Before You Detox It's Not What You Think

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Before You Detox, It's Not What You Think.

"It Could Kill"...

by Terry Clark

Table of Content

1. 7 Nutritious Foods that Aid in Body Detoxification 2. A Bite Of Body Detoxification 3. Aids To Natural Body Detoxification . Benefits Of Body Detoxification !. Best herbal o"tions for body detoxification #. Body Detoxification $ A %hort O&er&ie' 7. Body Detoxification And The (ealin) *rocess +. Body Detoxification On Tar)et Or)ans ,. Body Detoxification %yste-. /our Body0s 1ay of 2ettin) 3id of Toxins 14. Body detoxification tea- ex"lained 11. Body Detoxification Ti"s. %i-"le 1ays to Cleanse /our Body at (o-e 12. Body Detoxification Treats

13. Body Detoxification 5sin) (erbs 1 . Body detoxification starts 'ith the 6idney 1!. Body detoxification the natural 'ay 1#. Body detoxification throu)h 'ater 17. Body detoxification usin) fruits 1+. Chan)in) diets results to effecti&e body detoxification 1,. Detoxification Of The Body 24. Do 7t /ourself Body Detoxification 21. Fi)ht stress throu)h body detoxification 22. Foods that can hel" body detoxification 23. 2ettin) started in body detoxification 2 . (ea&y 8etal Body Detoxification 2!. (olistic Body Detoxification 2#. (o' do Body 1ra"s (el" in Body Detoxification9 27. 7nteracti&e Body Detoxification 2+. 8ethods Of Body Detoxification 2,. On 1ith Body Detoxification 34. *hysical and 8ental 1ell:Bein) throu)h Body Detoxification 31. *u-"ed 5" Body Detoxification 32. %6in Cleansin). An ;ssential *art of Body Detoxification 33. %oothin) Body Detoxification

3 . The body0s detoxification "rocess and 'hat you can do to hel" 3!. The Body0s Natural Detoxification *rocess 3#. 5sin) <uices for body detoxification 37. =arious O"tions for Full Body Detoxification 3+. 1hy Antioxidants are 7-"ortant in Body Detoxification 3,. 1ra""ed Body Detoxification 4. Detox Cleanses 1. 7 (erbs ;&ery 8an Needs for (is 5lti-ate (ealth 2. Detox or Die9 : The To" ! 1ays to Detoxify /our Body 3. 1hy Our Bodies Need to Detoxify . Cleanse The Colon Naturally and %afely by Detoxification !. Flat %to-ach Fast for %ix:"ac6 Abs #. Alcohol abuse> (an)o&ers and Detoxification


7 Nutritious Foods that Aid in Body Detoxification

Toxins and excess fluids are a-on) the 'orst ene-ies of the body because they cause illnesses> 'ei)ht "roble-s> and lac6 of ener)y. The body has its natural detoxification syste- that re-o&es excess toxins and fluids. /ou can enhance your body detoxification syste- by eatin) foods that hel" cleanse the body and boost its "o'er. The follo'in) are se&en detox foods that you should include in your daily diet.

1. 2arlic : For thousands of years> )arlic has been 6no'n for its health benefits. True enou)h> )arlic does 'onders to the body. 7t cleanses the blood> boosts "roduction of detox en?y-es in the li&er> and hel"s lo'er blood "ressure. /ou can eat it ra' or add it to any dish. 2arlic su""le-ents are also a )ood o"tion for detoxification.

2. 2reen Tea : /ou can )et your daily dose of antioxidants fro- )reen tea. /our body needs an a-"le su""ly of antioxidants to be able to flush out toxins> and )reen tea does the <ob 'ell. 2reen tea contains catechins> a s"ecial antioxidant that enhances the detox function of the li&er.

3. Fruits : Because fruits ha&e hi)h 'ater content> they are a )reat asset in 'ashin) out toxins frothe body. Fresh> dried> or fro?en> fruits contain other ele-ents essential for body detox such as &ita-in C and antioxidants. For an efficient body detox> it is reco--ended that you eat fruits on their o'n not as "art of a -eal and before or after


. 2reen @eafy =e)etables : *lants are not the only ones that need chloro"hyll for sur&i&al. (u-ans as 'ell need chloro"hyll to eli-inate toxins that co-e fro- en&iron-ental factors such as cleanin) "roducts> s-o)> che-icals> and hea&y -etals. Chloro"hyll hel"s your li&er detoxify your body. 1hat better 'ay to )et chloro"hyll than eatin) )reen leafy &e)etables9 /our body 'ill definitely than6 you for it.

!. O-e)a:3 Oils : These oils> 'hich can be found in a&ocado> he-"> oli&e oil> and flax seeds> -a6e the 'alls of the intestines lubricated. %uch function enables the oil to absorb toxins and be re-o&ed fro- the body.

#. 2in)er : This stron):fla&ored root cro" enhances s'eatin) and blood circulation> -a6in) it easier for your body to detoxify.

7. 8un) Beans : 5sed in Ayur&eda healin) syste- for -any years> -un) beans absorb toxin de"osits on the intestinal 'alls. 8a6e body detoxification an easier and -ore efficient "rocess in your syste- by -a6in) detox foods a "art of your daily diet.

A Bite Of Body Detoxification

There ha&e been accounts statin) that body detoxification or cleansin) has been around for Auite so-e ti-e. There 'as a ti-e that it 'as considered to be on the sa-e contributory le&el as con&entional -edicine. @ets fli" thru the "a)es of its boo6 and )rab a bit of a bite of its conce"ts and de&elo"-ent.

The roots of body detoxification can be associated 'ith the idea of autointoxication 'hich 'as established by the ancient ;)y"tians and 2ree6s. 7t re&ol&es around the belief that foods consu-ed accordin) to the hu-oral theory of health can "roduce a "utrefyin) and toxic effect on the body. The 1,th century sa' both bioche-istry and -icrobiolo)y e-bracin) this 'ay of thou)ht. 7t 'as in the early "ortion of the 24th century that "eo"le started to Auestion the credibility and reliability of the "rocess.

Althou)h cleansin) "ractices stayed out of the &icinity of the con&entional -edical sites the circles of alternati&e -edicine continued to "atroni?e the-. At "resent> this -ediu- of healin) that slu-bered for Auite so-e ti-e has had so-e sort of rebirth as it is no' "art of the alternati&e -edical a""roaches. 7t continues to create a ne' re"utation a'ay fro- its identity of unscientific and ina""ro"riate.

The "resent day ex"loit of body detox re&ol&e around -odalities li6e "hysiolo)ic treat-ents> dietary su""le-ents> and dietary restrictions. 7t has been connected 'ith herbs and re-edies that act as catalyst and boosters in the effecti&eness of the "rocess. Naturo"athic and ho-eo"athic "re"arations are also -ade a&ailable "articularly in "roducts that are -ade for the care of s"ecific or)ans. The colon is "ac6ed 'ith fiber 'hile the 6idneys are "u-"ed u" by <uices.

Diet has been an i-"ortant facet of the -odern day detox syste-. 7t is founded on a "lan that su))ests "uttin) in lar)e a-ounts of 'ater> &e)etables> and fruits in a "erson0s daily inta6e. *rocessed and )enetically -odified foods are out of the "icture.

Body detoxification e-"hasi?es on eli-inatin) substances li6e caffeine and alcohol in the diet. Canned foods> salt> 'heat> red -eat> dee" fried food> shortenin)> butter and -ar)arine> and yello' cheese should be out of the diet roster. 7nstead the "erson should focus on addin) le)u-es> ra' nuts and seeds> &e)etable oil> fish> herbs and herbal tea> and 'hole )rain into the list of daily consu-"tion. 7n )eneral the detox diet is all about -aintainin) a healthy lifestyle en route to an o"ti-u- le&el of "sycholo)ical and s"iritual health.

Aids To Natural Body Detoxification

At this &ery -inute your body is detoxifyin) itself. /our natural body detoxification "rocess )oes full s'in) 'hen you are restin)> aslee" or fastin).

7n the old days> your body can do all the 'or6 in cleansin) your syste- all on its o'n. After all> these 'astes are by:"roducts of life0s o'n natural "rocesses.

Natural body "rocess

Detoxification is si-"ly a natural "rocedure 'here the body eli-inates the toxins created by the other natural "rocesses. There are t'o sources of these 'astes.

The first toxins are fro- the outside> fro- the food 'e eat> the 'ater 'e drin6> the air 'e breathe> the soa" 'e use to 'ash our face 'ith> etc.

The others are by:"roducts of body "rocesses. 1hen food is di)ested> the "rocess creates 'aste. 1hen the body heals or re"airs itself> there is 'aste. ;&en ne)ati&e e-otions and stresses "roduce its corres"ondin) toxins.

These days> in the face of extre-e "ollution froall around us> the body0s natural ca"acity to detoxify itself needs hel". There are fi&e 'ays to do it.

Binc le&el increase

Binc "rotects the body fro- the free radicals that cause a lot of health "roble-s includin) cancer. Free radicals co-e fro- radiation> second:hand s-o6e and other air "ollutants.

Binc can be had fro- e)) yol6s> sea foods> -ushroo-s> "ecans> -eat> chic6en> soybeans> sunflo'er seeds> oysters> "arsley and 6el".

%eleniu- increase

%eleniu- "roduces the en?y-e )lutathione "eroxidase that "re&ents oxidation. %eleniu- "rotects the li&er 'hich is an i-"ortant body 'aste "rocessor.

There are natural sources of seleniu-. Bra?il nuts> broccoli> bro'n rice> sea foods> dairy "roducts> onions> -olasses> &e)etables> chic6en> )arlic and 'hole )rains.

2oin) natural

This si-"ly -eans usin) naturally:occurrin) -aterials instead of -an:-ade thin)s. =ine)ar or ba6in) soda as a cleanin) a)ent can substitute cleanin) "roducts cra--ed 'ith che-icals.

5sin) or)anically:)ro'n food> rather than "esticide: and fertili?er:treated ones is -uch better because you a&oid in)estin) those che-icals.


A hu-an bein) needs to retain its 'ater su""ly le&els for -etabolis-> blood flo'> body heat re)ulation> and trans"ort of nutrients.

The detoxification "rocess is tri))ered if you drin6 at least + )lasses of 'ater e&ery day. 7f you drin6 coffee or tea> -atch u" your consu-"tion 'ith the sa-e a-ount of 'ater because caffeine induces urination.


(o-eo"athic -edicine had been around for the last 244 years and it 'or6s by actin) on the body0s natural "rocesses to heal itself. There are se&eral

ho-eo"athic for-ulas no' a&ailable as body cleansin) aids.

Today> your body cannot do all the 'or6 in body detoxification. As o'ner> you need to be totally a'are of its "rocesses fro- no' on to 6no' 'hen to hel".

Benefits Of Body Detoxification

Body detoxification is a nor-al "rocess. 7t is si-"ly one of our body0s -ost basic functions> eli-inatin) 'astes and toxins throu)h our colons> 6idneys> li&er> lun)s> and s6in.

;&ery day> our bodies need to eli-inate 'astes and toxins fro- our syste- or 'e die. Today> ho'e&er> 'e are bo-barded 'ith toxins fro- all o&er that our bodies are o&erloaded 'ith un'anted substances and so-e stay in our tissues

Nor-ally> 'e "roduce natural -etabolic 'astes fronor-al body "rocesses. 7t is co-"ounded 'ith other external toxic substances that co-e to us fro- all o&er> fro- the air> 'ater> and the food 'e all in)est.

Toxins and diseases

(ealth ex"erts ha&e already found the connections bet'een these un'anted toxins in our bodies and today0s -any illnesses.

These health "roble-s include i--une systediseases> neurolo)ical disorders> di)esti&e troubles> hor-onal i-balances> cardio:&ascular diseases> cancer> obesity and so-e of the ne'er health "roble-s in children.

For one> they found out that "esticides are the li6ely cause of i--une su""ression and around 2!C of all the che-icals in the en&iron-ent are neurotoxins lin6ed to increased...brain disease.

Benefits of detoxification

As had been "ro&en -any ti-es o&er> body detoxification dra-atically increases the Auality of our "hysical li&es. Di)estion i-"ro&es> sinuses are cleared> blood "ressures are nor-ali?ed> -e-ory and -ental clarity are i-"ro&ed> and hor-ones are stabili?ed.

7n addition> ex"erts belie&e that there is a connection on the effecti&eness of -any healin) treat-ents to i-"ro&ed and cleaner body syste-s.

%lo' a)in)

One bi) benefit of a thorou)h body detoxification is the "ositi&e effects on the a)in) "rocess. 1ith the re-o&al of toxins and 'astes fro- the syste-> the body0s 'or6 load of natural detoxification is )reatly reduced.

1ith toxins re-o&ed Dand stress on body or)ans reducedE> the life s"an of these indi&idual or)ans Dli&er> bo'els> 6idneysE are len)thened.

(ealthier bodies

1ith cleaner syste-s because of the absence of toxins> the body definitely is healthier> -ore fit> and has -ore ener)y. There are no' fe'er aller)ies Dif at allE> stron)er i--unity Dnot disturbed any-ore by toxinsE and fe'er aches and "ains Dabsence of )eneral stress caused by toxic substancesE.

%tudies had sho'n that detoxification thera"ies resulted in -ore &itality> reduced blood "ressure and fat counts> and the i--une syste- restored. There is also restoration of o&erall )ood health.

@ifestyle chan)e

The best ne's is that detoxification can be done by a chan)e of one0s lifestyle. 7t is easier if 'e eat natural or)anic diets Dli6e 'hat our ancestors didE. 1e also need to cut do'n stress in our -odern li&es.

The bi))est benefit 'e )et fro- body detoxification is a lon)er> -ore "roducti&e> ha""y life. 1e all o'e oursel&es that ri)ht.

Best herbal o"tions for body detoxification

8any "eo"le o"t for herbal o"tions 'hen it co-es to body detoxification. This is because aside frobein) natural> herbal o"tions are chea"er 'hen co-"ared to other body detox o"tions and has "ro&en effecti&e.

The 'onders of herbs

Belie&in) that herbs aside fro- bein) an effecti&e tool to ensure the success of body detoxification can "ro&ide the healin) and freshness that "eo"le yearn for. 7n fact> "eo"le no' use so -any different 6inds of herbs in their daily life.

One of the -ost co--on herbs "eo"le use to detoxify

their bodies is )arlic. *ri-arily because of its antise"tic "ro"erties> )arlic has been used in so -any for-s and "re"arations and for &arious "ur"oses. 2arlic is included in so -any ty"es of dishes because it is re"ortedly hel"s in the reduction of heart disease> lo'ers the ris6s of cancer> and reduces blood "ressure as 'ell as total cholesterol. 2arlic is bein) used for -edicinal and beauty "re"arations because of the excellent "ro"erties of its -ain in)redient> the FallicinF that hel"s fi)ht fun)al> bacterial> and &iral infections.

Another "o"ular herbal o"tion is the use of basil or FtulsiF 'hich is an aro-atic herb that "ro&ides relaxin) scent "erfect for -editation. Aside froaidin) in soothin) relaxation> basil can be "re"ared for -edicinal uses es"ecially in cal-in) tra&el or -ornin) sic6ness.

For those 'ho lo&e to coo6> thy-e is one of their fa&orite herbs a&ailable. This herb is a "o"ular )arnish to different 6inds of dishes es"ecially to salads because it is )ood for the di)esti&e systeand for the li&er as 'ell. But aside fro- bein) an excellent food )arnish> thy-e is used for healin) "ur"oses because of its cleansin)> anti: infla--ation> and anti:infection "ro"erties. 7f used re)ularly> it can e&en cure &arious ail-ents as 'ell as "sycholo)ical disorders such as hysteria and se&ere headaches.

Butterbur extract> on the other hand> is the "erfect to those 'ho suffer fro- -i)raine due to stress. %tudies ha&e "ro&en that butterbur in its safe and standardi?ed for- are effecti&e in clearin) -i)raines a-on) "eo"le es"ecially to 'o-en and youn) )irls.

Other herbs used for body detoxification include the castor seeds for its curati&e "ro"erties in treatin) rheu-atis- and &arious s6in disordersG the ha'thorn for bein) an effecti&e heart tonic because it i-"ro&es blood circulation to the heartG and le-on for ha&in) "o'erful anti:oxidants and a rich source of =ita-in C "erfect for sol&in) s6in "roble-s as 'ell as i-"ro&in) the function of ly-"hatic and di)esti&e syste-s.

Body Detoxification $ A %hort O&er&ie'

Today> body detoxification is )ettin) to be -ore of a necessity rather than <ust a si-"le luxury "racticed by royalty in the "ast. 7n nor-al conditions> the "resence of toxic substances in the body sti-ulates our i--une syste- to re-o&e the-.

(o'e&er> 'ith the bo-bard-ent and subseAuent in)estion of so -any toxins into our bodies today> our natural body "rocesses are si-"ly o&er'hel-ed. There is a crucial need that 'e hel" oursel&es fi)ht these toxins or 'e die.

1aste eli-inators

The body has s"ecific or)ans to eli-inate any toxins enterin) our bodies. The li&er reduces toxins into co-"ounds that the body can safely handle. These -aterials are then eli-inated throu)h the 6idneys DurineE> the s6in Ds'eatE> lun)s Dex"elled airE and the bo'els DexcretaE.

;xcellent health is -aintained if these or)ans are in )ood 'or6in) conditions. (o'e&er> there is no' a need to hel" these or)ans do their 'or6 better and -ore efficiently in the li)ht of today0s extre-e "ollution "roble-s.

The t'o -ost "o"ular -ethods are diets and the use of dietary su""le-ents.


;atin) )ood food> es"ecially fruits and &e)etables> is one of the best 'ays to co-bat the toxins in our syste-s. After all> these toxic 'astes are inside and the only 'ay to fi)ht the- is throu)h internal -eans.

Natural &e)etarian diets ha&e the fibers needed to sti-ulate better di)esti&e bo'el -o&e-ents. They

ha&e the &ita-ins and other en?y-es that nourish the bo'els.

These are re)arded as cleansin) diets in effect because they aid the body in ex"ellin) the 'astes and toxins in the body.

Chan)in) diets is> of course> one of the -ost difficult decisions for "eo"le 'ho are used to the co-forts of their foods and other habits. %o-e cannot si-"ly let )o of their ci)arettes> their sodas> the -eat> their coffee and the su)ary deli)hts they are used to.

%o-e foods -ay cause aller)ies and di)esti&e "roble-s. 8eats> "rocessed and )ro'n as they are today> contain hor-ones and antibiotics 'hich are difficult to di)est or eli-inate for hu-ans.

Other "rocessed foods and "o"ular snac6s ha&e &arious "reser&ati&es that are hard on the systeafter accu-ulation throu)h years of in)estion.


1ell:6no'n anti:oxidants D&ita-ins A> ;> and CE are &ery )ood at hel"in) the body eli-inate toxins in the syste-. At the cell le&el> they neutrali?e free radicals Dthe -ain sus"ects in i--une -alfunctions

and cancerE that da-a)e cells and cause -utations.

At the sa-e ti-e> these anti:oxidants hel" the body re"air itself fro- the ra&a)es of the toxins. They are in&ol&ed in 'ound healin)> "roduction of ener)y and co-batin) &iruses and bacteria that cause illnesses.

All told> the "resence of body toxins in our syste-s is one &ery serious "roble- facin) e&eryone today. Body detoxification is no' a necessity> not a luxury.

Body Detoxification And The (ealin) *rocess

Body detoxification is one conce"t that had )ained -ore and -ore i-"ortance no' that there is e&idence that 'e are all &icti-s of in)estin) toxins. Today> it had beco-e a catch "hrase s"urred by the -edia.

Detoxification is actually i-"ortant not <ust on the )eneral health and fitness on re)ular "eo"le. This is i-"ortant a-on) con&alescin) "atients 'ho are startin) to restore their body0s health.

Often> -edical and health "rofessionals 'ill then ur)e these "atients to under)o a full body detoxification re)i-en ai-ed at boostin) the

healin) "rocess of their bodies.


%ubstances causin) har-ful effects or )i&in) stress on our or)ans and body syste-s are ty"ically called toxins. %o-e Dfood additi&es> "reser&ati&es> etc.E 'e in)est 'ithout 6no'led)e> so-e Dci)arettes> excess su)ar> etc.E 'e choose to "ut into our syste-s.

;&ery day> 'e are also ex"osed to en&iron-ental toxins in the air> 'ater and else'here. There is -ercury in our fish> hor-ones in our chic6en> "reser&ati&es in our "rocessed food> "esticide residues in our fruitsG the list )ets lon)er and lon)er e&ery day.

Che-icals and dru)s

1e )et to i-bibe so-e un6no'n che-icals fro- our hair dyes and s"rays> "aints and other industrial "roducts. ;&en -edications are toxic> too for -any "eo"le.

%o-e of the- are -an:-ade and our bodies are hard "ut to "rocess the- e&en after their beneficial effects. O&er ti-e> the accu-ulation of these che-icals in our bodies beco-es dan)erous and


Toxicity sy-"to-s

5nex"lained sudden headaches> fati)ue> inso-nia> rashes> and unex"lained "ains and aches can be attributed to hi)h le&els of toxins in the body. Other sy-"to-s include consti"ation> "oor di)estion> )as> 'ei)ht )ain> "oor concentration and -e-ory> de"ression> bad breath and body odor.

Detoxifyin) the body

Nor-ally> the body is &ery )ood in eli-inatin) 'astes and other toxins and heals itself. The li&er cleanses the blood. The 6idneys also act as another filterin) syste- for the body. The intestines thro' out unnecessary 'astes Dand toxinsE re)ularly.

The "resence of toxins usually interferes 'ith the 'or6 of these or)ans.

The first ste" is to see a doctor. There is need for a thorou)h exa-ination to deter-ine your needs. The reco--ended health re)i-en -ay include a co-bination of botanicals> ho-eo"athic for-ulas> and diet.

All these are intended to hel" the body0s i-"aired natural "rocesses> includin) the cleansin) of toxins that ha&e built u" o&er ti-e. The diet sti-ulates the body0s eli-inatin) or)ans 'hile at the sa-e ti-e slo'ly hel"s in healin) the- bac6 to their "re&ious health.

5ntil "ollution and other en&iron-ental "roble-s are totally sol&ed> 'e cannot hel" it but ha&e to li&e 'ith these toxins. The best defense is 6no'led)e about the- and bein) able to do body detoxification re)i-ens to hel" oursel&es.

Body Detoxification On Tar)et Or)ans

A real body detoxification "ro)ra- is -ore than <ust s'allo'in) a cou"le of "ills and drin6in) so-e s"ecial concoctions. 1ith toxins co-in) in fro- all directions> the shot)un -ethod in detoxification is inadeAuate.

The best strate)y is to concentrate on the body0s 'aste "rocessin) or)ans the-sel&es. As al'ays> before startin) on the "ro)ra-> it is best to consult your doctor.


To be effecti&e> the li&er needs "roteins. /ou can )et the- fro- beef> e))s> and fish Des"ecially sal-onE. 1hey is one of the best li&er hel"er.

@i&er detoxification is enhanced by &ita-ins B# and B12> folic acid> -a)nesiu-> and inositol. (erbs li6e dandelion> -il6 thistle> and blac6 radish sti-ulate detoxification.


Do a daily dee" breathin) exercise for 14 -inutes t'ice daily. Do this in areas 'ith clean air Dsecluded "ar6s or buildin)s 'ith )ood air "urifiersE.

;xercises include aerobics> sin)in)> and Fbelly breathin)F Dbreathin) that ex"ands the bellyE.


The 6idneys are in char)e of re-o&in) 'ater:soluble toxins fro- our syste-. 1hen the urine is dilute Dbecause of sufficient 'aterE> the toxins are also diluted durin) eli-ination.

1ith too little 'ater in)estion> the toxins are concentrated and can da-a)e 6idney functions.

Drin6in) + to 14 )lasses of 'ater e&ery day is necessary. Drin6 -ore if you s'eat in your -anual acti&ity or exercise.


;at fiber:rich foods daily> and not <ust durin) detoxification. The reco--ended inta6e is 14 )ra-s.

%tart 'ith 2 tables"oons of crude 'heat bran Dinsoluble fiberE 'ith one ounce of oat bran Dsoluble fiberE "er day. /ou -ay add )round flax seeds for both fiber ty"es and the extra O-e)a:3 fatty acids.

Acti&ated charcoal absorbs di)esti&e toxins. Ta6e a tables"oonful daily. Co--ercially> they are a&ailable in ca"sule for-s if you 'ant to a&oid the -ess durin) in)estion.


The s6in is the lar)est or)an for eli-inatin) 'astes. %'eat has the sa-e co-"osition as urine Donly -ore diluteE and the s6in ta6es care of eli-inatin) it by e&a"oration.

Acne> "soriasis and other s6in diseases -ay -ean

your internal toxicity is acti&e. 7f the li&er> 6idneys or colon are not able to re-o&e toxins effecti&ely> the s6in is the last resort. Those re-o&ed toxins cause s6in diseases.

Do your daily s6in brushin) fro- head to toe and follo' this u" 'ith a 'ar- sho'er usin) "ure soa". D%aunas and stea- baths are )ood s6in detoxifiers.E

Body detoxification "ro)ra-s can be done on your o'n Dafter consultation 'ith your doctor first.E 7t "ays to detoxify the eli-inatin) or)ans directly.

Body Detoxification %yste-. /our Body0s 1ay of 2ettin) 3id of Toxins

1hene&er you hear about body detoxification or detox> the first thin)s that co-e to -ind are diets> herbs> and other detox "ro)ra-s desi)ned to cleanse the body. But these "ro)ra-s enhance the detox "rocess that is already ta6in) "lace in the body. Did you 6no' that your body has its o'n -eans to )et rid of toxins accu-ulated in it9 /es> the body can detoxify by itself.

Defined as the "rocess of eli-inatin) toxic che-icals fro- the body> detox is a co-"licated "rocess "erfor-ed throu)h the li&er> s6in> 6idney>

lun)s> and intestinal tract. The intestinal tract releases toxins and solid 'aste throu)h the feces> 'hile the s6in and 6idneys )et rid of hea&y -etals such as lead and -ercury throu)h s'eat and urine> res"ecti&ely. %6in rashes are a si)n that your body is tryin) to flush out har-ful toxins. For their "art> the lun)s re-o&e toxic )ases fro- the blood> 'hich are released 'hen a "erson exhales. All these body detox syste-s 'or6 hand in hand to ensure that the body is freed of as -uch toxins as "ossible to "re&ent health "roble-s in the future.

(o' do the body0s detox syste-s 'or69 The toxins that )o into the body &ia the di)esti&e syste- are absorbed. Then the toxins )o into the blood strea-. Before reachin) other or)ans in the body> toxins "ass throu)h the li&er. The li&er then )ets so-e of the toxins and neutrali?es the- before releasin) the- throu)h the 6idneys and bile.

The toxins that are not collected by the li&er )o to the -a<or blood strea- 'here they are trans"orted to different or)ans in the body. 1ater: soluble toxins are ty"ically re-o&ed throu)h the 6idneys> 'hile fat:soluble toxins do not "ass throu)h the 6idneys. 7nstead> fat:soluble toxins are ca"tured a)ain by the li&er to be eli-inated fro- the body. Ob&iously> the li&er is the -ain or)an res"onsible for the detoxification "rocess in the body. 1hen this or)an fails> your body is bound to suffer fro- -ulti"le health "roble-s. 7t ha""ens because toxins are not filtered correctly by the li&er> so the o&erall health suffers. The sa-e

effect ta6es "lace 'hen the 6idneys> lun)s> or the s6in are da-a)ed and cannot "erfor- their detoxification duties.

(el" your li&er> 6idneys> s6in> and intestinal tract do a better <ob at body detoxification by usin) a detox "ro)ra-. 8a6e sure your diet is full of antioxidants> &ita-ins> -inerals> and biofla&onoids so that the different or)ans of your body can 'ash out har-ful toxins and hel" -aintain )ood health.

Body detoxification tea- ex"lained

Body detoxification or 'hat "eo"le co--only called no' as detox is not so-ethin) that you )et frohos"itals and detox clinics. The truth is> your body already does the <ob e&ery day. 7n the real sense> detoxification is the "rocess by 'hich the body )ets rid of the toxins that co-es into the body throu)h the food that 'e eat> the air that 'e inhale and the 'ater that 'e drin6. ;&erythin) that you ta6e into your body is bein) filtered by &arious or)ans in the body li6e the li&er> the 6idney> the s6in cells and e&en the lun)s.

The li&er is the "ri-ary or)an for body detoxification. 7t is the one that filters first the toxins that are added to the bloodstrea-. 7t -a6es sure that the toxins do not co-e into contact

'ith the other or)ans and &ital cells in the body. The li&er flushes out the toxins throu)h the 6idney in the for- of urine or throu)h the )astrointestinal tract throu)h our feces.

After bein) the first line of defense a)ainst body toxins> the li&er does another <ob. This ti-e> it flushes out 'hat is called the fat:soluble toxins in the body. This is 'hy 'hen "eo"le ha&e "roble-s 'ith their li&ers> they are no lon)er allo'ed to eat lots of fatty food. 7t 'ill only -a6e their bodies suffer because their li&ers can no lon)er do the <ob.

1ater soluble toxins on the other hand are bein) filtered by the 6idneys. A)ain> this is 'hy it is i-"ortant that 'e 6ee" the 6idneys healthy because 'ithout it> 'e can ha&e a list of co-"lications in our hands.

The s6in and the lun)s ha&e -ore si-"le functions> althou)h not less i-"ortant. The lun)s> you )uessed it> filters the air that 'e breathe and sends out the toxins throu)h the air that 'e exhale. The s6in on the other hand uses the s'eat to flush out -ercury> lead and other toxins that 'e absorb in our body. This is 'hy 'hen lead:"aint in toys ca-e out in the ne's> children beca-e susce"tible> both for holdin) the toy and "uttin) the- in their -ouths. /ou can absorb toxins e&en throu)h your s6in.

1ith different ty"es of "ollutants fillin) our air and che-icals bein) added to the food that 'e eat> 'e all the -ore need our body detoxification teato hel" us beco-e healthy and toxin:free.

Body Detoxification Ti"s. %i-"le 1ays to Cleanse /our Body at (o-e

Body detoxification should not be ex"ensi&e. There are se&eral si-"le ste"s you can do at ho-e to cleanse your body 'ithout usin) any "roduct. Four factors enhance your body0s ability to detoxify naturally. nutritious diet> 'ater> exercise> and su""le-ents.

Nutritious Diet

/ou are 'hat you eat this ada)e could not be any -ore true 'hen it co-es to body detox. The ability of your body to flush out toxins de"ends on 'hat you eat.

To enhance your body0s natural detox syste-> you need to eat foods that are lo' in fat and rich in &ita-ins and -inerals. 7t is reco--ended that you eat not less than se&en fruits and &e))ies e&ery day.

*rocessed foods Dli6e those ser&ed in fast food eateriesE are a )ood source of sodiu-> su)ar> and fat. These ele-ents boost the toxin le&el in your body> -a6in) it hard for your syste- to detoxify. That bein) said> you should o"t for natural or or)anic foods instead of "rocessed ones. Try to "re"are your food at ho-e so that you 'on0t ha&e to dine so-e'here else.

AdeAuate 1ater

Did you 6no' that drin6in) "lenty of 'ater is the best 'ay to )et rid of i-"urities in your body9 *eo"le 'ho do not drin6 enou)h 'ater tend to store -ore toxins and 'ater in the body> causin) 'ei)ht and health "roble-s o&er ti-e. Thus> your ho-e detox "lan should include drin6in) ei)ht )lasses of "urified 'ater e&ery day.

The color of your urine can tell you 'hether you are drin6in) enou)h 'ater or not. 7f you drin6 an adeAuate a-ount of 'ater re)ularly> your urine -ust be Auite clear. 7f it is dar6 yello' Dexce"t in the -ornin) 'hen you first )o to the toiletE> that -eans you need to drin6 -ore 'ater.

3e)ular ;xercise

;xercise is essential in body detox because it hel"s you s'eat out toxins> burn calories> and

relie&e stress. 3elaxation exercises such as yo)a and 'al6in) can )reatly hel" in detoxification. Cardio 'or6outs such as cyclin)> <o))in)> and s'i--in) are <ust as i-"ortant.

A""ro"riate %u""le-ents

Natural body detox needs the ri)ht su""le-ents in order to function 'ell. 8a6e sure you ta6e a )ood -ulti&ita-in su""le-ent re)ularly so that your body )ets -ore &ita-ins and -inerals it needs for flushin) out i-"urities.

/ou do not ha&e to s"end a lot <ust to 6ee" your body healthy. The 6ey to "erfor- body detoxification at ho-e is to "ractice "ro"er healthy habits and a&oid anythin) that increases toxins in the body.

Body Detoxification Treats

Detoxification is not only about the substances that are "u-"ed out of the body. The Auality of food inta6e is eAually i-"ortant es"ecially in ter-s of )i&in) the indi&idual the needed hydration and ener)y to last the entirety of the "ro)ra-. 2et ready> it0s ti-e to "in"oint the detox treats.

Before s"ecifically 6no'in) the foods that are a""ro"riate for an effecti&e cleansin) you ha&e to 6no' three i-"ortant "rinci"les. Fluid inta6e should be increased durin) this ti-e in order to hel" the body flush out the 'astes. 7t 'ould be of bi) boost in your ca-"ai)n to eli-inate toxins if the )astrointestinal tract is in )ood condition and this can be achie&ed by in&itin) a lot of fiber to the table. The li&er is re)arded as the "ri-ary detox center thus it should be re'arded 'ith re&itali?in) and cleansin) en?y-es.

2reen leafy &e)etables are best eaten in their ra' for- alon) 'ith broth and <uices. The chloro"hyll they contain ta6es care of the en&iron-ental toxins such as "esticides and hea&y -etals. They are 6no'n as li&er ad&ocates.

@e-onade is the ideal fluid treat that can ensure "assa)e of 'astes out of the body. The &ita-in C it carries is &ital in con&ertin) 'aste "roducts into 'ater soluble substances that can be easily excreted. A bre' of )reen tea can "ac6 u" a "unch of fluid su""ly. *lus it is a fa-ed antioxidant that contains catechins 'hich can )i&e li&er acti&ity an extra "ush.

1atercress can be ta""ed on in order to co-e u" 'ith tasty treats li6e sou"s> salads> and sand'iches. 7t has a diuretic "ro"erty 'hich 'ill aid in the -o&e-ent of toxins out of the body. 2arlic is another in)redient that can be "art of

salads as 'ell as s"reads and sauces. 7t has been "ro&en to "ro&ide cardio&ascular benefits but its role in detox lies in the acti&ation of li&er en?y-es.

Broccoli s"routs are said to be 24 to !4 ti-es -ore "otent that the usual adult &e)etable. 7t can )i&e cancer:causin) co-"onents a run for their -oney 'ith each bite. Cabba)e sti-ulates t'o -ain ty"es of detoxifyin) en?y-es found in the li&er. %"ea6in) of li&er> sesa-e seeds ha&e been identified 'ith the "rotection of li&er cells fro- the ha?ards of alcohol and other che-icals.

*sylliu- is the colon buddy in this list. 7t is rich in fiber )i&in) it the ability to clean u" both cholesterol and toxin. 7ts "o'dered for- can be -ixed 'ith your fa&orite <uice. Body detoxification 'on0t be co-"lete 'ithout traces of fruits. They su- u" the ele-ents needed for a )ood detox because they can "ro&ide fiber> fluids> antioxidants> and of course &ita-in C.

Body Detoxification 5sin) (erbs

There are as -any body detoxification "ro)ra-s as there are ideas on ho' to cleanse the body. All of the- differ only in their intentions and in their i-"le-entation.

%o-e "ro)ra-s are or)an:s"ecific. They only clean the li&er or the blood> or "erha"s only to ease u" the troubles of the 6idneys. Co-binin) these detoxification "ro)ra-s into one detoxification "ro)ra- can restore a "erson0s health to o"ti-ule&els.


Detoxification diets D-ostly reco--endin) fruits and &e)etablesE are &ery )ood "ro)ra-s to eli-inate toxins. These &e)etarian diets include natural food fibers that are effecti&e in sti-ulatin) better bo'el -o&e-ents> "hysically cleansin) the di)esti&e syste-.

They contain &aluable &ita-ins and food en?y-es D8ost are eaten ra'E. These are &ital to the eli-ination "rocess not <ust in the bo'els but in the li&er> 6idneys> and s6in.

The absence of -eat enhances the detoxification "rocess because -eat is difficult for the body to di)est> reAuirin) -any en?y-es for its di)estion.


Chan)in) diets Dbeco-in) &e)etarianE are )enerally

)ood because diets ha&e natural inherent detoxification "ro"erties. (o'e&er> they cannot sti-ulate the li&er> 6idneys or the lun)s as -uch as they need to be.

(erbal detoxification is a shar"er -ethod for the ob&ious reason that herbs are -ore "o'erful than ordinary &e)etables and fruits. %ince they too are food> they "ro&ide enou)h &ita-ins> -inerals and en?y-es for )ood nutrition.

These herbs> after centuries of use> ha&e been found to be -ore or)an:s"ecific. This -eans the or)ans associated 'ith the- 'or6 better if sti-ulated by these 'onder "lants fro- nature.


%o-e herbs are associated 'ith better "erfor-ance of the li&er. These include the dandelion> red beets> li&er'ort> "arsley> horsetail> cha-o-ile> thistle> an)elica> )entian and )oldenrod.

The 6idneys ha&e their o'n list of herbal allies. <uni"er berries> "arsley> u&a ursi> )in)er> )oldenseal> cedar berries> and don) Auai.

@un)s function better if hel"ed by co-frey> -ullein> sli""ery el-> and Chinese e"hedra a-on)


(o' to use

For detoxification> herbs can be used in tande'ith a )ood diet. D7t certainly is not ri)ht to cleanse the li&er 'ith herbs but the bo'els are clo))ed 'ith <un6 food.E

7n the sa-e sense> detoxification diets are effecti&e by the-sel&es but they can be better bein) reinforced 'ith the use of herbs 'hich sti-ulate the eli-inati&e or)ans.

(erbs co--only co-e as teas> extracts or "o'dered. *o'dered for-s Dusually in ca"sules no'E are best ta6en 'ith -eals. (erbal teas are easy to "re"are and in)est and can be ta6en all throu)hout the day.

Today> body detoxification needs all the hel" froall o&er. Doin) it 'ith the hel" of herbs is one effecti&e 'ay. After all> herbs ha&e a lon) history in hel"in) -an0s "hysical 'ell:bein).

Body detoxification starts 'ith the 6idney

Body detoxification refers to the "rocess of

cleansin) the blood a'ay fro- i-"urities and toxins brou)ht about by unhealthy lifestyle habits. 8ore than any "art of the body> ex"erts belie&e that 6idney is a-on) the -ost ne)lected one because "eo"le continue to consu-e foods and "ractice habits that can )reatly i-"air it.

7f you are one of those 'ho are already sufferin) fro- a 6idney disease or is "rone to ha&in) 6idney "roble-s> no' is the best ti-e to consider body detoxification. ;x"erts a)ree that ha&in) the ri)ht diet is one of the 6eys in detoxifyin) the body throu)h the 6idneys.

To ensure effecti&e body detoxification throu)h the 6idneys> there should be an increased fluid inta6e. This is Auite effecti&e in 'ashin) out un'anted toxins that -ay lead to diseases such as 6idney stones. Once there is enou)h a-ount of liAuid in your body> it can 'ash a'ay toxins and flush then out. 7ncreasin) fluid inta6e> es"ecially 'ater> is the si-"lest yet -ost effecti&e 'ay to detoxify the body throu)h 6idney because it can hel" you 6ee" hydrated 'hile lea&in) your syste- clean. The ideal 'ater inta6e should be + )lasses but since "eo"le 'ith 6idney stones need -ore to flush out salts and other -inerals in the body> 14 to 12 )lasses is reco--ended daily.

Do so-e sodiu- restriction. Too -uch salt or sodiuis one of the "ri-ary causes of 6idney:related "roble-s such as stones because it increases the

calciu- le&els "resent in the "erson0s urine. Doctors ad&ise "eo"le 'ith calciu- stones to cut do'n or totally eli-inate sodiu- inta6e fro- the foods that they eat. This is because too -uch salt inta6e 'ill only -a6e the condition -ore co-"licated and -ay also cause other related diseases.

7ncrease the inta6e of fiber:rich foods durin) body detoxification. 7ndeed> fiber is considered beneficial to "eo"le 'ith 6idney "roble-s because it contain se&eral co-"ounds -ostly are "hytate> that )uards the 6idney a)ainst the de&elo"-ent of certain diseases. ;x"erts say that "eo"le 'ho are "rone to suffer fro- 6idney "roble-s and those 'ho 'ould 'ant to be s"ared fro- it should increase their calciu- inta6e co-in) fro- the foods they eat such as 'heat> rice bran and soybeans.

%ince 6idney is an i-"ortant or)an to 6ee" the body function 'ell> ex"erts al'ays ad&ise "eo"le to start body detoxification 'ith it. Once 6idney is cleansed> other body "arts such as colon> ly-"h> and others could follo'.

Body detoxification the natural 'ay

1ith all the toxicities -odern life brin)s> "eo"le should be -ore careful in 'atchin) their total health and 'ell:bein). And> 'ith the )ro'in)

nu-bers of "eo"le 'ho suffer fro- illnesses> "eo"le should be -ore &i)ilant in 6ee"in) u" 'ith a healthy lifestyle throu)h body detoxification.

2oin) natural

Ti-e and a)ain> nutrition ex"erts say that eatin) natural foods is the best 'ay to be healthy. 1hen a "erson has a healthy diet includin) eatin) the ri)ht a-ount of food de"endin) on the "ersons need and lifestyle and eatin) a ran)e of foods to ensure that the "erson )ets balanced diet they are li6ely to under)o body detoxification on a re)ular basis.

%ince food and eatin) "ro"erly contribute so -uch to effecti&e body detoxification> "eo"le should focus -ore on considerin) the food their body needs. ;x"erts re-ind "eo"le that body detoxification foods should contain the necessary &ita-ins and -inerals that are Auite essential for -etabolis-. The body detox diet should also include =ita-ins B2> B3> B!> B#> =ita-in C> choline> inositol> chro-iu-> -an)anese> and ?inc to ensure that the body )ets all the nutrients it needs.

For "eo"le 'ho o"t to use natural -eans to detoxify the body> ex"erts su))est that they stic6 to fruits and &e)etables. %tudies sho' that the "erfect detox diet out there includes a 'ide ran)e of fruits. Aside fro- bein) an all:natural "roduct> fruits are lo' in calories> rich in dietary fiber that hel"s

boosts satiety> and satisfies a "erson0s s'eet tooth 'ithout 'orryin) about 'ei)ht )ain. Containin) all the nutrients and &ita-ins it has> fruits are an ideal diet food for those 'ho are into losin) 'ei)ht or 'ei)ht reduction and those 'ho are stri&in) to -aintain their 'ei)ht. Other nutritional benefits of fruit include the "re&ention of &ita-in deficiency> a rich source of dietary fiber and rich in folate.

Iust li6e fruits> &e)etables are also considered "erfect food for body detoxification es"ecially for those 'ho are controllin) their 'ei)ht control. Aside fro- bein) lo' in calorie:content> hi)h in dietary fiber> and full of dietary nutrients that hel" -aintain efficient -etabolis-> &e))ies in &arious "re"arations -a6e )ood and a""eti?in) snac6s. Aside fro- bein) a rich source of i-"ortant &ita-ins and -inerals such as &ita-in B:co-"lex -icronutrients> &ita-ins C> ; and H that co-bat &ita-in deficiency> &e)etables are excellent sources of the "rotecti&e "lant -icronutrient called "hytoche-icals. (a&in) &e)etables as diet food lo'ers the ris6 of heart disease> cancers> and hi)h blood "ressure 'hile "rotectin) the body froha&in) illnesses caused by -uscle de)eneration.

Body detoxification throu)h 'ater

1ho needs any co--ercial "roducts 'hen 'ater alone can hel" a "erson to be healthy9 8any "eo"le don0t

reali?e it but throu)h body detoxification usin) 'ater> they can &eer a'ay fro- de&elo"in) &arious diseases caused by the unhealthy en&iron-ent 'hile cleansin) the blood in the "rocess.

7f you are into "lannin) to use 'ater to detoxify your body> no' is the ti-e to )et started in it. ;x"erts say that this is the -ost ideal o"tion for body detoxification because aside fro- bein) "ure> you can sa&e -ore -oney since it is the -ost abundant drin6 a&ailable.

Benefits of body detoxification usin) 'ater

;x"erts say that "eo"le need adeAuate su""ly of healthy 'ater because it )i&es ener)y. Aside frothat> it also hel"s a&oid dehydration> it )ets "eo"le -o&in)> and also hel"s relie&e sto-ach "roble-s such as consti"ation.

1hen used for body detoxification> 'ater can 6ee" the s6in soft> su""le healthy and )lo'in)G i-"ro&e the blood circulation in the bodyG hel" 6idneys and li&er to re-o&e toxins fro- the syste-G "re&ent -e-ory lossG eli-inate instances of freAuent headaches and di??inessG increase -ental and "hysical "erfor-anceG re-o&e toxins and other 'aste "roducts fro- the bodyG aid 'ei)ht loss> and allo' "ro"er di)estion.

1ater is a-on) the -ost co--on o"tions of body detoxification because it ensures a hi)h "ercenta)e of success in 'ashin) out and eli-inatin) i-"urities in the body. 1hen used as a cleansin) a)ent "ro"erly and re)ularly> 'ater can ensure lon) life and healthy body.

;nsurin) safety

;x"erts belie&e that for "eo"le to re-ain healthy> one of the -ost i-"ortant thin)s that they should do is to cleanse their body by ta6in) in lots of 'ater. (o'e&er> the Auality of ta" 'ater is no lon)er reliable for health "ur"oses these days. 7f you 'ant to use your o'n 'ater for body detoxification> it is a -ust to ensure that it is safe and clean. One of the 'ays to do this is by usin) a 'ater filter. ;x"erts belie&e that throu)h the use of 'ater filter> one can ensure that he or she is drin6in) healthy 'ater for hi-self or herself and for his or her fa-ily.

Today> there are -any brands of 'ater filters a&ailable in the -ar6et. 8a<ority of these co-es in &arious sha"es and si?es. But> before buyin) a 'ater filter to be used for body detoxification> you -ust 6no' 'hat suits your 'ater source. Once you ha&e safe and clean 'ater throu)h the use 'ater filter> rest assured that you can co-e u" 'ith your &ery o'n health drin6 at the co-forts of your ho-e or office.

Body detoxification usin) fruits

8any "eo"le don0t reali?e it but fruits s"ecifically in the )ra"e fa-ily is an effecti&e 'ay to detoxify the body. 1hen consu-ed in "ro"erly> fruits can ensure the success of cleansin) the body because studies sho' that they are "ac6ed 'ith nutrients and -inerals that are enou)h to 6ee" a "erson healthy 'hile under)oin) body detoxification.

8ore and -ore scientific findin)s sho' that fruits o'e its health benefits fro- the hi)h le&el of antioxidants called Fres&eratrol>F a 6ind of "oly"henol 6no'n as F"hytoalexin.F This is a )rou" of co-"ounds "lants use to defend the-sel&es a)ainst attac6s such as unti-ely stress> "ossible in<uries> or 5= irradiation and certain diseases such as fun)us and infection.

Fruit "o'er

No'adays> -any "eo"le are usin) fruits in detoxifyin) their bodies because they belie&e that since it is rich in antioxidants> fruits can hel" &eer the- a'ay fro- certain ter-inal illness as 'ell as to all for-s of diseases that co-e 'ith a)in). The follo'in) are <ust so-e of the benefits of usin) fruit in body detoxification.

: (el"s in the "re&ention of de&elo"in) &arious neuro:de)enerati&e illnesses and diseases. 8any studies sho' that because of the hi)h res&eratrol content of fruits es"ecially in the )ra"e fa-ily> it can "re&ent "eo"leJes"ecially those 'ho are )ettin) older to de&elo" diseases and illnesses that are co--on to the- li6e Al?hei-er0s disease and *ar6inson0s disease. %o-e fruits are also belie&ed to sus"end the "ossible "ro)ression of de-entia es"ecially to older ones.

: 2ood for the heart. ;x"erts a)ree that the s"ecific substances in fruits li6e tannins and fla&oniods can raise the le&els of )ood cholesterol or hi)h:density li"o"roteins D(D@E in the "erson0s blood. The antioxidant "ro"erties of fruits can also hel" in the reduction of bad cholesterol or lo':density li"o"roteins D@D@E. Once @D@ le&els are decreased> there are lesser chances of de&elo"in) cardio&ascular diseases such as heart attac6s and stro6e.

: *re&ents certain cancers. 8any "eo"le 'ho are "rone to the FBi) CF are usin) fresh fruits to detoxify their bodies because of the 'onders brou)ht by "ro"erties such as res&eratrol in it. ;x"erts belie&e that re)ular consu-"tion of fruits> "eo"le can hel" fi)ht "ossible cancer cells fro"roliferatin) and thus> "re&entin) the de&elo"-ent of the disease e&entually.

: %er&es as blood thinner. For "eo"le 'ith hi)h blood "ressure> fruits are ideal es"ecially durin) body detoxification "rocess. This is because it contains substances and co-"ounds that are effecti&e in lo'erin) hi)h blood "ressure.

Chan)in) diets results to effecti&e body detoxification

%ince unhealthy foods are the cul"rit 'hen it co-es to the buildu" of toxins in the body> ex"erts say that "eo"le can use these as the solution itself throu)h body detoxification. This can be done by as6in) "eo"le to cut do'n on their consu-"tion of these unhealthy foods and shift into a healthier diet.

Choosin) foods for body detoxification

;x"erts say that body detox diet should contain &arious ty"es of food li6e &e))ies> fruit> 'hole -eal bread and 'hole)rain cereals> -eat> fish> and e))s and other dairy "roducts. Aside fro- ha&in) a healthy diet> it is a -ust that "eo"le de&elo" healthy habits that 'ould co-"le-ent it such as re)ular exercise. (ere are so-e "ractical ti"s that can hel" you fi)ure out 'hat are the best and healthiest foods to include in a detox diet.

: ;at lots of fruit and &e))ies reli)iously. 1e all 6no' that eatin) fruit and &e)etables is )ood for us in 6ee"in) our body fit and healthy. But> -ore often than not> -any "eo"le are still not eatin) enou)h. ;x"erts say that in order to )et o"ti-unutrition> fi&e or -ore ser&in)s of fruits and &e))ies should be eaten daily.

: @oad u" your -eal on starchy foods. Nutritionists say that starchy foods li6e rice> bread> cereals> "otatoes and "asta should be an i-"ortant "art of any healthy diet there is. %ince they are a )ood source of ener)y as 'ell as the -a<or source of &arious nutrients> starchy foods should indeed -a6e u" about a third of the food 'e eat e&ery day. Aside fro- bein) -ain source of ener)y> starchy foods are beneficial because they contain fiber> calciu-> iron and B &ita-ins that is &ery )ood for the body0s -etabolis- and i--une syste- as 'ell.

: ;at -ore fish. ;x"erts say that instead of -eat> "eo"le should load u" on fish includin) a re)ular ser&in) of oily fish 'ee6ly. Aside fro- )ettin) less fat> fish is also an excellent source of "rotein as 'ell as a &ariety of &ita-ins and -inerals. Fresh> fro?en or canned fish can be your o"tions.

: 3efrain fro- eatin) foods that ha&e saturated fat> hi)h le&els of su)ar content and salt. ;x"erts say that in order to -a6e the body detoxification successful> "eo"le still need so-e fat in their

detox diets. Basically> fats are di&ided into t'o -ain ty"es the saturated fat 'hich can increase the a-ount of cholesterol in our blood that can lead to heart diseases and the unsaturated fat 'hich lo'ers blood cholesterol. 7t is ad&isable to cut do'n on foods that are hi)h in saturated and load u" on foods that are hi)h in unsaturated fat to be healthy.

Detoxification Of The Body

Althou)h the body is a 'onderful -echanis- that 'or6s tirelessly each day it still needs a""ro"riate eli-ination of 'astes. There are inde"endent 'ays li6e urination and defecation that allo' the body to )et rid of un'anted substances. 7n ti-es that it is not ca"able of en)a)in) in nor-al "rocesses alternati&e -ethods li6e detoxification arise.

Detoxification is a "rocedure executed in order to re-o&e toxic substances 'ithin the syste-s of the body. 7n as"ects of con&entional -edicine this can be achie&ed &ia artificial techniAues li6e dialysis and in so-e cases "articularly "oisonin) chelation thera"y is utili?ed. 8oreo&er detoxification can also refer to the ti-e s"an in 'hich a "erson0s body under)oes 'ithdra'al that then leads to the return of ho-eostasis. This is a""licable to indi&iduals 'ho ha&e ex"osed the-sel&es to lon): ter- abuse of addicti&e ele-ents. 7n the circles of

alternati&e -edicine ex"erts su))est the usa)e of -ethods focusin) on diet detoxification.

@et0s ta6e a loo6 at ho' the body is detoxified de"endin) on the substance that has to )o. Alcohol detoxification in&ol&es brin)in) bac6 a "erson0s syste- to nor-al functionin) after constant consu-"tion of alcohol in lar)e doses. 7t -ust be -ade clear that detox "rocedures do not offer treat-ent therefore a""ro"riate -eans should be "erfor-ed in order to address the underlyin) causes of alcoholis- after'ards.

Dru) detoxification is ta""ed on in order to aid the indi&idual durin) the 'ithdra'al "eriod and in the ad<ust-ent "hase that in&ol&es )oin) on 'ith daily acti&ities 'ithout the usa)e of the dru). This is not the treat-ent but only the initial inter&ention that 'ill "a&e the 'ay for a -ore co-"rehensi&e for- of treat-ent. Dru) detox ta6es "lace 'ithin a co--unity "ro)ra- for se&eral -onths. A residential setu" is -ore "referred than that of a -edical center. An i-"ortant facet of dru) detox is counselin) 'hich hel"s lessen the disco-fortin) effects of 'ithdra'al.

At the conclusion of -etabolic "rocesses har-ful substance can be "roduced. The body co-"ensates throu)h excretion> oxidation> and con<u)ation -echanis-s throu)h the actions of cells and tissues. This is ter-ed as xenobiotic -etabolis-. The en?y-es -ainly res"onsible for this -etabolic

detoxification are )lutathione %:transferases> cytochro-e * !4 oxidases> and 5D*: )lucuronosyltransferases.

The "rinci"le of diet detoxification is that there are certain diets that facilitate the accu-ulation of toxins es"ecially 'hen lon):ter- consu-"tion of foods that do not "ossess nutriti&e &alues is in&ol&ed. ;xa-"les of these foods are the ones ter-ed as <un6 or "rocessed foods. Further-ore diet detox attributes the "resence of toxins in the body to the indi&iduals en&iron-ent> food "references> and other bodily 'astes. This detox techniAue relies on the si-"licity of consu-in) about ei)ht to ten )lasses of fluids daily.

Do 7t /ourself Body Detoxification

Today> body detoxification is reco)ni?ed as one effecti&e o"tion in fi)htin) a)ainst the ra"id rise of deadly diseases. ;x"erts ha&e already dia)nosed the cause> the hea&y load of so -any toxins brou)ht about by "ollution and our o'n -odern lifestyle.

These illnesses affect all "eo"le 'ithout "re<udice on a)e> race and )ender. There is a rise in of AD(D in children> breast cancer in 'o-en> "rostate cancer in -en and cardio&ascular "roble-s in -ost adults. There is e&en an e"ide-ic of obesity a-on) teena)ers.

Body detoxification is actually a natural body "rocess 'here the or)ans assi)ned to eli-inate body 'astes are at 'or6. These days> -ost "eo"le ha&e their or)ans functionin) at half:ca"acity or are si-"ly o&er'hel-ed by the a-ount of 'astes and toxins they ha&e to ex"el.

5nfortunately> there is no -edical -a)ic bullet to cure all this. ;x"erts> ho'e&er> had ad&ocated that e&eryone can de&ise their o'n treat-ent> a do it yourself body detoxification.


First> you should consult your doctor before startin) on anythin) that concerns your health.

7t had been 6no'n lon) a)o that diet is one of the -ost effecti&e -eans fi)htin) diseases. Today> it is the -ost for-idable syste- to detoxify the body of har-ful ele-ents Dche-icals> -etals> free radicalsE.

By this ti-e> you 'ould "erha"s 6no' so-e )eneral )uidelines in choosin) your food> and "erha"s the corres"ondin) reasons as 'ell.

Choose your snac6 foods Da&oid soda> su)ar:rich

foodsE because they are full of additi&es> "reser&ati&es and fla&orin)s that do nothin) for the body. The o""osite is true> ho'e&er. These che-icals can da-a)e your syste-.

%'itch to fresh fruits and &e)etables. Berries and other fiber:rich foods are the best. 2reen &e)etables Dcauliflo'ers> broccoli> 6ale and -any -oreE are the best sources of not only &ita-ins but anti:oxidants as 'ell.


/ou can detoxify your bodies better and faster if there is a corres"ondin) chan)e in your lifestyle.

Around 1! to 34 -inutes of exercise D"referably done outdoorsE is )ood enou)h to )et you to breathe harder and exercise your lun)s and heart. /our s6in is rene'ed if you brea6 into so-e s'eat. 7t is so -uch better if you can do it in the -ornin) sunshine.

For the body to recu"erate and rebuild its ener)y> you need to ha&e a )ood ni)ht0s slee"> "referably around + hours a day. Of course> ci)arettes are a total no:no> and alcohol is restrained.


All in all> body detoxification is )oin) bac6 to the basics of si-"le li&in). This -eans in)estin) natural food and drin6s> )ood exercise and enou)h rest are still the best so far.

Fi)ht stress throu)h body detoxification

%tress is the nu-ber one reason 'hy "eo"le indul)e in body detoxification. This is because stress results to a drained -ind and body 'hich lessens the "erson0s ability to function "ro"erly.

1hen one en)a)es in body detoxification> it is ex"ected that the blood 'ill be cleansed throu)h the eli-ination of i-"urities in the li&er> in the 6idneys> in the lun)s and in the intestines as 'ell as in the s6in and in the ly-"h.

%tart s-all

2reat thin)s indeed start fro- s-all be)innin)s. ;x"erts say that "eo"le 'ho 'ant to )et started in detoxifyin) their body should learn to ta6e thin)s slo'ly but surely. They can do this by startin) on s-all reAuire-ents of body detoxification such as -ini-i?in) the "resence of toxins inside the body 'hich are usually caused by too -uch use of ci)arettes> hi)h le&els of alcohol inta6e> o&er

consu-"tion of coffee> and eatin) foods that contain refined su)ars as 'ell as those that contain saturated fats. This is the first ste" to a successful body detoxification because these are the &ery thin)s that cause i-"urities in the body.

7f "ossible> you should start -ini-i?in) if not reducin) the use of che-ically:based "ersonal health care "roducts li6e sha-"oos> tooth"aste deodorants and cleansers because these also contribute to the a-ount of i-"urities already "resent in the body.

Once you 'ere able to acco-"lish these basic tas6s> you can no' -o&e on s"ecific ste"s in detoxifyin) the body. These o"tions 'ould )reatly de"end on the 6ind of lifestyle that you ha&e and also on ho' )reat your dedication is in cleansin) your body.

2ettin) started

The -ost "o"ular body detoxification o"tions for you 'ould be usin) 'ater> drin6in) <uice> chan)es in diet as 'ell as the re-o&al of dead or old s6in cells.

5sin) 'ater in body detoxification is one of the -ost "o"ular 'ays that "eo"le use because they find it effecti&e. %ince 'ater is considered as the uni&ersal sol&ent> "eo"le use this for body

detoxification to 'ash out all the toxins caused by unhealthy lifestyle such as s-o6in) ci)arette> drin6in) lots of alcohol> and eatin) "rocessed foods.

/ou can choice for <uices if you don0t li6e the taste of "lain 'ater. Body detoxification usin) fruit <uices such as a""le> cranberry> or &e)etable <uices li6e carrots and cabba)e are <ust "erfect because aside fro- ha&in) )reat taste> these are "ac6ed 'ith &ita-ins and nutrients that can su""ly the nutrients the body needs 'hile fastin).

Foods that can hel" body detoxification

1ith all the chan)es in the en&iron-ent ri)ht no'> it is only a -ust for "eo"le to start de&elo"in) a habit of re)ular body detoxification throu)h healthy eatin). ;x"erts say that since unhealthy foods are a-on) the -a<or reasons 'hy there is a buildu" of toxins in the body> "eo"le can use food itself to re&erse the "rocess.

Body detoxification diet

8ost food and nutrition ex"erts say that healthy eatin) is not about 'hat "eo"le cannot eat. 7t is about 'hat "eo"le can eat in order to )et the o"ti-u- nutrition their bodies need. 7t is about

the use essential nutrients such as &ita-ins> -inerals> "rotein> carbohydrates> fats and en?y-es to -a6e the body function better.

Aside fro- bein) a -a<or source of -ost of the &ita-ins "eo"le need> healthy foods are also indis"ensable for life because it 6ee"s "eo"le a'ay fro- "ossible illnesses. ;x"erts say that 'hen choosin) foods for body detoxification> you -ust -a6e sure that they are fresh> un"rocessed and 'hole es"ecially if you "lan to buy fruit and &e)etables> 'hole )rains> le)u-es> nuts and seeds> and s"routs. Considered as li&e foods> bein) fresh ensures that the food still contain the )reatest a-ount of &ita-ins> -inerals> and en?y-es that "ro&ides the body 'ith o"ti-u- nutrition.

8a6e sure that you eat fruits that are fresh> dried 'ithout sulfur dioxide or fro?en 'ithout "reser&ati&es and a&oid eatin) fruits that are canned and in hea&y syru" because these ha&e "reser&ati&es> additi&es> and s'eeteners. ;at &e))ies that are fresh or ra'> li)htly stea-ed> ba6ed and dried 'ithout sulfur and a&oid eatin) &e))ies that are fro?en 'ith "reser&ati&es> additi&es> s'eeteners.

/ou should a&oid "roducts 'ith 'hite flour> unbleached flour> enriched flour> s'eeteners> che-ical additi&es> refined and "rocessed )rains> 'hite rice> Auic6 oats> instant oat-eal> and instant cereals. 1hen it co-es to le)u-es> choose

beans> "eas> lentils> and chic6"eas.

Also> choose for fresh s"routs and a&oid &e))ies that are fried or o&ercoo6ed. 1hen it co-es to )rains> o"t for 'hole )rain "roducts that are un"rocessed> non:irradiated> non )enetically -odified> su)ar free> no che-ical additi&es> no "reser&ati&es and other 'hole )rain K s"routed )rain "roducts li6e bread> -uffins> tortillas> cereals> and "asta> crac6ers.

/ou can o"t for or)anic foods o&er to those co--ercially:"roduced ones. Nutritionists say that or)anic foods are indeed the "urest and healthiest foods for body detoxification out there because they are not yet conta-inated 'ith "esticides and ha&e hi)her "ercenta)e of nutrition.

2ettin) started in body detoxification

7f you feel that e&eryday stress is ta6in) its toll on you and your o&erall health> then no' is the best ti-e to )et started on body detoxification.

These days> there are so -any 'ays to detoxify the body. These o"tions are s"ecifically desi)ned to suit the lifestyle and "ersonal "references of the "eo"le 'ho are about to try body detoxification. (ere are so-e of the co--on -eans to detoxify the


1. Body detoxification throu)h diet chan)e. %ince unhealthy foods are one of the -a<or causes of i-"urities in the body> it is a -ust that "eo"le 'ho 'ant to under)o detoxification should start eli-inatin) foods that are unhealthy such as fast foods and "ac6a)ed that ha&e hi)h fats and su)ar content. 7nstead> they should shift into healthier o"tions such as a diet consistin) of 'hole )rains> fresh fruits and &e)etables.

2. Body detoxification usin) <uices. This ty"e of body detoxification is so-e sort of a fastin) for about three days and in&ol&es drin6in) only <uices -ade out of fresh fruits and &e)etables. %o-e of the <uices used for this ty"e of body detoxification include carrot <uice> s"inach <uice> celery <uice> cabba)e <uice> a""le <uice> "inea""le <uice and cranberry <uice. Citrus fruits are strictly "rohibited since these -ay cause sto-ach u"set caused by the acid. Duration of <uice fastin) is ty"ically one to three days.

3. Body detoxification usin) 'ater. 7nstead of <uice> this body detoxification ty"e uses 'ater instead. 7t basically follo's the underlyin) "rinci"les in <uice fastin) only that "lain 'ater is consu-ed. ;x"erts say that this is -ore effecti&e co-"ared to body detox usin) <uice since 'ater is the best cleansin) a)ent there is.

. Body detoxification usin) sauna. %ince sauna uses heat> ex"erts belie&e that incor"oratin) this as a re)ular "art of body detoxification 'ould be an effecti&e 'ay to re-o&e the buildu"s che-ical "resent in "ersons fat cells.

!. Body detoxification throu)h the re-o&al of old s6in cells. This is one of the si-"lest -eans to detoxify your body because all you need to do is to brush out old s6in and you can "a&e the 'ay for the sti-ulation of your ly-"h syste- by dra'in) out the "iled toxins throu)h your s6in. ;x"erts say that you can -a6e use of a dry s6in brush that is -ade out of soft &e)etable bristles. /ou can start brushin) your feet in a circular -anner before you ta6e a sho'er to ensure that your blood 'ill circulate &ery 'ell.

(ea&y 8etal Body Detoxification

Body detoxification has been associated 'ith the re-o&al of har-ful toxins fro- the body in order to ensure that health is -aintained at o"ti-u- le&els. But this is not only the line that the "rocess crosses. 7t can be utili?ed in order to sal&a)e a "erson0s life in e-er)ency life:threatenin) situations.

Chelation thera"y is the usa)e of chelatin) a)ents to flush out hea&y -etals fro- the body0s syste-.

(ea&y -etal "oisonin) is co--only caused by the li6es of -ercury> arsenic> and lead. 7n the 5%> standards of care state that the -ediu- called di-erca"tosuccinic or D8%A should be used to address such occurrences of intoxication. Ne&ertheless there are other chelatin) a)ents that can be ta""ed on. These are al"ha li"oic acid or A@A and 2> 3:di-erca"to:1:"ro"anesulfonic acid or D8*%.

The use of chelatin) a)ents 'as first "racticed 'hen "oison )as 'as released durin) 117. The or)anic dithiol co-"ound na-ed di-erca"rol 'as the antidote set to co-bat the arsenic:based "oison )as called @e'isite. 7n ter-s of British settin) di-erca"rol 'as ta))ed as BA@ or Anti:@e'isite. The sul"hur ato-s in BA@0s -erca"tan )rou"s had the 6ey ability of creatin) a stron) bond 'ith arsenic. This led to the for-ation of a 'ater:soluble co-"ound that 'ent to the bloodstrea- and 'as excreted &ia the li&er and the 6idneys.

At the conclusion of 1177 nu-erous na&y "ersonnel 'as "la)ued by lead "oisonin) because of their <ob of re"aintin) the hulls of shi"s. %ince BA@ had se&ere side effects ;DTA or ethylenedia-inetetraacetic acid re"laced it as the "ri-ary chelatin) -ediu-. 7t is characteri?ed by a synthetic a-ino acid ha&in) no -erca"tans thus the side effects 'ere -uch -ana)eable. 5"on the entry of the #40s> BA@ 'as -odified to create D8%A 'hich is also a dithiol but 'ith e&en fe'er side effects. 7t then re"laced ;DTA and beca-e the standard

treat-ent for -ercury> lead> and arsenic "oisonin).

%tudies done in the for-er %o&iet 5nion led to the birth of D8*% 'hich is a dithiol that acts as a chelatin) a)ent for -ercury "oisonin). The %o&iets then added A@A 'hich 'hen in)ested is "rocessed by the body into dihydroli"oic acid )i&in) it the ability to resol&e both -ercury and arsenic intoxication. The 5% FDA acce"ts A@A as a co--on nutritional su""le-ent but D8*% is on an ex"eri-ental status.

A real:life e&idence of the body detoxification co-"onent of chelation thera"y can be traced 'ay bac6 in 1,7#. 7t featured the case of (arold 8cClus6ey 'ho is a nuclear 'or6er that 'as ex"osed to life:threatenin) le&els of a-ericiu-. Diethylene tria-ine "entaacetic acid or DT*A 'as used on hifor -any years in order to ex"el 1 8BA of a-ericiu- fro- his syste-. 1hen he died 11 years later the cause had nothin) to do 'ith the a-ericiu- "oisonin).

(olistic Body Detoxification

Co-"anies and establish-ents that are associated 'ith body detoxification ha&e en)a)ed into full efforts in order to -ar6et their "roducts and ser&ices since the boo- of the "rocess. The health conscious trend that is seen in the "ublic has been

used in order to -a6e detox co--odities sell li6e hot "anca6es. 7f you are one of those "eo"le 'ho 'ant to )et their -oney0s 'orth then you should be 'ell acAuainted 'ith the "rinci"les of body cleansin).

/ou -ust first understand that the body has the natural ca"acity to ta6e care of the <un6 that is 'rea6in) ha&oc in all of its 'or6"laces. ;ach syste- 'as created in order to co-"le-ent each other and en)a)e in co-"ensatory -echanis-s so as to 6ee" the 'hole hu-an body runnin) in ti":to" sha"e. The need for detoxification arises 'hen there is too -uch toxin inside the body for the or)ans of eli-ination to control and ex"el.

%ince the eli-ination channels are the "roble- area detox "references should not be based on the "o"ularity clai-ed by a ser&ice or "roduct. 7nstead to" "riority before underta6in) detox "rocedures is to see to it that these net'or6s of excretion are "erfor-in) in their best condition. The colon is 6no'n to be the lar)est or)an associated 'ith the re-o&al of body i-"urities. Therefore it is the "ri-ary ele-ent that should be loo6ed u"on 'hen -a""in) out a "ro)ra- for full body detox.

The 6idneys are next to the colon in ter-s of eli-ination res"onsibilities. Then the s6in follo's as the secondary -ediu-. No' if both the "ri-ary eli-ination characters are in Auestion the body 'ill )o into co-"ensatory -ode 'hich -eans that it

'ill ta" on other "rocesses in order to )et rid of the accu-ulated 'astes. This is the reason behind the s6in conflicts.

Con&entional -edical "ractices assi)n s"ecific treat-ents for "articular anato-ical cases. ;ye "roble-s need eye -edicationsG heart conditions de-and cardio&ascular inter&entions and so on. This "rinci"le is in contradiction 'ith 'hat a full body detox lays on the table. %ince the body 'or6s throu)h the interrelated efforts of each syste- and there is no really or)an that functions inde"endently then a holistic a""roach 'ould )i&e the body hi)her chances to detoxify better.

Althou)h body detoxification can attend to the full blo'n needs of body eli-ination it is a si-"le "rocess 'hich can be done by a "erson 'ith "ro"er understandin). 1hen loo6in) for a full detox &ariation you don0t ha&e to be tric6ed into )oin) by the co-"lex -eans a&ailable in the -ar6et. The Auality of body cleansin) does not lie on the technical features and co-"licated "ro)ra-s. 7t is not e&en based on the exotic in)redients and ele-ents in the "roduct. A lot of detoxification success has been attributed to the consistency and intensity of each session.

(o' do Body 1ra"s (el" in Body Detoxification9

8any health "roble-s can be sol&ed throu)h body detoxification> 'hich is the body0s natural -echanis- to flush out har-ful toxins. The s6in> for exa-"le> )ets rid of toxins throu)h s'eatin). To enhance this detox "rocess> body 'ra"s are used. Detox body 'ra"s hel" the s6in eli-inate excess toxins and fluids to enhance the s6ins a""earance and texture. Aside fro- i-"ro&in) the s6in> detox body 'ra"s can also hel" "eo"le lose 'ei)ht.

5sin) body 'ra"s is a )reat 'ay to su""le-ent your body detox "ro)ra-> 'hether you are ta6in) a detox diet> <uice fastin)> or drin6in) detox tea. 5sually> "eo"le 'ho )o throu)h detox body 'ra" treat-ents ha&e their nec6> ar-s> le)s> and torso co&ered 'ith stretchable cloths that absorb and )et rid of excess toxins and fluids in the body. The cloths are either dry or soa6ed 'ith a -ixture of natural in)redients such as salts> sea'eeds> essential oils> and herbs.

They are 'ra""ed snu)ly to ser&e as a ther-al co&erin) and to s"eed u" s'eatin). As a result> the s6in sheds off excess fluid that co-es fro- the s-all )a"s bet'een tissues in the body. Althou)h you can see i--ediate results fro- usin) body 'ra"s> you ha&e to do it re)ularly to "re&ent toxins and fluids fro- buildin) u" a)ain in your body.

The follo'in) are the s"ecific health benefits you 'ill )et fro- body 'ra"s.

L Aloe &era> -ud> and other detoxifyin) -aterials are used to -a6e the s6in soft. The s6in is further softened 'ith e-ollient lotions.

L After <ust one body 'ar" treat-ent> the s6in 'ill instantly beco-e softer. Fine lines also decrease because of the s6in ti)htenin) effect of body 'ra"s.

L The salts used in body 'ra"s not only detoxify but also exfoliate the s6in.

L Body 'ra" treat-ents are &ery relaxin)> so they can hel" reduce stress and lo'er blood "ressure.

L Body 'ra"s increase your -etabolis- rate> thus hel"in) in reducin) 'ei)ht and contourin) the body.

De"endin) on your location> the cost of detox body 'ra"s usually ran)es fro- M144 to M344 in s"a centers. Body 'ra"s -ay be chea"er 'hen "erfor-ed 'ith other s"a treat-ents such as 'axin)> -assa)e> or facial.

/ou can sa&e -oney by -a6in) your o'n body 'ra"s at ho-e. /es> you can ha&e a refreshin) body detoxification 'ithout lea&in) your ho-eN /ou <ust need a fe' 'ra""in) cloths and &arious natural

in)redients to -ix in your 'ra"s. 8ud or aloe &era is a )ood base for the body 'ra" for-ula. /ou -ay try usin) different essential oils and herbs to 6no' 'hich ones 'or6 best.

7nteracti&e Body Detoxification

Body detoxification has a &ery di&erse net'or6. 7t has )radually reached the areas of con&entional -edicine and at "resent it has )ro'n by continually sho'casin) treat-ents fro- traditional roots. @et0s ta6e a loo6 at ho' different or)ans interact in traditional Chinese -edicine in order to )et rid of toxins that are har-ful to the body.

Basically Chinese -edicine is referred to as a syste- of internal -edicine 'hich is co-"osed of dia)nostic "rocedures based on si)ns and sy-"to-s that are then resol&ed by treat-ent styles such as -editation> acu"uncture> herbal "re"arations> exercise> and diet. The "rinci"les of Chinese healin) lie on the interde"endent relationshi" of the /in and /an). 1hen balance is "resent health is assured to be on o"ti-u- le&el.

Detoxification in traditional Chinese -edicine occurs &ia the <oint efforts of or)ans. The lun) and the lar)e intestine ha&e close relations. The lar)e intestine is res"onsible for the "rocessin) of liAuid 'astes into solid for- as 'ell as

trans"ortin) the- out of the body. 7t assists the lun)s in -ani"ulatin) s6in "ores thereby controllin) "ers"iration. The lun)s return the fa&or &ia the ex"ansion and contraction of the dia"hra)- 'hich results to "eristalsis leadin) to intestinal acti&ity.

The lun)s 6ic6 out har-ful toxins throu)h dee" breathin) -echanis-s. Dee" breathin) is also "art of enhancin) ly-"hatic flo' en route to toxin eli-ination. The colon 'or6s 'ith the lun)s by re-o&in) un'anted substances in the li&e and the di)esti&e tract. 7n order to ensure that the duo )ets the <ob done it is ad&isable to co-bine dee" breathin) 'ith a )lass of "sylliu- hus6.

The li&er and the )allbladder for- the tande- in Chinese -edicine. The li&er functions by storin) and re)ulatin) blood as 'ell as or)ani?in) the s-ooth flo' of Oi ener)y 'hich is &ital for e-otional balance> functional di)estion> re)ular -enstruation> and "atent bile secretion. The li&er transfor-s har-ful i-"urities into substances that can be safely flushed out by the 6idneys and the colon. The )allbladder hel"s the li&er in the co-"letion of this <ob. A tall )lass of 'ater sAuee?ed 'ith half a le-on 'ill increase the ca"acity of the li&er:)all bladder tande-.

The Chinese style of body detoxification is further-ore bannered by both the 6idney and the bladder. The 6idney is the stora)e facility housin)

the essence of a "erson0s constitution and the re"roducti&e fluids that )i&e 'ay to life. 1hen the li&er "asses 'ater soluble 'aste to the 6idneys it is u" to the bladder to filter this for "ro"er eli-ination. A tea -ade fro- boilin) four cu"s of 'ater and a handful of corn sil6 'ill su""ort the union of the bladder and the 6idney.

8ethods Of Body Detoxification

No'adays> -ost e&eryone 6no's about body detoxification> 'hat it does to our bodies> its health i-"ortance> and also about "ollution and toxins.

;&eryone a)rees that an achin) body> lo' ener)y le&el and -ental stress are si)ns that one should no' under)o detoxification. 5nfortunately> so-e "eo"le 6ne' only bits and "ieces on body detoxification.


For the busy -etro"olitan d'eller> body detoxification once a year is )ood. 7t is co-"arable to a s"rin) cleanin) of your body syste-s and )ettin) rid of the accu-ulated toxins.

;x"erts belie&e that toxins D-ost are free radicalsE built u" inside the body are the "ri-ary cause of a 'ide ran)e of illnesses fro- heart diseases to cancer> consti"ation> or)an -alfunctions and -any others.

These toxins> unfortunately> are fro- the food 'e eat> the 'ater 'e drin6> the air 'e breathe> and the thin)s 'e touch. ;&en stresses fro- too -uch noise "roduce their o'n toxins in the body.

%i-"le -ethods

There is a 'ide &ariety of -ethods in body detoxification. %o-e -ay reAuire a total chan)e of lifestyle> diet> and "erha"s includin) ones -ental "ers"ecti&es.

8any "eo"le fail in their detoxification "ro)ra-s because they cannot co"e 'ith the chan)e of lifestyle. The follo'in) are the si-"lest ones -ost anyone can follo'.


First> consult 'ith your doctor before under)oin) your body detoxification. This is es"ecially true for "eo"le under -edication.

/ou can start 'ith reducin) the consu-"tion of food ite-s 'ith 6no'n hi)h le&els of toxins. coffee> saturated fats> alcohol> and su)ar. /our doctor is the best resource "erson to consult on the "erfect food and diet for you.

Detox Diets

One of these is 'ater fastin). 7n it> you drin6 + to 14 )lasses of 'ater daily. A 'ea6 tea -ay be used as substitute but 'ithout any 6ind of s'eetener.

Another one is )oin) &e)etarian for the ti-e bloc6 of your diet. The si-"lest for- is eatin) ra' fruits in the -ornin) and only &e)etables for lunch and dinner. This 'ould )reatly hel" in cleansin) the di)esti&e syste- because of the fiber.

=ita-ins and (erbal 8edicines

/ou can hel" your body )et rid of har-ful toxins by ta6in) &ita-ins and herbal su""le-ents. 2ood anti: oxidants are those &ita-ins 'ith coen?y-e O14> al"ha li"oic acid> and choline.

O&erall> they reduce &ita-in deficiencies as 'ell as "ro&ide re)enerati&e anti:oxidants to fi)ht free radicals in the body.

3e)ular exercise

One of the better exercises fit al-ost all a)es are aerobics. *ers"iration is one &ery i-"ortant forof flushin) toxins and body 'astes throu)h the s6in.

Body detoxification need not be co-"licated. As to the results> you 'ill feel the chan)es in your body ri)ht a'ay in a day or t'o.

On 1ith Body Detoxification

7t is of ut-ost i-"ortance that the body stays in ti":ti" sha"e. %yste-ic functionin) and "rocesses should al'ays flo' s-oothly. One 'ay of ensurin) that his ha""ens is by eli-inatin) all the substances that 'ill ser&e as hindrance and har-. This is 'here the ser&ices of detoxification co-e into the "icture.

The ex"ulsion of toxins for the body does not al'ays need to be "erfor-ed 'ithin the confines of a -edical institution &ia the utili?ation of hi)hly ad&anced -achineries and -ethods. One only needs to 6no' the basics and incor"orate the- into his daily routines. There are se&eral o"tions that can be ta""ed on li6e colon hydrothera"y> herbal and

&ita-in inta6e> and s"eciali?ed diets but the -ore si-"le 'ays include the li6es of fastin)> 'ei)ht reduction> exercise> and e&en dee" breathin) relaxation techniAues. Alternati&e -edicine ex"erts su))est that tar)etin) the colon> li&er> and 6idneys for cleansin) is a )ood 'ay of 6ic6in) out all sorts of un'anted substances.

Fastin) entails a disci"lined "eriod -ar6ed by no food inta6e for se&eral days. This 'ill allo' the body to )o on a rest "eriod thus sa&in) a si)nificant a-ount of ener)y that is lost durin) the -echanis-s of di)estion. No'> the ener)y sa&ed can then be utili?ed to facilitate self:healin). %ufficient a-ounts of fluids are ad&ised durin) the fastin) "ro)ra-. 1ater is the usual character in this scenario ne&ertheless fruit <uices and herbal teas can "lay su""ortin) roles.

Another 'ay to ex"el nasty toxins fro- the body is by e-"loyin) a realistic> 'ell:assessed> and a""licable 'ei)ht loss "ro)ra-. 3e-e-ber to consider the body0s ca"acity so as not to exa))erate the 'hole "ro)ra-. Durin) this 'ei)ht reduction "hase 'aste "roducts that 'ere stored 'ithin the fatty tissues of the body 'ill be flushed do'n the drain. 7f dietin) is not your thin) and you 'ant to su""ort your body0s detoxifyin) &entures then it 'ould be best to inte)rate or)anic foods into your daily inta6e because in doin) so the chances of in)estin) "reser&ati&es and undesirable che-icals are lessened.

Aerobic exercises 'or6 by sti-ulatin) the heart to "u-" faster thus increasin) the flo' of blood and ly-"h fluids. The raise in blood acti&ity le&el 'ill ensure that adeAuate nutrition is deli&ered throu)hout the body 'hile a boost in the -o&e-ent of ly-"h fluids can brin) about 'aste "roduct re-o&al. 1astes can also be excreted &ia s'eatin) and dee" breathin). 7n s'eatin) toxins co-e out &ia s6in "ores 'hile dee" breathin) offers a -ediu- of exhalin) carbon dioxide out of the body.

The colon "lays an i-"ortant role in body detoxification. Colon cleansin) can be done throu)h the use of herbs that function by re-o&in) excess fecal -aterials in the intestine. There is colon hydrothera"y 'hich is executed by flushin) out all for-s of toxins &ia a catheter that is inserted into the rectu-. Both the 6idney and the li&er are also i-"ortant co-"onents of detoxification. The 6idney is res"onsible for blood filtration 'hile the li&er thro's a'ay the by:"roducts of -etabolis-.

*hysical and 8ental 1ell:Bein) throu)h Body Detoxification

Nic6el> cad-iu-> alu-inu-> lead> and -ercury these are exa-"les of hea&y -etals that co-e fro- -ost industrial 'astes and are har-ful to hu-ans. But

throu)h constant e-ission of factory 'astes and car exhausts> these -etals and other dan)erous che-icals are ta6en in by hu-ans. This results in the decreased efficiency of body or)ans> and accu-ulation of toxins in the body -ay lead to serious diseases and e&en death. These could be "re&ented by follo'in) a "ro)ra- called body detoxification. 7n addition> it offers nu-erous benefits> not only to the i--une syste-> but to the 'hole body and -ind> as 'ell.

Body detox hel"s the body reduce the buildu" of toxins and 'astes. This is done by strictly follo'in) a healthy diet> ta6in) the ri)ht su""le-ents> and a&oidin) sti-ulants such as coffee> soda> and alcohol.

Benefits fro- cleansin) the body throu)h detox ran)e fro- the i-"ro&ed efficiency of the or)ans to an o&erall re<u&enated feelin) in the body. First> follo'in) a body detox "ro)ra- i-"ro&es the release of har-ful 'astes and toxins in the body> as it nourishes the detoxifyin) or)ans. Detox i-"ro&es i--une function. 7n addition> detox "ro)ra-s s"eed u" the re-o&al of 'astes to reinforce the body0s fi)ht a)ainst serious illnesses such as cancer and de)enerati&e diseases. The blood and the di)esti&e tract are cleansed durin) the "rocess. As a result> healthier cells are "roduced and better di)estion is -aintained. Benefits fro- detox include a healthier lifestyle> 'hich in&ol&es a healthy diet> a lot of exercise> and a&oidance of su)ar> salt> nicotine> <un6 foods> and alcohol. Follo'in) this

lifestyle ensures a -ore relaxed yet -ore ener)i?ed body. 8editation is reco--ended to achie&e a re<u&enated -ind and an increased ener)y le&el.

The -ain or)ans of the body in&ol&ed in the detoxifyin) "rocess are the lun)s> )all bladders> 6idneys> colon> ly-"h> s6in> li&er> and blood. They re)ulate the re-o&al of har-ful 'astes fro- the body. These or)ans are usually o&er'or6ed and tend to )et da-a)ed due to the abundance of toxins in the body. (o'e&er> detoxifyin) aids in the eli-ination of these "ollutants. Follo'in) a balanced diet s"ecified in a body detox "ro)ra- "ro&ides the nutrients the body needs> -a6in) the i--une and excretory syste-s healthier and -ore efficient.

Body detox -ay cause side effects durin) the "rocess such as headaches> disco-fort> and fati)ue. But the "ain is 'orth it since it 'ill e&entually disa""ear> lea&in) the body cleansed and refreshed. Finally> body detoxification hel"s in restorin) internal 'ell:bein) and achie&in) su"erior health. By follo'in) the "ro)ra-> i-"ro&ed slee" and )lo'in) co-"lexion can also be attained.

*u-"ed 5" Body Detoxification

Body detoxification is considered to be a &ery

"otent -ediu- in flushin) out all for-s of 'aste "roducts out of the body. 7t can e&en be -ore effecti&e 'hen "aired u" 'ith a su""le-entary -ethod. ;xercise can be utili?ed in order to -a)nify the benefits of cleansin).

Aerobic -o&e-ents can contribute to the enhance-ent of blood circulation thereby increasin) the su""ly of oxy)en throu)hout the body. 7t is hel"ful in riddin) the s6in of the un'anted accu-ulation of toxins. This is achie&ed by the s'eatin) "rocess that ta6es "lace.

%'eatin) "ro-otes the eli-ination of fat soluble toxins li6e DDT and hea&y -etals such as lead. A detox "aired u" 'ith exercise can lead to a re<u&enatin) ex"erience "lus the cleanu" of s6in "ores. But -a6e sure that after the 'or6out or routine you treat yourself to a nice sho'er to co-"letely eradicate 'aste -aterials fro- s6in surfaces.

After arri&in) at an understandin) of the "ositi&ity brou)ht by exercise on your detox ca-"ai)n it0s i-"ortant to ta6e note of the contributin) "rinci"les that 'ill aid you in your sessions. %tart thin)s off by identifyin) the acti&ities that you 'ould realistically and reli)iously follo'. The "ro)ra- 'ill only 'or6 if you are u" to it. 7t doesn0t -atter if it0s a casual <o) in the "ar6 or a 'al6 'ith the 6ids and the do) the i-"ortant thin) is you 'ould en<oy 'hat

you0re doin).

/our )oal is i-"ortant durin) this ti-e. They -ust be -a""ed out based on your "ersonal "references> abilities> and needs. /our routine can last u" to an hour in alternate days of the 'ee6 or it can be as short as 1! -inutes. /ou <ust ha&e to understand that 'or6outs should in&ol&e acti&ities that 'ill lift you to a "ositi&e state and outloo6. The )oal of detox is to release all sorts of ne)ati&ity e&en those that are "la)uin) your thou)hts.

No' that you ha&e set an attainable )oal it0s ti-e to "ut it into action and -o&e for'ard in a )radual "ace. Don0t hasten thin)s u". 7f it0s not "lausible to start 'ith bi) nu-bers because you are o&er'hel-ed then start 'ith the funda-entals and fro- there steadily 'or6 your 'ay on to" of the "ro)ra-.

Al'ays ha&e a bac6u" "lan. Toxin build u" does not only affect you "hysiolo)ically it can also 'rea6 ha&oc on your -ood and -oti&ation. 7f your routine in&ol&es )oin) to the )y- at a certain day and then you are suddenly 'ashed a'ay by ne)ati&e thou)hts and e-otions it0s ti-e to en)a)e in a -ore casual 'al6 e&en for <ust se&eral -inutes. 7t does not only 6ee" your "artici"ation in the "ro)ra- but also )i&es you ti-e to conte-"late.

;xercise can really "u-" u" your body

detoxification as"irations. /ou <ust ha&e to -a6e sure that you ha&e all the dedication and deter-ination needed to -a6e each ste" en<oyin) and -eanin)ful. 7n this 'ay success is <ust a sin)le ste" a'ay.

%6in Cleansin). An ;ssential *art of Body Detoxification

The s6in is one of the -ain detoxifyin) or)ans in the body. As such> your body detoxification syste-ust include s6in cleansin) to -axi-i?e the s6ins ability to eli-inate toxins.

1hy detoxify the s6in> you -i)ht as6. 1ell> it is because "resence of toxins in the s6in has undesirable effects.

;x"osure to "ollution and use of synthetic s6in care "roducts contribute to s6in toxicity. (ar-ful che-icals -ay enter the circulatory syste- and "roduce -ore toxins in the body. The bad effects of these che-icals -ay not be felt instantly because the li&er can detoxify the-. 1hat if your li&er is da-a)ed9 %6in detoxification is reco--ended to those 'ho ha&e -alfunctionin) 6idneys because they lac6 the -eans for full body detox.

%6in detox offers a lot of benefits besides )ettin)

rid of toxins and excess fluid fro- the body. 7t increases the a-ount of oxy)en for use by the body> 'hich in turn reduces con)estion in the ly-"h and re-o&es toxic hea&y -etals fro- the s6in. The heat treat-ents in&ol&ed in s6in detox hel" reduce blood "ressure and tri))er s'eatin). The -ore you s'eat> the -ore efficient your body beco-es in eli-inatin) salt> "hos"hates- uric acid> urea> and lactic acid. The other benefits of s6in detox include -aintenance of the hair and s6in0s natural *h> i-"ro&ed -etabolis-> better i--une defense> "ain relief> and relaxation of the body.

The follo'in) are "ractical ti"s to hel" you detoxify your s6in and 6ee" it healthy.

L 5se natural soa"s and s6in care "roducts.

L A&oid 'earin) clothes -ade of synthetic fibers. 7nstead> 'ear those -ade of natural fibers such as 'ool and cotton> 'hich can absorb toxins better than synthetic fibers.

L Try sauna. 7t can eli-inate fat:soluble toxins fro- your body. Accordin) to studies> about 24 "ercent of 1# toxic substances are reduced in the body after sauna. ;&en after four -onths after sauna> the body still continues to flush out toxins.

L (a&e a cleansin) bath. A lot of "eo"le lead stressful li&es> and 'ho couldn0t use a relaxin) bath no'adays9 *lus> you can use your bathtub at ho-e to re-o&e toxins fro- your body. %oa6 your 'hole body for half an hour in 'ar- 'ater -ixed 'ith ba6in) soda> salt> "o'dered )in)er> and hydro)en "eroxide. The ba6in) soda neutrali?es the acids in the toxins> 'hile the )in)er and salt 'ash out toxins fro- the s6in.

L 5se a dry s6in brush or loofah s"on)e 'hen you ta6e a bath. This 'ill re-o&e dead s6in cells and oils that clo) the "ores. 7t is i-"ortant to unclo) the "ores to release toxins fro- the s6in -ore easily> -a6in) body detoxification a -ore efficient "rocess.

%oothin) Body Detoxification

Fluids "lay an i-"ortant role in -aintainin) ho-eostasis 'ithin the body0s syste-s. This is 'hy it is a si)nificant -e-ber of the body detoxification tea-. 1ater and <uices are co--only "art of a detox scenario but a soothin) cleanse 'ouldn0t be "ossible 'ithout the 'ar-in) "resence of herbal teas.

/ou can start the tea "arty by boilin) the desired a-ount of 'ater. Turn off the heat 'hen boilin) occurs then add your chosen herbs into a tea ball>

infuser> or -uslin ba) for a sin)le cu". 7f you choose to "re"are a lar)er a-ount you can add u" to three teas"oons of herbs.

Allot about fi&e -inutes for the herbs to infuse. The ideal consu-"tion is around 3 to cu"s daily. 7f you 'ant to add in fla&or you can use le-on and or)anic honey. ;ach "re"aration can brin) about "ositi&e effects of anti:infla--ation> ant oxidation> and increased circulation 'hich 'ill then lead to si)nificant benefits of "urification> detoxification> and cleansin). No' it0s ti-e to head on to herb co-binations 'hich 'ill brin) on the tea in detox.

3oasted chicory root and dandelion root -ixed 'ith )uarana root can be utili?ed to "roduce a cu" "ac6ed 'ith &ita-ins and -inerals. The "re"aration can increase blood flo' and oxy)enation. 7t can act as ner&ous syste- sti-ulant resultin) into decreased de"ression and fati)ue.

Oli&e leaf> (a'thorne> s"ear-int> cats cla'> and "e""er-int can be co-bined to)ether to for- the "erfect blend that can boost u" the i--une syste-. *a"aya leaf> "e""er-int> and hibiscus can for- a for-idable trio 'hich can ser&e a "re"aration for diarrhea and ulcers. This "re"aration can hel" relie&e indi)estion> heartburn> nausea> sto-ach u"set> and circulatory "roble-s.

Clo&e> ste&ia> rosehi"s> red clo&er> )in)er> alfalfa> dandelion> )oldenseal leaf> "an d0 arco> ;chinacea and nettle can be bre'ed u" for "ur"oses of eradicatin) accu-ulated toxins 'ithin the body. The tea these herbs "roduce can benefit the colon> enhance circulation> and act as an antioxidant. Alfalfa and "e""er-int can be "aired u" to "roduce )ood -usic that can balance hor-ones> lo'er cholesterol le&els> ease infla--ation> and "ro-ote di)estion. 8ore i-"ortantly it is a "otent tool for syste- detoxification.

The <oint efforts of herbs li6e -yrtle leaf> licorice root> "sylliu- hus6> nettle leaf> alfalfa leaf> sa)e leaf> rose hi"s blac6berry leaf> u&a ursi> and <uni"er berry can lead u" to a fi)ure that 'ill turn heads around as the tea "roduced can act as a""etite control. This "re"aration can also flush a'ay excess 'ater> ease infla--ation> balance hor-ones> and act as a diuretic.

Body detoxification should run 'ith fluidity. @ac6 of hi)hly technical resources and settin)s should not hinder a "erson fro- )ettin) a relaxin) and en<oyin) cleanse. 8ore so> it should be ex"erienced 'ithin the &ery co-forts of one0s abode.

The body0s detoxification "rocess and 'hat you can do to hel"

Detox "rocedures can be &ery ex"ensi&e. One session can cost thousands of dollars but des"ite the hefty "rice ta)> "eo"le are still 'illin) to s"end so -uch. And you can0t really bla-e the-. Body detoxification does not only -a6e us healthy> it also 6ee"s the body in sha"e Dread. 'ei)ht lossE and the s6in clearer and fairer. 7f those are not reasons enou)h to s"end a fortune> 'e don0t 6no' 'hat is.

But body detoxification is not so-ethin) that you can only find in the hos"itals. 2od has )i&en us the natural ability to FdetoxF or to flush out the "oisons that 'e ta6e in. This is 'hy 'e ha&e the li&er and the 6idneys. They are the ones that filter 'hat 'e eat and drin6. 7f you <ust ta6e care of your body> you can hel" 6ee" the body detoxification "rocess inside the body runnin) s-oothly. That 'ay> you don0t need to "ay for a -edical "rocedure. (ere are so-e ti"s on ho' to hel" your detox tea-.


Drin6 lots of 'ater

There is i-"ortance in the re-inder that 'e should drin6 ei)ht )lasses of 'ater e&ery day. 1ater hel"s in neutrali?in) the body0s toxin. Iust thin6 about ho' 'e add 'ater to -a6e a coffee tasteless bitter or 'hen 'e add 'ater to -a6e a dish less salty. The sa-e )oes 'ith the toxins. By drin6in) lots of 'ater> you hel" our detox or)ans 'ith their <obs. Of course> you ha&e to -a6e sure thou)h that 'hat

you are drin6in) is safe and clean.

2. ;at food that aid in detoxin)

There are foods that -a6e detoxification easier. For sure> you ha&e already heard about antioxidants. These substances hel" 6ee" the body0s toxins at bay. %o-e of the foods that are rich in antioxidants are fresh fruits li6e a""le and "inea""le> )reen leafy &e)etables li6e broccoli and of course> the -uch celebrated )reen tea.

3. Ta6e a du-" e&eryday

8a6e sure that you excrete body 'astes at least once e&ery day. This is i-"ortant because it is the body0s 'ay of )ettin) rid of all the toxins in your body. 7f you are not doin) this re)ularly> load u" on )reen leafy &e))ies and on 'ater. They can hel" -a6e the body detoxification "rocess s-oother. There are also -edicines that can hel" you 'ith this function. 3e-e-ber that "roble-s 'ith 'astes can lead to colon cancer.

The Body0s Natural Detoxification *rocess

The body detoxification "rocess 'as often bein) ta6en for )ranted "erha"s because it 'as not

so-ethin) that 'e see or so-ethin) that 'e considered to be <ust natural and therefore> auto-atic. But these "ast fe' -onths> "eo"le ha&e beco-e -ore a'are of the role that the body0s detoxification function "lays in 6ee"in) thehealthy. They reali?e that their health> 'ellbein) and )eneral a""earance de"end on ho' co-"letely the body )ets rid of the toxins that they ta6e in e&eryday throu)h the air and food.

A )reat detoxification "rocess can lead to a healthier body> a sounder -ind and e&en 'ei)ht loss and clearer s6in. To those 'ho still do not 6no' 'hat toxins are. these are "oisons that 'e ta6e into the body> 'hich can har- our or)ans and cells. 1e can )et it fro- the che-icals in the food that 'e eat and the "ollutants that 'e co-e into contact 'ith in the en&iron-ent.

There are no' detox clinics and "rocedures in hos"itals that aid the body in flushin) out un'anted toxins. They can be &ery ex"ensi&e es"ecially no' 'hen de-and on these 6inds of -edical "rocedures has increased due to its beneficial side effect. 'ei)ht loss. These "rocedures ho'e&er are not the be all and end all of thin)s. 7f you do not ha&e the -oney to a&ail of these "rocedures> you can al'ays do the detoxification yourself.

/ou see> the body naturally does detoxification. 1e e&en ha&e a tea- of or)ans that ta6e care of this

"rocess. The li&er is the one that ta6es care of -ost of the detoxification. 7t )ets rid of the toxins in the body first before lettin) thethrou)h the blood strea-. 7t also ta6es care of 'hat is called the fat:soluble toxins in the body. The 6idneys on the other hand ta6e care of the 'ater:soluble toxins and flush the- out as urine. Of course> there is also the lar)e intestine> 'hich ta6es care of the solid 'astes and sends the- out throu)h feces. ;&en the lun)s and the s6in are "art of the detox tea-. The lun)s cleans the air that 'e breathe 'hile the s6in flushes out toxins throu)h s'eat.

/ou don0t need ex"ensi&e and artificial body detoxification "rocedures if you 'ill only ta6e care of your 6idney and li&er. The natural 'ay to detox is still the best. Iust eat healthy> drin6 lots of 'ater and obser&e "ersonal hy)iene and you are already )ood to )o.

5sin) <uices for body detoxification

Iuices ha&e al'ays been a "art in achie&in) a healthy body. This is because ex"erts belie&e that the "ro"erties of <uices can hel" in su""lyin) the nutrients that the body needs. 7t is an effecti&e tool in cleansin) the body fro- i-"urities throu)h body detoxification.

7f you are one of those 'ho are into body detoxification throu)h <uices> you can try the follo'in) ty"es such as.

: "ur"le )ra"e <uices. This ty"e of <uice is ideal as a health drin6 because it is rich in antioxidants> 'hich are )ood for the heart. ;x"erts say that this is an ideal <uice for body detoxification because it is not only a )ood source of anti:oxidants but of &ita-in C as 'ell.

: cranberry <uice. Doctors usually reco--end this health drin6 for those 'ho ex"erience )all bladder "roble-s. But> ordinary "eo"le can drin6 it to "rotect the-sel&es fro- ha&in) bladder infections that are recurrent. 7t is also a )ood source of your daily dose of =ita-in C.

: &e)etable <uices. 7f you don0t ha&e ti-e to "re"are natural &e))ie <uices on your blender> it is best to )rab a carton of &e)etable <uice in the -ar6et. =e)etable <uices can be considered as a )reat o"tion for body detoxification es"ecially to those 'ho are into salty foods such as chi"s because it contains natural "ro"erties that can 'ash a'ay too -uch salt in the body that leads to 'ei)ht )ain.

: "o-e)ranate <uices. *o-e)ranate as a fruit is 6no'n to brin) lots of healthy benefits to "eo"le once eaten. 7f -ade into a <uice> this can be as

healthy as eatin) the fruit itself. 1hen buyin) "o-e)ranate <uices> -a6e sure that these are 144 "ercent natural and 'ith lesser additi&es as "ossible to ensure that you are )ettin) the D(A> and O-e)a 3 that can hel" better brain function as 'ell as antioxidants 'hich is )reat for the cardio&ascular syste-.

: "lu- or "rune <uices. The co--on notion about "rune <uices is that it is for older "eo"le. To sha6e off that i-"ression> -any -anufacturers ha&e rena-ed their "roducts as F"lu- <uiceF 'hich is deri&ed fro- the sa-e fa-ily of the fruit. *lu- or "rune <uices are )reat choices for body detoxification because it can hel" you &eer a'ay fro- &arious di)esti&e "roble-s such as consti"ation because it is loaded 'ith fiber. Other &ariations include certain herbs such as cha-o-ile or )in)er to -a6e it better tastin) and healthier.

=arious O"tions for Full Body Detoxification

Do you 'ant to stay healthy at all ti-es9 Do you 'ant to lose 'ei)ht "er-anently9 Do you 'ant to li&e lon)er9 Body detoxification -i)ht <ust be the ans'er to your health "roble-s. This "rocess cleanses your body of har-ful toxins that "ose threat to your health. Toxins co-e fro- &arious sources such as "ollution> certain foods and be&era)es> and synthetic s6in care "roducts. The body )ets rid of toxins on its o'n throu)h the

detox functions of the intestines> li&er> 6idneys> s6in> lun)s> and ly-"h. There are a lot of -ethods that can aid in the body detox "rocess. (ere are fi&e ty"es of detox "ro)ra-s that you -ay consider for a full body detox.

1. (erbal Detox

Co-in) in the for- of tea> "ills> extracts> or "o'ders> herbal detox "ro)ra-s are a "o"ular 'ay to boost the detox function of the different or)ans in the body. 7f you are )oin) to use herbal detox to cleanse your body> be 'arned that usin) the 'ron) ty"e of herb can lead to side effects. Certain ty"es of herbs are useful for a s"ecific "art of the body. For exa-"le> cha-o-ile and red beet hel" detoxify the li&er but not the 6idneys. The herbs that detoxify the 6idneys include )in)er> "arsley> and cedar berries.

2. Detox Body 1ra"s

Body 'ra"s enhance your s6ins ca"ability to re-o&e excess fluids and toxins fro- the body. The natural in)redients used in body 'ra"s )et throu)h the "ores> thus ti)htenin) the s6in tissues and re"ositionin) the cells of the body fats.

3. Iuice Fastin)

As the ter- su))ests> <uice fastin) in&ol&es drin6in) of <uices extracted fro- fruits or &e)etables to aid in the body detox "rocess. 7n this ty"e of body detox> any solid food such as red -eat is eli-inated fro- the diet. Iuice fastin) is one of the -ost reco--ended 'ays to burn fat> as it aids in di)estion and boosts -etabolis-.

. *robiotics

1ho says all bacteria are bad9 7n fact> the body needs )ood bacteria to be able to cleanse itself. Be&era)es and yo)urts that contain the bacteria Bifido and @actobacillus acido"hilus flush out toxins> hel" the body fi)ht bad bacteria> and "ro&ide nutrients.

!. Detox Bath

%'eatin) is &ery hel"ful in body detoxification> and this is achie&ed 'ith re)ular exercise. 1hat if you ha&e no ti-e or are not interestin) in 'or6in) your body out9 A )reat alternati&e is a detox bath or sauna. Detox bath is done by soa6in) your body for 1! to 24 -inutes in 'ater -ixed 'ith sea salt or ba6in) soda 'hile scrubbin) your s6in -ildly 'ith natural soa".

1hy Antioxidants are 7-"ortant in Body


1ant to cleanse your body and 6ee" it healthy9 Detoxify your body 'ith the hel" of antioxidants such as &ita-ins A> C> and ;. These antioxidants "lay a crucial role in body detoxification because they hel" the cells counteract free radicals> 'hich cause da-a)e to and -utations of the cells.

The i-"ortance of antioxidants in the body detox "rocess can ne&er be underesti-ated. @ac6 of antioxidants in the body 'ill -ean health "roble-s in the lon) run. Antioxidant deficiency leads to lac6 of ener)y needed for detoxification to ta6e "lace and failure of &arious or)ans to detoxify the body. This results in the buildu" of toxins in the body> 'hich are stored until they are eli-inated. As lon) as the har-ful toxins are stored in your syste-> you are li6ely to )et sic6 and )ain 'ei)ht.

/ou can ta6e so-e ste"s to -a6e sure that your body )ets enou)h antioxidants to start the detoxification "rocess. Ob&iously> one of the best 'ays to detoxify the body is to eat -ore foods that contain antioxidants. A-on) the foods rich in antioxidants are red )ra"es> to-atoes> broccoli> berries> 'hole )rains> )arlic> carrots> soy beans> tea> and s"inach. (erbal su""le-ents can "ro&ide you 'ith all the &ita-ins and -inerals your body needs for )ettin) rid of toxins. Ta6in) an all: <uice diet or <uice fastin) has the sa-e effect.

7n "articular> &ita-in C is 6no'n as a &ery "o'erful antioxidant because of its -any benefits. 1hen co-bined 'ith adeAuate 'ater inta6e and re)ular exercise> &ita-in C can do the follo'in).

L ;li-inate rancid or oxidi?ed fat

L @essen s'ellin) in &arious "arts of the body

L 3e-o&e toxic -ucus

L Cleanse the colon

L (el" heal 'ounds

L Boost i--une syste- and fi)ht &iruses that cause colds L %tren)then and ti)hten the s6in> bones> and blood &essels 5nli6e fat:soluble &ita-ins A and ; that are located in fat tissues> &ita-in C is 'ater soluble and located bet'een the cells in the s6in. 7t has to be ta6en 'ith biofla&onoids found in cherries> oran)es> and le-ons to ensure an efficient body detox "rocess. =ita-in C can be ta6en in hi)h doses as lon) as they do not exceed the body0s bo'el tolerance le&el. Contrary to 'hat -any "eo"le thin6> "ure ascorbic acid by itself is not enou)h

to hel" the body detoxify. Ascorbic acid is only "art of the &ita-in C co-"lex.

Full body detoxification can be "erfor-ed naturally and easily by eatin) -ore foods rich in antioxidants> es"ecially &ita-in C.

1ra""ed Body Detoxification

The -edical 'orld has ta6en )reat strides. Treat-ents at "resent do not only tar)et one sort of disorder. The once 'ei)ht reducin) effects of body 'ra"s ha&e under)one transfor-ation into an inno&ati&e technolo)y 6no'n as detoxification body 'ra"s. @et0s ta6e a loo6.

The industry of s"as and 'ellness centers has utili?ed body 'ra"s in order to fend off cellulites and excess fats. %ubstances li6e sea'eed> clay> and -ud are used 'ith heat and ti)ht 'ra""in) -aterials in order to brin) about desired 'ei)ht loss and body contour. No' 'ith the ad&ance-ent of cos-etic technolo)y> inno&ations ha&e been -ade thus co-in) u" 'ith detox body 'ra"s that has the ability to induce the "rocess of detoxification. This is -ade "ossible by the -echanis- that dra's out har-ful toxins fro- fat tissues that then heads on to exit throu)h s6in "ores.

(o' does a detox body 'ra" really ta6es "lace9 7t in&ol&es en)a)in) in a "rocedure that ta6es about an hour. The "erson needs to undress 'ith the exce"tion of the under)ar-ents. This 'ill then be follo'ed by the ta6in) of -easure-ents in different "arts of the body. The desi)nated "ractitioner 'ill then 'ra" the body 'ith banda)es that is soa6ed 'ith oils or solution.

The "rocess 'ill then be)in to ta6e "lace as the body is sAuee?ed ti)htly. Durin) this ti-e li)ht exercises are su))ested in order to enhance the release of toxins fro- the body. 1hen the "rocedure is co-"lete the body is un'ra""ed and rinsin) of the solution ta6es "lace. A)ain -easure-ents 'ill be ta6en in order to deter-ine the inches that ha&e been lost. 7t is ad&isable that the indi&idual -ust ta6e in an increased a-ount of 'ater before> durin)> and after the 'ra" in order to boost the re-o&al of toxins.

7n ter-s of the sli--in) as"ect of the "rocedure it -ust be noted that different "ersons ha&e different rates. Ne&ertheless the a&era)e alteration can ran)e bet'een six to t'enty inches. The "rocess should be done in a consistent -anner. 7t can either be done 'ithin the &icinity of local health s"as or inside the &ery co-forts of your ho-e.

A"art fro- 6no'in) the "rocedure itself there are also other "rinci"les that needs a-"le consideration. %ince body detoxification 'ra"s can

be -essy it is ad&isable to do it in a bath tub. The "rocedure can be s"iced u" by listenin) to your fa&orite -usic or if you ha&e the -eans 'atchin) your fa&orite T= sho'. Ta6e a 'ar- sho'er before the 'ra" so as to o"en the "ores and re-e-ber to a&oid alcohol> caffeine> carbonated drin6s> and fried fatty foods + hours after.

Detox Cleanses

Cleansin) and detox "ro)ra-s ha&e beco-e &ery "o"ular in the last fe' years. A body cleanse can be a "rocess that lasts for <ust a fe' days or four 'ee6s :: it really de"ends u"on the ty"e of cleanse you are doin) and the results you0re tryin) to )et fro- your cleanse.

Are you cleansin) to lose 'ei)ht9 8aybe you 'ant to )i&e your colon and di)esti&e tract a clean slate by re-o&in) 'aste -atter and toxins that ha&e built u" due to an unhealthy diet. 8aybe you 'ant to do a a 'ater only fast to )i&e your di)esti&e syste- a co-"lete rest. 1hate&er your reason for cleansin)> your body 'ill en<oy the brea6 fro- your usual re)i-en and if you do your cleanse ri)ht you can really see so-e )reat benefits.

A detoxifyin) cleanse can be done in -any different 'ays.

(ere are a fe' detox cleanses for you to consider.

FChan)e your dietF cleanse. This is the -ost co--on and 'ides"read ty"e of cleansin) detox. This is 'here you chan)e your diet and si-"lify 'hat you eat for a "eriod of ti-e that can be a fe' days or u" to a fe' 'ee6s. A Fchan)e your dietF ty"e of cleanse -ay -ean that you eat only fruit andPor &e)etables or another ty"e of cleansin) food durin) the cleanse.

Fastin) cleanse. Another ty"e of cleanse can in&ol&e fastin). Fastin) is usually defined as abstainin) fro- food. This ty"e of cleanse usually reAuires that you ta6e in a lot of fluids and these fluids flush out toxins fro- your body :: es"ecially fro- your colon and di)esti&e tract. There are F'ater onlyF fasts> &e)etable <uice fasts> fruit <uice fasts> s-oothie fasts and other ty"es of liAuid fasts. Fastin) is also one of the fastest 'ays to lose 'ei)ht 'hen cleansin).

*arasite Cleansin). %o-e health "ractitioners belie&e that a lar)e "art of the 'orld0s "o"ulation is li&in) 'ith har-ful or)anis-s or "arasites inside their bodies. They say that you can )et these or)anis-s by drin6in) unclean 'ater or eatin) undercoo6ed -eat or by

ha&in) "oor hy)iene. To do a "arasite cleanse you usually 'ill need to in)est a concoction of blac6 'alnut hull> -ale fern root> clo&e> 'or-'ood and -ore. These s"ecial blends cause an un"leasant and unli&able en&iron-ent for the or)anis-s 'hich causes the- to de"art fro- your body.

No -atter 'hat cleanse you do> it is reco--ended that you use si-"le or)anic in)redients so that you do not brin) -ore toxins into your syste- that 'ould contradict the healin) "rocess you are tryin) to create 'ith the cleanse.

1hen you decide to do a cleanse> find one that 'or6s in synchroni?ation 'ith your body to cause a natural dischar)e of "oisons and toxins. /our )oal at the end of a detox cleanse is to feel refreshed and re&itali?ed and it really is attainable.

7 (erbs ;&ery 8an Needs for (is 5lti-ate (ealth

1ritten records of herbs ha&in) been used by -an6ind date bac6 to 1#44 B.C. 'hen the ;)y"tians had access to a record of no less than 744 herbal -edicines.

The father of -odern or 1estern -edicine> (i""ocrates> had recorded -ore than 344 herbal thera"ies hi-self 'hereas another 2ree6 "hysician>

Dioscorides> 'rote his classic FDe 8ateria 8edica>F detailin) o&er !44 herbal re-edies> 'hich 'as used by doctors as a -edical textboo6 for o&er 1444 years.

No'adays> -ore "eo"le turn to usin) herbs for e&eryday ail-ents than e&er before because the natural "o'ers of herbs ha&e "ro&en the-sel&es ti-e and a)ain that they0re 'hole lot -ore co-"atible to the hu-an body than their counter"art : artificial che-ical dru)s : and that they "roduce -ore biolo)ically syner)istic benefits that can brin) forth results in -uch faster -anner.

Iust li6e anyone else> -an can also de"end on a FcertainF 6ind of herbs to "ush their &itality le&el hi)her 'hich then can turn the- into -ore F-anF than they can e&er drea- of.

(ere are 7 of these herbs that all -en cannot li&e 'ithout.

1. (a'thorn Berry (a'thorn> bein) a heart tonic> can hel" to ensure re)ular heart rhyth- and stren)then heart -uscle. 7t is of )reat hel" at ti-es of stress too.

2. 2arlic 2arlic hel"s to "re&ent heart diseases> hi)h blood

"ressure> hi)h cholesterol and abnor-al blood clots. The -ost i-"ortant benefit a-on) all others is its ability to slo' the destruction of brain cells and to sti-ulate ne' neuronal connections.

3. 2otu Hola A traditional blood tonic that hel"s to i-"ro&e blood circulation> 'hich then i-"ro&es -e-ory and boosts alertness.

. 8il6 Thistle This is because alcohol &ita-in considered as the FHin) of @i&er Detox>F it can heal li&er da-a)e caused by too -uch and dru)s. 7ts "o'erfulness far exceeds C and ; co-binedN

!. Blac6 and 2reen Tea Drin6in) such healthful teas can hel" to detoxify> reduce and eli-inate buildu" of "laAue in arteries and thus lo'er the chance of heart diseases. Free radicals> for-ation of cancer> )ro'th of cancer...are out of the Auestion 'ith daily inta6e of blac6 and )reen tea. /es> it0s that "o'erfulN

#. %a' *al-etto 7t li-its the -ulti"lication of "rotein cells and "rohibits tissue s'ellin). Older -en 'ho suffer fro- freAuent> "ainful urination and fluid retention 'ill see Auic6 relief after usin) this


7. Tribulus Terrestris Not only is it 'ell 6no'n for i-"ro&in) -an0s sexual "otency and functions. but also it is fa-ous for i-"ro&in) -uscle stren)th> lo'er cholesterol and has all 6inds of anti:oxidant "ro"erties.

1hen -en ta6e these 7 &itally i-"ortant herbs to)ether on a re)ular basis> they 'ill be so ener)i?ed and e-"o'ered that their ener)y le&els 'ill be -any ti-es better than 'hen they 'ere youn) at their teena)e.

Detox or Die9 : The To" ! 1ays to Detoxify /our Body

1e are li6e -a)nets for toxins> li6e "esticides> herbicides> Dincludin) carcino)ensE "reser&ati&es and hea&y -etals. Iust li&in) in this century has -ade us &ulnerable. The food 'e eat is conta-inated. Fresh fish contains -ercury and other hea&y -etals. 8eat and "oultry are )ro'n 'ith hor-ones. ;&en fresh fruit and &e)etables ha&e been sub<ected to "esticides and other toxins. *rocessed food is e&en 'orse> 'ith che-ical additi&es to "reser&e> color> anti:ca6e and 'ho 6no's 'hat else.

(o' about the air you breathe9 =ery fe' "laces ha&e a )ood air Auality these days. @oo6 into the distance at your locality> is the air clear or s-o))y9 Thin6 about the dirty> )reasy coatin) 'hich lands on your car> of course> you are breathin) the sa-e air 'hich deli&ered that -ess. 1e also absorb toxins throu)h our s6in.

7s is any 'onder your body is o&erloaded and unable to "ro"erly rid itself of toxins and is cryin) out for hel". 7nfla--ation and irritation of your tissues> causin) chronic illness> is the result.

%o 'hat are the to" ! thin)s you are do to hel" the detoxification "rocess.

Nu-ber 1 : 8ini-i?e ex"osure to toxins. A&oid dry cleanin) your clothes> -a6e certain your nor-al 'ashin) is "ro"erly rinsed. Don0t -icro'a&e your food in "lastics De&en if it says -icro'a&e safeE. 5se )lass containers to store food. Be'are of lead:based "aint in older "ro"erties. 5se natural "roducts and stea- to clean your ho-e. Of course> don0t s-o6e. Consider )ettin) an air "urifier to cleanse the air in your ho-e> as it0s been "ro&en that the air inside your ho-e is often -ore "olluted than the

air outside.

Nu-ber 2 : Filter and "urify your 'ater. This is an essential. 1e are -ade u" of a lar)e "ercenta)e of 'ater. 7t is in e&ery cell of our bodies. 1e are reliant on 'ater to sur&i&e> and should consu-e +:12 )lasses daily to hydrate our cells and cleanse our syste-. (o'e&er> it0s not <ust Auantity> it0s also Auality that counts. 8ost -etro"olitan 'ater su""lies are treated 'ith che-icals to deconta-inate the 'ater. 3i)htly so> as untreated 'ater 'ould be a disaster. (o'e&er> this doesn0t necessarily -ean drin6in) the che-icals in the 'ater is )ood for you. They add to your toxic load. A )ood 'ater "urifier should filter out the che-icals> add life and -inerals to the 'ater> ener)i?in) it to )i&e it the structure of "ure> natural 'ater.

Nu-ber 3 : Cleanse your di)esti&e tract The lon)er the transit ti-e throu)h your di)esti&e syste- the -ore toxins are absorbed into your bloodstrea-. Therefore consti"ation is extre-ely bad for your health. (el" your body rid itself of 'aste by drin6in) sufficient 'ater to lubricate your syste- and eat enou)h fiber to Fs'ee"F your colon clean. O&er ti-e toxins build u" in your colon> in a coatin) of "laAue> "re&entin) absor"tion of nutrients and Floc6in)F toxins in> -a6in) colon cleansin) a "riority to extend your life.


: ;at or)anic food

;atin) or)anic food not only reduces your toxic load> but also increases your nutrient inta6e. 7f you find it0s ex"ensi&e or hard to find> try )ro'in) your o'n. Nature li6es balance> so you 'ill find> to a lar)e de)ree> the )ood insects 'ill ta6e care of the annoyin) ones.

Nu-ber ! : Detoxify 'ith natural "roducts Chlorella : a sin)le:celled dar6 )reen fresh 'ater al)ae. 7t has a fibrous cell 'all> 'hich acts li6e a s"on)e to bind 'ith all toxins Dincludin) hea&y -etals> "esticides and herbicidesE and allo' theto "ass out of your body. Chloro"hyll : a natural cleanser of your blood and di)esti&e syste-. Cleanses your blood> 6idney> li&er and di)esti&e syste-. The best chloro"hyll is obtained fro- the youn) lea&es of the -ulberry D-orus alba lE %"irulina : a blue:)reen al)ae 'ith -any benefits> includin) the ability to i-"ro&e )astrointestinal and di)esti&e health. /ou 'ill ha&e noticed that all these "roducts are )reen> if your stools are not )reen> then you0re not ta6in) enou)h.

Nu-ber ! : *rotect your s6in /our s6in is the lar)est or)an of your body. Che-icals "ass throu)h your s6in directly into your

bloodstrea-. A&oid che-icals touchin) your s6in. 7f you -ust dry:clean clothin)> -a6e certain you air it outside to reduce the che-icals. A&oid cleanin) 'ith che-ical:based "roducts> or at least 'ear )lo&es and use in 'ell:&entilated areas. 7nstall a 'ater filter in your sho'er. 5se or)anic s6in care "roducts.

Thin6 about e&erythin) you eat> breathe> drin6 and touch. The tric6 is to -ini-i?e in"ut and -axi-i?e out"ut.

1hy Our Bodies Need to Detoxify

;&eryday the body ta6es in &arious for-s of che-icals and toxins into the syste- <ust by breathin)> eatin) and drin6in). The body constantly ex"ends ener)y and uses u" a lot of &ital nutrients to neutrali?e and eli-inate these har-ful substances. The body0s ceaseless stru))le to "ur)e the syste- of che-icals and toxins affects health in different da-a)in) 'ays.

7f toxic substances build u" in the body faster than they can be eli-inated> the body "roduces fat to store toxins. These body fat cells are located as far a'ay fro- the &ital or)ans as "ossible> s"ecifically under the chin> under the ar-s> on the bac6> hi"s and es"ecially in the -idsection. This is the body0s atte-"t to "rotect the or)ans. The

accu-ulation of body fat is a &isible indication of toxic buildu". 7t is also a si)n that the li&er is not in a )ood condition and is not 'or6in) as effecti&ely as it should. These fat cells are "articularly obstinate and 'ill reAuire -uch effort to lose unless the toxic load is decreased and the body under)oes detoxification. 1hen the li&er is o&erloaded 'ith toxic substances> these toxins be)in to circulate in the blood and -a6e the body tired and slu))ish. These toxic substances da-a)e the or)ans and increases infla--ation in the body. They can also be causes for headaches and 'ei)ht )ain. 3e)ular detoxification therefore is essential to hel" the body a&oid toxic buildu"> thus "re&entin) &arious sy-"to-s> co-"laints and diseases.

Detoxification is the "rocess of eli-inatin) toxins fro- the body. 7t in&ol&es dietary and lifestyle chan)es that hel" to decrease toxic inta6e and i-"ro&e eli-ination. A&oidin) che-ical:laden food and other sources also hel" control toxin load. %o-e effecti&e detoxification thera"ies include <uice fastin)> colon cleansin)> en?y-e thera"y and exercise> a-on) others. Other benefits of detoxification include reduction of sy-"to-s> 'ei)ht loss> clear s6in> slo' a)in)> i-"ro&ed flexibility> i-"ro&ed fertility and enhance-ent of the senses.

Iuice fastin) is 'hen a "erson refrains fro- ta6in) in solid foods and instead drin6s <uice> 'ater and herbal tea throu)hout the day. Iuice fastin) allo's

the di)esti&e syste- to rest> accelerates the de&elo"-ent of ne' cells> thus ad&ancin) healin). A co-bination of carrot <uice> celery <uice> beet <uice and cabba)e <uice is reco--ended.

Colon cleansin) re<u&enates the syste-. 7t in&ol&es healin)> rebuildin) and restorin) the colon or the bi) intestine to its nor-al si?e and sha"e and correct function. The first sta)e of the thera"y in&ol&es cleansin) 'herein 'ater is infused into the intestine to 'ash the 'alls of the colon and re-o&e the 'aste -aterials. The next "hase then ai-s to heal> rebuild and restore a healthy colon> thus allo'in) it to function "ro"erly. The healin) "hase in&ol&es the infusion of -aterials into the bo'el to cool infla-ed areas and stren)then colon 'alls. (ealin) a)ents are then introduced into the colon to soothe and lubricate it.

;n?y-e thera"y in&ol&es ta6in) su""le-ental en?y-e to a&oid en?y-e exhaustion. To increase en?y-e le&els> it is reco--ended that an indi&idual eat -ore ra' food> ta6e -ineral su""le-ents and di)esti&e "lant en?y-es.

;xercisin) is another 'ay of detoxifyin) throu)h s'eatin) and exhalin) fro- the lun)s. 7t has been sho'n to ha&e a connection 'ith lon)er life. Because exercisin) reduces stress> the chances of dyin) fro- stress:related diseases are decreased.

Another -ethod of detoxification is -a)netic healin)> 'hich in&ol&es the use of -a)nets on tissues and "er-it -ore oxy)en into cell 'alls. 7t boosts -ental acuity and nor-ali?ed *( balance throu)h increased al6alinity. 7t also aids in sto""in) "ain> fi)htin) infection and reducin) infla--ation and fluid retention.

Cleanse The Colon Naturally and %afely by Detoxification

Colon cleansin) can )i&e a dieter a head start to )ettin) their body and syste- in sha"e. The thou)ht of cleansin) their colon to achie&e better health -ay be ne' to the-> and they -ay abhor the thou)ht of an ene-a or colon irri)ation. But they can cleanse their colon naturally and safely by usin) so-e detoxification -ethods that are )ood alternati&es to the harsher techniAues.

Food is one of the best -ethods to cleanse the colon naturally and effortlessly. @ea&in) food co-"letely out of the syste- for a'hile can also hel" to detoxify the syste- and i-"ro&e the i--une syste-. This fastin) -ethod can be as strict as one 'ould li6e to -a6e it.

A dieter can choose to drin6 only <uice for a 'ee6 : or increase it to t'o or three 'ee6s if they


They 'ill also lose body 'ei)ht in the "rocess. A dieter can choose fro- fruit and &e)etables <uices : but if one0s diabetic> be sure that one -onitors the a-ounts of su)ar in the fruit <uices in)ested. 7f a dieter is bra&e> a 'ater fast can be tried : but -ost "eo"le can0t handle drin6in) only 'ater for a 'ee6.

;atin) certain foods to cleanse colon naturally is also a )reat techniAue to "urify the syste-. 7f a dieter thin6s that drin6in) only liAuids for a 'ee6 or -ore is out of their real-> this -ay 'or6 for the-. They can eat foods that 'ill )ently cleanse their colon and that 'ill 6ee" the- fro- feelin) hun)ry too. These ty"es of foods include.

1. (i)h Fiber 2oods : 1hole )rain and so-e cereals 'ill "ut fiber into their body and also hel" cleanse the colon. Addin) flaxseed to foods "ro&ides an extra boost.

2. Fruit : 8ost fruits are "erfect for cleansin) the colon. *ast ex"eriences tell us that "runes are excellent to include in a colon cleansin) diet : as are blac6berries.

3. @eafy> )reen &e)etables : eat as -any salads as desired> and be sure to include s"inach> Brussels

s"routs and any &e))ies that hel" to flush out the syste-.

7f a dieter is thin6in) about detoxifyin) their syste- by colon cleansin)> they should 6no' that the 'hole "rocess in&ol&es increasin) their body0s eli-ination so that the toxins and bacteria are flushed fro- the body. This -ethod of rene'in) the body0s di)esti&e syste- has been used for years by those ad&ocatin) natural health care.

7t -a6es )ood sense 'hen one reali?es that o&er !4 "ercent of the i--une syste- has to do 'ith the di)esti&e syste-> so unless the colon is cleansed the nutrients that are in)ested 'on0t be absorbed correctly. There0s a "ossibility that one could be left 'ith -aladies li6e )as> bloatin) and consti"ation 'hich could also lead to fati)ue> de"ression and so -uch -ore.

There are also -any 6its on the -ar6et that are desi)ned to flush out the colon naturally and effecti&ely. 1hen one be)ins a "ro)ra- to cleanse colon naturally> they should do their research and choose one that0s best for the- and their lifestyle.

Flat %to-ach Fast for %ix:"ac6 Abs

7t0s no 'onder that -ost of us 'al6 around 'ith a little "ooch to our sto-achs. 1ith yo:yo dietin) and o&ereatin)> 'e0&e caused our sto-achs to distend and be)in to lose their elasticity. Bloatin) that results fro- eatin) the 'ron) ty"es of food can also distend the sto-ach and cause it to lose elasticity.

7f one li6es to )et bac6 those six:"ac6 abs and loo6 )reat in one0s clothes a)ain> try a flat sto-ach fast for Auic6 and noticeable results. Fasts are )enerally desi)ned to detoxify the syste-> )et rid of 'ater that -i)ht ha&e been retained and hel" lose un'anted 'ei)ht> includin) that tu--y flab. Fastin) hel"s the sto-ach )o bac6 to its nor-al si?e and "re"are it for eatin) less food to 6ee" the tu--y flat.

1ater fastin) for a 'ee6 is the best flat sto-ach fast to reduce the si?e of the sto-ach ra"idly and noticeably. After the fastin) is co-"lete and the tu--y is restored to a natural si?e> it0s -ore difficult to o&ereat because one 'ill feel fuller faster than 'hen the sto-ach is enlar)ed froeatin) too -uch food. One 'on0t feel the need to eat -ore <ust to fill u".

1hen the fast to reduce the sto-ach is o&er> one can 6ee" those six:"ac6 abs by a&oidin) a fe' thin)s that 'ill sabota)e all the hard 'or6. A&oid beer by all -eans : it0s the 'orst drin6 to cause

bloatin). Coffee and carbonated drin6s are also no: nos. Any ty"e of <un6 food is bad for the sto-ach and the entire syste-. Try to brin) -ore &e)etables and 'hole )rains into the diet "lan and a&oid "rocessed foods.

Be a'are that 'hen one be)ins to add foods bac6 into one0s diet after a 'ater fast> certain thin)s -ay cause the body to bloat. (i)h fiber foods 'ill es"ecially -a6e one feel bloated and "uffy : but that doesn0t -ean one is eatin) the 'ron) foods. 7t is <ust the body )ettin) used to the chan)es in one0s diet.

To cut do'n on so-e of the bloated loo6 and feelin)s 'hen one0s to the "oint of introducin) food bac6 into one0s diet after the 'ater fast> try to include so-e bloat:bustin) fruits and &e)etables such as "inea""le> celery> as"ara)us and "a"aya. Addin) so-e -int lea&es to drin6in) 'ater can also cut do'n on the bloatin).

As a side note> there are lots of Fflat tu--yF exercises that can be found on the internet> in boo6s> CDs and D=Ds. *ilates 'or6 'onderfully to tri- do'n sto-achs> but there are -any -ore to choose fro-. ;xercise is a bi) "art of any diet "lan : essential for 6ee"in) those calories burned and the -uscles Dincludin) the absE -ore in sha"e.

A flat sto-ach fast can <u-" start any diet "lan

and flush out toxins and bacteria that -a6e one0s tu--y feel bloated and distended. One 'ill feel better and loo6 better 'ith the ne'ly acAuired six: "ac6 abs.

Alcohol abuse> (an)o&ers and Detoxification

Christ-as and the Ne' /ear are traditional ti-es 'hen -ost "eo"le feel <ustified in "arta6in) of the "leasures of alcohol after a lon) year of "ressures brou)ht on by financial 'orries> <ob "roble-s> fa-ilies> bullyin) at ho-e> 'or6 or school> boredo-> etc. %o-e controlled a-ount of drin6in) 'ill indeed refresh so-ebody 'ho is rather run do'n 'ith the "ressures of life> but Q-as "arties> )reat su"er-ar6et deals on alcohol and the incessant -ar6etin) "ush at Christ-as for "eo"le to sAuee?e that last "ound out of their ban6 account and P or credit cards often leads to bin)e drin6in).

The first i--ediate result of the bin)e drin6in) is the increase in fa-ily ar)u-ents> abuse of children and fa-ily -e-bers and can lead to a &icious han)o&er.


A han)o&er is a co--only used ter- for the &ery

un"leasant "hysical effects 'hich include fati)ue> dry throat> headache> slee" disru"tion> di??iness> short te-"er > sic6ness> &erti)o> etc that often follo' excessi&e consu-"tion of alcohol or dru)s and it -ay last for se&eral days after alcohol 'as consu-ed. (an)o&ers are cu-ulati&e and if the sufferer belie&es the Old 1i&es tales about ta6in) -ore alcohol to cure a han)o&er> the "erson0s health can beco-e seriously affected 'hich could lead to de"ression> -ental health "roble-s and further alcohol addiction.

(an)o&ers are a -ild te-"orary &ersion of 'hat dru) or alcohol addicts suffer 'hen they ex"erience 'ithdra'al sy-"to-s. %e&eral bad bouts of drin6in) can then lead to han)o&ers and 'ithdra'al "roble-s. (an)o&er sy-"to-s can be effecti&ely reduced by drin6in) se&eral lar)e )lasses of 'ater before )oin) to slee" after drin6in) hea&ily and lots of extra 'ater the day after. (a&in) a fried brea6fast after a hea&y drin6in) session is su""osed to be Auite effecti&e in li-itin) the han)o&er but it -ay cause -ore stress on the body or)ans such as the heart.

1hat co-es next after the han)o&er9 1ell> de"endin) on the "erson> they could )o do'n any of the follo'in) routes.

R They could beco-e re-orseful and see the error of their 'ays> try to -a6e a-ends 'ith fa-ily and friends> and try to resol&e to either ne&er drin6

a)ain or to seriously chec6 the a-ount of alcohol consu-ed $ Ne' /ear0s resolutions abound but &ery fe' are "ursued for -ore than a fe' days P 'ee6s.

R They could turn to drin6 e&en -ore in an atte-"t to blot out their "roble-s in life and the 'ay that they are dealin) 'ith the-.

R They could feel that alcohol is not in itself the ans'er to all their "roble-s and that "erha"s it needs <ust a little hel" fro- additional thin)s such as ci)arettes> dru)s> )a-blin) etc.

7f thin)s start to )et out of control for so-ebody 'ho is turnin) to alcohol in excess> they -ay 'ell need so-e hel" 'ith detoxification.


Detoxification is essential to the 'ell:bein) of a "erson 'ho has let alcohol ta6e o&er their li&esG it is the "rocess of hel"in) a "atient safely 'ithdra' fro- the de"endence on alcohol or dru)s> usually under the su"er&ision of a s6illed "rofessional. Detoxification 'ill not address the funda-ental "sycholo)ical> social> and beha&ioral "roble-s that caused the initial de"endency on the alcohol and or dru)s> but it is &ery hel"ful in )i&in) the "atient sufficient hel" so that they -ay de&elo" enou)h 'ill"o'er after that to hel"

the-sel&es lon):ter-.

Detoxification is a naturally occurrin) on)oin) "rocess that ta6es "lace continuously 'ithin body or)ans such as the 6idneys> li&er> ly-"h> intestines> blood> and in e&ery cellG detoxification is encoura)ed by sti-ulation of the four or)ans that deal 'ith the eli-ination of 'aste toxins : s6in> lun)s> 6idneys and intestines. Detoxification is no' )enerally reco)ni?ed to be essential in our health care and for hel"in) fi)ht a)ainst a)in).


Total 1ellness Cleanse : Natural Cleanse And Detox *ro)ra-. htt"!

(ere0s to your )ood health.

Thna6 /ou> Terry Clar6

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