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Name: __________________________ Pronouns Underline the word that best completes each sentence.

1 Wilson vowed to find the culprit (whose, who, who's) had scratched his car. 2 (Whose, Who, Who's) going with us to the library? 3 Do you know (whose, who, who's) going to sing tonight? 4 (Whose, Who, Who's) going to the movie? (Whose, Who, Who's) !ob is it to clean the kitchen? Underline the correct word to complete each sentence. " #om cooked waffles$ and everyone ate (they, them). % Whenever the settlers saw funnel clouds$ (they, them) hurried toward storm shelters. & 'eople often mimic others when (they, them) tell stories. ( )rian put some crickets in his pocket so he could feed (they, them) to his li*ard. 1+ (They, Them) used a yoke to transport the supplies. Underline the word that best completes each sentence. 11 ,arl$ my brother$ always makes (my, mine, I, me) laugh. 12 ,an the company reimburse (my, mine, I, me) for my e-penses? 13 .is constant interruptions began to ta- (my, mine, I, me) patience. 14 /he blue and yellow notebook is (my, mine). 1 Whenever 01ve forgotten (my, mine, I, me)$ my friend lends me a pencil.

Underline the correct word to complete each sentence. 1" 0 hiss at my little sister when (she, her) makes me mad. 1% 2ittle )etty began to kneel down to say (she, her) prayer before bedtime. 1& (She, Her) was very scrupulous about her behavior$ always telling the truth. 1( 0 decided to pour out my heart to (she, her)$ and then she told all my friends what 0 had said. 2+ /he writer used a pen name to maintain (she, her) anonymity.

Underline the word that best completes each sentence. 21 (Their, Theirs, They, There's) a basin of milk for the cats in the barn. 22 /he soldiers seemed fearless as (their, theirs, they, there's) marched toward the enemy. 23 (Their, Theirs, They, There's) a railroad station near our house. 24 0f you have ever seen a penguin move$ you will see that (their, theirs, they, there's) is a walk that is amusing. 2 3hattered by (their, theirs, they, there's) daughter1s death$ their pain will always be with them.

Underline the correct word to complete each sentence. 2" .er answers are so strange that sometimes 0 think she is on a different plane from the rest of (we, us). 2% /o prepare for the winter$ (we, us) bought three cords of wood and stacked them under the shed. 2& 4ur teacher had to persuade (we, us) to do better on our tests. 2( (We, Us) will have a picnic in the park on 0ndependence Day. 3+ /he rain seemed to descend on (we, us) the whole morning. Underline the word that best completes each sentence. 31 /he e-change student (whose, who, who's) working in our class is from )ei!ing$ ,hina. 32 Do you know (whose, who, who's) car we are taking to the library tomorrow afternoon? 33 )ecca is not sure (whose, who, who's) house she is going to after school. 34 5uess (whose, who, who's) going to be absent tomorrow. 3 6lthough there are many (whose, who, who's) do not think he will be a good king$ ,harles is the heir apparent.

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