7th Sem Ece Syallabus

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7th Semester

4th year 1st semester subjects:

1. Microwave Engineering 2. Neural Networks and Fuzzy Control 3. Business Economics 4. Numerical Analysis

ECE402 Version No.: Prerequisite:

Microwave Engineering 1.10 ECE306 Antennas and Wave Propagation

L T P C 3 0 2 4

Objectives Analyze the passive circuits using Scattering parameters. Understand the various types of microwave semiconductor devices Design the microwave filters and implement in micro strip form Use smith chart to design amplifier using matching network Expected Outcome 1. Distinguish microwave IEEE frequency bands based on their application(A) 2. Analyze various microwave networks to study its characteristics (A,C,E) 3. Perform design and simulation of microwave circuits(A,C,E,H) 4. Infer and evaluate the performance of designed microwave networks (A,C,E) 5. Distinguish the requirement of microwave source for various applications 6. Determine stability condition and design microwave amplifier. Unit I Microwave measurement and application Microwave frequencies (IEEE Standards), Microwave measurements- Guide wavelength VSWRFrequency, Impedance. Applications of Microwaves: Microwave Oven, Radar, Wireless applications. Unit II Microwave Network Analysis Impedance and admittance matrix- Reciprocal Networks and Lossless networks, Scattering matrix- The transmission matrix, Signal Flow graph Decomposition of Signal Flow graphs. Unit III Microwave Sources and Semiconductor Devices Microwave Tubes: Travelling Wave Tube (TWT), Klystron oscillator, Reflex Klystron, Magnetron. Semiconductor Devices: Tunnel diode, Gunn diode, IMPATT-TRAPATT-BARITT diodes, microwave transistors. Unit IV Microwave Passive Components(Wave Guide) Power dividers: E-Plane Tee, H-Plane Tee, Magic Tee, Directional Coupler. Ferrite Devices: Phase Shifter, Isolator, Circulator, Microwave Resonators. Wave guide cavities: Rectangular Cavity, Circular Cavity. Unit V Design of Microwave Passive and active Circuits : Microstrip lines : Basics of Microstrip lines. Power Dividers: T junction, resistive power divider, Wilkinson Power Divider, Branch Line Coupler, Rat race ring (180o hybrid coupler). Microwave Filters: Low Pass Filter design (Butterworth and Chebyshev) - Insertion loss method: Richards Transformation, Kurodas identities, Stepped impedance low pass filter. Microwave Active circuits Microwave amplifiers, Stability, Single stage transistor amplifier, Maximum gain method. Textbooks: 1. D. M. Pozar, Microwave Engineering, John Wiley, 3/e, 2005. 2. Samuel Y. Liao, Microwave Devices and Circuits,3/e, PHI, New Delhi, 2002.

Proceedings of the 29th Academic Council [26.4.2013]


Reference Books 1. Robert E. Coughlin, Foundations of Microwave Engineering, John Wiley, 3/e, 2001. 2. Annapurna Dasand S, K. Das, Microwave Engineering, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2000. 3. O.P. Gandhi, Microwave Engineering, Pergamon Press, NY, 2003. 4. M.L. Sisodia, Microwave active devices- Vaccum and Solid States New Age International, 2004. 5. M.L. Sisodia, Microwave circuit and Passive devices New Age International, 2004. Mode of Evaluation: CAT- I & II, Quizzes, Assignments/ other tests, Term End Examination.

ECE402 List of Experiments:

Microwave Engineering Lab

Design & Simulation using Software 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Branch Line Coupler Power Divider Filter Amplifier Oscillator Circuit Mixer Low Noise Amplifier

Proceedings of the 29th Academic Council [26.4.2013]



Neural Networks and Fuzzy Control

Version No.: 1.30 Prerequisites: MAT101 Multivariable Calculus and Differential Equations / MAT201 Complex Variables and Partial Differential Equations, ECE303 Digital Signal Processing

L T P C 3 0 0 3

Objectives: To provide in depth knowledge on the latest subject and their applications in different fields. To introduce the various learning rules of Neural Networks both supervised and unsupervised. To explain the working of error back propagation training algorithm and its use as a mathematical tool for solving problems. To provide knowledge on associative memories and their applications. To introduce the subject on Fuzzy Logic. To introduce the Fuzzy relations and Fuzzy mathematics. To explain the solutions of a problem by Fuzzy Logic method based on linguistic inputs. To explain the concept of Fuzzy control and also help to design FLC. To explain few applications of both Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic in different fields Unit I Introduction to Artificial Neural Networks: Artificial neural networks and their biological motivation Terminology Models of neuron Topology characteristics of artificial neural networks types of activation functions. Unit II Learning Laws Learning methods error correction learning Hebbian learning Perceptron XOR Problem Perceptron learning rule convergence theorem Adaline. Unit III Feed Forward Networks Multilayer Perceptron Back Propagation learning algorithm Universal function approximation Associative memory: auto association, hetero associatio, recall and cross talk. Unit IV Recurrent neural networks Linear auto associator Bi-directional associative memory Hopfield neural network Travelling Salesman Problem. Unit V Unsupervised Learning Competitive learning neural networks Max net Mexican Hat Hamming net. Unit VI Self Organizing networks Kohonen Self organizing Feature Map Counter propagation Learning Vector Quantization Adaptive Resonance Theory Applications of neural networks in image processing, signal processing, modeling and control. Unit VII Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Relations Introduction classical sets and fuzzy sets classical relations and fuzzy relations membership functions fuzzy to crisp conversion ,fuzzy arithmetic, numbers, vectors, and extension principle Publishers.

Proceedings of the 29th Academic Council [26.4.2013]


Unit VIII Fuzzy Decision Making Classical logic and fuzzy logic fuzzy rule based systems fuzzy nonlinear simulation fuzzy decision making fuzzy control systems fuzzy optimization one-dimensional optimization. Reference Books: 1. Laurene Fausett, Fundamentals of Neural Networks-Architectures, algorithms and applications, Pearson Education Inc., 2004. 2. Timothy J. Ross, Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications, John Wiley and sons, 2004. 3. S. Haykin, Neural Networks, A Comprehensive Foundation, Pearson Education Inc., 2004. 4. Jacek. M. Zurada, Introduction to Artificial Neural Systems, Jaico Publishing House, 2001. 5. J.S.R. Jang, C.T. Sun, E. Mizutani, Neuro Fuzzy and Soft Computing - A computational Approach to Learning and Machine Intelligence, Pearson Education Inc., 2002. Pub, New Delhi, 1996. 6. Simon Haykin, Neural Networks, Mac Millen College Pub co., New York, 1994. Mode of Evaluation: CAT- I & II, Assignments/ other tests, Term End Examination.

Proceedings of the 29th Academic Council [26.4.2013]


Proceedings of the 26th Academic Council held on 18.5.2012


LTPC 3003

VersionNo. 2 Nil CoursePrerequisites: Objectives: To introduce the business economics concepts and their applications for engineers. Theories and tools of economics in Business applications. ExpectedOutcome: Students should be aware of basic concepts of economics and theoretical significance in Business. UnitNo.1ConsumerPreferencesandDemandAnalysis 9hrs Consumer Behaviour- Utility analysis- Indifference Curves Equilibrium- Income and Price Effect- Slutsky Equation- Demand functions -Consumer Surplus Engel curveElasticity-Demand Forecasting Techniques. UnitNo.2ProductionAnalysis 9hrs Producers Behaviour- Production Function- Cobb Douglas, CES and Translog Functions- Law of Variable Proportion -Law of Return to Scale. UnitNo.3CostAnalysis 9hrs Cost and Revenue Functions -Short-Run and Long-Run-AC, MC, AR and MR- BreakEven Analysis. UnitNo.4MarketStructuresandPricing9hrs Perfect, Monopoly, Monopolistic and Oligopoly markets, Pricing Market Search. UnitNo.5GamesandInformation9hrs Introduction to Game Theory - Strategic Equilibrium- Nash Equilibrium Asymmetric Information - Insurance Risk and Uncertainty - Moral Hazard. TextBooks: 1. Business Economics- J.A. Kay- Oxford University Press,- ISBN10: 0198292228 2. Micro Economic Analysis Varian H 3. Micro Economic Theory: Mathematical Approach Henderson & Quandt. References: 1. Varian H (1999), IntermediateMicroeconomics:AModernApproach, East West Press Pvt., Ltd, New Delhi. 2. Mandal R K (1999), MicroeconomicTheory, Atlantic Publishers, New Delhi. 3. Maurya M L (2002), Modern Microeconomics: Theory and Application, Manglam Publishers, New Delhi. 4. Stigler G (1985), TheoryofPrice, Prentice Hall, New Delhi. 5. Koutsyiannis A (1994), ModernMicroEconomics, MacMillan, London. 6. Pyndic & Rubin field - Micro Economics. ModeofEvaluation: RecommendedbytheBoardofStudieson: DateofApprovalbytheAcademicCouncil: Continuous Assessment (Quizzes, CATs, Assignments, etc.) and TEE 04.04.2012 18.05.2012


Proceedings of the 26th Academic Council held on 18.5.2012

MAT203 NUMERICALANALYSIS L T P C 3 0 0 3 Version No. 1.1 Prerequisite MAT105 Objectives: To provide concepts of numerical methods that can be used in many engineering applications. Expected Outcome: On completion of this course students are able to apply numerical algorithms, concepts in engineering applications SolutionOfEquationsAndEigenValueProblems 9 hours UnitI Iterative methods: Newton Raphson method for single variable and for simultaneous equations with two variables. Solutions of a linear system by Gaussian, Gauss-Jordan, Jacobi and Gauss Seidel methods. Inverse of a matrix by Gauss Jordan method. Eigen value of a matrix by Power and Jacobi methods. Interpolation 9 hours UnitII Newton forward and backward difference formulae-problems, Stirlings and Bessels Central difference formulae-problems, Newtons divided difference formulae, Lagranges interpolation and Hermites polynomials UnitIII NumericalDifferentiationAndIntegration 9 hours Numerical differentiation with interpolation polynomials, Numerical integration by Trapezoidal and Simpsons (both 1/3 and 3/8 ) rules. Two and Three point Gaussian quadrature formula. Double integrals using Trapezoidal and Simpsons rule. UnitIV Initial Value Problems For Ordinary Differential Equations 9 hours
rd th

Single step Methods Taylor Series, Euler and Modified Euler, Runge Kutta method of order four for first and second order differential equations. Multistep Methods-Milne and Adams Bashforth predictor and corrector methods. UnitV BoundaryValueProblemsForOrdinaryAndPartial 9 hours DifferentialEquations Finite difference solution for the second order ordinary differential equations. Finite difference solution for one dimensional heat equation (both implicit and explicit), Onedimensional wave equation and two-dimensional Laplace and Poisson equations. TextBook Jain M.K., Iyengar S.R.K and Jain R.K., Numerical Methods for Engineering and Scientific Computation (Fourth Edition), New Age International (P) Ltd., New Delhi, 20102,3,4,5,6,7


Proceedings of the 26th Academic Council held on 18.5.2012

References 1. Gerald C.F., Wheatley P.O., Applied Numerical Analysis (Fifth Edition), Addison Wesley, Singapore, 1998Sastry, S.S., Introductory Methods of Numerical Analysis (Third Edition), Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 1998. 2. Grewal B.S., Grewal J.S., Numerical Methods in Engineering and Science, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi, 1999. 3. S.S.Sastry, Introductory Methods of Numerical Analysis, PHI Pvt Ltd ,New Delhi (2003). Mode of Evaluation: Recommended by the Board of Studies on : 12-05-2012 Date of Approval by the Academic Council :


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