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. .. " ... ' ' .. ... -'" . . WATERTOWN'DAILyTIMES -
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Saturday, Marc.h 9,20'll AS
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Two wHlvote on siting Cape Vincent project"
By . 0 ,,' ' ia J Cape . Committee that researched the. the' town of Lyme and Jeffer- with the . committee," cape
TlME5SJAFFWRITER '. . .' . Viricent, an entrepreneur with " issuesofenVironmerital, health son County, thetl\'omembers Vincent Supenisor Urban 'C.
o CAPEVINCENT+-,Fourcan-.morethan25yearsofexperi-andsafetymatters ... ' ..... :... appointed tothead.hoc com- ,.Hirscheysaid in his nomina.
I didates,forthestate Article X enceinsales,ma\-keting, busi-.. . Two of the four will be ap- mittee,willgetto ivoteon the tion letter, which was submit-
. ad hoc cOrnmittee;whichwill ness developmeNt and corpo- ; . pointed to. serve 9n',the cOrn- outcome ofthesititi.greViewfor . ted to the state Public SerVice .
weighinonthesitingoftlJ.e tatemanagemeny. .' mitteewithin a month by the CapeViricent[WindFarm";:eommission.,.",, , .. ;,
'proposedCapeVincent Wind . iii Donna . state Sen*'s I\epublican proposed byBPWind E,riergy. The .:wind developer is:ex-
Farmproject, have been nomi- Vincent, whdwotked3Syears . leader, Dean G. Long "They ar.ealli .resp.ectedpected to take the next step in
natedforthilstate's consider-" .in the public eduqation system Island;-andAssembly Speaker members of ,the 'community . the Article X sitirigprocess by
alion. .... . as an educa.tdraria administra- . Sheldon 'Silver, D-Manhattan.; and versed)n.the'application
'filinlfi!S'prelimiriary' scoping
Those nominated: .'. toil. . ... '. ,.. '. J. '. .; IfMr.Skelosand Mr. Silver miss and pr9jects advantages and" ':statement"-'.- which' wilFin-
II Thomas E. Brown, a Cape. ,'111. ,Deanne!,;.' Scanlon, thedeadlinetomakeadecision, disadvantages for the town, . elude adescription oftheracil-
Vincentresident and retired Chaumont,an member .. all ity and proposed impact stud-
. ofthestate of the coinriitmitjrwho served '. pointthe ad hoc members. . . .'. committee ies, among other iteins-'With
DePartInent ofEnvironmentaj ". on. sevenil '. As representatives of the ... functionsatsome pdintin their . the s.tate Department of Public
Cons.ervatiiJ'n. '''. and the: town oftLyme Wind communities of Cape Vincent; career 'arid will interact well . SerVice by the end ofMarcJ'i,
, ,-: .',,',;'<' : .].':,' :, "', . " .,-: ;' , ; ',. I'< " -.'
________ __
Name: Thomas E. Brown
Home AddresslPhone
340 William Street
PO Box 37
Cape Vincent, NY 13618
Resume Protlle
II Ph. 315-654-2453
Cell 315-778-3515
Business of Profession
Wildlife Biologist I Environmental Consultant
January 17,2013
Regional Director, NYS Department on::'nvironmental Conservation (DEC) (Retired)
Background (degrees held, alma mater, professionallvolunteerlBoard
experience, organizational/club affiliations)
B.S., Niagara Univers.ity
h.tS., SUNY College of Envirorul1cntal Science and Forestry
Past Experience:
Military, Captain US Ann} Infantry
Adjunct Professor, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry;
Adirondack Wildlife Prograrn; U,S. Wildlife Consultant to India; Wildlife Society Officer;
Great Lakes Commission; Great Lakes Basin Commission; Council of Great Lakes
Adirondack (rug Hin Plmming Task Forces; Elected School Board
Civic Organization Trustee Adirondack Chapter of The Nature Conservancy (TNC)
Current Positions:
Appointed US/LTC Board Member to the International SL Lawrence River Board of
Control; Greal Lakes Consultant to the Department of Environmental Conservation
(DEC); Trustee and Board Chainmm of the Black River Environmentallrnprovcmcnt
Association (llREIA)
HWlting & Fishing, Hunting Dogs, Skiing, Tennis, Hiking
Personal (names of spouse, children, etc.)
Wife: Patricia
Children: Cathy, Molly, and Jim

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