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Message from the Dean Introduction Administrative Staffs Admission Requirements College of Engineering, Outcome Based Education Plan

Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Program Educational Objective & Program Outcome Bachelor of Electrical & Electronics Engineering (Hons.) : Course Distribution Bachelor of Computer & Communication Engineering (Hons.) : Course Distribution Industrial Advisory Panel (IAP) & External Examiner Faculty Members Department of Electrical Power Engineering Program Educational Objective & Program Outcome Bachelor of Electrical Power Engineering (Hons.) : Course Distribution Industrial Advisory Panel, External Examiner, Adjunct Professor Faculty Members Department of Mechanical Engineering Program Educational Objective & Program Outcome Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (Hons.) : Course Distribution Industrial Advisory Panel, External Examiner, Adjunct Professor Faculty Members Department of Civil Engineering Program Educational Objective & Program Outcome Bachelor of Civil Engineering (Hons.) : Course Distribution Industrial Advisory Panel, External Examiner, Adjunct Professor Faculty Members Engineering Mathematics & Management Unit Unit Members Academic Calendar Support Services Academic Advisors, Student Development Committee & Faculty Consultation Academic Regulation Assessment Scheme Attendance Grading System, Grade Point Average Cumulative Grade Point Average Repeating a Core Subject Academic Standing Deans List Conditions for Graduation Deferment of Studies Course Descriptions Civil Engineering Computing Electrical / Electronics Engineering & Electrical Power Engineering Mechanical Engineering Mathematics Common Courses

Table of Contents

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Welcome to the College of Engineering (COE) and Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN). COE has kept pace with the demands of scientific and technological world and strives to provide a first class educational experience to its undergraduate students preparing them for positions in the industry or academia. The college aspires to become the leading engineering education provider and research leader in the area of energy and sustainability. COE is the largest college in this university with more than 3400 students and 14% are international students from 28 different countries. This handbook has been produced to assist you in planning your studies in UNITEN. It lists the programmes offered by each department in COE, the courses that you are required to take, the sample of course distribution, the faculty members and the course descriptions. The support services and extract of academic regulations are also included. There are three groups of people whom will help you get the most out your study in COE. The teaching staff will provide lecture and tutorial support and academic guidance. The technical support staff will help you with your work in the laboratories. The administrative staff will help you with everything to do with your programme administration. Each student will be assigned an academic advisor for the duration of their studies. The academic advisor is one of our lecturers who will advise and guide you on your programme. He/she will help you in choosing the courses to register for any particular semester and also assist you if you experience any academic problems. Please meet your academic adviser early in your programme and see them often. I am sure you will find them friendly and helpful. Our programmes are structured into semesters and are broad-based with a strong emphasis on basic fundamentals. Towards the end, you have some choice in the areas you would wish to specialize. These specialized technical electives are courses that are of great demand and need by the industry and the nation at large. These are coupled with strong emphasis on development of soft skills such as communication, leadership and management, and nurturing humanities values, to mould you into a well-rounded and competent professional engineer in harmony with holistic societal values. We would like to produce engineers who are career resilience, i.e. always equip themselves with the latest tools, technology and skills to be able to adapt and are ever ready to apply them to any work environment. The college staff works hard to produce a high quality and innovative educational experience for our students. Our programmes are accredited by Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA) and the bachelor programmes are recognized by the Engineering Accreditation Council (EAC). In order to ensure that all the bachelor programmes offered in COE are relevant to the industry, Outcome Based Education (OBE) is implemented in all the engineering bachelor programmes. OBE requires that inputs from all stake-holders are sought in designing and reviewing the programme curriculum and clear statement of Programme Educational Objectives (PEO) and Programme Outcomes are required. In order to ensure that the quality of the programmes are continuously improved, a clear Continual Quality Improvement (CQI) system which requires measurement of achievement of the outcomes while the students are in UNITEN and after they leave UNITEN, analyze the results and use them to continuously improve the quality of the programme. All students are encouraged to be involved in out of class activities which will enrich their learning experience. Various activities are arranged from time to time by either the student societies or the college such as industrial talks, industrial visits, internal and external engineering related competitions etc. Your involvement in the activities will be given SCORUN points which will be accumulated until your graduation. On behalf of the college, I wish you a successful and enjoyable experience as a student in COE. Thank you. Yours sincerely,

Professor Dr. Mohd. Zamri Yusoff Dean, College of Engineering

INTRODUCTION The College of Engineering has kept pace with the demands of the scientific and technological world. The college strives to provide a first-rate educational experience and first class education to its undergraduate students preparing them for positions in the industry or academia. Today, the college comprises of five departments which are Electronics & Communication Engineering, Electrical Power Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering and Engineering Sciences and Mathematics. ADMINISTRATIVE STAFFS o o o o o Dean Deputy Dean Deputy Dean : Professor Dr. Mohd Zamri bin Yusoff : Associate Professor Ir. Dr. Norashidah Md Din : Ir. Dr. Tuan Abdul Rashid bin Tuan Abdullah : Dr. Miszaina binti Osman

(Research & Post Graduated Studies) (Students Affair & External Relation)
Deputy Dean (Academic & Quality Assurance) Head of Department Electronics & Communication


: Dr. Fazrena Azlee binti Hamid : Ir. Dr. Azmi bin Ahmad : Ir. Zakaria bin Che Muda : Dr. Ungku Anisa binti Ungku Amirulddin : Mohd. Shariffbudin Mohd. Nor

Mechanical Engineering Civil Engineering Electrical Power Engineering Deputy Registrar

ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS To be admitted to the undergraduate engineering programme, candidates must have the following qualifications;

Pass the one-year UNITEN Engineering Foundation Programme. Sijil Tinggi Pelajaran Malaysia (STPM) - science streams with 3 principals. Matriculation with CGPA of 2.00 and above. A-Level holders with good grades. Diploma holders with CGPA of 2.5 and above from recognised institutions Other equivalent qualifications that are recognized by UNITEN


The College of Engineering has taken initiative steps in order to implement Outcome Based Education (OBE) into its educational system and thus meet the requirement of the Malaysian Engineering Accreditation Council (EAC). In order for the OBE implementation to be successful, each department shall produce its own Programme Objectives (PEO) which will cascade down to Programme Outcomes (PO) and then to Course Outcomes (CO). Each department shall manage the implementation through various delivery methods in each course, conduct assessment and evaluation process and review the results for continuous quality improvement (CQI) process. Inputs from relevant stakeholder shall be taken during the CQI process. The OBE framework and general flow of OBE implementation are as shown in following diagrams.

OBE Framework

OBE Implementation

DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering offers courses leading to the award of Bachelor of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (Hons.) (BEEE)

Bachelor of Computer and Communication Engineering (Hons.) (BCCE)

(Approved by MQA & MOHE (N/523/6/0070))

These programs are designed to prepare students for professional careers and higher advancement in the area of communication, electronics, computers, control systems, signal processing, power engineering and other related areas. The curriculums for these undergraduate programs require a strong foundation in mathematics, calculus, physics, computer literacy and programming. Engineering courses begin from the first year itself and include topics, among others, electrical circuits, electronics, digital logic design, microprocessors, signals & system, control systems, and data communication and network. In addition to these topics, students taking BEEE programme will also be exposed to specialized topics such as electrical machines & drives, power systems, process control and instrumentation, communication systems; while students enrolling in BCCE will be exposed to topics related to computer architectures, operating systems, embedded systems, communication electronics, and digital communications. Laboratory works which include electrical measurement techniques, application of non-linear devices, digital logic design, electrical machines, microprocessor, signal processing, computer networks and communication are intended to reinforce the principles obtained in the classroom. In addition, many engineering courses are classified as design courses and complemented by computer aided engineering software as simulation and design tools, thus further consolidating the understanding of engineering principles and its application. Students are also required to take language and social science courses to make them become more wellbalanced in terms of technical and social knowledge and skills. In the end of the third year, students will go through industrial training where they will be attached with industries all over Malaysia. This provides insights to students on the real working environment outside. During the final year, the students are free to choose several topics from technical electives, to specialize deeper in an area of their interest. They can choose to streamline to a particular options grouping. Design project courses (the Capstone Design and the Final Year Project) during the final year will aid students in gaining experience of current technology and equipment usage as well as provide opportunities to apply engineering principles that they have acquired earlier on, and even further advance into investigative research.

The Program Educational Objectives (PEO) of the Bachelor of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (Hons.) and the Bachelor of Computer and Communication Engineering (Hons.) programs are based upon the qualities that we wish to attain for the graduates in this discipline at least 5 years after graduation. The PEOs are shown below.
Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

UNITEN produces BEEE graduates who: PEO 1 PEO 2 PEO 3 Are practicing engineers in electrical engineering with the ability to venture into other related fields Hold senior engineering positions. Have professional qualifications/certifications in electrical engineering related areas. Are actively engaged in electrical engineering activities, in specialized areas such as electronics design, communications, control and instrumentation, power generation, power transmission and power distribution.


UNITEN produces BCCE graduates who: PEO 1 PEO 2 PEO 3 Are practicing engineers in computer and communication engineering with the ability to venture into other related fields Hold senior engineering positions. Have professional qualifications/certifications in computer and communication engineering related areas. Are actively engaged in computer and communication engineering activities, in specialized areas such as electronics design, communications, control and instrumentation, power generation, power transmission and power distribution.


The Program Outcomes (POs) for the Bachelor of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (Hons.) and the Bachelor of Computer and Communication Engineering (Hons.) are based upon qualities that UNITEN is looking for in a graduate of the Electrical and Electronics Engineering discipline upon graduation. The PO was also developed based upon the attributes highlighted by EAC (Engineering Accreditation Council). From here each subjects offered in the programme will strive to cover portions of the PO. The POs are as follows:
Program Outcomes (POs)

Students graduating from the Bachelor of Electrical & Electronics Engineering programmes will have the ability to : PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10 PO 11 PO 12 acquire and understand fundamental knowledge of mathematics, science and electrical engineering principles apply engineering principles in solving problems relevant to electrical engineering analyze electrical engineering related problems apply critical thinking in designing and evaluating components, processes and systems related to electrical engineering comprehend the principles of sustainable development comprehend professional and ethical responsibilities apply engineering tools and techniques to conduct engineering design/experiments as well as to analyse data communicate effectively function effectively as a team member as well as a leader appreciate the social, cultural, global and environmental responsibilities of a professional engineer with awareness of contemporary issues acknowledge the need for, and be able to engage in life-long learning Acknowledge the need for entrepreneurship skills

Students graduating from the Bachelor of Computer & Communication Engineering programmes will have the ability to : PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 acquire and understand fundamental knowledge of mathematics, science and computer and communication engineering principles apply engineering principles in solving problems relevant to computer and communication engineering analyze computer and communication engineering related problems apply critical thinking in designing and evaluating components, processes and systems related to computer and communication engineering 7

PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10 PO 11 PO 12

comprehend the principles of sustainable development comprehend professional and ethical responsibilities apply engineering tools and techniques to conduct engineering design/experiments as well as to analyze data communicate effectively function effectively as a team member as well as a leader appreciate the social, cultural, global and environmental responsibilities of a professional engineer with awareness of contemporary issues acknowledge the need for, and be able to engage in life-long learning Acknowledge the need for entrepreneurship skills

The department, together with the Department of Electrical Power Engineering has a total of 28 undergraduate and postgraduate research laboratories. These laboratories are:

Automation and Industrial Control Artificial Intelligence and Machine Vision Battery Research Computer Engineering and Networking Research Communication System Data Communication and Networking Digital Electronics Design EE Computing Electronics Design Embedded System Design Electrical/Electronics Measurement EMF Internet Protocol Technologies

Machine, Power Electronics and Drive Technology Microprocessor Application Mobile Robot Optoelectronics Photonics Technology Printed Circuit Board (PCB) Power Quality Power System Protection RF & Microwave Technology RF & Microwave Engineering Research Robotics and Control Research and Project Signal Processing Telecommunication Research VLSI

In addition to these laboratories, there are also Power Systems Laboratories, High Voltage Testing and Diagnostic, Electronics, Control and Instrumentation, Power Plant Technology and Electric Drives Laboratories which are owned by TNB Research and can be accessed by Universiti Tenaga Nasional students for the purpose of research. A sample of the course distribution for BEEE and BCCE is listed in the following pages.

Bachelor of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (Hons.) : Sample of Course Distribution for 127 Credit Hours (for Foundation/Degree Intake starting in Semester 1, 2011/2012)
Semester Semester 1 Code CSEB114 MATB143 EEEB111 EEEB113 MATB113 Courses Principles of Programming for Engineers Differential Equations Electrical/Electronics Measurement Lab Circuits Analysis I Advanced Calculus & Analytical Geometry Total Credit Hours Circuits Analysis II Electronics Design Lab Electronics Analysis & Design I Digital Logic Design Mechanics I: Statics Islamic / Moral Studies I Total Credit Hours Electronics Analysis & Design II Signal & System Digital Logic Design Lab Linear Algebra Technical Communications Islamic / Moral Studies II Total Credit Hours Thermodynamics I Electrical Machines & Drives Electromagnetic Fields & Waves Numerical Methods for Engineers Malay Language I Total Credit Hours Electrical Power System I Control System I Microprocessor Systems Semiconductor Devices Random Process Engineers in Society Total Credit Hours Communication System Lab Communication System Digital Signal Processing Microprocessor Systems Lab Principles of Management Data Communication and Network Islamic / Moral Studies III Total Credit Hours Cr. Hour 4 3 1 3 3 14 3 1 3 3 3 2 15 3 3 1 3 3 2 15 3 3 3 3 3 15 3 3 3 3 3 2 17 1 3 3 1 2 3 2 15 Pre-Requisite NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE CoRequisite NONE NONE EEEB113 MATB113 NONE

Semester II




Semester III

EEEB273 EEEB233 EEEB161 MATB253 TECB213 ISLB212/ MORB212



Semester IV




Semester V


EEEB123, EEEB283 EEEB233, MATB143 EEEB163 EEEB273 EEEB233 TECB213, EEEB273


Semester VI




Semester Special Semester Semester VII

Code COEB314

Courses Industrial Training Total Credit Hours Capstone Design Course Project I Process Control & Instrumentation Technical Elective I Engineering Economics Literature and Sociology Total Credit Hours Project II Technical Elective II Technical Elective III Technical Elective IV Malaysian Studies Total Credit Hours OVERALL CREDIT HOURS Technical Electives (Take any 4 subjects ) Artificial Intelligence and Neural-fuzzy Systems Advanced Microprocessor Computer Architecture Applied Telecommunication Systems Data Network Architecture & Electronics Optoelectronics and Fibre Optics Radio Frequency/Microwave Engineering Power Electronics Control System II Control & Drives Computer Controlled Systems Image Processing Introduction to Robotics VLSI Design Analog IC Design Embedded Systems Elements of Mechatronics Electrical Power System II Electrical Installations Electrical Safety and Hazards Power System Protection High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC), and FACTS Devices Power Quality Electricity Industry Economics Energy Conversion Power Distribution Engineering

Cr. Hour 4 4 3 2 3 3 2 3 16 4 3 3 3 3 16 127

PreRequisite EEEB373

CoRequisite NONE

EEEB403 ECRB412 EEIB413 ** COEB442 **


Semester VIII

ECRB424 ** ** ** MASB113






3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

EEEB323 EEEB373 EEEB373 EECB353 EECB423 EEEB253 EEEB253 EEEB233, EEEB283 EEEB323 EEEB393 EEEB323 EEEB363 CCSB164, EEEB323 EEEB373 EEEB273 EEEB373, CSEB114 EEEB283, EEEB323 EEPB353 EEPB353 EEPB353 EEPB353 EEEB393, EEPB353 EEPB353 EEPB383 EEEB113, MATB113,PHYF124, EEEB283, MEHB213 EEPB353


Technical Elective Courses



MALB113 ISLB112/ MORB112 ISLB212/ MORB212 ISLB312/MORB312 MASB113

MQA and University (Compulsory) Bahasa Melayu I Islamic / Moral Studies I Islamic / Moral Studies II Islamic / Moral Studies III Malaysian Studies

3 2 2 2 3



MQA Courses


Literature and Sociology (Take any 1 subject) World Literature 3 World Civilization 3 World Philosophy 3 Comparative Religion 3

Literature & Sociology



Recommended options grouping for BEEE(Hons.) technical electives based on specialisation areas:
1 Options Communications Engineering Courses EECB433 Applied Telecommunication Systems EECB483 Optoelectronics and Fibre Optics EECB493 Radio Frequency/Microwave Engineering EECB473 Data Network Architecture and Electronics ECEB 473 Advanced Microprocessor ECEB 483 Computer Architecture EECB 473 Data Network Architecture and Electronics EESB 493 Embedded Systems EEEB472 Image Processing EEEB513 Computer Controlled Systems EESB423 VLSI Design EESB433 Analog IC Design EESB 493 Embedded Systems EEEB472 Image Processing ECEB463 Artificial Intelligence and Neural Fuzzy Systems EEEB423 Control System II EEEB443 Control and Drives MESB413 Elements of Mechatronics EEEB493 Introduction to Robotics EEEB393 Power Electronics EEEB513 Computer Controlled Systems EEEB393 Power Electronics EEEB443 Control and Drives EEEB423 Control System II EEPB383 Electrical Power System II EEPB413 Electrical Installations EEPB423 Electrical Safety and Hazards EEPB473 Power System Protection EEPB493 High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC), and FACTS Devices EPEB413 Power Quality EPEB423 Electricity Industry Economics EPEB443 Energy Conversion EPEB453 Power Distribution Engineering

Computer Engineering

Microelectronics Engineering

Control Engineering

Power Engineering


Bachelor of Computer and Communication Engineering (Hons.): Sample of Course Distribution Sample of Course Distribution for 127 Credit Hours (for Foundation/Degree Intake starting in Semester 1, 2012/2013)
Semester Semester I Code CSEB114 MATB143 MATB113 ECCB131 ECCB124 Courses Principles of Programming for Engineers Differential Equations Advanced Calculus & Analytical Geometry Introduction to Computer and Communication Engineering (Workshop) Circuit Theory Total Credit Hours Digital Logic Design Electronics Analysis & Design Linear Algebra Electrical/Electronics Measurement Lab Malay Language I Islamic / Moral Studies I Total Credit Hours Electronics Design Lab Object Oriented Programming Numerical Methods for Engineers Computer Organization and Architecture Digital Logic Design Lab Technical Communications Islamic / Moral Studies II Total Credit Hours Electromagnetic Fields & Waves Signal & System Microprocessor Systems Digital Systems Design Islamic / Moral Studies III Literature and Sociology Total Credit Hours Semester V EEEB323 EECB353 EEEB363 ECCB321 EEEB371 COEB432 COEB422 Control System I Communication System Digital Signal Processing Digital Signal Processing Lab Microprocessor Systems Lab Principles of Management Engineers in Society Total Credit Hours Digital Communications Operating Systems Communication Electronics Communication System Lab Random Process Malaysian Studies Total Credit Hours Cr. Hour 4 3 3 1 4 15 3 3 3 1 3 2 15 1 3 3 3 1 3 2 16 3 3 3 3 2 3 17 3 3 3 1 1 2 2 15 3 3 3 1 3 3 16 EEEB233, MATB143 EEEB233 EEEB233, EEEB373 NONE EEEB373 NONE TECB213, EEEB373 NONE NONE NONE EEEB363 NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE PreRequisite CoRequisite NONE NONE NONE NONE MATB113

Semester II




Semester III

EEEB141 ECCB143 COEB223 ECCB243 EEEB161 TECB213 ISLB212/ MORB212



Semester IV

EEEB253 EEEB233 EEEB373 ECCB253 ISLB312/MORB312 **



Semester VI








Cr. Hour 4 4 3 2 3 3 3 2 16 4 3 3 3 13 127

PreRequisite EEEB373 and 60 Cr. Hrs.

CoRequisite NONE

Special Semester Semester VII


Industrial Training Total Credit Hours Data Communication and Network Project I Data Structure and Algorithms Capstone Design Course Embedded Systems Engineering Economics Total Credit Hours Project II Technical Elective I Technical Elective II Technical Elective III Total Credit Hours OVERALL CREDIT HOURS Technical Electives (Take any 3 subjects) Artificial Intelligence and Neural-fuzzy Systems Advanced Microprocessor Systems-on-Chips Introduction to Computational Biology Multi-Core Programming Database Programming Advanced Computer Architecture Software Engineering Data Network Architecture & Electronics Analog IC Design Antenna Systems Broadband Technologies Wireless and Mobile Communication Optical Communications Applied Telecommunication Systems Optoelectronics and Fibre Optics Radio Frequency/Microwave Engineering Image Processing SCADA Systems Introduction to Modeling and Simulation Real Time Systems Advanced Digital Signal Processing Computer-Controlled Systems Computer Forensics Internet Programming Computer Security


EECB353 EEEB373, ECCB343 ECCB353 COEB422, EEEB323, EEEB363 EEEB373 EEEB273


Semester VIII

ECRB424 ** ** **

ECCB412, COEB314


A - With emphasis in Computer Engineering


3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

EEEB323 EEEB373 ECCB253, EEEB373



Technical Elective Courses

B - With emphasis in Communication Engineering


C Common to both Computer and Communication Engineering


MALB113 ISLB112/ MORB112 ISLB212/ MORB212 ISLB312/MORB312 MASB113 LITB113 CIVB113 PHIB113 RELB113

MQA and University (Compulsory) Bahasa Melayu I Islamic / Moral Studies I Islamic / Moral Studies II Islamic / Moral Studies III Malaysian Studies

3 2 2 2 3



LAN Courses


Y. Bhg. Dato Ir. Hj Azman Mohd Chief Operating Officer / Executive Director, Tenaga Nasional Berhad. Y. Bhg. Datuk Rozimi Remeli Vice President (Transmission), Tenaga Nasional Berhad. Y. Bhg. Datuk Baharin Din Vice President (Distribution), Tenaga Nasional Berhad. Rosman Hamzah Director of Business Development, ALSTOM Asia Pacific Sdn. Bhd. Ir. Mohd Redza Mahmood Managing Director, Infrakomas Sdn. Bhd. Y. Bhg. Dato' Ir. Aishah Dato' Abdul Rauf Member of Energy Commission. Ir. Wan Mohd Nazdi b. Wan Abdul Rahman Field Service Manager, ABB Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. Ir Lee Chong Kiow Director, VI Power Sdn. Bhd. Dr. Ong Sze Wei Microprocessor Design Automation Manager, Intel Penang Design Center Dr Suhairi Saharudin Senior Staff Researcher, MIMOS Berhad Fuaida Harun Senior Manager, Infineon Technologies (M) Sdn. Bhd. 14

Literature & Sociology

Literature and Sociology (Take any 1 subject) World Literature 3 World Civilization 3 World Philosophy 3 Comparative Religion 3

Dr. Mohamed Lebbai Philips Lumileds Senior Manager (Quality), Philips Electronics Singapore Pte Ltd. Eu Poh Leng Freescale Semiconductor (M) Sdn Bhd. Engr. Narendren Rengasamy Chief Technical Officer, Novabrite Lighting Sdn Bhd.

Prof. Dr. David Andrews Professor and Mullins Endowed Chair in Computer Engineering College of Engineering University of Arkansas Fayetteville, Arkansas

Professor Dr. Mohamad Khazani Abdullah (Director/CEO, Significant Technologies Sdn Bhd) Education: Ph.D. in Physics (Universiti Malaya, Malaysia) M.Sc. in Electrical Eng. (University of Missouri-Rolla, USA) B.Sc. in Electrical Eng. (University of Missouri-Rolla, USA) Area of specialization / research interest: [Fiber Optic Communication Systems and Devices] Phone Ext.: 03-8945-5998 Ext. 49 E-mail:


Ir. Cheang Kok Meng (Formerly Executive Director of IEM) Education: Bachelor of Engineering (Electronics) (Univ. Of Western Australia) MBA (Strategy) (International Management Centre, UK) Area of specialization / research interest: [Electronics, Broadcasting] E-mail: Ir. Haji Osman Muhamad, D.N.S. (Consultant, Formerly General Manager of Corporate IT Governance Telekom) Education: B.Eng (UTM) MBA (MMU) Area of specialization / research interest: [Telecommunications] E-mail:


FACULTY MEMBERS Head of Department

Dr. Fazrena Azlee binti Hamid Education: Ph. D. in Electronics Engineering. (Univ. of Southampton, UK) B. Eng. (Hons.) in Electronics Engineering (Univ. of Southampton, UK) BTEC National Diploma in Engineering (Coventry Technical College, UK) Area of specialization / research interest: [Electronic Systems Design, Analogue & Mixed Signal, VLSI, VHDL-AMS, Design Automation, Analogue Filter Synthesis] Office: BN-2-030 Phone Ext.: 2216 E-mail:

Head of Unit Academic (BEEE)

Dr. Farah Hani binti Nordin Education: Ph. D. in Electrical Engineering (Univ. Tenaga Nasional, Malaysia) M. Sc. in Control, Communications and Digital & Signal Processing (Univ. of Strathclyde, UK) B. Eng. (Hons.) Electrical & Electronic Engr. (Univ. Tenaga Nasional, Malaysia) Area of specialization / research interest: [Theory and application of Artificial Neural Networks, Nonlinear System Identification, Image Processing] Office: BN-1-011 Phone Ext.: 2244 E-mail:

Head of Unit Academic (BCCE)

Dr. Chau Chien Fat Education: Ph. D in Electronics and Electrical Engineering (Univ. of Southampton, UK) M. Sc. (Dist.) in Microelectronics Systems Design (Univ. of Southampton, UK) B. Sc. (H. Honors) Electrical Engineering (Michigan State Univ., USA) Area of specialization / research interest: [Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) incl. microfluidics, BioMEMS, micro- and nano-fabrication; VLSI Design incl. digital system and IC design, microprocessor and microcontroller] Office: BN-3-018 Phone Ext.: 7297 E-mail:

Head of Unit External Relations

Dr. Cheah Cheng Lai Education: Ph. D. in Communication Network Engineering (Univ. Putra Malaysia, Malaysia) M. Sc. in Computer and Communication Systems Engineering (Univ. Putra Malaysia, Malaysia) B. Sc. in Microelectronics and Computer Science Combinations (Campbell University, USA) 16

Area of specialization / research interest: [Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN), Integrated Switched Digital Network (ISDN), Advanced Intelligent Network (AIN) and Fixed Wireless Broadband (FWB) Systems.] Office: BN-3-057 Phone Ext.: 7294 E-mail:

Head of Unit Student and Staff Affairs

Dr. Siti Fazlili Abdullah, CEng. Education: Ph. D. in Materials Science (Univ. Kebangsaan Malaysia) Masters in Physics (Univ. of Missouri-Kansas City, USA) B. Sc. Physics (Univ. of Missouri-Kansas City, USA) Area of specialization / research interest: [Materials Science Synthesis (microemulsion, chemical co-deposition, electrochemistry), fabrication (semiconductors), characterization (HPDSC, LPM, SAXS, UV-Vis-NIR, FTIR, XRD, SEM with EDXA, TEM, XPS), &applications of nanoparticles in lubricants (4-ball tribo system and pin on disc tribotester).] Office: BA-3-072 Phone Ext.: 7260 E-mail:

Dato Professor Ir. Dr. Mashkuri bin Yaacob FIET, C.Eng, FIEM, P.Eng, FASc, SMIEEE Education: Ph.D. in Computer Systems Engineering (Univ. of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology, UK) M. Sc. in Digital Electronic Engineering, (Univ. of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology, UK) B. Eng. (Hons.) in Electrical Engineering, (Univ. New South Wales, Australia) Area of specialization / research interest: [Computer Architecture, Computer Networks, Grid Computing and VLSI Designs] Office: Chancellery, BA 1st Floor Phone Ext.: E-mail: Dato Professor Ir. Dr. Zainul Abidin bin Md Sharrif Education: Ph.D. in Electronic Engineering (Digit Slicing Architecture of Digital Filters), (Loughborough University of Technology, UK) M. Sc. in Electronic Engineering (Digital Electronics), (Univ. of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST), UK) B. Sc. (1st Class Hons.) in Electrical & Electronic Engineering, (Loughborough University of Technology, UK) Area of specialization / research interest: [Digital Signal Processing, Application of DSP in Condition Monitoring, Control, Image Processing and Quality of Agriculture Produce] Office: BN-1-041 Phone Ext.: 7219 E-mail:


Professor Dr. Ibrahim bin Ahmad Education: Ph.D. in Electrical, Electronic & System Engineering (Univ. Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia) M. Sc. Analytical Physics (Univ. of Wales Swansea, UK) M. Sc. Nuclear Science (Univ. Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia) B. Sc. Nuclear Physics (Univ. Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia) Area of specialization / research interest: [Microelectronic Devices and Packaging, Semiconductor Material, Failure Analysis and Reliability] Office: BN-3-084 Phone Ext.: 7284 E-mail: Professor Dr. Chandan Kumar Chakrabarty, MIMM, InstP, C.Phys, C.Eng Education: Ph. D. (RF Plasma Technology) (Flinders Univ., Australia) M. Sc. (Pulsed Plasma Technology) (Univ. of Malaya, Malaysia) B. Sc. (Hons.) in Physics (Univ. of Malaya, Malaysia) Area of specialization / research interest: [Radio Frequency and Microwave Technology, Gas Discharge Physics and Semiconductor Devices] Office: BW-2-C030 Phone Ext.: 2340 E-mail:

Associate Professors
Associate Professor Dr. Abu Bakar Ghazali Education: Ph. D. in Control Engineering (Univ. of Bradford, UK) M. Sc. in Electronics, (Univ. of Wales Institute of Science and Technology, UK) B. Sc. (Hons.) in Physics and Electronics (Univ. Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia) Area of specialization / research interest: [Technologies of charged particle physics, nuclear fusion for electricity, intelligent building controls and smart building, intelligent controls and fault diagnosis using artificial intelligence such as Fuzzy Logic, Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithm techniques] Office: BN-3-066 Phone Ext.: 6256 E-mail: Associate Professor Dr. Jamaludin bin Omar, MIEEE, MIET Education: Ph. D. in Electronics (Rapid Prototyping of Digital System) (Univ. of Bradford, UK) M. Sc. in Electronics, (Univ. of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology, UK) B. Sc. (Hons.) in Electronics (Univ. Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia) Area of specialization / research interest: [Digital Electronics and Design, Computer Engineering and Interfacing, Data acquisition, FPGA, Software Development] Office: BN-2-031 Phone Ext.: 7271 E-mail:


Associate Professor Dr. Md Zaini bin Jamaludin, CEng. (General Manager, UNITEN R&D Sdn. Bhd.) Education: Ph. D. in Communication and Network Engineering (Photonics and Optical Communication) (Univ. Putra Malaysia) M. Sc. Electrical Engineering (Univ. of Hertfordshire, UK) B. Sc. Electrical Engineering (Univ. of Miami, Florida, USA) Area of specialization / research interest: [Photonics Technologies, Optical, Network and Data communication Security, Development Public Key Cryptography Technology, Development Security System, Biometrics and Biomedical Engineering] Office: BJ-1-008 Ext: 7305 E-mail: Associate Professor Ir. Dr. Norashidah Md. Din, P. Eng, C. Eng, MIEM, MIEEE, MIET, MOSA. (Deputy Dean Research and Postgraduate) Education: Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, (Univ. Teknologi Malaysia) Masters in Electrical Engineering (Univ. Teknologi Malaysia) B. Sc. Electrical Engineering (Memphis State Univ., USA) Area of specialization / research interest: [RF Radiation Safety, Intelligent Remote Monitoring System, Multimedia Networks, Internet QoS] Office: BN-2-032 Phone Ext.: 7293 E-mail: Associate Professor Dr. Ong Hang See Education: Ph. D. in Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics (Univ. of Minnesota, USA) M. Sc. Health Physics (Univ. of North Dakota, USA) B. Sc. Electrical Engineering (Univ. of North Dakota, USA) Area of specialization / research interest: [Green ICT; Smart Grid; TCP/IP Technologies; Grid and Cluster Computing; Biomedical Informatics and Visualization; Biomedical Instrumentation] Office: BW-2-C029 Phone Ext.: 2339 E-mail: Associate Professor Dr. Ramli bin Jaya Education: Ph. D. in Photonics (Univ. of Wales, U.K) M. Sc. in Solid State Electronics (Univ. of Sussex, U.K) B. Sc. (Hons.) (Univ. Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia) Area of specialization / research interest: [Optoelectronics Material, High Voltage Insulators] Office: BN-0-027 Phone Ext.: 7204 E-mail: Associate Professor Dr. Razali bin Jidin Education: Ph. D in Electrical Engineering (Univ. of Kansas, USA) M. Sc. (Distinction) in Electrical Production Management (Univ. of Leeds, UK) 19

M. Sc. in Engineering (Univ. of Bridgeport, USA) B. Sc. (Magna Cum. Laude) in Electrical Engineering. (Univ. of Bridgeport, USA) Area of specialization / research interest: [Embedded System, FPGA, Data Acquisition System, Power Plant Control and Instrumentation] Office: BN-2-028 Phone Ext.: 7208 E-mail: Associate Professor Ir. Dr. Tiong Sieh Kiong, P.Eng, MIEM, MIEEE, MIEICE (Power Engineering Center) Education: Ph.D in Electrical, Electronics & System (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia) M. Sc. Electrical In Telecommunication (Univ. Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia) B. Sc. (Hons.) in Electrical Engr. (Univ. Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia) Area of specialization / research interest: [Wireless Communication System, Digital Electronics and Microcontroller Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Smart Monitoring System, Automation System] Office: BN-3-053 / BJ-1-009 Phone Ext.: 2282 E-mail: Principal Lecturer Abu Bakar Hasan Education: M. Sc. in Digital Systems (Cranfield University, UK) B. Sc. in Applied Physics (Univ. Kebangsaan Malaysia) B. Eng (Hons) in Electrical Engineering (Univ. Teknologi Malaysia) Area of specialization / research interest: [Asynchronous Transfer Mode, Support Vector Systems, System Engineering] Office: BW-2-C017 Phone Ext.: 2377 E-mail: Senior Lecturers Dr. Agileswari K. Ramasamy, CEng. Education: Ph. D. in Electrical Engineering (Univ. Tenaga Nasional, Malaysia) M. Sc. in Control Systems (Imperial College, UK) B. Sc. in Electrical Engineering (Purdue Univ., USA) Area of specialization / research interest: [Control Engineering, Power System Stability and Power Quality] Office: BN-1-031 Phone Ext.: 2270 E-mail: Dr. Aidil Azwin bin Zainul Abidin Education: Ph. D. in Engineering (Univ. Tenaga Nasional, Malaysia) 20

Master in Electrical Engineering (Univ. Tenaga Nasional, Malaysia) B. Sc. Electrical Engr. (Indiana Univ. Purdue Univ. at Indianapolis, USA) Area of specialization / research interest: [Controls and Automation] Office: BW-2-C034 Phone Ext.: 3234 E-mail: Ayuniza binti Ahmad Education: M. Eng. Communications & Computer Eng, (Univ. Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia) B. Eng. in Electrical-Electronic. Engineering (Univ. Teknologi Malaysia) Area of specialization / research interest: [Digital Electronics, DSP and Microprocessor Systems] Office: BN-3-087 Phone Ext.: 6228 E-mail: Dr. Azni Wati binti Azizan Education: Ph. D. in Engineering (Univ. Tenaga Nasional, Malaysia) M. Sc. Microelectronics (Univ. Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia) B. Sc. in Electrical Engr. (Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Massachusetts, USA) Area of specialization / research interest: [Electronics Control System and Design for Electrical Power System Reliability and Stability] Office: BN-1-018 Phone Ext.: 2248 E-mail: Ir. Dr. Chong Kok Hen Education: Ph. D. in Control & Automation (Univ. Putra Malaysia, Malaysia) M. Sc. in Electronics Engineering (Univ. Putra Malaysia, Malaysia) B. Eng. Electrical & Electronics (Univ. Putra Malaysia, Malaysia) Area of specialization / research interest: [Evolutionary Algorithm, Genetic Algorithm, Evolutionary Electronics, Industrial Automation Control and Vision System] Office: BN-3-064 Phone Ext.: 7276 E-mail: Dr. Fairuz bin Abdullah Education: Ph. D. in Engineering (Univ. Tenaga Nasional, Malaysia) M.Sc. in Communication & Network Engineering (Univ. Putra Malaysia, Malaysia) B. Eng. (Hons.) in Electrical & Electronics Engr. (Univ. Tenaga Nasional, Malaysia) Area of specialization / research interest: [Optical Communication, Laser, and Photonic Technologies] Office: BW-2-C034 Phone Ext.: 2376 E-mail: 21

Dr. Goh Chin Hock Education: Ph. D. in Engineering (Univ. Tenaga Nasional, Malaysia) Master in Electrical Engineering (Univ. Tenaga Nasional, Malaysia) B. Eng. (Hons.) in Electrical & Electronics Engr (Univ. Tenaga Nasional, Malaysia) Area of specialization / research interest: [Radio Frequency and Microwave Technology] Office: BN-1-064 Phone Ext.: 2240 E-mail: Hazlinda binti Hakimie Education: M. Eng. in Telecommunication Engineering (Monash Univ., Australia) B. Eng. Electrical (RMIT Univ., Australia) Area of specialization / research interest: [Telecommunication Systems, IP Security, Power Systems and Renewable Energy Technologies] Office: BN-1-067 Phone Ext.: 2266 E-mail: Ir. Dr. Johnny Koh Siaw Paw Education: Ph. D. in Control and Automation Engineering (Univ. Putra Malaysia, Malaysia) M. Sc. in Control and Automation Engineering (Univ. Putra Malaysia, Malaysia) B. Eng. (1st Class Hons.) in Electrical & Electronic Engineering (Univ. Putra Malaysia, Malaysia) Area of specialization / research interest: [Artificial Intelligence, Machine Intelligence and Automation Technology, Laser and Robotics] Office: BN-3-065 Phone Ext.: 2245 E-mail: Mohd Zafri bin Baharuddin, MIEEE, MIET Education: M. Eng. Electrical-Mechatronics Engineering (Univ. Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia) B. Eng. (Hons.) Electrical & Electronic Engineering (Univ. Tenaga Nasional, Malaysia) Area of specialization / research interest: [Renewable energy, Mobile Robotics, and Microcontrollers for Robotic Applications] Office: BN-3-033 Phone Ext.: 6229 E-mail: Norazizah binti Mohd Aripin Education: M. Eng. Communications & Computer Eng, (Univ. Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia) B. Eng. Communication & Computer Engineering (Univ. Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia) Area of specialization / research interest: [Wireless Communications, Radio Resource Management for 3G-WCDMA System, Digital and Microprocessor System] Office: BW-2-C049 Phone Ext.: 3232 22

E-mail: Dr. Normy Norfiza binti Abdul Razak Education: PhD in Bioengineering: Physiological Control (University of canterbury, New Zealand). M. Sc. in Electrical Engineering (Univ. of Nottingham, UK) B. Eng. (Hons.) Electrical & Electronic Engineering (Univ. Tenaga Nasional, Malaysia) Area of specialization / research interest: [Modeling of temperature distribution in 2D and 3D using TLM methods] Office: Phone Ext.: E-mail: Dr. Noor Shamsiah Othman Education: Ph.D. in Electronics and Electrical Engineering (Univ. of Southampton, UK) M. Sc. in Microwave and Optoelectronics (Univ. College London, UK) B. Eng. (Hons.) in Electronic and Electrical Eng (Univ. College London, UK) Area of specialization / research interest: [Mobile Communications, including Wireless Multimedia Communications] Office: BN-3-020 Phone Ext.: 7214 E-mail: Sharifah Azwa binti Shaaya Education: M. Eng. Electrical-Electronics and Telecommunications (Univ. Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia) B. Eng. (Hons.) Electrical & Electronic Engr (Univ. Tenaga Nasional, Malaysia) Area of specialization / research interest: [Communication, Digital Electronics and Microprocessor Systems] Office: BN-3-072 Phone Ext.: 7249 E-mail: Syed Khaleel Ahmed Education: M. S. Electrical and Computer Engr. (Communication and Control Systems) (Univ. of Massachusetts at Amherst, USA) B. E. Electrical and Electronics Engr. (Anna Univ., India) Area of specialization / research interest: [Robust Control, Fuzzy Logic and Control, Robotics, Algorithms, Signal and Image Processing, Numerical Analysis] Office: BN-3-047 Phone Ext.: 2276 E-mail: Dr. Tiagrajah V. Janahiraman Education: Ph. D. in Engineering (Univ. Tenaga Nasional, Malaysia) M. Eng. Electrical (Univ. Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia) B. Eng. (Hons.) Electrical (Electronic) (Univ. Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia) Area of specialization / research interest: 23

[Artificial Neural Networks, Computer Vision Systems and Image Processing; Software Development, Data Classification, Object Detection & Recognition, DSP Processors, Microprocessor Systems] Office: BN-1-065 Phone Ext.: 7265 E-mail: Wong Hung Way Education: M. Sc. Electrical Engineering (Univ. of Sydney, Australia) B. Sc. (Hons.) Electronics (Salford Univ., UK) Area of specialization / research interest: [Modelling and Measurement of Transmission Line Impairments for ADSL and other xDSL; Design and Implement Cryptography Algorithms for Communication Systems; Developing Numerical Techniques for Solving Electromagnetic Problems] Office: BN-1-052 Phone Ext.: 7227 E-mail: Dr. Yap Boon Kar Education: Ph. D. in Experimental Solid State Physics, (Imperial College London, UK) M. Sc. in Optics and Photonics, (Imperial College London, UK) B. Eng. (Hons.) in Electrical & Electronics Engineering (Univ. Tenaga Nasional, Malaysia) Area of specialization / research interest: [Organic Semiconductor Devices - Polymeric Light-Emitting Diodes (PLEDs), Organic Transistors, Organic Lasing Media.Inorganic Semiconductor Devices - Advanced copper wire bonding on ultra-low k wafer, Polymer core ball bond, Silver plated copper filler, Flux cleaning process] Office: BN-2-009 Phone Ext.: 2229 E-mail: Dr. Yap Keem Siah, MIEEE, GMIEM, MIACSIT Education: Ph. D. in Electrical and Electronics Engineering (Univ. Sains Malaysia) M. Eng. Electrical (Univ. Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia) B. Eng. Electrical (Univ. Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia) Area of specialization / research interest: [Theory and Application of Artificial Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic Systems, Mobile Robotic, Computer Vision and Image Processing] Office: BA-4-057 Phone Ext.: 7309 E-mail: Zeti Akma binti Rhazali Education: M. Sc. in Electrical, Electronics & Systems Engineering (Univ. Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia) B. Eng. (Hons.) in Electrical, Electronic & System Engineering (Univ. Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia) Area of specialization / research interest: [Mobile Radio, Space, and Satellite Communications, Antenna Analysis and Design, Microwave and Propagation Studies, Ionosphere Communication Studies] Office: BN-3-019 / On Study Leave Phone Ext.: 7239 24


Aiman bin Ismail Education: Master in Electrical Engineering (Univ. Tenaga Nasional, Malaysia) B. Eng. (Hons.) Electrical & Electronic Engineering (Univ. Tenaga Nasional, Malaysia) Area of specialization / research interest: [RF Radiation Safety] Office: BN-3-021 Phone Ext.: 6414 E-mail: Azlina binti Abdullah Education: M. Eng. in Communications & Computer Eng. (Univ. Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia) B. Eng. in Computer Engineering (Univ. Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia) Area of specialization / research interest: [Digital Electronics and Microprocessor Systems] Office: BW-2-C033 Phone Ext.: 3233 E-mail: Azrul bin Ghazali Education: M. Sc. Microelectronics (Univ. Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia) B. Sc. in Electrical Engr. (Vanderbilt Univ., USA) Area of specialization / research interest: [Digital Electronics, VLSI Design, IC fabrication, Semiconductor] Office: BN-3-036 Phone Ext.: 2219 E-mail: Intan Shafinaz binti Mustafa Education: M. Sc. in Communications and Network Engineering (Univ. Putra Malaysia, Malaysia) B. Eng. (Hons.) in Electrical and Electronic Engr. (Coventry Univ., UK) Area of specialization / research interest: [Digital Image Watermarking, Biometric Data Security Encryption, IP Quality of Service] Office: BW-2-C014 / On Study Leave Phone Ext.: 3254 E-mail: Jehana Ermy binti Jamaluddin Education: M. Sc. in Digital Communications Systems (Loughborough Univ., UK) B. Eng. (Hons.) Electrical & Electronic Engr (Univ. Tenaga Nasional, Malaysia) Area of specialization / research interest: [Digital Communications application in Mobile/Networking, Signal Processing, Channel Modeling and Error Control Coding in Power Line Communication] 25

Office: BN-3-080 Phone Ext.: 2260 E-mail: Leong Yeng Weng Education: Master in Electrical Engineering (Univ. Tenaga Nasional, Malaysia) B.Eng (Hons) Electrical & Electronic Engr (Univ. Tenaga Nasional, Malaysia) Area of Specialization / research interest: [Artificial Intelligence, Lightning and Electronics] Office: On Study Leave Phone Ext.: 7241 E-mail: Mohd Suhaimi Sauti Education: M. Eng. Communications & Computer Eng, (Univ. Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia) B. Sc. Electrical Engr. (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA) Area of specialization / research interest: [Communication Systems, Analog and Digital Electronics, Microelectronic Technology] Office: BW-2-C031 Phone Ext.: 3231 E-mail: Nagaletchumi a/p Balasubramaniam Education: M.Sc. in Computer Systems Engineering (Univ. Putra Malaysia, Malaysia) B. Eng. (Hons.) Electrical Engr. (Univ. of Malaya, Malaysia) Area of specialization / research interest: [Mobile Communications] Office: BW-2-C012 Phone Ext.: 3260 E-mail: Norani binti Atan Education: Master in Electrical Engineering (Univ. Tenaga Nasional, Malaysia) B. Eng. Electrical Engr. (Univ. Teknologi Mara, Malaysia) Area of specialization / research interest: [Equipment design for computerization of signal strength measurements in mobile telephone system] Office: BN-3-077 / On Study Leave Phone Ext.: 2290 E-mail: Nur Badariah Ahmad Mustafa Education: Master in Electrical Engineering (Univ. Tenaga Nasional, Malaysia) B. Eng. (Hons.) Electrical & Electronic Engineering (Univ. Tenaga Nasional, Malaysia) Area of specialization / research interest: [Digital Signal Processing, Image Processing and Fuzzy Logic] Office: BN-1-009 Phone Ext.: 2299 26

E-mail: Nurul Asyikin bt Mohd. Radzi Education: Master in Electrical Engineering (Univ. Tenaga Nasional, Malaysia) B. Eng. (Hons.) Electrical & Electronic Engineering (Univ. Tenaga Nasional, Malaysia) Area of specialization / research interest: [IP-Optical and QoS] Office: BW-2-C15 Phone Ext.: 2350 E-mail: Prajindra Sankar Krishnan Education: M. Eng. Electrical (Univ. Tenaga Nasional, Malaysia) B. Eng. (Hons.) Electrical & Electronic Engineering (Univ. Tenaga Nasional, Malaysia) Area of specialization / research interest: [Microprocessor based Design & Systems, Wireless Communication System, Evolutionary Algorithm] Office: BN-1-063 Phone Ext.: 7248 E-mail: Savithry a/p K Thangaraju Education: Master in Electrical Engineering (Univ. Tenaga Nasional, Malaysia) B. Eng. (1st Hons.) in Electronics System Design (Univ. of Northumbria at Newcastle UK) Area of specialization / research interest: [Electronics Design, Analysis and Design in Engineering Software, Energy Efficiency and Sustainability in Building, High Voltage Electromagnetic Field] Office: BN-3-043 / On Study Leave Phone Ext.: 2240 E-mail: Sumayyah Mohd Idris Education: B. Eng. (Hons.) Electrical & Electronic Engineering (Univ. Teknologi PETRONAS) Area of specialization / research interest: [Photonic Technologies, Optical Communication and Laser] Office: BN-03-087/BW-4-R07 Phone Ext.: 6383/3266 E-mail: Yanti Erana binti Jalil Education: M. Sc. in Digital Communications Systems. (LoughboroughUniv., UK) B. Eng. (Hons.) in Electrical - Telecommunications Engr. (Univ. Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia) Area of specialization / research interest: [Digital Electronics and Telecommunications] Office: BN-3-035 / On Study Leave Phone Ext.: 6439 E-mail: 27

Assistant Lecturers / Tutors

Ahmad Wafi Bin Mahmood Zuhdi Education: M. Eng. in Electronics and Electrical Engineering (Univ. of Edinburgh, UK) Area of specialization / research interest: [Analogue-Mixed Signal VLSI] Office: BN-0-030 / On Study Leave Phone Ext.: 6465 E-mail: Nor Iza Bte. Mohd Rawi Education: B. Eng. (Hons.) Electrical & Electronic Engineering (Univ. Tenaga Nasional, Malaysia) Area of specialization / research interest: [Photonic Technologies and Optical Communication] Office: BW-02-C44 Phone Ext.: 3237 E-mail: Syed Sulaiman bin Kaja Mohideen Education: B. Eng. Electrical-Mechatronic. Engr. (Univ. Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia) Area of specialization / research interest: [Analog Circuit and Microcontroller Interface Design, Sensors and Mobile Robotics, PCB Design] Office: BN-3-033 Phone Ext.: 6303 E-mail: Zulkifli bin Ishak Education: B. Eng. Electrical-Mechatronic. Engr. (Univ. Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia) Area of specialization / research interest: [Sensor and Mobile robotic, Microprocessor Based Application, IP-QoS] Office: BW-2-C049 Phone Ext.: 3243 E-mail:


DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL POWER ENGINEERING The Department of Electrical Power Engineering is established to develop the advantage of its strong link with the Electricity Supply Industry through the parent company, Tenaga Nasional Berhad. The department consists of young energetic academicians as well as experienced practicing engineers in various fields of Electrical Power Engineering. The department offers program leading to the award of Bachelor of Electrical Power Engineering (Hons.). The curricula for the undergraduate programs require a strong foundation in mathematics, physics and computer. Courses in electrical and electronics engineering begin in the first year after foundation program. The courses include topics such as electrical circuit analysis, electronics, digital system, microprocessor, electromagnetic fields, electrical machines and drives, power systems, power electronics and high voltage technology. Laboratory sessions reinforce the principles learnt in the classroom which include electrical measurement techniques, application of non-linear devices, digital logic design, signal processing, microprocessor, electrical machines and power electronics. Many engineering courses are classified as design courses and complemented by computer aided engineering software as simulation and design tools. During the final year, the students choose technical electives according to their area of interest. The final year project courses provide opportunities for the students to apply the engineering principles, experience of current technology as well as learning the methodology of research. Throughout the course of their study, students will also take up languages and courses from other departments, and get involved in a variety of clubs and societies in a holistic approach to become well-rounded graduates. The program is designed to prepare students to become professional engineers and industry leaders. The graduates can carve a career in a diverse range of areas in industries such as electricity supply, petroleum, automotive, chemicals, processing, aerospace and many others. Electrical Power engineers are engaged in a variety of activities including design, manufacturing, research, development, testing, construction, operation, sales, management, consulting and teaching. The department, together with the Department of Electronics & Communication, has a total of 27 undergraduate and postgraduate research laboratories. These laboratories are:

Automation and Industrial Control Artificial Intelligence and Machine Vision Battery Research Computer Engineering and Networking Research Communication System Data Communication and Networking Digital Electronics Design EE Computing Electronics Design Embedded System Design Electrical/Electronics Measurement EMF Internet Protocol Quality of Service (IPQOS)


Machine, Power Electronics and Drive Technology Microprocessor Application Mobile Robot Optoelectronics Printed Circuit Board (PCB) Power Quality Power System Protection RF & Microwave Technology RF & Microwave Engineering Research Robotics and Control Research and Project Signal Processing Telecommunication Research VLSI Power System Lab

In addition to these laboratories, there are also Power Systems Laboratories, High Voltage Testing and Diagnostic, Electronics, Control and Instrumentation, Power Plant Technology and Electric Drives Laboratories which are owned by TNB Research and can be accessed by Universiti Tenaga Nasional students for the purpose of research. The Program Educational Objectives (PEO) of the Bachelor of Electrical Power Engineering (Hons.) program is the qualities that we wish for our graduates in this discipline to attain at least 5 years after graduation. The PEOs are shown below.

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) PEO No UNITEN produces engineering graduates who: PEO1 PEO2 PEO3 Are practicing engineers in electrical engineering with the ability to venture into other related fields Hold senior engineering positions. Have professional qualifications/certifications in electrical engineering related areas. Are actively engaged in electrical engineering activities, in specialized areas such as electronics design, communications, control and instrumentation, power generation, power transmission and power distribution.


The Program Outcomes (POs) for the Bachelor of Electrical Power Engineering (Hons.) are qualities that UNITEN aims to instil in graduates of the Electrical Power Engineering discipline upon graduation. The PO was also developed based upon the attributes highlighted by EAC (Engineering Accreditation Council). From here each subjects offered in the programme will strive to cover portions of the PO. The POs are as follows.

PO No. PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5

Program Outcomes (POs) Students graduating from the Bachelor of Electrical Power Engineering program will have the ability to : acquire and understand fundamental knowledge of mathematics, science and electrical engineering principles apply engineering principles in solving problems relevant to electrical engineering analyze electrical engineering related problems apply critical thinking in designing and evaluating components, processes and systems related to electrical engineering comprehend the principles of sustainable development


PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO 12

comprehend professional and ethical responsibilities apply engineering tools and techniques to conduct engineering design/experiments as well as to analyse data communicate effectively function effectively as a team member as well as a leader appreciate the social, cultural, global and environmental responsibilities of a professional engineer with awareness of contemporary issues acknowledge the need for, and be able to engage in life-long learning acknowledge the need for entrepreneurship skills

Bachelor of Electrical Power Engineering (Hons.) : Sample of Course Distribution for 127 Credit Hours (for Foundation/Degree Intake starting in Semester 1, 2011/2012)
Semester Semester I Code CSEB114 MATB143 EEEB111 EEEB113 MATB113 EEEB123 EEEB141 EEEB143 EEEB163 MEMB123 ISLB112/MORB112 Courses Principles of Programming for Engineers Differential Equations Electrical/Electronics Measurement Lab Circuits Analysis I Advanced Calculus & Analytical Geometry Total Credit Hours Circuits Analysis II Electronics Design Lab Electronics Analysis & Design I Digital Logic Design Mechanics I: Statics Islamic / Moral Studies I Total Credit Hours Digital Logic Design Lab Electronics Analysis & Design II Signal & System Linear Algebra Technical Communications Islamic / Moral Studies II Total Credit Hours Thermodynamics I Electrical Machines & Drives Electromagnetic Fields & Waves Numerical Methods for Engineers Malay Language I Total Credit Hours Electrical Power System I Electrical Machines Lab Cr.. Hour 4 3 1 3 3 14 3 1 3 3 3 2 15 1 3 3 3 3 2 15 3 3 3 3 3 15 3 1 PreRequisite NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE EEEB113 EEEB111 EEEB113 EEEB113 NONE NONE CoRequisite NONE NONE EEEB113 MATB113 NONE MATB143 EEEB143 NONE NONE NONE NONE

Semester II

Semester III

EEEB161 EEEB273 EEEB233 MATB253 TECB213 ISLB212/ MORB212



Semester IV




Semester V


EEEB123, EEEB283 EEEB283



EEEB323 EEEB373 COEB432 COEB422 ISLB312/MORB312 Semester VI EEPB383 EECB351 EECB353 EEEB363 EEEB393 COEB442

Control System I Microprocessor Systems Principles of Management Engineers in Society Islamic / Moral Studies III Total Credit Hours Electrical Power System II Communication System Lab Communication System Digital Signal Processing Power Electronics Engineering Economics Total Credit Hours Industrial Training Total Credit Hours

3 3 2 2 2 16 3 1 3 3 3 2 15 4 4

EEEB233, MATB143 EEEB163 EEEB273 TECB213, EEEB273 ISLB212/ MORB212 EEPB353 NONE EEEB233 EEEB233, EEEB373 EEEB233, EEEB283 EEEB273/EEEB283


Special Semester




Semester Semester VII

Code EEPB463 EPRB412 EEIB413 ** EEEB403 MASB113

Courses High Voltage Technology Project I Process Control & Instrumentation Technical Elective I Capstone Design Course Malaysian Studies Total Credit Hours Project II Technical Elective II Technical Elective III Technical Elective IV Literature and Sociology Total Credit Hours OVERALL CREDIT HOURS Technical Electives (Take any 4 subjects) Artificial Intelligence and Neural-fuzzy Systems Control System II Control & Drives Introduction to Robotics Electrical Installations Electrical Safety and Hazards Power System Protection High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC), and FACTS Devices Power Quality Electricity Industry Economics Power System Communications Energy Conversions Power Distribution Engineering Introduction to Nuclear Technology Introduction to Sustainability Engineering

Cr. Hour 3 2 3 3 3 3 17 4 3 3 3 3 16 127

PreRequisite EEEB253 EEEB323, EEEB363, EEPB353, EECB353, COEB314 EEEB323, MEHB213 COEB422, EEPB383 NONE


Semester VIII

EPRB424 ** ** ** **






3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

EEEB323 EEEB323 EEEB393 CCSB164, EEEB323 EEPB353 EEPB353 EEPB353 EEEB393, EEPB353 EEPB353 EEPB383 EECB353,EEPB353 MATB113,PHYF124, EEEB283, MEHB213 EEPB353 MEHB213 NONE


Technical Elective Courses



Elements of Mechatronics

EEEB283, EEEB323


MALB113 ISLB112/ MORB112 ISLB212/ MORB212 ISLB312/MORB312 MASB113

MQA and University (Compulsory) Bahasa Melayu I Islamic / Moral Studies I Islamic / Moral Studies II Islamic / Moral Studies III Malaysian Studies

3 2 2 2 3



MQA Courses


Literature and Sociology (Take any 1 subject) World Literature 3 3 World Civilization World Philosophy 3 Comparative Religion 3

Literature & Sociology




Y. Bhg. Dato Ir. Hj Azman Mohd Chief Operating Officer / Executive Director, Tenaga Nasional Berhad. Y. Bhg. Datuk Rozimi Remeli Vice President (Transmission), Tenaga Nasional Berhad. Y. Bhg. Datuk Baharin Din Vice President (Distribution), Tenaga Nasional Berhad. Rosman Hamzah Director of Business Development, ALSTOM Asia Pacific Sdn. Bhd. Ir. Mohd Redza Mahmood Managing Director, Infrakomas Sdn. Bhd. Y. Bhg. Dato' Ir. Aishah Dato' Abdul Rauf Member of Energy Commission. Ir. Wan Mohd Nazdi b. Wan Abdul Rahman Field Service Manager, ABB Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. Ir Lee Chong Kiow Director, VI Power Sdn. Bhd. Dr. Ong Sze Wei Microprocessor Design Automation Manager, Intel Penang Design Center Dr Suhairi Saharudin Senior Staff Researcher, MIMOS Berhad Fuaida Harun Senior Manager, Infineon Technologies (M) Sdn. Bhd. 33

Dr. Mohamed Lebbai Philips Lumileds Senior Manager (Quality), Philips Electronics Singapore Pte Ltd. Eu Poh Leng Freescale Semiconductor (M) Sdn Bhd. Engr. Narendren Rengasamy Chief Technical Officer, Novabrite Lighting Sdn Bhd.

Prof. Vassilios G Agelidis Director, Australian Energy Research Institute (AERI) Professor of Power Engineering, School of Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications The University of New South Wales, Australia

Prof. Dato Ir. (Dr.) Lee Yee Cheong, DPMP, KMN, AO, F.A.Sc. Chairman, Governing Board of the UNESCO International Science, Technology and Innovation Centre for South-South Cooperation. Chairman, Governing Council, Institute of Energy Policy and Research, UNITEN. Honorary President, Commonwealth Engineers Council (CEC). President, ASEAN Federation of Engineering Organizations (AFEO). Education: B. Eng. (Electrical), (Univ. of Adelaide, Australia) E-mail: Dr. Abu Hanifah bin Azit Chief Engineer Engineering Services, TNB Distribution. Education: Ph.D. (Power Engineering), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia M. Eng. Science, University of Malaya B.E. (Hons), University of Malaya


Dr. Abd Rahman Khalid Principal Engineer, TNB Distribution. Education: Ph.D. (Power Engineering), The University of Manchester Master of Science, Indiana University Purdue University at Indianapolis , USA B.Sc. (Hons), University of Technology Malaysia


FACULTY MEMBERS Head of Department

Dr. Ungku Anisa Bt Ungku Amirulddin Al Amin C.Eng. Education: Ph. D. in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. (Univ. of Nottingham, UK) B. Eng. (Hons.) in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. (Imperial College, UK) Area of specialization / research interest: [Analysis and Simulations of Electrical Machines and Drives.] Office: BN-2-018 / BN-3-062 Phone Ext.: 6247 E-mail:

Head of Unit Undergraduate Program Assessment

Dr. Azrul Mohd Ariffin Education: Ph.D in Electrical Engineering (Univ. of Southampton, UK) B.Eng (1st Class Hons.) in Electrical Engineering (Univ. of Southampton, UK) Area of specialization / research interest: [Degradation of high voltage cable insulation, space charge effects and ageing phenomena in polymers.] Office: BN-3-017 Phone Ext.: 7335 E-mail:

Head of Unit Industrial Linkages

Head of Unit Staff/Student Affairs

Sabarina binti Jaafar Education: Master of Electrical Engineering (Univ. Tenaga Nasional, Malaysia) B. Eng. (Hons.) Electrical Power (Univ. Tenaga Nasional, Malaysia) Area of specialization / research interest: [Electric machines Drives and Power Electronics.] Office: BN-3-074 Phone Ext.: 6308 E-mail:

Associate Professors
Associate Prof. Dr. Ahmad Qisti bin Ramli Education: Ph. D. in Electrical Engineering (Univ. of Manchester, UK) M. Sc. in Electrical Engr. (Univ. Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia) B. Sc. in Electrical Engr. (Univ. of Houston, USA) Area of specialization / research interest: 35

[Electrical Power Engineering, High Voltage, Partial Discharge, Acoustic, Numerical Simulation.] Office: BN-1-010 Phone Ext.: 7215 E-mail: Associate Prof. Ir. Dr. Au Mau Teng (Director, Power Engineering Centre) Education: Ph. D. in Electrical Engineering (The Univ. of Manchester, UK ) M. Sc. Electrical (Purdue Univ. at Indianapolis, USA) B. Sc. Electrical & Electronics (Univ. of Toledo, USA) Diploma Engineering, Communication (Univ. Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia) Area of specialization / research interest: [Power Systems Analysis, Distribution System Planning, Power Quality, Distributed Generation.] Office: BN-1-034 / BJ1-012 Phone Ext.: 7201 E-mail: Associate Prof. Dr. Bahisham binti Yunus (Director, Strategic & Corporate Planning Centre) Education: Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering (University of Manchester, UK) M. in Business Administration (Ohio University, USA) B. Sc in Electrical Engineering (George Washington University, USA) Area of specialization / research interest: [Power System Communications, Power System/ Substation Automation, Equipment Reliability.] Office: BN-1-032/ BA-2-070 Phone Ext.: 7251 / 7570 E-mail: Associate Prof. Ismail bin Said Education: M. Sc. Superconductivity & Cryogenics (Univ. of Southampton, UK) B. Sc. (Hons.) in Electrical & Electronics (Univ. of Brighton, UK) Area of specialization / research interest: [Process Control and Industrial Automation, Electric Power Plant Operations and Control, Study on ELFEMF, Applications of High-Temperature Superconductivity & Cryogenics.] Office: BH-0-016 Phone Ext.: 7213 E-mail: Associate Prof. Dr. Izham bin Zainal Abidin (Dean, College of Graduate Studies) Education: Ph. D. in Electronics and Electrical Engineering (Power Systems) (Univ. of Strathclyde, UK) B. Eng. (Hons.) in Electrical Engineering (Univ. of Southampton, UK) BTEC National Diploma in Engineering (Coventry Technical College, UK) Area of specialization / research interest: [Power System and Voltage Collapse Studies, Machine Learning Techniques Application to Voltage Collapse Analysis.] Office: College of Graduate Studies, 4th Floor, Admin Building. Phone Ext.: 2262 E-mail:


Associate Prof. Engr. Dr. Vigna Kumaran a/l Ramachandaramurthy Education: Ph. D. in Electrical Engineering (Univ. of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST), UK) B. Eng. (Hons.) in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (UMIST, UK) Area of specialization / research interest: [Power Systems related studies, Power Quality, Renewable Energy, Embedded Generation] Office: College of Graduate Studies, 4th Floor, Admin Building Phone Ext.: 3081 E-mail:

Principal Lecturers
Dr. Jagadeesh Pasupuleti C.Eng. (Head, Centre for Power System Simulation) Education: Ph. D. in Power System Operation & Control (Sri Venkateswara Univ., India) M. Tech. in Power System Operation & Control (Sri Venkateswara Univ., India) B. Tech in Electrical & Electronics Engineering (Nagarjuna Univ., India) Area of specialization / research interest: [Power System Operation & Control, High Voltage, Power System Economics, Renewable Energy.] Phone Ext: 7277 Office: BN-3-067 E-mail: Ir. Dr. Tuan Ab Rashid bin Tuan Abdullah (Deputy Dean, Student Affairs & External Relations) Education: Ph. D. in Power System Asset Management (Univ. of Strathclyde, UK) M. Sc. in Electrical Power Engineering with Business (Univ. of Strathclyde, U.K) B. Sc. in Electrical Engineering (Univ. of Southern California. U.S.A.) Area of specialization / research interest: [Electrical Power System Asset Management; Random events in the Electrical Power System.] Office: BN-2-033 Phone Ext: 2267 E-mail:

Senior Lecturers
Dr. Aishah binti Mohd Isa Education: Ph.D. in Environment and Energy Engineering (Waseda Univerisity, Japan) M. Sc. in Electrical Power Engineering with Business (Univ. of Strathclyde, Scotland) B. Eng. (Hons.) Electrical & Electronic Engr. (Univ. Tenaga Nasional, Malaysia) Area of specialization / research interest: [Generation Planning] Office: BW-02-C035 Phone Ext.: 2325 E-mail: Halil bin Hussin Education: M. Sc. in Electrical Engr. (Univ. Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia) B. Sc. in Electrical Engr. (Univ. of Malaya, Malaysia) 37

Area of specialization / research interest: [High Voltage.] Office: BN-1-069 Phone Ext.: 7212 E-mail: Halimatun binti Hashim Education: Master of Electrical Engineering (Univ. Tenaga Nasional, Malaysia) B. Sc. in Electrical Engr. (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Univ., USA) Area of specialization / research interest: [Electrical Power Engineering, Power Quality. Power System Protection; Condition Monitoring of Power Transformer On-Load Tap Change & Frequency Response Analysis.] Office: BN-1-014 Phone Ext.: 2234 E-mail: John Steven Navamany Education: Master in Electrical Engineering (Univ. Tenaga Nasional, Malaysia) B. Sc. Electrical Engr. (Purdue Univ. at Indianapolis, USA) Area of specialization / research interest: [Power System Engineering, Electronics, Insulation Condition Monitoring.] Office: BN-1-026 Phone Ext.: 2235 E-mail: Dr. Mahmoud A A Younis Education: Ph. D in Electrical Engineering (University Malaya, Malaysia) M. Sc. in Electrical Engineering (University Malaya, Malaysia) B. Sc. Electrical & Electronics Engineering (Islamic Institute of Technology) Area of specialization / research interest: [Power Electronics, Power Quality, Renewable Energy, and Distributed Generation system.] Office: BN-1-060 Phone Ext.: 7218 E-mail: Dr. Marayati binti Marsadek Education: Ph. D. in Electrical Engineering (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia) Master of Electrical Engineering (Univ. Tenaga Nasional, Malaysia) B. Eng. (Hons.) Electrical Power (Univ. Tenaga Nasional, Malaysia) Area of specialization / research interest: [Power System, FACTS (Flexible AC Transmission Systems), Reliability and Security.] Office: BN-0-013 Phone Ext.: 2256 E-mail: Dr. Miszaina binti Osman C.Eng. (Deputy Dean, Academic & Quality Assurance) Education: Ph. D. in Electrical Engineering. (Univ. of Southampton, UK) 38

B. Eng. (Hons.) in Electrical Engineering (Univ. of Southampton, UK) BTEC National Diploma in Engineering (Peterborough Regional College, UK) Area of specialization / research interest: [Power System Analysis, High Voltage, Earthing System.] Office: BN-2-017 Phone Ext.: 7229 E-mail: Dr. Moleykutty George Education: Ph. D. in Engineering. (Multimedia University, Malaysia) M. Tech in Electrical and Electronics (Kerala Univ., India) B. Tech in Electrical Engineering (Mahatma Gandhi Univ., India) Area of specialization / research interest: [Power Quality Studies, Speed Control of Electrical Drives.] Office: BN-1-068 Phone Ext.: 7266 E-mail: Dr. Nadia Tan Mei Lin Education: Ph. D. in Electrical Engineering (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan) Master of Electrical Engineering (Univ. Tenaga Nasional, Malaysia) B. Eng. (Hons.) in Electrical Engr. (Univ. of Sheffield, UK) Area of specialization / research interest: [Power Conversion Systems, Bidirectional Isolated DC-DC Converters.] Office: BN-3-088 Phone Ext.: 7256 E-mail: Noor Miza Binti Muhamad Razali Education: Master of Electrical Engineering (Univ. Tenaga Nasional) B. Eng. Electrical Engineering (Univ. of Warwick, United Kingdom) Area of specialization / research interest: [Power System, Control Systems.] Office: BN-0-023 (On Study Leave) Phone Ext.: 6231 E-mail: Sharifah Azma binti Syed Mustaffa Education: M. Eng. Electrical-Power (Univ. Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia) B. Eng. (Hons.) Electrical Power (Univ. Tenaga Nasional, Malaysia) Area of specialization / research interest: [Power System and Control.] Office: BW-2-C36 Phone Ext.: 3244 E-mail: Dr. Tan Ching Sin (Institute of Energy Policy and Research) Education: 39

Ph. D. in Electrical Engineering (Univ. of Strathclyde, UK) M. Sc. in Electrical Power Engineering with Business (Univ. of Strathclyde, UK) B. Eng. (Hons.) in Electrical Engineering (Univ. Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia) Diploma in Power Engineering (Univ. Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia) Area of specialization / research interest: [Power System Analysis, Power System Economics, Distributed Generation, Locational Marginal Pricing] Office: BN-3-030 Phone Ext.: 2378 E-mail: Ya'akob bin Raja Omar Education: Master of Electrical Engineering (Univ. Tenaga Nasional, Malaysia) B. Sc. in Electrical Engr. (Univ. Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia) Diploma in Electrical Engineering (University Teknologi Mara) Area of specialization / research interest: [Power System, Digital Electronics and Microprocessor Systems.] Office: BN-0-006 Phone Ext.: 2233 E-mail: Dr. Yasmin Hanum Md Thayoob (Head of Electrical Program, College of Graduate Studies) Education: Ph. D. Engineering (Univ. Tenaga Nasional, Malaysia) M. Sc. in Electrical Engr. (Univ. of Southampton, UK) B. Sc. in Electrical Engr. (Univ. of Miami, USA) Area of specialization / research interest: [High Voltage Insulation condition monitoring, digital signal processing, data mining, pattern classification/ recognition, artificial intelligence and machine learning.] Office: BN-1-045 Phone Ext.: 7211 E-mail: Zaipatimah binti Ali Education: M Sc. in Electrical Engineering (Purdue Univ. at Indianapolis, USA) B. Sc. in Electrical Engineering. (Purdue Univ. at Indianapolis, USA) Area of Specialization / Research Interest: [High Voltage System Analysis, Substation Automation and Digital Signal Processing Applications.] Office: BN-3-015 (On Study Leave) Phone Ext.: 7247 E-mail:

Ida Suzana binti Hussain Education: Master of Electrical Engineering (Univ. Tenaga Nasional, Malaysia) B. Eng. (Hons.) in Electrical Engr. (Univ. of Southampton, UK) BTEC National Diploma in Engineering (Coventry Technical College, UK) Area of specialization / research interest: [Power System Harmonics, Harmonic Analysis, FACTS devices.] 40

Office: BN-3-087 Phone Ext.: 6383 E-mail: Mohd Helmi Mansor Education: M. Sc. in Sustainable Electrical Power (Brunel Univ., UK) B. Eng. (Hons.) Electrical Engineering (Univ. Teknologi MARA, Malaysia) Area of specialization / research interest: [Optimal Power Flow for Voltage Stability Improvement using Evolutionary Programming, Scalability of Economic Dispatch and Generation Scheduling] Office: (On Study Leave) Phone Ext.: E-mail: Muhamad bin Mansur Education: Master of Electrical Engineering (Univ. Tenaga Nasional, Malaysia) B. Eng. in Electrical Engr. (Univ. Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia) Area of specialization / research interest: [High Voltage and Power System, Statistical Pattern Recognition, Partial Discharge Studies, Finite Element Analysis using Electrostatic Method and Electromagnetic Fields Studies.] Office: BN-3-079 Phone Ext.: 7263 E-mail: Nazaruddin A Rahman Education: Master of Electrical Engineering (Univ. Tenaga Nasional, Malaysia) B. Sc. (Applied Physics) (Univ. Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia) Area of specialization / research interest: [High Voltage, ELF-Electromagnetics, Lightning, Magnetic Materials, Electrical Machines.] Office: BN-1-013 Phone Ext.: 2253 E-mail: Nur Fadilah Ab Aziz Education: M. Eng. Electrical Engineering (Univ. of Southampton, UK) Area of specialization / research interest: [High Voltage and Power System.] Office: BN-1-031 (On Study Leave) Phone Ext.: 7235 E-mail: Renuga a/p Verayiah Education: Master of Electrical Engineering (Univ. Tenaga Nasional, Malaysia) B. Eng. (Hons.) Electrical & Electronic Engr. (Univ. Tenaga Nasional, Malaysia) Area of specialization / research interest: 41

[Control Systems, Power Systems, Voltage Stability and Detection Method, Voltage Collapse Studies, Artificial Intelligence.] Office : BN-3-075 (On Study Leave) Phone Ext.: 6472 E-mail: Shangari K. Raveendran Education: B. Eng. (Hons.) Electrical & Electronic Engr. (Univ. Tenaga Nasional, Malaysia) Area of specialization / research interest: [Power flow analysis, power quality, control system and power system] Office: BN-3-028 Phone Ext.: 6480 E-mail: Suhaila binti Sulaiman Education: Master of Electrical Engineering (Univ. Tenaga Nasional, Malaysia) B. Eng. (Hons.) in Electrical Engineering (Univ. of Southampton, UK) Area of specialization / research interest: [Water Treeing in Polymeric Cables.] Office: BW-2-C13 (On Study Leave) Phone Ext.: 3259 E-mail: Tengku Juhana binti Tengku Hashim Education: Master of Electrical Engineering (Univ. Tenaga Nasional, Malaysia) B. Eng. (Hons.) Electrical Power (Univ. Tenaga Nasional, Malaysia) Area of specialization / research interest: [Electromagnetic Fields, Power Systems.] Office: BN-1-004 (On Study Leave) Phone Ext.: 6438 E-mail: Toh Chuen Ling Education: M. Eng. (Power Electronics & Drives) (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia) B. Eng. Electrical (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia) Area of specialization / research interest: [Power electronics motor drive systems, RTL logic design and FPGA applications.] Office: (On Study Leave) Phone Ext.: E-mail:

Fareha Mohd Zainal Education: B. Eng. (Hons.) Electrical & Electronic Engr. (Univ. Tenaga Nasional, Malaysia) Area of specialization / research interest: [Renewable energy and energy efficiency.] 42

Office: BN-3-034 Phone Ext.: 6305 E-mail: Syed Zainal Abidin bin Syed Kamarul Bahrin Education: B. Eng. (Hons.) Electrical & Electronic Engr. (Univ. Tenaga Nasional, Malaysia) Area of specialization / research interest: [Electromagnetic Prime Mover Research & Design, Electric Vehicle Design, Studies on EMF Using Opera 2D, Renewal and Sustainable Energy Research] Office: BN-0-030 Phone Ext.: 6464 E-mail:


DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING The Department of Mechanical Engineering provides an excellent learning environment with state-of-the-art facilities and highly qualified academic staff with extensive level of expertise over a broad range of subject areas. Its research and teaching activities include applied mechanics and materials, thermal engineering, and manufacturing systems. The Department of Mechanical Engineering strives to provide quality education to prepare students for position in industry, commerce and academic. The comprehensive and innovative content and teaching techniques adopted are designed towards expanding the frontiers of learning and inculcating a probing mind. Students will be challenged to develop into multi-skilled professionals possessing mental, intellectual and emotional fortitude to succeed in life. The Department of Mechanical Engineering offers the following programmes, Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (Hons.), Master of Mechanical Engineering and Ph.D. in Engineering. Over the past 15 years, the Department has grown tremendously, from only 95 students in 1997 to the current number of more than 1000 students and from only 4 academic staff in 1997 to more than 50 at present. The curricula, further enhanced with project work, research, open-ended experiments and practical training, are designed with inputs from the industrial and commercial sectors as well as from local and foreign universities. The emphasis is towards producing professionals to fulfil the needs of industry and commerce in particular and the nation in general. More specifically, graduates from this course will have the knowledge and competencies required to become competent Mechanical Engineer, Design Engineer, Failure Analysis Engineer, Manufacturing Engineer, Maintenance Engineer, Sales Engineer, Academia and Mechanical Engineering Consultants. The Mechanical Engineering programme provides a strong base in the Mechanical Engineering with a wellestablished balance between theory and experiments during the four years of study. The curriculum consists of a good mix of general courses as well as core Mechanical Engineering courses. A total of 127 credit hours of courses being taught in 8 semesters and on average there are 5-6 courses per semester being taught. The programme also contains a compulsory Industrial Training attachment after semester 6 for a period of not less than 12 weeks. The idea of this attachment is to enable students to gain firsthand experience in industry as well as an insight to how theories are put into practice in the real engineering situations. This short attachment in industry was beneficial as it provides the intellectual challenge to students especially in the final year and when carrying out their final year project. The programmes are complemented by laboratory work. The department has ten laboratories, which are: Mechanics of Materials Machine Shop Machine Design Advanced Manufacturing Automation and Robotics Computer Aided Design and Computer Aided Engineering Computational Fluid Dynamics Instrumentation and Measurement Fluid Mechanics Applied Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer Internal Combustion Engine


In this era of globalization and the need for sustainable development, the fraternity has recognised the need to measure the quality of the programme and attributes of the graduates. To address this issue, Malaysia has embarked on a journey towards adopting the principles of Outcome-Based Education (OBE). In line with this effort, the Mechanical Engineering Department strives to continually pursue its commitment of providing high quality engineering education. The Department implements OBE as part of the delivery of the Mechanical Engineering programme since December 2006. PROGRAM EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES (PEO) UNITEN produces Mechanical Engineering graduates who:


Are practicing engineers in mechanical engineering with the ability to venture into other related fields. Hold senior engineering positions. Have professional qualifications/certifications in mechanical engineering related areas. Are actively engaged in mechanical engineering activities, in specialized areas such as design, production and maintenance.

PROGRAM OUTCOMES (PO) Students graduating from the Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering programme will have the ability to:

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10

Acquire and understand fundamental knowledge of mathematics, science and mechanical engineering principles. Apply engineering and related principles in solving problems relevant to mechanical engineering. Analyze mechanical engineering related problems. Apply critical thinking in designing and evaluating components, processes and systems related to mechanical engineering. Comprehend the principles of sustainable development. Comprehend professional and ethical responsibilities. Apply engineering tools and techniques effectively and correctly in engineering design and experiments. Communicate effectively. Function effectively as a team member as well as a leader. Appreciate the social, cultural, global and environmental responsibilities of a professional engineer with awareness of contemporary issues. 45

PO11 PO12

Acknowledge the need for, and be able to engage in life-long learning. Acknowledge the need for entrepreneurship skills

Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (Hons.): Sample of Course Distribution

Semester Code Courses Advanced Calculus & Analytical Geometry Engineering Graphics & CAE Principles of Programming Bahasa Melayu Engineering Materials Total Credit Hours Semester MATB143 II ISLB112/MORB112 MEFB121 MEMB123 MATB253 TECB213 Differential Equations Islamic / Moral Studies I Manufacturing Processes Lab. Mechanics I: Statics Linear Algebra Technical Communications Total Credit Hours Semester MEFB213 III MEHB213 MEMB233 EEEB113 EEEB111 ISLB212/MORB212 Manufacturing Processes Thermodynamics I Mechanics II: Dynamics Circuits Analysis I Electrical Measurement Lab. Islamic / Moral Studies II Total Credit Hours Semester COEB223 IV MEMB243 MEMB221 MEHB223 MEHB221 MEMB263 ISLB312/MORB312 Numerical Methods For Engineers Mechanics of Materials Mechanics and Materials Lab. Mechanics of Fluids I Fluid Mechanics Lab Theory of Machines Islamic / Moral Studies III Total Credit Hours Semester MEHB312 V MEHB332 MESB323 MEMB333 MEMB331 MESB333 COEB442 Thermodynamics II Mechanics of Fluids II Modeling & Control of Dynamic Systems Machine Design Machine Design & CAD Lab Engineering Measurements & Lab Engineering Economics Total Credit Hours Credit Hours 3 3 3 3 3 15 3 2 1 3 3 3 15 3 3 3 3 1 2 15 3 3 1 3 1 3 2 16 2 2 3 3 1 3 2 16 MEHB213 MEHB223 MATB143 MEMB243, MEFB213, MEMB263 MEMB113 MATB143, EEEB113 MEFB213 NONE NONE NONE NONE MEMB333 MEHB223 NONE MATB143, MATB253 MEMB123 NONE MEMB123 NONE MEMB233 ISLB212/MORB212 CSEB113 NONE METB113, MEMB243 NONE MEHB223, MEHB213 NONE NONE MEFB121 NONE MEMB123 MATB113 NONE ISLB112/MORB112 NONE NONE NONE NONE EEEB113 NONE NONE NONE METB113 NONE NONE ENGB113, ENGB123 NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE Pre-requisite NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE Co-requisite NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE

Semester MATB113 I MEMB113 CSEB113 MALB113 METB113


Semester MEHB323 VI MEHB321 MEMB343 MEMB322 ** COEB422

Heat Transfer Heat Transfer & Applied Thermo. Lab. Mechanical Vibration Mechanical Design Process Literature and Sociology Engineers in Society Total Credit Hours

3 1 3 2 3 2 14 Credit Hours 4 4 2 2 3 3 3 3 16 4 3 3 3 3 16 127



Semester Special Semester

Code COEB314

Courses Industrial Training Total Credit Hours Project 1 Principles of Management Electro-Mechanical Systems Malaysian Studies Technical Elective I Technical Elective II Total Credit Hours

Pre-requisite 60 credit hours

Co-requisite NONE

Semester MPRB412 VII COEB432 MESB443 MASB113 ** **

MEMB322 MEMB322 EEEB113, MATB113 NONE ** **


Semester MPRB424 VIII MEMB483 ** ** **

Project 2 Capstone Design Technical Elective III Technical Elective IV Technical Elective V Total Credit Hours OVERALL CREDIT HOURS

COEB314, MPRB412 MEMB333, MEMB322 ** ** **

NONE NONE ** ** **

Technical Elective Courses


Thermal Engineering Power Generation Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning Turbomachinery Combustion Engineering Environmental Engineering Industrial Energy Management Computational Fluid Dynamics Thermal Systems Design and Optimization Internal Combustion Engines Renewable Energy Introduction to Nuclear Technology Introduction to Sustainability Engineering Applied Mechanics Condition Monitoring and Maintenance Eng Engineering Mechanics - Simulation Finite Element Method Mechanical Vibrations Non Destructive Testing Failure Analysis and Design Advanced Mechanics of Materials Advanced Materials Mechatronics Automation & Robotics

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

MEHB312, MEHB332 MEHB312, MEHB332 MEHB312, MEHB332 MEHB312 MEHB312, MEHB332 MEHB312, MEHB332 MEHB332, COEB223 MEHB312, MEHB332 MEHB312, MEHB332 NONE MEHB213, MEHB223 NONE MEMB333, MESB323 MEMB333 MEMB333, COEB223 MEMB333, MESB323 MEMB333 MEMB333 MEMB243 MEMB333, METB113 MESB323, MEFB213




Elements of Mechatronics Robot Design Artificial Inteligence and Neural Fuzzy System Manufacturing Systems Advanced Manufacturing Processes Ergonomics Production, Planing and Control Industrial Engineering Total Quality Management Computer Aided Manufacturing Process Control & Instrumentation

3 3 3




3 3 3 3 3 3 3

MEMB333, MEFB213 MEMB333, MEFB213 MEMB333, MEFB213 MEMB333, MEFB213 MEMB333, MEFB213 MEMB331, MEFB213 MESB323



MQA and University (Compulsory) Bahasa Melayu 1 3 Islamic / Moral Studies I 2 Islamic / Moral Studies II 2 Islamic / Moral Studies III 2 Malaysian Studies 3


MQA Courses


Literature and Sociology (Take any 1 subject) Literature & Sociology LITB113 CIVB113 PHIB113 RELB113 World Literature World Civilization World Philosophy Comparative Religion 3 3 3 3 NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE


Dato Ir. Mohd Nazri Shahruddin Vice President, Generation Division, Tenaga Nasional Berhad. En. Azlan Hamzah Senior Development and Marketing Manager, TNB Repair and Maintenance Sdn. Bhd. Ir. Fuad Bin Abas Director, Vehicle Safety and Biometric Centre, Malaysia Institute of Road Safety Research Martin Hen Seak Chong Vice President, MASHRAE. Ir. N. Jayaseelan Nadarajah Managing Director, Plant and Machinery Engineering Consultants. Ir. Hambali Bin Hussein Managing Director NBH Perunding (M) Sdn Bhd.


Ir. Dr. Hj. Hamdan Hj. Ya, Head, Plant Design and Product Design, SIRIM Bhd. Mat Setia Mohd. Raji Timbalan Pengarah, Bhg. Pembangunan Kemahiran, Jabatan Tenaga Manusia. Ir. Lukman Salleh Director, Perwira Al-Shura Consulting Engineering. Norzaidi Khamis Managing Director, PCT Aesthetic Sdn. Bhd. Mohd Najmuddin Abdul Razak Ketua, Perancangan Pasaran dan Produk, Proton Holdings Bhd.

Prof. Dr. Eng. Mustafizur Rahman Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, National University of Singapore.

Dato Professor Emeritus Dr. Noramly bin Muslim Education: PhD in Chemical Engineering (University of Western Australia) B.Sc. (Hons) in Chemical Engineering (University of Western Australia) Area of specialization/research interest: [Chemical engineering, engineering education & research, human resource development, tertiary education development, energy policies, renewable energy, food technologies, tropical biology & conservation, biomass development, nuclear technology & engineering, nuclear regulation & policies] Office: BN-2-008 Phone Ext: 2228 Email:

Dato Ir. Mohd Nazri bin Shahruddin Vice President, Generation Division, Tenaga Nasional Berhad. Area of specialization/ research interest: [Power Generation Project Management] Office: Vice Presidents Office, Generation Division, TNB Head Quarters Phone ext: +603 2296 2121 E-mail: Dr. Mohd Zamzam bin Jaafar Education: BSc (Nuclear Eng), QMC, London, PhD (Nuclear Eng), QMC, London


Area of specialization/ research interest: [National Energy Planning, Renewable Energy, Nuclear Power Project Planning, Business Development] Office: Nuclear Energy Unit, TNB Head Quarters Phone ext: +603 2296 6654 E-mail:

Head of Department Ir. Dr. Azmi bin Ahmad P. Eng., C. Eng.(UK), MIEM, MIMechE(UK). Education: Ph.D. Metallurgy & Materials Science (Manchester, UK) M. Sc. Materials Eng. (USM) B. Sc. Mech. Eng. (UiTM) Dip. Mech. Eng. (UTM) Area of specialization/ research interest: [Metallurgy, Metal Failure Analysis, Corrosion] Office: BN-2-016 Phone ext: 7296 E-mail: Head of Unit - Undergraduate Program Assessment Dr. Khairul Salleh bin Mohamed Sahari Education : Ph. D. (Kanazawa, Japan) M. Eng (Kanazawa, Japan) B. Eng (Waseda, Japan) Area of specialization / research interest : [Robotics, Automation, Control system, Image Processing, Sensing] Office : BN-1-033 Phone ext : 2297 Email : Head of Unit External Relations Hj. Zainuddin bin Yahya Education: M. Mech. Eng (UNITEN) B. Eng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering UiTM Dip. Mech. Eng. I.T.M Cert. Mech. Eng. (PUO) Area of specialization/ research interest: [Materials, Corrosion, & Manufacturing] Office: BN-3-055 Phone ext: 2241 E-mail:


Head of Unit Staff/Student Affairs Ir. Hasril bin Hasini P. Eng., MIEM, MASME, MEI(UK) Education: M. Mech. Eng (UNITEN) B. Eng (Mechanical) (Sheffield) Dip. (Mechanical/Manufacturing) (Wigan) Area of specialization/ research interest: [Combustion Modeling, Power Plant Analysis, Turbomachinery, CFD, Renewable energy] Office: BN-3-037 Phone ext: 2280 E-mail: Professors Professor Ir. Dr. Abd Halim bin Shamsuddin Education: Ph. D. Combustion (Leeds, UK) B. Sc (Hons) Fuel and Energy (Leeds, UK) Area of specialization/research interest: [Fuel and Energy, Combustion Processes and Technologies, Biomass Energy, Thermal Treatment for Wastes, Renewable Energy] Office: BN-0-028 Phone Ext: 6370 Email: Professor Ir. Dr. Ibrahim bin Hussein FIEM, FIMechE, PEng., CEng. Education: Ph. D. Mechanical Engineering (Liverpool, UK) M. Sc. in Power Plant and Energy Related Studies (Liverpool, UK) B. Sc. Mechanical Engineering (Magna Cum Laude) (Toledo, USA) Area of specialization/ research interest: [Energy Utilization, Alternative/Renewable Energy, Thermal Environment, Engineering Education] Office: Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic) Office Phone ext: 7120 E-mail: Professor Dr. Mohd Zamri bin Yusoff Education: Ph. D. Mechanical Engineering (Birmingham, UK) A.C.G.I. (London, UK) M. Phil. Engineering (Cambridge, UK) B. Eng. Mechanical Eng. (1st Class Hons) (Imperial Coll., London, UK) Area of specialization/ research interest: [Numerical Simulation, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Power Plant Analysis and Modeling, Turbomachinery, Condensation, Optimization] Office: COE Deans Office Phone ext: 7255 E-mail:


Reader Ir. Mokhtar bin Majid P. Eng, MIEM, C. Eng (UK) MEI (UK), MASME, 2nd Grade Steam Engineer (DOSH) Education: M. Sc. Eng. (Sheffield, UK) B. Sc. (Mechanical Eng.) (CNAA, Brighton Polytechnic, UK), Area of specialization/research interest: [Power Generation Projects and O&M Management, Power Plant Technology, Fuel Technology & Combustion, Fuels Supply Contract Management, CHP and Renewable Energy]. Office: BN-3-048 Phone ext: 6378. E-mail: Associate Professors/Principal Lecturers Associate Professor Dr. Bashir Mohamad bin Bali Mohamad Education: Ph. D. Mechanical Engineering (UTM) B. Sc. Mechanical Engineering (Sunderland, UK) Area of specialization/ research interest: [Flexible Automation Systems (FMC and FMS), Robotics, and Design for Manufacturing & Assembly (DFMA)] Office: BN-0-008 Phone ext: 7216 E-mail : Associate Professor Dr. Erie Sandhita Education: Ph. D (Univ. Poitiers) DEA (Univ. Poitiers) MsAe (ENSAE/SupAero, Toulouse) B. Eng (ITB, Bandung) Area of specialization/ research interest: [Heat Transfer, Laser Optics Heat Transfer Measurement, IC Engine] Office: BN-3-063 Phone ext : 7234 E-mail: Associate. Professor. Ir. Dr. Faris Tarlochan Education: Ph. D. Mechanical Engineering (UPM) M. Sc. in Biomedical Engineering (Purdue, USA) B. Sc. Mechanical Engineering (Purdue, USA) Area of specialization/ research interest: [Impact and Crashworthiness, Mechanics of Composite - Functional Gradient and Cellular Material, Optimization and Computational Applied Mechanics, Machine Design, Biomechanics] Office: BN-1-058 Phone ext: 2224


Associate Professor Dr. Farrukh Hafiz Nagi Education: Ph. D. Engineering (Miami, USA) M. Sc. Mech. Eng. (Nottingham, UK) B. Eng (Hons) Mech. Eng. (NED Eng. University, Pakistan) Area of specialization/ research interest: [Mechatronics, Mechanical Vibrations, Digital Signal Processing, Optimization, Condition Monitoring] Office: BN-1-006 Phone ext : 7202 E-mail: Associate Professor Dr. Hanim binti Salleh C. Eng (UK), MIMechE (UK), MMSET Education: Ph. D in Sound and Vibration (Southampton, U.K.) M. Sc. Process Engineering (UPM) B. Sc. Agric. Eng. (Georgia, USA), E.I.T (Georgia), Area of specialization/ research interest: [Vibration Control, Structural dynamics, Energy harvesting, Control and Instrumentation] Office: BA-4-059 Phone ext: 7312 E-mail: Associate Professor Ir. Dr. Jawaid I. Inayat-Hussain Education: Ph. D. Rotor Dynamics (Kobe, Japan) M. Eng. Vibration & Noise Control (UTM) B. Eng. (Hons.) Mechanical (UTM) Area of specialization/ research interest: [Vibration & Noise Control, Rotor Dynamics, Condition Monitoring, Nonlinear Dynamics & Chaos] Office: BN-3-085 Phone ext: 2263, E-mail: Associate Professor Dr. Md. Mujibur Rahman Education: Ph. D. (UKM) M. Sc. (UKM) B. Eng (Hons) (Islamic Universiti of Riau, Indonesia) Area of specialization/ research interest: [Computational & Experimental Mechanics, Powder Metallurgy, Coupled Deformation and Heat Transfer] Office: BN-0-024 Phone ext: 7269 E-mail: Associate Professor Dr. Mohd Azree bin Idris Education: Ph. D (Imperial Coll., UK) M. Sc. Mechanical Engineering (Purdue, USA) B. Sc. Mechanical Engineering (Tenessee, USA) Area of specialization/ research interest:


[Computer Aided Engineering, Numerical Analysis, Heat Transfer, Renewable Energy] Office: BN-0-029 Phone ext: 7223 E-mail: Associate Professor Dr. Mohd Hariffin bin Boosroh Education: Ph. D. Fuel & Energy (Leeds, UK) M. Sc. Electricity Production (Leeds, UK) B. Eng. Mechanical (Queensland, Australia) Area of specialization/ research interest: [Power Plant Technology, Fuel & combustion, Renewable energy, Energy Efficiency] Office: Temporary seconded to TNB Research Phone ext: E-mail: Associate Professor Dr. Nasri bin A. Hamid Education: Ph. D. (Physics) (UKM) M. Sc. (Physics) (Arkansas, USA) B. Sc. (Physics) (Kansas, USA) Dip. Ed. (UTM) Area of specialization/research interest: [Applied Superconductivity] Office : BA-3-075 Phone Ext : 7252 E-mail : Senior Lecturers Abdul Talip bin Zulkarnain, Education: M. Mech. Eng (UNITEN) B. Sc. Mechanical Engineering (Osaka, Japan) Area of specialization/ research interest: [Mechanical Vibrations, Fault Diagnosis, Vibration Damping] Office: BN-1-007 Phone ext: 2238, E-mail: Dr. Adlansyah bin Abd Rahman Education: Ph.D. (Cardiff, UK) B. Eng. (Mechanical Eng.) (Cardiff, UK) Area of specialization/ research interest: [Renewable Energy, Biomass, Slagging and Fouling, CAD] Office: BN-2-035 Phone ext: 7264 E-mail: Adzly bin Anuar Education: M. Sc. Advanced Manufacturing Technology and System Management (UMIST, UK)


B. Eng. Mechanical Engineering (UMIST, UK) Area of specialization/ research interest: [Robotics, Design, Manufacturing, CAD/CAM] Office: BN-1-042 Phone ext: 2221 E-mail: Ir. Dr. Azmi bin Ahmad P. Eng., C. Eng.(UK), MIEM, MIMechE(UK). Education: Ph. D. Metallurgy & Materials Science (Manchester, UK) M. Sc. Materials Eng. (USM) B. Sc. Mech. Eng. (UiTM) Dip. Mech. Eng. (UTM) Area of specialization/ research interest: [Metallurgy, Metal Failure Analysis, Corrosion] Office: BN-3-059 Phone ext: 7207 E-mail: Endang Jati binti Mat Sahid Education: Master of Business Administration-International Business (Tsukuba, Japan) B. Eng (Hons) Chemical Process Engineering and Fuel Technology (Sheffield, UK) Area of specialization/ research interest: Office: IEPRe E-mail: Eng Kian Hin Education: M. Mech. Eng (UNITEN) B. Eng Mechanical Engineering (UPM) Area of specialization/ research interest: [Gas Turbines] Office: BN-1-046 Phone ext: 2237 E-mail: Dr. Halina binti Misran Education: Ph. D (UNITEN) M. Eng. (Toyohashi, Japan) B. Eng. (Toyohashi, Japan) Area of specialization/ research interest: [Nonsurfactant Synthesis of Mesoporous Materials, MOF Materials, Hybrid Mesoporous Materials, Hydrogen Storage Materials, Adsorption of Gases, Solid Acid Catalysts] Office: BN-3-068 Phone ext: 2231 E-mail: Ir. Hasril bin Hasini P. Eng., MIEM, MASME, MEI(UK)


Education: M. Mech.Eng (UNITEN) B. Eng (Mechanical) (Sheffield) Dip. (Mechancial/Manufacturing) (Wigan) Area of specialization/ research interest: [Combustion Modeling, Power Plant Analysis, Turbomachinary, CFD, Renewable energy] Office: BN-3-037 Phone ext: 2280 E-mail: Ir. Kumaran Palanisamy P. Eng., MIEM. Education : M. Sc. Mechanical Engineering (Purdue,USA) B. Sc. Mechanical Engineering (Purdue,USA) Area of specialization/ research interest: [Energy Modelling Policy Analysis, Renewable Energy, Biodiesel, Biomass, Biogas, Turbomachinery, HVAC, Combustion Wave Rotor CFD Simulation, Hygrothermal Mass Diffusion Analysis, Gas Turbines, Power Generation, Energy, Microalgae] Office: BN-3-051 Phone ext: 2296 E-mail: Ir. Dr. Kannan M. Munisamy P. Eng., MIEM, C. Eng., MIMechE (UK) Education: Ph. D (UNITEN) M. Sc (Cranfield, UK) B. Mech. Eng. (Hons) (UNITEN) Area of specialization/ research interest: [CFD, Automotive Brake Disc, CFD Ventilation, Fire Simulation, Green Building Research and Simulation] Office: BN-1-066 Phone: 03-8921-2240 E-mail: Dr. Khairul Salleh bin Mohamed Sahari Education : Ph.D. (Kanazawa, Japan) M.Eng (Kanazawa, Japan) B.Eng (Waseda, Japan) Area of specialization / research interest : [Robotics, Automation, Control system, Image Processing, Sensing] Office : BN-1-033 Phone ext : 2297 Email : Dr. Meenaloshini Satgunam Education: Ph. D. Mechanical Engineering (UNITEN) M. Sc. Manufacturing Systems Engineering (UPM)


B. Sc. Manufacturing Engineering (Western Michigan, USA) Area of specialization/ research interest: [Ergonomics, Manufacturing] Office: BN-3-011 Phone ext: 7274 E-mail: Dr. Mohamed Ansari M.Nainar Education: Ph. D in Polymer Engineering (USM) M. Eng. in Computer Integrated Manufacturing (Anna, India) P.G. Diploma in Plastics Engineering (CIPET, India) B. Eng. in Mechanical Engineering (Madras, India) Area of specialization/ research interest: [Polymer Composites, Nanotechnolgy, Rapid Prototyping and Tooling, CNC Machining, CAD/CAM] Office: BN-1-026 Phone ext: 2213 E-mail: Ir. Dr. Norshah Hafeez bin Shuaib P. Eng., C. Eng., MIEM, MIMechE(UK) Education: Ph. D. (Nottingham) B. Eng. Mechanical Eng. (Nottingham) Area of specialization / research interest: [CFD, Boundary integral & Boundary Element Methods (BEM), Numerical Analysis] Office: BN-3-042 (Temporary seconded to TNB Research) Phone Ext: 2249 E-mail: Dr. Omar Suliman Zaroog SES (Sudan) Education: Ph. D in Mechanical Engineering (UPM) M. Sc. Manufacturing Engineering system (UPM) B. Sc. Mechanical Engineering. (Khartoum, Sudan) Area of specialization/ research interest: [Fatigue and Fracture of metallic materials, Failure assessment, Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Optimization] Office: BN-3-054 Phone ext: 2277 E-mail: Saiful Hasmady bin Abu Hassan Education: M. Eng. (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan) B. Mech. Eng. (Hons) (UNITEN) Area of specialization/ research interest: [Hydrogen Energy Systems, Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells, Heat and Mass Transfer, Numerical Analysis] Office: on study leave


Phone ext:E-mail: Dr. Salwan Samir Dihrab Education: Ph. D Mechanical Engineering (UKM) M. Sc. Mechanical Engineering (Baghdad) B. Sc. Mechanical Engineering (Baghdad) Area of specialization/ research interest: [Renewable and sustainable energy, Power plant technologies, steam and gas turbines, thermo-fluid sciences] Office: BN-1-050 Phone ext: 6355 E-mail: Dr. Shahida Begum Education: Ph. D in Advanced Ceramics (Electro ceramic) (Dublin, Ireland) B. Sc. in Chemical Engineering, (1st class) (BUET, Bangladesh) Area of specialization/ research interest: [Spray drying, advanced ceramics, ceramic catalytic converter, waste water management in process industry, ceramic magnetic materials, ceramic heat exchanger, and ceramic sensor] Office: BN-1-021 Phone ext: 2274 E-mail: Dr. Tan Chou Yong Education: Ph. D. (Advanced Ceramics) (UM) M. Mech. Eng (UNITEN) B. Sc. Mechanical Eng. (UPM) Area of specialization/ research interest: [Advanced Ceramics, Biomaterials, Bioceramics] Office : BN-3-040 Phone ext: 2246 E-mail: Tan Ee Sann Education: M. Mech. Eng. (UNITEN) B. Mech. Eng. (UNITEN) Area of specialization/ research interest: [Renewable Energy, Biodiesel, Combustion, Liquid Fuel Atomization, Power Generation] Office: BN-3-026 Phone ext: 6479 E-mail: Dr. Theresa Yeo Wee Sing Education: Ph. D. in Mechanical Engineering (UM) M. Sc. in Materials Engineering (Strathclyde, UK)


Dip.Tech. Materials Engineering (TARC) Area of specialization/ research interest: [Composite materials, Finite Element Analysis (F.E.A)] Office: BN-0-022 Phone ext: 7278 E-mail: Yip Chan Heng Education: M. Mech. Eng (UNITEN) B. Sc. Mech. Engineering, (IUPUI, USA) Area of specialization/ research interest: [Energy from Waste, Landfill Gas, Biogas,] Office: BN-3-038 Phone ext: 2251 E-mail: Hj. Zainuddin bin Yahya Education: M. Mech. Eng (UNITEN) B. Eng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering UiTM Dip. Mech. Eng. I.T.M Cert. Mech. Eng. (PUO) Area of specialization/ research interest: [Materials, Corrosion, & Manufacturing] Office: BN-3-055 Phone ext: 2241 E-mail: Zulkifli bin Ahmad Education: M. Mech. Eng (UNITEN) B.Sc. Mechanical Engineering (IUPUI Indianapolis, USA) Dip. Mech (UTM) Cert Mechanical Eng.(PUO) Area of specialization/ research interest: [CFD, CAD/CAE, Thermofluid, Turbomachinery, Renewable Energy] Office: UCC-BE4 (First Floor Administration Block) Phone ext: 2232 E-mail: Lecturers Abreeza Noorlina binti Abdul Manap Education: M. Eng. Sc Structural Analysis (UNSW, Australia) B. Mech. Eng. (Hons) (UNITEN) Area of specialization/ research interest: [Computational & Applied Mechanics, Railway Engineering] Office: On Study Leave Phone ext: E-mail:


Adnan bin Rosely Education: M. Sc. in Engineering (Eng. Mgmt.) (UTM) B. Sc in Mechanical Eng. (Aeronautical) (UTM) Area of specialization/ research interest: [Light Aircraft Design, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), Thermal Analysis] Office : BN-3-025 Phone ext: 2287 E-mail: Ban Kean Nam Education: M. Mech. Eng (UNITEN) B. Sc. Mechanical Engineering (Purdue, USA) Area of specialization/ research interest: [Thermofluid, Turbomachinery, Power Plant Engineering] Office: BN-1-029 Phone ext: 2236 E-mail: Juniza binti Md Saad Education: M. Eng. in Mechanical Engineering (UKM) M. Eng in Mechatronics Engineering (Lancaster, U.K) Diploma in Electrical-Mechatronics Engineering (UTM) Area of specialization/ research interest: [CAD, Robotics, Control, Instrumentation] Office: BN-3-034 Phone ext: 6277 E-mail: Lim Chin Wai Education: M. Sc. Mechanical Engineering (Purdue, USA) B. Sc. Mechanical Engineering. (Purdue, USA) Area of specialization/ research interest: [Computational Fluid Dynamics, Heat Transfer, Thermo-fluid, Turbomachinery] Office : BN-1-012 Phone ext: 2293 E-mail: Mikhail Fong Abdullah @ Fong Kok Kee Education: M. Sc. Mechanical Engineering (Purdue, USA) B. Sc. Mechanical Engineering (Purdue, USA) Area of specialization/ research interest: [CFD, Turbomachinery, Aerospace Propulsion, Combustion, Wave Rotor, Pulse Detonation Engines] Office: BN-3-078 Phone ext: 7283, E-mail:


Mohd Syukri bin Yahya Education: M. Sc. Mechanical Engineering (Minnesota, USA) B. Eng. Mechanical Eng. (Summa cum Laude) (Minnesota, USA) Area of specialization/research interest: [Mechatronics in bio- and thermal applications] Office: BN-1-024 Phone ext: 6355 E-mail: Muhammad Fairuz bin Abdul Jalal Education: M. Sc. in Mechatronics (Ravensburg-Weingarten, Germany) Dipl. -Ing. (FH) Mechanical Eng. (Ravensburg-Weingarten, Germany) Area of specialization/research interest: [Robotics, UAV, UUV, Automation, Control system, Design] Office: BN-3-070 Phone ext: 7282 E-mail: Nur Mazlini binti Razali Education: M. Eng. Mech. Eng (UNITEN) B. Eng Mech. Eng (UNITEN) Area of specialization/ research interest: Renewable Energy, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Modeling & Design, Combustion Office: BN-3-013 Phone ext: 6369 E-mail: Ng Yee Luon Education: M. Mech. Eng. (UNITEN) B. Mech. Eng. (UNITEN) Area of specialization/ research interest: [Grid Generating, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Numerical Analysis] Office: BN-3-042 Phone ext: 2249 E-mail: Prem Gunnasegaran Education: M. Mech. Eng. (UNITEN) B. Mech. Eng. (UNITEN) Area of specialization/ research interest: [Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow] Office: BN-1-052 Phone ext: 2230 E-mail: Siti Zubaidah binti Othman Education:


M. Mech. Eng (UNITEN) B. Sc. Material Science (UKM) Area of specialization/ research interest: [Ceramics, Advanced Materials] Office : BN-3-086 Phone ext: 6245 E-mail: Wong Wai Chi Education: M. Sc. in MEMS (USM) B. Eng. Mechanical Engineering (USM) Area of specialization/ research interest: [MEMS, Structural dynamics, FEM] Office: BN-2-037A Phone ext: 7292 E-mail: Zaimah Hasan Education: M. Sc. in Manufacturing Systems Engineering (UPM) B. Mech. Eng. (Hons) (UNITEN) Area of specialization/ research interest: [Manufacturing] Office: BN-3-060 Phone ext: 2225 E-mail: Assistant Lecturers / Tutors Ahmad Kamal bin Kadir Education: B. Mech. Eng. (UNITEN) Area of specialization/ research interest: [Metal Injection Molding] Office: BN-3-021 Phone ext: 6484 E-mail: Jeffrey Kueh Joo Teck Education: B. Mech. Eng. (UNITEN) Area of specialization/ research interest: [Mechanics of Composites] Office: BN-0-030 Phone ext: 6465 E-mail: Muhamad Ibrahim bin Mahmod Education: B. Mech. Eng. (UCL, UK) Area of specialization/ research interest:


[Renewable Energy, Combustion, Power Generation] Office: BN-3-039 Phone ext: 6477 E-mail: Nuraslinda binti Anuar Education: B. Eng. in Engineering Physics (McMaster, Canada) Area of specialization/ research interest: Nuclear Engineering and Energy Systems, Nuclear Fuel Cycle, Quantum Physics Office: BN-3-066 (on study leave) Phone ext: 6256 E-mail:


DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING The Department of Civil Engineering offers a full-time undergraduate programme leading to the award of Bachelor of Civil Engineering (Honours) which is designed to prepare students to become Civil Engineers who are able to plan, design, construct and maintain civil engineering facilities such as buildings, bridges, foundation, highways, water supply systems, sewerage schemes and other form of infrastructure. The program is also designed to provide students with the educational base to progress to Professional Engineer status as well as to undertake Master of Civil Engineering and Doctor of Philosophy from UNITEN and other reputable institutions of higher learning. The Bachelor of Civil Engineering (Honours) is a 4-year programme where undergraduate students will study courses in civil engineering in the following areas:

Structural Engineering. Geotechnical Engineering. Transportation & Highway Engineering.

Water Engineering. Environmental Engineering. Project Management and Construction.

In addition to the above, undergraduate students will also study other technical courses such as Engineering Surveying, Engineering Geology, Computer Programming, Engineers in Society and Computer Aided Design and Drafting Technology. The use of computer applications and software is integrated throughout the program. Students will also study English and Malay languages, technical communication, moral/religious studies and humanities in order to produce engineers who are technically competent with strong commitment to ethics and professionalism and able to communicate effectively which are all essential for students to build successful career. Undergraduate students will undertake a capstone design project in their final year. It is a team design project applying engineering and project management principles for a multidisciplinary design which would involve an integration of all aspects of Civil Engineering namely Environmental, Geotechnical, Water Supply, Sewerage, Structural, Transportation and Project Management, with the design process from conceptual and preliminary design to final design for construction purposes. It requires that each student demonstrate the ability to complete a significant engineering design using the knowledge gained as an undergraduate in the Civil Engineering program. Undergraduate students will undergo industrial training at the end of the third year where students will be exposed to the various aspects of industrial practices and ethics and to acquire knowledge and skills of practical nature which are needed for their professional development. Students are also required to undertake research activities in their final year. The Final Year Project courses provide opportunities for students to acquire knowledge through research activities and to apply this knowledge to real life problems. The Department of Civil Engineering has a total of ten (10) undergraduate laboratories which are: Civil Engineering Materials Structural Engineering Soil Mechanics Geotechnical Engineering Engineering Geology Highway Engineering Transportation Engineering Hydrology and Hydraulic Engineering Environmental Engineering Engineering Surveying

The Department of Civil Engineering is in an active phase of growth and development. The upcoming year will be an exciting one with strategic plans and potential future paths for continued excellence for staff and students alike.


PROGRAMME EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVE (PEO) The PEOs for the Bachelor of Civil Engineering (Honours) programme in UNITEN are based upon the qualities of its graduate at least 5 years after graduation, the university mission, vision and philosophy. PEO PEO 1 PO Relation PO1, PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO10 PO11 Blooms Domain COGNITIVE PEO Description Are practicing engineers in civil engineering with the ability to venture into other related field.



Have professional qualifications/certifications in civil and structural engineering related areas with strong commitment in ethical and sustainable development. Are technically competent, innovative and creative with effective communication skill in executing various civil engineering related task. Hold senior engineering and managerial positions with strong leadership and team spirit in their professional works. Possess environmental, social and cultural attributes in their professional works with commitment to lifelong learning.





PROGRAMME OUTCOME (PO) The POs for the Bachelor of Civil Engineering (Honours) programme in UNITEN are based upon qualities that UNITEN is looking for in a graduate upon graduation. The PO was also drafted out based upon the attributes highlighted by EAC (Engineering Accreditation Council). From here each subjects offered in the department will strive to cover portions of the PO. The type of subjects chosen will be dependent upon the programme.

Program Outcomes PO No. Students graduating from the Bachelor of Civil Engineering (Honours) programme will have the ability to:
acquire and understand fundamental knowledge of mathematics, science and civil engineering principles (C1 & C2). apply engineering principles in solving problems relevant to civil Engineering (C3). analyse civil engineering related problems (C4). apply critical thinking in designing and evaluating components, processes and systems related to civil engineering (C5 & C6). comprehend the principles of sustainable development (C2).

Blooms Domains & Levels

acquire and understand fundamental knowledge of mathematics, science and civil engineering principles (C1 & C2). apply engineering principles in solving problems relevant to civil Engineering (C3). analyse civil engineering related problems (C4). apply critical thinking in designing and evaluating components, processes and systems related to civil engineering (C5 & C6). comprehend the principles of sustainable development (C2).




comprehend professional and ethical responsibilities (C2). apply engineering tools and techniques to conduct civil engineering design/experiments as well as to analyse data (P1, P2 &P3). communicate effectively (P1, P2 &P3). function effectively as a team member as well as a leader (A1, A2, A3). appreciate social, cultural, global and environmental responsibilities of a professional engineer with awareness of contemporary issues (A1, A2 &A3). acknowledge the need for, and be able to engage in life-long learning in their civil engineering fields and related works. (A1, A2 &A3).

comprehend professional and ethical responsibilities (C2). apply engineering tools and techniques to conduct civil engineering design/experiments as well as to analyse data (P1, P2 &P3). communicate effectively (P1, P2 &P3). function effectively as a team member as well as a leader (A1, A2, A3). appreciate social, cultural, global and environmental responsibilities of a professional engineer with awareness of contemporary issues (A1, A2 &A3). acknowledge the need for, and be able to engage in life-long learning in their civil engineering fields and related works. (A1, A2 &A3).



*C Cognitive, P- Psychomotor, A- Affective

Bachelor of Civil Engineering (Hons.) : Sample of Course Distribution

Semester Code Courses Advanced Calculus & Analytical Geometry Mechanics I: Statics Civil Engineering Materials Civil Engineering Materials Laboratory Engineering Geology Geology Laboratory Malaysian Studies Total Credit Hours Differential Equations Mechanics of Materials Mechanics of Materials Laboratory Mechanics of Fluids Mechanics of Fluids Laboratory Islamic / Moral Studies I Mechanics II: Dynamics Total Credit Hours Statistics for Civil Engineers Structural Analysis I Soil Mechanics Soil Mechanics Laboratory Civil Engineering Drafting Technology Civil Engineering Drafting Technology Laboratory Islamic / Moral Studies II Total Credit Hours Principles of Programming for Engineers Credit Hours 3 3 3 1 2 1 3 16 3 4 1 3 1 2 2 16 3 3 3 1 2 1 2 15 3 Pre-requisite NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE Co-requisite NONE NONE CEMB111 CEMB113 CEGB111 CEGB112 NONE

Semester MATB113 I CECB113 CEMB113 CEMB111 CEGB112 CEGB111 MASB113

Semester MATB143 II CEMB124 CEMB121 CEWB123 CEWB121 ISLB112 /MORB112 CECB122

NONE CECB113 or MEMB123 CECB113 or MEMB123 CECB113 or MEMB123 CECB113 or MEMB123 NONE CECB113 or MEMB123


Semester MATB133 III CESB223 CEGB233 CEGB231 CECB212 CECB211 ISLB122/MORB122



Semester CCSB163






Surveying for Engineers Surveying Practical Training Introduction to Environmental Engineering Introduction to Environmental Engineering Laboratory Hydraulic Engineering Hydrology & Hydraulic Engineering Laboratory Total Credit Hours Reinforced Concrete Design I Structural Analysis II Water & Wastewater Engineering Geotechnical Engineering Literature & Sociology Electives Islamic / Moral Studies III Total Credit Hours Highway Engineering Structural Steel Design I Hydrology Engineering Project Management & Construction Technical Communication Malay Language I Total Credit Hours Courses Industrial Training

3 1 3 1 2 1 14 3 3 3 3 3 2 17 2 3 2 3 3 3 16 Credit Hour 4



Semester CESB343 V CESB353 CEEB313 CEGB333 ** ISLB132/MORB132



Semester CETB322 VI CESB333 CEWB322 CEPB323 TECB213 MALB113





Pre-Requisite Completed minimum 60 CH Must complete CESB223, CEGB112, CEWB222

CoRequisite NONE

Special Semester COEB314

Total Credit Hours Semester VII CESB423 CEGB423 CECB423 CETB412 CETB411 CERB412 COEB422

Reinforced Concrete Design II Foundation Engineering I Numerical Methods for Civil Engineers Transportation Engineering Highway & Transportation Engineering Laboratory Project I Engineers in Society Total Credit Hours

3 3 3 2 1 2 2 16

CESB223 & CESB343 CEGB333 MATB113, MATB143 & CCSB163 CEVB213 CEGB233 & CEVB213 CESB343 & CEGB233 & CEWB322 & CEPB323 CEPB323


Semester VIII CERB424 *** *** CESB493

Project II Civil Engineering Elective I Civil Engineering Elective II Integrated Civil Engineering Design Project Total Credit Hours OVERALL CREDIT HOURS

4 3 3 3 13 127 85 42 127





Engineering Subjects Related Subjects TOTAL CREDIT HOURS

Technical Electives Subjects (Select one of the Subjects)


CESB463 CESB473 CEGB493 CEGB463 CETB413 CETB423 CEWB423 CEWB433 CEEB433 CEGB483 CESB403 CESB483 MQA Subjects

Analysis and Design of Civil Engineering Structures Finite Element Analysis Environmental Geotechnology and Geotechnical Modeling Field and Rock Engineering Transportation Planning Highway Design and Traffic Engineering Water Resources Engineering Urban Hydrology & Stormwater Engineering Solid Waste Management GIS for Civil Engineering Application Computer Analysis and Design of Structures Repair, Assessment and Rehabilitation MQA and University (Compulsory) Malay Language I Islamic / Moral Studies I Islamic / Moral Studies II Islamic / Moral Studies III Malaysian Studies

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

CESB343 CESB333 CEGB333 CEGB333 CETB322 & CETB412 CETB322 & CETB412 CEWB222 & CEWB322 CEWB222 & CEWB322 CEEB313 NONE CESB333 & CESB343 COEB314


MALB113 ISLB112 / MORB112 ISLB122 / MORB122 ISLB132/MORB132 MASB113

3 2 2 2 3




Literature and Sociology (Take any 1 subject) World Literature World Civilization World Philosophy Comparative Religion

Literature & Sociology

3 3 3 3



List Of Industrial Advisory Panel

Y. Bhg. Datuk Rozimi bin Remeli Vice President (Transmission), Tenaga Nasional Berhad En. Ghazat Awang Senior Manager (Plan/Feasibility), Tenaga Nasional Berhad Ir. Hj. Azhar Mohd Ali Chief Operating Officer, Bina Puri Construction Sdn Bhd Engr. Li Thang Fai IEM Representatives Institute of Engineers Malaysia Prof. Ir Dr. Mohd Sabri Abdullah Managing Director, DRSA Consulting Sdn Bhd Associate Prof. Dr. Taksiah A. Majid


Associate Professor, Universiti Sains Malaysia Ir. Mohd Adnan Mohd Nor Managing Director, RPM Engineers Sdn Bhd Ir. Hj. Hanapi Mohamad Nor Departmental Director (Management), Department of Irrigation and Drainage, Malaysia Ir. Dr. Hj. Affendi Abdullah Principal Director, Dr. Affendi & Partners Consult (DAPC)

Adjunct Professors
Y. Bhg. Datuk Rozimi bin Remeli
Vice President (Transmission), Tenaga Nasional Berhad

Education: MBA, Universiti Sains Malaysia B. Eng., Northrop University (USA) Dip in Electrical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Dato Ir. Hj. Ahmad Husaini bin Sulaiman
Director, Department of Irrigation and Drainage, Malaysia

Education: M.Sc. in Irrigation Engineering, Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium B. Sc. (Hons) in Civil Engineering, Loughborough University of Technology, United Kingdom Prof. Ir. Dr. Mohd Sabri Abdullah
Managing Director, DRSA Consulting Sdn Bhd

Education: Ph. D in Structural Engineering, Dundee University M.Sc. in Engineering, Liverpool B. Sc. in Civil Engineering, University of Strathclyde P.Eng, C.Eng, MIEM, MIStructE, MACEM, MCSM

External Examiners
Prof. Dr. Yusuke Honjo Professor Gifu University, Japan Education: Ph. D. In Civil Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology M. Sc. in Civil Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology M. Eng. in Civil Engineering, Kyoto University B. Eng. in Civil Engineering, Nagoya Institute of Technology


FACULTY MEMBERS Head of Department

Ir. Zakaria bin Che Muda Education: M.Sc (Structural Engineering) (Univ. of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology,UK) B.Eng. (Hons.) in Civil & Structural Engineering (Univ. of Bradford, UK), Ordinary National Diploma in Civil Engineering (Cambridgeshire College of Arts & Technology UK), P.Eng, MIEM, MSET, IAENG. Area of specialization / research interest: [Optimization and Artificial Intelligence in Structural Design, Finite Element Method, Structural Assessment and Rehabilitation, Forensic Engineering in Structures] Office: BN-2-028 Phone ext.: 2272 E-mail:

Head of Academic Units

Structure and Material Dr. Md. Ashraful Alam Education: Ph.D (Structural Engineering) (University of Malaya) M.Eng.Sc. (Structure) (University of Malaya) B.Sc. in Civil Engineering (Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology) Area of specialization/ research interest: [Repair and strengthening of RC structures, Finite element analysis of strengthened beams under static and dynamic load, Nonlinear analysis of structures, Design of RC structures, Earthquake effects on reinforced concrete and steel structures] Office: BN-0-026 Phone ext: 7292 E-mail: Geotechnical and Highway Associate Prof. Dr. Lee Choon Yong Education: Ph.D (Geotechnical Engineering) (Sydney, Australia) M.Sc (Geotechnical Engineering), (Massachusetts, USA) B.Sc. in Civil Engineering (Wales, UK) Area of specialization/ research interest: [Geotechnical Engineering, Foundation Engineering and Modelling of Geomechanics] Office: BN-3-069 Phone ext: 7288 E-mail:


Water and Environmental Engineering Dr. Ahmed Hussein Birima Education: Ph.D (Sanitary and Environmental Engineering) (Universiti Putra Malaysia) M.Sc. (Civil Engineering) (Universiti Putra Malaysia) B.Sc. in Civil Engineering (Al- Fatih University, Libya) Area of specialization/ research interest: [Water and Wastewater treatment] Office: BN-3-014 Phone ext: 2243 E-mail:

Head of Units
Strategic Planning Associate Prof. Ir. Dr. Lariyah Mohd Sidek Education: Ph.D (Water Resources Engineering - Urban Drainage) (Kyoto University, Japan) M.Sc. in Civil Engineering (Hydrology) (University of Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, UK) B.Sc. in Civil Engineering (University of Pittsburgh, USA) P.Eng., MIEM, MIWA, MIAHS, MMHS, MMANCID, MAPHW, MMWP Area of specialization/ research interest: [Hydrology, Urban Drainage, Stormwater Management, Stormwater Treatment Technology, Flood Modelling, Dam Break Analysis and Water Resources Engineering] Office: BN-2-034 Phone ext: 7289 E-mail: Research & Publication Prof. Ir. Dr. Hj. Mohd Nor Mohd Desa Education: Ph.D (Water Resources Engineering) (Lund University, Sweden) M.Eng. Sci. (Water Resources) (University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia) Dip. Hydrological Engineering (Hydrology), International Institute for Hydraulics and Environmental Engineering, DELFT, Netherlands B.Sc. (Hons) in Civil Engineering (Loughborough University of Technology, UK) P.Eng, MIEM, MIWA, MIAHS, MMHS, MMWP, MAPHW Area of specialization/ research interest: [Urban Hydrology, Urban Drainage, Integrated Water Resources/River Basin Management, Flood Hydrology, Integrated Urban Stormwater Management, Urban Rainfall, Hydrological/Environmental modelling] Office: BN-0-010 Phone ext: 7254 E-mail: Mohamednor@ Undergraduate Dr. Fathoni Usman


Education: Ph.D (Structure and Materials) (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia) M.Eng. (Structural Engineering) (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia) PG.Dipl. in Computer Science (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia) B.Eng. Civil Engineering (Universitas Sriwijaya, Indonesia) Area of specialization/ research interest: [Structure and Materials, Structure Health monitoring and Forensic Engineering, Artificial Intelligent and Computational in Civil Engineering, Industrial Building System, Sustainable Construction] Office: BN-3-071 Phone ext: 7225 E-mail: Staff & Student Affairs Shuhairy Norhisham Education: Master of Highway and Transportation Engineering (Universiti Putra Malaysia) B.Eng. (Hons) in Civil Engineering (UNITEN) BEM, Grad. IEM, mSET, TSSM, AERYE Area of specialization/ research interest [Transportation and Traffic Engineering, Parking Facilities and Management, Public Transportation] Office: BN-0-009 Phone ext: 6223 E-mail:

Prof. Ir. Dr. Hj. Mohd Nor Mohd Desa Education: Ph.D (Water Resources Engineering) (Lund University, Sweden) M.Eng. Sci. (Water Resources) (University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia) Dip. Hydrological Engineering (Hydrology), International Institute for Hydraulics and Environmental Engineering, DELFT, Netherlands B.Sc. (Hons) in Civil Engineering (Loughborough University of Technology, UK) P.Eng, MIEM, MIWA, MIAHS, MMHS, MMWP, MAPHW Area of specialization/ research interest: [Urban Hydrology, Urban Drainage, Integrated Water Resources/River Basin Management, Flood Hydrology, Integrated Urban Stormwater Management, Urban Rainfall, Hydrological/Environmental modelling] Office: BN-0-010 Phone ext: 7254 E-mail: Mohamednor@ Prof. Ir. Dr. Kamal Nasharuddin Mustapha [Deputy Vice Chancellor (Student Affairs, Alumni & Management), Chancellory] Education: Ph.D (Structural - Fire Engineering) (University of Aston, UK) M.Sc. (Structural Engineering) (Heriot-Watt University, UK) B.Eng. (Hons). in Civil and Structural Engineering (University of Sheffield, UK) P.Eng, MIEM, ASEAN Eng., APEC Eng., IntPE (My), MCSM, mSET Area of specialization/ research interest: [Structural Engineering - Fire Engineering, Forensic Engineering]


Office: BA-4-080 Phone Ext: 7302 E-mail: Ir. Zakaria bin Che Muda Education: M.Sc (Structural Engineering) (Univ. of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology,UK) B.Eng. (Hons.) in Civil & Structural Engineering (Univ. of Bradford , UK), Ordinary National Diploma in Civil Engineering (Cambridgeshire College of Arts & Technology UK), P.Eng, MIEM, MSET, IAENG. Area of specialization / research interest: [Optimization and Artificial Intelligence in Structural Design, Finite Element Method, Structural Assessment and Rehabilitation. Forensic Engineering in Structures] Office: BN-2-028 Phone ext.: 2272 E-mail:

Associate Professors / Principal Lecturers

Associate Prof. Ir. Dr. Marlinda Bt. Abdul Malek (Director, Research Management Centre) Education: Ph.D (Water Resources) (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia) M.Sc. (Water Resources) (East London, UK) B.Eng. in Civil Engineering (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia) P.Eng. MIEM, MAPHW Area of specialization/ research interest: [Water Resources Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Statistics, Hydro-Atmospheric Modelling] Office: BJ-1-016 Phone: 03-8928 7303/ 8921 2275 E-mail : Associate Prof. Ir. Dr. Lariyah Mohd Sidek Education: Ph.D (Water Resources Engineering - Urban Drainage) (Kyoto University, Japan) M.Sc. in Civil Engineering (Hydrology) (University of Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, UK) B.Sc. in Civil Engineering (University of Pittsburgh, USA) P.Eng., MIEM, MIWA, MIAHS, MMHS, MMANCID, MAPHW, MMWP Area of specialization/ research interest: [Hydrology, Urban Drainage, Stormwater Management, Stormwater Treatment Technology, Flood Modelling, Dam Break Analysis and Water Resources Engineering] Office: BN-2-034 Phone ext: 7289 E-mail: Associate Prof. Dr. Lee Choon Yong Education: Ph.D (Geotechnical Engineering) (Sydney, Australia) M.Sc. (Geotechnical Engineering), (Massachusetts, USA) B.Sc. in Civil Engineering (Wales, UK) Area of specialization/ research interest: [Geotechnical Engineering, Foundation Engineering and Modelling of Geomechanics] Office: BN-3-069


Phone ext: 7288 E-mail: Hj. Mohd Sufian bin Abdul Karim (Director, Alumni, Career & Sponsorship Centre) Education: M.Sc. (Highway and Transport Engineering) (Universiti Putra Malaysia) B.Eng. in Civil Engineering (Concordia University, Canada) M.B.A. (General Management) (Universiti Malaya) Area of specialization/ research interest: [Project Management] Office: BN-0-011 / BA-3-074 Phone ext: 7258 / 7540 E-mail: Dr. Chua Kok Hua (Head of Energy & Sustainable Development, Institute of Energy, Policy & Research) Education: Ph.D (Water Engineering) (Dublin) M.Eng.Sc. (Water Engineering) (Dublin) B.Sc. (Hons.) in Civil Engineering (Glasgow) Area of specialization/ research interest: [Solid Waste Management, Landfill, Environmental Education, Anaerobic Process] Office: BN-1-036 Phone ext: 7228 E-mail:

Senior Lecturers
Dr. Rohayu Che Omar Education: Ph.D (Environment & Development) ( Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia) M.Sc. (Engineering Geology) (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia) B.Sc. (Hons.) in Geology (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia) Area of specialization/ research interest: [Site Investigation, Rock Engineering & Engineering Geology, Slope Risk Assessments, Geophysics in Civil Engineering Application, Geography Information System] Office: BN-3-008 Phone ext: 2288 E-mail: Dr. Sivakumar Naganathan Education: Ph.D (Concrete Technology) (University of Malaya) M.Eng. (Structural Engineering) (National Institute of Technology, Bharatidasan University, India) B.Eng. (Hons) in Civil Engineering (National Institute of Technology, Bharatidasan University, India) Dip in Civil Engineering (S.S.Polytechnic, India) Area of specialization/ research interest: [Concrete materials, Concrete Technology, Self-Compacting Concrete, Waste Utilization] Office: BN-3-024 Phone ext: 2257


E-mail: Sivadass a/l Thiruchelvam Education: Master in Civil Engineering (UNITEN) B.Eng. (Hons.) in Civil Engineering (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia) Area of specialization/ research interest: [Soil-structure Interaction, Soil Mechanics, Advanced Soil Testing] Office: BN-0-025 / on study leave Phone ext.: 6276 E-mail: Dr. Fathoni Usman Education: Ph.D (Structure and Materials) (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia) M.Eng. (Structural Engineering) (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia) PG.Dipl. in Computer Science (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia) B.Eng. Civil Engineering (Universitas Sriwijaya, Indonesia) Area of specialization/ research interest: [Structure and Materials, Structure Health monitoring and Forensic Engineering, Artificial Intelligent and Computational in Civil Engineering, Industrial Building System, Sustainable Construction] Office: BN-3-071 Phone ext: 7225 E-mail: Dr. Ahmed Hussein Birima Education: Ph.D (Sanitary and Environmental Engineering) (Universiti Putra Malaysia) M.Sc. (Civil Engineering) (Universiti Putra Malaysia) B.Sc. in Civil Engineering (Al- Fatih University, Libya) Area of specialization/ research interest: [Water and Wastewater treatment] Office: BN-3-014 Phone ext: 2243 E-mail: Ir. Norlela Ismail Education: M.Sc. (Highway & Transportation Engineering) (Universiti Putra Malaysia) B.Sc. in Civil Engineering (University of Hartford, USA) Area of specialization/ research interest: [Highway & Transportation Engineering, Pavement Management System] Office: BN-3-010 / Phone ext: 2286 E-mail: Dr. Wong Leong Sing Education: Ph.D (Geotechnical Engineering) (University of Malaya) M.Eng. (Chemical) (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia) M.Eng. (Civil-Geotechnics) (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia) B.Eng. (Hons) Civil Engineering (Universiti Malaysia Sarawak)


Area of specialization/ research interest: [Peat Stabilization, Slope Stability, Environmental Geotechnics, Biodiesel Process Simulation, Chemical Separation Techniques] Office: BN-1-062 Phone ext: 7250 E-mail: Dr. Md. Ashraful Alam [Coordinator of Engineering Programme (Civil) (Structure A), College of Graduate Studies] Education: Ph.D (Structural Engineering) (University of Malaya) M.Eng.Sc. (Structure) (University of Malaya) B.Sc. in Civil Engineering (Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology) Area of specialization/ research interest: [Repair and strengthening of RC structures, Finite element analysis of strengthened beams under static and dynamic load, Nonlinear analysis of structures, Design of RC structures, Earthquake effects on reinforced concrete and steel structures] Office : BN-0-026 / COGS Office Phone ext : 7292 E-mail: Dr. Salmia binti Beddu Education: Ph.D (Civil Engineering) (Universiti Teknologi Petronas) M.Sc. (Structural Engineering) (Universiti Sains Malaysia) B.Eng. (Hons) Civil Engineering (Universiti Sains Malaysia) Area of specialization/ research interest: [Sustainable Construction Materials, Concrete Technology, Geopolymer Concrete, Self-compacting concrete, Light-Weight Concrete, Ductile Concrete, Repair and Retrofitting of Structures] Office: BN-2-037A Phone ext: 6219 E-mail:

Nur Irfah Mohd. Pauzi Education: M.Sc. (Geotechnical and Geological Engineering) (Universiti Putra Malaysia) B.Eng. (Hons) in Civil Engineering (UNITEN) Area of specialization/ research interest: [Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, Microcrack Pattern of Weathered Rock, Site Investigations, Soil Laboratory Testing] Office: On Study Leave Phone ext: 6254 E-mail: Herda Yati Katman Education: M.Eng.Sc. (Highway & Traffic Engineering) (University of Malaya) B.Eng. (Hons.) in Civil Engineering (University of Malaya) Area of specialization/ research interest:


[Highway and Traffic Engineering, Pavement Materials] Office: BN-1-003 Phone ext: 2252 E-mail: Faizah Che Ros Education: Master in Civil Engineering (UNITEN) B.Eng. (Hons) in Civil Engineering (UNITEN) Area of specialization/ research interest [Hydrology, Hydraulics, Dam Break & Flood Modelling] Office: BN-0-025 Phone ext: 6230 E-mail: Shuhairy Norhisham Education: Master of Highway and Transportation Engineering (Universiti Putra Malaysia) B.Eng. (Hons) in Civil Engineering (UNITEN) BEM, Grad. IEM, mSET, TSSM, AERYE Area of specialization/ research interest [Transportation and Traffic Engineering, Parking Facilities and Management, Public Transportation] Office: BN-0-009 Phone ext: 6223 E-mail: Intan Nor Zuliana Binti Baharuddin Education: M.Sc. (Civil Engineering in Geotechnical) (Universiti Teknologi MARA) B.Eng. (Hons) (Civil Engineering) (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia) Area of specialization/ research interest [Geotechnical Engineering, Slope Stability, Unsaturated Soil Mechanics] Office: BN-3-009 Phone ext: 2215 E-mail: Ean Lee Woen Education: Master in Civil Engineering (UNITEN) B. Eng. (Hons) in Civil Engineering (UNITEN) Area of specialization/ research interest [Structural & Materials Engineering] Office: BN-0-005 Phone ext: 7231 E-mail: Hidayah Basri Education: Master in Civil Engineering (UNITEN) B. Eng. (Hons) in Civil Engineering (UNITEN) Area of specialization/ research interest


[Structural & Materials Engineering]

Office: BN-2-035A Phone ext: 6210 E-mail:

Assistant Lecturers / Tutors

Rasyikin Roslan Education: B.Eng. (Hons.) in Civil Engineering (Universiti Tenaga Nasional) Area of specialization/ research interest: [Rock engineering, forensic engineering, risk assessment, and subsurface investigation] Office: BN-3-066 / BM-3-015 Phone ext: 6239 E-mail:


ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS & MANAGEMENT UNIT (EMMU) The Engineering Mathematics and Management Unit (EMMU) under the Department of Deputy Dean (Academic & Quality Assurance) COE is a unit established to provide common subjects which are required in all undergraduate degree programmes offered at COE. At present, there are ten common subjects covering the areas of Engineering Mathematics and Management which are taught by the members of the unit, as well as other staff from all departments: MATB113 MATB133 MATB143 MATB253 MATB344 COEB223 COEB314 COEB422 COEB432 COEB442 Advanced Calculus and Analytic Geometry Statistic for Engineers Differential Equations Linear Algebra Applied Statistics Numerical Methods for Engineers Industrial Training Engineers in Society Principles of Management Engineering Economics

The unit consists of eight academic staff as follows ; UNIT MEMBERS

Head of Unit
Dr. Goh Su Mei Education: PhD. in Applied Mathematics (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia) M.Sc. (Mathematics) (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia) B.Sc. (Hons) (Mathematics) (Universiti Malaya) Area of Specialization / Research Interest: [Dynamical Systems, Chaos Theory, Numerical Computation] Office: BN-3-081 Telephone: +60 3 8928 7287 E-Mail:

Senior Lecturers
Fadhilah Abd. Razak Education: M.Sc. (Mathematics) (Tennesee Tech. University) Diploma of Education (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia) B.Sc. (Mathematics) (Western Illinois University) Area of specialization/research interest: [Statistics] Office : BA-3-069 Phone Ext: 7267 E-mail:


Faridah Basaruddin Education: M.Sc. (Mathematics) (Ohio University, Athens, USA) B.Sc. (Ohio University, Athens, USA) Dip. Ed. (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia) Area of specialization/research interest: [Applied Mathematics, Mathematical Modelling] Office : BA-3-054 Phone Ext : 7272 E-mail : Dr. Goh Su Mei Education: PhD. in Applied Mathematics (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia) M.Sc. (Mathematics) (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia) B.Sc. (Hons) (Mathematics) (Universiti Malaya) Area of Specialization / Research Interest: [Dynamical Systems, Chaos Theory, Numerical Computation] Office: BN-3-081 Telephone: +60 3 8928 7287 E-Mail: Norbaini Abdul Education: M. Econs (IIUM) B.Econs (Hons) (IIUM) Diploma in Accounting (LCCI) Certificate in Education (UPSI) Area of specialization/research interest: [Management, Engineering Economics] Office: BA-3-035 Phone ext: 7353 E-mail: Noreliza Abu Mansor Education: M.Sc. (Mathematics) (Ohio University, USA) B.Sc. (Physics) (Ohio University, USA) Dip. Ed. (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia) Area of specialization/research interest: [Numerical Computation] Office : BA-3-070 Phone Ext : 7268 E-mail : Norhalena Mohd Nor Education: M.Sc. (University of Leeds) B.Sc. (Hons) (Mathematics) (University of Tasmania) Area of specialization/research interest: [Computational Mathematics]


E-mail : Office : BA-3-059 Phone Ext : 7238 Zarina Abdul Rahman Education: M.Sc. (Mathematics) (West Virginia University) B.A. (Mathematics) (State University of New York) Area of Specialization / Research Interest: [Mathematical Modelling] Office: BN-1-039 Telephone: +60 3 8928 7259 E-Mail:

Noraini Md. Nusi Education: M. Sc (Applied Mathematics) (UKM) B. App Sc (CAGD) (USM) Area of Specialization / Research Interest: [Scientific Computing, Numerical Analysis & PDEs, CEM] Office: BA-3-071 Telephone: +603 89212289 E-mail: Yuzainee Md Yusoff Education: M.Sc. (Pure Mathematics) (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia) Dip. Ed. (Mathematics) (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia) B.Sc. (Mathematics) (Arkansas State Univ.) Area of specialization/research interest: [Engineering Education] Office : BA-3-037 Phone Ext : 7554 E-mail :





SEMESTER 1 Classes Subject Pre-Registration for Semester 2, 2012/2013 Final Examination Final Subject Registration SEMESTER 2 Classes Convocation Subject Pre-Registration for Special Semester, 2012/2013 Subject Pre-Registration for Semester 1, 2013/2014 Final Semester Examination Final Subject Registration SPECIAL SEMESTER Classes Final Examination 4 February 2013 25 March 2013 22 March 2013 30 March 2013 1 October 2012 3 November 2012 24 November 2012 29 December 2012 7 January 2013 19 January 2013 4 January 2013 4 November2012 28 May 2012 25 August 2012 30 August 2012 26 August 2012

3 September 2012 15 September 2012

15 September 2012

30 December 2012 19 January 2013

* Notes : All dates are subject to changes


SUPPORT SERVICES Academic Advisors Upon entry into the program, you are assigned to an academic advisor. Your advisor is responsible for helping you to do well academically and succeed in graduating. Your advisor can help with many things, including: being sure your course schedule for each term is appropriate; getting help for any special problems you may have; explaining academic procedures; and helping you increase your understanding of the engineering curricula. You are to make an appointment each semester to see your advisor to prepare your class schedule. Please do not make an appointment during your class times. Please be on time for your appointment. If you cannot attend the appointment, notify your advisor at least one day before your scheduled appointment. UNITEN Student Development Implementation Committee The UNITEN Student Development Implementation Committee (USDIC) concerns on the development of students especially in academic matters. Other than organizing motivation programmes for students, it also offers additional academic support for students who have CGPA of 2.3 and less. The consultation sessions are conducted by lecturers who have undergone basic counselling training. Faculty Consultation Lecturers expect the students to talk to them about any problems or questions related to their academic work or field of study. The lecturers support and encouragement to the students are integral parts of engineering education. Students will have the opportunity to ask the lecturer questions and to get help with problems, in class, in a recitation section, or in the lecturers office. The lecturer will expect students to participate in class discussion and activities. Students may seek help in completing assignments, but the work submitted must be their own. Students should not ask for a grade from any lecturer. They receive the grade that they have worked for and earned in each course. The quality of a students work may be measured in various ways, and frequently, so that they will have several opportunities to demonstrate their abilities. The lecturer will expect them to attend class regularly and to hand in all assigned work on time. Students will be treated courteously in class, and they must return the courtesy. Students will be expected to read a considerable amount of material, not in a leisurely fashion, but under pressure of deadlines.

ACADEMIC REGULATIONS Assessment Scheme The evaluation of each subject is done on a scale and the on-going assessments agreed upon by the college as approved by the university. The performance of a student is based on the following; i) On-going assessment based on scheduled tests, assignments/projects and quizzes. Not more than 70% of the total number of marks will be allocated for the on-going assessments and each component will not be allocated more than 30% of those marks. ii) Final examination will be comprehensive and will be held at the end of the semester for each subject. Not less than 30% of the total number of marks will be allocated for the final exam. The evaluation for practical training will be according to that stipulated by the college upon the approval of the university.


Attendance A student must attend not less than 80% of the contact hours of the subject concerned. Action will be taken against students whose attendance is less than 80% of the contact hours without a valid reason. The student may be barred from attending further classes and from taking any form of assessment. Grading System His/her Grade Point Average (GPA) and Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) indicate a students performance. The following table is a general summary of the assessment:

Grade A AB+ B BC+ C CD+ D E

Grade Points 4.00 3.67 3.33 3.00 2.67 2.33 2.00 1.67 1.33 1.00 0.00

Grade Point Average (GPA) Your grade point average (GPA) is based on your work each semester; you will have a separate GPA for each semester you are in the program. It is determined as follows: (1) Multiply the number of credit hours assigned to a course by the number of grade points to determine the number of credit points, or quality points, corresponding to the grade you received. (2) Add all the credit points. (3) Divide that sum by the total number of credit hours for which you received a grade. (grade points x credit hours) for that semester _____________________________________ credit hours for that semester For example: Course History Math Sociology Physics Total Credit hours 3 4 3 5 15 x x x x Grade Points (B) 3.00 (B+)3.33 (A-) 3.67 (B-) 2.67 = = = = = = Credit Points 9 13.32 11.01 13.35 46.68 46.68 15 3.112

GPA semester =

Grade point average:

Total credit points Total credit hours Equals GPA


Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) Your cumulative grade point average (CGPA) includes all the course work you have completed in the program. Your CGPA is calculated in the same way that your GPA is computed. The difference is that while only one semesters worth of courses are considered in your GPA, courses from all your semesters in the program count in your CGPA. CGPA = (grade points x credit hours) for whole program ________________________________________ credit hours for whole program Repeating A Core Subject Should a student fail in a core subject, he or she is required to re-take the paper and pass. For the purpose of calculating the CGPA, a student is to take into account all subjects he or she has completed, including failed papers. However, for students who have yet to reach 30 credit hours, they can replace an E grade with the new grade they have obtained, when they re-take the same subject. Any grade obtained in further attempts will be included in calculating the GPA and CGPA. Besides the letter grades A,B,C,D,E the following status is also applied : BS = Incomplete A student is given an incomplete if he/she did not sit for the examination or did not complete the assignments (e.g. Projects) by the stipulated date due to ill health as certified by a medical officer or for other reasons upon the approval of the College Dean/Unit Head. The student is then required to sit for a special exam, to replace the missed exam or is required to complete the assignment by a date stipulated by the College Dean/Unit Head. The extended deadlines must be of reasonable length. A student is granted a credit transfer for a particular subject in accordance with the regulations. The student is considered not to have fulfilled the credit hours for the UNIVERSITY subjects. A student is given P/F for a subject where it is difficult to determine and award a letter grade or for the time spent at the industrial training. In such a subject, the grade Pass will be awarded if the student has met the requirements satisfactorily. The grade Fail will be awarded if the student has not met the requirements. The grade P/F is not calculated in the GPA and CGPA, but students who secure a Fail will have to repeat the subject until he/she secures a Pass. A student withdraws from the program after the deadline (as specified in the Academic Regulations section 3.9.2 but before the date specified in 3.9.3). The subject withdrawn is not calculated in the CGPA but it is recorded in the transcript. A student registers with the intention of attending classes but is not assessed.

PK = Credit Transfer

LU or = Pass or GA Fail

TD = Withdraw

AU = Audit -


Academic Standing A students performance is evaluated using the CGPA. A students academic achievement is determined at the end of each semester by using the CGPA as shown in the following table. Academic Standing Achievement Level Good Standing (KB) Probation (KP) CGPA CGPA 2.00 CGPA < 2.00

A student is placed on academic probation when the students CGPA is less than 2.00 for one semester. A student whose CGPA is less than 2.00 for two semesters consecutively will be dismissed. The academic standing of a student of a special semester is not determined although the CGPA is calculated as usual. The CGPA of a student with a diploma from this university who has been accepted to further his/her studies at the degree level will be calculated beginning from the first semester of studies. Deans List A student who obtains a GPA 3.50 and has grades of not more than C in any subject taken during that semester and carries a work load of 12 credit hours will be included in the Deans list in the following semester. The Deans list will be displayed on the notice board of the college. The students transcript will show this notation. Conditions for Graduation Students will only be eligible for graduation after having met the following requirements; i) ii) The student has completed the minimum requirement of credit required by the program and the area of specialization throughout the duration of the studies. The student has a CGPA of not less than 2.00 overall in all the subjects throughout the duration of the studies and has obtained the required CGPA in the core subjects and area of specialization as stipulated by the university. The student has settled all outstanding payments to the university. The student has applied to graduate and has received the approval from the college. The student has no outstanding cases of indiscipline.

iii) iv) v)

Deferment of Studies A student who has been certified sick by a medical officer may write-in to request that the studies be deferred. This deferment is valid for two semesters only. The deferment will not be included in determining the number of semesters to date. A student may also request for a deferment of studies not only on the basis of ill health. The request must be submitted before the start of the following semester. However, this deferment will be included in determining the number of semesters to date. A student who has been advised to defer his/her studies by the university will have that semester counted.


COURSE DESCRIPTIONS Credit Hour Coding Information The last digit in the course code denotes the number of credit hours, e.g. E E E B 2 1 1

is a


CECB113 MECHANICS I : STATICS Pre-requisite : None Co-requisite: None Fundamental concepts of mechanics, force systems and couples, free body diagrams, and equilibrium of particles and rigid bodies. Distributed forces; centroids and centre of gravity of lines, areas, and volumes. Second moment of area, volumes, and masses. Principle axes and principle moment of inertia. Friction and the laws of dry friction. Introduction to kinematics of particles. Application to structures and machine elements, such as bars, beams, trusses and friction devices. CEGB112 ENGINEERING GEOLOGY Pre-requisite : None Co-requisite : CEGB111 Physical geology: Minerals. Igneous rocks, Sedimentary rocks and Metamorphic rocks. Geologic time. Plate Tectonics and mountain building process. Engineering geology: Stratigraphy. Geologic structures. Surface processes: weathering, erosion and soil. Groundwater. Geologic materials used in construction. Site investigation and engineering geological maps. CEMB113 CIVIL ENGINEERING MATERIALS Pre-requisite : None Co-requisite : CEMB111 Cement: types of cement, Portland cement, production, composition, characteristics, tests on cement properties. Aggregates: classification, characteristics, gradation, strength, tests on aggregate properties. Concrete: concrete mix, tests for fresh concrete mix, workability of fresh concrete, shotcrete, concrete admixtures, strength of concrete, aspects of hardened concrete, tests for hardened concrete. Bituminous materials: asphalt refining, uses and properties; asphalt cement physical tests, asphalt cement grading system, rheological properties and pavement performance. Steel: steel classifications, production, properties, types of steel used in the construction industry. Timber: timber classification, production, properties, types of timber used in the construction industry. CEMB124 MECHANICS OF MATERIALS Pre-requisite : CECB113 OR MEMB213 Co-requisite : CEMB121 Concepts of stress, strain; equations of equilibrium and compatibility; mechanical properties; stress strain laws; extension; torsion; and bending of bars; beam theory; combined stresses; columns and selected topics. CECB122 MECHANICS II: DYNAMICS Pre-requisite : CECB113 Co-requisite : None The objective of this course is to develop skills in treating the dynamic analysis of structural systems. CEVB213 SURVEYING FOR ENGINEERS Pre-requisite : None Co-requisite : CEVB211 Surveying concepts : principles and use of surveys, geodetic survey, plane survey, operations in surveying, units of measurements, drawing of surveying. Basic survey measurements: observations and errors, distance measurements, vertical distance measurements (leveling), angle and direction measurement, combined distance and angular measurement. Survey


operations: traverse, methods for horizontal positioning, global positioning system. Type of surveys: control and topographic surveying, route surveying, construction surveying, land surveys , curve ranging: horizontal curve, vertical curve. CEWB123 MECHANICS OF FLUIDS Pre-requisite : CECB113 OR MEMB213 Co-requisite : CEWB121 Fluid as continuum, velocity filed, fluid statics, conservation laws for systems and control volumes, dimensional analysis and similarity, viscous flow, boundary layers, incompressible flow, compressible flow, open channels and turbo-machinery. CECB212 CIVIL ENGINEERING DRAFTING TECHNOLOGY Pre-requisite : None Co-requisite : CECB211 Graphic language, engineering drawing and drafting, general principles, drawing equipments and media, basic line works, lettering, dimensioning and scales. Views, sections and conventions, shape description by views; orthographic projections; isometric projections and drawings; auxiliary views; sections; perspective views, one-point and two-point perspective. Civil engineering drawings, symbols and abbreviations, plans, sections and structural grids, working drawings, structural key-plan, reinforcement detailing, structural steel detailing. Computer-aided drawing and drafting, preparation of drawing using computer program, e.g., AutoCAD. CEEB313 WATER & WASTEWATER ENGINEERING Pre-requisite : CEEB223 Co-requisite: None Water supplies: water quantity, surface water supplies, reservoirs, groundwater. Water treatment systems. Physical treatment processes: screening, mixing and flocculation, clarification and sedimentation of discrete particles, filtration. Chemical treatment processes: chemical considerations, water softening, iron and manganese removal, chemical disinfection, taste and odour, Wastewater engineering: characteristic of wastewater, screening, primary treatment , secondary treatment, aeration system, sludge treatment, disposal of sludge CEGB213 SOIL MECHANICS Pre-requisite : CEMB124 AND CEGB112 Co-requisite : CEGB211 Origins and composition of soil. Classification of soils for engineering purposes. Basic physical properties of soils. Groundwater, pore pressure and effective stress. Soil permeability and seepage: coefficient of permeability, seepage velocity and seepage pressure, constant head and falling head tests, field permeability tests, two dimensional flow, flow net, seepage through earth dam and embankments, seepage in anisotropic soils, instability due to seepage and dewatering excavations. Measurement of shear strength: shear strength and friction model, shear box test, triaxial compression test, variations in undrained strength, sensitivity of clays, pore pressure coefficients A and B, shear vane test and estimates of shear strength parameters from index tests. Consolidation theory: oedometer test, void ratio-pressure plots, normally consolidated and overconsolidated clays. Site investigation and in-situ testing. Laboratory and field testing of soils. CEPB323 PROJECT MANAGEMENT & CONSTRUCTION Pre-requisite : CESB343 Co-requisite: None Principles of management: planning and decision making, organizing, leading and leadership and controlling. Project management: characteristics of projects, engineering economic analysis, project screening and selection, structuring the project, project scheduling, project budget, project control, computer support and project termination. Construction engineering: civil engineering construction processes, methods and techniques : construction contracts, construction machinery and equipment and construction safety. CESB223 STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS I Pre-requisite: CEMB124 Co-requisite: None


Fundamental concepts: forces, actions and reactions; free-body diagrams, equilibrium, and internal loading (Shear, axial and bending moments ) flexibility, compatibility, boundary conditions, work and energy, virtual work, energy methods. Statically determinate structures: statically determinacy and stability; reaction forces for planar and non-planar structures; Cables and arches ; truss deflections by energy methods; Deflection by moment area method, .Conjugate beam method and Castigilianos theorem. Analysis of indeterminate structures using the force method of analysis and three moment equation for 1 st and 2nd degree indeterminate structures. CESB333 STRUCTURAL STEEL DESIGN I Pre-requisite : CESB223 Co-requisite: None Methods of analysis, limit state approach, general members, design of members subjected to bending, design of members subjected to combined actions, design of connections, design of members subjected to axial tension, design of multistorey buildings. CETB322 HIGHWAY ENGINEERING Pre-requisite : CEMB113, AND CEGB213 Co-requisite: None Highway geometric design; pavement materials, design, maintenance and rehabilitation; and highway intersection analysis, design and control. CETB412 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING Pre-requisite: CEVB213 Co-requisite: CETB411 Transportation systems, modes of transportation, transportation organizations and management, transportation planning and demand analysis, transportation impact assessment, sustainable transportation, intelligent transportation system, principles of traffic flow, traffic management, traffic engineering studies, level of service and capacity, and characteristics of the driver, pedestrian, vehicle and road. CEWB222 HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING Pre-requisite : CEWB123 Co-requisite : CEWB221 Hydraulic Engineering follows the introductory Fluid Mechanics subject in the Water Engineering strand. It aims to consolidate students' knowledge of fluid principles, and to cover principles of open channel flow and pipe flow. The course introduces the open channel flow and its classification, properties, energy and momentum principles, Uniform flow, Critical flow, Design of Channels for Uniform flow, Gradually Varied flow, Rapidly varied flow and Hydraulic Structures. On completion, students will have a deeper knowledge of fluid flow principles, and a proficiency in solving problems and performing design calculations for open channel flow systems and pipe flow systems using Chapter 25 and Chapter 26 of MSMA Manual. CEWB322 HYDROLOGY ENGINEERING Pre-requisite : CEWB222 Co-requisite : NONE Hydrologic cycle, precipitation, infiltration, evaporation and transpiration, streamflow, hydrologic measurement and monitoring, runoff and catchment, statistics and frequency distribution and analysis, hydrographs, unit hydrograph, groundwater hydrology, rainfall runoff relationship and hydrologic modelling, design rainfall and streamflow estimation. CEGB423 FOUNDATION ENGINEERING I Pre-requisite : CEGB333 Co-requisite: None Shallow Foundations: ultimate bearing capacity and settlement of shallow foundations, and mat foundations. Retaining walls: gravity and cantilever walls. Sheet pile walls: cantilever and anchored sheet pile walls. Braced cuts: design of various components of a braced cut and soil heave problem. Pile foundations: type of piles, length of piles, pile capacity, pile driving formulas, pile load tests, laterally loaded pile, pullout resistance of pile, negative skin friction, pile groups and spacing of piles, efficiency of pile groups, settlement of pile foundations and construction of pile foundations. Drilled shafts: types of drilled shafts, construction


procedures, drilled shaft capacity, settlement of drilled shaft. CEGB493 ENVIRONMENTAL GEOTECHNOLOGY & GEOTECHNICAL MODELING Pre-requisite: CEGB333 Co-requisite: None This course exposes students with sufficient knowledge of environmental geotechnology, and enables them to be skilful at performing finite element simulation to model and analyze environmental geotechnical problem. Students will be introduced with the basic principles and applications of environmental geotechnology before they learn how to use PLAXIS Professional version software to perform environmental geotechnical simulation. Topics covered include Geotechnics and the environment, Ground investigation, Waste disposal by landfill, Contaminated land, Derelict land, Waste materials in geotechnical construction, Noise and ground vibrations, Radioactive waste disposal, and Introduction to PLAXIS for environmental geotechnical application. CERB412 PROJECT I Pre-requisite : CESB343 OR CEGB213 OR CEWB322 OR CEPB323 Co-requisite: None Students select a civil engineering project or one that is suggested by faculty members and work under the supervision of faculty members. Problems from all areas of civil engineering can be considered. The studies for projects may involve construction and assemblies of structures. CERB424 PROJECT II Pre-requisite : CERB412 Co-requisite: None Students select a civil engineering project or one that is suggested by faculty members and work under the supervision of faculty members. Problems from all areas of civil engineering can be considered. The studies for projects may involve construction and assemblies of structures. CESB353 STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS II Pre-requisite : CESB223 Co-requisite: None Fundamentals of statically indeterminate analysis: requirements and limitations of equilibrium; redundancies, requirements and limitations of compatibility; compatibility method (flexibility method) of analysis; equilibrium method (stiffness method) of analysis. Flexibility method: fundamental concepts of flexibility method; structure and member coordinate systems; member flexibility matrix; generation of structure flexibility matrix; application of the flexibility method; internally redundant structures; choice of redundants. Stiffness method: fundamental concepts of stiffness method; coordinate systems; member stiffness matrix; generation of structure stiffness matrix; application of stiffness method; comparison between flexibility and stiffness methods. stiffness and flexibility for differential element; relationship between stiffness and flexibility matrices; determination of flexibility coefficients; determination of stiffness coefficients CESB343 REINFORCED CONCRETE DESIGN I Pre-requisite: CEMB113, CECB212 AND CESB223 Co-requisite: None Properties of concrete and reinforcement, service load behaviour, ultimate flexural strength design of rectangular and flanged beams , shear design, bond and development length, continuous beams, design for serviceability, design for durability and fire resistance, reinforced concrete slab systems. CESB423 REINFORCED CONCRETE DESIGN II Pre-requisite : CESB223 AND CESB343 Co-requisite: None


Reinforced concrete slab systems, design of columns, design of tied and spiral columns, slenderness effects, and foundations including, pad footing, combined footing, strip footing, raft foundation and pile caps and introduction to prestressed concrete. CESB493 INTEGRATED CIVIL ENGINEERING DESIGN PROJECT Pre-requisite : COEB314 Co-requisite: None This course serves as a capstone design project for Civil Engineering students. It is a team design project applying engineering and project management principles for a multidisciplinary design which involve an integration of all aspects of Civil Engineering namely Environmental, Geotechnical, Water Supply, Sewerage, Structural, Transportation and Project Management, with the design process from conceptual and preliminary design to final design for construction purposes. It requires that each student demonstrate the ability to complete a significant engineering design using the knowledge gained as an undergraduate in the Civil Engineering program. Students have to develop proposal for engineering design and organization of the design team, proposal for infrastructural work and civil work shall include earthwork, water supply and reticulation, sewerage system and reticulation, drainage system, selection and proportioning of structural systems, foundation design and cost estimates of the development. Given the scope of the task, success will hinge on the ability of the students to work independently on components of the overall design, yet be able to work cooperatively within a design team. CECB423 NUMERICAL METHODS FOR CIVIL ENGINEERS Pre-requisite : MATB113, MATB143 AND CCSB163 Co-requisite: None Numerical methods. Non-linear equations. Solution of systems of linear algebraic equations. Curve fitting. Numerical differentiation and integration. Numerical solutions of ordinary and partial differential equations. Eigenvalue problems. CEEB223 INTRODUCTION TO ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING Pre-requisite : NONE Co-requisite : CEEB221 Engineering and the environment; overview of environmental issues; surface water quality and monitoring; drinking water standards; effluent standard; water treatment technologies; wastewater treatment technologies; sludge disposal; air pollution control; noise pollution control; solid waste management; hazardous management; project planning and environmental impact assessment and studies. CEGB463 FIELD AND ROCK ENGINEERING Pre-requisite : CEGB333 Co-requisite: None Description and classification of soils and rocks; Site Investigation; Borehole and In situ Testing; Rock Engineering; Rock Testing; Rock Tunnel & Rock Excavation Technique. CESB463 ANALYSIS & DESIGN OF CIVIL ENGINEERING STRUCTURES Pre-requisite : CESB343 Co-requisite: None Analysis of reinforced concrete frames and application of wind loading , design of staircase and slab using yield line theory, Slender column design, foundation subjected to axial load and moment, and edge foundation ( strap and strip footing ), and pretress concrete ( Magnel diagram). CESB473 STRUCTURAL STEEL DESIGN II Pre-requisite : CESB333 Co-requisite: None Continuous structures, plastic analysis, in-plane and out-of-plane stability for plastic analysis; plastic design of continuous beams and frames. Multi-story rigid frames, stability of frames. Plate girders; shear buckling resistance, web openings, design of stiffeners. Thin-walled steel structures, effective width method, design of thin-walled members.


CETB413 TRANSPORTATION PLANNING Pre-requisite : CETB322 AND CETB412 Co-requisite: None Transportation Planning Process, Transportation Modelling, Traffic Forecasting, Transportation Demand Analysis, Transportation Project Impact Assessment and Transportation Project Evaluation.. CEWB423 URBAN HYDROLOGY & STORMWATER ENGINEERING Pre-requisite : CEWB222 AND CEWB322 Co-requisite: None Hydrologic Design Concepts. Design Rainfall Intensities for Frequent, Short and Rare Storm Duration. Regulatory Criteria and Requirement. Design Acceptance Criteria. Design Fundamentals and Runoff Estimation, Routing Method, Rational Methods, Hydrograph Methods and Runoff Pollutant Estimation. Design of Runoff Quantity Control; Design of Detention and Retention. Design of Runoff Quality Control; Design of Source Control BMP (Filtration, Infiltration and Treatment Control) and Design of Open Drain. CETB423 HIGHWAY DESIGN & TRAFFIC ENGINEERING Pre-requisite : CETB322 AND CETB412 Co-requisite: None Geometric design standard , introduction of design, design standard, elements of design, sight distance, traffic characteristic & engineering study, introduction of traffic engineering, traffic component and characteristic, survey, location and plan, route and location survey, intersection design theory and design, intersection capacity analysis, highway design horizontal, super elevation and vertical. CESB403 COMPUTER ANALYSIS & DESIGN OF STRUCTURES Pre-requisite : CESB333 AND CESB343 Co-requisite: CESB423 This course enables the students with enough knowledge and understanding of computer software and its use in the analysis and design of structures. The students will be exposed to the use and application of software to perform practical designs. Topics covered include Introduction to analysis of structures using STAAD.Pro, Model generation, Properties and specifications, Generation of loads, Analysis, post processing, Design of concrete and Steel structural members, Seismic analysis and design, Analysis for vibrations, Response spectrum analysis, Time history analysis, and push over analysis. CESB483 REPAIR, ASSESSMENT & REHABILITATION Pre-requisite : COEB314 Co-requisite: NONE Structural Damage Assessment: Overall process of structural inspection and appraisal for structural damage assessment, Appearance, causes and significance of structural damage and their impact for concrete. Timber decay and remedial treatments. Types and causes of crack in reinforced concrete, Chemical diagnostic test, semi-and non-destructive methods of damage assessment of concrete. Structural Repair: Reasoning for repair, repair economics, choice of repair materials, repair materials and methods for concrete structures and timber. Strengthening: Strengthening methods and materials for concrete and timber structures, Materials and methods of strengthening using the state of arts used of Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP).



CSEB114 PROGRAMMING FOR ENGINEERS (for EE & EP) CSEB113 PROGRAMMING FOR ENGINEERS (for ME & CE) Pre-requisite : None Introduction to basic computing concepts: algorithm, problem solving techniques, and structured Programming concepts. Usage of a high-level programming language (for example C): commands, syntax and functions in text-based environment, arrays, pointers and files.


EEEB111 ELECTRICAL/ELECTRONICS MEASUREMENT LABORATORY BEEE(Core), BEPE(Core), BCCE(Core) Pre-requisite: ECCB124 (for BCCE only) Co-requisite: EEEB113 Experimental exercises in use of electronics instruments/equipment. Voltage, current, impedance, frequency and waveform measurements. Transient and frequency response. Application of operational Amplifier. Elements of circuit modelling and design. EEEB113 CIRCUIT ANALYSIS I BEEE(Core), BEPE(Core) Co-requisite: MATB113 Circuit elements voltage-current characteristics, independent and dependent sources. Kirchoffs laws nodal analysis, mesh current, source transformation. Thevenins and Nortons theorems. Superposition principle. Operational Amplifier terminal behaviour. Transient response of RC, RL and RLC circuits. Sinusoidal steady-state and impedance. Instantaneous and average power. Computer simulation tool (Pspice) in analysing electric circuits. EEEB123 CIRCUIT ANALYSIS II BEEE(Core), BEPE(Core) Pre-requisite: EEEB113 Co-requisite: MATB143 The course is a continuation of the EEEB113 course. Briefly, this course covers:- Analysis of single-phase circuits and balanced three-phase circuits, and magnetically coupled circuits including mutual inductance concept & transformers; all in complex plane. Determination of frequency response via transfer functions, Bode plots series and parallel resonance circuits, passive and active filter designs (low-pass, high-pass, band-pass and band-stop). The utilization of Laplace Transform technique to analyze linear circuits with and without initial conditions, and relationship between the transfer function and the impulse response of a circuit. Derive Fourier series expressions of waveforms and analysis of linear circuits using Fourier series. The characterization of circuits based upon impedance, admittance, and transfer function parameters i.e. input-output characterization of a circuit as a two-port network. ECCB131 PINTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING (WORKSHOP) BCCE(Core) An overview of the subject area through weekly seminars by academic and industry experts. The topics covered will range from a historical overview of the growth of the two fields to more recent developments, and the close relationship between the two. It is hoped that this will provide a students with a better perspective to the field and prepare them for the courses ahead. ECCB113 ELECTRONICS ANALYSIS AND DESIGN BCCE(Core) Pre-requisite: ECCB124 This course introduces the fundamental features of basic electronic devices such as diodes, BJTs and MOSFETs. Students will be exposed to types of diode and their applications. Students will gain knowledge on basic DC and AC analysis of circuit containing transistors, and also on the design of single stage amplifiers and cascaded amplifiers . ECCB124 CIRCUIT THEORY BCCE(Core)


Co-requisite: MATB113 This subject provides introduction to fundamental theories and essential concepts for circuit analysis. This includes Ohms law, Kirchoffs voltage and current laws, superposition, Thevenin and Norton theorems in DC circuits, transient RL and RC DC analysis, as well as analysis with ideal Op-amp circuitry. Also covered are frequency-domain studies which includes AC circuit analysis, transfer functions and two-port networks. EEB141 ELECTRONICS DESIGN LABORATORY BEEE(Core), BEPE(Core), BCCE(Core) Pre-requisite: EEEB111 (BCCE to include ECCB113) Co-requisite: EEEB143 (NONE for BCCE) Laboratory experiments in the measurement of electronic device characteristics diodes, Bipolar Junction Transistors (BJTs) and Field Effect Transistors (FETs). Also involve design and analysis of electronic circuits such as rectifiers, regulators, biasing networks, small-signal amplifiers and active filters. Students will also simulate and analyze the circuit designed using CAD tools. EEEB143 ELECTRONICS ANALYSIS & DESIGN I BEEE(Core), BEPE(Core) Pre-requisite: EEEB113 This course introduces the fundamental features of basic electronic devices such as diodes, FETs and BJTs. Students will gain knowledge on basic DC and AC analysis of circuit containing such devices, and also on the design of simple rectifier circuits and single stage amplifiers. ECCB143 OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING BCCE(Core) Pre-requisite: CSEB114 An introduction of the process of program design and analysis for students with some prior programming experience (functions, loops, and arrays implemented in any programming language). The course reinforces object-oriented programming techniques in C# and covers basic of inheritance, polymorphism and exception handling. Students will be able to design, build, test and debug medium-size software systems and learn to use relevant software tools. EEEB161 DIGITAL LOGIC DESIGN LABORATORY BEEE(Core), BEPE(Core), BCCE(Core) Pre-requisite: EEEB163 (for BCCE only) Co-requisite: EEEB163 (NONE for BCCE) A series of laboratory projects dealing with the design, simulation, building and testing of logic circuits. Projects chosen to reinforce material presented in EEEB163 lecture. Written reports required. EEEB163 DIGITAL LOGIC DESIGN BEEE(Core), BEPE(Core), BCCE(Core) Pre-requisite: EEEB113 (for BEEE and BEPE) / ECCB124 (for BCCE) An introduction to digital circuit and system design. Emphasis is on practical design techniques and circuit implementation. Among the topics covered are number systems and codes, Boolean Algebra, logic gates and flip-flops, electrical characteristics, propagation delay and timing analysis, combinational logic circuits, sequential (synchronous and asynchronous) logic circuits, arithmetic circuits, digital subsystems and MSI logics such as counters, registers, encoders, decoders, multiplexers, demultiplexers and code converters; memory and programmable logic devices and digital systems design with top-down and bottom-up structured design procedures including the use of CAD tools. EEEB233 SIGNALS AND SYSTEMS BEEE(Core), BEPE(Core), BCCE(Core) Pre-requisite: EEEB123 (for BEEE and BEPE) / ECCB124 (for BCCE) Signal and system modeling concept, system analysis and design in both the time-domain and frequency-domains. Continuous-time linear systems: Fourier Series, Fourier Transform, bilateral Laplace Transform, application of Laplace Transform. Discrete-time linear systems:


difference equations, Discrete-Time Fourier Transform, Z-Transform. Sampling, quantization, and discrete-time processing of continuous-time signals. ECCB243 COMPUTER ORGANIZATION AND ARCHITECTURE BCCE(Core) Pre-requisite: EEEB163 An introductory course to the principles and organization of modern computer system built around the von Neumann architecture with emphasis on IA32 Architecture. Introductory discussions are on terminology of computer architecture, a layered model of computer architecture and computing platform organization: CPU, memory, buses and I/O. CPU topics cover register architecture, instruction set architecture (ISA), computer arithmetic, survey of microarchitecture (datapath and control). Detail discussion on other components of computing includes memory, buses and I/O. Introduce the performance analysis of a CPU. A survey description of operating system includes topics of scheduling and memory management. The course concludes with brief overview of pipelining and superscalar processing. EEEB253 ELECTROMAGNETICS FIELDS & WAVES BEEE(Core), BEPE(Core), BCCE(Core) Pre-requisite: MATB143 and [EEEB123 (for BEEE and BEPE) / ECCB124 (for BCCE)] Study of vector calculus, electrostatics and magnetostatics. Maxwells equations. Introduction to electromagnetic waves, transmission lines and radiation from antennas. ECCB253 DIGITAL SYSTEM DESIGN BCCE(Core) Pre-requisite: EEEB163 This course introduces the concept of designing robust and testable complex sequential digital systems, which include synchronous and asynchronous sequential systems, and Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA)-based systems. Additional topics discussed include design hierarchy and flow, the use of hardware description languages (HDLs) in functional simulation, synthesis, timing simulation and verification of digital systems, and the principal of Design-for-Test for digital systems. EEEB273 ELECTRONICS ANALYSIS & DESIGN II BEEE(Core), BEPE(Core) Pre-requisite: EEEB143 A continuation of EEEB143. The main objective of this course is to introduce integrated circuit (IC) design and analysis. Concepts and application of basic analog IC building blocks, such as current sources (as biasing and active loads), differential amplifiers and output stages are used to understand the fundamentals of the design of multistage amplifiers. Then, the application of operational amplifier as an ideal device is studied, followed by the typical applications of operational amplifier in electronics design. EEEB281 ELECTRICAL MACHINES LABORATORY BEPE(Core) Pre-requisite: EEEB283 The experiments in this course have been designed to support the theory study in EEEB283/EEEB344: Electrical Machines and Drives course. The objectives of this course are to provide students with basic knowledge and understanding of electrical machinery and skills in doing measurement using measurement equipment on electrical quantity. Laboratory experiments supplement the theory with suitable practical, prove some theories, examine the accuracy of the widely used approximate analytical methods and demonstrate basic practical testing techniques of AC and DC machines. EEEB283 ELECTRICAL MACHINES & DRIVES BEEE(Core), BEPE(Core) Pre-requisite: EEEB113, MATB113 The course begins by reviewing fundamental theories and laws pertaining to magnetic and magnetically coupled circuits and also the principles behind electromechanical energy conversion. This will lead to studies of the characteristics of dc machines, induction, synchronous machines and motor drives. The course will also cover the application aspects of


these devices in industry. Students will do practical work and tests on selected devices covered in this subject in EEEB281 Electrical Machines Laboratory. EEEB323 CONTROL SYSTEMS I BEEE(Core), BEPE(Core), BCCE(Core) Pre-requisite: MATB143, EEEB233 Introduction to control systems-open loop and closed loop system; Laplace transform; Modelling of continuous time systems (electrical and mechanical systems); block diagrams and signal flow graphs; Time response analysis; Steady state error; stability analysis; root locus; Frequency response and Compensator Design. ECCB343 DIGITAL COMMUNICATIONS BCCE(Core) Pre-requisite: EEEB233, EEEB363, EECB353 Co-Requisite: EEEB383 This subject introduces the principles of digital communications including the fundamental concepts of coding and modulation techniques. Its introduction begins with the fundamentals of information theory which is essential in the digital communications. The assignment in this course will provide a basic design problem to develop understanding of the most popular coding techniques. This course covers information theory, source encoding, baseband transmission, principles of digital modulation and error control coding. ECCB353 OPERATING SYSTEMS BCCE(Core) Pre-requisite: ECCB143, EEEB373 An Introduction of concepts and components of modern operating system. Overview of computer system structures and operating-system structures. Introduction to abstractions such as process, thread, IPC, etc. Process management: processes, threads, scheduling, synchronization and deadlocks. Memory management; main and virtual. Storage management: file system, mass storage and I/O system. Protection and Security. Distribution systems. ECCB363 COMMUNICATION ELECTRONICS BCCE(Core) Pre-requisite: EECB353 This course discusses the fundamental and background in communication circuit components. Overview of the basic modulator and demodulator circuits such for amplitude and frequency modulation scheme. Topics includes of analysis and design of radio frequency transmitters and receivers for communication system such as carrier generator, power amplifiers, oscillators, impedance matching network and mixers. EEEB363 DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING BEEE(Core), BEPE(Core), BCCE(Core) Pre-requisite: EEEB233, EEEB373 Introduction to analysis, design and realization of digital filters. Discrete-time signals, linear shift-invariant systems, sampling, Z transform, discrete Fourier transform, Fast Fourier Transform, digital filter design finite impulse response and infinite impulse response, quantization, finite word length. Introduction to general applications of digital signal processing: modem, image processing, voice synthesis, industrial control. Introduction DSP hardware; data acquisition system and processor. ECCB321 DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING LAB BCCE(Core) Co-requisite: EEEB363 The experiments in this course have been designed to support the theory and concept study in EEEB363: Digital Signal Processing course. The objectives of this course are to prepare the students with the fundamentals and basic theory of Digital Signal Processing through the laboratory exercises and mini project, understand the concept of modulation, Fourier Transform, Discrete Fourier Transform, Fast Fourier Transform and filter design, expose the students to do programming using DSP starter kit board and gain hands-on experience handling DSP board. At the end of the course, it is hoped the students are able to enhance


their understanding and appreciation of Digital Signal Processing through developments of simple application of DSP during the laboratory experiments. EEEB371 MICROPROCESSOR SYSTEMS LABORATORY BEEE(Core), BCCE(Core) Pre-requisite: EEEB373 Introduction to PIC18 micro-controller assembly and high level language programming, debugging and design using simulator, memory address decoding, interrupts, parallel port, serial communication, timer, and A/D converter. EEEB373 MICROPROCESSOR SYSTEMS BEEE(Core), BEPE(Core), BCCE(Core) Pre-requisite: EEEB163 The course begins by reviewing digital electronics with emphasis on number systems and architecture of a microprocessor-based embedded system. Attention is then focused on the architecture of a PIC18 microcontroller. Throughout the course, programming is taught using assembly language and C with the aid of MPLAB IDE and C compiler. Included in the course, is programming of selected I/O devices within the PIC18 with external interfacing, implemented using polling and interrupt I/O techniques. EEEB383 RANDOM PROCESS BEEE(Core), BCCE(Core) Pre-requisite: EEEB233 Introduction to probability models in Electrical and Computer Engineering. Probability Theory, Discrete and continuous random variables. Probability Distribution: Binomial, Gaussian and Poisson. Application of the distribution functions. Discrete and continuous random processes. Entropy. White Noise. Computer method for synthesis and analysis of random processes. ECCB423 DATA STRUCTURE AND ALGORITHMS BCCE(Core) Pre-requisite: ECCB353 An overview of how data can be organized, sort and search. Topics included are: Linear data structure of array, list and linked-list, stack and queue. Non-linear data structure of tree and graph. Some of the sorting techniques are bubble, selection, insertion, merge and radix. Searching topics are linear search, binary search, tree based searching techniques, and hash tables. NP-completeness, P and NP classes of computational problems. EEEB393 POWER ELECTRONICS BEEE(Elective), BEPE(Core) Pre-requisite: EEEB233, EEEB283 The course initially reviews fundamental concepts of power electronics circuits which covering circuits such as rectifiers, dcdc and inverter circuits. The course also introduces the different types of switching devices including diodes, BJTs and Thyristor based devices. The course provides analysis of the above mentioned circuits using relevant formulae and performance assessment of these circuits designed using circuit simulation. Students perform practical work and tests on selected devices covered in this subject during the lab sessions. EEEB423 CONTROL SYSTEMS II BEEE(Elective), BEPE(Elective) Pre-requisite: EEEB323 Introduction to Discrete-Time Control System. Review of Mathematical Foundation. Analysis of Discrete-Time Systems. Design of Conventional Discrete-Time Controllers. State Space Analysis of Continuous-Time Linear Systems. Design of State Controllers and observers. EEEB443 CONTROL AND DRIVES BEEE(Elective), BEPE(Elective) Pre-requisite: EEEB393 The course begins by introducing the basic components of electric drives in which the speed and torque of electric motors are controlled using power electronic converters depending on the drive application. Thus, the dynamic model of dc motors and induction motors will be


derived in this course. This will lead to the study on controlled-rectifier and chopper controlled dc motor drives under open-loop and close-loop operation. The induction motor drives will cover the scalar and field orientation control methods. EEEB473 IMAGE PROCESSING BEEE(Elective), BCCE(Elective) Pre-requisite: EEEB363 Linear systems and Fourier transforms in two and three dimensions, Basic image processing, Theory and algorithms for image reconstruction from projections, Physics of imaging systems including magnetic resonance, X-ray tomography, positron emission tomography and biomagnetic imaging. EEEB493 INTRODUCTION TO ROBOTICS BEEE(Elective), BEPE(Elective) Pre-requisite: CCSB164, EEEB323 Introduction to robot fundamentals, geometry of workspace, kinematics equation, inverse kinematics, trajectory planning, dynamics and control. Using programming languages to command a robot to perform specific tasks. EEPB353 ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEM I BEEE(Core), BEPE(Core) Pre-requisite: EEEB283, EEEB123 Power Systems 1 is the first course in the power system engineering sequence. The course presents engineering techniques of power system analysis used in the power industry today in sufficient depth to give the students the basic tools for investigating power system issues at the undergraduate level. It is intended for the students to develop a sound understanding of a broad range of topics related to modeling of power system components and analyzing their interactions under steady state conditions, as well as their deployments in coordinated power network operations. EEPB383 ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEM II BEPE(Core) Pre-requisite: EEPB353 The course is a continuation from the course EEPB353, Electrical Power System I. While Electrical Power System I deals primary on steady state phenomena of power systems, Electrical Power System II covers transient related events of power systems such as fault analysis and stability analysis. In addition, a chapter on optimal dispatch of power generation is also included. Fundamental theories and mathematical equations on transient phenomena of synchronous machines are discussed. This leads to the analysis of balanced and unbalanced faults in power systems. Solutions for unbalanced faults are approached using symmetrical components analysis. The course also covers the fundamental concept of the behavior of synchronous machines after a disturbance, i.e, steady-state and transient stability. EEPB413 ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS BEPE (Elective) Pre-requisite: EEPB353 The course introduces the basic engineering principles for electrical installation methods, codes and standards. The core of the course in on the design of electrical systems for residential, commercial and industrial sectors with emphasis on grounding and voltage drop calculation. EEPB423 ELECTRICAL SAFETY AND HAZARDS BEPE (Elective) Pre-requisite: EEPB353 The course is designed to include the basics of electrical hazards and safety related work practices in compliance with national codes and health standards. Personnel safety and the use of personal protective equipment at various occupational locations will also be covered. EEPB463 HIGH VOLTAGE TECHNOLOGY BEPE(Core) Pre-requisite: EEEB253 This course covers topics under high voltage engineering fundamentals including conduction


and breakdown in gases, conduction and breakdown in liquid dielectrics, breakdown in solid dielectrics, generation of high voltages and currents, measurement of high voltages and currents, non-destructive diagnostic testing, overvoltage phenomena and insulation coordination. EEPB473 POWER SYSTEM PROTECTION BEPE(Elective) Pre-requisite: EEPB353 To expose students to the protection philosophies employed by power utilities especially TNB. Students are introduced to elements such as protection zones, types of faults, CTs and VTs. Protection philosophies covered include those used in distance protection, auto-reclosing schemes, transmissions lines, substations and generators. EEPB493 HVDC AND FACTS DEVICES BEPE(Elective) Pre-requisite: EEEB393, EEPB353 The course covers key component of HVDC SMES technology devices which is becoming course will look at each systems capabilities and limitations

and FACTS devices i.e. SVC, STAT more common in power systems to

EEEB403 CAPSTONE DESIGN COURSE Pre-requisite: COEB422, EEEB323, EEEB363 The Capstone Design Course is a group-based design course to expose students with real engineering problems which includes exposure to the importance of project planning and management, communication skills and team work. EPRB412 PROJECT 1 Pre-requisite: EEEB323, EEEB363, EEPB353, EECB353 The Final Year Project (FYP) is an engineering project tha t is related to the students field of study and must be carried out by the student as partial fulfillment for the award of the bachelors degree. The final year project to be carried out by a student can be in any of the following natures, encompassing study/research, design/development, software development or case study. EPRB424 PROJECT II Pre-requisite: EPRB412, COEB314 Continuation from Project I. The Final Year Project (FYP) is an engineering project that is related to the students field of study and must be carried out by the student as partial fulfillment for the award of the bachelors degree. The final year project to be carried out by a student can be in any of the following natures, encompassing study/research, design/development, software development or case study. ECRB412 PROJECT 1 Pre-requisite: EEEB323, EEEB363, EEPB353, EECB353 The Final Year Project (FYP) is an engineering project that is related to the students field of study and must be carried out by the student as partial fulfillment for the award of the bachelors degree. The final year project to be carried out by a student can be in any of the following natures, encompassing study/research, design/development, software development or case study. ECRB424 PROJECT II Pre-requisite: ECRB412, COEB314 Continuation from Project I. The Final Year Project (FYP) is an engineering project that is related to the students field of study and must be carried out by the student as partial fulfillment for the award of the bachelors degree. The final year project to be carried out by a student can be in any of the following natures, encompassing study/research, design/development, software development or case study. ECCB412 PROJECT 1 Pre-requisite: EEEB373, ECCB343 The Final Year Project (FYP) is an engineering project that is related to the students field of study and must be carried out by the student as partial fulfillment for the award of the bachelors degree. The final year project to be carried out by a student can be in any of the


following natures, encompassing study/research, design/development, software development or case study. ECCB424 PROJECT II Pre-requisite: ECCB412, COEB314 Continuation from Project I. The Final Year Project (FYP) is an engineering project that is related to the students field of study and must be carried out by the student as partial fulfillment for the award of the bachelors degree. The final year project to be carried out by a student can be in any of the following natures, encompassing study/research, design/development, software development or case study. EEIB413 PROCESS CONTROL AND INSTRUMENTATION BEEE(Core), BEPE (Core) Pre-requisite: EEEB323, MEHB213 Modelling and simulation of process control loop. Laplace transform and behaviour of first, second and higher order systems. Sensors, actuators and controllers. Frequency response analysis. Advanced control system. Controller design. Digital control technique. Process control design. EECB351 COMMUNICATION SYSTEM LAB BEEE(Core), BEPE (Core), BCCE(Core) Co-requisite: EECB353 This course will expose students to the actual application of the communication theory and concept that provides the students with hands on experience experimental results analysis that could supplement their theory course on communication system EECB353 COMMUNICATION SYSTEM BEEE(Core), BCCE(Core) Pre-requisite: EEEB233 Principle signal and system in communication system, probability, power spectral and noise. Analog modulation; linear and non-linear system, digital modulation, noise in modulation system, noise analysis, information theory and coding. EECB423 DATA COMMUNICATION AND NETWORKS BEEE(Core), BCCE(Core) Pre-requisite: CCSB164, EEEB383, EEEB373 Transmission Media (telephone system, ISDN, ATM, cellular radio, satellites), Data transmission (synchronous and asynchronous transmission, error detection and correction, data link protocols), LANs, WANs, MANs, internetworking, routing, congestion control, Transport protocols (TCP and UDP), Application support protocols (session, presentation), Application-specific protocols (TELNET, FTP, SMTP) EESB493 EMBEDDED SYSTEMS BEEE(Elective), BCCE(Core) Pre-requisite: EEEB373, CSEB114 The course will cover examples of embedded computer systems, its specifications such as timeliness and physical constraints (size, power, weight, and memory footprint), embedded system hardware components such as processor, bus hierarchy with arbiter, interrupt controller, serial communication, field programmable gate array (FPGA), and embedded system software such as C program, multi-threading concept, and hardware descriptive language (HDL). Student are expected to design an embedded system including writing VHDL codes and implement it on an evaluation board. EECB433 APPLIED TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEMS BEEE(Elective), BCCE(Elective) Pre-requisite: EECB353 This course will enable the students to gain insight into some of the state of the art technologies and the important aspects of the up to date telecommunications system applied in the current and future network especially in Malaysian Network. Students will have clear understanding of the behaviour and specialised concept of Telecommunication Network


components. Emphasis will be given on various Switching, Transmission and Signalling System, which will enable the students to develop expertise in the applied telecommunication system. EECB473 DATA NETWORK ARCHITECTURE AND ELECTRONICS BEEE(Elective), BCCE(Elective) Pre-requisite: EECB423 Review of data network architectures and technologies. An overview of current networking electronics. An overview of network services and application. Application bandwidth and delay requirements: Calculation and measurement. Introduction to network design issues (bandwidth-delay product, throughput, etc), design parameters and design process. Design parameters measurement tools and techniques. Requirements Analysis: Concepts, Guidelines and Practice. Capacity planning and traffic analysis: Throughput calculation, probability models for traffic and design based on traffic model. Flow analysis: Concepts, Guidelines and Practice. Logical Design: Technology choice, interconnect mechanism, network management and security. Physical Design: Cabling and devices placement. Routing and addressing design. Network simulation: Techniques and tools. Traditional network devices: Architecture, components and software. Designing various specialized network devices architecture based on performance requirement. Introduction to packet processor: Operating principles and application. Packet processor programming, simulation and design. Case Study: Packet processor in QoS switches. EECB483 OPTOELECTRONICS AND FIBRE OPTICS BEEE(Elective), BEPE(Elective), BCCE(Elective) Pre-requisite: EEEB253, EECB353 Basics element of optics; Lights sources lasers and light emitting lasers: light detectors, sensors and display; light modulations electrooptical; acousto optical; magnetooptical; fiber optics. EECB493 RADIO-FREQUENCY / MICROWAVE ENGINEERING BEEE(Elective), BEPE(Elective), BCCE(Elective) Pre-requisite: EEEB253 Transmission Lines and Smith Chart, Matching Networks, Scattering Parameters, Solid-state Microwave Monolithic IC, Microwave Passive Components, Generators and Antennas. ECEB463 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE & NEURAL-FUZZY SYSTEMS BEEE(Elective), BEPE(Elective), BCCE(Elective) Pre-requisite: EEEB323 This course is aimed at introducing the underlying concepts of artificial intelligence and some of its techniques and their applications. Artificial intelligence (AI) involves the development of algorithms derived from human and animal intelligence which have capabilities such as learning, reasoning, generalisation, adaptation, reproduction, etc. These techniques are getting more popular nowadays due to the large number of successful report of their implementation. AI techniques have also made their way into many domestic and industrial and provided solutions to many difficult engineering problems. From this course, the students should be able to understand the two popular techniques of AI. Ie. Artificial neural networks and fuzzy logic and how they are used in solving some engineering and also nonengineering problems. ECEB473 ADVANCED MICROPROCESSOR BEEE(Elective), BEPE(Elective), BCCE(Elective) Pre-requisite: EEEB373 Introduction to the 68000 Microprocessor. Software details of the 68000. Exception processing. Hardware details of the 68000. Memory system design, I/O system design. Building a working 68000 system. Introduction to the advanced 680X0 series microprocessors. ECEB483 COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE BEEE(Elective) Pre-requisite: EEEB373 An introductory course to the principles and architecture of modern computer system built


around the con Neumann architecture. A layered model of computer architecture. Computer systems organization: CPU, memory and I/O. The digital logic level. The microarchitecture level: data path, microinstruction and design for simplify ISA. The instruction set architecture level: overview, data types, instruction formats and types, addressing, and flow of control. The operating system machine level: virtual memory and virtual I/O instructions. The assembler language level: overview, macro, and the assembly process, linking and loading. EESB313 SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES BEEE(Core) Pre-requisite: EEEB273 BASIC CONCEPTS: Electric field and related phenomena, Capacitance & dielectrics, current & resistance; Magnetic field and related phenomena; Energy, kinetic & thermal; Mobility & conductivity. ENERGY BAND STRUCTURE: Basis of semiconductor behaviour, Bohr Atomic Model, bonding forces in solids, covalent bonds; Band structure of solids: metals, insulators & extrinsic semiconductors; Nearly Free Electron Model, direct-gap and indirect-gap semiconductors; Optical transitions in a semiconductor. CHARGE CARRIERS IN SEMICONDUCTORS: Electrons, holes, distribution of charge carriers, density of states function & the Fermi Function; Carrier densities in intrinsic & extrinsic semiconductors. EXCESS CARRIERS: Optical absorption, luminescence, photoconductivity, carrier lifetime, Optical sensitivity of a photoconductive device. FABRICATION TECHNIQUES: Single crystals, epitaxial layers, p-n junctions. P-N JUNCTIONS: Drift & Diffusion currents, depletion region, contact potential, band diagrams, I-V characteristics, capacitance, reverse breakdown; Rectifiers, switches, breakdown diodes, varactor diodes, solar cells, PIN photodiodes, LEDs, solid state lasers. TRANSISTORS: Charge flow in a BJT, JFETs, MOSFETs, CMOS. EESB423 VLSI DESIGN BEEE(Elective) Pre-requisite: EEEB371 To give an overall view of VLSI design methodologies, fabrication process and solutions to VLSI design problems; To give the experience of using with the state-of-art commercial EDA software; To provide the knowledge and skill necessary to design, analyze, simulate and implementing a system project. Topics include Design and Process Technology, Full custom design, Semi-custom design, Hardware description languages, System on Chip, Design For Testability EESB433 ANALOG IC DESIGN BEEE(Elective), BCCE(Elective) Pre-requisite: [EEEB273 (for BEEE) / ECCB113 (for BCCE)] and EEEB363 Objectives: This is an advance course for analyzing and designing analog integrated circuits. It gives an overall view of analog design flow methodologies, layout and fabrication process. Students will be exposed to IC design tools like HSPICE, Cosmos and Magic. The objective of the class is to provide students with the necessary skill to analyze, simulate and design analog subcircuits. EESB493 EMBEDDED SYSTEMS BEEE(Elective), BCCE(Core) Pre-requisite: EEEB373, CSEB114 The course will cover examples of embedded computer systems, its specifications such as timeliness and physical constraints (size, power, weight, and memory footprint), embedded system hardware components such as processor, bus hierarchy with arbiter, interrupt controller, serial communication, field programmable gate array (FPGA), and embedded system software such as C program, multi-threading concept, and hardware descriptive language (HDL). Student are expected to design an embedded system including writing VHDL codes and implement it on an evaluation board. EPEB413 POWER QUALITY BEPE(Elective) Pre-requisite: EEPB353 Students are introduced to power quality phenomena such as voltage sag/swell, distortions, unbalance, and flicker that occur in power systems. The course begins with terms and definitions associated with power quality, following which each phenomenon, that is, voltage


sag/swell, transient overvoltage, harmonics, and flicker is presented and discussed in detail for students to understand the sources and impact of these occurrences on power system as well as typical mitigation techniques. Finally, students are introduced to power quality benchmarking, monitoring and assessment in regards to international standards. Computer simulation tools are used to help students understand the materials. EPEB423 ELECTRICITY INDUSTRY ECONOMICS BEPE(Elective) Pre-requisite: EEPB383 Electrical Power System 2 The course will deal with the application of the economic theory to the Electricity Supply Industry (ESI). The students will be exposed to new theories such as monopoly, oligopoly and its characteristics which are pertinent in electricity markets. Pricing techniques will also be covered in order to expose students on the business aspect which can be derived from economic theory. EPEB433 POWER SYSTEM COMMUNICATIONS BEPE (Elective) Pre-requisite : EECB353, EEPB353 The course begins by introducing the concept of power system monitoring and control. It introduces the various communication services, technologies and their applications in power system. It introduces some of the basic power system monitoring and control applications that use these communication technologies e.g. Teleprotection, SCADA and Substation Automation. Issues that relates to the planning and design of these systems are also described. EPEB443 ENERGY CONVERSION BEPE(Elective) Pre-requisite: MATB113, PHYF124, EEEB283 The course begins by reviewing the basic principles and theories in energy conversion. Then the course reviews the advances in energy conversion technologies. This will lead to the study on the application of the theory on energy conversions in the production of electrical power from different sources of energy, including the renewable energy. The course will also discuss selected themes such as energy utilisation, total energy production cost & ancilliary service, tariff methodology, energy security, security & uplift cost, energy forecast, National Energy Balance policy and the issues in the connection of generators to the National Grid. EPEB453 POWER DISTRIBUTION ENGINEERING BEPE(Elective) Pre-requisite: EEPB353 The course covers planning, design and operation of Medium (MV) and Low voltage (LV) distribution systems network. The students will be introduced to the construction and operation of various major components used in distribution system. The course is also aimed to give exposure on distribution system protection, reliability, power quality, loss reduction and distributed generations. ECPB423 SYSTEMS-ON-CHIPS BCCE(Elective) Pre-requisite: ECCB253, EEEB373 An introduction to embedded system requirement, System-On-Chip (SoC) and configurable soft-core processor. Implement hierarchical state machines design using commercial EDA tools. Design and implement a custom IP core and integrate it to the system busses. Implement simple low-level handler and test it with the custom IP. Introduction to heterogeneous multi-core programming. ECPB433 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY BCCE(Elective) Pre-requisite: TBA This course presents an overview of important applications of computers to solve problems in biology. Major topics covered are computational molecular biology, biological modelling and simulation (including computer models of population dynamics, biochemical kinetics, neuron behavior, and mutation) and biological imaging.


ECPB443 MULTI-CORE PROGRAMMING BCCE(Elective) Pre-requisite: TBA In this decade, the introduction of multi-core based system-on-chip (SoC) into the computing market has created a revolution in the software industry. To benefit from increases in hardware performance, software must be parallel. The purpose of this course is to conduct the next generation of programmers to develop exciting new applications that can take advantage of on-chip parallelism. Over the past two years, every major microprocessor manufacturer has introduced processor chips with multiple cores, with dual and quad core processors for desktop and laptops, and over a hundred cores available in some Graphics Processing Units. The expectation is that the number of cores per chip will roughly double every two years while processor clock speeds will remain relatively flat. This makes parallel programming a concern for the entire computing industry. This course will provide an introduction to parallel programming with a focus on the techniques that are most appropriate for multi-core architectures and the use of parallelism to improve program performance. The topics of the course include performance analysis and tuning, data and task parallelism, synchronization techniques, shared data structures, and load balancing. ECPB453 DATABASE PROGRAMMING BCCE(Elective) Pre-requisite: TBA This course emphasizes on the concepts of database, file-based system versus database systems, database environment, and database management system (DBMS). This course also emphasizes on conceptual, logical and physical design of development life cycle. The course also covers; Entity relationship diagram, ERD and Enhanced Entity Relationship, EER Model, unnormalized normal form, UNF, first normal form, 1NF and second normal form, 2NF normalization of database. ECPB463 ADVANCED COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE BCCE(Elective) Pre-requisite: ECCB243 This is an advanced undergraduate and introductory post-graduate course on contemporary computer and processor architecture. Overall, the course will cover current and emerging trend in computer architecture. The topics include; Fundamental of computer design, instruction set principles and examples, instruction level parallelism (pipelining, superscalar, VLIW, etc.), memory hierarchy Design, multiprocessors and thread level parallelism, storage system, and case study of current system. The course has mix of theory and hand-on with software based design simulation. Students are required to write a technical paper on recent development of computer architecture. They also expect to complete a mini-project on a simplified computer system design. ECMB413 ANTENNA SYSTEMS BCCE(Elective) Pre-requisite: EEEB253 This subject is intended primarily for students who wish to specialise in communication systems and would like to understand the principles and current practice in wireless communication including both antennas and propagation aspects. Its introduction begins with the basic properties of electromagnetic radiation, before the subject dwells into antennas. In the rest of the subject, the circuit models on antenna, different type of antennas from dipoles to log periodic, loop to spiral and helical coil, and lastly reflector and aperture type antennas will be dealt with comprehensively. The phase array antenna in particular to the application of tracking will be introduced. And the applications of some of these antennas in communications systems will be discussed thoroughly. Some minor assignments pertaining to antenna selection and design for specific purposes using simulation softwares will be given to the students to gauge their understanding of the subject. ECMB423 BROADBAND TECHNOLOGIES BCCE(Elective) Pre-requisite: EECB423 This course provides basic concepts in broadband communication and networking. It provides an overall look at many type of equipment and infrastructures that can be used in both fixed and wireless system today.


ECMB433 WIRELESS AND MOBILE COMMUNICATION BCCE(Elective) Pre-requisite: TBA The emphasis of this course is mainly to focus on radio aspect of wireless and mobile communication systems. Wireless technology of todays and tomorrows from first generation analogue to modern multimedia system will be part of the topic discussed in this course. Other topics such as frequency reuse, handoff, capacity planning, interference and radio propagation are also included to provide solid fundamental background in mobile radio communication. ECMB443 OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS BCCE(Elective) Pre-requisite: TBA This subject is concerned with the fundamentals of optical communications systems. Its introduction begins with the optical fiber communication technology and fundamentals, historical generations of optical communications and advantage and limitation of optical fiber communications. Topics covered under this subject include the working principles of optical sources, optical amplifiers, optical transmitter and receivers. In addition this course discusses the fiber nonlinearities and their related effects in optical fiber communication. Furthermore, this course introduces optical transmission hierarchy and principles of optical networking with an emphasis on some optical communication systems applications such as local area network and optical access network. ECNB413 SCADA SYSTEMS BCCE(Elective) Pre-requisite: EECB353 The course will start by reviewing the objectives of implementation of Distribution and Transmission Automation and Distribution and Transmission SCADA History. The functions of SCADA System Elements will be explained which include Transmission SCADA, Distribution SCADA , Host Equipment, Host Computer System , Communication Front-End Processors, Full Graphics User Interface , Relational Databases, Data Servers, and Web Servers and Host to Field Communications. Detailed examinations into Field Devices will be presented which includes Modern RTU, PLCs and IEDs that covers Substation and Line configuration. It will also touches on Tactical and Strategic Implementation Issues, Distribution Management Platform and Advanced Distribution Applications. The future trend in applications will be towards integrated SCADA System and Smart Grid with Trouble Call and Outage Management System and Distribution Operations Training Simulator that considers Security, Practical Considerations and Choosing the Vendor. Latest applications for Smart Grids will be introduced including remote metering, remote billing, demand side management etc. Finally, the course will introduce the importance of Standards that covers Internal Standards and Industry Standards as well as Deployment Considerations. ECNB423 INTRODUCTION TO MODELING AND SIMULATION BCCE(Elective) Pre-requisite: EEEB383 An introduction to system modelling using computer simulation and analytical mathematical techniques. Explanation of model classification such as Monte Carlo simulation, discreteevent simulation, continuous system simulation, mixed continuous/discrete-event simulation. Discussion on quantitative modeling paradigms such as queuing networks, stochastic process algebras and stochastic Petri nets. Input-output analysis such as random number generator, sample generation, trace- and execution-driven simulation, point and interval estimation. Focus of applications and case-study will be computer and communication engineering. ECNB433 REAL TIME SYSTEMS BCCE(Elective) Pre-requisite: ECCB243 An introduction to real-time systems (RTS), followed by definition of terms used, scheduling, RTOS and selected topics in real-time networking. ECNB443 ADVANCED DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING


BCCE(Elective) Pre-requisite: EEEB363 Students learn the essential advanced topics in digital signal processing that are necessary for successful graduate-level research. The course includes a review of the linear constantcoefficient system properties covered in an undergraduate DSP course, and then examines a variety of multirate filter structures, time-varying and adaptive systems, fast algorithms, and other topics relevant to the research areas of the students. ECNB453 COMPUTER CONTROLLED SYSTEMS BCCE(Elective) Pre-requisite: EEEB323 Introduction to discrete time control systems; Analysis of discrete-time control systems; Design of controllers for discrete time systems; Use of MATLAB to design discrete time controllers; Realization of Digital Controllers. ECNB463 COMPUTER FORENSIC BCCE(Elective) Pre-requisite: TBA This course teaches how to perform computer crime investigations. The course covers the recovery and analysis of digital evidence, addressing legal and technical issues. Forensic examination techniques of Windows and Unix systems are used to illustrate typical investigation processes. ECNB473 INTERNET PROGRAMMING BCCE(Elective) Pre-requisite: TBA This course introduces the fundamentals of internet and world wide web. The concept of HTML, XHTML and CSS are also detailed. The course also covers the creation of Internet based applications using the Java Scripts programming language. It provides an in-depth knowledge for the creation of dynamic web application with enhanced features by introducing various programming techniques XML and RSS using Java Scripts. ECNB483 COMPUTER SECURITY BCCE(Elective) Pre-requisite: TBA This course introduces the basic concepts of computer and internet security. Students will learn a full range of security concepts & techniques and apply them to the most popular operating systems and applications used today. Topics include basic cryptography & public key infrastructure, theory behind common attack and defense techniques, operating system security, programme security, and distributed systems security. MECHANICAL ENGINEERING MEFB211 MANUFACTURING PROCESSES LABORATORY Pre-requisite : METB113 Laboratory experiments on different types of machines, lathe, milling, shaping, drilling; welding techniques: gas and arc welding. Introduction to Occupational safety and health act (OSHA). MEFB213 MANUFACTURING PROCESSES Pre-requisite : MEFB121 Survey of manufacturing processes, including production, casting, forming, machining, jointing. Also includes topics on metrology, safety, quality assurance and testing. MEFB413 ADVANCED MANUFACTURING PROCESSES Pre-requisite : MEMB333, MEFB213 To cater to the students needs pertaining to knowledge of various facets of advancements in manufacturing processes, equipment, and systems over and above what they learnt in the Manufacturing Processes course. In addition they would also obtain a preliminary knowledge of the rapid prototyping and competitive aspects of manufacturing. MEFB423 ERGONOMICS Pre-requisite : MEMB333, MEFB213 To cater to the students needs pertaining to knowledge of the tools and techniques of


Ergonomics / Human Factors Engineering. This course would help the students in learning the basic Ergonomics tools so as to be applied to manufacturing as well as non-manufacturing sectors of the national and global environments. The tools and techniques learnt would enable the students to know how to achieve the goal of designing a user-friendly machine or workenvironment MEFB433 PRODUCTION PLANNING AND CONTROL Pre-requisite : MEMB333, MEFB213 Managing Operations, Designing the systems, Organizing the systems, Scheduling the production systems for competitive manufacturing. MEFB443 INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING Pre-requisite : MEMB333, MEFB213 After tracing the historical developments in the field of industrial engineering, the related and emerging allied areas would be introduced. Subsequently, topics, related to the design of the systems, like Methods Engineering, Work Measurement, Ergonomics, Facilities Planning & Design etc would be covered. Thereafter, the Control aspects of the system like Inventory Control, Production control, Quality control etc. would be introduced. Finally, the Productivity, its concepts and the related Quantitative tools of Operations Research would be covered. MEFB453 TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT Pre-requisite : MEMB333, MEFB213 To cater to the students needs pertaining to knowledge of the tools and techniques of Total Quality Management. This course would help the students in learning the basic tools of quality enhancement in manufacturing as well as non-manufacturing sectors of the industrial national and global environments. The tools and techniques learnt would enable the students to know how to achieve the goal of the world-class manufacturing/ services under the banner of the global competitiveness. MEFB473 COMPUTER AIDED MANUFACTURING Pre-requisite : MEMB331, MEFB213 This course introduces computer aided manufacturing as the technology concerned with the use of computer systems to plan, manage, and control manufacturing operations through either direct or indirect computer interface with the plants production resources. One of the most mature areas of CAM is numerical control (NC) for machine tools. CAM is also concerned with other activities such as robots programming, process planning, fixturing, rapid prototyping, tooling, group technology and computer integrated manufacturing (CIM). CIM is concerned with using the computer database as a way to run an entire enterprise more efficiently. MEHB213 THERMODYNAMICS 1 Pre-requisite : None First and second laws, closed system and control volume analysis, entropy, reversible and irreversible processes, properties of pure substances. Applications to engineering problems: vapor power cycle, gas power cycle, refrigeration & heat pump systems. MEHB221 THERMO-FLUIDS LABORATORY Co-requisite : MEHB213, MEHB223 Laboratory experiments on characteristics of flow measuring devices, pipe losses, valves, viscometer, hydrostatics, jet reaction, transitional flow, water turbine and wind tunnel. MEHB312 THERMODYNAMICS 2 Pre-requisite : MEMB213 Application of thermodynamics principles which include thermodynamics of gas mixtures, exergy analysis, gas power cycles, psychometrics and air conditioning, reacting mixtures and combustion MEHB332 MECHANICS OF FLUIDS 2 Pre-requisite : MEHB223 This course is continuation of Mechanics of Fluids I. It covers Dimensional analysis and modeling, flow measurements, compressible flow, external flows, aerodynamics and turbomachinery


MEHB321 HEAT TRANSFER AND APPLIED THERMODYNAMICS LABORATORY Co-requisite : MEHB323 Laboratory experiments on heat transfer including conduction, convection, radiation, pool boiling and heat exchanger and applied thermodynamics including refrigeration, gas turbine and steam cycles. An introduction to heat and mass transfer with emphasis on basic principles used in the energy sciences and their application in man-made systems. Steady-state and transient conduction, including numerical solutions. Forced and natural convective-heat and mass transfer. Heat exchangers. Radiative heat transfer and solar energy. Multi-mode problems. Application to engineering situations. MEHB403 POWER GENERATION Pre-requisite : MEHB312, MEHB332 In this course, students will be introduced to the overall operation, maintenance and economics of power plants. The focus will be on steam turbine, gas turbine and hydro power plants. Students will also be exposed to future trends and advances in the power generation technology MEHB413 HEATING VENTILATING AND AIR CONDITIONING Pre-requisite : MEHB312, MEHB332 Analysis and design practice for heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems. Psychometrics, air quality, space heating and cooling and moisture control in buildings. Applications of HVAC systems and selection of HVAC components. MEHB423 TURBOMACHINERY Pre-requisite : MEHB312, MEHB332 Basic principles of turbomachines. Applications of these principles which are mainly the fluid mechanics equations (continuity, momentum and energy) to turbomachine specific devices. Performance and design parameters. Aerodynamics of blade geometry. Analysis and design of turbomachines. MEHB433 COMBUSTION ENGINEERING Pre-requisite : MEHB312 An introduction to combustion processes with emphasis on fundamental fluid dynamics, heat and mass transport and reaction kinetics processes that govern combustion rates. Combustion theories and combustion technology for gaseous, liquid and solid fuels. MEHB443 ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING Pre-requisite : MEHB312, MEHB332 This course brings together and integrates the three principal areas of environmental engineering water, air, and solid waste management. It introduces a unique approach by emphasizing the relationship between the principles observed in natural purification processes and those employed in engineered systems. MEHB453 INDUSTRIAL ENERGY MANAGEMENT Pre-requisite : MEHB323 Introduction, economic analysis, electrical energy conservation, energy conservation in combustion systems, energy conservation in steam and condensate systems, heat recovery, industrial insulation, industrial co-generation. MEHB463 COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS Pre-requisite : MEHB332, COEB223 Elementary aspects of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD); Review of numerical analysis and fluid mechanics as pertinent to CFD; numerical solution of selected fluid dynamics problem. Use and applications of available commercial CFD software to a selected fluid dynamics problems. MEHB483 THERMAL SYSTEM DESIGN AND OPTIMIZATION Pre-requisite : MEHB312, MEHB332 To introduce students to the design of thermal systems with emphasis on engineering economics, system simulations and optimization technique. Applications include power generation and process industries.


MEHB493 INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES Pre-requisite : MEHB312, MEHB332 Air standard cycles. Spark ignition and compression ignition, engine combustion phenomena , Air pollutants are undesirable byproducts of combustion, Air to fuel ratio, engine test, latest technology on alternative fuels and renewable energy for IC engines MEMB113 ENGINEERING GRAPHICS AND COMPUTER APPLICATION IN ENGINEERING (CAE) Pre-requisite : None Introduction to engineering graphics: conventional practices and standards, orthographic and isometric projections, detail and assembly drawings, dimensioning and notations, sectional views, fasteners, limits and tolerances, assembly and components drawings using AutoCad. Introduction to three-dimensional design methods using Pro/Engineer. Introduction to engineering calculation and mathematical software package MatLab. MEMB123 MECHANICS I : STATICS Pre-requisite : None Fundamental concepts of mechanics, force systems and couples, free body diagrams, and equilibrium of particles and rigid bodies. Distributed forces; centroids and centre of gravity of lines, areas, and volumes. Second moment of area, volumes, and masses. Principle axes and principle moment of inertia. Friction and the laws of dry friction. Introduction to kinematics of particles. Application to structures and machine elements, such as bars, beams, trusses and friction devices. MEMB221 MECHANICS AND MATERIALS LABORATORY Co-requisite : METB113, MEMB243 Experiments involving tension test, verification of stress-strain diagram, ultimate strength, torsion tests, determination of modulus of shear, displacement tests on beams with various supports, statically indeterminate beams, determination of modulus of elasticity of beams, material sample preparations, heat treatment, cold rolling and observation of material structures etc. MEMB233 MECHANICS 11 : DYNAMICS Pre-requisite : MEMB123 Fundamental concepts of kinematics: translation and rotation. Kinetics, impulse, momentum, work and energy. Rectilinear and curvilinear translation of point masses. Plane motion of rigid bodies and vibration. Application to projectiles, gyroscopes, machine elements, and other engineering systems. MEMB243 MECHANICS OF MATERIALS Pre-requisite : MEMB123. Concepts of stress, strain; equations of equilibrium and compatibility; mechanical properties; stress strain laws; extension; torsion; and bending of bars; beam theory; combined stresses; columns and selected topics. MEMB 263 THEORY OF MACHINES Pre-requisite: MEMB233 This course provides the scientific basis for of the design of machines based on kinematic and dynamic requirements. Introduction to basic concepts, mobility, synthesis and machine elements such as linkages, cams, gears and engines. Dynamic analysis is presented as a basis for the dynamic balancing of rotating machinery and the dynamics of reciprocating engines. MEMB331 MACHINE DESIGN AND COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN (CAD) LABORATORY Pre-requisite: MEMB113. Co-requisite : MEMB333 Laboratory experiments on machine elements and design of machine components using computer aided design software MEMB322 MECHANICAL DESIGN PROCESS Pre-requisite : MEMB333. Co-requisite: MEHB323 This course consists of teaching the design methodology in real industrial design problems which are open ended problems. The focus of the course is how to design, not just experience trying to design. The students will be taught the theories and techniques of design.


Case studies will be used to relate theories to applications. The lecture information in short, is designed to help the students design and evaluate their designs. MEMB333 MACHINE DESIGN Pre-requisite : MEMB243, MEFB213, MEMB263 This course will introduce students to the fundamentals of machine design and standard methods of machine components design. Students will learn on the introduction to machine design, static failure theories, fatigue failure theories, and how to design several very important machine components such as shafts, keys, couplings, bearings, gears, springs, screws, fasteners, clutches, and brakes. MEMB403 CONDITION MONITORING & MAINTENANCE ENG Pre-requisite : MEMB333, MESB313 Condition monitoring and maintenance management is a holistic multidiscipline based on systems thinking. It encompasses economics, instrumentation, engineering and scientific disciplines, information technology, and management, prediction of faults/failure and their diagnostics. In the proposed elective course the topics are covered to give a brief but sufficient insight to the contents of condition monitoring and related management techniques. MEMB413 ENGINEERING MECHANICS SIMULATION Pre-requisite : MEMB333 In this course MATLAB/SIMULINK & SimMechanics simulation tools would be taught to simulate translational and rotational motion in three dimensions. The simulation techniques provides suitable tools to specify bodies and their mass properties, their possible motions, kinematics constraints, coordinate systems, and the means of initiating and measuring motions. Simulation tools represent a mechanical system by a connected block diagram, like other Simulink models, and can encompass hierarchical subsystems. Further, the simulation visualization tools display and animate simplified representations of 3-D machines, before and during simulation, in these environments. MEMB423 FINITE ELEMENT METHOD Pre-requisite : MEMB333, COEB223 Introduction of finite element methods in stress analysis and heat transfer areas; use of existing hardware and software. Applications of interactive computer graphics and geometric 110ddressin techniques. MEMB443 MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS Pre-requisite : MEMB333, MESB313 This course covers the main aspects of mechanical vibration and includes elements of vibration systems, free and forced vibration of single and multi-degree-of-freedom systems, transient and steady-state vibrations, vibration of continuous systems such as beams, condition monitoring using vibration measurements, exposure to mathematical tools such as Matlab application software package, Familiarisation with instruments such as FFT analysers. MEMB453 NON-DESTRUCTIVE TESTING Pre-requisite : MEMB333 Introduction to NDT methods; Penetrant Testing, Magnetic Particle Inspection, Radiography, Ultrasonic testing and imaging, Eddy Current Testing, Acoustic Emission Technology Special NDT methods like thermography, microwave analysis, leak testing etc. MEMB463 FAILURE ANALYSIS AND DESIGN Pre-requisite : MEMB333 Failure modes, identification and classification. Combined stresses and yielding. Static loadingreliability approach. Fatigue and fracture-basic concepts; high cycle fatigue- multi axial loadingLEFM. Creep-corrosion and wear basic concepts and design approach. Systematic approach to failure analysis case studies MEMB473 ADVANCED MECHANICS OF MATERIALS Pre-requisite : MEMB243 The subject coverage include a review of basic mechanics concepts for axial loading, bending, and twisting, torsional loading, flexural loading, continuous beams, rotating disc and circular plates, thick cylindrical and spherical shells, energy methods and columns


MEMB 483 CAPSTONE DESIGN In principle, this capstone course plans to connect senior mechanical engineering students with organizations and businesses in the community that are looking for practical solutions to design problems. Potential projects are suggested by industry partners or faculty members, who benefit from having the students work on their project at no cost to them. MESB323 MODELING AND CONTROL OF DYNAMIC SYSTEM Pre-requisite : MATB143 This course introduces students to the various dynamic systems such as mechanical, electrical, electromechanical and control systems, that are used in synthesizing most modern engineering systems. In this course the students learn the basic laws and techniques necessary to derive mathematical models of above mentioned dynamic systems, the interaction and the interfacing of the various sub-systems that compose the complete system mathematically so that analysis can be carried out using the derived mathematical models. MESB333 ENGINEERING MEASUREMENTS & LABORATORY Pre-requisite : MATB143, EEEB113. Co-requisite: MEHB223 Basic elements of general measurements systems and their response with emphasis on system characteristics, treatment of experimental data, error analysis, sensors and signal conditioning. Application of measurement devices to mechanical engineering systems. Laboratory work includes measurement of engineering parameters: dimension, pressure, temperature, force, stress and strain, flow and speed. MESB403 AUTOMATION AND ROBOTICS Pre-requisite : MESB323, MEFB213 This course will introduce students to the automation of manufacturing systems and introduction to robotics. Students will learn on the introduction to automation and robotics, automation components, parts handling in automatic production systems, numerical control and CAD/CAM, types of industrial robots and their applications, machine vision systems and their applications in manufacturing processes, planning for robotics projects implementation,applications of PLCs for controlling of manufacturing processes, on-line computer control, application of microprocessors in machine/equipment control, CIM, and ethics in manufacturing automation systems. MESB413 ELEMENTS OF MECHATRONICS Pre-requisite : MESB323, EEEB323. Co-requisite: MESB443 The Mechatronic degree incorporates subjects selected from the electrical, computer and mechanical engineering fields designed to provide graduates with the unique skills required to tackle problems than span the full electro-mechanical spectrum. A feature of the course is the strong emphasis on the project work that allows students to consolidate their learning and develop planning and communication skills that are considered an integral part of the engineering profession. MESB423 ROBOT DESIGN Pre-requisite : MEMB333, EEEB323 An introduction to the field of robot design. Student develop an understanding of how robots are designed and work, and how they are controlled, through lecture, laboratory and practical exercises. A study on forward and inverse kinematics, as well as a detailed study on robot programming will be included. Current and emerging robot applications are studied in the areas of industrial, manufacturing, exploration, search and recovery/rescue, farming, military applications, hazardous materials handling, logistics, surveillance and security, etc. MESB433 ELECTRO-MECHANICAL SYSTEMS Pre-requisite : MESB323, EEEB323. Understanding interfacing of mechanical systems using electro-mechanical components; conceptual design and analysis of high performance computer controlled mechanical systems; prototyping of mechatronic systems. METB113 ENGINEERING MATERIALS Pre-requisite : None Introduction to structures and properties of metals, ceramics, polymers, and composites.


Characteristics and processing affecting behavior of materials. METB413 ADVANCED MATERIALS Pre-requisite : MEMB333, METB113 Introduction to special steels _HSLA steels, Low alloy steels, Properties and behavior, and developments in high temperature alloys. Composite Materials MMC, PMC and CMC. Principles of Selection of Materials and shape, Introduction to Smart materials and their underlying principles, and nanotechnology and molecular manufacturing. MPRB412 PROJECT 1 Pre-requisite : MEMB322 Students select a project either proposed by faculty members or by the student and works under the supervision of faculty members. Problems from all areas of mechanical engineering are considered. The studies for projects may involve design, construction, assemblies, measurements, analysis and simulation MPRB424 PROJECT II Pre-requisite : COEB314, MPRB412 This is a continuation of Project I. Students select a project either proposed by faculty members or by the student and works under the supervision of faculty members. Problems from all areas of mechanical engineering are considered. The studies for projects may involve design, construction, assemblies, measurements, analysis and simulation. MATHEMATICS MATB113 ADVANCED CALCULUS AND ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY Pre-requisite : None This course introduces functions with three variables, partial derivatives, directional derivatives, extrema for functions with several variables, lagrange multipliers, multiple integrals, cylindrical and spherical coordinates and vector calculus. MATB143 DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS Pre-requisite : None This course introduces ordinary differential equations and methods for their solutions. It focuses on first, second and higher order differential equations, initial-value and boundaryvalue problems, linear and nonlinear models, power series solutions about ordinary points and Laplace Transforms. MATB133 STATISTICS FOR ENGINEERS Pre-requisite : None Basic probability, continuous and discrete random variables, distribution functions and their applications, relationship between distributions, random sampling, data descriptions, fundamental sampling distributions, single sample estimation and hypotheses testing and simple linear regression and correlation. MATB 253 LINEAR ALGEBRA Pre-requisite : None The course contents are real vector spaces, linear dependence, bases, linear transformations, matrix Calculus, determinants and ranks, eigenvalues and Eigenvectors, Gaussian-Jordan elimination and system of Homogeneous equations.


COEB223 NUMERICAL METHODS FOR ENGINEERS Pre-requisite : MATB143, MATB253. Co-requisite: CSEB113 Mathematical modelling. Overview of computers, programming languages and software development process. Nonlinear equations. System of linear algebraic equations. Curve fitting. Numerical differentiation and integration. Numerical solutions of ordinary and partial differential equations. Eigenvalue problems COEB314 INDUSTRIAL TRAINING Pre-requisite : MEMB333 To expose students to the various aspects of industrial practices and ethics.


To apply the training knowledge for the preparation of their final year project. COEB422 ENGINEERS IN SOCIETY Pre-requisite : TECB213 & EEEB273 (Electrical Eng. Program) or MEMB333 (Mechanical Eng. Program) or CEPB323 (Civil Eng. Program) This course is designed to make engineering students more aware of ethical issues that may arise in their professional careers and to provide tools for assessing and resolving ethical dilemmas in engineering. To brief the students about what is expected from an engineer by the public and their employers. Aware of their position and responsibility as a professional engineer in the society, in handling technology transfer and assisting in developing the country. COEB432 PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT Pre-requisite : MEMB322 or EEEB273 This is an introductory course in management theory and practice. Management is presented as a discipline and as a process. This course introduces the modern management concepts with emphasis on the major functions and activities performed by a manager. It will discuss the behaviour of individuals and groups in organizational settings. Also included are the historical theories, decision-making processes, interpersonal concepts and current management issues. COEB442 ENGINEERING ECONOMICS Pre-requisite : EEEB273 or MEFB213 This is the first economic course for engineering students. The course is introduced so that the technical knowledge of these students is complemented with adequate economic knowledge as well as the use of economic analysis. Students will be exposed to the method of evaluating the economic benefits and costs of an engineering project. Students will also be taught the importance of the time value of money, the discount factor, the rate of return of investment as well as evaluation of alternative projects.

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