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With examples, explain the differences between selectivity theory and the magic bullet theory.

With the magic bullet theory, Individuals are directly and heavily influenced by media messages. The message was "injected" into audiences. In this view, media are extremely powerful in shaping public opinion. All people see the same thing. For example, War of the Worlds vs. 9-11. Theorist observed how Hitler user Propaganda to influence the nation. The Communists in the Soviet Union had a similar impact. Audiences passively receive the information transmitted via a media text, without any attempt on their part to process or challenge the information. Therefore, violence in the Media encourages viewers to imitate what they see. Now, this theory is no longer widely held.

With the selectivity theory, people have the choice to select from a variety of exposures. Selective people will have limited effect. In the media will be more information about then will get more from it. For example, the American presidential elections involve two candidates for audience to select from. People are active, not passive receivers of information. There are individual differences in needs, attitudes and personality.

What is investigative journalism and what impact did it have on society when it was first practiced by media?

1) Investigative Reporting. This approach to journalism was begun by early 20th century muckrakers. These investigative pieces exposed abusive institutions in society. Muckraking established magazines as a powerful medium that affected public policy in numerous areas.

In 1904, writer Lincoln Steffens exposed a complex network of corrupt businessmen and politicians who were exploiting their city, state, and the country for personal gain. Legal reforms quickly followed his revelations. Ida Tarbell of McClures wrote a 19-part series on Standard Oil. Magazine photos also challenged norms by pushing the envelope on what can be shown in the name of education and knowledge.

Consumer Magazines
Womens magazines Mens magazines

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