Lingua Inglese

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LINGUA INGLESE ID Domanda 17886 She_____cookingfooddaily. 17879 Iheardsomestrangenoises_____thenight.

17878 Leif Ericson discovered Vinland while he _____towards the west. 17876 I_____inthisschoolfortenyears. 17875 How_____doyouhave? 17874 Hehasn'tgot_____asateacher. 17872 Our town is known for its beautiful green _______? 17869 They were ten minutes late but they came _____ last. 17861 The right opposite of "Silly" is: 17858 The weather forecast says the sun ________ tomorrow. 17855 Wedidnotmake_____. 17853 Go to the square and there you can admire a medieval _____. 17852 Excuse me, can you tell where the nearest ________ is? I need some rolls. 17851 The right opposite of "Narrow" is: 17850 He was shy at first but __________ the end he asked her to marry him. 17847 When_____? 17846 I_____mygrandmothernextweek. 17842 Do you know any cheap __________ and restaurants in that town? 17841 The right opposite of "Sour" is: 17840 Everything turned out well ______ the end of the story. Risposta A liking in the middle sailed studied lot sheeps a lot of experiences nature at Happy shines many mistakens rock baker's Deep at do you arrived should be visit roofs Salty at Risposta B likes in was sailing have been studied many sheep many experience flowers end Astute may shine much mistake pavement bookshop Great by did you arrived visit halls Bitter for Risposta C like on have been sailing been studying many sheeps many experiences ambient for Clever is going to shine many mistakes fire light chemist's Tall in has you arrived visiting pavements Sweet in Risposta D is liking since were sailing have been studying much sheep much experience parks in Stupid will shine much mistakes fountain confectionary Thin on have you arrived will visit hotels Light on Risposta E has liked during has sailed was studying much sheeps much experiences tree on Easy is shining many mistooks bus stop library Wide till did you arrive would visit hot-tables Sugar about

LINGUA INGLESE ID 17839 17838 17837 17835 17834 17250 Domanda IworkfromMonday_____Saturday. _____yourhomework? HiJane,you_____sad!What'sup? Thereweren't_____atthemeeting. How_____doyouwant? I have not had the _____ to read the newspaper today. 17248 When the plane landed, my colleagues _____ for me. 17247 The president, _____ is 68, is retiring next year. 17246 She is going to change her job when she _____ a better one. 17245 Parents spend a lot of money _____ their children's books. 17244 It's a long time since I _____ on a holiday abroad. 17243 It _____ a disaster if we lost the contract. 17240 I _____ to go to the police station this morning. 17239 He stopped _____ his report to answer the front door. 17237 Could I _____ a return ticket to Palermo, please? 17235 _____ this city has a lot of problems, I wouldn't live anywhere else. 17234 Will you be home ___ for dinner? 17232 When are you going ___ Italy? 17231 What's the longest river ___ the world? 17230 What did you have ___ lunch? 17226 She 's got so ___ money, she doesn't know what to do with it. Risposta A to Did you make are looking many woman many tea chance wait how offered for went was had eating book Although when in on for any Risposta B since Has you done is looking many women many teas sell waiting who has offered at go is am writing look Since in time on in on much Risposta C on Have you made look many womens much tea fortune were waiting whom offer to spend isn't was playing write As late to from to no Risposta D in Are you done looks much woman much teas treasure waited where could offer on am wasn't can breaking wear Because just at is by more Risposta E for Have you done will look much women very tea ability are waiting what is offered in was would be have winning spend If also from by at that

LINGUA INGLESE ID Domanda 17225 She is very old. She needs someone to look ___ her. 17224 We are leaving here ___ three days. 17223 I'm staying with friends in London ___ four days. 17220 Look at Carl! He ___ a haircut. 17219 Jack's father has been a policeman ________ 15 years. 17218 Jack and Carl stood in front of the mirror and looked at _______ . 17217 Have you ever ___ caviar? 17216 I'm sorry to trouble you, but could you ___ me some sugar? 17215 I was hungry, so I ___ something to eat in the shop. 17214 I tried to catch James but I couldn't. He ___ very fast. 17213 I saw Shally this morning. She was ___ a bus which passed me. 17212 I have to go ___ the bank today to change some money. 17211 I had a lot of problems with my computer. ___ I sold it and i bought another one. 17210 I didn't feel like walking, so I came home ___ a taxi. 17209 I can sing better ___ you. 17208 I always go ___ a walk with my dog in the morning. 17207 I ___ my key. I can't find it anywhere. 17206 Hurry up! If we ___ hurry, we'll be late. 17205 He was ___ than his wife by twenty years. Risposta A into from since has since themselves drunk help sold going in in In the end at less in lose don't older Risposta B before for for take for myself eaten slice had was running to to That with more for have sell can't happier Risposta C last in by dress by ourselves had lend find was speaking by at Probably in as with have lost aren't good Risposta D yet since from have until yourselves seen throw bought was eating at towards Quickly to than on have threw do bigger Risposta E after on on has had before itself taken write buy was on from In the last by so at haven't have little

LINGUA INGLESE ID Domanda 17204 Have you been learning english ___ a long time? 17202 17201 17200 17199 17198 17197 17196 17194 17192 17191 17073 We are going ___the cinema. ___ people were at the party? ___ are you going to do tomorrow evening? I was ___ when I heard about the tsunami. I enjoyed the match. It was quite ___ . By the time Paolo arrived at the airport the plane had _____ left. We haven't got much time. We ___ hurry. When i finish the course,I _____ work in a software house. Are you afraid ___ dogs? A widow is a woman ___ husband is dead. The New York University research team is collaborating with the Department of Health in its ________ for a cure of arthritis. The doctor told the patient to stay in bed for a few more days in order to avoid suffering a ____________ . It is important to _______ off all of the old paint before you refinish your furniture. I cant believe it! How could that ________ have been made head of a school? He tried to _________ his identity by disguising his voice. A ________ contingent of demonstrators marched up the hill to the Capitol. She agreed to marry the aging millionaire more because of _____ than because of love. Risposta A since in How much Why scare ugly gone must had been of who inquiry Risposta B for at How many When happied exciting already can could the whom query Risposta C on to There How bad depressing yet shall can to whose inquisition Risposta D just on What What disturbed boring none are must a which quest Risposta E soon by How little While horrified unpleasant so have should an that quibble







17066 17064 17061 17060 17059

scrounge nomad concede clamorous aversion

scrape wizard rejuvenate groovy awe

scrub luminary revise clapping anguish

scold nitwit reveal glamorous scorn

strip genius conceal courteous avarice

LINGUA INGLESE ID Domanda 17058 I dont quite _______ what youre trying to tell me. 17048 The guest didnt come to the party altogether; they came in _________ and drabs. 17046 I _______ and turned for hours before falling asleep. 17043 We placed only one small advertisement but a ________ of people came to the shop. 17041 More than 100 animals __________ in the circus fire. 17036 ___________ of geraniums stood on the windowsill. 17028 The first duty of the state is to ________ that lawabiding people are protected from crime. 17026 A very small stain, mark or shape can also be called a _________ . 17021 A flight of steps, a pack of cards and a _________ of bananas. 17017 You have made a ________ of a very serious matter by ridiculing it. 17014 A safety helmet __________ the effects of a blow. 17013 The blacksmiths appearance led people to believe he was a _______ man. No one would ever believe he could bend a steel bar with his bare hands. 17011 Im sorry! I stepped on your sore foot by accident, not ________ malice. 17009 The bullet struck the wall with such impact that it __________ . Risposta A hold drifts Risposta B grasp dribs Risposta C grip drips Risposta D clutch drills Risposta E seize dribbles

tossed herd flustered Bowls ensue

coughed hive perished Pots insure

overturned pack faked Kettles assure

turned hoard roared Pans reassure

hurled flock roasted Pot bellies assume

specimen clump model maximizes frail

species bush throng mitigates mighty

speck bunch mistake amplifies temperate

spare batch mockery wipes out powerful

spray clutch sham heals bitter

from went through

out of wobbled up

for tumbled over

by bounced off

with went right cross

LINGUA INGLESE ID Domanda 17005 If you have a cold or the flu, play _______ and go to bed. 16989 My father hit the __________ when I damaged his car. 16983 Prices go ______ whenever there is inflation. 16977 Sally always wants to call the ______ but Mary doesntliketobebossedaround. 16976 If you quit your job, who is going to bring home the _______ ? 16972 The birds start singing at the _______ of dawn. 16968 A bird in the hand is worth two in the _______ . Risposta A hooky sack to the stars shots bacon crack bush Risposta B it cool high spots to the moon meetings biscuits crash tree Risposta C it safe jackpot sky high bluff rolls crawl nest Theresnoharmin had been given accelerator had bought so kind as have to unless didntwear Risposta D hard the get ceiling straight ahead dogs off butter creak wood Itsnouse might be given footbrake bought very kind ought suppose hadntworn Risposta E dumb hay round the bend orders bread crush air There is no point in will have been given ignition buy much too kind neednt provided hadntbeen wearing might not ever get

16966 "Let me pay for your help." "_____________ Iwouldntdreamof Itswellworth accepting payment from a friend." 16963 If I had seen her, she ______ the message. would have been would have given given 16960 Before you change gear, you have to push down handbrake clutch on the __________ . 16958 He said it was time I ______ a new car. have bought will buy 16957 Would you be ______ to keep me informed? as kind as so kind that 16954 He said that if I had time I _______ wash the floor. 16953 You can camp here _____ you leave no mess. must as long was to otherwise werentwearing

16950 I was wearing a seatbelt when the accident had been wearing happened. If I _____ one, Id have been seriously injured. 16946 It is a good thing we didnt lend him the money. might never get We ______ it back

might ever have gotten

might never have got

might have gotten

LINGUA INGLESE ID Domanda 16945 "Can I stay up until the end of the programme?" " Idratheryou_______." 16943 Mary was happy with the apartment. It turned out to be much bigger than she ______ . Risposta A dont has expected Risposta B do expected Risposta C werent had expected Risposta D did expects Risposta E didnt has been expecting

16941 She threatened to ______ fire to the flat. Thats give why I asked her to leave. 16939 I never expected you to turn ____ at the meeting. up It thought you were on vacation. 16935 Good afternoon, _________ you come in and sit wont down? 16934 Behave yourself Jack! Dont carry _____ like a on madman! 16930 You ______ the waiter five pounds. Fifty pence donthavetogive would have been more than enough. 16923 You can stay here ____ you remain quiet. until 16922 Hes the sort of musician ______ enthusiasm whom exceeds his ability. 16920 He decided to go ahead, _______ what other regardless of people said. 16914 Theyre planning to _____ this space into a car modify park. 16911 The management _______ the right to refuse keeps admission. 16910 All we see is the _____ of the iceberg as sixtop sevenths of it is underwater. 16904 When you are at the airport, why dont you lend ______ a car from the car rental agency there? 16903 __________ how things stand! 16901 Not only did he divorce his wife, ______ he gave up his job as well. Thus so

launch in do through should have given as long as which although put preserves apex hike

set on would out mustntgive as far as whose in spite bring reserves summit hire

bring around shall by neednthavegiven while that considering translate holds tip borrow

break down wouldnt up needntgive during of which regarding convert retains peak return

Thats but

Theres even

Such and

Hence also

LINGUA INGLESE ID Domanda 16900 At the last election the number of voters decreased _____ 5 %. 16899 Illwatch______filmyouchoose. 16897 Icouldntrecall_______Ihadlentmybook. 16896 The less you exercise _________ the risk of heart disease. 16889 You must admit that dishonesty could be _______ in a bank teller. 16888 An old car might give ______ black fumes. 16887 It seems ages since we saw each other ______ ! Risposta A with which to which the greatest an expectation away last Risposta B at whether to what the most an exuberance into first he is him to think heavy did do have I seen couldnthave cashed which the rich being brand Risposta C of which one to who the greater intriguing off ago must he to think slippery did did I see dhavecashed why the riches bunch Risposta D by what to that more a shortcoming out before he should for him to think hot had done I will see must have made out what the richness brunch Risposta E from whichever to whom most a business project up lately ought he not him thinking rough have done I have seen should have cashed it the rich person bench

16884 Tell him what ______ to do. does he have 16879 Iwouldntlike______Ididntbelievehim. that he thought 16878 Bob had trouble holding on to the greasy pole cold because it was too _____ . 16875 Itstimethatyou_____whatyouaretold. do 16872 Never _______ him so angry! I saw 16871 If Bob had needed money, he _______ a check, would have made buthedidnt. out 16868 The students were frequently late _____ annoyed that the teacher tremendously. 16861 Only ______ could afford to buy his firms the rich products. 16858 It was Susans birthday. Her husband walked into branch the room with a _____ of flowers. 16856 The accident may have been caused by the man _______ hair was red. 16853 After the third break-in, Mrs. Smith told reporters that it was the first time anything valuable _________ . which was taken

that were taken

whom had been taken

of which is taken

whose has been taken

LINGUA INGLESE ID Domanda 16852 In order to complete the investigation, we need ______ information. 16849 _______ this year there has been a lot of rain. 16848 Richard was told to put the CD ______ and to do his homework. 16843 _______ her first day at the factory Karen learnt a lot. 16833 Do you smell something _______ ? 16831 Ill lend you my umbrella ______ you return it to me. 16820 We arrived ______ late and got very poor seats. 16819 Helen ____ and spilled the wine all over the tablecloth. 16816 It ____ the first time they had ever taken a plane. 16814 What made ______ his mind? 16809 Imgoingtothebutcherstogetsome______. 16807 Before getting on a plane you must go _______ customs and immigration. 16806 If you dont know the meaning of a word, you look it up in _____ . 16804 They ______ him that the roads were icy. 16798 Yourhandwritingisnotjustbad;its_______. 16796 Id love to come tonight. _______ , I already have a date. 16788 Iveneverbeenverygood_____money. 16787 You look terribly tired. You really ______ to get more sleep. Risposta A further In off In burn hence somewhere stepped is he changed vegetables to an atlas alarmed terrific Luckily at should Risposta B more details So far on At burned when some time tripped was him change cigarettes through a dictionary invited great Fortunately with must Risposta C too many As far as through Upon which burns therefore much jogged had been to him change fruit by a vocabulary warned terrified Unfortunately for dealing ought Risposta D far Until out On burning provided some run will be for him to change meat under an encyclopedia remembered unlegible Unhappily to could Risposta E farther So far as away For burnt unless somewhat paced will have been change bread at a textbook ordered terrible Disgracefully dealing had

LINGUA INGLESE ID Domanda 16783 Hesabove______height;about1meter78cm. 16780 _______ a famous personality has its advantages and its disadvantages. 16769 Ifit______nextweekend,Illgototheseaside. Risposta A medium To be will not rain Risposta B normal Been shall not rain Risposta C usual Be doesntrain would have been very useful advices will he have done were you able am being had had of ground a two miles walk could Risposta D middle Being rains was much advice he will be doing can you were would around garden a long walking were able to Risposta E average The being should rain is a very useful advice is he doing could you am going to be had in floor two miles walk would

16768 I was sure the beach ______ very crowded this will be would be morning. 16767 My mother always gives me _____ . many useful advices very useful advice 16764 "What _________ tomorrow at this time?" "Probably sleeping." 16761 When you were 10, _______ ride a bicycle? 16760 If I _____ offered a job as a clerk, I would take it right away. 16759 I wish you ______ type this letter with no mistakes! 16754 I think there is something strange _______ him. will he be doing you were able to had been will with will he do you could am can about roof a two-mile walk can

16753 The child threw the ball out of the window and it ceiling fell to the ______. 16750 Last night they went for ______ . a walk of two miles 16749 My parents asked me to tell them something that they _____ buy for my birthday. 16747 "Did you manage to catch the train?" "Yes, I __________ it." 16746 If Tom werent so shy, he ______ have more friends. 16744 He told me I _______ more careful. may

took wouldnt has to be

got on ll must be

missed can had to be

saw d had better

fetched should ought to

LINGUA INGLESE ID Domanda 16740 He wasnt able to answer the question because it was ____ difficult. 16739 The heavy traffic will ____ us late. 16734 He has been _____ the grass since 9:00. 16730 I drive 5 miles _____ school every day. 16729 Mike doesnt like to sing. He doesnt like to dance ______ . 16727 They have ______ furniture for the room. 16726 Yesterday I went to the laundry to ______ . 16725 You always travel by bus. Dont you ____ take the train? 16724 "Where ______ we meet you?" 16723 "Will I get to the station on time?" " Yes, youll have _____ time." 16719 The telephone line is busy. The line is _____ . 16718 16717 16716 16714 I ______ my lesson last night. John is a teacher and ______ is Tom. Imnotsurebutit_____snowtonight. Mr. Green is a good salesman, but Mr. White is _____ . 16712 People who are retired have a lot of ______ time. 16711 He has put his hat ______ . 16709 After the sales clerk gave Miss Smith the shoes he said, " ________ ?" 16708 Wewill_____thetrainifyoudonthurryup! 16706 Will you _____ this suitcase for me? 16704 The student has to ______ an exam. Risposta A too much make cut now and then too plenty of buy a new suit ever are a lot dead have studied too will best busy on May I help you catch carry make Risposta B very have for watering off and on neither any borrow some money not ever shall much not in use will study so must better much in Anything else get on show bring Risposta C too bring cuts in and out never too leave my dirty clothes still usually lots out of order studied or may worse old Risposta D many become to water by and for either a great deal rent a car yet would like no in use sstudied either wont more free Risposta E exactly get cutting to and from nor many make a call never cant plenty of broken have got nor sgoingto much more less

by at to What do you want Can I use my credit Shall I pay for them card miss lose forget post do mail administer make take

LINGUA INGLESE ID Domanda 16702 When he finished talking on the phone, he ______ . 16701 Take an umbrella with you. It _____ rain. 16700 "I hope to see you in New York ______ ." 16697 Ray learns new words ______ . 16695 Thischairisntcomfortable.Thatoneisnt____. 16693 The doctor told Bill that he ____ smoking because it is bad for him. 16691 I went to the mechanic to ____ my car. 16690 Do you know ___ it is to Paris? 16689 "Can you fix the television?" "Yes, but theres a _____ for it." 16688 Do you want me to go or _____ I wait here? 16687 The telephone company _____ Fred a bill last week. 16685 "What _____ your teacher like?" "Shes very pleasant." 16684 Have you ______ seen Big Ben? 16683 Mary ______ been to Berlin. 16682 ShesgoingtoHolland______thetulips. 16681 _____ Jane reading when we walked in? 16680 "Hello. Can you ____ a taxi to my house?" 16679 Harrydidntbuy_____shirtsatthatstore. 16677 Paul ____ works at night. 16675 I know Mr. Smith. We _____ last year. 16674 When the train got into London, Joe ______. 16673 Robert was listening to the radio when I _____ him. 16672 I phoned Robert _____ he was doing his homework. Risposta A gave up wont a year ago quickly too must to stop see for how long change will paid is never s to see Didnt call much yet met got in ring how Risposta B sat up might since two years ago very quick either didnthaveto pick out how much charge am mails does yet had see Wasnt have any ever encounter got along rung until Risposta C shut up cant last year quick so have to stop see of what for shock shall sent will ever d for see Arent send no doesnt saw got off ringed while Risposta D hung up would in a long time much more nor cannot stop look for how far check how long offered did before ll seeing Isnt give a great deal sometimes introduced got out rang as soon as Risposta E woke up shouldnt in two years more quick neither has to stop see about how many choice wont sold was not ever is for to see Werent drive a lot doesntever meet got away ringen during

LINGUA INGLESE ID 16669 16668 16667 16666 16664 16663 16659 16656 16655 16654 16653 Domanda John is _____ than Susan. They promised ____ us. John is speaking _____ the phone. I want to try this suit ____ . I will see her _____ 1400 hours. Henry got a new tie. He will _____ it this evening. I hope _____ you. She is as pretty _____ her sister. Ihavetobethere_____5oclock. She has a headache. She needs ______ . The driver stopped because the light was _____ . Risposta A tall visit to on at seat it to visit like for a shower red hurry up raining isnt Turn on to report break on from in students begin my class in from the rent that Risposta B tallest to visit on off of eat it visiting too to a hairdresser yellow stand up hot dont Set on report got wet at in on labs get up early on at the punishment those Risposta C the taller came in out on wear it visited as by an aspirin on fall down foggy doesnt Switch off reports braked in on at tapes walk to the lab at on homework them Risposta D taller will visit through for off sell it will visit of over a dress green sit down cold arent Put over reporting got hurt by at to teachers eat my breakfast to of the bills this Risposta E as tall to come of of in buy it for visit than between an instructor off talk warm werent Turn off no report broke from to for chairs do my homework for to attention theirs

16652 When the General comes into the room, the cadets ______ . 16651 Takeasweaterwithyoubecauseits_____. 16649 The news _____ good. 16648 Itsdarkinhere._______thelights. 16647 Captain Smith told Joe _______ to the commander. 16646 The glass fell on the floor and ______ . 16645 Please come _____ 6:00. 16644 I go there ____ Sunday. 16643 We go to class ______ the morning. 16642 There is no furniture in the room. There are no _____ . 16641 At the mess hall I ______ . 16640 We have lunch ______ noon. 16639 I am going _____ California. 16638 The teacher asked her students to pay _____ . 16637 Does he want _____ big maps?

LINGUA INGLESE ID Domanda 16636 The teacher ______ a bus to school. 16635 Please ask Tom to come and _____ me today. 16634 The teacher waits for every _____ to come into the room. 16633 This bus _____ at Main Street. 16632 My English class _____ at 8:00 pm. 16631 I want to read _____ evening paper. 16630 Themechanicis_____Samscar. 16629 The student goes to school ____ bus. 16628 He does his work ____ . 16626 Last week I _____ in an airplane. 16625 _________ food did you buy? 16624 I am behind you. You are _________ me. 16623 She _________ the picture now. 16622 The food I _________ last night was good. 16049 I could have _____ that Julia told me the plane wasarrivingat4oclock. 16038 The plate was right on the _____ of the table and could have been knocked off at any moment. 16036 To promote him so quickly you must have a very high _____ of his ability. 16034 The noise got ______ as the car disappeared into the distance. 16032 Hesintelligentbuthe_______commonsense. 16023 He has to go to Canada for the next _____ of his training. 16021 The judge ______ him twenty pounds for parking his car illegally. Risposta A brings seen boys comes start a fixing on good fly How much beside is looking eat swayed border Risposta B shows sees students begin does those washing by well flew How little before looks eight cursed tip Risposta C takes saw child start end ones breaking in bad flies How many above is looking at ate sworn margin Risposta D catch to see girls stops were these stealing to careful flying How below doesntlookat eaten worshipped edge Risposta E get see children leaves finishes the cleaning of a lot fled How few in front of isntlooking hate judged fringe

view smaller wants step punished

opinion fainter fails stand charged

idea weaker misses point ordered

feeling slighter lacks stage fined

thought deafer necessitates stride accused

LINGUA INGLESE ID Domanda 16020 "Out of sight, out of ________ " means that people quickly forget someone if he/she goes away. 16018 Someone who is lazy and unwilling to make an effort to work is said to be _______ . 16014 Things have been so hectic here this week; we hope they will ______ after the holidays. 16007 He sees himself as very astute, but in that particular situation even he was ______ . 16006 To spank a crying child just adds fuel to the _____. 15997 Mary is always at _________ with her father about how late she can stay out. 15996 Mr. and Mrs. Jones dont get along well. They are _______ . 15995 Pleasedonttalkaboutmebehind_______! 15993 "Bill, stop biting off more than you can _____ ." 15992 Comewhat______,wellstandbyyou. 15991 The witness _______ out the name of the killer even though the judge told him to keep quiet. 15990 The criminal broke _______ from the police officer. 15989 If you dont buckle _____ to your job, youll be fired. 15988 I must bring this activity to ________ . I made a bad investment. Risposta A mind Risposta B memory Risposta C thought Risposta D brain Risposta E heart

slovenly look up

slothful simmer down

sloppy beef up

shabby hash over

slick keep rolling

taken for a drive injury stake poles apart my shoulders swallow will bugged

given a lift fire odds both of age the scenes eat might busted

taken for a ride coal best borne out the eight ball chew can blurted

put through his paces burnt large bear watching my back gulp may blurred

quick-witted spark hard beating around the bush my face nibble would blew

through out account

loose in brew

off under haul

ground down light

even up a halt

LINGUA INGLESE ID Domanda 15987 The captain had to do the report again because his commander couldnt make heads or _____ of it. 15984 Im trying to make some sense _____ what John is saying. 15982 Sally is an excellent doctor. Shes really cut ______ for the medical profession. 15980 Each student got a very high mark on the test and the teacher imagined it was the result of ______ play. 15979 After I inherited the money I went from _______ . 15978 Whenever they play the national anthem, I get a _____ in my throat. 15977 Whenever I have to go on stage, I get ______ in my stomach. 15976 The gym coach got in trouble for getting _____ with some of the members of the team. Risposta A feet Risposta B tails Risposta C hands Risposta D face Risposta E nose

of out foul

with off fair

about in free

from loose fast

out of back frail

top to bottom load shivers physical

stem to stern bump flies fresh

rags to riches lump goose bumps rolling

start to finish mob cramps underway

pillar to post frog butterflies sewed up

15975 If you dont improve your performance, theyll the green light the writing on the the light of day fireyou.Cantyousee_______? wall 15974 If you ask to see the manager, theyll give you the run around glad-hand the short end of the _____.Hesrarelyinhisoffice. stick 15973 Youre going _______ if you dont stop spending to go into a tailspin to go Dutch to go broke money foolishly. 15972 This contract is vital for me. Ill go to any length width level _________ to secure it. 15971 He let his success go to _______ and soon rack and ruin his head pot became a complete failure. 15969 I didnt think I could ever get used to this town, overcomes overtakes grounds but after a while it ________ you.

about that go-ahead to go out of style limit the dogs grows on

the last of them red carpet treatment to go overboard way pieces creeps up on

LINGUA INGLESE ID Domanda 15968 John almost had a ________ when he saw his car had been damaged. 15967 I really need a raincoat. When you go out, please try to __________ for a raincoat on sale. Risposta A fix keep your eyes open Risposta B grasp be watchful Risposta C fit watch out Risposta D grudge have an eye out Risposta E soft spot be a watcher

15966 My father almost had a __________ when I came ox to grind home at 3:00 this morning. 15965 Just because her family is more well-off than mine humble she acts in such a ________ way. 15963 My father hit the __________ when I damaged sack his car. 15962 I expect the mail to be delivered soon, but Im not hat holding my ___________ . 15961 How can I advance in my job when my enemy a grudge against me holds ___________ . 15960 You had better straighten out your life or youll hole end up in the __________ . 15959 When we took the test, Tom jumped _________ out of his skin and started early. 15958 "Now,Billy,dontcry.Keep_____________." a straight face

stroke unaffected high spots fire all the aces gutter off the deep end abreast

swelled head down-to-earth jackpot ground the meetings limelight on the spot a stiff upper lip rowdy out in the cold slip out high on the hog is not half bad order

whale of a time simple ceiling head up no grief for me groove on the bang wagon a stiff neck polished hanging ride it up is much sought after sight

ants in his pants haughty hay breath his horses lap of luxury the gun a civil tongue matchless holding the bag off the hook off his parents doesntholdwater service

15957 Its very difficult to keep Bill in line. Hes sort of regal cultivated _____________ . 15956 Mrs. Franklin took all the money out of the bank flat broke to his fate and left Mr. Franklin ___________ . 15955 I told Mary your secret but I didnt let it slip by slide _________ on purpose. If was an accident. 15954 John was orphaned at the age of ten and grew up by his wits in an ivory tower living ________ . 15953 Thiskindofcrystal_______.Itsveryrare. is well looked after is much in evidence 15952 Youcantgothere;itsoutof_______. reach bounds

LINGUA INGLESE ID Domanda 15951 Im sorry. Those items are out of _____ but a new supply will he coming in on Thursday. 15950 He could have ______ to the party last night. 15949 He is using scissors. He is ______ . 15948 Thesundoesntrise______. 15947 "Whose book is it?" "It _______ to me." 15944 "Are you going to have lunch now?" "Yes, I ______ ." 15942 We know the people ______ live here. 15941 The grass on the front lawn _______ every week. 15940 15938 15937 15936 He learned to swim ______ coming here. Joe got up early today _____ arrive on time. I will wait here until he _____ . Before Tom went to class, he _____ his assignment. 15935 He should have come last week but he ______ . 15934 The wind ______ hard when John left. 15931 Shes been living in Paris since she ______ married. 15930 The humidity is low today; the air ______ . 15929 My leg hurt last night because I _______ a busy day. 15928 This is an important letter; it _____ today. 15927 During the thunderstorm we had ______ . 15926 I ______ sandwiches many times. 15925 The package ______ today or it will get there late. 15924 She ______ by her father. Risposta A stock went washing his car in the East owns am going to do whom cuts while because comes finishes did will blow has gotten has lots of water had had can mail a lot of lightning eaten may mail will see Risposta B style gone washing the dishes in the morning becomes do who will cut as in order to came must finish shouldnthave is blowing will get is very hot am having must be mailed a clear sky ate cantbemailed was seen Risposta C the blue go cutting hair in the West pertains m which were cut before when will come will finish didnt was blowing has got is dusty hadnthad might be mailed lots of sunshine am eating should be mailed sees Risposta D the ordinary going cutting the grass whenitscloudy belongs mgoing what is cut when for is coming should finish shouldnt blows got is dry had cantbemailed a lot of snow have eaten is mailing saw Risposta E turn came cooking dinner whenitsraining is am whose has cut during so that going to come finished hadnt blew gets has some smoke was shouldntbemailed no wind ought to eat wontbemailed was seeing

LINGUA INGLESE ID Domanda Risposta A Risposta B Risposta C Risposta D Risposta E 15923 The students were waiting eagerly for their not interested looking forward to bored with it tired of it looking up to it graduation. They were ____ . it 15922 He was half-way through the book. He was at the beginning on the top in the end at the bottom in the middle ______ . 15920 Jackispackinghissuitcase.Hes______. putting things into selling it to not going anywhere repairing the shipping it by train it. someone handle 15917 The students _____ have studied more. will should shall can ought 15916 John has been smoking cigars ______ two years just already between for since ago. 15915 Rose likes to go _____ . swimming to swim swim for swim swam 15914 We buy souvenirs to ______ . remember us remind us of places make us forget dontforgetplaces can always remember 15913 Ididntunderstandeverythingshe_____. said says is saying has said will say 15912 ________ are you doing that for? Because How What Whose When 15911 They have bought a new car but I _____ it. have seen saw didntsee haventseen never saw 15910 What are you laughing _____ ? to at with so too 15909 She got _____ she wanted. what which how that when 15908 The weather has been ______ hot this summer. unusually very much unusual too many as usual 15907 We have a lot of confidence _____ his driving. 15906 Use the telephone directory to _____ the number. 15905 Many cars _____ in this country. 15903 Wecant______whatyouresaying. 15902 IfI______you,Iwouldntgo. 15901 If I knew you were cold, I _______ close the window. 15900 I________studybutIdontfeellikeit. 15899 Themachineisoutoforder.Its______. 15898 Paul ______ not attend class because he was ill. about look up is sold understanding had been would might new could in take up sell figure out were will can not working ought to toward look out are sold made out will be wouldnt will operating should with lift up are selling see am can should paying will on look into sold know had am going to may been repaired was

LINGUA INGLESE ID Domanda 15896 He has a British passport; he ______ be American. Risposta A wont Risposta B shouldnt ll lump has been moving when I get there had been sold any cashier checked had gone seldom would go only never d could shipped will has made Risposta C cant can license are moving because I was early will be sold not got any fridge wrong is going always had gone for often s was left has will have made Risposta D must d loan is moving until you finish are being sold some safe leftover was going ever will go since usually re is picked up hasnt might make Risposta E might should load have been moving since I have arrived having been sold little oven repaired went usually couldnt before frequently ll has mailed did must have made

15895 If Tom werent so shy, he ______ have more wouldnt friends. 15892 He went to the bank for a ______ . lift 15890 During the last few years, many people in the USA will be moving _____ out of the cities. 15889 Illphoneyou______. while I was waiting 15888 Many of these paper books _______ up to yesterday. 15886 Jack has no money but John has ______ . 15885 He put the money in the ______ . 15884 He erased what he had written because it was ______ . 15881 The weather was good, so Tom _______ to town. 15880 It is very unusual for him to be late. He is _______ late. 15876 The students ______ downtown if they had some money. 15875 I have not seen him ______ yesterday. 15874 Henry hates taking the bus, so he _____ uses it. are been sold even less cupboard right didntgo often went after always

15873 You ____ been running for 1 hour. ve 15872 When she finished her trip, she _____ been had driving for 10 hours. 15871 The mother ______ the child to school. sent 15869 John _____ not done anything today. does 15868 If George had tried harder, he ______ it on time. might have made

LINGUA INGLESE ID Domanda 15867 Im going home to change first; ______ Im going out for a meal. 15866 She went home early ______ she had finished her work. 15865 It is much ______ in here. 15864 Close the door, _______ ? 15861 I want ____ with me to the movies. 15859 I love your shoes! Where _____ them? 15858 Ifyourenothungry,you_____eatyoursteak. Risposta A than while warm will you you coming you bought didnthaveto Risposta B then without very cold shantwe you to come have you bought neednt Risposta C therefore as warmer wontwe that you come had you bought dontneed something have gone someones mustnt have my watch mended I was told over Dontmindme on Lately mafraidnot yet Risposta D so has more comfort shall we thatyoullcome did you buy must any went a few is able to have repaired my watch someone tells me by I beg your pardon out of Suddenly dontexpect still Risposta E hence so that more warm let me you went were you buying can another thing was being another will got my watch fixed to go beside Excuse me by Recently think yes just

15857 Hedidntsay______atall. nothing anything 15853 "Have you ever been to Scotland?" "Yes, I _____ was have been last year." 15852 "Do you want some more cake?" "No, thank you. one some Ivestillgot_____." 15851 At this time of the day if he isnt at home, he must cant _____ be at work. 15840 Illhaveto______orIwillbelateagain! mend me the watch get fixed my watch 15839 I didnt know anything about the meeting. I wish _____ . 15837 Mike was on the train, but Jackie was _______ the platform. 15836 "Oh dear" I made a terrible mistake. "Please forgive me." __________ ." 15834 My boss is _______ holiday until next Monday. 15830 _______heisntdoinganything. 15828 "Will you be able to come to the party?" "I _______ ." 15826 My son, who is now 17, ______ believes in Santa Claus. I had known on Yourewelcome in Actually believe yes already I knew at Never Mind at At the moment donthopeso no longer

LINGUA INGLESE ID Domanda 15824 Every restaurant has _____ own chef. 15823 I dont believe in ghosts. ________ I have never seen one! 15821 The baby is sleeping. You ______ turn down the TV. 15817 The lecture was so ______ that everyone went to sleep. 15816 ________ he had a fever, he went to work. 15814 I had ______ hard time doing this exercise. 15812 He is ______ dark glasses to protect his eyes from the sun. 15811 I wish I ______ give you so much trouble. 15806 He lives ______ the sea. 15804 We walked out in the middle of the play because it was ______ . 15800 My son is very ambitious. He keeps ______ me thatonedayhesgoingtobethePresident. 15799 Im sorry Im ______ but my mother told me not to run. 15797 Divide this bar of chocolate among ______ . 15793 I still feel like a cigarette even though I ______ smoking 2 years ago. 15790 Idhaverecognizedyouanywhere;you____. 15789 A trunk is part of a _______ . 15788 When I heard that I had been given the job I felt happy ______ . 15787 I________eatahorse!Imreallyhungry. 15785 If you cant afford those books you can always _______ them from a library. Risposta A his At last had better interesting Nevertheless such carrying donthaveto on very funny express to Risposta B their At first would rather if tired Although such a putting haventto at authentic telling Risposta C its At least would like to exciting In spite so bringing hadntto near incredible say Risposta D its At once have had to boring Despite a so taking didnthaveto in enthusiastic to tell Risposta E ones At the most would prefer captivating Even very wearing neednt under terrible informing

on time yourself gave in look so different knife indeed need to publish

in time himself gave up youvechangeda lot flower at all might lend

punctual yours gave over are quite pale television totally neednt purchase

early you completed dontlooktoowell tree completely could borrow

late yourselves finished youhavent changed one bit telephone extremely ----read

LINGUA INGLESE ID Domanda 15784 The old lady couldnt carry the suitcase herself because it was too _______ . 15782 I explained to Jim how to get here by car but perhaps I _____ him a map. 15781 Imsuretheydphoneusifthey______lost. 15779 We will stay outside _____ it rains. 15778 Iwontgototheparty_______heinvitesme 15776 Four girls ______ Mary went on the trip. 15775 Who ______ you how to ski? 15774 The river has ______ 10 inches because of the heavy rain. 15772 The doctor made us _____ 2 hours in his office. 15771 This soup is _____ hot to eat. 15770 A man whom people cannot trust will have _______ friends. 15769 I________smokebutnowIdontanymore. 15768 Itsgoingtorain.IwishI______myumbrella. 15767 If you could take a trip, where ______ you go? 15765 The singers sang ______ badly that we walked out in the middle. 15763 He drove to work ______ the icy road. 15762 Wedbetterhurryorwe_______missthetrain. 15761 15760 15759 15758 What does he do for _________ ? ________ you please pass the salt? When I come back ______ you be here? Who ______ English in this class? Risposta A bright had to give get as long as while along taught raised wait much a few used to brought do so even though are able to as a living Would will are speaking Risposta B tight ought to give would get as soon as without together said advanced waiting too many didntuseto will bring did too despite would a job Do are speak Risposta C heavy must have given had got until since beside told climbed to wait very few am used to had brought shall such nevertheless will a living Should do is spoken Risposta D light should give will get if unless besides learned descended attend for quite a great number got used to would bring will very although wont to live Are ought is speaking to Risposta E old should have given got when as alongside helped risen attend rather a great deal of have gotten used to bring would more in spite should to work May shall speaks

LINGUA INGLESE ID Domanda 15757 When you finish the course, what ______ ? 15756 At the time of the accident, how fast ______ ? 15755 Since the new law ______ , there have been fewer crimes. 15752 The book ______ next month. 15751 Today I would have a better job if I _____ a university degree. 15749 John sees _________. 15748 _________ oranges are very good. 15744 Who is sitting _________ the door. 15743 The food I _________ last night was good. 15739 Johnisnt_________theU.S.A..HesBritish. 15738 Idont_________apencil. 15737 The hotels in New York _________ cheap. 15736 These are my suitcases. Please take _________ to my room. 15735 Miss Smith is talking to Tom and he is listening to _________ . 15734 "_________ are you staying ?" " At a hotel." 15733 She _________ the picture now. 15731 I Love pasta! I _________ eat it. 15730 "How_________thismorning?"Fine,thanks." 15727 "What does he do? He is _________." 15726 "Were you in London yesterday?" " No, I _________." 15725 IhopeJohns_________somemoney. 15724 Therearent_________peopleheretoday. 15723 He _________ because he was late. Risposta A do you do do you drive past is publishing had she This buy eat for havent isnt it him How is looking never do you the engineer didnt got much hurries Risposta B you will do did you drive has passed will have been published had had her There close eight in hasnt has me her When looks now you go engineer wasnt having many hurried Risposta C would you do have you driven passed Risposta D you do were you driving is passed Risposta E are you going to do are you driving was passed was being published vegotten he They next hate to have do they they us Why isntlooking always do you do a engineer dont ----a number hurry

is being published would be published have his That bye ate with has arent you she What is looking at dontever are you an engineer werent gotten a little is hurrying have got hers These by eaten from got have them me Where doesntlookat very much are you going one engineer did has some will hurry

LINGUA INGLESE ID 15722 15721 15719 15718 15717 15716 15715 Domanda They are listening _________ the news. This book is _________ . Mary speaks English but Peter _____ . Where are you going to take ___________ ? _________ food did you buy? These books are ___________ . Thereisnt___________soapinthebathroom. Risposta A to my does too that bottles How much Sues some am going few has How When is felt the lie between what on ring tall anyone any place shower fly at do you look arentyou Risposta B at our doesnteither those bottle How little to Sue a dontgo much have got What Who is getting an idea to which in rang fat New York no one noon flew in you do not look dontyou Risposta C on mine neither bottles How many of Sue the went lots have Which Is feel a complaint from whose of is ringing tired anywhere nothing Friday flies on do you see isntit Risposta D --her doesnt this bottles How her any was going many got Who Whats having a promise until whom at ringed blonde anything busy cafeteria flying over are you seen is it Risposta E in his so does these bottles How few Sues no gone some has got That Who are feeling the truth about which of to rung slim nowhere study bed fled by are you looking does it

15713 Last summer I __________ to France. 15711 Therewerent___________fishinthesea. 15710 Do the United States __________ a big population? 15709 ___________ a beautiful woman! 15708 __________ coming to dinner? 15707 I called the doctor last night because I wasnt ___________ well. 15706 Is Sam telling ___________ ? 15705 There is no train __________ 6.50 pm. 15704 I cant decide _________ car to buy: the red one or the blue one. 15703 The teacher is writing __________ the board. 15702 We were drinking coffee when the __________ . 15701 Her hair is __________ . 15699 I am not going _________ . 15696 He is doing ______ . 15694 He ate breakfast at the ______ . 15693 Last week I _____ in an airplane. 15690 Jane lives ______ the third floor. 15688 What ____________ at now? 15686 Wow!Itsreallyhottoday,_________? bell

LINGUA INGLESE ID 15683 15678 15677 15675 15674 15672 15670 15667 15665 15664 15659 15658 15657 15655 15654 15653 15652 15651 Domanda Shesveryclever,___________? Theyre____acigarette. I _____ a sandwich. Mrs. Johnson ____ my teacher last year. He walked _____ than I did. "Is the movie good?" " ____________." I eat _____ apples a day. Please, ______ come in! Ask ____ to repeat the question. Thisisnotmybook.Its_____. At 3:00 we take a break and have _____ . How much homework do the students ______? Wedonthavemuch_____tostudy. The_______iscuttingTomshair. What are you going to do the day _____ ? ______ Bill fly airplanes? He _____ his car to work everyday. He wants _____ orange for breakfast. Risposta A is she smoke caught were fast I do not to isnt her your class make times clerk after tomorrow Isnt drive the Risposta B isntshe smokes ate was quickly Idontsee a dont his us cold do hours barber before he left Is driving a Risposta C does she smoked drank will be faster I know how two not she their a glass know time baker before tomorrow Do carries some Risposta D doesntshe smoking having is far I believe so an doesnt my mine some time has exercises plumber two days ago Doesnt driven and Risposta E hasntshe smoky cooked be fastest I am not too does teacher yours coffee give book technician after yesterday Dont drives an

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