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Prof.Dr.H. M.

Ade Moetangad Kramadibrata

English for Academic Purposes

TTM 1 / 2 4 9 : ; . > 18 11 1/ 12 14 19 1: UT* Translation Report 6ritin$ Replication 1 + plication Reference 1 )i!lio$rap3y E&ercise 1 E&ercise / UA* Main Topic Introd ction Te&t!oo' readin$ En$lis3 *tr ct re 5oca! lary Enric3%ent Articles Condensed Te&t Passa$e 1 Para$rap3 Materials General scope of lect res o!"ective# f nction# tar$et# pro!le%s so%e definitions# te&t!oo' readin$ TCL( !rainstor%in$ )rain stor%in$# scannin$# s'i%%in$# 0ord 1 na%e inde&# details *CL( pic' any te&t!oo'# scan and s'i% * !"ect# Predicate# O!"ect *CL( o!serve 1 para$rap3# define t3e% 5er!# adver!# ad"ective# prefi&# s ffi&# preposition# no n# 6ords# spellin$s# %eans# ter%s# collo7 ial *CL( pic' 18 ver!s# 0rite a co%position Uncertain# nacco nta!le# Certain# acco nta!le *CL( o!serve any scientific article# find and e&plain A!stract# * %%ary# *ynopsis *CL( o!serve any a!s<=s %<=syn<# define n e&plain 6rite yo r o0n fro% any scientific articles Mission# lin's# lo$ic flo0# %ain ideas# details *CL( o!serve any articles of a "o rnal# define# e&plain Ma'in$ pointers# condensed passa$e# para$rap3# co%po nd sentence *CL( listen to an article !ein$ read# find n define t3e% Lect re Materials( 1-. En$lis3 ? Indonesian@ Indonesian ? En$lis3 *CL( translate an Indonesian and an En$lis3 para$rap3 Researc3 report( final script# t3esis# dissertation# Pro"ect report( pre report# draft report# final report# s %%ary# A!stract# 6ords# ter%s# sentences# passa$es# para$rap3s *CL( find and define t3e% in any En$lis3 article s International *yste%( +e0ey@Indonesian *yste%( National# UNPA+ *CL( o!serve Unpad=IP)=IT) !i!liot3e'# find=define Co%pre3ensive Readin$ Listenin$ Lect re Materials( 18-19 Activities )rain *tor%in$ +ialo$# Lect re 1 E&ercises Lect re 1 E&ercises Lect re 1 E&ercises Lect re 1 E&ercises Lect re 1 E&ercises Lect re 1 E&ercises Lect re 1 E&ercises Lect re 1 E&ercises Lect re 1 E&ercises Lect re 1 E&ercises Lect re 1 E&ercises Lect re 1 E&ercises Lect re 1 E&ercises Facility ,ando t O,P ,ando t O,P ,ando t O,P ,ando t O,P ,ando t O,P ,ando t O,P ,ando t O,P ,ando t O,P ,ando t O,P ,ando t O,P ,ando t O,P ,ando t O,P ,ando t O,P ,ando t O,P Reference 1-. . 1-/ 1-2 1-4# :-;# :-> :-> :->

:-> . .-> . 1-/ 1-/

List of References 1< Ale&ander# L<G< 1>;;< Practice And Pro$ress# Ne0 Concept En$lis3# An Inte$rated Co rse for Pre-Inter%ediate st dents# Lon$%an ? Pener!it Aanisi s# Bo$ya'arta /< Ale&ander# L<G< 1>;;< C estion And ans0er# Graded Oral Co%pre3ension E&ercises# Ne0 Edition# Lon$%an ? Pener!it Aanisi s# Bo$ya'arta< 2< Ain$# C<# N< *tanley< 1>.>< Building Skills for the T E!"# /nd Edition# Nelson-)inar pa A'sara# Ba'arta 4< Pile# M<A<# M<E< M noD< 1>.:< Test of English as a !oreign "anguage# Preparation $uide # Cliffs Notes# Bo3n 6iley 1 *ons# *in$apore< 9< Allen< 6<*< 1>.9< Livin$ En$lis3 *tr ct re# 18t3 I%pression# Lon$%an Gro p li%ited# Esse&# En$land< :< Teo3# B< 1>>2< Ad%anced English Practice< )inar pa A'sara# Ba'arta< ;< -----< 1>.4< En$lis3 for Acade%ic P rposes< &ourse notes# A stralian Lan$ a$e Centre# Ba'arta .< -----< 1>.9< En$lis3 Preparation Centre# &ourse 'otes# University of Ne0 *o t3 6ales# *ydney >< -----< Any scientific te&t!oo's 0ritten in En$lis3< 18< -----< Any scripts# t3esis# dissertations t3at contain a!stract# s %%ary# and=or synopsis<

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Prof.Dr.H. M. Ade Moetangad Kramadibrata

English for Academic Purposes

1< INTRO+UCTION 1<1< General *cope 1</< F nction 1<2< Tar$et( 1<4< Pro!le%s( Gra%%ar# voca! lary# lo$ic flo0# spellin$# pron nciation# replication# %ission=content# %isinterpretation# str ct re# lin'# co%position 1<9< *o%e +efinitions( ter%inolo$y# personal prono n# detail infor%ation 1<:< Te&t!oo' Readin$s( pron nciation# speed# voice# accent# slan$# 0ords into %eanin$ /< TEET)OOA REA+ING /<1< )rain *tor%in$ Personal interpretation# self definition a!o t so%et3in$ Ftitle of a !oo'# a !oo' c3apter# a !oo' s ! c3apter# etc<G /</< *cannin$ C ic' searc3in$ on cross content of t3e !oo'( O!serve# t3e 03ole o tlined cross content of t3e !oo' Co%pare# t3e cross content 0it3 03at yo $ot fro% H!rain stor%in$I Find o t# 03at 'ind of %issin$ infor%ation or %isinterpretation yo Ive %ade# res ltin$ fro% t3e co%parison /<2< *'i%%in$ C ic' searc3in$ on t3e %ain ideas of an article# passa$e# or any 'inds of ter%s( Find o t# any ter%s yo 0ant to 'no0 !y o!servin$ t3e pa$e 03ere t3e ter% is located T3en co%pre3ensive readin$ t3e ter% on t3at very pa$e Co%pare t3e nderstandin$ yo $ot 0it3 t3at of t3e lect rer /<4< 6ord Inde&( 7 ic' searc3in$ on t3e pa$e 03ere a 0ord is e&plained /<9< Na%e Inde&( 7 ic' searc3in$ on t3e pa$e 03ere a na%e of a t3ors is fo nd /<:< +etails( t3oro $3 infor%ation a!o t an article or a para$rap3 as 0ell as additional infor%ation contained in a %ean idea 2< ENGLI*, *TRUCTURE * !"ect( personal prono n Predicate( ver! O!"ect( 4< 5OCA)ULARJ ENRIC,MENT 5er!( infinitive Adver!( ver!K ed Ad"ective( Prefi& * ffi& Preposition No n( 6ords( a nit of alp3a!ets t3at 3as a certain %eanin$ *pellin$s( 'no0in$ t3e alp3a!et of a 0ord Means( t3e
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Prof.Dr.H. M. Ade Moetangad Kramadibrata

English for Academic Purposes

Ter%s( definition or %eanin$ of a notation or a co%%on r le Collo7 ial( co%%on lan$ a$e sed !y local people 9< ARTICLE* Uncertain 1 Unacco nta!le Certain 1 Acco nta!le :< CON+EN*E+ TEET A!stract * %%ary *ynopsis *ynt3esis ,ypot3esis Main Idea Title Pointers ;< PA**AGE 1 PARAGRAP, Ma'in$ Pointers Condensed Passa$e Passa$e Para$rap3 Mission Lin' Lo$ic flo0 Main Idea +etails Ma'in$ pointers Condensed passa$e Para$rap3 Co%po nd sentence 6rite do0n 03at is t3e core of any state%ents# sentences# para$rap3s# passa$es# articles or any te&t and=or any speec3es 03atsoever Any 0ritin$s in for%s of pressed and co%pacted content A 03ole or a part of an article %e%!ers of a passa$e eac3 para$rap3 3as a certain direction of infor%ation connection fro% one to anot3er %ission % st clear t3e strea% of infor%ation or %ission co ld !e follo0ed and reasoned T3e core of infor%ation Me%!ers or intri$ es of a %ain idea Topic# Title# Main Idea# I%portance# *i$nificance# Consideration t3e 03ole infor%ation of t3e passa$e is 0ritten concisely and co%pre3ensively co%pilation of %issions and=or infor%ation p t in sentences# %a'in$ a certain direction or i%pression of lo$ic flo0s co%!ination of a co%pre3ensive sentence# consisted of one p to %a&i%al t3ree sentences

.< Translation .1< R les 1< First of all read t3e 03ole passa$e !ein$ translated and try to nderstand 03at is all a!o t /< Find o t 03at is t3e %ission contained in a para$rap3 2< Find o t 03at are t3e %ain idea and t3e details in every para$rap3 4< Use al0ays co%pre3ensive dictionaries 9< Mind collo7 ial 0ords :< *tart translatin$ a sentence !y nderstandin$ first t3e 03ole sentence
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Prof.Dr.H. M. Ade Moetangad Kramadibrata

English for Academic Purposes

;< +o not translate sentences 0ord !y 0ord ! t 03oles .< +isperse co%po nd sentence into sin$le sentences >< Find correct and proper translation of any 0ords to s it t3e 03ole sentence 18< O!serve t3e lin's fro% one sentence to t3e ne&t sentence in a para$rap3# fro% one para$rap3 to t3e ne&t in a passa$e# fro% one passa$e to t3e ne&t in an article# and so on< 11< Edit all t3e translated sentences# para$rap3s# and passa$es to s it t3e proper and correct %eanin$ 1/< Mind t3e $eneral transfor%ation of t3e translated %aterials to t3e appropriate lan$ a$e .</< E&a%ples Indonesian En$lis3 1< ) ' terse! t ada di atas %e"a t3e !oo' is on a ta!le /< ) ' yan$ ada di atas %e"a it adala3 %ili' saya t3e !oo' on t3at ta!le is %ine 2< ) ' %ili' saya yan$ ada di atas %e"a it %a3al %y !oo' on t3at ta!le is e&pensive 4< ) ' %ili' saya yan$ %a3al dan ada di atas %e"a it !erisi pela"aran %ate%ati'a My e&pensive !oo' on t3at ta!le contains %at3e%atic lesson 9< ! ' pela"aran %ate%ati'a it di$ na'an ole3 % rid 'elas d a *MA nt ' %en$3adapi "ian a'3ir se%ester yan$ a'an dila'sana'an d a %in$$ la$i T3e %at3e%atic !oo' is sed !y t3e second $rade st dents of *enior ,i$3 *c3ool prior to face t3e end se%ester test t3at 0ill !e carried o t in t0o 0ee's ti%e :< ! ' %ate%ati'a it nt ' pela"ar *MA< Para $ r *MA di )and n$ tela3 %en$3i%p n dan %eny s nnya %en"adi se! a3 ! ' pela"aran< ) ' it dip !li'asi'an ta3 n lal dan diter!it'an ole3 sa3a pener!itan s0a-'elola di )and n$< Materi pela"aran yan$ di!a3as adala3 %en$enai persa%aan differensial dan inte$ral< T3e %at3e%atic !oo' is for st dents of senior 3i$3 sc3ool< Teac3ers of senior 3i$3 sc3ool in )and n$ 3ad co%piled t3e lesson %aterials and arran$ed t3e% into a te&t!oo'< T3e te&t!oo' T3at 3ad !een p !lis3ed last year 0as released !y a private p !lis3er in )and n$< T3e Materials of lessons disc ssed are a!o t differential and inte$ral e7 ations< En$lis3 Indonesia

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Prof.Dr.H. M. Ade Moetangad Kramadibrata

English for Academic Purposes

*o%e %ec3anical devices 3ave sti% lated 03ole ne0 ind stries and $reatly e&panded ot3ers< T3e develop%ent of %ec3anical refri$eration in 1.>8 %eant t3at a$ric lt ral prod cts co ld !e transported over lon$er distances< T3e invention of t3e cotton $in and t3e fla&-processin$ %ac3ine opened lar$e %ar'ets for t3ese prod cts< Today t3ere are cotton-pic'in$ %ac3ines 03ic3 $in or strip t3e sa!le cotton fro% t3e seeds ri$3t in t3e field< )e!erapa alat %e'anis tela3 %ensti% lasi se% a ind stri-ind stri !ar Fyan$G %enye!ar l as 'e ind stri lainnya< FConto3G# pen$e%!an$an le%ari es %e'anis pada ta3 n 1.>8 %enyadar'an Fprod senG !a30a prod '-prod ' pertanian dapat dian$' t 'e te%pat-te%pat yan$ le!i3 "a 3< FB $aG pene% an penc n$'il 'apas dan %esin pe%roses datar %e%! 'a l as pasar-pasar nt ' prod '-prod ' F'apasG< *e'aran$ terdapat %esin pe%eti' 'apas yan$ FdapatG %enc n$'il ata %era! t 'apas Fyan$ dapat dipa'aiG dari !i"i-!i"inya lan$s n$ di lapan$an< .2< E&ercise Translate t3e follo0in$ passa$es( F1G A$ric lt ral tec3nolo$y can !e defined as t3e se of tec3ni7 es to control t3e $ro0t3 and 3arvestin$ of plant prod cts# cond cted 0it3in a fra%e0or' of vast differences in cli%ate# topo$rap3y# soil conditions# and social c sto%s< T3ere are %ore t3an 2<9 !illion acres of ara!le land s rface availa!le for crop far%in$ in t3e 0orld# ! t t3e %et3ods of t3ese acres differ accordin$ to t3e local availa!ility of land# la!o r# and capital< F/G Lonny Lo$an# t3e 3andso%est# t3e $ayest# t3e )ea )r %%el of t3e Lo$an !rot3ers# t3e dandy of t3e 6ild ) nc3 riders# 03o li'ed Me& silver-e%!ossed saddles# c3ec'ered s3irts and 0o%en ? any 'ind of 0o%en ? s ddenly fo nd 3i%self in a stran$e and fri$3tenin$ 0orld< T3ere 0as no place to 3ide< Even in t3e )ear Pa0 Mo ntains r nnin$ 0it3 t3e 3orse t3ieves# 3e fo nd t3e 3 nters on 3is trail< A %an in a r n-do0n saloon 0o ld 03isper in 3is ear t3at a stran$er 3ad !een as'in$ for 3i%< A co03and %ovin$ nort3 into Montana fro% t3e Po0der river co ntry 0o ld recall 3i% fro% t3e old days and t3en re%e%!er 3o0 a %an in a to0n on t3e Ci%%aron 3ad as'ed if 3e 3ad seen Lonny Lo$an# !rot3er of t3e Aid< F2G I 0ant yo to tell s %ore a!o t astral travel# 3o0 0e can do it< Jo Ive 0ritten a!o t it in LJo ? ForeverMN and in ot3er !oo's# ! t tell s a$ain< Jo can not tell s too % c3 a!o t it# tell s 3o0 0e can do it< Act ally# astral travel is t3e si%plest of t3in$s# so si%ple t3at it is s rprisin$ t3at people can not do it 0it3o t tryin$< ) t 0e % st also re%e%!er t3at 0al'in$ is si%ple< 6al'in$ is so si%ple t3at 0e can 0al' in a strai$3t line# or follo0 a c rved pat3# and 0e do not 3ave to t3in' a!o t it at all< It co%es nat ral to s< Jet on %any occasions a person 3as !een very ill and confined to !ed for so%e %ont3s# and t3e s fferer 3as t3en for$otten 3o0 to 0al'< ,e 3as for$otten# and 3as to !e ta $3t all
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Prof.Dr.H. M. Ade Moetangad Kramadibrata

English for Academic Purposes

over a$ain< It is t3e sa%e 0it3 astral travel< Every!ody co ld once do astral travel# ! t for so%e stran$e reason t3ey 3ave for$otten precisely 3o0 to do it< F4G Fro% t3at %o%ent )o&tel 0as no lon$er a!sor!ed in 3is flo0ers# ! t 0as an&io s and afraid< ,e laid aside t3e p rs it of a favo rite s !"ect# 03ic3 $ives vi$o r and elevation to t3e efforts of %ind and !ody ali'e# and all 3is t3o $3ts ran pon only t3e in" ry 03ic3 3is nei$3!o r 0as li'ely to inflict pon 3i%< F9G 5ariations in soil properties in t3e fields tend to !e correlated over space and can !e eval ated !y spatial varia!ility< T3e application of spatial varia!ility to soil properties are relatively ne0 and very sef l for $ettin$ %ore precise %eas re%ent data and %ore precise esti%ation of n'no0n val es in a $iven location< T3e o!"ective of t3is researc3 is to deter%ine t3e spatial varia!ility of in-sit soil stren$t3 of +ar%a$a latosol soil< T3e res lt s3o0s t3at t3e coefficient of variation of soil stren$t3 0as relatively 3i$3 and decreases 0it3 dept3# i<e<# fro% //<// to 12<4/ percents for co3esion and fro% 1.<84 to 14<.9 percents for soil penetration resistance< T3e se%i variance c rves of soil stren$t3 data indicate t3at t3e variation of soil stren$t3 in s3ort distance 0as do%inant and t3e soil stren$t3 data 3ad no spatial correlation< Aey0ords( spatial varia!ility# soil stren$t3# co3esion# penetration resistance F:G T3e o!"ective of t3is researc3 0as to eli%inate %oist re diff sivity and dryin$ coefficient of s0eet potatoes F.pomoea batatasG d rin$ dryin$ nder p ffin$ treat%ent< Fi&Is la0 at fallin$ rate dryin$ period for infinite sla! 0as sed to deter%ine %oist re diff sivity and dryin$ coefficient< T3e esti%ated %odel 0as developed 0it3 di%ensional analysis %et3od 03ic3 is !ased on identified para%eters t3at effect to %oist re diff sivity of sa%ple< T3e 3i$3er press re of p ffin$ and t3e %ore p ffin$ ti%e ca sed t3e 7 ic'er rate of decrease of sa%ple %oist re content in t3e dryin$ and decrease a!o t %oist re diff sivity< T3e %odel follo0ed e&ponential e&pression# and statistical analysis s3o0s t3at t3e %odel is relia!le to deter%ined %oist re diff sivity Fr O 8<>2G< Aey0ords( diff sivity# dryin$# p ffin$ >< REPORT 6RITING Pro"ect Report Researc3 Report +raft Report Final *cript T3esis +issertation 18< REPLICATIONs 1 +UPLICATION
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Prof.Dr.H. M. Ade Moetangad Kramadibrata

English for Academic Purposes

6ords Ter%s *entences Passa$es Para$rap3s 11< REFERENCE* 1 )I)LIOGRAP,J International *yste% Indonesian *yste% National UNPA+ E&act 6ritin$ Non-E&act 6ritin$ 1/< EEERCI*E Co%pre3ensive Readin$ Co%pre3ensive Listenin$ Conversation ENGLI*, *TRUCTURE 1< Notation A para$rap3 contains a n %!er of sentences< Any sentences %ainly consist of t3ree co%ponents# t3at is# s !"ect F*G# 5er! F5G# and o!"ect FOG< In an active sentence t3e s !"ect is s ally a person and in a passive sentence is an ani%al# a t3in$# or anyt3in$ else t3at 3as o!"ect f nction< Any co%po nd sentences contain s ally of t0o lin'ed sentences Fstate%ent and ar$ %entG P ttin$ %ore t3an t3ree sentences in a co%po nd sentence is considered co%%ittin$ cri%eM Mind articles s c3 as( a# an# t3e Mind lin' 0ords s c3 as( and# t3at# or# 03ic3# 03o# 03ose# etc< Mind preposition s c3 as( in# on# into Mind ad"ective and adver! s c3 as( /< Read t3e follo0in$ passa$e< O!serve 03et3er t3ere are sin$le and=or co%po nd sentences 1< +e3ydration is !est t3o $3t of as an inter%ediate step in t rnin$ a$ric lt ral o tp ts into retail prod cts< /< )y re%ovin$ 0ater fro% a prod ct nder controlled conditions of air flo0# te%perat re# and 3 %idity# red ces t3e %oist re in t3e food to so%e certain level and in3i!its t3e %icro!ial $ro0t3 t3at ca ses decay and spoila$e<
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Prof.Dr.H. M. Ade Moetangad Kramadibrata

English for Academic Purposes

2< Pretreat%ent of so%e foods !efore dryin$ preserves flavor# color# and n trients@ prevents %icro!ial conta%ination@ and prolon$s s3elf life< 4< Re%oval of %oist re also red ces 0ei$3t< It is an i%portant consideration for s3ippin$< Re%oves t3e need for refri$erated s3ippin$ and stora$e# and facilitates for% lation of pre-%i&ed retail prod cts< 9< *everal prod ction steps occ r !efore dryin$# and several % st occ r after it< :< +e3ydration %a'es t3e conventional food and p3ar%ace tical ind stries possi!le and profita!le< ;< *ince lar$e food processors eit3er operate t3eir o0n dryin$ facilities or F%ore li'elyG contract o t de3ydration to specialiDed fir%s# little opport nity e&ists to %ar'et ! l' far% prod cts Fe&cept for $rainsG in de3ydrated for% t3ro $3 conventional c3annels< .< Floral prod cts# incl din$ 3er!al 0reat3s# are air dried or dried in silica $el< F*o%e are freeDe dried<G >< Meat prod cts# dried sa sa$es# "er'y# and pe%%ican %ay !e dried# ! t are strictly re$ lated

4< )rea' t3e passa$e into sentences< O!serve t3e s !"ect F*G# ver! F5G# and o!"ect FOG O *5O 1. +e3ydration is !est t3o $3t of as an inter%ediate step in t rnin$ a$ric lt ral o tp ts into retail prod cts< * O +e3ydration@ O O is@ O O !est t3o $3t of as an inter%ediate step in t rnin$ a$ric lt ral o tp ts into retail prod cts /< * O )y re%ovin$ 0ater fro% a prod ct nder controlled conditions of air flo0# te%perat re# and 3 %idity@ 5 O red ces@ O O t3e %oist re in t3e food to so%e certain level and 5 O in3i!its@ O O t3e %icro!ial $ro0t3 t3at 5 O ca ses@ O O decay and spoila$e< 2< * O Pretreat%ent of so%e foods !efore dryin$@ 5 O preserves@ O O flavor# color# and n trients@ 5 O prevents@ O O %icro!ial conta%ination@ and 5 O prolon$s@ O O s3elf life< 4< * O Re%oval of %oist re also@ 5 O red ces@ O O 0ei$3t< * O It@ 5 O is@ O O an i%portant consideration for s3ippin$< 9< 5 O Re%oves@ O O t3e need for refri$erated s3ippin$ and stora$e# and 5 O facilitates@ O O for% lation of pre-%i&ed retail prod cts< :< * O *everal prod ction steps@ 5 O occ r@ O O !efore dryin$# and * O several@ 5 O % st occ r@ O O after it< * O +e3ydration@ 5 O %a'es@ O O t3e conventional food and p3ar%ace tical ind stries possi!le and profita!le<

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Prof.Dr.H. M. Ade Moetangad Kramadibrata

English for Academic Purposes

;< * O *ince lar$e food processors eit3er operate t3eir o0n dryin$ facilities or F%ore li'elyG contract o t de3ydration to specialiDed fir%s# little opport nity@ 5 O e&ists to %ar'et@ O O ! l' far% prod cts Fe&cept for $rainsG in de3ydrated for% t3ro $3 conventional c3annels< .< * O Floral prod cts# incl din$ 3er!al 0reat3s@ 5 O are@ O O air dried or 5 O dried@ O O in silica $el< F*o%e are freeDe dried<G >< * O Meat prod cts# dried sa sa$es# "er'y# and pe%%ican@ 5 O %ay !e dried# ! t 5 O are strictly re$ lated< COMPOUN+ *ENTENCE# *TRUCTURE# LOGIC FLO6* 1< Read t3e follo0in$ passa$e< Find its title and %ain idea< E&plain co%po nd sentences fo nd +e3ydration is !est t3o $3t of as an inter%ediate step in t rnin$ a$ric lt ral o tp ts into retail prod cts< )y re%ovin$ 0ater fro% a prod ct nder controlled conditions of air flo0# te%perat re# and 3 %idity# red ces t3e %oist re in t3e food to so%e certain level and in3i!its t3e %icro!ial $ro0t3 t3at ca ses decay and spoila$e< Pretreat%ent of so%e foods !efore dryin$ preserves flavor# color# and n trients@ prevents %icro!ial conta%ination@ and prolon$s s3elf life< Re%oval of %oist re also red ces 0ei$3t< It is an i%portant consideration for s3ippin$< Re%oves t3e need for refri$erated s3ippin$ and stora$e# and facilitates for% lation of pre-%i&ed retail prod cts< *everal prod ction steps occ r !efore dryin$# and several % st occ r after it< +e3ydration %a'es t3e conventional food and p3ar%ace tical ind stries possi!le and profita!le< *ince lar$e food processors eit3er operate t3eir o0n dryin$ facilities or F%ore li'elyG contract o t de3ydration to specialiDed fir%s# little opport nity e&ists to %ar'et ! l' far% prod cts Fe&cept for $rainsG in de3ydrated for% t3ro $3 conventional c3annels< Floral prod cts# incl din$ 3er!al 0reat3s# are air dried or dried in silica $el< F*o%e are freeDe dried<G Meat prod cts# dried sa sa$es# "er'y# and pe%%ican %ay !e dried# ! t are strictly re$ lated /< )rea' t3e sentence str ct re of t3e passa$e a!ove into s !"ect F*G# ver! F5G# and o!"ect FOG e<$<@ +e3ydration is !est t3o $3t of as an inter%ediate step in t rnin$ a$ric lt ral o tp ts into retail prod cts< * O +e3ydration@ O O is@ O O !est t3o $3t of as an inter%ediate step in t rnin$ a$ric lt ral o tp ts into retail prod cts< 2< Arran$e t3e follo0in$ passa$e in t3e correct lo$ic flo0s# Consider its title# and 03at is t3e %ain ideaP A< *entences of one para$rap3 in s ccession T3e ya% is an i%portant crop in %any parts of t3e tropical and s !tropical re$ions# 03ere it is a %a"or part of t3e diet <T3e ya%# also called nam2 e F*panis3G and igname FFrenc3G# !elon$s to t3e $en s Dioscorea Ffa%ily DioscoreaceaeG<< Most of t3e 0orld prod ction is fro% Africa Fa!o t >:QG# 0it3 Ni$eria alone acco ntin$ for nearly ;9Q of t3e total 0orld prod ction< Ja%s are considered second to cassava as t3e %ost i%portant tropical root crop< )< *entences of t0o para$rap3s in s ccession

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Prof.Dr.H. M. Ade Moetangad Kramadibrata

English for Academic Purposes

In t3e *o t3 Pacific# t3e ya% is a si$nificant food crop# acco ntin$ for over /8# .<1# and 4<: percents of t3e total dietary calorie inta'e in t3e Ain$do% of Ton$a# *olo%on Islands# and Pap a Ne0 G inea# respectively< ,o0ever# t3e i%portance of ya% in t3e econo%y of t3e %ain prod cin$ areas appears !e declinin$ d e partly to co%petition 0it3 ot3er crops# s c3 as cassava in Ni$eria and taro in t3e *o t3 Pacific< T3e %a"or prod cin$ areas also 3ave contin ed to e&perience 3i$3 pop lation $ro0t3 rates<< + rin$ t3e period fro% 1>;9 t3ro $3 1>>8# t3e 0orldIs area c ltivated 0it3 ya%s increased !y a!o t 2.<percents and total prod ction increased !y 49<. percents# pres %a!ly d e to i%proved c ltivation practices in %ost areas< In addition to its i%portance as food so rce# t3e ya% also plays a si$nificant role in t3e social c lt re lives of so%e prod cin$ re$ions# for e&a%ple t3ro $3 t3e fa%o s ya% festivals in 6est Africa< In so%e parts of so t3-eastern Ni$eria# !oiled and %as3ed ya% is often t3e principal %eal offered to $ods and ancestors< For instance# t3e ann al $ro0t3 rate of per capita prod ction in t3e %a"or ya% Dones in Africa 3as declined d rin$ t3e past fo r decades<

6RITING ENGLI*, General r les to 0rite an essay Fpop lar# scientific# novelette# novel# etcG( 1< C3oose and decide 03at is t3e topic of t3e essay to !e 0ritten /< C3oose and decide 03at is t3e title of t3e essay 0ritin$ 2< Ma'e pointers 03at 0ill !e and s3o ld !e 0ritten 4< Arran$e pointers in lin'ed and lo$ical 0ay 9< +ecide and 0rite t3e %ain idea of eac3 pointer :< T3in' and i%provise t3e details of eac3 %ain idea ;< Cate$oriDe t3e 03ole into .< Revise t3e arran$ed pointers to s it t3e %ain lin' of 0ritin$ >< Concl de t3e 0ritin$ 63at 0ill !e 0ritten( 1< Article FscientificG /< Report 0ritin$ Fp re or applied researc3 pro"ectG 2< Te&t!oo' 6ritin$ 4< * %%ary 9< *ynopsis :< A!stract TE*T A< Translate into .ndonesian and find the main idea in this passage For several t3o sand years after people !e$an to c ltivate t3e soil# 3 %an ener$y 0as sed for all far% 0or'< T3e % scle po0er of t3e far%ers t3e%selves s pplied t3e ener$y to till# plant# and 3arvest t3e field< T3e Indians in t3e A%ericas 0ere still far%in$ land in t3is %anner 03en Colo%! s arrived in t3e late fifteent3 cent ry# f lly .888 years after t3e earliest 'no0n c ltivation of plants in t3e 6estern ,e%isp3ere< B. Translate into English and find the main idea in this passage Per !a3an yan$ ter"adi dala% d a dasa0arsa tera'3ir ini san$at !esar pen$ar 3nya ter3adap nilai %an sia# se3in$$a % nc l pertanyaan !a$ai%ana pen$ar 3 %esin sa3a tani di %asa %endatan$ ter3adap 'ese"a3teraan %an sia< *ela%a !e!erapa a!ad tera'3ir terdapat 'e%a" an dala% pertanian yan$
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Prof.Dr.H. M. Ade Moetangad Kramadibrata

English for Academic Purposes

le!i3 !esar dala% sel r 3 se"ara3 d nia se!el %nya< )ole3 di'ata'an !a30a prod 'si sa3a tani di A%eri'a *eri'at 3a%pir sel r 3ya tela3 di%e'anisasi'an< &. !orm each of the sentences belo/ to build up a meaningful te3t or passage and determine the main idea An a!sence of eit3er one 0o ld !e disastro s to present food prod ction t3ro $3o t % c3 of t3e 0orld< *econdly# %ac3ines replaced draft ani%als# 0it3 t3e res lt t3at %odern a$ric lt ral operations !eca%e dependent on petrole % and electricity< T3ey ena!led %an to do far %ore 0or' and to c ltivate and 3arvest $reater acrea$e< T3e invention of t3e electric %otor and t3e internal co%! tion en$ine in t3e nineteent3 cent ry c3an$ed t3is orientation co%pletely< Firstly# t3ese %ac3ines 0ere a startlin$ !oost to prod ctivity< D. &hoose the appropriate /ord or pharse from the ones gi%en. 1< T3e offer in t3is !roc3 re concerns only 3o se3old appliances# RR'itc3en set# ta!le# c p!oard# sofa and ot3er interestin$ st ff ( a< i<e< !< in ot3er 0ord c< na%ely d< or rat3er e< s c3 as /< Forei$ners often find t3e %ont3 of B ly and A $ st % c3 too 3otRR<< B ly and A $ st al0ays a $ood ti%e for travel ( a< i<e< !< in ot3er 0ord c< na%ely d< or rat3er 2< Only t0o co ntry 3ave sent people into space#RRT3e U<*< and *oviet Union< a< s c3 as !< in ot3er 0ord c< viD d< na%ely d< t3at is# 4< T3is !roc3 re %ainly concern self-e%ployed people#RRRpeople 03o 0or' ! t 03o are not e%ployed !y so%eone else ( a<in ot3er 0ord !< i< e< c< viD d< or rat3er 9< T3e to r 0ill incl de to several places of interest#RR<< t3e )ritis3 M se % and t3e To0er of London< a< i<e< !< in ot3er 0ord c< na%ely d< s c3 as :< Banet Collins str $$le to %a'e a place for 3erself in !alleet is t3e 'ind of a life story R<<a fascinatin$ novel %i$3t !e 0ritten ( a< of !< !y c< for 03o% d< a!o t 03ic3 ;< RR Florida *tate University is s%aller t3an R<<University of Florida< a< t3e # t3e !< a # t3ec< a # a d< t3e # a .< +avid attended R<<Princeton University< a< t3e !< a c< an d< !y >< After t3e s3ot 0ere fired# t3eRRens ed< a< conf se !< conf sion c< conf sely d< conf seness 18< ,e is R<<ric3 !eca se 3e 0ill ! y a ne0 c p!oard< a< fair !< fairliness c< fairly d< faired 11< My %ot3er 0as $ratef l for t3eirRR< a< 'ind !< 'indness c< 'indly d< 'indliness 1/< T3e plane finally landedRR0it3 all on !oard felt 3appy in t3eirRRR a< save# savin$ !< safely# savety c< savely# savety d< safety# safely 12< ,eIs a RR$ tarist< ,e al0ays playsR<< a< 0onder# 0onderly !< 0onderf l# 0onderf lly c< 0onderf l# 0onder d<0onder# 0onderf lly 14< T3e n %!er of " d$es on t3e United *tates * pre%e Co rt is deter%ined !y Con$ress#RR!y t3e Constit tion ( a< nevert3eless !< instead c< despite d< not 19< *3e !o $3t t3e yello0 s0eaterRR<t3e !ei$e s'irt< a< not only !< !ot3 c< !ot3 of d< as 0ell as REA+ T,E PA**AGE CAREFULLJ +e3ydration is !est t3o $3t of as an inter%ediate step in t rnin$ a$ric lt ral o tp ts into retail prod cts< )y re%ovin$ 0ater fro% a prod ct nder controlled conditions of air flo0# te%perat re# and
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Prof.Dr.H. M. Ade Moetangad Kramadibrata

English for Academic Purposes

3 %idity# red ces t3e %oist re in t3e food to so%e certain level and in3i!its t3e %icro!ial $ro0t3 t3at ca ses decay and spoila$e< Pretreat%ent of so%e foods !efore dryin$ preserves flavor# color# and n trients@ prevents %icro!ial conta%ination@ and prolon$s s3elf life< Re%oval of %oist re also red ces 0ei$3t< An i%portant consideration for s3ippin$< Re%oves t3e need for refri$erated s3ippin$ and stora$e# and facilitates for% lation of pre-%i&ed retail prod cts< *everal prod ction steps occ r !efore dryin$# and several % st occ r after it< +e3ydration %a'es t3e conventional food and p3ar%ace tical ind stries possi!le and profita!le< *ince lar$e food processors eit3er operate t3eir o0n dryin$ facilities or F%ore li'elyG contract o t de3ydration to specialiDed fir%s# little opport nity e&ists to %ar'et ! l' far% prod cts Fe&cept for $rainsG in de3ydrated for% t3ro $3 conventional c3annels< Floral prod cts# incl din$ 3er!al 0reat3s# are air dried or dried in silica $el< F*o%e are freeDe dried<G Meat prod cts# dried sa sa$es# "er'y# and pe%%ican %ay !e dried# ! t are strictly re$ lated< AN*6ER T,E FOLLO6ING CUE*TION* 1:< 63at is t3e ri$3t title for t3e passa$e a!oveP 1;< 63at is t3e %ain idea in t3e first para$rap3P 1.< LItN In t3e passa$e a!ove refers toP 1>< 63y de3ydration is profita!leP /8< 63at ot3er a$ric lt ral tec3nolo$ies are i%ple%entedP /1< 63at is 3er!al 0reat3 %eans in t3e passa$eP //< 63y t3e %et3od of de3ydration is differ fro% freeDin$P /2< 63at t3e 0ord Lconventionally c3annelsN %eans in t3e passa$eP /4< ,o0 floral prod cts are air driedP /9< 63at prod cts are strictly re$ latedP /:< Circle t3e ri$3t ans0er a< 63ic3 sentence is not t3e %eanin$ of de3ydrationP 1< Re%ovin$ 0ater fro% a prod ct nder controlled conditions of air flo0# te%perat re# and 3 %idity /< red ces t3e %oist re in t3e food to so%e certain level 2< In3i!its t3e %icro!ial $ro0t3 t3at ca ses decay and spoila$e 4< Food preservation !y sin$ air condensation !< 63at co%%odity can !e dried ! t strictly re$ latedP 1< Instant coffee and ve$eta!les for dried so p %i&es /< M s3roo%s# 3er!s and spices 2< La%!# co0 and pi$ 4< *3ri%p and fis3 c< Rice# 03eat# oat# !arley are e&a%ple of( 1< Fr it /< 5e$eta!les 2< Grain 4< *eed REA+ T,E PA**AGE CAREFULLJ T3e ya%# also called nam2 e F*panis3G and igname FFrenc3G# !elon$s to t3e $en s Dioscorea Ffa%ily DioscoreaceaeG< Ja%s are considered second to cassava as t3e %ost i%portant tropical root crop< T3e ya% is an i%portant crop in %any parts of t3e tropical and s !tropical re$ions# 03ere it is a %a"or part of t3e diet< Most of t3e 0orld prod ction is fro% Africa Fa!o t >:QG# 0it3 Ni$eria alone acco ntin$ for nearly ;9Q of t3e total 0orld prod ction<
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Prof.Dr.H. M. Ade Moetangad Kramadibrata

English for Academic Purposes

In t3e *o t3 Pacific# t3e ya% is a si$nificant food crop# acco ntin$ for over /8Q# .<1Q# and 4<:Q of t3e total dietary calorie inta'e in t3e Ain$do% of Ton$a# *olo%on Islands# and Pap a Ne0 G inea# respectively< In addition to its i%portance as food so rce# t3e ya% also plays a si$nificant role in t3e social c lt re lives of so%e prod cin$ re$ions# for e&a%ple t3ro $3 t3e fa%o s ya% festivals in 6est Africa< In so%e parts of so t3eastern Ni$eria# !oiled and %as3ed ya% is often t3e principal %eal offered to $ods and ancestors< + rin$ t3e period fro% 1>;9 t3ro $3 1>>8# t3e 0orldIs area c ltivated 0it3 ya%s increased !y a!o t 2.<.Q and total prod ction increased !y 49<.Q# pres %a!ly d e to i%proved c ltivation practices in %ost areas< ,o0ever# t3e i%portance of ya% in t3e econo%y of t3e %ain prod cin$ areas appears !e declinin$ d e partly to co%petition 0it3 ot3er crops# s c3 as cassava in Ni$eria and taro in t3e *o t3 Pacific< T3e %a"or prod cin$ areas also 3ave contin ed to e&perience 3i$3 pop lation $ro0t3 rates< For instance# t3e ann al $ro0t3 rate of per capita prod ction in t3e %a"or ya% Dones in Africa 3as declined d rin$ t3e past fo r decades< AN*6ER T,E FOLLO6ING CUE*TION* /;< +efine t3e 0ords 03ic3 are fo nd in t3e passa$e a< ya% !< cassava c< food crop d< 3er!al /.< Ans0er t3e follo0in$ 7 estion a< 63at is t3e ri$3t title for t3e passa$e a!oveP !< 63ic3 re$ion ya% ori$inally fro%P c< Can yo %ention t3e e&a%ple of tropical re$ion Fat least# 2GP />< Circle t3e ri$3t ans0er a< 63ic3 one is not t3e food so rceP 1< Rice /< Ja% 2< Cassava 4< Oran$e !< ,o0 t3e Ni$erian process ya%P 1< )oiled and %as3ed /< Mas3ed and fried 2< Fried and !oiled 4< Fried and dried c< 63at is t3e 0ord %eal referrin$ toP 1< Processed food /< Tar$et or food so rce of ani%al 2< Flo r# e<$< corn %eal 4< Food co%%odity E. !ind out the /rong and,or missing /ords in the passage belo/ 4%erbs# ad%erbs# ad5ecti%es# prefi3es# suffi3es# prepositions# or nouns6 A very 0idely ran$ed tec3ni7 es 0as applied to processin$ of fr it and ve$eta!les< *o%e co%%only are sed in %any typed of 3ortic lt ral prod ce@ a fe0 tec3ni7 es are ni7 es to one or t0o types only< It is % st also !e re%e%!ered t3at !y vario s process Fso%eti%es inte$rated# so%eti%es notG one type of fr it or ve$eta!le %ay yielded %any different prod ct< T3 s %an$oes can !ein$ cannin$# dryin$# froDen# or %ade into p ree# sa ced# c3 tney# pic'les# concentrate# "a%# edi!le Lleat3er#N !evera$es# nectar#
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Prof.Dr.H. M. Ade Moetangad Kramadibrata

English for Academic Purposes

and panna< Papaya provide "a%# pic'les# c3 tney# nectar# toffee# pectin# and also papain@ an i%portantly protein-3ydrolyDin$ enDy%e ind stries< sedly at p3ar%ace tical# te&tile# paper-%a'in$# food# and ani%al-feed

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Prof.Dr.H. M. Ade Moetangad Kramadibrata

English for Academic Purposes

UBIAN TENGA, *EME*TER GENAP /889 +osen=Assistant( +R< Ade M Ara%adi!rata = P ti A Reno 1< Read t3e follo0in$ passa$e< Find its title and %ain idea< E&plain co%po nd sentences fo nd In t3e early days of a$ric lt re# seeds 0ere eit3er so0n !roadcastStossed in all directionSor dropped !y 3and into s3allo0 3oles# one at a ti%e< Aro nd 1988 )<C<# t3e Assyrians developed a seed planter 03ic3 dropped $rain or s%all seeds t3ro $3 a t !e %o nted on a plo0 into f rro0s %ade !y t3e plo0< *o%e3o0 t3is drill-plantin$ %et3od 0as lost and did not reappear ntil t3e invention of Bet3ro T llIs 3orse dra0n seed drill and c ltivator in t3e ei$3teent3 cent ry< )ot3 i%ple%ents %ade a 3ole# dropped a %etered a%o nt of seed at a %eas red distance# and t rned t3e eart3 over it< In t3e past t0o 3 ndred years# %any variations of t3e seed drill 3ave appeared< *o%e se a dra$ c3ain or 03eel to p ll a certain a%o nt of soil over t3e seed# 03ile ot3ers place a s%all a%o nt of fertiliDer !eside t3e seed< M ltiple ro0-drills se a syste% of force feedin$ t3ro $3 fl ted or $o $ed 03eels< T3ese 03eels# driven !y $ears fro% t3eir a&les# or %ain s3afts# $overn t3e a%o nt of seed dropped into t3e t !e< /< )rea' t3e sentence str ct re of t3e passa$e a!ove into *5O s !"ect F*G# ver! F5G# and o!"ect FOG e<$<@ +e3ydration is !est t3o $3t of as an inter%ediate step in t rnin$ a$ric lt ral o tp ts into retail prod cts< * O +e3ydration@ O O is@ O O !est t3o $3t of as an inter%ediate step in t rnin$ a$ric lt ral o tp ts into retail prod cts< 2< Arran$e t3e follo0in$ passa$e in t3e correct lo$ic flo0s# Consider its title# and 03at is t3e %ain ideaP Generally# it is !est to dist r! t3e soil as little as possi!le 03ile plantin$< Types of plantin$ %ac3ines are as n %ero s as types of crops< ) t in so%e areas# s c3 as t3e %aiDe-$ro0in$ re$ion of T3ailand# t3e seed planters % st deposit seeds at least ten inc3es deep< Transplantin$ %ac3ines set o t plants t3at 3ave spro ted in anot3er !ed@ t3ey open a f rro0# po r in a s%all a%o nt of 0ater# set t3e plants 0it3 r !!er fin$ers# and press do0n t3e soil aro nd t3e%< Airplanes 3ave even !een sed to !roadcast rice< Most tropical crops are s rface-rootin$@ tea# cocoa# r !!er# !ananas# coffee# citr s# oil pal%s# and cocon ts s ffer 03en t3e s rface roots are da%a$ed !y e&cessive c ltivation< In t3ese cases t3e soil % st !e loosened to allo0 ne0 seedlin$s to p s3 t3ro $3 to t3e s rface< 4< Read t3e follo0in$ passa$e# translate# and re0rite into condensed sentences accordin$ to its %ain idea T3e sic'le --an i%ple%ent 03ic3 - %ore t3an any ot3er# sy%!oliDes t3e a$ric lt ral la!orer aro nd t3e 0orld--3as !een in se for at least ten t3o sand years< Far%ers developed t3is tool to %o0 03eat@ it $ra!s t3e stal's at t3e top and c ts t3e% 0it3 7 ic'# s3ort stro'es< T3e earliest sic'les 0ere sed in t3e Middle East and 0ere %ade of flint !lades set in 0ooden or !one 3andles< *cyt3es# 03ic3 are si%ilar to sic'les# 3ave !een sed at least since t3e ti%e of Ro%an E%pire< T3ese are so%e03at %ore efficient t3an sic'les ! t are still 3and tools li'e t3e $rain cradle# a scyt3e 0it3 ro0s of 0ooden fin$ers a!ove t3e c ttin$ ed$e to catc3 t3e severed portion of t3e $rass<

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Prof.Dr.H. M. Ade Moetangad Kramadibrata

English for Academic Purposes

A< Translate into .ndonesian and find the main idea in this passage For several t3o sand years after people !e$an to c ltivate t3e soil# 3 %an ener$y 0as sed for all far% 0or'< T3e % scle po0er of t3e far%ers t3e%selves s pplied t3e ener$y to till# plant# and 3arvest t3e field< T3e Indians in t3e A%ericas 0ere still far%in$ land in t3is %anner 03en Colo%! s arrived in t3e late fifteent3 cent ry# f lly .888 years after t3e earliest 'no0n c ltivation of plants in t3e 6estern ,e%isp3ere< B. Translate into English and find the main idea in this passage Per !a3an yan$ ter"adi dala% d a dasa0arsa tera'3ir ini san$at !esar pen$ar 3nya ter3adap nilai %an sia# se3in$$a % nc l pertanyaan !a$ai%ana pen$ar 3 %esin sa3a tani di %asa %endatan$ ter3adap 'ese"a3teraan %an sia< *ela%a !e!erapa a!ad tera'3ir terdapat 'e%a" an dala% pertanian yan$ le!i3 !esar dala% sel r 3 se"ara3 d nia se!el %nya< )ole3 di'ata'an !a30a prod 'si sa3a tani di A%eri'a *eri'at 3a%pir sel r 3ya tela3 di%e'anisasi'an< &. !orm each of the statement belo/ to build up a meaningful te3t or passage and determine the main point An a!sence of eit3er one 0o ld !e disastro s to present food prod ction t3ro $3o t % c3 of t3e 0orld< *econdly# %ac3ines replaced draft ani%als# 0it3 t3e res lt t3at %odern a$ric lt ral operations !eca%e dependent on petrole % and electricity< T3ey ena!led %an to do far %ore 0or' and to c ltivate and 3arvest $reater acrea$e< T3e invention of t3e electric %otor and t3e internal co%! tion en$ine in t3e nineteent3 cent ry c3an$ed t3is orientation co%pletely< Firstly# t3ese %ac3ines 0ere a startlin$ !oost to prod ctivity< D. &hoose the appropriate /ord or pharse from the ones gi%en. 1< T3e offer in t3is !roc3 re concerns only 3o se3old appliances# RR'itc3en set# ta!le# c p!oard# sofa and ot3er intrestin$ st ff ( a< i<e< !< in ot3er 0ord c< na%ely d< or rat3er e< s c3 as /< Forei$ners often find t3e %ont3 of B ly and A $ st % c3 too 3otRR<< B ly and A $ st al0ays a $ood ti%e for travel ( a< i<e< !< in ot3er 0ord c< na%ely d< or rat3er 2< Only t0o co ntry 3ave sent people into space#RRT3e U<*< and *oviet Union< a< s c3 as !< in ot3er 0ord c< viD d< na%ely d< t3at is# 4< T3is !roc3 re %ainly concern self-e%ployed people#RRRpeople 03o 0or' ! t 03o are not e%ployed !y so%eone else ( a<in ot3er 0ord !< i< e< c< viD d< or rat3er 9< T3e to r 0ill incl de to several places of interest#RR<< t3e )ritis3 M se % and t3e To0er of London< a< i<e< !< in ot3er 0ord c< na%ely d< s c3 as :< Banet Collins str $$le to %a'e a place for 3erself in !alleet is t3e 'ind of a life story R<<a fascinatin$ novel %i$3t !e 0ritten ( a< of !< !y c< for 03o% d< a!o t 03ic3 ;< RR Florida *tate University is s%aller t3an R<<University of Florida< a< t3e # t3e !< a # t3ec< a # a d< t3e # a .< +avid attended R<<Princeton University< a< t3e !< a c< an d< !y >< After t3e s3ot 0ere fired# t3eRRens ed< a< conf se !< conf sion c< conf sely d< conf seness 18< ,e is R<<ric3 !eca se 3e 0ill ! y a ne0 c p!oard< a< fair !< fairliness c< fairly d< faired
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Prof.Dr.H. M. Ade Moetangad Kramadibrata

English for Academic Purposes

11< My %ot3er 0as $ratef l for t3eirRR< a< 'ind !< 'indness c< 'indly d< 'indliness 1/< T3e plane finally landedRR0it3 all on !oard felt 3appy in t3eirRRR a< save# savin$ !< safely# savety c< savely# savety d< safety# safely 12< ,eIs a RR$ tarist< ,e al0ays playsR<< a< 0onder# 0onderly !< 0onderf l# 0onderf lly c< 0onderf l# 0onder d<0onder# 0onderf lly 14< T3e n %!er of " d$es on t3e United *tates * pre%e Co rt is deter%ined !y Con$ress#RR!y t3e Constit tion ( a< nevert3eless !< instead c< despite d< not 19< *3e !o $3t t3e yello0 s0eaterRR<t3e !ei$e s'irt< a< not only !< !ot3 c< !ot3 of d< as 0ell as REA+ T,E PA**AGE CAREFULLJ +e3ydration is !est t3o $3t of as an inter%ediate step in t rnin$ a$ric lt ral o tp ts into retail prod cts< )y re%ovin$ 0ater fro% a prod ct nder controlled conditions of air flo0# te%perat re# and 3 %idity# red ces t3e %oist re in t3e food to so%e certain level and in3i!its t3e %icro!ial $ro0t3 t3at ca ses decay and spoila$e< Pretreat%ent of so%e foods !efore dryin$ preserves flavor# color# and n trients@ prevents %icro!ial conta%ination@ and prolon$s s3elf life< Re%oval of %oist re also red ces 0ei$3t< An i%portant consideration for s3ippin$< Re%oves t3e need for refri$erated s3ippin$ and stora$e# and facilitates for% lation of pre-%i&ed retail prod cts< *everal prod ction steps occ r !efore dryin$# and several % st occ r after it< +e3ydration %a'es t3e conventional food and p3ar%ace tical ind stries possi!le and profita!le< *ince lar$e food processors eit3er operate t3eir o0n dryin$ facilities or F%ore li'elyG contract o t de3ydration to specialiDed fir%s# little opport nity e&ists to %ar'et ! l' far% prod cts Fe&cept for $rainsG in de3ydrated for% t3ro $3 conventional c3annels< Floral prod cts# incl din$ 3er!al 0reat3s# are air dried or dried in silica $el< F*o%e are freeDe dried<G Meat prod cts# dried sa sa$es# "er'y# and pe%%ican %ay !e dried# ! t are strictly re$ lated< AN*6ER T,E FOLLO6ING CUE*TION* /:< +efine t3e 0ords 03ic3 are fo nd in t3e passa$e a< food processor !< ! l' c< de3ydrated d< 3er!al /;< Ans0er t3e follo0in$ 7 estion a< 63at is t3e ri$3t title for t3e passa$e a!oveP !< 63at is t3e advanta$e of de3ydrationP c< Can yo %ention t3e e&a%ple of food processor F%in 2GP /.< Circle t3e ri$3t ans0er a< 63ic3 sentence is not t3e %eanin$ of de3ydrationP 1< Re%ovin$ 0ater fro% a prod ct nder controlled conditions of air flo0# te%perat re# and 3 %idity /< red ces t3e %oist re in t3e food to so%e certain level 2< In3i!its t3e %icro!ial $ro0t3 t3at ca ses decay and spoila$e 4< Food preservation !y sin$ air condensation !< 63at co%%odity can !e dried ! t strictly re$ latedP 1< Instant coffee and ve$eta!les for dried so p %i&es /< M s3roo%s# 3er!s and spices 2< La%!# co0 and pi$ 4< *3ri%p and fis3 c< Rice# 03eat# oat# !arley are e&a%ple of( 1< Fr it /< 5e$eta!les 2< Grain
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Prof.Dr.H. M. Ade Moetangad Kramadibrata

English for Academic Purposes

4< *eed REA+ T,E PA**AGE CAREFULLJ T3e ya%# also called nam2 e F*panis3G and igname FFrenc3G# !elon$s to t3e $en s Dioscorea Ffa%ily DioscoreaceaeG< Ja%s are considered second to cassava as t3e %ost i%portant tropical root crop< T3e ya% is an i%portant crop in %any parts of t3e tropical and s !tropical re$ions# 03ere it is a %a"or part of t3e diet< Most of t3e 0orld prod ction is fro% Africa Fa!o t >:QG# 0it3 Ni$eria alone acco ntin$ for nearly ;9Q of t3e total 0orld prod ction< In t3e *o t3 Pacific# t3e ya% is a si$nificant food crop# acco ntin$ for over /8Q# .<1Q# and 4<:Q of t3e total dietary calorie inta'e in t3e Ain$do% of Ton$a# *olo%on Islands# and Pap a Ne0 G inea# respectively< In addition to its i%portance as food so rce# t3e ya% also plays a si$nificant role in t3e social c lt re lives of so%e prod cin$ re$ions# for e&a%ple t3ro $3 t3e fa%o s ya% festivals in 6est Africa< In so%e parts of so t3eastern Ni$eria# !oiled and %as3ed ya% is often t3e principal %eal offered to $ods and ancestors< + rin$ t3e period fro% 1>;9 t3ro $3 1>>8# t3e 0orldIs area c ltivated 0it3 ya%s increased !y a!o t 2.<.Q and total prod ction increased !y 49<.Q# pres %a!ly d e to i%proved c ltivation practices in %ost areas< ,o0ever# t3e i%portance of ya% in t3e econo%y of t3e %ain prod cin$ areas appears !e declinin$ d e partly to co%petition 0it3 ot3er crops# s c3 as cassava in Ni$eria and taro in t3e *o t3 Pacific< T3e %a"or prod cin$ areas also 3ave contin ed to e&perience 3i$3 pop lation $ro0t3 rates< For instance# t3e ann al $ro0t3 rate of per capita prod ction in t3e %a"or ya% Dones in Africa 3as declined d rin$ t3e past fo r decades< AN*6ER T,E FOLLO6ING CUE*TION* />< +efine t3e 0ords 03ic3 are fo nd in t3e passa$e a< ya% !< cassava c< food crop d< 3er!al 28< Ans0er t3e follo0in$ 7 estion a< 63at is t3e ri$3t title for t3e passa$e a!oveP !< 63ic3 re$ion ya% ori$inally fro%P c< Can yo %ention t3e e&a%ple of tropical re$ion Fat least# 2GP 21< Circle t3e ri$3t ans0er a< 63ic3 one is not t3e food so rceP 1< Rice /< Ja% 2< Cassava 4< Oran$e !< ,o0 t3e Ni$erian process ya%P 1< )oiled and %as3ed /< Mas3ed and fried 2< Fried and !oiled 4< Fried and dried c< 63at is t3e 0ord %eal referrin$ toP 1< Processed food /< Tar$et or food so rce of ani%al 2< Flo r# e<$< corn %eal 4< Food co%%odity E. !ind out the /rong and missing /ords in the passage belo/ 4%erbs# ad%erbs# ad5ecti%es# prefi3es# suffi3es# prepositions# or nouns6
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Prof.Dr.H. M. Ade Moetangad Kramadibrata

English for Academic Purposes

A very 0idely ran$ed tec3ni7 es 0as applied to processin$ of fr it and ve$eta!les< *o%e co%%only are sed in %any typed of 3ortic lt ral prod ce@ a fe0 tec3ni7 es are ni7 es to one or t0o types only< It is % st also !e re%e%!erin$ly t3at !y vario s process Fso%eti%es inte$rated# so%eti%es notG one type of fr it or ve$eta!le %ay yielded %any different prod ct< T3 s %an$oes can !ein$ cannin$# dryin$# froDen# or %ade into p ree# sa ced# c3 tney# pic'les# concentrate# "a%# edi!le Lleat3er#N !evera$es# nectar# and panna< Papaya provide "a%# pic'les# c3 tney# nectar# toffee# pectin# and also papain@ an i%portantly protein-3ydrolyDin$ enDy%e ind stries< sedly at p3ar%ace tical# te&tile# paper-%a'in$# food# and ani%al-feed

*e%ester Genap /889=/88: - Final E&a%( ta'e 3o%e test Na%e( A< Read t3e passa$e caref lly * rface and s !s rface draina$e are essential a$ric lt ral %ana$e%ent practices in 3 %id re$ions 0it3 slo0ly per%ea!le soils to ac3ieve econo%ically via!le levels< +raina$e 0ater is 'no0n to increase t3e 7 antity of offside flo0s and to contain sol !le n trients# a$roc3e%icals# and salts t3at can ne$etively i%pact t3e receivin$ 0ater !ody< Environ%ental and ecolo$ical i%pacts %ay res lt fro% t3ese poll tans s c3 as increased floodin$# la'e e trop3ication# develop%ent of 3ypo&ic Dones# loss of 3a!itat# reprod ctive fail res in 0ildlife species# and conta%ination of drin'in$ 0ater s pplies< +raina$e %ana$e%ent 3as t3e potential to red ce t3ese offsite effects< A replicated field plot e&peri%ent 0as cond cted to e&a%ine t3e 3ydrolo$y# 0ater 7 ality# and crop yield i%pacts of draina$e %ana$e%ent practices incl din$ controlled draina$e# ncontrolled draina$e# and s !irri$ation draina$e on ,oytville silty cly soil in O3io< Ann al s !s rface draina$e vol %e 0as $reatest 0it3 s !irri$ation draina$e and least 0it3 controlled draina$e< T3e concentration of nitrate in t3e s !s rface draina$e 0ater 0as t3e $reatest 0it3 ncontrolled draina$e and least 0it3 s !irri$ation draina$e< Ann al load of nitrate in t3e s !s rface draina$e 0ater 0as least 0it3controlled draina$e and $reatest 0it3 ncontrolled draina$e< T3e concentration of nitrate in t3e s3allo0 $ro nd 0ater 0as least !eneat3 s !irri$ation draina$e and $reatest !eneat3 ncontrolled draina$e< F1G Translate into .ndonesian and find the main idea in this passage F/G 6rite 03at title is s ita!le for t3e passa$e F2G An0er t3e follo0in$ 7 estions( FaG 03at i%portant factors are re7 ired in lo0 soil per%ea!ility to ac3ieve t3e level of econo%ic via!ilityP F!G 03at is t3e f nction of draina$e 0aterP FcG 63at are t3e poll tans indicated in t3e passa$eP FdG na%e t3e offsite effects F4G If availa!le# find( FaG t3e pro!le% 4b6 the method 4c6 the result 4d6 the recommendation 476 bser%e the underlined /ords,terms abo%e8 4a6 define each /ord , term 4b6 identif9 /hich ones are8 ad5ecti%es# ad%erbs# nouns# or %erbs
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+ate (

Prof.Dr.H. M. Ade Moetangad Kramadibrata

English for Academic Purposes

4c6 make a comprehensi%e sentence from each /ord,term /ith 9our o/n /ords )< Read caref lly t3e passa$e !elo0 Corn $ro0t3 as affected !y soil co%paction d e to 03eel traffic !efore secondary tilla$e 0as st died< Co%paction treat%ents incl ded none# !et0een ro0s# on ro0s# and on entire plot area< Corn yields 0it3 03eel traffic on entire plot area avera$ed ><. M$=3a 03ic3 0as si$nificantly lo0er t3an yields 0it3 ot3er treat%ents 03ic3 avera$ed 1/<9 M$=3a 0it3 no traffic and 1/<: M$=3a 0it3 traffic !et0een ro0s and 0it3 traffic on ro0s< Corn plant 3ei$3t and dry %atter 0ei$3t t3ro $3o t t3e $ro0in$ season# and root %asses assessed soon after tasselin$# 0ere also lo0er 0it3 03eel traffic on entire plot area co%pared to t3e ot3er treat%ents< F1G Translate into .ndonesian and find the main idea in this passage F/G 6rite 03at title is s ita!le for t3e passa$e F2G An0er t3e follo0in$ 7 estions( FaG 03at is !ein$ st died and 03yP F!G 3o0 t3e researc3er did cond ct 3is co%paction treat%entsP FcG 63at 0ere lo0er 0it3 03eel traffic on entire plot areaP FdG 03at ot3er treat%ents 0ere co%pared toP F4G If availa!le# find( FaG t3e pro!le% 4b6 the method 4c6 the result 4d6 the recommendation 476 bser%e the underlined /ords,terms abo%e8 4a6 define each /ord , term 4b6 identif9 /hich ones are8 ad5ecti%es# ad%erbs# nouns# or %erbs 4c6 make a comprehensi%e sentence from each /ord,term /ith 9our o/n /ords C< Na%e five ver!s of yo r o0n c3oice# add affi&es and s ffi&es# and=or %a'e t3e% into any ot3er %eanin$s# and finally# 0rite a co%plete sentence fro% eac3 of t3e% +< !ind out the /rong and missing /ords in the passage belo/ 4%erbs# ad%erbs# ad5ecti%es# prefi3es# suffi3es# prepositions# or nouns6 +e3ydrated is !est t3o $3t of as an inter%ediate steps in t rnin$ a$ric lt ral o tp ts into retail prod ct< )y re%oved 0ater fro% a prod ction nder controlled conditions of air flo0# te%perat re# and 3 %idity# red ces t3e %oist re in t3e food to so%e certain level and in3i!its t3e %icro!ial $ro0t3 t3at ca ses decay and spoila$e< Pretreat%ent of so%e foods !efore dried preserves flavor# color# and n trients@ prevents %icro!ial conta%ination@ and prolon$ed s3elf life< Re%oval of %oist re also red ces 0ei$3t< It is an i%portant consideration for s3ippin$< Re%oves t3e need for refri$eratin$ s3ippin$ and stora$e# and facilitates for% lation of pre-%i&ed retail prod cts< *everal prod ction steps occ r !efore dryin$# and several % st occ r after it< +e3ydration %a'es t3e conventional food and p3ar%ace tical ind stries possi!ly and profita!le< *ince lar$e food processors eit3er operate t3eir o0n dryin$ facilities or F%ore li'elyG contract o t de3ydration to specialiDed fir%s# little opport nity e&istin$ to %ar'et ! l' far% prod cts Fe&cept for $rainsG in de3ydrated for% t3ro $3 conventional c3annels< Floral prod cts# incl ded 3er!al 0reat3s# are air dried or dried in silica $el< F*o%e are freeDe dried<G Meat prod cts# dried sa sa$es# "er'y# and pe%%ican %ay !e dryin$# ! t are strictly re$ latin$<
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Prof.Dr.H. M. Ade Moetangad Kramadibrata

English for Academic Purposes

E< 6rite a free scientific article of yo r o0n in En$lis3 and its translation in Indonesian# consistin$ of %ostly t3ree para$rap3s< *e%ester Genap /88; ? Final Test ( Ta'e ,o%e Test F1&/4 3G Na%e( NPM ( +ate (

A< Read t3e passa$e !elo0 caref lly Anti!iotics are secondary %eta!olites prod ced !y %icroor$anis%s t3at in3i!it or 'ill a 0ide spectr % of ot3er %icro-or$anis%s< Most of t3e sef l ones are prod ced !y %olds and !acteria of t3e $en s strepto%yces< *o%e anti!ioticli'e s !stances are prod ced !y )acill s spp<# and at least one# nisin# is prod ced !y so%e strains of Lactococ s lactis< Alt3o $3 nisin is a lanti!iotic Fcontains t3e rare a%ino acids# %eso-lant3ionine and 2-%et3yl-lant3ionneG# it is !est 'no0n as a !acteriocin< It !elon$s to class of t3e fo r %a"or classes of !acteriocins< Li'e anti!iotics# !acteriocins are c3e%ical co%po nds prod ced !y %icro-or$anis%s t3at in3i!it or 'ill ot3er %icro-or$anis%s# ! t# nli'e t3e tr e anti!iotics# t3ey in3i!it or 'ill $enerally only closely related species or strains of t3e sa%e species< T0o anti!iotics are approved for se in food in a lar$e n %!er of co ntries Fnisin and nata%ycinG# and t3ree ot3ers Ftetracycline# s !tilin and tylosinG 3ave !een st died and fo nd effective for vario s food applications< T3ree anti!iotics 3ave !een investi$ated intensively as 3eat ad" nct for canned foods( s !tilin# tylosin and nisin< Nisin# 3o0ever# is sed %ost 0idely in c3eeses< C3lortetracycline and o&ytetracycline 0ere 0idely st died for t3eir application to fres3 foods# 03ereas nata%ycin is e%ployed as a food f n$i stat< In $eneral t3e se of c3e%ical preservatives in foods is not pop lar a%on$ %any cons %ers@ t3e idea of e%ployin$ anti!iotics is even less pop lar< *o%e ris's %ay !e anticipated fro% t3e se of any food additives# ! t t3e ris's s3o ld not o t0ei$3 t3e F G F1G Translate into Indonesian and find t3e %ain idea of t3e passa$e F/G 6rite 03at title is s ita!le for t3e passa$e F2G Ans0er t3e follo0in$ 7 estions( FaG 63at does t3e a t3or %ean 0it3 !acteriocinP F!G 63at anti!iotics co ld in3i!it or 'ill ot3er %icro-or$anis%sP FcG 6as t3ere any investi$ation a!o t nisinP 63at forP FdG 63at 0ord do yo t3in' s ita!le to fill in t3e !rac'etP F4G If t3e passa$e a!ove is an a!stract# if availa!le# find( FaG t3e pro!le%@ F!G t3e %et3od@ FcG t3e res lt F9G O!serve t3e nderlined 0ords=ter%s a!ove( FaG +efine eac3 0ord = ter%@ F!G identify 03ic3 ones are( ad"ectives# adver!s# no ns# or ver!s FcG Ma'e a co%pre3ensive sentence fro% eac3 0ord=ter% 0it3 yo r o0n 0ords )< *'i% t3e passa$e !elo0 and $et a $eneral i%pression of 03at a te&t is a!o t i< One tec3nical advance 03ic3 0o ld per%it e&panded se of coal is t3e develop%ent of clean f els !y %eans of coal $asification< Li7 id f els and petrol can also !e o!tained fro% coal $asification and 0o ld provide cleaner f els t3an t3e direct co%! stion of coal ii< * rface strip-%inin$ destroys ve$etation# increases erosion# contri! tes i<e< 0ater poll tion and $enerally devastates t3e landscape< *trip-%ined area can !e reclai%ed ! t t3e cost %ay avera$e T:888 per acre ? a price not vol ntarily ass %ed !y t3e coal %inin$ operator or $overn%ent iii< E&a%ples can !e cited of l n$ diseases in 0or'ers e&posed to occ pational 3aDards# s c3 as !lac' l n$ disease a%on$ coal %iners 03o in3aled %ine d st to %any years# or as!estosis a%on$ pipe fitters e&posed to air!orne as!estos fi!ers<
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Prof.Dr.H. M. Ade Moetangad Kramadibrata

English for Academic Purposes

iv< In addition to t3e 0aste in3erent in ! rnin$ fossil f els 03en t3ey co ld !e sed instead for recycla!le ra0 %aterials# t3eir co%! stion 3as considera!le ne$ative i%pact on t3e environ%ent< CO/ e%issions are partic larly tro !leso%e !eca se t3ey pose t3e $reatest t3reat to $lo!al cli%ate< Increased levels of CO/ in t3e at%osp3ere %ay $rad ally raise 0orld te%perat res over t3e lon$er ter%< v< Coal is t3e %ost a! ndant of fossil f els@ it 0as for%ed fro% plants t3at $re0 on eart3 %illions of years a$o< T3e five to ten feet of plant %aterial needed for eac3 foot of coal too' >888 to 1/#888 years to acc % late< Million of years %ore# at tre%endo s press res# 0ere needed to transfor% t3e ori$inal plant %atter into t3e concentrated 3ydrocar!on for% 0e reco$niDe as li$nite# !it %ino s and finally# ant3racite coal< vi< 63at f els 0ill !e left in t3e t0enty-first cent ryP )ased on t3e pre%ise of depletion of oil reso rces# a UN conference 0ill disc ss alternative ener$y s pplies# incl din$ !io%ass s c3 as co0 d n$< A!o t 188 %illion people still depend on 0ood as f els# and forests are !ein$ c t do0n faster t3an can !e replaced ? t3e second ener$y crisis< In t3is concerted effort to 3ave a $lo!al ener$y plan# it is 3oped t3at political 0ill can !e %ars3aled to i%ple%ent c3an$e for t3e !etter< F1G Find t3e 3eadin$ of eac3 of t3e a!ove passa$es F/G +efine t3e follo0in$ 0ords = ter%s( FaG Coal $asification@ F!G * rface strip-%inin$@ FcG devastate@ FdG in3erent@ FeG fossil f els F2G Ans0er t3e 7 estion !ased on yo r o0n interpretation Fpassa$e vG( FaG ,o0 do yo t3in' 03at 0ere t3e %ain factors affected in for%in$ coalP F!G ,o0 % c3 plant %aterial needed to for% one %eter c !ic of coalP FcG Is t3at lo$ical to yo t3at t3e concentrated 3ydrocar!on 0as for%er plant %attersP E&plain< FdG 63y t3e na%e Lfossil f elsN is adoptedP F4G interpret 03at t3e te&t is %eant to !e Fpassa$e viG( FaG T3e pre%ise of depletion of oil reso rces F!G T3e second ener$y crisis FcG A $lo!al ener$y plant FdG Political 0ill can !e %ars3aled to i%ple%ent c3an$e for t3e !etter C< FaG 6rite a free story in Indonesian - at least it consists of five para$rap3s# and t3en translates into En$lis3< +o not for$et to entitle t3e story< F!G *i%ilarly# 0rite anot3er free story in En$lis3# and t3en translate into Indonesian +< Find o t 03atIs 0ron$ Fin ter%s of contents and of str ct reG in t3e follo0in$ A!stracts( T3e o!"ective of t3is researc3 0as to eli%inate %oist re diff sivity and dryin$ coefficient of s0eet potatoes d rin$ dryin$ nder p ffin$ treat%ent< Fi&Is la0 at fallin$ rate dryin$ period for infinitive sla! 0as sed to deter%ine %oist re diff sivity and dryin$ coefficient< T3e esti%ated %odel 0as developed 0it3 di%ensional analysis %et3od 03ic3 is !ased on identified para%eters t3at effect to %oist re diff sivity of sa%ple< T3e 3i$3er press re of p ffin$ and t3e %ore p ffin$ ti%e ca sed t3e 7 ic'er rate of decrease of sa%ple %oist re content in t3e dryin$ and decrease a!o t %oist re diff sivity< T3e %odel follo0ed e&ponential e&pression# and statistical analysis s3o0s t3at t3e %odel is relia!le to deter%ined %oist re diff sivity< E< Revise t3e * %%ary !elo0 and t3en re0rite t3e ri$3t one( A lar$e a%o nt of t3e potensial of co0d n$ in Citatar villa$e as ra0 %aterial for !io$as is ntapped# even evo'e poll tion and environ%ental 3ealt3 pro!le% !eca se of t3e far%er t3ro0 a0ay co0d n$ into t3e river< T3e se of !iodi$ester can 3elp to develop far%in$ syste%s !y recyclin$ t3e co0d n$ for !io$as prod ction and ot3er prod ct li'e or$anic fertiliDer 0it3 $ood 7 ality< Nevert3eless t3e se of conventional !iodi$ester 0as not easy for s%all scale far%er d e to 3i$3 cost# lac' of s'illed la!or and t3e co%plicated %aintenance<
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Prof.Dr.H. M. Ade Moetangad Kramadibrata

English for Academic Purposes

T3e o!"ectives of t3is researc3 0ere to constr ction desi$n of !iodi$ester 03ic3 easy to asse%!le# lo0 cost# 3ave a $ood perfor%ance and %ade fro% polyet3ylene plastic for s%all scale far%er F0it3 2-9 co0sG< T3e res lt of t3is e&peri%ent s3o0ed t3at !iodi$ester desi$n !ased polyet3ylene plastic 0it3 t3ese specification( total vol %e of !iodi$ester 11 %2# 0et vol %e .#. %2# retention ti%e 48 days# loadin$ rate //8 '$=day# trenc3 slope /o# 1. %/ spatial re7 ire%ent# and t3e di%ension for $as stora$e are 4#9 % 3ei$3t# 8#>94 % in dia%eter# 0it3 /#9 %2 effective vol %e< )ased on perfor%ance test# t3e ran$e of 0or'in$ te%perat re at !iodi$ester 0as 1>-/8o C# acid s !strat level :#9.-;#;# 03ic3 still at $ood ran$e for !acteria to live# 5* deco%position reac3ed 24Q< Prod ction capacity is 1#44 %2 or a!le to coo' for 2-4 3o r and 8#1: %2='$ 5* prod ction rate< Na%e( Odd *e%ester /88;=/88. NPM ( +ate (

A< Translate into .ndonesian and find the main idea in this passage For several t3o sand years after people !e$an to c ltivate t3e soil# 3 %an ener$y 0as sed for all far% 0or'< T3e % scle po0er of t3e far%ers t3e%selves s pplied t3e ener$y to till# plant# and 3arvest t3e field< T3e Indians in t3e A%ericas 0ere still far%in$ land in t3is %anner 03en Colo%! s arrived in t3e late fifteent3 cent ry# f lly .888 years after t3e earliest 'no0n c ltivation of plants in t3e 6estern ,e%isp3ere< B. Translate into English and find the main idea in this passage Per !a3an yan$ ter"adi dala% d a dasa0arsa tera'3ir ini san$at !esar pen$ar 3nya ter3adap nilai %an sia# se3in$$a % nc l pertanyaan !a$ai%ana pen$ar 3 %esin sa3a tani di %asa %endatan$ ter3adap 'ese"a3teraan %an sia< *ela%a !e!erapa a!ad tera'3ir terdapat 'e%a" an dala% pertanian yan$ le!i3 !esar dala% sel r 3 se"ara3 d nia se!el %nya< )ole3 di'ata'an !a30a prod 'si sa3a tani di A%eri'a *eri'at 3a%pir sel r 3ya tela3 di%e'anisasi'an< &. !orm each of the statement belo/ to build up a meaningful te3t or passage and determine the main point An a!sence of eit3er one 0o ld !e disastro s to present food prod ction t3ro $3o t % c3 of t3e 0orld< *econdly# %ac3ines replaced draft ani%als# 0it3 t3e res lt t3at %odern a$ric lt ral operations !eca%e dependent on petrole % and electricity< T3ey ena!led %an to do far %ore 0or' and to c ltivate and 3arvest $reater acrea$e< T3e invention of t3e electric %otor and t3e internal co%! tion en$ine in t3e nineteent3 cent ry c3an$ed t3is orientation co%pletely< Firstly# t3ese %ac3ines 0ere a startlin$ !oost to prod ctivity< D. &hoose the appropriate /ord to complete the sentence belo/ 1< T3e offer in t3is !roc3 re concerns only 0it3 3o se3old appliances# RR'itc3en set# ta!le# c p!oard# sofa and ot3er intrestin$ st ff ( a< i<e< !< in ot3er 0ord c< na%ely d< or rat3er e< s c3 as /< Forei$ners often find t3e %ont3 of B ly and A $ st % c3 too 3otRR<< B ly and A $ st al0ays a $ood ti%e for travel ( a< i<e< !< in ot3er 0ord c< na%ely d< or rat3er 2< Only t0o co ntry 3ave sent people into space#RRT3e U<*< and *oviet Union< a< s c3 as !< in ot3er 0ord c< viD d< na%ely d< t3at is#
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Prof.Dr.H. M. Ade Moetangad Kramadibrata

English for Academic Purposes

4< T3is !roc3 re %ainly concern self-e%ployed people#RRRpeople 03o 0or' ! t 03o are not e%ployed !y so%eone else ( a<in ot3er 0ord !< i< e< c< viD d< or rat3er 9< T3e to r 0ill incl de to several places of interest#RR<< t3e )ritis3 M se % and t3e To0er of London< a< i<e< !< in ot3er 0ord c< na%ely d< s c3 as :< Banet Collins str $$le to %a'e a place for 3erself in !alleet is t3e 'ind of a life story R<<a fascinatin$ novel %i$3t !e 0ritten ( a< of !< !y c< for 03o% d< a!o t 03ic3 ;< RR Florida *tate University is s%aller t3an R<<University of Florida< a< t3e # t3e !< a # t3ec< a # a d< t3e # a .< +avid attended R<<Princeton University< a< t3e !< a c< an d< !y >< After t3e s3ot 0ere fired# t3eRRens ed< a< conf se !< conf sion c< conf sely d< conf seness 18< ,e is R<<ric3 !eca se 3e 0ill ! y a ne0 c p!oard< a< fair !< fairliness c< fairly d< faired 11< My %ot3er 0as $ratef l for t3eirRR< a< 'ind !< 'indness c< 'indly d< 'indliness 1/< T3e plane finally landedRR0it3 all on !oard felt 3appy in t3eirRRR a< save# savin$ !< safely# savety c< savely# savety d< safety# safely 12< ,eIs a RR$ tarist< ,e al0ays playsR<< a< 0onder# 0onderly !< 0onderf l# 0onderf lly c< 0onderf l# 0onder d<0onder# 0onderf lly 14< T3e n %!er of " d$es on t3e United *tates * pre%e Co rt is deter%ined !y Con$ress#RR!y t3e Constit tion ( a< nevert3eless !< instead c< despite d< not 19< *3e !o $3t t3e yello0 s0eaterRR<t3e !ei$e s'irt< a< not only !< !ot3 c< !ot3 of d< as 0ell as REA+ T,E PA**AGE CAREFULLJ +e3ydration is !est t3o $3t of as an inter%ediate step in t rnin$ a$ric lt ral o tp ts into retail prod cts< )y re%ovin$ 0ater fro% a prod ct nder controlled conditions of air flo0# te%perat re# and 3 %idity# red ces t3e %oist re in t3e food to so%e certain level and in3i!its t3e %icro!ial $ro0t3 t3at ca ses decay and spoila$e< Pretreat%ent of so%e foods !efore dryin$ preserves flavor# color# and n trients@ prevents %icro!ial conta%ination@ and prolon$s s3elf life< Re%oval of %oist re also red ces 0ei$3t< It is an i%portant consideration for s3ippin$< Re%oves t3e need for refri$erated s3ippin$ and stora$e# and facilitates for% lation of pre-%i&ed retail prod cts< *everal prod ction steps occ r !efore dryin$# and several % st occ r after it< +e3ydration %a'es t3e conventional food and p3ar%ace tical ind stries possi!le and profita!le< *ince lar$e food processors eit3er operate t3eir o0n dryin$ facilities or F%ore li'elyG contract o t de3ydration to specialiDed fir%s# little opport nity e&ists to %ar'et ! l' far% prod cts Fe&cept for $rainsG in de3ydrated for% t3ro $3 conventional c3annels< Floral prod cts# incl din$ 3er!al 0reat3s# are air dried or dried in silica $el< F*o%e are freeDe dried<G Meat prod cts# dried sa sa$es# "er'y# and pe%%ican %ay !e dried# ! t are strictly re$ lated< AN*6ER T,E FOLLO6ING CUE*TION* 1:< 63at is t3e ri$3t title for t3e passa$e a!oveP 1;< 63at is t3e %ain idea in t3e first para$rap3P 1.< LItN In t3e passa$e a!ove refers toP 1>< 63y %onoc lt re isnIt $enerally s ccesf l 0it3 non-le$ %e cropsP /8< 63at ot3er a$ric lt ral tec3nolo$ies are i%ple%entedP /1< 63at is %onoc lt re %eans in t3e passa$eP //< 63y t3e %et3od of far%in$ is differ fro% area to area in t3e 0orldP /2< 63at t3e 0ord Lpartic larlyN %eans in t3e passa$eP /4< ,o0 t3e soil fertility can !e ad" sted after a period of ti%eP
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Prof.Dr.H. M. Ade Moetangad Kramadibrata

English for Academic Purposes

/9< 63at is t3e cli%ate li'e in t3e tropicsP /:< +efine t3e 0ords 03ic3 are fo nd in t3e passa$e a< food processor !< ! l' c< de3ydrated d< 3er!al /;< Ans0er t3e follo0in$ 7 estion a< 63at is t3e ri$3t title for t3e passa$e a!oveP !< 63at is t3e advanta$e of de3ydrationP c< Can yo %ention t3e e&a%ple of food processor F%in 2GP /.< Circle t3e ri$3t ans0er a< 63ic3 sentence is not t3e %eanin$ of de3ydrationP 1< Re%ovin$ 0ater fro% a prod ct nder controlled conditions of air flo0# te%perat re# and 3 %idity /< red ces t3e %oist re in t3e food to so%e certain level 2< In3i!its t3e %icro!ial $ro0t3 t3at ca ses decay and spoila$e 4< Food preservation !y sin$ air condensation !< 63at co%%odity can !e dried ! t strictly re$ latedP 1< Instant coffee and ve$eta!les for dried so p %i&es /< M s3roo%s# 3er!s and spices 2< La%!# co0 and pi$ 4< *3ri%p and fis3 c< Rice# 03eat# oat# !arley are e&a%ple of( 1< Fr it /< 5e$eta!les 2< Grain 4< *eed REA+ T,E PA**AGE CAREFULLJ T3e ya%# also called nam2 e F*panis3G and igname FFrenc3G# !elon$s to t3e $en s Dioscorea Ffa%ily DioscoreaceaeG< Ja%s are considered second to cassava as t3e %ost i%portant tropical root crop< T3e ya% is an i%portant crop in %any parts of t3e tropical and s !tropical re$ions# 03ere it is a %a"or part of t3e diet< Most of t3e 0orld prod ction is fro% Africa Fa!o t >:QG# 0it3 Ni$eria alone acco ntin$ for nearly ;9Q of t3e total 0orld prod ction< In t3e *o t3 Pacific# t3e ya% is a si$nificant food crop# acco ntin$ for over /8Q# .<1Q# and 4<:Q of t3e total dietary calorie inta'e in t3e Ain$do% of Ton$a# *olo%on Islands# and Pap a Ne0 G inea# respectively< In addition to its i%portance as food so rce# t3e ya% also plays a si$nificant role in t3e social c lt re lives of so%e prod cin$ re$ions# for e&a%ple t3ro $3 t3e fa%o s ya% festivals in 6est Africa< In so%e parts of so t3eastern Ni$eria# !oiled and %as3ed ya% is often t3e principal %eal offered to $ods and ancestors< + rin$ t3e period fro% 1>;9 t3ro $3 1>>8# t3e 0orldIs area c ltivated 0it3 ya%s increased !y a!o t 2.<.Q and total prod ction increased !y 49<.Q# pres %a!ly d e to i%proved c ltivation practices in %ost areas< ,o0ever# t3e i%portance of ya% in t3e econo%y of t3e %ain prod cin$ areas appears !e declinin$ d e partly to co%petition 0it3 ot3er crops# s c3 as cassava in Ni$eria and taro in t3e *o t3 Pacific< T3e %a"or prod cin$ areas also 3ave contin ed to e&perience 3i$3 pop lation $ro0t3 rates< For instance# t3e ann al $ro0t3 rate of per capita prod ction in t3e %a"or ya% Dones in Africa 3as declined d rin$ t3e past fo r decades< AN*6ER T,E FOLLO6ING CUE*TION* />< +efine t3e 0ords 03ic3 are fo nd in t3e passa$e a< ya% !< cassava c< food crop d< 3er!al 28< Ans0er t3e follo0in$ 7 estion a< 63at is t3e ri$3t title for t3e passa$e a!oveP
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Prof.Dr.H. M. Ade Moetangad Kramadibrata

English for Academic Purposes

!< 63ic3 re$ion ya% ori$inally fro%P c< Can yo %ention t3e e&a%ple of tropical re$ion Fat least# 2GP 21< Circle t3e ri$3t ans0er a< 63ic3 one is not t3e food so rceP 1< Rice /< Ja% 2< Cassava 4< Oran$e !< ,o0 t3e Ni$erian process ya%P 1< )oiled and %as3ed /< Mas3ed and fried 2< Fried and !oiled 4< Fried and dried c< 63at is t3e 0ord %eal referrin$ toP 1< Processed food /< Tar$et or food so rce of ani%al 2< Flo r# e<$< corn %eal 4< Food co%%odity E. !ind out the /rong and missing /ords in the passage belo/ 4%erbs# ad%erbs# ad5ecti%es# prefi3es# suffi3es# prepositions# or nouns6 A very 0idely ran$ed tec3ni7 es 0as applied to processin$ of fr it and ve$eta!les< *o%e co%%only are sed in %any typed of 3ortic lt ral prod ce@ a fe0 tec3ni7 es are ni7 es to one or t0o types only< It is % st also !e re%e%!erin$ly t3at !y vario s process Fso%eti%es inte$rated# so%eti%es notG one type of fr it or ve$eta!le %ay yielded %any different prod ct< T3 s %an$oes can !ein$ cannin$# dryin$# froDen# or %ade into p ree# sa ced# c3 tney# pic'les# concentrate# "a%# edi!le Lleat3er#N !evera$es# nectar# and panna< Papaya provide "a%# pic'les# c3 tney# nectar# toffee# pectin# and also papain@ an i%portantly protein-3ydrolyDin$ enDy%e ind stries< sedly at p3ar%ace tical# te&tile# paper-%a'in$# food# and ani%al-feed

*e%ester Genap /88;=/88. - FinalTest( ta'e 3o%e test Na%e( A< Read t3e passa$e caref lly * rface and s !s rface draina$e are essential a$ric lt ral %ana$e%ent practices in 3 %id re$ions 0it3 slo0ly per%ea!le soils to ac3ieve econo%ically via!le levels< +raina$e 0ater is 'no0n to increase t3e 7 antity of offside flo0s and to contain sol !le n trients# a$roc3e%icals# and salts t3at can ne$etively i%pact t3e receivin$ 0ater !ody< Environ%ental and ecolo$ical i%pacts %ay res lt fro% t3ese poll tans s c3 as increased floodin$# la'e e trop3ication# develop%ent of 3ypo&ic Dones# loss of 3a!itat# reprod ctive fail res in 0ildlife species# and conta%ination of drin'in$ 0ater s pplies< +raina$e %ana$e%ent 3as t3e potential to red ce t3ese offsite effects< A replicated field plot e&peri%ent 0as cond cted to e&a%ine t3e 3ydrolo$y# 0ater 7 ality# and crop yield i%pacts of draina$e %ana$e%ent practices incl din$ controlled
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Prof.Dr.H. M. Ade Moetangad Kramadibrata

English for Academic Purposes

draina$e# ncontrolled draina$e# and s !irri$ation draina$e on ,oytville silty cly soil in O3io< Ann al s !s rface draina$e vol %e 0as $reatest 0it3 s !irri$ation draina$e and least 0it3 controlled draina$e< T3e concentration of nitrate in t3e s !s rface draina$e 0ater 0as t3e $reatest 0it3 ncontrolled draina$e and least 0it3 s !irri$ation draina$e< Ann al load of nitrate in t3e s !s rface draina$e 0ater 0as least 0it3controlled draina$e and $reatest 0it3 ncontrolled draina$e< T3e concentration of nitrate in t3e s3allo0 $ro nd 0ater 0as least !eneat3 s !irri$ation draina$e and $reatest !eneat3 ncontrolled draina$e< F1G Translate into .ndonesian and find the main idea in this passage F/G 6rite 03at title is s ita!le for t3e passa$e F2G An0er t3e follo0in$ 7 estions( FaG 03at i%portant factors are re7 ired in lo0 soil per%ea!ility to ac3ieve t3e level of econo%ic via!ilityP F!G 03at is t3e f nction of draina$e 0aterP FcG 63at are t3e poll tans indicated in t3e passa$eP FdG na%e t3e offsite effects F4G If availa!le# find( FaG t3e pro!le% 4b6 the method 4c6 the result 4d6 the recommendation 476 bser%e the underlined /ords,terms abo%e8 4a6 define each /ord , term 4b6 identif9 /hich ones are8 ad5ecti%es# ad%erbs# nouns# or %erbs 4c6 make a comprehensi%e sentence from each /ord,term /ith 9our o/n /ords )< Read caref lly t3e passa$e !elo0 Corn $ro0t3 as affected !y soil co%paction d e to 03eel traffic !efore secondary tilla$e 0as st died< Co%paction treat%ents incl ded none# !et0een ro0s# on ro0s# and on entire plot area< Corn yields 0it3 03eel traffic on entire plot area avera$ed ><. M$=3a 03ic3 0as si$nificantly lo0er t3an yields 0it3 ot3er treat%ents 03ic3 avera$ed 1/<9 M$=3a 0it3 no traffic and 1/<: M$=3a 0it3 traffic !et0een ro0s and 0it3 traffic on ro0s< Corn plant 3ei$3t and dry %atter 0ei$3t t3ro $3o t t3e $ro0in$ season# and root %asses assessed soon after tasselin$# 0ere also lo0er 0it3 03eel traffic on entire plot area co%pared to t3e ot3er treat%ents< F1G Translate into .ndonesian and find the main idea in this passage F/G 6rite 03at title is s ita!le for t3e passa$e F2G An0er t3e follo0in$ 7 estions( FaG 03at is !ein$ st died and 03yP F!G 3o0 t3e researc3er did cond ct 3is co%paction treat%entsP FcG 63at 0ere lo0er 0it3 03eel traffic on entire plot areaP FdG 03at ot3er treat%ents 0ere co%pared toP F4G If availa!le# find( FaG t3e pro!le% 4b6 the method 4c6 the result 4d6 the recommendation 476 bser%e the underlined /ords,terms abo%e8 4a6 define each /ord , term 4b6 identif9 /hich ones are8 ad5ecti%es# ad%erbs# nouns# or %erbs 4c6 make a comprehensi%e sentence from each /ord,term /ith 9our o/n /ords
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Prof.Dr.H. M. Ade Moetangad Kramadibrata

English for Academic Purposes

C< Na%e five ver!s of yo r o0n c3oice# add affi&es and s ffi&es# and=or %a'e t3e% into any ot3er %eanin$s# and finally# 0rite a co%plete sentence fro% eac3 of t3e% +< !ind out the /rong and missing /ords in the passage belo/ 4%erbs# ad%erbs# ad5ecti%es# prefi3es# suffi3es# prepositions# or nouns6 +e3ydrated is !est t3o $3t of as an inter%ediate steps in t rnin$ a$ric lt ral o tp ts into retail prod ct< )y re%oved 0ater fro% a prod ction nder controlled conditions of air flo0# te%perat re# and 3 %idity# red ces t3e %oist re in t3e food to so%e certain level and in3i!its t3e %icro!ial $ro0t3 t3at ca ses decay and spoila$e< Pretreat%ent of so%e foods !efore dried preserves flavor# color# and n trients@ prevents %icro!ial conta%ination@ and prolon$ed s3elf life< Re%oval of %oist re also red ces 0ei$3t< It is an i%portant consideration for s3ippin$< Re%oves t3e need for refri$eratin$ s3ippin$ and stora$e# and facilitates for% lation of pre-%i&ed retail prod cts< *everal prod ction steps occ r !efore dryin$# and several % st occ r after it< +e3ydration %a'es t3e conventional food and p3ar%ace tical ind stries possi!ly and profita!le< *ince lar$e food processors eit3er operate t3eir o0n dryin$ facilities or F%ore li'elyG contract o t de3ydration to specialiDed fir%s# little opport nity e&istin$ to %ar'et ! l' far% prod cts Fe&cept for $rainsG in de3ydrated for% t3ro $3 conventional c3annels< Floral prod cts# incl ded 3er!al 0reat3s# are air dried or dried in silica $el< F*o%e are freeDe dried<G Meat prod cts# dried sa sa$es# "er'y# and pe%%ican %ay !e dryin$# ! t are strictly re$ latin$< E< 6rite a free scientific article of yo r o0n in En$lis3 and its translation in Indonesian# consistin$ of %ostly t3ree para$rap3s< *e%ester Genap /88. ? MidTest ( Ta'e ,o%e Test F1&/4 3G Na%e( NPM ( +ate (

A< Read t3e passa$e !elo0 caref lly Anti!iotics are secondary %eta!olites prod ced !y %icroor$anis%s t3at in3i!it or 'ill a 0ide spectr % of ot3er %icro-or$anis%s< Most of t3e sef l ones are prod ced !y %olds and !acteria of t3e $en s strepto%yces< *o%e anti!ioticli'e s !stances are prod ced !y )acill s spp<# and at least one# nisin# is prod ced !y so%e strains of Lactococ s lactis< Alt3o $3 nisin is a lanti!iotic Fcontains t3e rare a%ino acids# %eso-lant3ionine and 2-%et3yl-lant3ionneG# it is !est 'no0n as a !acteriocin< It !elon$s to class of t3e fo r %a"or classes of !acteriocins< Li'e anti!iotics# !acteriocins are c3e%ical co%po nds prod ced !y %icro-or$anis%s t3at in3i!it or 'ill ot3er %icro-or$anis%s# ! t# nli'e t3e tr e anti!iotics# t3ey in3i!it or 'ill $enerally only closely related species or strains of t3e sa%e species< T0o anti!iotics are approved for se in food in a lar$e n %!er of co ntries Fnisin and nata%ycinG# and t3ree ot3ers Ftetracycline# s !tilin and tylosinG 3ave !een st died and fo nd effective for vario s food applications< T3ree anti!iotics 3ave !een investi$ated intensively as 3eat ad" nct for canned foods( s !tilin# tylosin and nisin< Nisin# 3o0ever# is sed %ost 0idely in c3eeses< C3lortetracycline and o&ytetracycline 0ere 0idely st died for t3eir application to fres3 foods# 03ereas nata%ycin is e%ployed as a food f n$i stat< In $eneral t3e se of c3e%ical preservatives in foods is not pop lar a%on$ %any cons %ers@ t3e idea of e%ployin$ anti!iotics is even less pop lar< *o%e ris's %ay !e anticipated fro% t3e se of any food additives# ! t t3e ris's s3o ld not o t0ei$3 t3e sa$e<
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Prof.Dr.H. M. Ade Moetangad Kramadibrata

English for Academic Purposes

F1G Translate into Indonesian and find t3e %ain idea of t3e passa$e F/G 6rite 03at title is s ita!le for t3e passa$e F2G Ans0er t3e follo0in$ 7 estions( FaG 63at does t3e a t3or %ean 0it3 !acteriocinP F!G 63at anti!iotics co ld in3i!it or 'ill ot3er %icro-or$anis%sP FcG 6as t3ere any investi$ation a!o t nisinP 63at forP FdG 63at 0ord do yo t3in' s ita!le to fill in t3e !rac'etP F4G If t3e passa$e a!ove is an a!stract# if availa!le# find( FaG t3e pro!le%@ F!G t3e %et3od@ FcG t3e res lt F9G O!serve t3e nderlined 0ords=ter%s a!ove( FaG +efine eac3 0ord = ter%@ F!G identify 03ic3 ones are( ad"ectives# adver!s# no ns# or ver!s FcG Ma'e a co%pre3ensive sentence fro% eac3 0ord=ter% 0it3 yo r o0n 0ords )< *'i% t3e passa$e !elo0 and $et a $eneral i%pression of 03at a te&t is a!o t vii< One tec3nical advance 03ic3 0o ld per%it e&panded se of coal is t3e develop%ent of clean f els !y %eans of coal $asification< Li7 id f els and petrol can also !e o!tained fro% coal $asification and 0o ld provide cleaner f els t3an t3e direct co%! stion of coal viii< * rface strip-%inin$ destroys ve$etation# increases erosion# contri! tes i<e< 0ater poll tion and $enerally devastates t3e landscape< *trip-%ined area can !e reclai%ed ! t t3e cost %ay avera$e T:888 per acre ? a price not vol ntarily ass %ed !y t3e coal %inin$ operator or $overn%ent i&< E&a%ples can !e cited of l n$ diseases in 0or'ers e&posed to occ pational 3aDards# s c3 as !lac' l n$ disease a%on$ coal %iners 03o in3aled %ine d st to %any years# or as!estosis a%on$ pipe fitters e&posed to air!orne as!estos fi!ers< &< In addition to t3e 0aste in3erent in ! rnin$ fossil f els 03en t3ey co ld !e sed instead for recycla!le ra0 %aterials# t3eir co%! stion 3as considera!le ne$ative i%pact on t3e environ%ent< CO/ e%issions are partic larly tro !leso%e !eca se t3ey pose t3e $reatest t3reat to $lo!al cli%ate< Increased levels of CO/ in t3e at%osp3ere %ay $rad ally raise 0orld te%perat res over t3e lon$er ter%< &i< Coal is t3e %ost a! ndant of fossil f els@ it 0as for%ed fro% plants t3at $re0 on eart3 %illions of years a$o< T3e five to ten feet of plant %aterial needed for eac3 foot of coal too' >888 to 1/#888 years to acc % late< Million of years %ore# at tre%endo s press res# 0ere needed to transfor% t3e ori$inal plant %atter into t3e concentrated 3ydrocar!on for% 0e reco$niDe as li$nite# !it %ino s and finally# ant3racite coal< &ii< 63at f els 0ill !e left in t3e t0enty-first cent ryP )ased on t3e pre%ise of depletion of oil reso rces# a UN conference 0ill disc ss alternative ener$y s pplies# incl din$ !io%ass s c3 as co0 d n$< A!o t 188 %illion people still depend on 0ood as f els# and forests are !ein$ c t do0n faster t3an can !e replaced ? t3e second ener$y crisis< In t3is concerted effort to 3ave a $lo!al ener$y plan# it is 3oped t3at political 0ill can !e %ars3aled to i%ple%ent c3an$e for t3e !etter< F1G Find t3e 3eadin$ of eac3 of t3e a!ove passa$es F/G +efine t3e follo0in$ 0ords = ter%s( FaG Coal $asification@ F!G * rface strip-%inin$@ FcG devastate@ FdG in3erent@ FeG fossil f els F2G Ans0er t3e 7 estion !ased on yo r o0n interpretation Fpassa$e vG( FaG ,o0 do yo t3in' 03at 0ere t3e %ain factors affected in for%in$ coalP F!G ,o0 % c3 plant %aterial needed to for% one %eter c !ic of coalP FcG Is t3at lo$ical to yo t3at t3e concentrated 3ydrocar!on 0as for%er plant %attersP E&plain< FdG 63y t3e na%e Lfossil f elsN is adoptedP F4G interpret 03at t3e te&t is %eant to !e Fpassa$e viG( FaG T3e pre%ise of depletion of oil reso rces F!G T3e second ener$y crisis FcG A $lo!al ener$y plant FdG Political 0ill can !e %ars3aled to i%ple%ent c3an$e for t3e !etter
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Prof.Dr.H. M. Ade Moetangad Kramadibrata

English for Academic Purposes

C< FaG 6rite a free story in Indonesian - at least it consists of five para$rap3s# and t3en translates into En$lis3< +o not for$et to entitle t3e story< F!G *i%ilarly# 0rite anot3er free story in En$lis3# and t3en translate into Indonesian +< Find o t 03atIs 0ron$ Fin ter%s of contents and of str ct reG in t3e follo0in$ A!stracts( T3e o!"ective of t3is researc3 0as to eli%inate %oist re diff sivity and dryin$ coefficient of s0eet potatoes d rin$ dryin$ nder p ffin$ treat%ent< Fi&Is la0 at fallin$ rate dryin$ period for infinitive sla! 0as sed to deter%ine %oist re diff sivity and dryin$ coefficient< T3e esti%ated %odel 0as developed 0it3 di%ensional analysis %et3od 03ic3 is !ased on identified para%eters t3at effect to %oist re diff sivity of sa%ple< T3e 3i$3er press re of p ffin$ and t3e %ore p ffin$ ti%e ca sed t3e 7 ic'er rate of decrease of sa%ple %oist re content in t3e dryin$ and decrease a!o t %oist re diff sivity< T3e %odel follo0ed e&ponential e&pression# and statistical analysis s3o0s t3at t3e %odel is relia!le to deter%ined %oist re diff sivity< E< Revise t3e * %%ary !elo0 and t3en re0rite t3e ri$3t one( A lar$e a%o nt of t3e potensial of co0d n$ in Citatar villa$e as ra0 %aterial for !io$as is ntapped# even evo'e poll tion and environ%ental 3ealt3 pro!le% !eca se of t3e far%er t3ro0 a0ay co0d n$ into t3e river< T3e se of !iodi$ester can 3elp to develop far%in$ syste%s !y recyclin$ t3e co0d n$ for !io$as prod ction and ot3er prod ct li'e or$anic fertiliDer 0it3 $ood 7 ality< Nevert3eless t3e se of conventional !iodi$ester 0as not easy for s%all scale far%er d e to 3i$3 cost# lac' of s'illed la!or and t3e co%plicated %aintenance< T3e o!"ectives of t3is researc3 0ere to constr ction desi$n of !iodi$ester 03ic3 easy to asse%!le# lo0 cost# 3ave a $ood perfor%ance and %ade fro% polyet3ylene plastic for s%all scale far%er F0it3 2-9 co0sG< T3e res lt of t3is e&peri%ent s3o0ed t3at !iodi$ester desi$n !ased polyet3ylene plastic 0it3 t3ese specification( total vol %e of !iodi$ester 11 %2# 0et vol %e .#. %2# retention ti%e 48 days# loadin$ rate //8 '$=day# trenc3 slope /o# 1. %/ spatial re7 ire%ent# and t3e di%ension for $as stora$e are 4#9 % 3ei$3t# 8#>94 % in dia%eter# 0it3 /#9 %2 effective vol %e< )ased on perfor%ance test# t3e ran$e of 0or'in$ te%perat re at !iodi$ester 0as 1>-/8o C# acid s !strat level :#9.-;#;# 03ic3 still at $ood ran$e for !acteria to live# 5* deco%position reac3ed 24Q< Prod ction capacity is 1#44 %2 or a!le to coo' for 2-4 3o r and 8#1: %2='$ 5* prod ction rate< Odd *e%ester /88;=/88. NPM (


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A< Translate into .ndonesian and find the main idea in this passage For several t3o sand years after people !e$an to c ltivate t3e soil# 3 %an ener$y 0as sed for all far% 0or'< T3e % scle po0er of t3e far%ers t3e%selves s pplied t3e ener$y to till# plant# and 3arvest t3e field< T3e Indians in t3e A%ericas 0ere still far%in$ land in t3is %anner 03en Colo%! s arrived in t3e late fifteent3 cent ry# f lly .888 years after t3e earliest 'no0n c ltivation of plants in t3e 6estern ,e%isp3ere< B. Translate into English and find the main idea in this passage Per !a3an yan$ ter"adi dala% d a dasa0arsa tera'3ir ini san$at !esar pen$ar 3nya ter3adap nilai %an sia# se3in$$a % nc l pertanyaan !a$ai%ana pen$ar 3 %esin sa3a tani di %asa %endatan$ ter3adap 'ese"a3teraan %an sia< *ela%a !e!erapa a!ad tera'3ir terdapat 'e%a" an dala% pertanian yan$
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Prof.Dr.H. M. Ade Moetangad Kramadibrata

English for Academic Purposes

le!i3 !esar dala% sel r 3 se"ara3 d nia se!el %nya< )ole3 di'ata'an !a30a prod 'si sa3a tani di A%eri'a *eri'at 3a%pir sel r 3ya tela3 di%e'anisasi'an< &. !orm each of the statement belo/ to build up a meaningful te3t or passage and determine the main point An a!sence of eit3er one 0o ld !e disastro s to present food prod ction t3ro $3o t % c3 of t3e 0orld< *econdly# %ac3ines replaced draft ani%als# 0it3 t3e res lt t3at %odern a$ric lt ral operations !eca%e dependent on petrole % and electricity< T3ey ena!led %an to do far %ore 0or' and to c ltivate and 3arvest $reater acrea$e< T3e invention of t3e electric %otor and t3e internal co%! tion en$ine in t3e nineteent3 cent ry c3an$ed t3is orientation co%pletely< Firstly# t3ese %ac3ines 0ere a startlin$ !oost to prod ctivity< D. &hoose the appropriate /ord to complete the sentence belo/ 1< T3e offer in t3is !roc3 re concerns only 0it3 3o se3old appliances# RR'itc3en set# ta!le# c p!oard# sofa and ot3er intrestin$ st ff ( a< i<e< !< in ot3er 0ord c< na%ely d< or rat3er e< s c3 as /< Forei$ners often find t3e %ont3 of B ly and A $ st % c3 too 3otRR<< B ly and A $ st al0ays a $ood ti%e for travel ( a< i<e< !< in ot3er 0ord c< na%ely d< or rat3er 2< Only t0o co ntry 3ave sent people into space#RRT3e U<*< and *oviet Union< a< s c3 as !< in ot3er 0ord c< viD d< na%ely d< t3at is# 4< T3is !roc3 re %ainly concern self-e%ployed people#RRRpeople 03o 0or' ! t 03o are not e%ployed !y so%eone else ( a<in ot3er 0ord !< i< e< c< viD d< or rat3er 9< T3e to r 0ill incl de to several places of interest#RR<< t3e )ritis3 M se % and t3e To0er of London< a< i<e< !< in ot3er 0ord c< na%ely d< s c3 as :< Banet Collins str $$le to %a'e a place for 3erself in !alleet is t3e 'ind of a life story R<<a fascinatin$ novel %i$3t !e 0ritten ( a< of !< !y c< for 03o% d< a!o t 03ic3 ;< RR Florida *tate University is s%aller t3an R<<University of Florida< a< t3e # t3e !< a # t3ec< a # a d< t3e # a .< +avid attended R<<Princeton University< a< t3e !< a c< an d< !y >< After t3e s3ot 0ere fired# t3eRRens ed< a< conf se !< conf sion c< conf sely d< conf seness 18< ,e is R<<ric3 !eca se 3e 0ill ! y a ne0 c p!oard< a< fair !< fairliness c< fairly d< faired 11< My %ot3er 0as $ratef l for t3eirRR< a< 'ind !< 'indness c< 'indly d< 'indliness 1/< T3e plane finally landedRR0it3 all on !oard felt 3appy in t3eirRRR a< save# savin$ !< safely# savety c< savely# savety d< safety# safely 12< ,eIs a RR$ tarist< ,e al0ays playsR<< a< 0onder# 0onderly !< 0onderf l# 0onderf lly c< 0onderf l# 0onder d<0onder# 0onderf lly 14< T3e n %!er of " d$es on t3e United *tates * pre%e Co rt is deter%ined !y Con$ress#RR!y t3e Constit tion ( a< nevert3eless !< instead c< despite d< not 19< *3e !o $3t t3e yello0 s0eaterRR<t3e !ei$e s'irt< a< not only !< !ot3 c< !ot3 of d< as 0ell as
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Prof.Dr.H. M. Ade Moetangad Kramadibrata

English for Academic Purposes

REA+ T,E PA**AGE CAREFULLJ +e3ydration is !est t3o $3t of as an inter%ediate step in t rnin$ a$ric lt ral o tp ts into retail prod cts< )y re%ovin$ 0ater fro% a prod ct nder controlled conditions of air flo0# te%perat re# and 3 %idity# red ces t3e %oist re in t3e food to so%e certain level and in3i!its t3e %icro!ial $ro0t3 t3at ca ses decay and spoila$e< Pretreat%ent of so%e foods !efore dryin$ preserves flavor# color# and n trients@ prevents %icro!ial conta%ination@ and prolon$s s3elf life< Re%oval of %oist re also red ces 0ei$3t< It is an i%portant consideration for s3ippin$< Re%oves t3e need for refri$erated s3ippin$ and stora$e# and facilitates for% lation of pre-%i&ed retail prod cts< *everal prod ction steps occ r !efore dryin$# and several % st occ r after it< +e3ydration %a'es t3e conventional food and p3ar%ace tical ind stries possi!le and profita!le< *ince lar$e food processors eit3er operate t3eir o0n dryin$ facilities or F%ore li'elyG contract o t de3ydration to specialiDed fir%s# little opport nity e&ists to %ar'et ! l' far% prod cts Fe&cept for $rainsG in de3ydrated for% t3ro $3 conventional c3annels< Floral prod cts# incl din$ 3er!al 0reat3s# are air dried or dried in silica $el< F*o%e are freeDe dried<G Meat prod cts# dried sa sa$es# "er'y# and pe%%ican %ay !e dried# ! t are strictly re$ lated< AN*6ER T,E FOLLO6ING CUE*TION* 1:< 63at is t3e ri$3t title for t3e passa$e a!oveP 1;< 63at is t3e %ain idea in t3e first para$rap3P 1.< LItN In t3e passa$e a!ove refers toP 1>< 63y %onoc lt re isnIt $enerally s ccesf l 0it3 non-le$ %e cropsP /8< 63at ot3er a$ric lt ral tec3nolo$ies are i%ple%entedP /1< 63at is %onoc lt re %eans in t3e passa$eP //< 63y t3e %et3od of far%in$ is differ fro% area to area in t3e 0orldP /2< 63at t3e 0ord Lpartic larlyN %eans in t3e passa$eP /4< ,o0 t3e soil fertility can !e ad" sted after a period of ti%eP /9< 63at is t3e cli%ate li'e in t3e tropicsP /:< +efine t3e 0ords 03ic3 are fo nd in t3e passa$e a< food processor !< ! l' c< de3ydrated d< 3er!al /;< Ans0er t3e follo0in$ 7 estion a< 63at is t3e ri$3t title for t3e passa$e a!oveP !< 63at is t3e advanta$e of de3ydrationP c< Can yo %ention t3e e&a%ple of food processor F%in 2GP /.< Circle t3e ri$3t ans0er a< 63ic3 sentence is not t3e %eanin$ of de3ydrationP 1< Re%ovin$ 0ater fro% a prod ct nder controlled conditions of air flo0# te%perat re# and 3 %idity /< red ces t3e %oist re in t3e food to so%e certain level 2< In3i!its t3e %icro!ial $ro0t3 t3at ca ses decay and spoila$e 4< Food preservation !y sin$ air condensation !< 63at co%%odity can !e dried ! t strictly re$ latedP 1< Instant coffee and ve$eta!les for dried so p %i&es /< M s3roo%s# 3er!s and spices 2< La%!# co0 and pi$ 4< *3ri%p and fis3 c< Rice# 03eat# oat# !arley are e&a%ple of( 1< Fr it /< 5e$eta!les 2< Grain
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Prof.Dr.H. M. Ade Moetangad Kramadibrata

English for Academic Purposes

4< *eed REA+ T,E PA**AGE CAREFULLJ T3e ya%# also called nam2 e F*panis3G and igname FFrenc3G# !elon$s to t3e $en s Dioscorea Ffa%ily DioscoreaceaeG< Ja%s are considered second to cassava as t3e %ost i%portant tropical root crop< T3e ya% is an i%portant crop in %any parts of t3e tropical and s !tropical re$ions# 03ere it is a %a"or part of t3e diet< Most of t3e 0orld prod ction is fro% Africa Fa!o t >:QG# 0it3 Ni$eria alone acco ntin$ for nearly ;9Q of t3e total 0orld prod ction< In t3e *o t3 Pacific# t3e ya% is a si$nificant food crop# acco ntin$ for over /8Q# .<1Q# and 4<:Q of t3e total dietary calorie inta'e in t3e Ain$do% of Ton$a# *olo%on Islands# and Pap a Ne0 G inea# respectively< In addition to its i%portance as food so rce# t3e ya% also plays a si$nificant role in t3e social c lt re lives of so%e prod cin$ re$ions# for e&a%ple t3ro $3 t3e fa%o s ya% festivals in 6est Africa< In so%e parts of so t3eastern Ni$eria# !oiled and %as3ed ya% is often t3e principal %eal offered to $ods and ancestors< + rin$ t3e period fro% 1>;9 t3ro $3 1>>8# t3e 0orldIs area c ltivated 0it3 ya%s increased !y a!o t 2.<.Q and total prod ction increased !y 49<.Q# pres %a!ly d e to i%proved c ltivation practices in %ost areas< ,o0ever# t3e i%portance of ya% in t3e econo%y of t3e %ain prod cin$ areas appears !e declinin$ d e partly to co%petition 0it3 ot3er crops# s c3 as cassava in Ni$eria and taro in t3e *o t3 Pacific< T3e %a"or prod cin$ areas also 3ave contin ed to e&perience 3i$3 pop lation $ro0t3 rates< For instance# t3e ann al $ro0t3 rate of per capita prod ction in t3e %a"or ya% Dones in Africa 3as declined d rin$ t3e past fo r decades< AN*6ER T,E FOLLO6ING CUE*TION* />< +efine t3e 0ords 03ic3 are fo nd in t3e passa$e a< ya% !< cassava c< food crop d< 3er!al 28< Ans0er t3e follo0in$ 7 estion a< 63at is t3e ri$3t title for t3e passa$e a!oveP !< 63ic3 re$ion ya% ori$inally fro%P c< Can yo %ention t3e e&a%ple of tropical re$ion Fat least# 2GP 21< Circle t3e ri$3t ans0er a< 63ic3 one is not t3e food so rceP 1< Rice /< Ja% 2< Cassava 4< Oran$e !< ,o0 t3e Ni$erian process ya%P 1< )oiled and %as3ed /< Mas3ed and fried 2< Fried and !oiled 4< Fried and dried c< 63at is t3e 0ord %eal referrin$ toP 1< Processed food /< Tar$et or food so rce of ani%al 2< Flo r# e<$< corn %eal 4< Food co%%odity E. !ind out the /rong and missing /ords in the passage belo/ 4%erbs# ad%erbs# ad5ecti%es# prefi3es# suffi3es# prepositions# or nouns6
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Prof.Dr.H. M. Ade Moetangad Kramadibrata

English for Academic Purposes

A very 0idely ran$ed tec3ni7 es 0as applied to processin$ of fr it and ve$eta!les< *o%e co%%only are sed in %any typed of 3ortic lt ral prod ce@ a fe0 tec3ni7 es are ni7 es to one or t0o types only< It is % st also !e re%e%!erin$ly t3at !y vario s process Fso%eti%es inte$rated# so%eti%es notG one type of fr it or ve$eta!le %ay yielded %any different prod ct< T3 s %an$oes can !ein$ cannin$# dryin$# froDen# or %ade into p ree# sa ced# c3 tney# pic'les# concentrate# "a%# edi!le Lleat3er#N !evera$es# nectar# and panna< Papaya provide "a%# pic'les# c3 tney# nectar# toffee# pectin# and also papain@ an i%portantly protein3ydrolyDin$ enDy%e sedly at p3ar%ace tical# te&tile# paper-%a'in$# food# and ani%al-feed ind stries<



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A. Translate the passage below into Indonesian and write its main idea T3e $ro0in$ of plants in $reen3o ses is essentially s !tropics p3eno%enon< In t3e early years# $reen3o ses in t3e tropics 0ere si%ply ! ilt e&actly li'e t3e s !tropics 0it3o t local cli%ate consideration<te%perate $reen3o ses i<e< 7 onset or t nnel type str ct re and $lass-covered $reen3o se 0ere sed co%%ercially< C anset tpe str ct res are act ally %eant as cold fra%es for n rsey p rposes in t3e s !tropics 03ile $lass-covered $reen3o ses are sed since $lass is t3e %ost effective tans%itter of solar li$3t and 3eat< 6it3 a!ondant solar radiation in t3e re$ion<# 3ey res lt in 3i$3 $reen3o se air te%perat re ca sin$ plant stress t3at event ally red ced t3e crop yield< Ot3er0ise# active control li'e e&3a st fans and fo$$in$ syst% 3ad to !e sed to %aintain t3e desired air te%perat re and 3 %idity inside t3e $reen3o se< *o rce( LResearc3 on Green3o se Application in t3e TropicsN< B rnal Aete'ni'an 5ol< /1 No< 4 +ec< /88; B. Translate the passage below into English and write its main idea Aand n$an n trisi "era%i padi se!a$ai pa'an ternyata tida' sei%an$ den$an nila %anfaat yan$ di'and n$nya< Apa!ila di!eri'an se!a$ai 'o%ponent n$$al dala% rans %# "era%i padi tida' %ap %en n"an$ 'e! t 3an 3id p po'# !a3'an %e%p nyai da%pa' ne$atif ter3adap perta%!a3an !o!ot !adan terna' F,o$an dan Lec3e# 1>.1@ +"a"ane$ara# 1>.2@ +ole# d''<# 1>.:@ Fle$el dan Meevoostiso%# 1>.1G< Aeter!atasan yan$ di%ili'i "era%i padi terse! t terleta' pada renda3nya 'and n$an Dat %a'anan# ala!ilitas da 'ecernaan< Bera%i padi se!a$ai sisa 3asil tana%an yan$ tela3 t a %en$and n str ct re "arin$an penyan$$a a'i!at proses li$nifi'asi< +oyle d''< F1>.:G %ecatat pada !er!a$ai varietas "era%i padi !erdasar'an !a3an 'erin$nya ter'and n$ sel losa se!esar /;-91Q# 3e%isel losa /-21Q dan li$nin 4-11Q# se3in$$a !a3an 'erin$nya 3anya %a%p dicerna se'itar 2:Q< * %!er( LEfe' "era%i padi 3asil fer%entasiRN< )ionat ra# 5ol< :# No<1 Maret /884 C. Find out the errors in the composition below and write the right composition < A very 0idely ran$in$ tec3ni7 es 0as applyin$ to processin$ of fr it and ve$eta!les< *o%e co%%only are sed in %any typin$ of 3ortic lt re prod ce@ a fe0 tec3ni7 es are ni7 es to one or t0o types only< It is % st also !e re%e%!ered t3at !y vario s process Fso%eti%es inte$rated# so%eti%es notG one types of fr it or ve$eta!le %ay yielded %any different prod ct< T3 s %an$oes can !ein$ cannin$# dried# froDen# or %ade of into p ree# sa ced# c3 tney# pic'les# concentrate# "a%# edi!le Lleat3er#N !evera$es# nectar# and panna< Papaya provided "a%# pic'les# c3 tney# nectar# toffee# pectin# and also papain@ an
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Prof.Dr.H. M. Ade Moetangad Kramadibrata

English for Academic Purposes

i%portantly protein-3ydrolyDin$ enDy%e sedly at p3ar%ace tically# te&tile# paper-%a'in$# food# and ani%alfeed ind stries< D. rite a composition of !our own suitable to !our stud! program "T#I$ or TI$% Note( Mind yo r lo$ic flo0 and en$lis3 str ct re T3e article % st consist of aro nd 988-.88 0ords T3e article % st !e typed on a A4 paper# space line 1<9# c3aracter siDe 1/# Ti%es Ne0 Ro%ans

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Prof.Dr.H. M. Ade Moetangad Kramadibrata

English for Academic Purposes

*e%ester Genap /88. ? MidTest ( Ta'e ,o%e Test F1&/4 3G Na%e( NPM ( +ate (

A< Read t3e passa$e !elo0 caref lly Anti!iotics are secondary %eta!olites prod ced !y %icroor$anis%s t3at in3i!it or 'ill a 0ide spectr % of ot3er %icro-or$anis%s< Most of t3e sef l ones are prod ced !y %olds and !acteria of t3e $en s strepto%yces< *o%e anti!ioticli'e s !stances are prod ced !y )acill s spp<# and at least one# nisin# is prod ced !y so%e strains of Lactococ s lactis< Alt3o $3 nisin is a lanti!iotic Fcontains t3e rare a%ino acids# %eso-lant3ionine and 2-%et3yl-lant3ionneG# it is !est 'no0n as a !acteriocin< It !elon$s to class of t3e fo r %a"or classes of !acteriocins< Li'e anti!iotics# !acteriocins are c3e%ical co%po nds prod ced !y %icro-or$anis%s t3at in3i!it or 'ill ot3er %icro-or$anis%s# ! t# nli'e t3e tr e anti!iotics# t3ey in3i!it or 'ill $enerally only closely related species or strains of t3e sa%e species< T0o anti!iotics are approved for se in food in a lar$e n %!er of co ntries Fnisin and nata%ycinG# and t3ree ot3ers Ftetracycline# s !tilin and tylosinG 3ave !een st died and fo nd effective for vario s food applications< T3ree anti!iotics 3ave !een investi$ated intensively as 3eat ad" nct for canned foods( s !tilin# tylosin and nisin< Nisin# 3o0ever# is sed %ost 0idely in c3eeses< C3lortetracycline and o&ytetracycline 0ere 0idely st died for t3eir application to fres3 foods# 03ereas nata%ycin is e%ployed as a food f n$i stat< In $eneral t3e se of c3e%ical preservatives in foods is not pop lar a%on$ %any cons %ers@ t3e idea of e%ployin$ anti!iotics is even less pop lar< *o%e ris's %ay !e anticipated fro% t3e se of any food additives# ! t t3e ris's s3o ld not o t0ei$3 URRR<V< F1G Translate into Indonesian and find t3e %ain idea of t3e passa$e Anti!ioti' adala3 3asil %eta!olit se' nder %i'ro!a yan$ dapat %en$3a%!at ata %e%! n 3 se' %p lan spectr % %i'ro!a lain< Anti!iotic yan$ palin$ !er%anfaat adala3 yan$ di3asil'an ole3 "a% r dan !acteria dari $en s strepto%yces< )e!erapa s !stans seperti anti!iotic adala3 yan$ di3asil'an ole3 )acill s spp<# antara lain# Nisin# di3asil'an dari !e!erapa t r nan Lactococ s lactis< Mes'ip n nisin adala3 lanti!ioti' F%en$and n$ asa% a%ino "aran$# %eso lant3ionine and 2-%et3yl lat3ionineG# ia pop ler di'enal se!a$ai !acteriocin< Nisin ter%as ' 'e dala% 4 'elas !esar !acteriocin< *eperti anti!iotic# !acteriocin adala3 senya0a 'i%ia %i'ro or$anis%e yan$ dapat %en$3a%!at ata %e%! n 3 %i'ro-or$anis%e lain# 3anya tida' seperti anti!iotic yan$ aseli# !acteriocin ini % %nya 3anya %en$3a%!at ata %e%! n 3 spesies yan$ !erde'atan ata t r nan dari spesies yan$ sa%a< + a anti!ioti' yan$ di!ole3'an di$ na'an pada %a'anan di !anya' Ne$ara Fnisin dan nata%ysinG dan ti$a "enis anti!ioti' lainnya Ftetracyclin# s !tilin# tylosinG tela3 diteliti dan dinyata'an efe'tif nt ' diapli'asi'an pada !er!a$ai %a'anan< Ti$a anti!iotic yan$ diteliti secara intensif se!a$ai ta%!a3an panas nt ' %a'anan 'alen$ adala3 s !tilin# tylosin dan nisin< Na% n nisin % %nya di$ na'an pada pe%! atan 'e" < C3lortetracycline dan o&ytetracycline !anya' dipela"ari dala% apli'asinya pada %a'anan se$ar# sedan$ nata%ycin di$ na'an se!a$ai s at stat %a'anan "a% r< U% %nya pen$$ naan !a3an pen$a0et 'i%ia dala% %a'anan tida' diin$in'an ole3 'ons %en# apala$i ide pen$$ naan anti!iotic dala% %a'anan< )e!erapa resi'o dala% pen$$ naan !a3an aditif ini s da3 diantisipasi den$an %ene'an resi'o terse! t serenda3 % n$'in< Main idea( *tat s pen$ naan anti!iotic dala% %a'anan F/G 6rite 03at title is s ita!le for t3e passa$e )e!erapa anti!ioti' yan$ di$ na'an dala% %a'anan F2G Ans0er t3e follo0in$ 7 estions( FaG 63at does t3e a t3or %ean 0it3 !acteriocinP !acteriocin is a c3e%ical co%po nds prod ced !y %icro-or$anis% t3at in3i!it or 'ill closely related species or so%e strains of t3e sa%e species F!G 63at anti!iotics co ld in3i!it or 'ill ot3er %icro-or$anis%sP !acteriocin FcG 6as t3ere any investi$ation a!o t nisinP 63at forP Jes# t3ere are< It is sed at processin$ c3eese
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Prof.Dr.H. M. Ade Moetangad Kramadibrata

English for Academic Purposes

FdG 63at 0ord do yo t3in' s ita!le to fill in t3e !rac'etP Usa$e F4G If t3e passa$e a!ove is an a!stract# if availa!le# find( FaG t3e pro!le%@ 3o0 to prod ce and se anti!iotics to preserve foods F!G t3e %et3od@ developin$ certain %olds or !acteria to prod ce anti!iotics or anti!iotic li'es t3at in3i!it or 'ill t3e $ro0t3 of ot3er %icro-or$anis%s FcG t3e res lt( certain anti!iotics or anti!iotic li'es 3ave !een 0idely sin$ in prod cin$ preserved foods F9G O!serve t3e nderlined 0ords=ter%s a!ove( FaG +efine eac3 0ord = ter%@ Molds( 'inds of lo0 plants t3at !elon$ to t3e $en s of f n$ s )acteriocin( certain anti!iotic li'es t3at are prod ced !y %olds or !acteria T3e tr e anti!iotics@ c3e%ical e&cretions prod ced !y %olds or !acteria t3at in3i!it or 'ill ot3er %icroor$anis%s Food F n$i *tat( a %eas re of foods %ade of f n$ s Food additive( certain c3e%ical co%po nds t3at are added to food to preserve its edi!ility F!G Identify 03ic3 ones are( ad"ectives# adver!s# no ns# or ver!s FcG Ma'e a co%pre3ensive sentence fro% eac3 0ord=ter% 0it3 yo r o0n 0ords )< *'i% t3e passa$e !elo0 and $et a $eneral i%pression of 03at a te&t is a!o t &iii< One tec3nical advance 03ic3 0o ld per%it e&panded se of coal is t3e develop%ent of clean f els !y %eans of coal $asification< Li7 id f els and petrol can also !e o!tained fro% coal $asification and 0o ld provide cleaner f els t3an t3e direct co%! stion of coal F1G Tec3nical advance of coal $asification &iv< * rface strip-%inin$ destroys ve$etation# increases erosion# contri! tes i<e< 0ater poll tion and $enerally devastates t3e landscape< *trip-%ined area can !e reclai%ed ! t t3e cost %ay avera$e T:888 per acre ? a price not vol ntarily ass %ed !y t3e coal %inin$ operator or $overn%ent F1G +evastatin$ i%pact of s rface strip-%inin$ activity &v< E&a%ples can !e cited of l n$ diseases in 0or'ers e&posed to occ pational 3aDards# s c3 as !lac' l n$ disease a%on$ coal %iners 03o in3aled %ine d st to %any years# or as!estosis a%on$ pipe fitters e&posed to air!orne as!estos fi!ers< F1G L n$ disease res ltin$ fro% occ pational 3aDards &vi< In addition to t3e 0aste in3erent in ! rnin$ fossil f els 03en t3ey co ld !e sed instead for recycla!le ra0 %aterials# t3eir co%! stion 3as considera!le ne$ative i%pact on t3e environ%ent< CO/ e%issions are partic larly tro !leso%e !eca se t3ey pose t3e $reatest t3reat to $lo!al cli%ate< Increased levels of CO/ in t3e at%osp3ere %ay $rad ally raise 0orld te%perat res over t3e lon$er ter%< F1G Ne$ative i%pact of ! rnin$ fossil f els to t3e environ%ent &vii< Coal is t3e %ost a! ndant of fossil f els@ it 0as for%ed fro% plants t3at $re0 on eart3 %illions of years a$o< T3e five to ten feet of plant %aterial needed for eac3 foot of coal too' >888 to 1/#888 years to acc % late< Million of years %ore# at tre%endo s press res# 0ere needed to transfor% t3e ori$inal plant %atter into t3e concentrated 3ydrocar!on for% 0e reco$niDe as li$nite# !it %ino s and finally# ant3racite coal< F1G A ti%e cons %in$ and tre%endo s $enesis of or$anic %atters to !eco%e coal &viii<63at f els 0ill !e left in t3e t0enty-first cent ryP )ased on t3e pre%ise of depletion of oil reso rces# a UN conference 0ill disc ss alternative ener$y s pplies# incl din$ !io%ass s c3 as co0 d n$< A!o t 188 %illion people still depend on 0ood as f els# and forests are !ein$ c t do0n faster t3an can !e replaced ? t3e second ener$y crisis< In t3is concerted effort to 3ave a $lo!al ener$y plan# it is 3oped t3at political 0ill can !e %ars3aled to i%ple%ent c3an$e for t3e !etter<
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English for Academic Purposes

F1G Efforts in $ainin$ a $lo!al ener$y plant F1G Find t3e 3eadin$ of eac3 of t3e a!ove passa$es F/G +efine t3e follo0in$ 0ords = ter%s( FaG Coal $asification( an advance tec3nical process t3at is c rrently sed to prod ce $as %ade of coal F!G * rface strip-%inin$( one of t3e %et3ods sed in s rface %inin$ FcG devastate@ an activity t3at leads to a 03ole destr ction of t3e environ%ent FdG in3erent@ a c3aracter t3at is already contained in so%et3in$ FeG fossil f els( 'inds of f els t3at ori$inally o!tained fro% or$anic re%ains F2G Ans0er t3e 7 estion !ased on yo r o0n interpretation Fpassa$e vG( FaG ,o0 do yo t3in' 03at 0ere t3e %ain factors affected in for%in$ coalP Ti%e# 0eat3er and press re F!G ,o0 % c3 plant %aterial needed to for% one %eter c !ic of coalP 19 to 28 %eters of plant %aterials FcG Is t3at lo$ical to yo t3at t3e concentrated 3ydrocar!on 0as for%er plant %attersP E&plain< Jes# it is lo$ical 03ere after a tre%endo s press re and lon$ period of ti%e 03ile 0eat3erin$ t3e plant %aterials 0ere transfor%ed to a concentrated coal FdG 63y t3e na%e Lfossil f elsN is adoptedP )eca se t3e f el 0e se no0 is ori$inally o!tained fro% fossils F4G interpret 03at t3e te&t is %eant to !e Fpassa$e viG( FaG T3e pre%ise of depletion of oil reso rces( t3e $rad ally decline of oil reso rces F!G T3e second ener$y crisis( A condition of ener$y needs t3at depend on f els o!tained fro% 0ood !y c ttin$ t3e forest FcG A $lo!al ener$y plant( A constr ction of ener$y %an fact res t3at spread t3ro $3o t t3e 0orld FdG Political 0ill can !e %ars3aled to i%ple%ent c3an$e for t3e !etter( Policy refor%ation t3at leads to i%ple%ent all t3e needs to c3an$e t3e c rrent condition into t3e !etter C< FaG 6rite a free story in Indonesian - at least it consists of five para$rap3s# and t3en translates into En$lis3< +o not for$et to entitle t3e story< F!G *i%ilarly# 0rite anot3er free story in En$lis3# and t3en translate into Indonesian +< Find o t 03atIs 0ron$ Fin ter%s of contents and of str ct reG in t3e follo0in$ A!stracts( T3e o!"ective of t3is researc3 0as to eli%inate %oist re diff sivity and dryin$ coefficient of s0eet potatoes d rin$ dryin$ nder p ffin$ treat%ent< Fi&Is la0 at fallin$ rate dryin$ period for infinitive sla! 0as sed to deter%ine %oist re diff sivity and dryin$ coefficient< T3e esti%ated %odel 0as developed 0it3 di%ensional analysis %et3od 03ic3 is !ased on identified para%eters t3at effect to %oist re diff sivity of sa%ple< T3e 3i$3er press re of p ffin$ and t3e %ore p ffin$ ti%e ca sed t3e 7 ic'er rate of decrease of sa%ple %oist re content in t3e dryin$ and decrease a!o t %oist re diff sivity< T3e %odel follo0ed e&ponential e&pression# and statistical analysis s3o0s t3at t3e %odel is relia!le to deter%ined %oist re diff sivity< T3e ri$3t version( T3e o!"ective of t3is researc3 0as to eli%inate %oist re diff sivity and dryin$ coefficient of s0eet potatoes d rin$ dryin$ nder p ffin$ treat%ent< Fi&Is la0 at fallin$ rate dryin$ period for infinitive sla! 0as sed to deter%ine %oist re diff sivity and dryin$ coefficient< T3e esti%ated %odel 0as developed sin$ di%ensional analysis %et3od 03ic3 is !ased on identified para%eters t3at effects to %oist re diff sivity of sa%ple< T3e 3i$3er press re of p ffin$ and t3e %ore p ffin$ ti%e ca sed t3e 7 ic'er rate of decrease of sa%ple %oist re content in t3e dryin$ and decrease a!o t %oist re diff sivity< T3e %odel follo0ed e&ponential e&pression# and statistical analysis s3o0s t3at t3e %odel is relia!le to deter%ine %oist re diff sivity<
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Prof.Dr.H. M. Ade Moetangad Kramadibrata

English for Academic Purposes

E< Revise t3e * %%ary !elo0 and t3en re0rite t3e ri$3t one( A lar$e a%o nt of t3e potensial of co0d n$ in Citatar villa$e as ra0 %aterial for !io$as is ntapped# even evo'e poll tion and environ%ental 3ealt3 pro!le% !eca se of t3e far%er t3ro0 a0ay co0d n$ into t3e river< T3e se of !iodi$ester can 3elp to develop far%in$ syste%s !y recyclin$ t3e co0d n$ for !io$as prod ction and ot3er prod ct li'e or$anic fertiliDer 0it3 $ood 7 ality< Nevert3eless t3e se of conventional !iodi$ester 0as not easy for s%all scale far%er d e to 3i$3 cost# lac' of s'illed la!or and t3e co%plicated %aintenance< T3e o!"ectives of t3is researc3 0ere to constr ction desi$n of !iodi$ester 03ic3 easy to asse%!le# lo0 cost# 3ave a $ood perfor%ance and %ade fro% polyet3ylene plastic for s%all scale far%er F0it3 2-9 co0sG< T3e res lt of t3is e&peri%ent s3o0ed t3at !iodi$ester desi$n !ased polyet3ylene plastic 0it3 t3ese specification( total vol %e of !iodi$ester 11 %2# 0et vol %e .#. %2# retention ti%e 48 days# loadin$ rate //8 '$=day# trenc3 slope /o# 1. %/ spatial re7 ire%ent# and t3e di%ension for $as stora$e are 4#9 % 3ei$3t# 8#>94 % in dia%eter# 0it3 /#9 %2 effective vol %e< )ased on perfor%ance test# t3e ran$e of 0or'in$ te%perat re at !iodi$ester 0as 1>-/8o C# acid s !strat level :#9.-;#;# 03ic3 still at $ood ran$e for !acteria to live# 5* deco%position reac3ed 24Q< Prod ction capacity is 1#44 %2 or a!le to coo' for 2-4 3o r and 8#1: %2='$ 5* prod ction rate< Revision A lar$e a%o nt of t3e potential co0 d n$ in Citatar villa$e as ra0 %aterial for !io$as is ntapped# even evo'e poll tion and environ%ental 3ealt3 pro!le%# !eca se t3e far%er t3ro0 a0ay co0 d n$ into t3e river< T3e se of !io-di$ester can 3elp to develop far%in$ syste%s !y recyclin$ t3e co0 d n$ for !io$as prod ction and ot3er prod ct li'e or$anic fertiliDer 0it3 $ood 7 ality< Nevert3eless t3e se of conventional !io-di$ester 0as not easy for s%all scale far%er d e to 3i$3 cost# lac' of s'illed la!or and t3e co%plicated %aintenance< T3e o!"ectives of t3is researc3 0ere to constr ct a desi$n of !io-di$ester 03ic3 easy to asse%!le# lo0 cost# 3ave a $ood perfor%ance and %ade fro% polyet3ylene plastic for s%all scale far%er F0it3 2-9 co0sG< T3e res lt of t3is e&peri%ent s3o0ed t3at !io-di$ester desi$n !ased polyet3ylene plastic 0it3 t3ese specification( total vol %e of !io-di$ester 11 %2# 0et vol %e .#. %2# retention ti%e 48 days# loadin$ rate //8 '$=day# trenc3 slope /o# 1. %/ spatial re7 ire%ent# and t3e di%ension for $as stora$e are 4#9 % 3ei$3t# 8#>94 % in dia%eter# 0it3 /#9 %2 effective vol %e< )ased on perfor%ance test# t3e ran$e of 0or'in$ te%perat re at !io-di$ester 0as 1>-/8o C# acid s !strate level :<9.-;<;# 03ic3 still at $ood ran$e for !acteria to live# 5* deco%position reac3ed 24Q< Prod ction capacity is 1<44 %2 or a!le to coo' for 2-4 3o r and 8<1: %2='$ 5* prod ction rate<

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Prof.Dr.H. M. Ade Moetangad Kramadibrata

English for Academic Purposes

MA ENGLI*, FOR ACA+EMIC PURPO*E* Lect rer( +r , Ade Moetan$ad Ara%adi!rata Assistant( +0i P rno%o# *TP<# MT< NPM (


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1G * !%it ne&t T esday# /<28 p%@ /G 0rite t3e ans0er on t3e !ac'side@ 2G copy !efore s !%ittin$@ 4G 6or' o t yo r o0n# no c3eatin$ A< TRAN*LATE INTO IN+ONE*IAN AN+ FIN+ T,E MAIN I+EA OF T,I* PA**AGE For several t3o sand years after people !e$an to c ltivate t3e soil# 3 %an ener$y 0as sed for all far% 0or'< T3e % scle po0er of t3e far%ers t3e%selves s pplied t3e ener$y to till# plant# and 3arvest t3e field< T3e Indians in t3e A%ericas 0ere still far%in$ land in t3is %anner 03en Colo%! s arrived in t3e late fifteent3 cent ry# f lly .888 years after t3e earliest 'no0n c ltivation of plants in t3e 6estern ,e%isp3ere< Selama beberapa ribu tahun setelah manusia mulai membudida9akan lahan# tenaga manusia digunakan untuk semua peker5aan tani. Kekuatan otot petani:petani tersebut merupakan asupan energi dalam mengolah tanah# menanam# dan memanen lahan. rang:orang indian di amerika masih bercocok tanam dengan cara itu ketika &olumbus tiba di sana pada penghu5ung abad ke:;7# <*** tahun setelah cara bercocok tanam mula:mula dikenal di /ila9ah barat. )< TRAN*LATE INTO ENGLI*, AN+ FIN+ T,E MAIN I+EA IN T,I* PA**AGE Per !a3an yan$ ter"adi dala% d a dasa0arsa tera'3ir ini san$at !esar pen$ar 3nya ter3adap nilai %an sia# se3in$$a % nc l pertanyaan !a$ai%ana pen$ar 3 %esin sa3a tani di %asa %endatan$ ter3adap 'ese"a3teraan %an sia< *ela%a !e!erapa a!ad tera'3ir terdapat 'e%a" an dala% pertanian yan$ le!i3 !esar dala% sel r 3 se"ara3 d nia se!el %nya< )ole3 di'ata'an !a30a prod 'si sa3a tani di ne$ara-ne$ara ind stri %a" 3a%pir sel r 3ya tela3 di%e'anisasi'an< C3an$es occ rred in t3e last t0o decades 3ad a $reat infl ence to 3 %an val es fro% 03ic3 arose 7 estions of 3o0 a$ric lt ral %ac3ines 0o ld affect on 3 %an 0elfare in t3e f t re< T3ere 0ere %ore pro$resses in a$ric lt re d rin$ t3e last several cent ries in t3e 03ole 0orld 3istory< It %i$3t !e said t3at a$ric lt ral prod ction 3ad !een entirely %ec3aniDed in developed co ntries< C< FORM EAC, OF T,E *ENTENCE* )ELO6 TO )UIL+ UP A MEANINGFUL TEET OR PA**AGE AN+ +ETERMINE T,E TITLE# T,E MAIN I+EA# T,E MI**ION# AN+ T,E +ETAIL* An a!sence of eit3er one 0o ld !e disastro s to present food prod ction t3ro $3o t % c3 of t3e 0orld< *econdly# %ac3ines replaced draft ani%als# 0it3 t3e res lt t3at %odern a$ric lt ral operations !eca%e dependent on petrole % and electricity< T3ey ena!led %an to do far %ore 0or' and to c ltivate and 3arvest $reater acrea$e< T3e invention of t3e electric %otor and t3e internal co%! tion en$ine in t3e nineteent3 cent ry c3an$ed t3is orientation co%pletely< Firstly# t3ese %ac3ines 0ere a startlin$ !oost to prod ctivity< ;. The in%ention of the electric motor and the internal combution engine in the nineteenth centur9 changed this orientation completel9. 1. !irstl9# these machines /ere a startling boost to producti%it9.
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Prof.Dr.H. M. Ade Moetangad Kramadibrata

English for Academic Purposes

+. Secondl9# machines replaced draft animals# /ith the result that modern agricultural operations became dependent on petroleum and electricit9. 0. The9 enabled man to do far more /ork and to culti%ate and har%est greater acreage. 7. An absence of either one /ould be disastrous to present food production throughout much of the /orld +< REA+ T,E PA**AGE CAREFULLJ +e3ydration is !est t3o $3t of as an inter%ediate step in t rnin$ a$ric lt ral o tp ts into retail prod cts< )y re%ovin$ 0ater fro% a prod ct nder controlled conditions of air flo0# te%perat re# and 3 %idity# red ces t3e %oist re in t3e food to so%e certain level and in3i!its t3e %icro!ial $ro0t3 t3at ca ses decay and spoila$e< Pretreat%ent of so%e foods !efore dryin$ preserves flavor# color# and n trients@ prevents %icro!ial conta%ination@ and prolon$s s3elf life< Re%oval of %oist re also red ces 0ei$3t< It is an i%portant consideration for s3ippin$< Re%oves t3e need for refri$erated s3ippin$ and stora$e# and facilitates for% lation of pre-%i&ed retail prod cts< *everal prod ction steps occ r !efore dryin$# and several % st occ r after it< +e3ydration %a'es t3e conventional food and p3ar%ace tical ind stries possi!le and profita!le< *ince lar$e food processors eit3er operate t3eir o0n dryin$ facilities or F%ore li'elyG contract o t de3ydration to specialiDed fir%s# little opport nity e&ists to %ar'et ! l' far% prod cts Fe&cept for $rainsG in de3ydrated for% t3ro $3 conventional c3annels< Floral prod cts# incl din$ 3er!al 0reat3s# are air dried or dried in silica $el< F*o%e are freeDe dried<G Meat prod cts# dried sa sa$es# "er'y# and pe%%ican %ay !e dried# ! t are strictly re$ lated< Ans0er t3e Follo0in$ C estions 1< 63at is t3e ri$3t title for t3e passa$e a!oveP /< 63at is t3e %ain idea of t3e passa$eP 2< 63at is t3e first LItN In t3e passa$e a!ove refers toP And 03at is t3e secondP 4< +efine t3e 0ords 03ic3 are fo nd in t3e passa$e a< food processor !< ! l' c< de3ydrated d< 3er!al 9< Ans0er t3e follo0in$ 7 estion a< 63at is t3e ri$3t title for t3e passa$e a!oveP !< 63at is t3e advanta$e of de3ydrationP c< Can yo %ention t3e e&a%ple of food processor F%in 2GP :< Circle t3e ri$3t ans0er a< 63ic3 sentence is not t3e %eanin$ of de3ydrationP 1< Re%ovin$ 0ater fro% a prod ct nder controlled conditions of air flo0# te%perat re# and 3 %idity /< red ces t3e %oist re in t3e food to so%e certain level 2< In3i!its t3e %icro!ial $ro0t3 t3at ca ses decay and spoila$e 4< Food preservation !y sin$ air condensation !< 63at co%%odity can !e dried ! t strictly re$ latedP 1< Instant coffee and ve$eta!les for dried so p %i&es /< M s3roo%s# 3er!s and spices 2< La%!# co0 and pi$ 4< *3ri%p and fis3 c< Rice# 03eat# oat# !arley are e&a%ple of( 1< Fr it /< 5e$eta!les 2< Grain 4< *eed E< REA+ T,E PA**AGE CAREFULLJ
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Prof.Dr.H. M. Ade Moetangad Kramadibrata

English for Academic Purposes

T3e ya%# also called nam2 e F*panis3G and igname FFrenc3G# !elon$s to t3e $en s Dioscorea Ffa%ily DioscoreaceaeG< Ja%s are considered second to cassava as t3e %ost i%portant tropical root crop< T3e ya% is an i%portant crop in %any parts of t3e tropical and s !tropical re$ions# 03ere it is a %a"or part of t3e diet< Most of t3e 0orld prod ction is fro% Africa Fa!o t >:QG# 0it3 Ni$eria alone acco ntin$ for nearly ;9Q of t3e total 0orld prod ction< In t3e *o t3 Pacific# t3e ya% is a si$nificant food crop# acco ntin$ for over /8Q# .<1Q# and 4<:Q of t3e total dietary calorie inta'e in t3e Ain$do% of Ton$a# *olo%on Islands# and Pap a Ne0 G inea# respectively< In addition to its i%portance as food so rce# t3e ya% also plays a si$nificant role in t3e social c lt re lives of so%e prod cin$ re$ions# for e&a%ple t3ro $3 t3e fa%o s ya% festivals in 6est Africa< In so%e parts of so t3eastern Ni$eria# !oiled and %as3ed ya% is often t3e principal %eal offered to $ods and ancestors< + rin$ t3e period fro% 1>;9 t3ro $3 1>>8# t3e 0orldIs area c ltivated 0it3 ya%s increased !y a!o t 2.<.Q and total prod ction increased !y 49<.Q# pres %a!ly d e to i%proved c ltivation practices in %ost areas< ,o0ever# t3e i%portance of ya% in t3e econo%y of t3e %ain prod cin$ areas appears !e declinin$ d e partly to co%petition 0it3 ot3er crops# s c3 as cassava in Ni$eria and taro in t3e *o t3 Pacific< T3e %a"or prod cin$ areas also 3ave contin ed to e&perience 3i$3 pop lation $ro0t3 rates< For instance# t3e ann al $ro0t3 rate of per capita prod ction in t3e %a"or ya% Dones in Africa 3as declined d rin$ t3e past fo r decades< Ans0er t3e Follo0in$ C estions 1< +efine t3e 0ords 03ic3 are fo nd in t3e passa$e a< ya% !< cassava c< food crop d< 3er!al /< Ans0er t3e follo0in$ 7 estion a< 63at is t3e ri$3t title for t3e passa$e a!oveP !< 63ic3 re$ion ya% ori$inally fro%P c< Can yo %ention t3e e&a%ple of tropical re$ion Fat least# 2GP 2< Circle t3e ri$3t ans0er a< 63ic3 one is not t3e food so rceP 1< Rice /< Ja% 2< Cassava 4< Oran$e !< ,o0 t3e Ni$erian process ya%P 1< )oiled and %as3ed /< Mas3ed and fried 2< Fried and !oiled 4< Fried and dried c< 63at is t3e 0ord %eal referrin$ toP 1< Processed food /< Tar$et or food so rce of ani%al 2< Flo r# e<$< corn %eal 4< Food co%%odity F< FIN+ OUT T,E 6RONG AN+=OR MI**ING 6OR+* IN T,E PA**AGE )ELO6 F5ER)*# A+5ER)*# A+BECTI5E*# PREFIEE*# *UFFIEE*# PREPO*ITION*# OR NOUN*6 A very 0idely ran$ed tec3ni7 es 0as applied to processin$ of fr it and ve$eta!les< *o%e co%%only are sed in %any typed of 3ortic lt ral prod ce@ a fe0 tec3ni7 es are ni7 es to one or t0o types only< It is % st also !e re%e%!ered t3at !y vario s process Fso%eti%es inte$rated# so%eti%es notG one type of fr it or ve$eta!le %ay yielded %any different prod ct< T3 s %an$oes can !ein$ cannin$# dryin$# froDen# or %ade into p ree# sa ced# c3 tney# pic'les# concentrate# "a%# edi!le Lleat3er#N !evera$es# nectar# and panna< Papaya provide "a%# pic'les# c3 tney# nectar# toffee# pectin# and also papain@ an i%portantly
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Prof.Dr.H. M. Ade Moetangad Kramadibrata

English for Academic Purposes

protein-3ydrolyDin$ enDy%e ind stries< sedly at p3ar%ace tical# te&tile# paper-%a'in$# food# and ani%al-feed

T3e ri$3t passa$e( A %er9 /ide range techni=ue /as applied to process fruits and %egetables. Some common techni=ues /ere used in man9 t9pes of horticultural products> a fe/ techni=ues /ere uni=ue to one or t/o t9pes onl9. .t had also to be remembered that b9 %arious processes 4sometimes integrated# sometimes not6 one t9pe of fruits or %egetables might 9ield different products. Thus# mangoes could be canned# dried# fro?en# or made into puree# sauces# chutne9s# nectars# toffees# pectins# and also papain> important protein: h9drol9?ing en?9mes used at pharmaceutical# te3tile# paper:making# food# and animal:feed industries.

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