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Fredholm Integral Equation of the Second Kind

An integral equation of the form

The solution to a general Fredholm integral equation of the second kind is called an integral equation Neumann series. A Fredholm integral equation of the second kind with separable integral kernel may be solved as follows:


Now multiply both sides of ( by

and integrate over

!y ( " the first term is #ust

. Now define

so ( becomes

$riting this in matri% form"


SEE ALSO: Fredholm &ntegral 'quation of the First (ind" &ntegral 'quation" &ntegral 'quation Neumann )eries" *olterra &ntegral 'qu

*olterra &ntegral 'quation of the )econd (ind


Arfken" +. Mathematical Methods for Physicists, 3rd ed. ,rlando" F-: Academic .ress" p. /01" 23/1.

!aker" 4. T. 5. The Numerical Treatment of Integral Equations. ,%ford" 'ngland: 4larendon .ress" pp. 61/7608" 2399.

.earson" 4. '. Handbook of !!lied Mathematics. New :ork: *an Nostrand" 2338.

.ress" $. 5.; Flannery" !. ..; Teukolsky" ). A.; and *etterling" $. T. <Fredholm 'quations of the )econd (ind.< =2/.2 in Numerical "eci!es in #$"T" N% The 'om!uting, (nd ed. 4ambridge" 'ngland: 4ambridge >niversity .ress" pp. 9/?79/1" 233?.

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