MegaRaid CLI Common Usage (Rev.5) PDF

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MegaRaid General Information

MegaRaid User Interface Alerts [example]

Virtual Drive States

Drive States

Beep Codes

MegaRaid CLI Common Usage

Controller card general information and settings:
MegaCli64 adpallinfo aall

Backplane general information:

MegaCli64 encinfo aall

Virtual drive information:

MegaCli64 ldinfo lall aall Virtual Drive 0 = 36 disk RAID60 (/backups) Virtual Drive 1 = 2 disk RAID1 (/var/opt/unitrends/database)

Physical drive information:

MegaCli64 pdlist aall

Physical drive information (per drive):

MegaCli64 pdinfo physdrv [E:S] aall E = Enclosure Device ID where, The Front panel = 28 The Back panel = 41 The DB trays = N/A (This would translate to leaving E= {blank}) S = Slot Number where The Front panel = [0-23] The Back panel = [0-11] (Slot # on drive tray 24) The DB trays = [42, 44]

Silence active alarm (Temporary):

*Alarm will resume on reboot, alarm will resume on new error* MegaCli64 adpsetprop alarmsilence aall

Disable alarm (Permanent):

MegaCli64 adpsetprop alarmdsbl aall

Enable alarm (Permanent):

MegaCli64 adpsetprop alarmenbl aall

Start/Stop drive LED blink:

MegaCli64 pdlocate start physdrv [E:S] aall MegaCli64 pdlocate stop physdrv [E:S] aall

Check drive rebuild progress:

MegaCli64 pdrbld showprog physdrv [E:S] aall

Stop drive rebuild:

MegaCli64 pdrbld stop physdrv [E:S] aall

Start drive rebuild:

MegaCli64 pdrbld start physdrv [E:S] aall

Find missing drives (drives needing to be rebuilt back into RAID):

MegaCli64 pdgetmissing aall

Command output:
>MegaCli64 -pdgetmissing -a0 Adapter 0 - Missing Physical drives




Size Expected

571808 MB

No. = An incremented number list of the missing drives. New missing drives get put to the top (i.e. made No. 0) Array = Equivalent to Virtual Drive number gotten by running MegaCli64 ldinfo lall aall Array 0 = (disks 0-17) RAID60 (/backups) Array 1 = (disks 18-35) RAID60 (/backups) Array 2 = 2 disk RAID1 (/var/opt/unitrends/database) Row = The row (counting bottom to top) that the specified disk resides in. The back backplane which is part of Array 1 continues over starting with row 6, 7, 8 (bottom to top).

Process for reseating a drive: 1. Reset drive 2. Validate that you have a drive with Unconfigured (bad), Spun Up
MegaCli64 pdlist aall | grep Enclosure Device ID\|Slot Number\|Firmware state

3. Change drive to Unconfigured(good), Spun Up

MegaCli64 pdmakegood physdrv [E:S] aall

4. Scan for Foreign Drives (Drives with existing 9260 RAID configurations)
MegaCli64 cfgforeign scan aall

5. Clear Foreign Drive configurations (Skip if no Foreign Drives found)

MegaCli64 cfgforeign clear aall

6. Find Missing Drives (This tells you the correct Array and Row numbers)
MegaCli64 pdgetmissing aall

7. Replace missing drive (where N in arrayN and rowN are taken from step 6)
MegaCli64 pdreplacemissing physdrv [E:S] arrayN rowN a0

8. Start RAID rebuild

MegaCli64 pdrbld start physdrv [E:S] aall

9. (Optional)Show progress of RAID rebuild

MegaCli64 pdrbld showprog physdrv [E:S] a0

Manually bringing a drive offline: 1. Mark Drive offline

MegaCli64 pdoffline physdrv [E:S] aall

2. Mark Drive as missing

MegaCli64 pdmarkmissing physdrv [E:S] aall

3. (Optional) Prepare Drive to be pulled out

MegaCli64 pdprprmv physdrv [E:S] aall

Delete Virtual Drive(s):

MegaCli64 cfglddel lx|-l0,1|-lall a0 -l0 = RAID60 (/backups) -l1 = RAID1 (/var/opt/unitrends/database)

Flash Firmware:
MegCli64 adpfwflash f filename aall Filename = ROM file

Dump Event Log:

MegaCli64 adpeventlog {options} f <filename> -aall

-getevents: Gets event log entry details. The information shown consists of total number of entries available at the firmware side since the last clear and details of each entries of the error log. -info: Informational message. No user action is necessary. -warning: A component may be close to a failure point. -critical: A component has failed, but the system has not lost data. -fatal: A component has failed, and data loss has occurred or will occur. -getsinceshutdown: Displays all of the events since last controller shutdown. -getsincereboot: Displays all of the events since last controller reboot. -includedeleted: Displays all events, including deleted events. -getlatest: Displays the latest number of events, if any exist. The event data will be written to a file (.txt) in reverse order. -getccincon: Displays the events relating to inconsistent data found during a consistency check. The event data will be written to a file (.txt).

MegaCLI Commands. (2011, December 8). Retrieved from the serve: How to replace a drive in an array if the rebuild does not start automatically. (2012, June 18). Retrieved from Hetzner Online: Kahler, S. (2010, November 2). You are replaced. Retrieved from SimpIT: LSI. (2012, August). MegaRAID SAS Software User Guide. Retrieved from LSI: Mertinkat, M. (2008, May 20). DELL PERC5/i Integrated (LSI Logic MegaRAID). Retrieved from

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