Katie Porter - EMBA - in The First Person

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MONDAY | FEBRUARY 3, 2014 Advertorial, Education Promotional Feature




Your voice
With Harvard College announcing the new Indian-origin dean, are Indian academicians making their mark globally? > To participate in the poll, log on to www.educationtimes.com


Evolving trends
Sandor Markon, professor of information technology at Kobe Institute of Computing, Japan, shares the current trends in IT education > Click on Expert Eye on www.educationtimes.com


Exam tips

ine arts (FA) is a form of art that encompasses a number of specialisations such as applied arts, design, dance, music, drama, sculpting and textiles. The stream is interdisciplinary in nature and offers a number of options for students to choose from. Says Pankaj Panwar, professor of sculpture, Visva Bharati University, Santiniketan, At the UG level, the most popular specialisations include painting, sculpture, printmaking (graphics), design (ceramics and textile) and art history. Elaborates Ambika Patel, associate professor, department of museology, faculty of fine arts, MS University, Baroda, The UG syllabus has immense scope and requires students to do a considerable amount of practical work. Colleges that organise exhibitions and shows ensure that students get a holistic education while getting ample opportunity to network.

classes and three years of Bachelors education. Even those who have completed the plus two level have to follow the same five-year study pattern. Apart from the completion of class XII, some universities conduct an entrance test and viva for admissions.

While passion and love for the discipline continue to be inherent characteristics of a FA student, changing times have brought in a touch of commercialism to the field. Graduates can either work as professional artists creating their own work or can work with schools

destinations. Moreover, also pay well while offering relgraduates can also conatively secure jobs, says Siva sider taking up a job as Kumar. an assistant professor, art Those working in media and director or work in adver- publishing houses, advertising tisement film-making. agencies and textile industries Emerging trends in postcan get lucrative pay packmodern fine arts revolve ages of about Rs 15,000around coming out of 25,000 per month. the frames and giving Fresh more liberty to the gradviewers to appreciate and interpret. In keeping with this, an increasing number of artists are now An undergraduate degree opting for installain Fine Arts offers numerous

Education for all

Times News Network

specialisations, reports Aditi Guha

Those who wish to study abroad and gain professional expertise and exposure can opt for various scholarships including the Charles Wallace India Trust scholarship, Henry Moore Foundation grant, Inlaks Fine Arts award, fellowships for young artistes by the governments ministry of culture, or the ICCR and the Krishnakriti Foundation in association with the Embassy of France in India. uates may be engaged by private art galleries as trainees and may expect an approximate Rs 8,00010,000 salary per month depending on their area of work, adds Chanda.

NESCO recently released its 11th Education for All Global Monitoring Report. The report, titled Teaching and Learning: Achieving Quality for All, portrays the lack of attention to the quality of education imparted across the globe. It states that 250 million children worldwide, most of them from disadvantaged backgrounds, do not learn the basics, let aside cultivate the skills they need to secure a job. In the context of India, the report makes several observations. It states that India has far greater potential to mobilise domestic resources for education through improved taxes. Even if 20% of the revenue, which was lost to exemptions from customs and excise duties (equivalent to

Most colleges offer a four or five-year Bachelors in Fine Arts. The general criteria for admissions is the completion of higher secondary or plus two level. However, few colleges such as the Government College of Art and Craft (GCAC), Kolkata, do admit students post the completion of class X. Says Sanjay Samanta, an alumnus of the institute, The course typically comprises two years of preparatory

A list of simple techniques can not only help you study better, but also help you retain what you have studied for the exam > Click on School Guide on www.educationtimes.com

and colleges, in design sectors, and museums and galleries. The communication and entertainment sector is a new and upcoming area that offers a number of possibilities today, says R Siva Kumar, contemporary art historian, art critic and curator. Adds Gajanan Shepal, professor of fine arts, JJ School of Applied Arts, Mumbai, After completing such courses, students can choose to work as freelancers, both in India and abroad. They can then auction their creations at exhibitions. Professionals can also make their work commercially viable by conducting public workshops as well as seminars for corporates and educational institutions. Those with a flair for writing can choose to become critics for newspapers and magazines. Countries such as the US, Germany, Italy and Canada offer good opportunities for commercial artists and are, hence, also ideal study

- With inputs from Aditya Harikrishnan in Mumbai

Industry View
Fine Arts is a discipline that requires creativity and innovation. Corporates are eager to hire talent who can think out-of- the-box. FA students tend to think differently, usually surpassing orthodox, stereotype thinking. Thus, presentations on corporate activities, products, packaging, etc, become innovative with the participation of FA graduates. Ambarish Dasgupta, partner & head of management consultancy, KPMG


tions and performance arts, says Supreo Chanda, associate professor and former head of museology, University of Calcutta.

Salaries vary a great deal in this field. The communication, entertainment and design sectors offer some of the best paid jobs. Colleges, especially the ones that operate under the UGC or state governments,

5.7% of the countrys GDP in 2012/13), had been earmarked for education, the sector would have received an additional USD 22.5 billion in 2013. This would have increased funding by almost 40% compared with the current education budget. The report also observes that to achieve education for all, it is necessary to not only increase domestic resources for education, but also redistribute these resources so that a fair share reaches those most in need. > For complete story, visit www.educationtimes.com

recently got the opportunity to visit India for a cultural immersion programme that culminated from a year-long project at the Ivey EMBA course. This programme allowed us to experience first-hand, the intricacies of building a viable, scalable and transformative entrepreneurial enterprise in emerging markets. The focus of the yearlong Executive Client Field Project within the executive MBA programme was to enhance our ability to analyse market opportunities, assess organisational capabilities, and develop strategic plans that can hold their own in a global market place (and perhaps make tough choices as a consequence). We got a great view from the ground up on the process of developing such business and marketing plans, while being a part of the execution of those plans. The curriculum concluded with an international study trip which saw 55 of us participate in a variety of


Real-world lessons
KATIE PORTER, an EMBA student at Ivey Business School, Canada, who recently visited India on a study tour, shares her experience of coming up with a sustainable business plan for a not-for-profit education foundation in Bangalore as part of her MBA project
School Foundation in Bangalore, which works towards making the right to quality education and a happy childhood with overall development a reality for children in the city. Our immediate goal was to create a sustainable funding model, replete with donor expansion recommendations and supported by a marketing and communications plan that could help the organisation meet its goal of future growth. We had the opportunity to evaluate their existing business model and meet with the management team to understand their requirements

enriching consulting projects across India. The tour enabled us to spend valuable time with a diverse set of companies ranging from

non-profit organisations to socially responsible businesses. Our team was privileged to work with the Dream

for the future. During the span of the project, we conducted regular phone meetings with the schools leadership to gain an in-depth knowledge about how the organisation functioned and to glean important information on their role within the education sector in India. We started by researching the state of education in India, including the impact of the Right to Education Act. We gained an understanding of the various types of schools available for children here, the education costs, as well as their challenges and benefits. The implications of the old caste system and its residual impact on what type of school a child can attend were also studied. Besides the knowledge that our inputs will be an integral part of the foundations success in the future, it was both humbling and enriching to see how a notfor-profit organisation functions here. We also got a closer look at some of the fundamental challenges they face within a country

that holds such diversity and social complexities. As we developed our own model of how to approach their expansion plans, we also integrated both ethical and social responsibility considerations inherent with being an NGO playing on a global field. Not only did this trip present a rare opportunity for us to immerse ourselves in the cultural, political, and economic realities of one of the

worlds economic hot-spots, but it also allowed us to put our classroom lectures into practice. Working with these organisations increased our understanding of the nature of organisational changes required to build a sustainable model (through conceptual frameworks, readings, and discussions), honed our skills in dealing with change (through observation, analysis, and experimentation),

and enhanced our sensitivity to the contribution and consequences of the human element as related to action and change. Lastly, the trip not only enhanced our understanding of the business world, but also inspired, motivated and more importantly, equipped us to handle real-world situations. As told to Ruchi Chopda


:Sunday, 16th

February, 2014


: llam - 4pm

Venue :Hotel Hyatt Regency Sahar Airport Road , Mumbai

Meet representatives of the following institutions at the venue


Universi University ty of Surrey

Colorado State Universi University ty Embi Embiy y RiddleM nautic Uni Universty vers y Hult International Business School Kent State University Maryland Institute of Arts University of Dayton University of New Mexico Western Michigan University Wright State University

Georgian College

Crossing Over
Allison Redford, premier of Alberta, a Canadian province, in conversation with Aditya Harikrishnan on the employment opportunities for Indians in the country
helped bolster these markets and build on the already strong relationship Alberta enjoys with India. Competing in the global marketplace requires presence on the ground, establishing solid relationships and connecting with the right people. Keeping this in mind, we recently opened an Alberta office in India. This office will help provide essential networks, create trade linkages and attract investment. What was the agenda for your India visit? India being one of the worlds fastest growing economies, with a large middle class population, the countrys potential as a key long-term export market for Alberta is undeniable. There is huge investment potential in sectors such as energy, engineering and environment. This mission has While over 60% of Indians in Alberta have immigrated there for work, what is the percentage of students among Indian immigrants in Canada? There were approximately 1,700 international students of Indian citizenship studying during in the province in 2012-13. Additionally, in 2013, the provincial government issued 815 certificates to individual of Indian descent under the international graduate and postgraduate worker categories. Such certificates are awarded to workers who have found work in the province and are committed to continuing their work there. With a relatively large youth population, who fall under the working agegroup, India is touted to be a global outsourcer of skilled people. Given Canadas history of accommodating Indian professionals into its economic space, will the country contribute in the employment of skilled manpower from India? In the last five years, we have received more than 9,400 applications to the Alberta Immigrant Nominee Programme from individuals of Indian descent. This programme is an economic immigration programme jointly operated by the governments of Alberta and Canada. It supports Albertas economic growth by attracting and retaining work-ready immigrants to the province, and has had a tremendous impact on supporting our economy. While our priority is always to ensure Albertans and Canadians are hired first, we want more workers to meet the demands of our growing province. The programme was designed to be responsive to labour market needs and it will exist as long as the need for workers still exists. What are the sectors in Canada that employ Indians? The top sectors that employed people of Indian origin most in 2013 were the retail and food service industries, information technology (work profiles included system analysts, computer programmers, consultants and user support technicians), engineering (both mechanical and electrical) and construction (including drafting, welding, drywall installers, finishing carpenters). Were any academic tieups entered into during your visit here? The University of Alberta signed an agreement with Petrotech to expand training and knowledge-sharing opportunities.

AAbbeerystwrystwyyth AbAbererystwyth University Universi ystwyth ty th Anglia Ruskin University Bangor University Birmingham City Universi University ty Cardiff Metropolit Metropolitan an Universitty y Goldsmiths Universi University ty of London Heriot Watt University Kingston University Liverpool John Moores University Portsmouth University Staffordshire University University of Birmingham University of Exeter

Kings University College Queens University Sheridan College Thompson Rivers University Vancouver Island Universi ty

Lincoln University The University of Waikato University of Canterbury Victoria University of Wellington

Centennial College Conestoga College

Also submit applications

to the following

Please carry original and photocopies of your educational certificates

Durham University Queen Mary, University of London University 01B stol University of Nothngham University of St. Andrews University 01Strathclyde University of York

Auburn University Cleveland State University

Rutgers, The State University of of New Jersey Texas State TexasUniversity - San Marcos University of Alabama - Huntsville University of South Camllna - Columbia

Fair Highlights:
Application fee waiver* On spot application submission and assessment Scholarship for qualified students at the venue *


Fanshawe College Fleming College George Brown College Hurrber College Navitas - FIC & 1CM Niagara College NEW ZEALAND UNIVERSITIES Auckland University of Technolo9y Otago University University of Auckland

and many more..

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