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Oxfam Active in North West England

October 2009
Welcome to October – Oxfam’s month of action on climate change! As the leaves change colour to their
amazing autumnal shades were all going blue for climate change – and we want you to join us! Even the
Gordon Brown is starting to realise the importance of Copenhagen (thanks to your campaigning) and has just
announced he will personally attend the conference.

Remember to write in and let us know what you’re up to or just to find out more ways of getting involved! and join our Facebook group and twitter feed to stay uber up to date.

I hope by now that you may have heard about the exciting one
day event we are holding in Manchester on 17th October.

Climate Action Now will have a whole host of interesting

speakers and workshops on climate change for you to get
involved in as we enter the final countdown for the UN climate
change talks in Copenhagen this December.

Speakers include Penney Poyzer: the no-nonsense eco expert bbc tv presenter, Kevin Anderson from the
Tyndall centre for climate change research and Elvis Sukali a programme worker from Malawi who is
seeing the effects of climate change first hand.

Spaces are limited so sign up early to avoid disappointment - a barginous £5 waged, £4 unwaged (lunch

Also don't forget to take part in our photo competition for the chance
to have your photo made into canvas and displayed at Manchester town
hall for a month. The competition will be decided by attendees on
October 17th. All you have to do to enter is take a photo of your
message to world leaders for the Copenhagen climate change talks
and upload it onto flikr =

It’s time to get political with Oxfam’s lobbying training

Thursday October 8th 2009 - 6:30-8pm

Refreshments will be provided

Politicians need to feel under pressure for them to take action. They actually
need us to tell them what's important so they can represent us in Parliament.
But what's the best way to let them know what you want or think? Lobbying, as
it’s often called, isn't as difficult as you might think.

But don't take our word for it. Come along and hear it from someone who works in an MPs office. Put your
questions to them and learn the ins and outs of good MP lobbying.

Sign up for your free place =

Other fun things to get involved with
Video contest Powershift
If you had the opportunity to speak to the world leaders, what Powershift is young people coming together to learn
would you say? George Clooney wants to hear from you … campaigning skills to build a cleaner, smarter better future
for everyone! 9-12 October in London – sign up today!
Well, here is your chance. Use your voice as a global citizen
and tell these leaders in a short video what you think needs to
be done to make this world a better and safer place. Be a
Citizen Ambassador to the UN.

1. Create your own video, no more than 3 minute duration,
focusing on the subject of the contest.
2. Add English subtitles to videos in other languages.
3. Upload the video to your YouTube account.
4. Add it as a REPLY VIDEO to the video you are watching right
5. Deadline for submissions: 10 October 2009

What’s been going on?

Oxfam volunteers take on politicians Global Wake up call - Flash Mob
On September 15 Didsbury Oxfam shop was graced with a visit On September 21st people from the North West came
by none other than Douglas Alexander, Secretary of State for together to hold flash mob to wake people up to take action
International Development, and Lucy Powell, prospective Labour about climate change. The global campaign ‘Tck Tck Tck’,
candidate for Manchester Withington. They met the shop’s involved people throughout the world holding a flash mob at
volunteers, posed for a photo op with the Manchester Evening 12:18 to set off alarms and wake people up to take action
Reporter, and then were grilled with questions on Copenhagen… about climate change here and now.
People wanted to know exactly how the minister was working to
ensure a fair and safe deal for developing countries at In Manchester we took part in two flashmobs – at Xaverian
December’s UN summit, and what the UK government really College students rang their school bell to tell the world to
thought about the efforts of climate change activists, from wake up. Watch the video here to see how they got on.
Oxfam to Camp for Climate Action.
At the same time in Manchester city centre a crowd of blue
Douglas insisted that the UK was committed to a global faced people came together in Piccadilly gardens – including a
fund of $100 billion a year for climate change adaptation, and friendly polar bear who seemed mighty keen on saving the
defended the fact that 10% of Britain’s contribution would come humans. Watch the video here to see how they got on.
from already existing aid money... something that Oxfam has
concerns about. He said grassroots campaigning is hugely Rachel Edwards said ‘As 12:18 approached and we stood
important in showing politicians that people really care about an shouting to wake people up to take climate action. It was
issue, and cited the Make Poverty History campaign as a great fantastic!! 30 people of different ages had turned out to tell
example of people calling for change. So, with that ministerial others about the urgency of now. It felt great to be the start of
encouragement… let’s get out there and carry on campaigning! the momentum for the big wave and show that the North
West is as active as ever!! If every Monday was like this one,
bring it on that’s what I say!’
From Mozambique to the North West
In September, we were fortunate enough to have Unaiti, Oxfam’s Gender Coordinator for Mozambique, come to the North West.
She visited a school in Chester, Liverpool University and Oxfam shops in Stockport, Liverpool and Manchester. During all this Unaiti
met and talked with Oxfam volunteers and student groups, primary and high school children, the Merseyside Women’s Movement
and even Anne Coffey MP.

In Manchester, Unaiti spent the evening with volunteers from the Whitworth Park Oxfam shop, as well as shop staff, student
activists and campaigning volunteers from around Manchester. The group were inspired by Unaiti as she described first-hand the
work she does to empower women and promote gender equality in Mozambique. She also had fascinating accounts of the human
cost of climate change in Mozambique, and provided a real insight into the work Oxfam does on the ground in developing

Oxjam October
Oxjam is finally here!!
October is Oxjam month and we are so excited about all the events happening in the North West over the next few weeks!
Below are just some of the highlights but there is so much more going on - just visit to find out

3rd October – Manchester’s own Mr Scruff has offered up his final Keep It Unreal night at the Music Box to Oxjam
8th October - Chester Oxjam Quiz Night at the Falcon
11th October – Chester Oxjam 12hour Jam at the famous Alexander’s
11th October – Oxjam Family Day at the Zion Centre in Manchester

And then it’s the biggie… 25th October – OXJAM TAKEOVERS!

Each Oxjam Takeover will be a multi-venue feast of all things musical and Oxfam! Where is your local takeover?

Blackburn Five venues and over 30 bands and performers.

Chester 10-venues in the biggest event of its kind in Chester’s history!
Manchester The biggest local artists take to the N Quarter under 9 roofs

To get tickets for your nearest Oxjam Takeover, visit

For information about Oxjam events in the North West contact Rose on
Dates for the diary
October – A month of climate change action and Oxjam!

3rd October – Manchester’s own Mr Scruff has offered up his final Keep It Unreal night at the Music Box to
8th October – Political lobbying campaigns training. 6.25-8, Greenfish centre, Manchester
8th October - Chester Oxjam Quiz Night at the Falcon
11th October – Chester Oxjam 12hour Jam at the famous Alexander’s
11th October – Oxjam Family Day at the Zion Centre in Manchester
9-12th October – Powershift young people coming together to learn campaigning skills to build a cleaner,
smarter better future for everyone!
17th October – Climate Action Now in Manchester
19th October – Active Global Citizenship Youth Conference. Contact Jo-Anne for more info.
19th October – Outreach training. Contact Rachel for more info.
20th October – A special Climate change evening: there'll be a showing of Oxfam's film Sisters on the
Planet, an Oxfam speaker to answer your questions and some yummy refreshments. 7pm, Methodist Hall,
Knutsford. Email Heather for more info.
24th October – Manchester Oxfam group take to the streets (with a friendly polar bear) to highlight the
human impact of climate change and help people get creative to send their message to Copenhagen.
Contact Julie for more info.
25th October – Oxjam’s big takeover!!!
Blackburn Five venues and over 30 bands and performers.
Chester 10-venues in the biggest event of its kind in Chester’s history!
Manchester The biggest local artists take to the N Quarter under 9 roofs

Future events

4th November – Free Oxfam campaigns training on ‘Are women the answer to poverty?’ 6.25-8pm
Greenfish centre, Manchester
8th November – Chorley Age of stupid screening only £3 at the little theatre 7-9 pm. Contact Keith for
more info
5th December – ‘The Wave’ march in London to Stop Climate Chaos. Get onboard with the co-operatives
subsidised transport. You can book tickets online via The Co-operative website:
The booking process requires a Co-operative Membership number or Oxfam supporter code. the oxfam
code is: OXFAM_TheWave (book early to avoid disappointment and try to get as many of your friends
coming as possible)
We are also looking for volunteers for the day to help out=
9th-12th December – The climate charge (hitchhike) to Copenhagen from Liverpool and Manchester –
contact Manchester or Liverpool for more info as places will be assigned by 20th October

For a more up to date events list join our Facebook group and remember to get in touch to get your events
Materials to help you put on your events
Are you doing something wonderful for Oxfam? We have some great local resources that
you can borrow to make your events even better – from Polar bear outfits to video cameras,
from t-shirts to training packs on media and political campaigning. Just get in touch to book the materials you need!
What else can I do?
There are so many different ways that you can get involved with Oxfam – why not get in contact to find out more?

Join your local campaigns group Oxfam needs you to raise your voice
Up and down the UK – and around the world – ordinary
Theatre • Local Festivals • Sports Competitions • Art
people are making an extraordinary difference in the
global fight against poverty. Exhibitions • Music Gigs • Dance • Your Choice

Activists/ local campaigners – are part of a dynamic Outreachers go to events and speak to the public to
international network dedicated to communicating our generate excitement about Oxfam’s campaigns. You
vital campaigns for change direct to the public, don’t have to be an expert, you just have to care
encouraging others to take part. about ending poverty and suffering.

Working together for impact, they use their energy and Get training on Oxfam’s latest campaigns
skills, knowledge and passion, to take effective action Get creative connecting with the public
locally - helping to raise the popular support that’s crucial Get access to the best events in town
to putting decision-makers under pressure globally.
Get involved in Outreach in the North West
Find out where your local group is and how you can
Find out more: or
get involved –
0161 234 2787

Every penny counts!

Oxfam North West is looking for volunteer collection coordinators to lead and develop cash collections within
your local community .Get As in
OxfamifCollection Coordinator,
you have any you would–have
questions/ comments we are a vital role bunch!
a friendly in raising funds through
bucket collections to support our work in alleviating poverty and suffering worldwide.
Call: 01612 342786, Email:, or use our Facebook group
This role will allow you to gain fantastic experience in managing and recruiting teams of volunteers,
Oxfam GB
develop is a member
new skills inof fundraising
Oxfam International.
and Registered charity No. SC039042.
communication, and have To unsubscribe to these e-updates
the opportunity contactOxfam
to promote
to your
local communities. We need your help!

Interested? If so, then get in touch with Harriett on or call 0161 234 279
to find out more.

Get in contact if you have any questions/ comments – we are a friendly bunch!
Call: 01612 342786, Email:, or use our Facebook group or twitter
Oxfam GB is a member of Oxfam International. Registered charity No. SC039042. To unsubscribe to these e-updates contact

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