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Pulleys on a ship. In this context, pulleys are usually known as locks. Classification Industry Wheels Axles !imple machine "onstruction, transportation # #

$ pulley is a wheel on an axle that is designed to support movement of a ca le or elt along its circumference.%#& Pulleys are used in a variety of ways to lift loads, apply forces, and to transmit power. $ pulley is also called a sheave or drum and may have a groove etween two flanges around its circumference. 'he drive element of a pulley system can e a rope, ca le, elt, or chain that runs over the pulley inside the groove. (ero of $lexandria identified the pulley as one of six simple machines used to lift weights.%)& Pulleys are assem led to form a lock and tackle in order to provide mechanical advantage to apply large forces. Pulleys are also assem led as part of elt and chain drives in order to transmit power from one rotating shaft to another.%*&%+&


# ,lock and tackle ) -ope and pulley systems

o o

).# (ow it works ).) Free ody diagrams

* ,elt and pulley systems + !ee also . -eferences / 0xternal links

Block and tackle[edit]

1arious ways of rigging a tackle.%.& $ set of pulleys assem led so that they rotate independently on the same axle form a lock. 'wo locks with a rope attached to one of the locks and threaded through the two sets of pulleys form a lock and tackle.%/&%2& $ lock and tackle is assem led so one lock is attached to fixed mounting point and the other is attached to the moving load. 'he mechanical advantage of the lock and tackle is e3ual to the num er of parts of the rope that support the moving lock. In the diagram on the right the mechanical advantage of each of the lock and tackle assem lies%.& shown is as follows:

4un 'ackle: ) 5uff 'ackle: * 6ou le 'ackle: + 4yn 'ackle: . 'hreefold purchase: /

Rope and pulley systems[edit]

Pulley in oil derrick

$ hoist using the compound pulley system yielding an advantage of +. 'he single fixed pulley is installed on the hoist 7device8. 'he two mova le pulleys 79oined together8 are attached to the hook. :ne end of the rope is attached to the crane frame, another to the winch. $ rope and pulley system ;; that is, a lock and tackle ;; is characterised y the use of a single continuous rope to transmit a tension force around one or more pulleys to lift or move a load<the rope may e a light line or a strong ca le. 'his system is included in the list of simple machines identified y -enaissance scientists.%=&%>& If the rope and pulley system does not dissipate or store energy, then its mechanical advantage is the num er of parts of the rope that act on the load. 'his can e shown as follows. "onsider the set of pulleys that form the moving lock and the parts of the rope that support this lock. If there are p of these parts of the rope supporting the load W, then a force alance on the moving lock shows that the tension in each of the parts of the rope must e W/p. 'his means the input force on the rope is ?W/p. 'hus, the lock and tackle reduces the input force y the factor p.

$ gun tackle has a single pulley in oth the fixed and moving locks with two rope parts supporting the load W.

!eparation of the pulleys in the gun tackle show the force alance that results in a rope tension of W/!.

$ dou le tackle has two pulleys in oth the fixed and moving locks with four rope parts supporting the load W.

!eparation of the pulleys in the dou le tackle show the force alance that results in a rope tension of W/".

Ho it orks[edit]
'he simplest theory of operation for a pulley system assumes that the pulleys and lines are weightless, and that there is no energy loss due to friction. It is also assumed that the lines do not stretch.

In e3uili rium, the forces on the moving lock must sum to @ero. In addition the tension in the rope must e the same for each of its parts. 'his means that the two parts of the rope supporting the moving lock must each support half the load.

Fixed pulley

6iagram #: 'he load F on the moving pulley is alanced y the tension in two parts of the rope supporting the pulley.

Aova le pulley

6iagram ): $ mova le pulley lifting the load W is supported y two rope parts with tension W/!. 'hese are different types of pulley systems:

!ixed" $ #i$ed pulley has an axle mounted in earings attached to a supporting structure. $ fixed pulley changes the direction of the force on a rope or elt that moves along its circumference. Aechanical advantage is gained y com ining a

fixed pulley with a mova le pulley or another fixed pulley of a different diameter. #ova$le" $ movable pulley has an axle in a mova le lock. $ single mova le pulley is supported y two parts of the same rope and has a mechanical advantage of two. Compound" $ com ination of fixed and a mova le pulleys forms a lock and tackle. $ bloc% and tac%le can have several pulleys mounted on the fixed and moving axles, further increasing the mechanical advantage.

6iagram *: 'he gun tackle Brove to advantageB has the rope attached to the moving pulley. 'he tension in the rope is W/& yielding an advantage of three.

6iagram *a: 'he 5uff tackle adds a fixed pulley Brove to disadvantage.B 'he tension in the rope remains W/& yielding an advantage of three. 'he mechanical advantage of the gun tackle can e increased y interchanging the fixed and moving locks so the rope is attached to the moving lock and the rope is pulled in the direction of the lifted load. In this case the lock and tackle is said to e Brove to advantage.B%#C& 6iagram * shows that now three rope parts support the load W which means the tension in the rope is W/&. 'hus, the mechanical advantage is three. ,y adding a pulley to the fixed lock of a gun tackle the direction of the pulling force is reversed though the mechanical advantage remains the same, 6iagram *a. 'his is an example of the 5uff tackle.

!ree $ody dia%rams[edit]

'he mechanical advantage of a pulley system can e analy@ed using free ody diagrams which alance the tension force in the rope with the force of gravity on the load. In an ideal system, the massless and frictionless pulleys do not dissipate energy and allow for a change of direction of a rope that does not stretch or wear. In this case, a force alance on a free ody that includes the load, W, and n supporting sections of a rope with tension , yields:

'he ratio of the load to the input tension force is the mechanical advantage 'A of the pulley system,%##&

'hus, the mechanical advantage of the system is e3ual to the num er of sections of rope supporting the load.

Belt and pulley systems[edit]

Flat elt on a elt pulley

,elt and pulley system

"one pulley driven from a ove y a line shaft

$ elt and pulley system is characterised y two or more pulleys in common to a elt. 'his allows for mechanical power, tor3ue, and speed to e transmitted across axles. If the pulleys are of differing diameters, a mechanical advantage is realised. $ elt drive is analogous to that of a chain drive, however a elt sheave may e smooth 7devoid of discrete interlocking mem ers as would e found on a chain sprocket, spur gear, or timing elt8 so that the mechanical advantage is approximately given y the ratio of the pitch diameter of the sheaves only, not fixed exactly y the ratio of teeth as with gears and sprockets. In the case of a drum;style pulley, without a groove or flanges, the pulley often is slightly convex to keep the flat elt centred. It is sometimes referred to as a crowned pulley. 'hough once widely used in factory line shafts, this type of pulley is still found driving the rotating rush in upright vacuum cleaners. $gricultural tractors uilt up to the early #>.Cs generally had a elt pulley. It had limited use as the tractor and e3uipment eing powered needed to e stationary. It has thus een replaced y other mechanisms, such as power take;off and hydraulics.

&ee also[edit]

6eadeye 'ongue and groove 6ifferential pulley (oist Portsmouth ,lock Aills -eel 1; elt

5ook up pulley in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. Wikimedia "ommons has media related to Pulleys.
#. 'ump up ( ($#ord )nglish *ictionary. :xford Dniversity Press. #>=>. B$ wheel with a groove round its rim, a sheave. $ wheel or drum fixed on a shaft and turned y a elt, ca le, etc.,B ). 'ump up ( Dsher, $ ott Payson 7#>==8. A +istory o# 'echanical ,nventions. D!$: "ourier 6over Pu lications. p. >=. I!,E C;+=/;)..>*;F. *. 'ump up ( Dicker, JohnG Pennock, 4ordonG !higley, Joseph 7)C#C8. heory o# 'achines and 'echanisms 7+th ed.8. :xford Dniversity Press, D!$. I!,E >2=;C;#>; .*2#)*;>. 'ump up ( Paul, ,urton 7#>2>8. -inematics and dynamics o# planar machinery 7illustrated ed.8. Prentice;(all. I!,E >2=;C;#*;.#/C/);/.



H Jump up to: a b Aac6onald, Joseph $. +andboo% o# .igging/ For 0onstruction and ,ndustrial (perations. Ac4raw;(ill Professional. p. *2/. I!,E >2=; C;C2;#+>*C#;2. 'ump up ( Prater, 0dward 5. 7#>>+8. B,asic AachinesB. Eaval 0ducation and 'raining Professional 6evelopment and 'echnology "enter, E$106'-$ #+C*2. 'ump up ( ,ureau of Eaval Personnel 7#>2#8. B,asic Aachines 'hey WorkB. 6over Pu lications. 'ump up ( $very, 0lroy 7)CC*8. )lementary physics. !heldon and company. 'ump up ( ,owser, 0dward 7#=>C8. An elementary treatise on analytic mechanics/ With numerous e$amples 7. ed.8. 6. 1an Eostrand company. p. #=C. 'ump up ( Bseamanship referenceB. scchead3uarters.com. 'ump up ( 'iner, J. (. )$ploring the World o# Physics/ From Simple 'achines to 1uclear )nergy. Aaster ,ooks 7Aay #, )CC/8 p. /=

/. 2. =. >. #C. ##.

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