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Running Head: Multivariate Dynamic Criteria

Job Performance as Multivariate Dynamic Criteria:

Experience Sampling and Multiway Component Analysis


Seth M. Spain,
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Andrew G. Miner,
Target Corp.

Pieter M. Kroonenberg,
Leiden University

Fritz Drasgow,
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Author Notes.

Portions of this research were presented at the 2007 Annual Meeting of the Academy of

Management, Philadelphia, PA. This manuscript is based on the first author’s master’s thesis.

Correspondence and requests for reprints should be addressed to Seth Spain, Department

of Psychology, 603 E. Daniel St., Champaign, IL, 61820 or by email at

The authors would like to thank Chuck Hulin, Sungjin Hong, and Theresa Glomb for

their assistance and for comments on earlier drafts of this manuscript.



Questions about the dynamic processes that drive behavior at work have been the focus of

increasing attention in recent years. Models describing behavior at work and research on

momentary behavior indicate that substantial variation exists within individuals. This paper

examines the rationale behind this body of work and explores a method of analyzing momentary

work behavior using experience sampling methods. The paper also examines a previously unused

set of methods for analyzing data produced by experience sampling. These methods are known

collectively as multiway component analysis. Two archetypal techniques of multimode factor

analysis, the Parafac and the Tucker3 models, are used to analyze data from Miner, Glomb, and

Hulin’s (in press) experience sampling study of work behavior. The efficacy of these techniques

for analyzing experience sampling data is discussed, as are the substantive multimode

component models obtained.

Keywords: Three-way principal components analysis, Parafac model, Tucker3 model, experience

sampling, dynamic criteria

Job Performance as Multivariate Dynamic Criteria: Experience Sampling and Multiway
Component Analysis

Historically, measures of job performance have been of great interest for organizational

scientists attempting to establish the validity of selection systems (Austin & Villanova, 1992).

For instance, if a city uses a cognitive ability measure to select its police officers, applied

psychologists want to validate those cognitive ability scores against a criterion such as the new

officers’ arrest records, where arrest records serve as a measure of job performance. Validity for

predicting a criterion is commonly evaluated via the correlation between the predictor measure

and criterion. For the police example, this would be the correlation between the cognitive ability

scores and the arrest record.

Of central interest to applied psychologists is how to define job performance, both

conceptually and operationally (e.g., Austin & Villanova, 1992; Borman, 1991). Most validation

research treats job performance as a monolithic and static construct. There is considerable

empirical evidence that job performance is multidimensional (e.g., Campbell, 1991; Campbell,

1994; Campbell, McHenry, & Wise, 1990; cf., Borman & Motowidlo, 1997). Furthermore, it is

possible that job performance is not stable over time (Hulin, Henry, & Noon, 1990; Keil &

Cortina, 2001). In fact, job performance data can usually be classified by three modes: the

individuals assessed, the variables measured, and the times of measurement (e.g., Cattell, 1952;

cf., Smith, 1976). Ghiselli (1956) postulated three systematic sources of variance in job

performance data, i.e. all three modes show multidimensionality. Dalal and Hulin (2008) have

called for job performance studies which include changes over time, referring to this approach as
multivariate dynamic. Even this perspective ignores qualitative differences in performance and

thus potential dimensionality in the individuals mode. This paper will deal with

multidimensionality of job performance in all its modes and takes an individual differences

perspective to multivariate dynamic aspects of job performance.

In order to validly measure the frequency and the patterning of mental processes in

everyday-life situations procedures are needed which capture variations in self-reports of those

processes. To this end, experience sampling methodology has been developed in which a

participant at random or specific times has to report on his or her mental state or those activities

in which he or she is involved at that moment. To capture those reporting instances participants

are supplied with beepers, or more recently with palmtop computers. With the help of these

devices, several brief surveys each day are administered to participants (Larson &

Csikszentmihalyi, 1983; Csikszentmihalyi & Larson, 1987). As experience sampling allows

information to be gathered from individuals about several variables over time, the procedure

provides data to study Ghiselli’s three sources of job performance variance. Several methods for

analyzing such experience sampling data have been used in the literature, in particular spectral

analysis and multilevel modeling. This paper will demonstrate techniques that have not been

frequently used in the organizational literature, and explore their usefulness for understanding

experience sampling data.

The techniques presented in this paper are methods of multiway component analysis (see

Kroonenberg, 2008, p.16 for the distinction between mode and way). We focus on the Tucker3

model (Tucker, 1966) and the Parallel factor analysis (Parafac) model (Harshman & Lundy,

1984a;b). These three-mode models can be used to explore the individual, static, and dynamic
structures of work experience data. The results show multidimensionality in all three modes. The

meaning of these dimensions and implications for understanding job performance are discussed.

The three sources of job performance variance

There are three sources of meaningful variance in job performance scores (Ghiselli,

1956): (1) static dimensionality, the ordinary factorial representation of performance; (2)

dynamic dimensionality, temporal factors influencing the performance domain; and (3)

individual dimensionality, variability in the type of performance across persons in the same job.

We will consider each of these sources in turn, beginning with individual dimensionality. For

similar distinctions in a more general sense, see Cattell (1952; refer to Figure 1 below).

Ghiselli described individual dimensionality as the way that individuals assigned to the

same job within an organization perform that specific job in qualitatively different ways, not

merely with different proficiency. Dimensions in the individuals-mode differentiate types of

employees. For example, two salespersons may provide the same economic benefit to the

organization, but one contributes by directly making sales, while the other contributes by

creating goodwill, encouraging customers to make purchases throughout the store (Ghiselli,

1956, p. 4). Such individual difference dimensions of performance could be important in a

variety of situations. If the organization derives the same economic benefit from different

employees in different ways, these differences should be reflected in selection and reward


Static dimensionality refers to the latent structure of the variables measuring job

performance. Historically, the study of job performance was characterized by a search for the
“ultimate criterion”, a comprehensive index of performance. It has been pointed out that this is

an inappropriate way to conceptualize performance (e.g., Ghiselli, 1956; Dunnette, 1963). There

is evidence across many jobs that overall job performance can consist of as many as eight

dimensions (Campbell, 1994; Campbell, McHenry, & Wise, 1990). At minimum, job

performance researchers should consider both task performance, the technical core of the job,

and contextual performance, the social and non-technical contributions an individual makes at

work (Borman & Motowidlo, 1997). These dimensions have been found to independently

contribute to supervisors’ perceptions of their subordinates’ overall job performance (Motowidlo

& Van Scotter, 1994). For instance, consider two salespeople who have equal sales. One is

known to be a loner, while the other gives advice and assistance to coworkers. The latter will be

viewed as the superior performer, due to the social contributions this salesperson makes.

It may be necessary to have a single measure of job performance, for example when

establishing the predictive validity of a selection battery (Hulin, 1982). One might then construct

some composite of scores on various performance dimensions. The weighting scheme chosen to

combine different dimensions of job performance has been found to greatly impact those validity

estimates in Monte Carlo simulations (Murphy & Shiarella, 1997). These authors found that 34%

of the variance in validity estimates over simulated samples was accounted for by the

performance dimension weighting scheme.

Finally, the dynamic nature of performance criteria is important to consider for employee

selection. There are well-documented changes in the predictive relationships between selection

instruments and performance measures (Alvarez & Hulin, 1972). In an academic example, SAT

scores are most predictive of first semester college grade point average, and the correlations
between SAT and GPA decrease after that (e.g., Humphreys, 1976). These changes in predictive

validity have been found to be virtually ubiquitous (Hulin et al., 1990). The fact that predictive

validity changes over time is usually called validity degradation and is the primary approach to

the study of dynamic criteria, though there are other approaches (e.g., Austin, Humphreys, &

Hulin, 1989; Barrett, Caldwell, & Alexander, 1985). This work is summarized in meta-analyses

by Hulin et al. (1990) and Keil and Cortina (2001), which show that validity degradation is

pervasive and occurs with all manner of ability predictors.

If performance changes over time, it would useful to find predictors of the change itself.

Personality measures have been used in addition to cognitive ability measures to predict

individual growth curves for performance criteria (e.g., Zyphur, Bradley, Landis, & Thoresen,

2008). The results of this study indicate that both cognitive ability and conscientiousness predict

initial academic performance, but only conscientiousness predicts performance trajectories. This

may happen because early performance is a transition phase of skill acquisition and later

performance is a maintenance phase (Murphy, 1989). In a study testing that proposition, both

conscientiousness and extraversion predicted maintenance performance differences between

participants, but only conscientiousness predicted maintenance performance growth, moreover,

agreeableness and openness to experience predicted both performance differences and trends in

the transition phase (Thoresen, Bradley, Bliese, & Thoresen 2004). These attempts remain

univariate in their approach to criterion measurement, however. Theoretical models should guide

the sampling of variables as research progresses into a multivariate dynamic framework.

One such model is provided by Affective Events Theory (Weiss & Cropanzano, 1996).

These authors suggest that workplace behavior comes in two basic kinds: affect-driven and
judgment driven. Workplace events cause affective reactions, and these affective reactions

directly influence affect-driven behavior. But these affective reactions also influence job attitudes

that in turn directly influence judgment-driven behaviors. It is hypothesized that momentary

affect should thus show stronger relationships with momentary behaviors such as work

withdrawal (e.g., taking long coffee breaks or surfing the web) and that job attitudes should have

stronger relationships with more considered behaviors such as job withdrawal (e.g., job search,

turnover intentions, quitting). Furthermore, it is expected that individual differences in

personality will moderate both the link between events and predict the affective reactions


In complement to Affective Events theory, the Episodic Process Model (Beal, Weiss,

Barros, & MacDermid, 2005) suggests that there will be important momentary fluctuations in the

affective and regulatory resources available for employees to apply to performance behaviors.

This model articulates reasons why performance behaviors should meaningfully vary within

persons over short time periods. For example, if my supervisor yells at me, and I then need to

interact with a client, I may have to regulate my emotional display to appear positive to the

client. This act of emotion regulation uses up some of my regulatory resources, and may

therefore make it more difficult for me to focus my attention on a report I need to write later in

the day. Obtaining evidence to test such a model requires research designs that are capable of

untangling both within- and between-individual variability.

Experience sampling methods are ideally suited to explore dynamic models of work

behavior because measurements may be taken throughout the work day on several variables. For

example, Weiss, Nicholas, and Daus (1999) tested propositions drawn from Affect Events Theory
about the influence of job beliefs and moods on overall job satisfaction. Dalal, Lam, Weiss,

Welch, and Hulin (2009) investigated the dimensionality of organizational citizenship and

counterproductive behaviors, and their relationships to state affect and performance. Miner,

Glomb, and Hulin (2005; in press) found general support that individuals modify their work

behaviors in response to mood changes. These studies demonstrate that a substantial portion of

the variance in organizationally-relevant variables is within-person, underscoring the need for

longitudinal studies.

Experience sampling data are three-mode (persons × variables × occasions) and are

frequently analyzed with multilevel models, with the occasions mode nested within persons. This

paper addresses whether such data may be examined using multiway analysis, as illustrated in

the next section. Situations where these analyses would be useful include examination of whether

the structures of counterproductive and citizenship behaviors change over time, or, even more

fitting for multiway methods, research on whether different groups of employees display

different patterns of change in these structures. Multiway models are a natural way of addressing

such questions, but may prove difficult to implement with experience sampling data. For

instance, in the data presented here, the measurement occasions occurred randomly within two-

hour windows. Therefore, Participant 1’s time 1 is not strictly simultaneous with Participant 2’s,

but should be basically equivalent. One goal of this paper is to serve as a methodological

exercise in an attempt to judge whether this assumption of near-simultaneity is tenable. This

concern is further addressed in the Discussion section.

Multiway Analyses
When viewed in the way specified by Ghiselli (1956), the performance domain is defined

by a three-way data relation box (Cattell, 1952). This box is defined by its three modes:

individuals, variables, and occasions. This box is referred to as an array, a generalization of the

matrix concept (see Figure 1). In Figure 1, subjects, variables, and occasions are all both modes

and ways. The front side of the array in Figure 1, the subjects by variables “slice” is the matrix

we usually handle in psychological data. Each measurement occasion in a longitudinal/

experience sampling study would have such a matrix. Stacking these slices as in Figure 1 leads

to a three-mode array. We next consider two broad classes of multiway component analysis that

will be considered in this paper, the Parafac model and the Tucker3 model. These are both

components analysis models, however both were initially referred to as factor analysis (e.g.,

Tucker, 1966). In this paper, we refer to components, except when discussing the historical

development of the models.

-- Figure 1 about here --

Cattell (1944) presented a solution to the problem of rotational freedom in standard factor

analysis, which he called the principle of parallel proportional profiles. Cattell’s idea was to

measure the same individuals on the same variables across two systematically different

occasions, say before and after an experimental manipulation. If one would recover the same

factors at both occasions then this common orientation of the factors or these parallel proportion

profiles could, according to Cattell, only occur if the factors represent real psychological


The Parafac model (Harshman, 1970) is essentially both a model formulation and

computational solution of this principle applied to an arbitrary number of conditions or

occasions. Moreover, Harshman (1970) and Carroll and Chang (1970) showed that the parallel

proportional profile principle could be extended to the n-way case. The Parafac model is

mathematically identical to the canonical decomposition model in multidimensional scaling

(Carroll & Chang, 1970). In this paper, we will refer only to the former name. The Parafac model

is presented in matrix notation as:

X k = AD k B' + E k (1)

where Xk is the kth frontal slice of the data array X (matrices are boldfaced, and multi-way arrays

boldfaced and underlined). A is the coefficient matrix for the first mode, B' is the transpose of the

coefficient matrix of the second mode, Dk is a diagonal matrix containing the kth row of the third

mode coefficient matrix along its diagonal, i.e. dssk = cks. Ek is the kth frontal slice of residual array

E. In sum notation this becomes

xijk = Σsdssk[aisbjs] + eijk.= Σscsk[aisbjs] + eijk, (2)

which shows that for the kth slice of the data array the dssk-coefficients provide weights for the

coefficients of the other two modes. They are the “proportionality” constants that capture the

systematic variation between slices of the data array (cf. Harshman & Lundy, 1984a). A dssk (csk)

coefficient defines the relative importance of component s to occasion k. It should be noted that

the model is in fact proportional with respect to all its modes.

It is important to distinguish two types of variation: system variation pertaining to the

system as a whole and object variation which pertains to variation of specific (groups of) objects,

i.e. part of the system but not the system as a whole. For the Parafac model to be applicable

sufficient system variation should be present in the multiway data. System variation involves a

conceptualization of components that lie “in the system” under examination such that the same
instances of the components affect all of the objects; there should be parallel proportional

profiles. The object variation model involves a conceptualization of components as having an

instance of the component “in” each object under study, such that the components are properties

of (groups of) individuals under study. The system model implies synchronous variation in

component influences across levels of the third mode (e.g., occasions), while the object model

does not imply such synchronous variation (cf. Harshman & Lundy, 1984a, pp. 130-133). The

basic Parafac model has no provision for modeling object variation. Therefore, if substantial

object variation is present, a more complicated model such as the Tucker3 should be used.

Tucker (1964, 1966) formally introduced the three-mode factor analytic model for three-

way data as an extension to the well-known two-mode model for two-way data. This model was

later named after him by Kroonenberg and de Leeuw (1980). The Tucker family of models can

account for both system and object variability. Of these models the Tucker3 is the most complex

and it can also be shown to be more complex than the Parafac model. The sum notation for the

model is:

xijk = ΣpΣqΣr[aipbjqckr]gpqr + eijk (3)

Here, aip represents the coefficient of the ith individual on the pth A-mode factor, while. bjq

represents the coefficient of the jth variable on the qth variable factor, and the ckr represents the

coefficient of the kth time point on the rth time factor. Finally gpqr represent the element of the core

array which links the pth, qth, and rth factors in the A-, B-, and C-modes, respectively, with each

other. It can also be interpreted as a representation of the interaction between the factors of the

three modes (for further details see Kroonenberg, 2008, Section 4.8).
Thus the columns of the coefficient matrices A, B, and C are the components which may

be represented as vectors in graphs displaying the component spaces. For convenience, we often

speak of component scores for subjects, component loadings for variables and component scores

or weights for time points. Only the variable loadings can however be understood as in the two-

way case, i.e. as variable-component correlations, if the variables have been centered and

normalized in a specific way (see below). In most cases, the interpretation of the component

scores proceeds in the same way as component scores in two-way component analyses where the

components are in normalized coordinates, i.e. have unit sums of squares. Another way of

thinking about the component matrices is in terms of “idealized” instances of the real objects in

that mode; i.e. ideal individuals, ideal (or latent) variables, and ideal measurement occasions or

trends (Tucker, 1966; Kroonenberg, 2008, Section 9.4).

The core array is what allows Tucker models to account for object variability where the

Parafac model cannot. So while Component 1 in the individuals-mode must correspond to

Component 1 in the variables and time modes in a Parafac analysis, the same does not apply to a

Tucker3 model. The core allows three-way interactions between the components in different

modes and for different numbers of components in each mode. A number of ways of interpreting

the core are possible. One may view the core array as “idealized data”, such that each element

represents the score on the ideal variable by the ideal person at the ideal measurement occasion

corresponding to that core element (cf. Tucker, 1966). As the scalar notation makes clear

(Equation 3), one can also think of the core elements as regression weights for predicting the

original data using the three-way interaction of the components (Kroonenberg, 2008, p. 225-
228). Thus, core elements give the importance of a combination of mode components for

reproducing the original data.

Research Questions

Inn, Hulin, and Tucker (1972) offer perhaps the only multivariate dynamic criterion study

using multiway analysis. They fit a Tucker3 model to data from a sample of 184 airline

reservation agents measured five times on 11 performance variables. These authors found a

4×3×3 solution, demonstrating multidimensionality in each mode, consistent with Ghiselli’s

three sources conjecture (1956). Given the dearth of previous research, this study is largely

exploratory and we propose few a priori hypotheses. The major expectation of this study is that

multiple components will be extracted in each mode of the data, consistent with Ghiselli (1956)

and Inn et al. (1972). Given previous work on affect cycles in experience sampling designs, it is

likely that at least one of the time components will show cyclic trends in loadings (Weiss et al.,

1999). These loadings are analogically similar to variable loadings on growth parameters in

latent growth curve analysis (e.g., Chan, 1998), though they are both exploratory in character and

expected to display cyclical rather than curvilinear patterns. Further, we expect that we should be

able to recover three B mode components for the objective, behavioral, and self-rated

performance variables discussed in the methods section below. We have no hypotheses regarding

individuals-mode components

This paper is primarily a methodological exploration. We want to know if it is possible to

fit well-behaved multiway models to experience sampling data. We expect to be able to do so,

and the only remaining question is whether the Parafac model will be sufficient. The Parafac
model is a constrained Tucker3 model, which itself can be seen a constrained two-way principal

components analysis (PCA) of the wide combination-mode matricization (e.g., I×JK) of the data

array X. Therefore, the sums of squares for each model (SSmod) must be:

SSmod(PCA) ≥ SSmod(Tucker3) ≥ SSmod(Parafac) (4)

provided all models have equivalent numbers of components (Kiers, 1991). Therefore, Tucker3

and PCA models will provide similar though better fits to the data than an equivalent Parafac

model. However, if the Parafac model is appropriate, the additional parameters of these models

will either model systematic variation redundantly or simply model noise (Smilde, Bro, &

Geladi, 2004, pp. 154 - 155). If a degenerate Parafac solution is obtained, it usually indicates the

presence of Tucker structure or object variability.


Data source and participants

The experience sampling data analyzed here were originally collected by Miner et al. (in

press), who sampled one-hundred individuals from a pool of about 300 incumbents at a Fortune

500 technological sector call center. These individuals served in either customer service or

technical support capacities. Sixty-seven of the invitees actually participated. Of these, 55

participants had sufficient criterion data for analyses. Those 55 participants were mostly white

(94 %) and non-students (85 %). Fifty-one percent were male, 78 % had at least some college

education, and 66 % worked 9 hour shifts. The mean age of participants was 34 years (sd = 11

years) and their mean tenure with the organization was 2.4 years (sd = 2.3 years).
Measures and procedures

Participants’ palmtop computers signaled them by beeping either four or five times a day,

depending on whether they work a five-day, 9 hour shift or a four-day, 11 hour shift, respectively.

Participants completed surveys each workday for three weeks, resulting in a total of sixty

possible measurement opportunities for each respondent. Participants were excluded from

analyses if they answered one-half (30) or fewer of the surveys. Participants tended to miss most

surveys late in the study, so we used the first 40 measurement occasions.

Experience sampling measures. Participants answered questions about whether they

solved the customer’s problem, made three ratings of their own performance, and responded to

eight items sampling behaviors related to task performance, organizational citizenship behavior,

and work withdrawal. Participants were also asked if they were engaged in several work

behaviors, which were scored dichotomously. The behavioral items were aggregated into unit

weighted composites for focal performance (solving the problem, doing work tasks), being on

the job (at workstation, away but on the job), negative work behaviors (withdrawal, doing

personal tasks), positive citizenship behaviors (helping, doing organizational citizenship), and

neutral behaviors (at lunch, on break). In addition to the self-reported measures, performance

was also indicated by objective measures of average call handle time, average call wait time,

average call hold time in the thirty minute window in which the signal occurred.

Individual difference measures. Additionally, participants completed several individual

differences measures in a post-study survey. These measures can be used to explore the meaning

of the individuals-mode components. These measures were the Trait Meta-Mood Scale (Salovey,

Mayer, Goldman, Turvey & Palfai, 1995) and the International Personality Item Pool
Extraversion and Neuroticism (IPIP; Goldberg, 2001). These measures are linked to dispositional

affectivity, which is predicted by Affective Events Theory to moderate an individual’s reactions

to affective events as well as to directly influence affective reactions to events. Trait meta-mood

is a form of emotional intelligence, and related to an individual’s ability to recognize and

regulate their feelings. IPIP extraversion is primarily an index of sociability and gregariousness,

while neuroticism tends to focus on anxiety/stress reactance. Participants also completed the Job

Descriptive Index, a measure of job satisfaction (Smith, Kendall, & Hulin, 1969). Affective

Events Theory predicts that job satisfaction should be more related to judgment-driven behaviors

than to impulsive behaviors. Additionally, job satisfaction has an empirical association with job

performance, so it is reasonable that some individuals-mode components may be associated with

job satisfaction. Finally, self-reports of average work and job withdrawal and citizenship

performance were assessed as well.

Description of the ESM array

Participants tended to miss many surveys in the last week, resulting in substantial missing

data after the fortieth measurement occasion. Therefore, the data we analyzed consisted of 55

participants by 11 variables by 40 measurement occasions (24200 data points). About 17295 data

points contained valid entries, and about 6905 did not (28.5% missing). Missing entries were

handled by imputing model-implied values. Missing values were initialized with two-way

MANOVA estimates. The information in a three-way array is quite rich, and with an array of

sufficient size, a substantial portion of missing values can be handled relatively reliably but often

requires special care in defining starting values for the missing-data locations (Smilde, Bro, &
Geladi, 2004). Though this dataset is not large enough to allow for cross-validation, the stability

of the results were examined using several random starts.


Both Parafac and Tucker3 models were fit to the data. Analyses were performed using the

3WayPack suite of programs (Kroonenberg, 1994; 2004). Multiway models were compared

based on variance accounted for (VAF) measures. The VAF of the model was divided by number

of factors estimated, in order to compare the model’s explanatory power to its parsimony

(Timmerman & Kiers, 2000). Similar indices were discussed in Kroonenberg and Oort (2003;

Kroonenberg, 2008, pp. 179ff.). These are not formal fit indices, but aid the researcher’s

decision-making regarding which models are good candidates for interpretation.

Component models assume that variables are ratio-scaled ones (Harshman & Lundy,

1984a). However, psychological measurements mostly have interval properties. Centering will

change the data into ratio-scale deviations from the mean so that they can be handled in a

component analysis. Harshman and Lundy (1984b) and Kroonenberg (2008, Chapter 6) discuss

appropriate types of centering for three-way data, and centering across subjects per variable-time

point combination is their recommended procedure for the present data.

Our data were accordingly centered across the subject mode, such that the mean for each

variable at each measurement occasion was subtracted out of each measurement. This is the most

appropriate centering strategy because the starting point of the study is arbitrary. An

accompanying advantage of this centering is that the matrix of variable-occasion means can be

seen as the score of the average person so that the deviation scores can be interpreted with

respect to this average person. Additionally, the three objective measures (call handle time, call
wait time, and call hold time) were corrected for non-normality by taking their natural

logarithms. Finally, the variables were size-normalized over all subjects-time point combinations

so that the values of the variables were comparable as standard scores across variables and

remained comparable per variable across all occasions. To be precise, the scores analyzed with

the three-mode models were

zijk = ( xijk − x• jk ) / s j , (5)

where a dot replaces the index over which the sum was taken. A final advantage of this form of

standardization is that given proper scaling of the output (see below) the component loadings for

the variables can be interpreted as variable-component correlations (Harshman & Lundy, 1984a).

Descriptive statistics

Presenting even descriptive statistics for the entire data array would be cumbersome.

Thus descriptive statistics for the A-mode matricization are presented in Table 1. Matricization is

the unfolding of the three-mode data array into a two-way data matrix, extended along one of the

modes of data classification. Given an i×j×k data array, the A-mode matricization is of order ik×j

(cf. Kiers, 2000), where, the subject mode (k) is the slower-running mode such that the rows of

the matrix consist of the first participant’s 40 measurement occasions followed by the second

participant’s 40 measurement occasions, and so on. Table 1 presents the means, standard

deviations, and correlations for the variables in the A-mode matricization. This correlation matrix

can be interpreted as usual, though it conflates within- and between-person covariances.

-- Table 1 about here --

Means Analysis

Prior to three-way analysis, we explored the mean time trends for the variables, i.e. trends

for means which were removed before the three-way analyses. Figures 2 through 4 present the

time trends for seemingly similar variables. Figure 2 displays the self-rated variables: average

handle time, average quality of service, and overall service. These variables display very similar

time trends. Figure 3 shows the trends for the behavioral variables: the focal performance

composite, withdrawal behaviors, citizenship behaviors, neutral behaviors, and location. Again,

these display highly similar trends. The objective measures, average handle time, average wait

time, and average call duration, do not show such a clear pattern.

-- Figure 2-4 about here --

Table 2 displays the component loadings for a varimax-rotated principal component

analysis of the time series for these variables averaged over subjects. Two components were

recovered: the self-rated variables loaded strongly on one, with location, focal performance,

withdrawal and neutral behaviors loading strongly on the other. Log-average handle time and

citizenship performance also showed reasonable loadings on this component. The call duration

and call wait time variables did not load strongly on either component.

-- Table 2 about here --

Three-way analysis

Based on several initial solutions, we decided to eliminate one participant from the three-

way analyses. This participant had much too high an influence on the solutions. After this, the

preferred models are: 2×2×1, 3×2×2, 4×2×2, and 4×2×4 Tucker models and a two-component
Parafac model. The two-component Parafac model was a rotation of the 2×2×2 Tucker model

(see Table 3).

-- Table 3 about here --

Parafac analyses. We fit a two-component Parafac model using multiple random starts.

Three of these starts produced absolute values of Tucker’s congruence coefficients greater than .

85. The components in the two-component solutions are highly negatively congruent, with an

average congruence coefficient of -0.84 and an average core consistency of -25.9. These results

indicate that the higher component Parafac solutions are degenerate. There are several options

for dealing with degenerate solutions. One is to impose orthogonality on the factors in one mode.

Another option is to attempt to fit a more general three-way model such as a Tucker3.

Tucker3 analyses. Figure 5 displays the time components from the 3×2×2 Tucker model

solution with loess curves fitted to them with 70% of the data used for the local regressions

(Cleveland & Devlin, 1988). The first component has been rotated to optimal constancy. The

second component is orthogonal to the first one. There is no clear periodicity (i.e., performance

cycles) in these time components. However, to uncover such periodicity would require that the

measurement occasions were spaced evenly and truly taken at the same time for all participants.

We constructed joint biplots to investigate the relationships between individuals and variables for

the two time components (e.g., Kroonenberg, 2008 Appendix B). Variables are displayed as

vectors in the two-dimensional space, and individuals projecting highly on a variable vector

scored highly on it; individuals plotted near each other have similar profiles.

-- Figure 5 about here --

Figure 6 is the joint biplot of individuals and variables for time component 1 (variable

coordinates presented in Table 4). Since time component 1 is largely constant, this biplot

represents individual differences in how the participants carried out their job duties over time.

For instance, we can see how participants 19, 20, 23, 46, and 50 had high scores on call wait

time, but low scores on call duration and handle time. On the other hand, participants 25, 40, and

48 scored highly on call duration and handle time but low on call wait time. Similarly,

participants 20, 23, and 27 had high scores on citizenship while participants 3 and 9 had very low

scores on citizenship. The objective call time measures and citizenship are the most important

variables for this time component.

-- Figure 6 about here --

Figure 7 displays the biplot for the second time component (variable coordinates are also

presented in Table 4). This component showed much more pronounced fluctuations than

component 1 and an increasing trend towards the end of the study. This suggests that the

importance of the relationships displayed in Figure 7 became more important over the course of

the study. This increase of importance is especially due to handling time and citizenship, but also

withdrawal, focal performance, focal location, call duration, and quality of service. Participants

with positive scores, such as 30, show increasing trends over time. Those with negative scores,

like 3 and 9, show decreases.

-- Figure 7 about here --

To aid interpretation of the individual components, we examined the correlations of these

components with individual difference measures (e.g., Van Mechelen & Kiers, 1999). The first
component correlated positively with meta-mood clarity and negatively with overall job

withdrawal (r = .30, p = .04 and r = -.32, p = .03, respectively). The second component

correlated with meta-mood repair positively (r =.29, p = .05) and marginally positively with

overall citizenship performance (r =.27, p = .07) and marginally negatively with overall work

withdrawal (r = -.25, p = .10). The third component correlated with overall citizenship

performance (r =.38, p = .01) and marginally negatively with satisfaction with supervisor (-.23, p

= .10). The first component has perhaps the clearest interpretation, as these individuals report

great awareness of their moods and high overall job withdrawal: these employees are likely very

in tune with their emotions and unlikely to quit. They are probably having a relatively positive

work experience, relative to the average employee. The second component also has a reasonably

clear interpretation. Given that individuals are able to intentionally repair their moods and report

high levels of citizenship performance and low work withdrawal, these are likely individuals

who can deal with negative emotions effectively and remain engaged with their work. The third

component may again reflect some form of engagement. Employees scoring high on this

component report high citizenship, in spite of lower ratings on supervisory satisfaction.

The variables-mode component loadings are displayed in Table 6. The two components

cleanly separate the objective and behavioral measures, and the self-reported measures do not

load substantially on either component. With the objective measures, call duration and handle

time have the opposite sign as call wait time. Citizenship performance has the highest loading for

the behavioral measures, with focal performance, location, and withdrawal all loading between .

31 and .34. Interestingly, all of these loadings, even withdrawal, are positive. It is also interesting
that the more direct self-reported measures of performance do not systematically load on these


-- Table 6 about here --

The Tucker core is shown in Table 7. The combination of the first components in all

modes has the largest core element, and accounts for the most variance. The most substantial

elements following this are the combination of the second subject and the behavioral variables

component with each of time components (g221 and g222, respectively), accounting for 3% and 2%

of the original variance, respectively.

--Table 7 about here --


The Tucker3 model provides a parsimonious explanation of the observed data, even

though the overall variance explained for all of the models is rather low. Experience sampling

data prove difficult to analyze for a number of reasons. The procedures are intrusive, which can

lead to large amounts of missing data when participants are too busy or simply choose not to

answer questions. Furthermore, individuals were studied over a relatively short time and were

measured at points very close together in time. Perhaps if measurement occasions were sampled

at fully equivalent time-points across individuals, or if the study took place over organizationally

meaningful epochs, such as a new product rollout or layoff announcement, the Parafac model

may have proven more useful in describing the data.

This theme bears some greater consideration. Often with longitudinal and experience

sampling studies, in particular, researchers wade into the stream of events with no real care as to
when they do so. Put simply, time one often is not really time one, but an arbitrary starting point

for the study. Likewise, the studies often end at an equally arbitrary point in time. Multiway

thinking can help encourage researchers to treat time as an important facet in the design of

studies and sample measurement opportunities appropriately.

Implications for the analysis of experience sampling studies

This study attempts to fit a dynamic structural model to data derived from an experience

sampling design. ESM studies often come in one of two types: event-triggered and signal

triggered. In event-triggered studies, participants opt to answer surveys when a particular event

or type of event occurs. In signal-triggered studies, individuals respond to surveys when signaled

by their beeper or palmtop computer. When the ESM study is event-triggered, measurement

occasions can only be viewed as nested within individuals. In signal-triggered designs, signals

will be random within time windows. Our results indicate that these measurement occasions may

be considered, while perhaps not strictly equivalent, comparable across individuals.

This paper demonstrates that dynamic and structural investigations may be conducted

with signal-triggered experience sampling data by using methods such as multiway analysis.

Using tools such as multilevel modeling is also useful, but might sacrifice information that could

be examined using techniques like multiway analysis. Furthermore, had the data been collected

with the intent of examining structure and dynamics, the performance variables would likely

have been more systematically sampled from the repertoire of performance behaviors. This

would probably allow for stronger substantive conclusions regarding the multivariate dynamic

criterion space. As it stands, it is very interesting that the self-reported performance variables did
not load substantially on either of the variables-mode components. Given that the components

reflect behavioral activities and objective measures of performance, this suggests that the self-

reported measures may not accurately represent what a worker is actually doing.

Limitations and future directions

There are three major limitations to this study. The first is that the data were not collected

for the purpose of a structural analysis. Therefore, the amount of shared variance among the

indicator variables may not adequately cover the latent job-performance variables. While this

does not preclude the analyses described in this article, data collected with such analyses in mind

would undoubtedly provide cleaner results. Second, there was a substantial amount of missing

data. However only participant 16 appeared to show undue influence on the model solutions, and

this participant was removed from the analyses reported here. Third, the sample involved only

two groups of employees from one organization, limiting the external validity of the results.

Further study of the job performance domain and its three sources of variance should be

examined across a sample from the population of jobs. This requires collecting experience

sampling and other longitudinal data in many organizations with many different types of

employees. One possibility is applying these techniques to large samples of jobs that are

appraised on multiple performance indicators at fixed intervals, such as in the military. Such

formal performance evaluations at multiple points in time would address questions about the

normative development of job performance.

However, without examining other studies of performance and its determinants, the

underlying dynamics in studies with longer measurement epochs will never be fully understood
(cf. Beal et al., 2005). Data to answer these sorts of questions should be collected using multiple

methods and examined using multiple analytic procedures. Such a strategy will allow for a

scientific understanding of the dynamic interaction of individual and workplace attributes in the

study of organizational behavior.


The major performance theories in applied psychology indicate that the criterion space is

a multidimensional one. However, these theories are static; they are largely agnostic as to the

dynamic nature of performance and its determinants. It is well-established that the relationship

between measures of predictors of job performance and performance appraisal measures

degrades over time. This situation suggests the possibility of dynamism on both sides of the

performance prediction model. In order to understand the dynamic relationship between two

variables, we must first understand of the processes underlying each of the variables.

The results of the current study provide further evidence that organizational scientists

must attend to dynamic processes. Further, these results echo the exhortations of Ghiselli (1956)

and Dalal and Hulin (2008) to more broadly consider the criterion space when designing

personnel interventions. It is important that these between- and within-person sources of lawful

variance be considered in such endeavors. Finally, continuing to think of the performance

prediction problem in terms of bivariate correlations prevents the development of a truly

scientific understanding of the processes by which attributes of employees interact dynamically

with the work environment to produce job performance.

Multivariate Dynamic Criteria 2


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Multivariate Dynamic Criteria 3


Table 1. Descriptive statistics for the A-mode Matricization of ESM Data Array
Mean SD 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 11 10 6
Rated Average
1 Handle Time 1.91 0.74 1.00
Rated Quality of
2 Service 2.05 0.54 0.39 1.00
3 Rated Overall Service 1.99 0.57 0.50 0.62 1.00
4 Focal Performance 0.52 0.39 0.05 0.04 0.07 1.00
5 Focal Location 0.72 0.45 0.01 -0.01 0.00 0.69 1.00
7 Withdrawal 0.51 0.30 0.02 0.01 0.00 0.53 0.72 1.00
8 Neutral Behavior 0.13 0.34 -0.01 0.01 0.00 -0.35 -0.64 -0.23 1.00
9 Call Duration 6.26 0.89 -0.02 0.06 -0.05 0.09 0.02 -0.04 0.02 1.00
11 Call Handle Time 4.85 1.30 -0.10 0.06 -0.04 0.06 -0.03 -0.01 0.07 0.40 1.00
10 Call Wait Time 2.36 2.02 -0.01 -0.11 -0.07 0.07 0.09 0.08 -0.10 -0.26 -0.05 1.00
6 Citizenship 0.18 0.31 -0.05 0.01 -0.01 0.07 0.12 0.04 -0.12 0.01 0.11 0.11 1.00

Note. Call time variables were log-transformed prior to analysis.

Multivariate Dynamic Criteria 3

Table 2. Varimax-rotated component matrix for time trends of variable averages.

2 1
Rated Overall Service 0.865
Rated Average Quality 0.846
Rated Avg Handle Time 0.638

Focal Location 0.962

Focal Performance 0.212 0.882
Withdrawal 0.879
Neutral Behavior -0.837
Call Handle Time -0.540
Citizenship 0.458

Call Duration -0.267

Call Wait
Note: Values smaller than .20 are not shown. Variable have been ordered to illustrate
component structure.
Multivariate Dynamic Criteria 3

Table 3. Fit information on Parafac and Tucker models

Proportional Fit
Overall Proportional Fit Components
Completed Data
Model Valid Data Completed 1 2 3
PF2 .098 .272
PF3 .138 .298

T3-1×1×1 = PF1 .059 .208 .208

T3-2×2×2 .098 .272 .219 .053
.221 .052
.264 .008
T3-3×2×2 .114 .287 .196 .060 .031
.209 .078
.242 .045
T3-3×3×2 .122 .326 .237 .055 .033
.239 .052 .035
.291 .035
T3-3×3×3 .137 .315 .224 .059 .032
.219 .054 .041
.265 .034 .015
Note: Because the presence of a large amount of missing data, the fit of the completed
data of an analysis with less components may have a better completed fit than a model
with more components. PF = Parafac. T3 = Tucker3.
Multivariate Dynamic Criteria 3

Table 4. Variable coordinates for joint biplots.

Time component 1 Time component 2

Component 1 2 1 2
Call Wait Time 0.458 0.109 -0.069 0.073
Call Duration -0.455 -0.027 0.140 -0.063
Call Handle Time -0.400 0.174 0.296 -0.033
Citizenship 0.164 0.378 0.271 0.064
Withdrawal -0.030 0.201 0.187 0.018
Focal Location -0.035 0.189 0.178 0.016
Focal Performance -0.053 0.186 0.182 0.014
Rated Avg Handle Time -0.112 0.079 0.109 -0.006
Rated Overall Service -0.125 0.077 0.113 -0.008
Rated Quality of Service -0.140 0.099 0.137 -0.007
Neutral Behavior -0.013 -0.039 -0.029 -0.006
Note. Variable ordering has been changed to illustrate influence.

Table 6. Component loadings for B mode (variables).

Variable Objective Behavioral

Rated Avg Handle Time -0.159 0.115
Rated Quality of Service -0.199 0.145
Rated Overall Service -0.175 0.110
Focal Performance -0.118 0.314
Focal Location -0.098 0.323
Withdrawal -0.095 0.344
Citizenship Performance 0.091 0.692
Neutral Behaviors -0.005 -0.071
Call Duration -0.546 -0.138
Call Handle Time -0.537 0.223
Call WaitTme 0.526 0.283
Note. Variables are ordered to best show component structure.
Multivariate Dynamic Criteria 3

Table 7. Tucker core and variance explained for each 3-way combination of components.

Time Component 1
Variance Explained
Objective Behavioral
Subj 1 1.437 0.216 0.188 0.004
Subj 2 -0.002 0.589 0 0.031
Subj 3 -0.122 0.391 0.001 0.014

Time Component 2
Objective l
Subj 1 0.137 -0.173 0.002 0.003
Subj 2 -0.347 0.442 0.011 0.018
Subj 3 0.286 -0.297 0.007 0.008

Figure 1. The Basic Data Relations Box (Cattell, 1952).

Multivariate Dynamic Criteria 3

Figure 2. Centered average time series for self-rated customer service variables.
Correlations among time series: 0.3- 0.6.
Self-rated handle time
Self-rated quality of
Self-rated overall

Centered Average Rating





Multivariate Dynamic Criteria 4

Figure 3. Centered average time series for behavioral variables. Correlations between .6
and .9, except with Citizenship which range from .2 - .4.
Focal performance
Focal location
0.20 Citizenship
Neutral behavior
Centered behavior scores





Multivariate Dynamic Criteria 4

Figure 4. Uncentered average time series for logged call time variables (objective
performance). Correlations between -.0 - .3.

Call duration
7.00 Handle time
Call wait time


Log averages






Note. The trends for these variables are rather dissimilar. Therefore they are displayed
uncentered so as to show their unique trends more clearly.
Multivariate Dynamic Criteria 4

Figure 5. Time component loading of the 3×2×2 Tucker3-solution after rotation of the
first component to optimal constantness.

Code for
0 .1 5 component

Component loadings




0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 4 2

M e a s u r e m e n t t im e s
Multivariate Dynamic Criteria 4

Figure 6. Joint biplot for participants and variables for the first time
Second Component

Self-ratings Variables
0.4 Citizenship 23
Call 4 15 20
0.2 HandleTime
25 53 Call
3924 42
54 30 831
38 29
12 WaitTime
0 48 40 287
2126 6
4944 17 19
Call 5 13 1 Neutral 50 46
10 52
Duration 2
-0.2 37 43 45 35
41 51

-0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6

First Component
Figure 7. Joint biplot for participants and variables for the second time

Second Component

20 Call wait time Citizenship

34 2723
4 15
22 32 36 25 33 47
0 19
28 1254 48
38 53 39
49814 18 31 30
13 644
9 3 41 2 35 46 50 10
52 37545 43 Call handle
16 Call duration 51
-0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4
First Component

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