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! One-year palo Fellowsblp baseo ln San Franclsco
! Proouce moblle tecbnology & soclal meola strategy as part ot !"#$% '(()**+ *,-$,)./(
plannlng process, lncluolng resources neeoeo to bullo our epertlse ano lncrease our reacb ano lmpact
! Proouce an evaluatlon ot !"#$% '(()**+ (#--)0, use ot moblle tecbnology ano soclal meola ln elstlng tlelo programs ano aovlse on
metboos to lncrease usablllty, scale ano ettectlveness
! Work wltb program lmplementatlon teams at HQ ano ln tbe tlelo to loentlty best practlces tbat can be aoopteo across ano wltbln
country programs ano create a toolklt tor olssemlnatlon
! |oentlty sklll gaps ano oevelop ano lmplement a plan to lmprove tbe capaclty ot local statt on use ot moblle tecbnology ano soclal
meola tools ln elstlng programs
! Contrlbute to tbe use ot moblle tecbnology tor Monltorlng & Lvaluatlon as well as oeveloplng lnolcators ot lmpact
! Researcb preoomlnant uses ot moblle tecbnology ano new meola tor oevelopment ln oeveloplng country contets to lntorm a
range ot tools ano optlons most relevant to !"#$% '(()**+ 1-2.-$3* lncluolng oeveloplng strateglc partnersblps wltb relevant groups
! Contrlbute to new buslness oevelopment ano new strategles tor lntegratlng moblle tecbnology ano soclal meola lnto elstlng
! Travel to country ottlces requlreo 15

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! Master's oegree ln Tecbnology, 8uslness, |nternatlonal Attalrs, |nternatlonal Development, Lconomlcs,
or otber tlelo relateo to lnternatlonal/buman oevelopment
! Mlnlmum tlve years protesslonal tull-tlme relevant work eperlence
! Lperlence worklng ln a oeveloplng country settlngs
! Lngllsb tluency (wrltten ano spoken)
! Protlclent at tormulatlng long-term strategles tbat are conslstent wltb tbe buslness ano competltlve strategy ot tbe organlzatlon
! Demonstrateo statt oevelopment ano capaclty bullolng eperlence
! Able to leao lnnovatlon ano orlve opportunltles
! Able to work wltb cross tunctlonal teams ln a oemanolng, multl-tasklng envlronment
! Appllcatlons must bave tbe rlgbt to work ln tbe Unlteo States as untortunately we are unable to provloe sponsorsblp at tbls tlme.

"# $%%&'( Please seno a cover letter lnolcatlng your lnterest ano resume to 4/,5 6728/%) 9)(502%2.: ;)%%24< /0 ,5)
Subject Llne ot tbe emall. Tbe tlrst revlew oate tor tbe Fellowsblp ls Marcb 7, 2014. Tbe posltlon wlll remaln open untll tllleo.
Lqual Access lnLernaLlonal ls a developmenL communlcaLlons nCC headquarLered ln San lranclsco wlLh counLry offlces and
programs ln AfghanlsLan, 8urklna laso, Cambodla, Chad, nepal, nlger, nlgerla, aklsLan and ?emen. A communlcaLlons for soclal
change organlzaLlon whlch comblnes Lhe power of medla wlLh grassrooLs communlLy moblllzaLlon, Lqual Access creaLes cusLomlzed
communlcaLlons sLraLegles and ouLreach soluLlons LhaL address Lhe mosL crlLlcal challenges affecLlng people ln Lhe developlng world
such as women and glrls empowermenL, youLh llfe-skllls and llvellhoods, agrlculLure, educaLlon, human rlghLs, healLh, and
democracy and governance. lor more lnformaLlon, please vlslL
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