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Lorem Ipsum

Corvinus University of Budapest

Public Policy Management / PUMA
Wishful thinking is not sound public policy. -Bjorn Lomborg

Why Budapest?
It is not only Hungarians who say that Budapest is perhaps the most beautiful capitol city in Europe. This year Cond Nast put Budapest at the 2nd best city in the world to visit, tying with Florence, Italy. See the whole report here and learn more about the city here, or click here. With a population topping two million, the streets of Budapest areboth day and nightalways full with life. Thousands of restaurants, pubs and music clubs are littered throughout the cityscape, satisfying even the most diverse needs. In Budapest, apartments are numerous in number and quite modestly priced. Here, deciding on a flat suddenly becomes more about finding the best neighborhood and accommodation for you,

rather than letting your wallet determine your decisions.

Why Corvinus University?

Strategically nestled among the majestic Szabadsg hd (Liberty Bridge), the Great Market Hall, and the bank of the Danube River, Corvinus stands as one of the most breathtaking universities in Hungary. Still, what is beauty without brains? Luckily, Corvinus is rightly considered to be one of the few elite tertiary schools in Hungary [Hungary: link to.]. Year after year Corvinus continues to boast some of the highest required admission scores from admitted students. Corvinus has earned a reputation as the number one Hungarian school in Business Management and typically ranks best in International Studies, various fields of Social Sciences (Political Science, Sociology, etc.) and Economics. Studying at Corvinus immerses you into a profoundly multicultural environment where hundreds of students arrive every year from fellow EU countries, post-Soviet states, Asia and the Americas.

Corvinus also offers a large number of courses taught in English such as: Micro and Macro Economics, Social Science theories and methodology Hard-type sciences like as math and various fields of applied mathematics (game theory, etc.) Management and Organization Studies, Media Studies and arts of persuasion Culture and Art courses

Thanks to its international prestige, Corvinus has developed strong relationships to over fifty international universities that allow exchange students to participate in a wide range of study choices. For more information: click here.

Why study Public Policy and Management at Corvinus?

The Public Policy and Management (PUMA) program is the product of several decades of experience, consideration of international best teaching practices, and guidance from alumni working in various fields of administration, consultancy, etc. Our curriculum is designed to not only provide theoretical background in political science, economics, organization and management studies, but also to offer practical knowledge and skills for students through the use of case studies, individual and group assignments, and more.

Our curriculum is designed to meet and exceed growing international standards. On the other hand, we also provide knowledge in specific features of administrative systems of CEE and post-communist countries and illustrate the skills necessary to effectively handle this particular environment. The English version of the curriculum and courses is nearly identical to our EAPAA accredited Hungarian courses. EAPAA is the European Association for Public Administration Accreditation that has awarded only 26 institutional accreditations. Our Department has always maintained strong ties to many worldwide leading schools of Public Administration. We received professional assistance to build and improve our curriculum and instruction methods from SUNY Rockefeller College during its time of highest relevance and we have maintained a twenty-year-long personal and institutional relationship to the Public Management Institute of the Catholic University of Leuven, a European leader in the field.

We offer double degree programs opportunities. Our partnership with Babes-Bolyai University (Cluj-Kolozsvr, Romania), a leading school of public affairs in the region, gives students the chance to obtain diplomas from both universities and concurrently gain additional experience. Our Department is also a founding member of the European Masters in Public Administration Consortium. (Click for more information) Working together with twelve leading European universities, participating students may study one semester at any of the member universities and will receive an EMPA Certificate, along with their PUMA Diploma.

Our Department is assisted by an International Advisory Board composed of leading scholars of the field: Prof. Geert Bouckaert (President of the International Institute of Administrative Sciences, Catholic University of Leuven, doctor honoris causa of our University); Prof. Wolfgang Drechsler (Chair of Governance, Tallinn University of Technology, doctor honoris causa of our University); Prof. Steven Osborne (Chair of International Public Management and Deputy Dean of the Business School, University of Edinburgh).

Instructors and professors are internationally well known both in the academic community and as expert consultants. Out faculty is especially active in the work of the European Group of Public Administration and the Network of Institutes and Schools of Public Administration in Central and Eastern Europe, whose next conference in 2014 will be held in Budapest. We have also been involved into numerous research projects such as: EU COST CRIPO, EU COST LocRef, EU FP7 COCOPS, to mention but a few. For further information: click here.

Curriculum and Specializations

Our curriculum aims at offering sound interdisciplinary education in the most directly applicable Economic, Public Policy, legal-institutional and analytical/methodical approaches to Public Governance. This formation is regulated by our mandated core courses. On the basis of this foundation, students may choose from a number of specialization modules, which each consist of three to four courses (credit limits allow for a maximum of two modules). In the 2014/2015 academic year we offer the following specialization modules: Methods of analyzing public policies Public Management Health Economics Market regulation and competition policy

These modules involve highly specialized curricula and are often taught by specialists and experts
working at other departments and in external organizations. (Please note that the above curriculum exists primarily for indicative purposes. For more detailed, up to date information, please consult the Faculty website or contact us via the information listed below)
Course Semester 1. classhours Mandatory core courses Comparative Public Administration Theories of Public Affairs Empirical Research Methods Organizational Theories Multilevel Governance Economics of the Public Sector Institutions of the Public Sector Comprehensive Public Policy Analysis Administrative Law in Comparative Perspective Public Financial Management 2+2 2+2 2+2 2+2 2+2 2+2 2+2 2+2 2+2 2+2 2. classhours 3. classhours 4. classhours

Contact information For further information please write or visit us at the following contacts. Ms. Kriszta Rujder, Lorem Ipsum Dolor International Coordinator, International Office of the Faculty of

Economics ( ) Mr. Gyrgy Hajnal Ph.D., Head of Department, Academic Director (

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