optimization includes the following aspects:
Coverage optimization
Pilot pollution optimization
Handover optimization
Copyright 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page26
RF Optimization flow
Copyright 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page27
RF Optimization - Preparation (1)
Deciding Optimization target
Weak coverage
Pilot pollution
High SHO Factor based on DT
Dividing Clusters
Deciding Test Route
Confirm the KP DT acceptance route with the operator before
Preparing Tools and Data
Preparing Software
Preparing Hardware
Preparing Data
Copyright 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page28
RF Optimization - Preparation (2)
Index Reference Remarks
CPCH Ec/o < 9dB
< 97% in urban area
According to test result from the scanner, in
unloaded and outdoor conditions, in planning
coverage areas, test in a grid-like route to cover all
< 97% in suburban
< 98% in urban area
According to test result from the scanner, in
unloaded and outdoor conditions, in planning
coverage areas, test in a grid-like route to cover all
cells. The coverage level request is basic. f
operators have penetration loss request, add the
penetration loss to the coverage level.
< 95% in suburban
SHO Factor based on
The SHO Factor based on DT should be 5% to
10% lower than the goal, because the following
optimizations cause the soft handover factor to
Pilot pollution ratio > 5%
RF Optimization - Targets
Copyright 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page29
RF Optimization - Preparation (3)
Dividing Clusters
RF optimization must be performed on a group of or a cluster
of NodeBs ,This ensures that interference from intra-frequency
neighbor cells are considered during optimization.
Dividing clusters involves approval by the operator.
Deciding Test Route
The KP DT acceptance route is the core route of RF
optimization test routes. ts optimization is the core of RF
Copyright 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page30
RF Optimization - Preparing Tools and
Genex Probe
Genex Assistant
Genex Nastar
Test terminal and
data line
Vehicle mounted
Needed data
List of engineering
KP requirements
Network configuration
Survey report
Single site verification
Floor plan of the target
Copyright 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page31
RF Optimization - Data Collection
During RF optimization stage, the key is the optimization of radio
signals distribution, with the major means of DT and indoor test
DT is a major test. Collect scanner and UE data of radio signals
by DT test
Usually the DT and indoor test during RF optimization stage is
based on VP service.
During RF optimization stage, collect neighbor cell data of network
optimization and other data configured in RNC database
Copyright 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page32
RF Optimization - RF problem
Antenna tilt
Antenna azimuth
Antenna location
Split sector
Remove sector
Combine sector
Antenna height
Antenna type
Site location
New site
Copyright 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page33
RF Optimization
During the RF optimization ,sometimes the problems can be
resolved completely by proper adjustment, but there is also
some disadvantages of the RF optimization
The duration of the RF Optimization will be always very long
Some adjustment is difficult to implement
f the problems are not resolved by the RF optimization, it is
difficult to recover the antennas back to the former
Slide 34
h1 "
hw, 12/2/2006
Copyright 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page34
RF Optimization
Some advices:
Before the RF adjusting, we'd better survey the relative sites,
and give some applicable advice
f possible, do the RF adjustment and test the effect at the
same time
Copyright 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page35
RF Coverage Problem Analysis
Coverage problem analysis is key to RF optimization. t
involves signal distribution. The coverage problems to be
analyzed include:
Weak coverage
Overshoot coverage
Unbalance between uplink and downlink
No primary pilot cell
Copyright 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page36
RF Coverage Problem Analysis
Coverage Analysis Processes:
Downlink Coverage Analysis
Analyzing Pilot Coverage Strength
Analyzing Pilot Coverage quality
Analyzing Primary Pilot Cell
Analyzing comparison of UE and Scanner Coverage
Uplink Coverage Analysis
Analyzing Uplink nterference
Analyzing distribution of UE Transmit Power
Copyright 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page37
RF Coverage Problem Analysis
Downlink coverage analysis - Pilot Coverage Strength
Check areas of poor coverage, suggestion value as below:
Good: RSCP < -85 dBm
Fair: -95 dBm > RSCP < -85 dBm
Poor: RSCP < -95 dBm
Mark the areas with weak coverage or common seamless
coverage of large areas for further analysis
Copyright 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page38
RF Coverage Problem Analysis
DownIink coverage anaIysis - PiIot Coverage Strength AnaIysis
Copyright 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page39
RF Coverage Problem Analysis
Downlink coverage analysis - Pilot Coverage quality
Ec/o plot should also be analysed based on the thresholds :
Good: Ec/o < -8 dB
Fair: -14 dB > Ec/o < -8 dB
Poor: Ec/o < - 14 dB
Areas of poor Ec/o should be highlighted for further
Copyright 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page40
RF Coverage Problem Analysis
Ec/!o RSCP

What's the
DownIink coverage anaIysis - PiIot Coverage quaIity AnaIysis:
Copyright 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page41
RF Coverage Problem Analysis
Ec/!o RSCP
What's the
DownIink coverage anaIysis - PiIot Coverage quaIity AnaIysis:
Copyright 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page42
RF Coverage Problem Analysis
DownIink coverage anaIysis - AnaIyzing Primary PiIot CeII:
Copyright 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page43
RF Coverage Problem Analysis
Downlink coverage analysis - Analyzing Primary Pilot Cell:
Cell primary pilot analysis is analyzing cell scramble
information obtained in DT
The content to be checked include :
Weak coverage cell
Cross-cell coverage cell
No primary pilot cell
Copyright 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page44
RF Coverage Problem Analysis
DownIink coverage anaIysis - AnaIyzing Primary PiIot CeII:
Copyright 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page45
RF Coverage Problem Analysis
DownIink coverage anaIysis - AnaIyzing comparison of UE and Scanner Coverage :
nconsistent Best Service Cell between scanner and UE
Copyright 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page46
RF Coverage Problem Coverage Problem
Analysis Analysis
Uplink coverage analysis is analyzing UE transmit power obtained in DT.
The quality standards of UE transmit power must be combined with optimization
Assume the optimization indexes of UE transmit power as below:
UE_Tx_Power> 10 dBm >= 95%
The test result of voice service by
test handset. Assume the maximum
transmit power of UE is 21 dBm
The defined corresponding quality standards are:
Good if UE_Tx_Power > 0 dBm
Fair if 0 dBm < UE_Tx_Power > 10 dBm
Poor if UE_Tx_Power > 10 dBm
UpIink coverage anaIysis:
Copyright 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page47
RF Coverage Problem Coverage Problem
Analysis Analysis
UpIink - Distribution of UE Transmit Power:
The distribution of UE transmit power reflects the distribution of uplink
interference and uplink path loss
The distribution of UE transmit power
Copyright 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page48
Pilot Pollution Problem Analysis
Pilot Pollution Point Definition:
The pilot pollution is that excessive strong pilots exist in a point
but no primary pilot is strong enough
Pilot pollution exists if all the following conditions are met:
The number of pilots that meet the following condition is more than
4 and CPCH_RSCP > -100dBm
(CPCH_RSCP1st - CPCH_RSCP 4th)< 5dB
Copyright 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page49
Pilot Pollution Problem Pilot Pollution Problem
Analysis Analysis

Active Set Pilot Pollution
Pilot Pollution
PiIot PoIIution Definition - Judgment Standards :
Copyright 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page50
Pilot Pollution Problem Pilot Pollution Problem
Analysis Analysis
PiIot PoIIution Definition - Estimated Active Set Size ExampIe Estimated Active Set Size ExampIe :
Copyright 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page51
Pilot Pollution Problem Pilot Pollution Problem
Analysis Analysis
SC Count % in PoIIution Set
8 206 12.9%
9 165 10.3%
10 157 9.8%
11 156 9.7%
12 148 9.2%
13 135 8.4%
16 95 5.9%
17 94 5.9%
18 76 4.7%
19 74 4.6%
20 73 4.6%
21 56 3.5%
32 54 3.4%
35 39 2.4%
37 33 2.1%
43 19 1.2%
48 8 0.5%
53 7 0.4%
67 3 0.2%
80 2 0.1%
130 2 0.1%
Should be investigated Should be investigated
PiIot PoIIution Definition - Estimated Active Set Size ExampIe :
Pilot pollution results
Copyright 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page52
Pilot Pollution Problem Analysis
Causes of Pilot Pollution :
mproper Cell Distribution
Over High NodeB or Highly-mounted Antenna
mproper Antenna Azimuth
mproper Antenna Down Tilt
mproper PCH Power
Ambient Factors
Copyright 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page53
Pilot Pollution Problem Analysis
nfluence of Pilot Pollution :
Pilot pollution causes the following network problems:
Ec/o Deterioration
Call Drop Due to Handover
Capacity Decline
Copyright 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page54
Pilot Pollution Problem Analysis
Process for Analyzing Pilot Pollution
Analyze scanner-based RSCP for 1st Best Service Cell and
Ec/o for 1st Best Service Cell
Analyze scanner-based Whole PP
Locate the cells that cause pilot pollution of the key areas.
Judge whether the pilot pollution is caused by existence of
multiple strong pilots or lack of a strong pilot
Confirm the cells that need eliminating the coverage of an area
and that need enhancing the coverage of an area
Retest after adjustment
Copyright 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page55
Pilot Pollution Problem Analysis
Solutions of Pilot Pollution :
Antenna Adjustment
PCPCH Power Adjustment
Using RRU or Micro Cells
Copyright 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page56
Handover Problem Analysis
By adjusting RF parameters ,we can Control the size and location
of handover areas ,then we can eliminate handover call drop due
to sharp fluctuation and increase handover success rate.
During RF optimization stage, the involved handover problem
Neighbor cell optimization
Copyright 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page57
Handover Problem Analysis -
Neighbor cell optimization
During RF optimization stage, missing neighbor cell is a key problem. The
neighbor cell optimization includes adding and removing neighbor cells
Add: Missing neighbors
Remove: These neighbors that were not measured but are in the neighbor list.
CarefuI consideration is needed prior to removing neighbours
Neighbor cell optimization can be analyzed by :
Scanner Data
UE Data Analysis
Copyright 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page58
Handover Problem Analysis Handover Problem Analysis - - Neighbor Neighbor
cell optimization cell optimization
By the scanner data, the Assistant can generate a neighbor cell
analysis report in the format of Excel
Copyright 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page59
Handover Problem Analysis - Neighbor
cell optimization
We can also analyze a missing neighbor cell by UE DT data
The daemon analysis tool can seldom analyze UE data
automatically and generate missing neighbor cells
but we can Compare the active set Ec/o distribution
diagram measured by UE and that measured by scanner
The spots with missing neighbor cells has a poor Ec/o
measured by UE and a strong Ec/o scanned by scanner .
Copyright 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page60
Handover Problem Analysis
UE SHO Performance
The success rates for event 1a, 1b & 1c and can be obtained
from software
Number of Active Set Updates Number of Active Set Updates
Event Count
Event 1a - 328
Event 1b - 306
Event 1c - 64
Number of Active Set Update CompIetes Number of Active Set Update CompIetes
Event Count
Event 1a - 326
Event 1b - 305
Event 1c - 62
Soft-Handover Success Rate Soft-Handover Success Rate
Event Rate
Event 1a - 99.4
Event 1b - 99.7
Event 1c - 96.9
Copyright 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page61
1. ntroduction of Optimization Flow
2. The preparation for the Optimization Project
3. Single Site Verification
4. RF Optimization
5. Parameters Optimization
6. Optimization Report
Copyright 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page62
WCDMA Optimization Flow Parameter
Copyright 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page63
Purpose of Parameters Optimization
Purpose of parameters optimization
ncrease the access success ratio
Decrease the call drop ratio
ncrease the quality of service
The tools and data for analysis:
scanner and UE
RNC record data
Statistic tools and KP
MSC & SGSN record if necessary
Copyright 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page64
Drive test
The contents of drive test
The call setup test for voice service
The continuous call test for voice service
dle mode test
The call setup test for video phone service
The continuous call test for voice service
The call setup test for PS service
The continuous call test for PS service
The test shouId be performed repeatedIy to the position with The test shouId be performed repeatedIy to the position with
probIems to make sure that the probIem is repeatabIe probIems to make sure that the probIem is repeatabIe
Copyright 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page65
Drive Test Data Analysis
Drive Test Data Analysis
Analyzing and finding out the solution for access failure
Analyzing and finding out the solution for drop call
Analyzing and finding out the solution for service quality related
Copyright 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page66
Adjustment Recommendation and
Adjustment Recommendation and mplementation
Common Control Channel Power Allocation parameters
RL Maximum Power parameters
ntra-frequency Handover parameters
nter-frequency Handover parameters
nter-RAT Handover parameters
Power Control parameters
Access parameters
Other related parameters
Copyright 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page67
Test for Special Areas
Special area refers to a small district or indoors environment
Operator offices, residence of VP
Key hotels or entertainment location
Government location
Locations of large company or group subscribers
Locations tend to be cared , such as railway station or airport
Copyright 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page68
1. ntroduction of Optimization Flow
2. The preparation for the Optimization Project
3. Single Site Verification
4. RF Optimization
5. Parameters Optimization
6. Optimization Report
Copyright 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page69
WCDMA Optimization Flow Optimization
Report Output
Copyright 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page70
Optimization Report
The Ooptimization reportOshould be presented after the project passes
the customer acceptance. The optimization report should include:
Project background introduction
Existing network status
Acceptance criteria
Optimization process
Problem analysis and adjustment recommendation, and the effect for the
implemented part
Acceptance test and result
Leftover problems and suggestions from the optimization point of view.
Thank you

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