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INDICATE A TARGET (Page 8 of the Rulebookl) CLARIFICATION For mortars ONLY, if a model with a Target Acquired marker moves then only remove the marker at the end of the turn. FIRST AID ACTION (Page 9 of the Rulebook) CLARIFICATION A Medic can perform a First Aid Action on himself to heal a wound. FIXED POSITION WEAPONS: Movement VARIATION OF THE BASIC RULE In order to move a model with a weapon that has the Fixed Position characteristic, one of the assistants must be adjacent to him. If there is no assistant adjacent to the model then he can move anyway but must subtract 1d6 from his movement. BUILDINGS: Line of sight towards the exterior CLARIFICATION Further to the rule on Page 11 regarding Line of Sight, models inside a building or a ruin can only trace their line of sight through doors, windows and gaps and must apply the REAL line of sight. Walls or internal walls are not the same as the vegetation in a wood, where a small movement is enough to give you a completely different view. For this reason, models adjacent to a window or door only have a 90 arc of fire. For the same reason, if they cant see all of the enemy model then models inside a building must treat the opponent as being in cover even if, normally, the area of cover in which the firing model is located is not considered when the opponent is outside it (Page 13). E.g. An American Paratrooper has just moved inside a house and sees a German Grenadier outside the window 6cm away on the other side of the house. The real line of sight indicates that he cant see all of the model and so he gets the benefit of cover. On his next turn, with a Move & Fire Action, he can move next to the window. This time he can see all of the enemy model who gets no cover at all. FIRING AT INFANTRY MODELS (Page 11 of the Rulebook) VARIATION OF THE BASIC RULE If a model that is leaning out from behind a wall, hedge or is at a window is Pinned (or Wounded) and is no longer visible, he can no longer be fired at. Resolve ALL shots from the weapon that fires at him before attributing any damage. * FIRE: FIRING BEYOND MAXIMUM RANGE (OR INSIDE THE MINIMUM RANGE) (pages 11-12 of the Rulebook) CLARIFICATION If a model declares that it will fire at a target that, after measuring, is beyond maximum range (shown as NE on the Weapons Table) we assume that the model hasnt taken the shot. If the firing model was Hidden then it keeps its marker. The same rule applies for minimum distance when using hand-grenades and other indirect-fire weapons. Given that the shot isnt taken, single-shot weapons (e.g. hand-grenades), do not run out and can be used later on in the game.

COVER (Page 13 of the Rulebook) NEW RULE Now the last sentence is the following: Obviously dont count walls and hedges when the firing model is touching them, nor areas of cover from which the firing model is firing if the model is adjacent to an edge from which they can trace the line of sight to the target. If the firing model is in a building and firing outside then he must be adjacent to a door, window or gap to avoid counting the cover hes in. If the target and the firing model are both in the same area of cover then the cover applies. PRIORITY TARGETS (Page 13 of the Rulebook) OPTIONAL RULE The words cover is the same in the paragraph indicate a certain hierarchy of targets. The main target should always be the easiest, so if the choice is between one in cover and one not, you can fire at the one not in cover even if it isnt the closest; if the choice is between a target in light cover (a hedge, a field) and one in medium cover (woods, wall, building) then you can always fire at the less protected one even if its not the closest and so on. But when the cover is the same, apply the rule about Priority Targets to avoid strange situations arising from the application of the game mechanics (choosing an assistant as the target even if he isnt the closest one, firing at a model behind another because the one in front has already moved or maybe has an unloaded weapon etc). Obviously its impossible to allow for all eventualities in the rules so, if in doubt, you can fire at models that arent Hidden that arent the Priority Target declaring as much in the Declaration of Intentions phase and performing a Strategy Roll when performing the Action. In this case roll 2d6 and add the VT: with 11 or more you can fire at the given target, with 10 or less you lose the Action (give the model a Turn Over marker). Just imagine that the man has lost time aiming at the new target in the chaos of battle. MODELS ON THE FIRING LINE (Page 13 of the Rulebook) CLARIFICATION Friendly adjacent models can be ignored for the rule regarding intervening models. WEAPONS TABLES: EXTREME RANGE (Page 15 of the Rulebook) VARIATION OF THE BASIC RULE Rifles with Rate of fire of 1 and Light, Medium and Heavy machine-guns treat Extreme range as 160cm instead of 80cm. MULTIPLE SHOTS (Page 17 of the Rulebook) VARIATION OF THE BASIC RULE When firing multiple-shot weapons you only declare one target model but if this target is KIA or is no longer in line of sight when the Action is executed then the firing model can sacrifice one shot and fire the remaining shots at other enemy models up to 10cm away from the original target. E.g.: Massimo declares that his German Sergeant will fire at an American Paratrooper. Giorgio reacts by declaring that the Paratrooper will fire at the Sergeant. Massimo counter-reacts declaring that his Grenadier (armed with an Stg44) will also fire at the Paratrooper. Giorgio counter-reacts by saying that his Corporal (Hidden in the same house and 8cm from the Grenadier) will fire at the Grenadier (armed with an Stg44). The players roll for priority: the Germans get 11 for the Sergeant and 7 for the Grenadier; Giorgio rolls 10 for the Paratrooper and 9 for his Corporal. Its time to Execute the Actions. Massimos Sergeant fires and kills the Paratrooper with his second shot. He loses the opportunity to use the third shot since the other American Paratrooper is Hidden and you cant move fire onto Hidden models. Now its the American Corporals turn and he fires at the Grenadier (the one with an Stg44) but hes unlucky and the weapon jams after the first shot (an unlucky roll of 1,1,1,2) and doesnt even do any damage (6 + VT3 = 9). Now its the Germans turn but his original target is KIA. So he sacrifices a shot (we assume he fired the first one at the American Paratrooper) and fires the remaining two shots at the American Corporal who is now visible (he lost the Hidden marker when he fired). Hes lucky enough to kill him with the first shot so can fire the remaining shot at an enemy model within 20cm. Note: Remember that the 10cm distance only applies in the first situation because its an exceptional case (the declared target is KIA) while in the second situation, for the third shot, the normal rule for multiple-fire weapons applies.

AMMUNITION BELT: use against more than one model in the same Action/Reaction phase CLARIFICATION - OPTIONAL RULE The rules state that a model with a machine-gun that has the Ammunition Belt characteristic and also has shots to spare can be re-activated if an enemy model moves within 20cm of the latest target. If more than one enemy model is activated within 20cm, the model with the machine-gun can declare a reaction against each. In this event he only rolls Priority once and applies the result to all enemy Actions damage. E.g.: Massimo has a Fallschirmjger armed with an Mg34 that is watching a road between two houses. After firing, killing one of Stefanos men with the first shot, he places a dice showing the guns 5 remaining shots. In a later phase, Stefano says hell try to cross the same road with another man. The American moves within 20cm of the remaining shots dice, so Massimo declares hell react by firing. At this point Stefano says another man will move to the corner to shoot at the machine-gunner. Since the second man will also move within range of the remaining shots dice, Massimo declares a second Fire reaction. There are no other reactions so the players roll for Priority: Stefano rolls 12 for the first man and 6 for the second, while Massimo rolls just once and gets an 8. The first American gets across the road and into cover unharmed, while the second is shot at when he gets to the corner (but before he fires). If he survives he will fire. MORTARS: indirect fire CLARIFICATION You cannot fire a mortar if the weapon is inside a Wood or a Building with a roof. You can fire from within some ruins if the roof is missing. RANGERS SQUAD (Page 33 of the Rulebook) ERRATA CORRIGE In the American Ranger Squad, the Sniper weapons should read as follows: M1903 Springfield rifle, MK II Pineapple grenades GUARDS RIFLE SQUAD (Page 40 of the Rulebook) ERRATA CORRIGE In the Russian Guards Rifle Squad, the DP light machine gun variant should read as follows: Up to two men per Squad can replace their SVT40 semi-automatic rifle with DP light machine guns and a Tula Tokarev 1933 pistol for +30 points each. GRENADIER SQUAD (Page 41 of the Rulebook) ERRATA CORRIGE In the German Grenadier Squad, the Stg44 assault rifle variant should read as follows: Up to three Grenadiers per Squad can replace their Kar98K rifle with Stg44 assault rifles for +35 points each.

AREAS OF COVER: real line of sight and game line of sight OPTIONAL RULE In order to simulate some situations, authors often write rules that allow for smooth gameplay but in some cases this means that paradoxical situations can arise. The 10cm limit to the line of sight in areas of cover aims to save the players from a lot of detailed work creating realistic rooms, furniture and trees. But if they agree players may apply real line of sight instead of that shown in the rules. In this case areas of cover no longer exist and you only apply cover that is really on the table. In game terms there will be no difference between four walls placed in a square and a room of a house. If the line of sight or firing line doesnt cross an obstacle, cover is not applied. Imagine a church; a man would have no problem firing more than 10cm away because the size of the room and the absence of obstacles would allow it easily. Cover would only be provided by columns or benches; and there would be no difference being inside an empty factory or outside in a field. But inside a normal building, if there are intervening walls and furniture, a model would have a hard time extending his line of sight beyond 10cm. You are free to apply the rules however you and your opponent choose. You can also combine the two methods, maybe using real line of sight in buildings and the 10cm rule in woods, for example. If you decide to use real line of sight then a piece of furniture or a tree gives 1d6 of cover, and remember that multiple elements of scenery are cumulative (e.g. two trees = 2d6 of cover). * BUILDINGS: dividing into rooms OPTIONAL RULE In order to get a more realistic gaming experience its important to sub-divide buildings into rooms. If a building has been sub-divided into rooms then a hand-grenade will only have an effect in the room it explodes in (i.e. where the point of impact is). Models are not allowed to throw a hand-grenade at a target in the same room that theyre in. * BUILDINGS: height of storeys OPTIONAL RULE If you wish you can decide on a standard height for the storeys of all the buildings you use; normally we say that storeys are 5cm high. DEVASTATING GRENADES OPTIONAL RULE In order to simulate the destructive effect of a grenade or mortar shell you can add the devastating characteristic. Weapons with this characteristic treat cover as one level lower (e.g. walls only count for 1d6). THROWING BACK GRENADES OPTIONAL RULE When a model is the target of a grenade he may react by trying to throw it back (this counts as a Fire Action). In this case do not perform an Aim Test. The procedure is as follows: both players roll 2d6 and add their models VT; whoever gets the highest total has won and the grenade explodes in losers hands. In game terms the point of impact is that model, apply the normal A5 burst area and perform Rolls to Hit with all applicable modifiers.If its a draw the model that threw the grenade has won. SUPPRESSION GRENADES OPTIONAL RULE Normally you need a target to fire at but it can be useful to throw a grenade into a room without having a proper target. In closed environments the rush of air and the deafening noise will disorient those who arent even within range of the explosion. In order to simulate this situation, you can throw a grenade into a room even if you dont have a target as long as you respect the other rules. Of course any occupants inside the room can react by throwing the grenade back (this counts as a Fire Action). If there is more than one model inside the room then the player must choose one. The procedure is as follows: both players roll 2d6 and add the models VT; whoever gets the highest total wins and the grenade explodes in the losers hands; in game terms consider the point of impact as being on this model, apply the normal A5 burst template and perform Rolls to Hit with all applicable modifiers. If its a draw the throwing model wins. If the models inside the room dont react then perform an Aim Test. If you succeed then all models inside are hit but they get an extra 1d6 cover; if you fail the Aim Test then the grenade has no effect.

VEHICLE MOVEMENT: rotations CLARIFICATION With the introduction of Vehicles you should adapt roads proportionally. If you think about a hypothetical three-point turn, it becomes clear that a normal two-lane road (one lane each way) should be at least twice as wide as the length of a normal vehicle. In game terms they must be at least 15cm wide, while if its a normal one-lane track then 8cm is ideal. A halftrack would have serious difficulty manoeuvring on a road like this in real life a 90 turn is made up of gradual moves and would translate, in the game, into a series of mini-turns costing 2cm each. Of course all players tend to go at top speed so when turning 45 in one go they may fish-tail into a building or wall. If the contact is marginal then just consider it to be a small scratch but if theres more than 1cm of contact then treat it as an Involuntary Crash (Page 13 of the Vehicles Manual!). VEHICLE MOVEMENT: Walls, Driving Test CLARIFICATION - OPTIONAL RULE When talking about walls, its a good idea to remind players that theres a big difference between going over a wall at an angle and going over at a perpendicular angle. In the game we take it for granted that the driver uses common sense when going over these obstacles to avoid breaking their tracks (or worse). But if you want you can use the Optional Rule of the Driving Test. In this case every time you try to drive over a wall or through some ruins with a Vehicle roll 1d6. If you roll a 1 then the Vehicle is immobilised. Despite the fact that a tank can theoretically push down the walls of a house, this is not allowed in the game due to the risks that it entails (falling into the cellar, house coming down around it etc.) TRANSPORTED MODELS: HIDE ACTION (Page 11 of the Rulebook) CLARIFICATION Transported models keep their Hidden status even if the Vehicle theyre in is no longer Hidden. You can assign a Hide Action to transported models even if the Vehicle theyre travelling in isnt Hidden. VEHICLES THAT ARE OUT OF CONTROL (Page 13 of the Rulebook) CLARIFICATION A Vehicle goes Out of Control even if the driver is Pinned or KIA. The Vehicles driver is considered to be the man that last performed the Move the Vehicle Action. Example: An American Jeep with two crew declares it will perform an Engage Order. One man uses the Move the Vehicle Action while the other uses a Fire Action to fire the jeep-mounted machine gun. After completely executing the Order the driver is shot by a German Sniper in a building 70cm away. The Sniper Rolls to Hit; he rolls 3d6 + 1d6 (for the range) + VT 4. The American subtracts the total of his two dice for the Cover provided by the Vehicle. The Final Result is 14 so the driver is Pinned and Wounded. The Jeep goes Out of Control (even if the other man is still active) and must move 2d6 in the direction it is pointing in. VEHICLES THAT ARE OUT OF CONTROL (Page 13 of the Rulebook) CLARIFICATION The rules state that if a Vehicle goes out of control (Page 13) it moves 1d6 or 2d6cm straight ahead; but if, in its last turn, the vehicle had reversed then of course this movement is to the rear, i.e. always follow the last direction of movement. INVOLUNTARY CRASHES (Page 13 of the Rulebook) CLARIFICATION If an Out of Control Vehicle hits an element that interrupts its movement, consider the Vehicle to be stationary, as if one of the men inside had used a Brake Action. If the Vehicle declares a Fire Order next turn, none of the crew will be obliged to use a Brake Action. FIRING FROM ONBOARD A VEHICLE (Page 14 of the Rulebook) CLARIFICATION Transported models cannot fire with weapons that have the Cumbersome characteristic while they are on Vehicles, unless the weapon is mounted onto the Vehicle and then only using the rules on Page 11. Any exceptions will be shown on the Vehicle Datasheets.

VEHICLES: The Re-load Action CLARIFICATION When declaring your Actions the crew can declare they will Re-load a Vehicle weapon even if, at the time of the declaration, the weapon is not yet out of Ammo. Imagine a model ready to load a new shell. If, when Executing Actions, the weapon rolls a triple, it can be re-loaded immediately. INFANTRY ASSAULTING ARMOURED VEHICLES (Page 24 of the Rulebook) CLARIFICATION Assault against Armoured Vehicles is not a true Melee: for this reason you are not allowed to use the Re-roll given by characteristics such as melee, trained with the bayonet etc. VEHICLE CREW SECTIONS: Spotting Test CLARIFICATION Considering that it is a single unit, the Spotting Test is also performed by the Section, i.e. you only get one Test per Section and not one for each model. Considering the short distance between each model we can assume that they can give each other information without any problem at all. To this end, even if only one model has Line of Sight without cover towards a Hidden model then all can see the target without having to perform a Spotting Test. But when they are firing, only the model with the clear Line of Sight does not apply cover; the others will have the cover penalty as normal. If a leader Indicates a target and at least one model is within 20cm then the whole Section can fire (assuming they have Line of Sight to the acquired target). VEHICLE CREW SECTIONS: Multiple shots CLARIFICATION Models in a Vehicle Crew Section are treated as a single unit. The models perform the chosen Action one after the other. A reference model must be indicated when the order is performed. Members of the Section must always be within 5cm of the reference model (i.e. they must be in cohesion). If they move then the reference model is the first to move. If this model is KIA, Wounded or Pinned!, then the second model takes its place and so on. When all models have moved they must be within 5cm of the reference model; anyone further away is eliminated. The reference model may vary from turn to turn. If for any reason models are more than 5cm apart before an Action, then they must move to within 5cm or be eliminated. Terrain Table Modifiers are rolled for only once and apply to the whole Section. If they are the target of a multiple shot weapon then treat the members of the Section as a single target. E.g.: Massimo has a Fallschirmjger armed with a Stg44 watching a stretch of road between two houses. An American Vehicle Crew Section (who just unloaded from a destroyed Sherman) wants to cross the road and move into the building opposite (and take control of the building). The Section declares a Fast Manoeuvre order, specifying that each member will use a Run Action. The Fallschirmjger reacts and declares that hell fire while theyre crossing the road and have no cover. Both players roll for Priority and the German player wins. He lets the fist model attempt to cross the road and when its in the open he performs his first Roll to Hit, killing him. The Section performs a Panic Test but passes. The second model must follow the same route and is Pinned! by the enemys fire. The German could fire at the Pinned model again but decides to keep his last shot for the third model who then moves forward. This time the roll is unlucky and he misses. The model reaches the building but since hes further than 5cm away the Pinned! man is removed.

AMERICAN ARMY Bazooka As with all shaped-charge weapons, the Bazooka shell was built to concentrate heat in one point and so it didnt have a lot of power at impact. In order to respect its use historically we must differentiate between the two functions (Anti-tank/Anti-personnel explosives). The Table regarding Armoured Vehicles remains unchanged.
AMERICAN ARMY INFANTRY WEAPONS TABLES Target: Infantry & Unarmoured Vehicles Normal Long Extreme Rate of Characteristics 40 cm 60 cm 80 cm fire devastating, infantry anti-tank, minimum range 10, shaped charge, NE NE 1 (A5) single shot, support weapon, BV5 devastating, infantry anti-tank, minimum range 10, shaped charge, NE NE 1 single shot, support weapon, BV5

Type Bazooka (Explosives against infantry) Bazooka (Anti-tank)

Close 20 cm -

BRITISH ARMY Piat Anti-Tank The Piat was a rather special shaped-charge weapon in that it was more of a spring-loaded catapult. For this reason, and using the inertia of the shot, it was often used as a grenade-launcher too. For simplicities sake, in the Infantry & Unarmoured Vehicles Weapons Table weve shown this dual function in a single line. But in order to respect its use historically the two functions (Anti-tank/Grenade-launcher) should be different. If you use this optional rule, during the Declaration of Intents phase the player must state how he intends to use the Piat (implicitly stating which ammunition is used). The Table regarding Armoured Vehicles remains unchanged.
BRITISH ARMY INFANTRY WEAPONS TABLES Target: Infantry & Unarmoured Vehicles Normal Long Extreme Rate of Characteristics 40 cm 60 cm 80 cm fire indirect fire, minimum range 20, silent weapon, single shot, slow +1d6 +1d6 NE 1 (A5) reload, support weapon devastating, infantry anti-tank, minimum range 10, shaped charge, NE NE 1 (A5) silent weapon, single shot, slow reload, support weapon, BV5

Type Piat (Grenade Launcher) Piat (Anti-Tank)

Close 20 cm NE -

RUSSIAN ARMY RPG-1 Like all shaped-charge weapons, RPG-1 shells were built to concentrate heat in one point and so they didnt have huge power at impact. In order to respect its use historically we must differentiate between the two functions (Anti-tank/Anti-personnel explosives). The Table regarding Armoured Vehicles remains unchanged.
RUSSIAN ARMY INFANTRY WEAPONS TABLE Target: Infantry & Unarmoured Vehicles Normal Long Extreme Rate of Characteristics 40 cm 60 cm 80 cm fire devastating, infantry anti-tank, minimum range 10, shaped charge, NE NE 1(A5) single shot, BV6 devastating, infantry anti-tank, minimum range 10, shaped charge, NE NE 1 single shot, BV6

Type RPG-1 (Explosives against infantry) RPG-1 (Anti-tank)

Close 20 cm -

GERMAN ARMY Panzerschreck & Panzerfaust Both the Panzerschreck and the Panzerfaust were shaped-charge weapons and their shells were built to concentrate heat in one point, so they didnt have huge power at impact. In order to respect its use historically we must differentiate between the two functions (Anti-tank/ Anti-personnel explosives). The Table regarding Armoured Vehicles remains unchanged.
GERMAN ARMY INFANTRY WEAPONS TABLE Target: Infantry & Unarmoured Vehicles Normal Long Extreme Rate of Characteristics 40 cm 60 cm 80 cm fire devastating, infantry anti-tank, minimum range 10, shaped charge, NE NE 1(A5) single shot, BV6 devastating, infantry anti-tank, minimum range 10, shaped charge, NE NE 1 single shot, BV6 devastating, infantry anti-tank, minimum range 10, shaped charge, NE NE 1(A5) single shot, support weapon, BV6 devastating, infantry anti-tank, minimum range 10, shaped charge, NE NE 1 single shot, support weapon, BV6

Type Panzerfaust (Explosives against infantry) Panzerfaust (Anti-tank) Panzerschreck (Explosives against infantry) Panzerschreck (Anti-tank)

Close 20 cm -

RPG-1 (Russian Army) (Page 13 of the Rulebook) ERRATA CORRIGE The Tables title should obviously refer to Russian weapons, not British ones. SCENARIO 4: Special Rules (Page 23 of the Rulebook) CLARIFICATION In order to be considered safely over the bridge the unit must be 10 cm from the North edge. SCENARIO 4: Scenario Points (Page 23 of the Rulebook) CLARIFICATION The Scenario Points are as follows: Attacker Main objective: 9 points for leading at least half of the Squads models safely over the bridge (rounded up, Vehicles and Sections do not count). Attacker Secondary objective: 3 points for keeping the Battleplans. Defender Main objective: 9 points for stopping the Attacker from leading at least half of his Squads models over the bridge (rounded up, Vehicles and Sections do not count). Defender Secondary objective: 3 points for getting the Battleplans. For both: 1 point for each enemy model eliminated (Routed models count). Brtish Army - 3pdr Medium Mortar Section (Page 31 of the Rulebook) ERRATA CORRIGE The Section should contain only one Mortarman (section leader), and not two. Royal Marine Commando Squad (Page 36 of the Rulebook) ERRATA CORRIGE The Squads Breakpoint is 5, not 4. * Shtrafniye Roti Squad (Page 39 of the Rulebook) ERRATA CORRIGE The Riflemen in the Squad dont have VT 3. Instead they have VT 2 and the Trained with the bayonet characteristic. The total cost of the Squad remains the same. Kettenkrad Sdkfz 2 (Page 43 of the Rulebook) ERRATA CORRIGE The Datasheet is wrong. Please use this one instead.
GERMAN ARMY Kettenkrad Sdkfz 2 Value: 35 points (can buy instead of a Motorbike or Sidecar) Type: Motorbike - Unarmoured - Wheeled Movement: 25 - 30 - 40 Transport capacity: Up to 1 model. Weapon: Characteristics: exposed models, open-topped, troop transporter, AV 3 Crew members No. Model VT Weapon Characteristics 1 Infantry 3 Kar98K rifle VARIANTS: - The infantryman can replace his Kar98K rifle with a MP40 sub-machine gun for +5 points. - If the Vehicle is supporting a Das Reich, Fallschirmjger, Jger, Panzergrenadier or Waffen Squad then the infantryman must increase their VT to 4 for +10 points.

Das Reich Squad (Page 49 of the Rulebook) ERRATA CORRIGE The words Waffen SS should be considered to be Waffen. FIRING WITH A SECTION CLARIFICATION - NEW RULE Sections declare only one target model but if the latter dies or is Pinned then they can direct any remaining fire at other enemy models within 10cm (for standard issue weapons) or 20cm (with Support Weapons) of the original target.

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